r- Tbe Plattsmouth Herald KNOTTS BROS, Publishers Puhllshtd every Thursday, and dally every trailing except Sunday. Registered at the Plattsinoutb, Neb. po't .ffloetur tritnuulnioti tbrouith the 0. 8. msli 4 second class rate. OfflM corner Vine and Fifth timet. Telephone an. TKKM8 FOB WEEKLT, hie copy, one year, In advance ...11 BO Jne copy, one year, not In advance 3 00 Jne oopy. six momlif. In advance 78 Ine o 'py. three m uitlm. In advance. . . 40 TKUMS FOB DAILl hie cop ono f n'- In advnce In 00 Jneoopy per week, by eirrier , .... js Ins eopy, per month BO THURSDAY, TANUAKY 14, lS!f. IiY Secretary Bluitie'ts diplomatic nkill the Helirinir Sen controverny haa been phi ccd in coiirnt; of tin early uml amicable adjuHtment. The DftnocratH may dod;c the free nilver coinage ihhup for a nhort lime, but they have pot to face it be fore the presidential campaign fully openH. TllB South Carolina papers are lauding their legislature, which knH adjourned, for "what it did not do." The present Congrens will be lucky if it ia entitled to the same compliment upon adjourning. The oouutry and the people are prosper ous, and it is always wise to "let vrell enough alone." Inter Ocean. After quoting the usual passage of scripture at the head of the column, the New York Mail and Kxpress writes the genesis of u word: David Hill. Dave Hill. Daveill. Davill. Devill. Devil. The net increase in the circula tion in December waB over $11,500, 000. The amount of currency in the hands of the people just now iafcM, 32 per person, and it is steadily ex panding. A week or two hence, however, the country will see Dem ocrats declaiming in Congress that the currency is being "contracted," and that national bankruptcy will come unless more money Is turned out of the mints or Government printing presses. Globe-Democrat. There are now in process of con otruction, twenty-five tin plate fac tories in the United State. This industry is developing very rapidly and giving employment to thous ands of our own people at good wages and at the same time cans Ing tin ware to cheapen. To the freetrader great is the mystery of the tariff. The democratic papers are about silenced on tin plate. They give it up that there is plenty of tin in this country. Indiunola (la.) Herald. KANSAS RISES TO A QUESTION OF PRIVILEGE. All friends of Kansus should hasten to explain that the spirit which dominates the counties of Seward and Stevens has no kindred in Kansas. These counties are on the extreme southern and western Lorders of the State; neighbors to No Man's Land, Eastern Colorado, and New Mexico. Ruffianism pre vails there ia a natural result of the surroundings. Feuds are bred and hrUc there in an atmosphere en tirely foreign to Kansas. Eastern renders who have respected Kansas for her peaceful ways and loved her for the greatness which these ways have led her to, should remembe this. MINISTER ECAN IS ALL RIGHT. Some of the papers seem surprised that the United States government will stand by Minister Kgan in the present Chillian trouble. Why not? Why should not the govern inent stand by its ministers when those ministers have stood by the interests of the govern ment? There has been a great deal of denunciation of Minister Egan, but it has not been made clear to unprejudice minds that he has done aught for which he ought to be censured. He has on the other hand done much for which he ought to be given credit His course has been American and patriotic. He has defended the honor of the gov crnment. The wrath that has pur Hued him haa been British wrath, England has mnny reasons for feel ing unfriendly to the American minister in Chili. First of all, he is nn Irishman by birth and one who has not been afraid to record liia hatred of the Irish policy of her majesty's government Ilia activi ties in his respect have brought down upon his head the opposition of the government of England. In the second place the reciprocity espoused by Minister Egan and the state department at Washington haa excited British opposition to American interests. It ia English influence in Chili that has been re sponsible for the feeling against Minister Egan. It ia English in fluences that has been dictating the recall of the minister. But the present administration cannot be scared into forsaking a man who has done nothintr but represent the government patriotically and cour ageously. The time will come when the whole country will be ready to defend the policy pursued at the American legation at Chili. At the present time only those who are under the control of JBritish Cobden Club influences are oppos ing Minister Etran. Iowa State Reg ister. COINO BACK ON THE PARTY. Mrs. Flower, wife