Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, January 14, 1892, Image 5

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rrr"Ti nm Tin n 1 r Tnr7DK A
V II Uiul I Uttlxi ZAJtiUUUi
Best Medical Skill for
Beet Medical Skill
Eight Months. Cured In Two
Months by Cutioura
hls is to eertilvthat a child of mine had
ti-ina lulls form, am Kllcj;
the best medical skill that emld be employed
.... I. ..I- ...I.v.r 1 WflHIfQ III
mnp i.v ui it iitit montii" Six months
....... ",. ,,, tii
W G Tress A Co.. Bankers 4 Commis-
tLrrkinti Nos. i and 4 baorman
:,,.( rviirapn' in their last special mar-
t.t letter sav: The revival of speculative
interest in Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Fro
Uinns which was so generally predicted
before the advent of the New Year was
manifest in securities as soon as the holiday
festivities were over, and has since lncreas-
t in intensitv under the influence of ad-
vancing prices, DM in gram uu
Fm JfeniMl't Daily.
A Nebraska Silver Anniversary Orga
nization bffeeted.
A meeting of the joint commit
tees ot the real esiaie ii m"5
and board of trade of Lincoln.
havinir in charge the proposed
.... t
silver anniversary celebration or
Nebraska held a meeting last
Kriilav eveuiner. The committees
--- j
No Decision.
TilK llEHAtD has it from good
authority that the decision in the
Boyd Thayer caxe will not bo hand
ed down for some time.
I 91 i
of that time its suller I the absence of outside interest during tne . . bvelectintr H. M
lne was siuipi uuiow. . ,, j,.,, nf ihe vear oisappoimea - .
then I began the ue ot . .u- AW
the CuricUHA Kkmr-
pibs; In two mourn
the awful dise se. had
ceased its vengeanoe,
an niy darling boy bad
rest, and to an appe r-
ance the disease uau
yielded, but I coiiunu a
ihemedicii e for several
months after no trace
could be teen of it nn
any part of his body.
d.t.tN hara wato.hed -he disease wl'h
lueh Interest, and could only say "fU
done 1" The case was known lar aim wine,
and everybody was much suiprlei But
uankit to'CimouKA Bemeoik. Could there
, .thing ou earth that would causa a
i to rejoice It surely would be whtn the
lilt, . hinoc-i't one could have .-uch a remedy
at hand. See porn-nit herewith.) J. A.
MCHOLE3, Bunker Hill, Ind.
..,;.;., v,,,i,iorQ hr at once beean dispos-
: t hir nronertv. causing a general
feeling of weakness and a reduction in
a! the interest centered in
..htwhirh declindsa until who,
unable to protect their trades, and thcJSe
..,v, .Msirort t.i limit their losses, sold out
nell president. A committee was
appointed to prepare an address
inviting the people of the state to
participate in the demonstration;
another committee was appointed
to secure rates from the railroads
and it became evident that the offerings . till another to look after the
were being steadily absorbed, when a re
action beaan which inspired bulls with
renewed courage and enabled them to
steadily enhance values and broaden the
market until the public evinced a deposi
tion to again enter the speculative arena ;
but before an entire restoration oi coun
dence was assured, the unexpected promul
gation of the Official Report of the Depart-
mnt nt Agriculture ai. Hoauiutiwu,
1 .MM n.a hnxxrht. t.O tile Wltn CniWmC I tha arM nnn vlftln OI me CrOPS Ul I oil I ill
eeiem that had dolled splendid treatment easured bushels, blasted the hopes of
' from many eood doctors. As a regular M, P.. me,a!uI" . ' pH n SPII out. and
W should have continued similar treatment
i. thought it ueles. 8o put It ou CUTiftii
ine cnud wen ,
0. L. oaitNEV, M. D., Doon, la.
financial part of the programme
Another meeting will be held next
Kridav evening, lnis ts a mmt i
in which the people of Nebraska
should take an interest and see that
the celebration proves a success,
Another Bootlegger.
Nebraska City is making quite a
reputation for illicit dispensers of
sniritous liquors. A short time
ago, Uncle Sam sent a man down
A new Chief Exeeutive.
Columbus, Jan. 11. William Mc
Kinley, Jr., was inaugurated as
governor of Ohio yesterday, with a
most imposing pageantry, in num
ber unexplained in the state's his
tory. Notwithstanding the'acverity
of the weather the city was crowded
with people from all parts of Ohio
pany is not entitled on its cross
bill and answer. We, the court,
find again!, the Sprague Electric
Co., defendant, uopn its demaud for
reimbursement for expenses iu
placing said street railway in
operating condition. We, the
court, modify our former decree
ordering sale of street railway pro
perty subject to riattsmouth uas
Klectric Light Co. We, the court,
find there is due the Sprague Klec-
Sale of
County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Peter Thiemann, deceased. Hear
ing on final settlement, February 1, amj iarge delegations front neigh-
p. nt. I boring states. The legislature,
r5.n, Kilxnn vs. Will. Tifflie. Sheriff. 1 .,...... ...irl nfCwem nml
----- r'l ItlUI'IVIHl' l"MIM PHHV v....... - - - . . .
u..rviiM rf wnm-l . t c A c,t. from the dofonuant street ran
mous and complaint argued andjthe slate i,ouse and thence pro- way company the sum of 5
d.,k.:,.i . ., i... - .O...H ...wl interest from Tulv 4, 1991.
puuiiiiiivu. I I't'CTllCll UV VIVJVV IIHII v ilii'l,. m.iv i i
In the matter of the estate of (;,,vernor-elect McKinley, marched said road ordered unless tne street
John H.Monroe, deceased. Hearing to lhe rotUnda of the capitol, car company pay Baid juugmeni.
on petition for appointment otJohn w,iere a Btnnd had been erected for together witu tne m y
A. Monroe administrator, February th . ccre,,ionie8. After the intro- creditors adjudicatea in una aumu
ductory speech by Governor Camp
bell, the chief justice administered
the oath of ollice to Major McKinley.
Kiia uhr. annin hastened to sell out, and
embolden the bears who atiackea me mar-
Lot u;ii uitmr and a couraee born oi sue-
" r. ' . . " . - ...L.-.v. I " .....
cess, resulting in anotnef aecnnc wuitu in thi3 iocaiity and put tne justice
was rapid enoun to 7B'r clamp( onto a crooked citizen
t.. ii tn innnniorx nun cxiidua tu iuais"u
UUUU1.-.0W.-..-. :-S(n the strong arm of the law
The new Blood and skin Purifler, utepai y. " t , h , t0 have , Btrotci,ed down the Mis-
ir. HMII ijuin. ' " ' i " ... I
1, at 10 a. m.
C. H. Parmele vs. Wm. Gilmour.
Suit on promissory note. Contin
ued till January 11, 10 a. m.
W. P. Sttell vs. David Hite. Suit
on promissory note for fi:!H.()0.
Default of defendant entered.
Judgment for plaintiff for f'JH.83.
W. K. Fox t al vs. Granite State
Provident A eiation. Default of
defendant eu a. J rial to court
and judgment plaintitfa in the
eumoffand crest.
Albert Welton v volomon Ward
rnT,i Hbav. vhe exo.ilHlte 8kln Beautl- been W.610.S07 acres, and the yield
Ber, externallv, instiiitly relieve and Npeed y ,8o t)0o bushels; of corn 76,204,515 acres.
nali and blood, with loss ot hair, from infan
cy to age, from pimples to scrofula.
Sold everywhere. Trice CuticTUA 50p. ;
Soap, 25c. : Kkuoi-vrn". tl. Prepared by IH
. Boston.
r" Send for "How to Cure "kin Diseases."
64 pages. 50 Illustrations, and 100 testimonials.