of the new gov ernor of New York, approves heart ily of the McKinley tariff, and therefore ought to be read out of the democratic party. On taking possession of the executive man sion at Albany she was interviewed by a correspondent ot the World. To him she declared that she had been in' a number of famous trade marts in Europe and Southern Asia and that she had nowhere found a better, cheaper place to shop in than a first-class American store. Last year, when her daughter was married, , nhe bought the whole trousseau in Watertown. It looks as if Mrs. Flower was going back on the party in making these illus trations of the reduction of prices under the new tariff. Philadelphia Bulletin. LIABILITIES AND RESOURCES. In the matter of public indebted ness intelligent persona have always known in a general way that the United States is in a highly pleasing condition. The census bureau, however, has just furnished figures on this subject which show that our condition is much better than the overage person has imagined. Allowing five persons to a family the calculations of the census officials are that the dt bt of the federal government, of the tates and of thet counties, amounts to an average of $78.15 for each family in the country. On a simi lar basis of computation the British family owes $.137.00, the French $581.75, and the Auatro Hungarian $134.3). Figures for the German empire are not furnished, but it is evident from the debts of the Germun states, which are enum erated, that the indebtedness of the . - - - ..... uikunvn'i ja HiV. ntry would make the r each fimilv at lent I r eacn family at least whole cou average for $400. In nearly every one of the second or third class countries of Europe and in almost all of those of South America the amounts are also high. Apparently no other important nation in the world has as low an average of indebtedness as the United States. There is another consideration which also deserves lobe taken into the account which renders the sit uation still more favorable to this country. Not only are the burdens Of till Ullflflttft if tl.tt nthiTin wnrlil lint nl;i;i.. il, I ...v. me people to meet them ia lairrer Wealth - - - is growing in the United c.n(- .,,, ,i . . i taiea taster than it is anv iiirfi else on the globe, and it is being . ! 1 I . nr . . . mule wmeiy uiuusea among tne peoDle. Everywhere else the ..m ' ,.4i , ... w.uu.muicui.essis Miner eiuuouary or continuously aud rapidly expanding, while here it is shrinking year by year. Concur rently with the increase of indebted ness abroad and the 1 this country there is a growth in resources aim capital here which finds no parallel in any . other nation. These are f.trt should be kept constantly in mind, iney lurnisn nn answer to the windy demagogues who declare that the conditions of existence are barber in the United States than they are in some of the nations of liurope. and who nsnert that ai. uation in this respect is steadily growing worse.-Globe Democrat Tub Herald has always claimed that young Mr. Brynn wns a dema- gogue, and, if any better proof were needed, his maiden break iu the house day before yesterday, opposing aid for the Russian suf- ferers, is ptoof enough. The Rns- i aiau government and people were I our friends in an hour when every' British copperhead in this country and abroad was plotting for the v.v..wun u! nuts nniion. .ine n yurvr ineuicine cioes not animas of Mr. Bryan's opposition exist ,uml !t is ?Uirteed to do al and the opposition of 'that part of', "ft ctireniisJaK,K" me uemocratic party which ia in and kidneys, will remove pimples, full sympathy with British notions l,oi,8 s,,lt rheum and other a flee of trade and opposed to American 1,iTJc.aUHed , hy. yPre blood. notions is es9onSniiv ii- V lI1 dnve lnal:,r' from the system entially locofoca. ' nd prevent as well as cure all ma l hat class of demagogues would larial fevers. For cure of headache, finil fl fAvl in IIia , . I Itinatinri4ir.ii r. .1 1 . . u .it me luucrai ooseUies of Speaker Crisp, should he die of eucceesful McKinley oieaaure. MOUTH is a bad thing when hung on a pivot for a new member of the of the American congress. Watch Mr. Bryan's mouth. John Sherman is to be the next United States senator from the Buckeye state. He received fifty three votes yesterday, being six more than were necessary for a choice. One carload of tin per week is hippitd east from the San Jacinto mines in southern California chief ly because it finds a profitable mar ket, but incidentally to emphasize the fact that the tin plate industry has taken firm root in America. Omaha Bee. Ik trouble with Chili or any other nation should occur, and