TJ A TJVC! Skin and Scalp
and the yield 2,060,154 000 bushels; ana
of oats 25,581,961 acres, and the yield 73.-
304,000 bushels, and wnne snowing a y,u
of wheat considerably under the estimate
of chronic shorf sellers the figures were
much larger than the trade generally ex
pected. With such an exportable surplus
as this report indicates, the requirements
of Europe and the condition of the growing
crop become factors of the greatest import-,-
frr nn the nrosnects of our next har
vest will depend the freedom with which
farmers market the remaining surplus, aou
on the necessities of Europe must its dis
posal depend. The past 'week has been
rather unfavorable for the growing plant
but not sufficiently so as to cause increased
damage. The Agricultural Department is
authority for the statement, that it is in
noor condition to withstand severe winter
ClemmensDeTllleneuve wil' take notice that weather without being well protected Dy
on the 23rd d,y 01 uecemoer i. 8now.
justice of the peace .'n Jo The corn market, which naturally re
Issued an order of attac "neni ior J .,. , . ,. nilo(n,:nne n wheat, was
'J 00 in An aCl'On peuuillis umum mm . sinjuun iu mv. -- t
Herman Kleitch Is plaintiff and Uleii.mmis less affected than the latter by the Official
DeVlllne uve net ndant. That prop.irty.0. v ie althmich the vield was somewhat
larger than previous reports had indicated
iiiniflod and
beautllled by i'UTlcuiiA Soap.
Absolutely pure.
t-i,i,,ov nnd i;ttrina Pains and
Weaknesses relieved In on tnln te
Ibv the Cuticura Anti-pain
fWl Plaster, the ouly lnsiaiuaneous
paiu-kllll"g plaster.
sottri, and another wrong doer has
had occasion to repent of this in
iquities. Deputy United States
Marshal Nakcr was in the city
lookimr for Kd Johnson, who was
charired with bootlegging. He
secured his man, and the two went
to Omaha yesterday to learn what
ilia I nv anvn Khiill be done with
such people. Nebraska City Press,
The Turn-Bezirk.
The fourth annual convention of
the Turn-Hezirk convened jester
dav morning at the Turner hall
with John V. Saltier in tne c.iair
u,wi T. Karrres as secretary. There
were present twenty-six delegates.
six from Liucoln, six from Omaha, etered
three from Fremont, tnree irom $75.50,
Nebraska City, hve irom sioux t..iiy, jn tlie
Mrs. A. K. Dean of Omaha is visit
ing with the family of II. J. Streight,
S. Mayer, of the firm of Mayer &
Morgan, is in the city today.
Mrs. J. M. Patterson was a pass
enger on No. 5 this morning for
within sixty days from this date
exceptions to all parties.
In the case of Stull vs. Omaha
Southern Kailway, sustained a
motion for rehearing.
Winch va. Winch la being argued
as we go to press.
Council Meet But Do Very
Little Business.
The citv council convened iu reg-
I.N. Hunter of Wrrping Water . 1 BPSHion for the first time this
I !.. 4lt. :4- 1 . If r IM (Vl . . t - ill.. nilnlmm.
ct al. Application f jdetendant lor - ' . " year imov ...K. . v..wu -
continuance held insufficient, with- '" bcr. rresent, mayor .c..-y, v.c
out answer, filed. Default entered H. C. Kerr, of F, G. Fricke's drug Fox and Councilmen Salisbury,
and iudmnent of reviver in the sum store, is confined to 111s room vvitu uutsche, retersen, n. u. johcb,
of $100.2.-, with interest. Ule K" VV w. jonca, orow
the matter of the last will and A very prominent young man of ciumuii'iinorcamc in -....,
Murphy nnd l.arsen.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and approved.
Communication from the chief of
the fire department was read and ,
referred to the lire and water committee.
On motion of Browne the judic
ary committee, in connection with
the fire and water committee, were
instructed to draft an ordinance to
establish a paid fire department
testament of Mary N. Allison, de-1 this city has already received six
ceased. Hearing on pennon i n-
mit same to probate, February 1,
10 a. 111.
O. II. Goodwin vs. Richard Hil-
stine. Suit on note for $7."). De
fault of defendant entered. Judg
ment for plaintiff for ifllt.10.
John C. Petersen vs. Plattsmouth
Investment Co. Suit on account
for $0-7.10. Answer, February 1.
Nebraska Sc Iowa Insurance Co.
vs. W. F. Jones. Suit on promissory
nofe for $50. Default of defendant
Judgment for plaintiff for
matter of the estate of
defendant consisting 01 inourj io- -tSched
under said order. Haid cause was 0011
tiued toX loth day of February 16W at 10
o'clock a.m. Herman Kleitch, Pltfl.
Iowa, and three from thlscity. The Cbas. S. Allen, deceased. Hearing
headquarters were located here for on petitiou for appointment of Jas.
The better service rendered by railways in
its transportation is apparent in the liberal
eastern shipments to meet the steady do
mestic and export demands. The scarcity
et iA..ff T7,irnn i-hirK nrP;iiiatfi
ftriftrlflTa Sale. 01 oreau-iuu. ',7 , "
,, or n 1 the substitution 01 sometnine iur unuuianid-
ShoValter clerk Tthe d?let urtltUl ble rye. is creating a better demand for our
and for Cass coumy, Nebraska and to me which is proving to foreign consumers
directed, I will on .the 8tli day oil bru.rv. A gs wholesomCi nulritious and
?i UK2. at I 0 'lock p. m. ( I saia aay. at me
intof the stalrwy leading up to liockwood cheap bread gram,
hall In the city of Plaltsiuoutli, ('a;s eouty. The oat market has attracted more than
Nebraska, that being the place where the 1 last . customary share of attention,, and while
MpubtaUK affected in aVneral way by the influences
to-wit Lots two hundred and nine (209) and apparent in wheat and corn, was not ad
two hundred and ten (JIO) In the li I lag of , influenced by the reported yield
"tprWlKud which was about thirteen million bushels
unto belonging ot In aay wife appertaining. ess than the previous year's crop. The
The same being levied upon wid aken as the tTansp0Ttation service resulted in
property of J. a. ' 0V7a,d- liberal shipments, and the outward move-
. . ." r'
another year. The turn-Jest win
be held in Sioux City, Iowa, the
cotnincr year. The date will be set
in the near future. The election of
officers will be held next Sunday.
II. Green administrator. Prayer of
petition granted and bond fixed at
In the matter of the estate of
Anson L. Root, deceased. Hearing
ou petition for appointment of
Russell D. Root administrator,
invitations to the leap year party
Friday evening.
Judge Ramsey to-diy issued a
marriage license to Henry Kiech
maii and Mrs, Amelia Schildmeicr
both of this county.
The celebrated murder trial has
at last come to a close and Dr.
Graves has been sentenced to hang
within the two weeks beginiug
January 01. . rnnrt nt tiie nCxt nieetiner.
The young ladies having the leap Councilman Browne requested the
year party in charge met last eve- may0r to appoint Councilman
ning. Elaborate preparations are Gtitsche to act with the two corn
being made and the party is now tllitteca, as he had served several
an assured success. years in the department at Gales
Senator Paddock yesterday se- burg, Illinois, and that his servict s
cured from the secretary of agricul- would be valuable in drafting the
J..-,. ii, .i,.ud9, tii,(li.rilr frr till" nrriinnnCP. TllO TCOUest WaS
III, V' 1 1 1 1 U V-V UUU . J - - - - -
establishment of a meat inspection granted.
service at the Nebraska City pack A communication from the sccre-
ing house. tary of the fire department was read.
court recovered
plalntin.BKalnst said defendant'',
piuttsmouth. Neb. .January 6. A. p. im.
- - u . , ,
An Afflicted Family.
There is sadness in the home of
Mr nml M. Tacob Breiner of lilm-
,..1 Tnut Tliursdav morninff uonunxeuatin,uisj,
.. . ....... 1 ,t,iMiii,i tx.nal Bank of Cass County vs. Peter
ineir nine iuui-jiai-uiu nii.u ....w. - -
si'ting in a chair by the stove, Clarence et ai. 01111 on pnn-nu.
when it accidentally pulled a wash- note for $200. Answer, February 1.
boiler of boiling clothes and water Adolpli uuKaccic vs. jonn uui.
rtt Hm1di.iritfriirhtfullv. The cck, suit on account .or
" " . 1 . . 1 n in.
aA Satnrdav mornincr. answer, January u,iw. in
1 4-i ofn;rin ol ' Frank II. Ellenbaum vs. Richard
A wreck occurred iu the B. & M.