we should need a fleet of torpedo boats and dispatch vessels, the United States could secure enough swift merch ant vessels and change them into cruiseis and torpedo boats so quick that the foreign nations would won- der where our navy had been kept all these years and they to know nothing of it. Aid will be sent to Russia in the shape of American corn. There is magnanimity and generosity enough in the people of this country to send it, if a democratic congress doea refuse. It would look much better, however, sent under the ehudow of "Old Glory," as a slight token of the spirit of our people towards that nation whose whose people did not hesitate to sympathize with us when Johny Bull was plotting for our downfall. A United States commissioner at Deming, New Mexico, the other day decided in the case of a China man who had slipped across the Mexican line that "the country whence he came" was Mexico, and he therefore sent him back into Mexico. Now let the commission era along the British American boundary adopt the precedent and this business of smuggling celestials into the United States will be greatly discouraged. Miles Nerve andXIver Pills. Act on a new nrinrinlp rpm Int. ing the liver, etomrch and bowels 4 1 1- . I . . uiriMifjn me nervs. a new aiscovery Dr. Miles' Pilla speedily cure biliou. Snesa bad taste, torniil lipr. n!1ia Sonstipation. Unequaled for men women, children, smallest, midest surest! 50 doses, 'J5c. Samples iree hi r. j. r riCKe & uo b. Wonderful. E. W. Sawyer, of Rochester. Wis.. a prominent dealer in general mercnanaise, ana who runs several peuuiiug wagons, Had one of hit iiuros oauiy cut ana ournea witn lariat. The wound refused in Iin1 The horse became lame and stiff ' ' uvvuiiiv IUIIIU C1I1U PUU notwithstanding careful attention ?"d t,,e "PPl'caticn of remedies. A friend handed Sawyer some of Haller'sBarb Wire Linement, the most wonderful thinir pvit h.iw in heal such wounds. He applied it uiuy inree times anu trie sore was completed healed. Equally good for all SOr8. cuts, tinmen, and wounda. For sale by all druggist The Volumes of the Mmrarlnn h Cill with the Numbers for inno nnri December of each year. When no nine is specuieu, subscriptions will beirin With the Number rurwnt nt the time of receipt of order. Bound uiunies oi narper s Magazine lor win-c- years oacK, in neatciotn bind- imr ,11 Iwk li i i t ..... :i ' i - uv. pun until, jjueii-jiiiiu t -t . . , ratn-uy man post paiU. r Mr, Wiliam T I'rcie. n Justice of hhi u, ieDrasKa, i.!. ... . ' I vi'iiuui w iu inn iH-ii iumi winter 'with a se-ere attack of lumbago; but n 4 l. . 1 ' f i "i,l,1Il;i,uon onnanioer- lii,n'e' 1ain 1i,lm enabled him to got up and go to work. Nr. Price eays: -The Remedy cannot be recommended too hiirnlv." Let nnv One troubled with rlipnmntiam neuralgia or lame back give it a trial and they will be of the same opinion. 50 cent bottles for sale bj F. G. Fricke & Co. Druggist Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tdr Bust 8lvb in the world for Cute Braises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Rores, Tetter, Clapped Dtnda, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It ia guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale bj F. O. Fricke Do not confuse the famous Blush of Rosea with the many worthless paints, powders, creams and bleaches which are flnmlimr niiiiRfi. ,ei tne genuine ot you -v.. . r " o t)2? ?nur bottle, and I guarantee it will re 'move your pimples, freckles, black ,'?ada' lnt'" tan and sunburn, an ,vc y" a ly complexion. 1 Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well nUr trie Bitters sing the same song of umi iiniirestion try Klectr,c Hitters.-Entiresatisfaction Fricke & Co'e drugstore. 5 Startllna Facta. The American rnnl arc rnnirllw becoming a rase of nervous wrecks j .1 . . mm louowxng sucgests, tne best remedy: alphouso ifumpfling, of Butler, Penn, swears that when niB son was specniess trom st. Vitus Dance Dr Miles crreat Restorative Nerving cured him. Mrs. J. L. miner ot alprai and. J.D. Taolnr, of Logansport, Ind each gained 20 Hiunus ii an tailing if. iirs. ii. a. Gardner, of Vastulr Ind, was cured of 40 to 50 convulsions easy and much aeadach, dizzneas, bockach and nervous prostiation by one bottle. Trial hntlo Nervous cures free ot F. G. Fricke, & Co., who recomends this unequalled renieuy. i As well as the handsomest and Others are inviterl in ra nn nnv druggist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Basam for the Throat andlLungs, a remedy that is selling entirely upon its merits aud is guaranteed to relieve and cure all enronic ana acute couglis, asthma bronchitis and consumption. Larire uomes