yards at Lincoln last night. An
Prayer of petition granted and 1 engine backing in from the round
House came in contact wim uuc
going out. Both engineB wer,e
more or less damaged, but no one
was hurt.
notifying the mayor and council of
the officers elected by the fire
department. The council laid the
communication on the table and
the officers-elect of the department
will not be confirmed until after the
committees report on a paid
. . . I . I I If l nil
Last night was the coldest night uq"-' "
-t . . C tl.A si4- marulifll
this winter the thermometers rang- "I" "T" " "
!- fmm from 20 to 28 decrees be- snowed tnai nnrs tunc u
low iero in this city. At Grant, Ne-
last month were $7.50. Referred to
T, B. Wii' n
Atty. for I'lalntlfl.
Wii.i.iaM tiuhk.
Sheriff Csss Co., Neb.
Legal Notice
J, brasks. ,
Maria L. Butler and
Mary F, Butler,
t lain tiffs.
John Grimes and wife, Maria L, Grlmci :
James Y. firtmes and wife. Sarah A. Orlmes
Nancy J. Buibaukaud husband, David B. v
Buroauk lEWIra K. Urlmes.Clara A.. Grimes
ai-ah F, Johnson and husband, Alfred
Johnson ; Helen U.Whltmoreand huHbaud
7..;1 tahitmnmi Ltzza A. Grimes
Kraiicls Grimes and wife, Abble D. Grimes
JohnH. Grimes i Luclnda K. Grimes. Day
Id W. Grimes : Betsy J. Brown ; John is.
Butler and wife. Francena Butler ; James
Butler and wle. Ellen M. Butler ; Fran
cis A. Walker and wife. Martha Walker
John O. Waiker and wife, Kebecca C. Walk
H William B. Allison, Addl lit .Coo bam
xtir. v. Knller and husband, Melville W.
ruller : Jane K. Marsh and husband. Ben.
lamln F. Marsh j Addie K.CoollMugb the
lounger. Willlmene F. Coolbsugh. Illinois
fjoolbaiiKh, Grace W. Brown ami husband
Arch bald L. Brown ; Maud ifuller. Mary 0
Fuller, Mildred Wallace and husband.
HughC, Wallace : Paulina 0. Abery and
husland, James MAubery ; Catherine M.
W. Fuller J OBI1B Din-n 1
Melville W Fuller. Guardian of Jane Brown
"Star. minor; Helen Gallagher. Lyman
CMk andeeorgeO. La iman. rteutois ot
estatSof James W. Crimes deceased and
Melville W. runer, kouv uji v
f Coolbaugh deceased ; Frances Hlgbee,
OeOTM Truo N tally , Henrietta Gregson.
Bisau Neally.'Win. B, Allison and Edward
w?u.f;i llZZi f wtate of Mary N.
if. penny, s""" -
Allerton. deceased. Defe,d--u J
The above named defendants will take no
lice that on the 29th day of December 1R1
Maria, L But er and Mary F. Butler, plaintiff;
SfJSinSM their retltlon'te the dlrirlct court
nrnicca tn Ka mute liberal for some
,ime. The demand from the East to replea d l'";; Suit in replevin. Hear- braska, it was 31 degrees below and the police committee
ish depleted stocks being excellent, while the gnef-stncRen parents, me " . . L ' xT "i... A,rrtA The report of the
large quantities are needed to supply the two-year-old babe lell from a chair nig, January 10, xv a. .u. at iane omc, i umo--,
.J. . ;..n..l. I . ... j j- j .1 I AVlnnH KilliMhlirV VS. W. II I llnm
Dearing. Action tocontestelection. j, n. Summers is confined to his
Notice to quash service and dismiss bed with a eevere attack of the
action, overruled. . grippe, which will keep him in the
Geo.Edsonvs.Wm.Tighe. Action h0U8e for Beveral days. Mr. Sum-
nniv lenm of horses Mr. ureineriio w""! .tv... . Imers received a teiegram iu-uajr
owued trot on the railroad track quash service, overruled
uu 2: . L Rake nd Mi(J9 Kllea l, BaUey,
II. J. Becker and son were passen- J both Q Eimw0od. Miss Bailey is
rers for Omaha this morning. I denutv postmistress of that place.
m m n.oi n( Smith Park, reoorts License to wed issued to Mr. Tas. ning at the residence of S. liuzzet GM rolM,i, ,t.reet com,
winter's export requirements. I .jlft day tne cther child died and
.V&J&XJSL.'ZiR broke it. collar bone and fractured
belief that the eastern shippers will be Us shoulder blade. Six months ago
active competitors of the packers for the I tliey. buried their eight-year-old
diminished supply, imparted a ieeiing oi 1 hild and thrce -ntha ago the
Connaencein ma miurc w jiiuv.oiuwa
was aot destroyed by the weakness In grain
after the issuing of the Government Report
About the only depressing feature noticea
ble, which through its influence on general
business in the South may f necessitate
economy in a section where bog product is
The report of the city treasurer
was read and referred to the finance
Following is the report of the
finance committee:
J It Doi.HOll. sal ' I 4S OO
Jacob Htull, team work
Orln Klnnlson, same
that Viiu fatlipr. livinir in I John Janda, same
HLtlLIll-: lllUh S0 -- - I m mm
License to wed issued to Mr. Chas. Iuinoi8 wa8 lyin- at the point of C .Pal-all. ame ......... -
Bobt Johnson, hand work 8 W
4 W
I 09
T.. W,,lvf1aM aatvIA
The oeograpnicai bociui i ,,, Jpnnfti gamB
A4ICCII0C IU wcu innuv-i. w - - j 1 o
.edboy at Nichols and Miss MaryM. Carrell, drew . large - rrl:
1 so
2 X
1 (0
liberally consumed, was the panicky feeling
in cotton, which has carried prices to an
. 1 t?Ant rrWM fnr I . . . t I '. ..
aDnormaiiy low uuim. wv..... . ... . .fi arrival OI a CUUU sucu uv rtiuiuio mm aioo .-. . " ..... iTvm
. . A...- C 1n.:..l U, than I u,c al11'"" " . ... . . I . . ..... I nnA iimn maa hiw! hv tllOSe DreS- I i."1
provisions u4yd y." . ' "A ".j his residence and that lie will vote both ot Kock iiiuu precum. , - uBn McOlynn. same
liberally before any material auvau.o The village board of Kagle has jouu .v..v. , ------ onnth The trentlCmen were j h Jones, hauling dead dog 1 00
been requested by fifteen free Uearln(r on pn on wr . Mun,;f0r twenty-fiTe wCole,bitroti 8 00
holders totrrant one C. C. Price a ment of Peter J. Hansen adminis- all given a county to ! J n " t,,i C H Petersen, bslldlng tool house sw
holders to grant one v. v. i,-h I rnts. and the young ladies all had I hv,ntmai mi 10
trator. 1 raver uiauiu ' - 1 - ... . 1 ri-no w,
- 1 1 . 1. 11.. Mn,. r in. rn iiitv . . v. i.
a caru wnu iuc nsmc . iu,. j 1 e 11 uunninanam, iiiromau uw
We-er to Cold to Dehorn Cattle.
Remember it never frets too cold
to dehorn cattle, but it does get too
warm. Any time except ny time is
tiio rio-lit titrip. It ran onlv be done
with Bafatv between October and I
tnr A earn nriiiresseu to nic uir
dersigned at kock kiuiis,. ncu. 1
I be promptly answered.
4t u. ruKiAJ.u
license to run a saloon in the vil
at $2,500.
35 00
seat upon it. The boys then had to J LKlldow. foreman No a hose cart
J. Hesser, of the Picnic Negotiations were entered into acM the name of the county seat j c Bearies. special poi.c
Gardens, left this morning for Lin- Salurday between Dr. Wainwright, 0f the county they represented and j;B"i.w.." ..m::V::;:.:".:::":- b m
coin to attend the Horticultural I . j . bichloride I if thev failed were fined five cents, j HenrT jiC(jUr6, salary oo
convention which convenes there ,,:- t Blair, and the u i renorted that only one out of John Fltzpatrlck, salary
. hv. ... v.. - , . Timnth-:irk. eoal
The St. James Gazette, speaking
ef President Harrison's message,
Sf cms county. Nebraska against said defen- . t :Ilir)ortant fpoint is that
. . .ni nrovar oi wnicn hi r i - . .. 1 . . : :
Secure a pan refers to the Tariff. The The county co ..
nrooertyVwlti The west half (H) of the I nrantpd comoare si cnifi-1 secured transportation for Mrs.
British furures. which Monday and children to Harris,
MSHJ stationary .condition of Mo. She alleges that her husband
; ,nl even i , range Tnumber twelve (11): I trade. It is all well 10 say
.;?S2t"hwfiVdI iorthwest quarter tlW rArirnns will presently dis
northwest quarter W oi WVS: ttie mistake in their fiscal policy,
(W !l!&.&lJ&fflwtiS I.? iTnrhnna thev mav not. In the
nf Rpntrice. Ten thousand dol-
. . , l.:.l I "v ...
Hiss bmma Auanis lsnow ucuuivi lar8 wa9 BUbscribed for the estaD-
the counter as assistant cashier in lifjnment 0 ti,e institution. The
the Bank of Eagle. This may be etockhojders met and elected of-
considered an indication of pros- ficer8 and a board of directors. The
perity and increase of business.- Beatrice institute will be estab-
I the whole number had the fright
45 0O
Timothy Clark, coal
The' claims of Henry McGuireand
George Poisall as foremen of
the Third and Fourth ward hose
were reterrea to we
lished at once.
Americans will presently discover
he- mistake in their fiscal policy,
Jti but perhaps they may not. In the
"iWd northwest 'VtSree ) meantime the calculations of he
quarter () section n'imbe' th supporters ;of the McKiotey bill
Sin" are working out much better than
number twenty (, to-".-
(11). ranue uu nDer cieve" vo ,
l,.il ran unn in
any one m ivngiuiei nn... ,v..ow .
District Court.
Victoria Blake vs. Lhas. mam. 1 companies
Defendant has leave to file answer claims committee, as the finance
instanter. committee did not seem to think a
B A. Gibson vs. W. M.ITameson city official could hold two situa-
Thnrsday January 7. was the et al. judgment for plaintiff in the tions and draw two salaries from
thirty-first anniversay of the wed- eum'0f $1,900 60, with costs and in the city. ,
ding of Mr. and Mrs. John Holmes teret. Decree for forciosure or- On account of the sickness of Mr.
and alarge number of their frieaids dered. Murphy, chairman of the special
n-nttipred at their home south 01 ,.... p.. Haves vs. P. I . Lee et committee to report on me open
,.. Afisr nartakinc of a vimn. L,,iu,.,in file answer within I intr of the alley back ot M. O'Dono-
iu " I r- - 1 uu ' v v 1 i-i
tuous repast the guest departed ton d.,ye
The Hkkali received a letter Maving, hower, several very uscuu Prentice, Hrownstone anu i,u, to
from G. L. Austin, formerly with presents and good wishes, that they 0 j Kmfr and county comtnis-
Fred Herrmann but now of the gov- might see many returns of these Biouer8, injunction vacated and set
milestone in their journey througn aside nnj piaintifl dismissed tor
has failed to support her. She
goes to Missouri to live with relatives.
Lezii Notice ,
w n. Mnr edue. hrst inline u.iruowu.
llie l"ri ivb iiiim.-in-.. -.",,","-r . rtim
iannot be equitably divided, that said prem
tses may be sold and the proceeds t""uj. u Plll,',sm0iitli City
WKtweSW their '"ord.Vt tttii l..n nV for the sum of
ffVPou a?e v ..Tred to answer .aid petition on
or before Monday the Kt i day of February
a' Maria t. hutlkk
1W- Mart F. by
John A. Davles, their attorney.
Dated December 1801.
tn M in an action peii'Miig neiore "
,' 1. m Rm in 11 11 nun unci .1. i. mi
111 1 .uu. .1 . , .. ,
., in M ...
d iut. that
Notice of Probate of Will.
In (Jountv Court for Cas County. r
la tlie Siatter ot the last will and testamentof
Mart N. Allison, deceased :
Notice Is hereby given that en the first day
of February A. D1; twfl. at the ofnee et the couu
. . i ni.tiammith. Oast county. Nehras-
LVatlhehour-of W .'clock In the forenoo.
the following matter win oe .-".
e Thi netltlon of Wra. B Allison and Edward
B NeaTlt w admit to probate a, certlded ennr
if the last will and testament of Mary N All -t
tne lasi w' niiue. Iowa In said
' I .... ft'rat n'AlllA linkll'
X, ' . . to the ista dav of
oain i:ur ..... . ...... - -
February 1,2 at .00 cloek4a.m.NspiaiiiUff
inn. nctnit-
Byorderoftl.eBComt.sjfv co jm)
John A. Davles. Attorney lor petitioners.
eminent printing office at Washing
ton. D. C, ordering THE IJEKALO Hfe.
will) . . u:, lli further navsi that
ffiii?! Uie'ro! of he will be here this fall to help elect
rint'tsmouth City. county. NebrasU. Is- . , onlv Ianie G. Blaine.
and also that everything at Wash
ington is Blaine. Grant is positive
that Blaine will be the party nom
inee. Fcrybody ia aware of the fact
that this is leap year, but it was
impressed upon the mind of the
county judge at Council Bluffs the
other day when a charming young
lady stepped into his oflice and
blttshingly asked that a marriage
license be granted her. The groom
is a Milwaukee traveling man. The
request was granted. It is one of
two instances recorded where a
marriage license ha- been asked
for by a lady desiring to commit
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Dabr " k. we gate h.r Csitarta.
m ben she waa i Child, she cried for Ctwtoria,
H'ben she bme' Miss, she rlung to Castor j,
-n.eii.l-.lwd Chi!!r-n. hi ;Tthem Csjtori
The W. R.C
At the last regular meeting of
McConihie W. R. C. No. 50 the fol
lowing officers were installed:
President-Mrs. K. C. Streight.
S. V. P. Mrs. Lydia Newland.
J. V. P. Mrs. Millie Curtis.
Secretary Mrs. Agnes Chapman.
Treasurer-Mrs. Emma Tiffauy.
Chaplain-Mrs. Mattie Amuck.
Conductor Mrs. Bettie Holmes.
Guard Mrs. Augusta Bates.
A. C Mrs. Luella Roberts.
A.G.-Mrs. Mary Miller.
Organist-Mrs. Kate K. McMaken,
Delegate-Mrs. Sarah Carrigan.
Alternate-Mrs. Sarah MclClwain
want of equity.
Prentice, Brownstone & Co., vs
Erath & Thyn et al; has leave to an
swer within thirty days.
As we go to press the case of
Dudley, Steele & Co., vs. Kasmus
Peterson is being atgued.
In the matter of the Plattsmout
Street Railway L-o. vs. opraguc
Klectric Railway and Moter Co
ludire Chapman rendered the fol-
" - - ... ... . L
tnarimr decision: tu, tne coun,
find the issues in favor of the de
fendant. Sprague Electric Railway
& Motor Co. That said defendant
has complied with the former order
. 1 it.
nf this court nnd cnu piacc uic
rondition tor
street railway in f
mieration on July 4, 1891, and on
Mr. Will Smith, an employee 01 . . (laT ,.! eail road oyer to
. . . . ,.
hoe's lots at the end ot Maiden mrcw
the committee was given further
Mr. Gutsche moved that if there
was not an ordinance in force com
pelling property owners to keep the
snow off the sidewalks in front o
their property that the judiciary
committee be instructed to draft
An ordinance was read transfer--.
. , .... ,t
ring !bl,i irom tne uncicoi
indebtedness fund to the general
fund and was laid over to tne next,
On motion of Gutsche the council
Marie Heath, the principal come
dienne and star of "A Turkish
Bath," is a clever actress, a fiue
singer and a graceful dancer. Her
role in the comedy admits of every
opportunity to show her versatility-
the B. f. M. tin shops,
morning for Havlock.
left this
. .. r.. I 1....M f.
(he Plattsmoutn Ptreei i.mfij v
and that said street railway com
City Attorney C. S. Polk was in,
Omaha to day on legal business.