ooc ana It Should be In Every House. J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps burg, Pa., says he will not be with out Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coutrha and Colds that it cured his wife who was threatened, with Pneumonia aftei an attack of 'La Grippe," when various other remedies and several physicians had done her no good Robert Barber, of Cocksport, Pa. claims Dr. King's New Discovery ii.is uonc mm more goou than any iiiinj; iic ever uweu ior J,utrg Trouble. Nothing like it. Try it Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke A Cos drugstore. Large bottle, 60c and $1.00. A Fatal MlstaKe. Physiciana make no more fatal mistake than when they inform pa tients that nervous heart troubles come from the stomach and are of little consequence. Dr. Franklin Milea, the noted Indiana specialist, has proven the contrary in his new book on "Heart Disease" which may be had free of F. G. Fricke Co., who guarantee and recommend Dr. Miles' unequnlled new Heart Cure, which haa the largest sale of any heart remedy in the world. It curee nervous and organic heart disease, snort oreatn, tiuttering, pain or ten derness in the side, arm or shoulder, irregular pulse, fainting, smother ing, dropsy, etc. His Restorative Kervme cures headache, fats, etc. allow a coujjh to run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine. They say, "Oh, it will wear away," but in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the succesful Kemp's Balsam, which is soia on a positive guar antee tf nirp. IViev Mr ana Ua .... . I w.v-j V. 1. .V CJVV 1 1 1 V. excellent e)Ter nftnr 4n1r;nr 41m 4;,c - - . . . " . . v . iimiuu L 1 1 V. does. Price 50 c and $1. Trail size iree. At an aruggists. A Mystery Explained. The papers contain frequent no tices of rich, pretty and educated girls eloping with negroes, tramps and coachmen. The well-known specialist, Dr. Franklin Miles, says all such girls are more or less hys terical, nervous, very impulsive, un balanced; usually subject to nead nche, neuralgia, sleeplessness', im moderate crying or laughing. These show a weak, nervous system for which there is no remedy equal to Restorative Nervine. Trial bottles and a line book, containing many marvelous cures, free ut F. G. Fricke & Co's., who also sell and guarantee Dr. Miles' celebrated New Heart Cure, the finest of heart tonics.Cures Uuttering'short breath, etc. x usca iiiy s uream Halm tor dry catarrh. It proved a cure. B. F. M. Weeks, Denver. ElyVa Cream Balm ia especially nuapiea as a remcoy tor catarrh which is acirravnted hv alkaline dust and dry winds. W. A. Ho.vcr, umggisi, ueuver. lean recommend Ely's Cream Bal to all sufferers from dry catarrh from personal experience. Michael Herr, Pharmacist, Denver. Ely's Cream Balm has cure1 many cases or catarrh. Jt ia in con stant demand. Geo. W. Hoot Pharmacist, Cheyenne, Wy. Are you made miserable by indi- p"ii", HMirMl, .1111111, UlZZUlfSH, loss of appetite, yellow skin? Shi lob's Vitalizer is a positive cure. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. MORTGAGE SALE. The Entire Stock of GROCERIES, FLOUR AND QUEENSWARE Belonging to A. Bach will be sold regardless of cost to sat- isfy mortgagee PHILLIP KRAUS FOR MORTGAGES have a DTi i nn A a you MO I Mb JM?! SCHIFFMANN'S Asthma Cure Naar falls in nn InaUnt nOmf in th im owm, and ITitu rare dm tkan IWU, I Trial rMkararUKBaf DiamiMt ar liU.. I - DR. R. SOHIFFM ANN. Bl FaaL llaa. OUR CLUBINO LIST, Hume MaKHzlneand IIrralo ft t Tuifdo Bladnil HKK4LI) 2 1 Harper's MaKz no and LIckald 4 fr Hurpcr's Ha7.i.r aud Hbhalo 8 Harpcr'i Weekly and HKitALD 1ft Iowa Mate Itcgisler and Ukkald 0 Western Kuraland IIrralo ;.t W The Forum and Ukhald 8 so Uube Drmucrat and Hkhalo 1 in Inter Oteau aud Hkkalo 2 B ANK OF CASS COUNTY" Cor Main and Fifth street. ald up capital., iurplui , 'is our- OFFICERS J. It. Pamela Prexldeni iTred Gorder Vice I'rwlilenl I. M. raltumon ('Rsliel" r M. I'm tenon, A'St ('inlilei DIRECTORS J. H. fari..HlH. .1. M. Patterson. Kred (iordei I. H Smith h. B. Windham. B. 8. Ranifey anO r. m.i'a'i.:'i-iiii k QSEliL UANX1NC BUSIHEP' TSANSATED Accimnts sollcte'. Interest allowed oi. tlm lepoxitH anil iiroinnt :t(ti ntioiiifivmi In ail I'll nes entruileii to its care. CKRKLVS- IKMISK. 217 21l, 221 and 2i:i Main St., Plattsmouth ricbraska H. M 30NS. PrdprirtUr. lhe 1'erkinn has bt-eu thimnnjlili feaoyated from tc tc '.tt.m. aii.J now one of tint lust liotuln in th fitaU Boarders will be Ukei by the week hi M.50 and up. SOOD BAR CONNECTED NESS A RIADH0I8CS CURED bv I'vk'i Invlail.l Tali.. I.. I.. I...k. -' aaaaaaaav WW UFUH, VVIUTOTianiC, Bumfwl"tir.tUrMnli"fftiJ. Soldby V. HlMos.only, CDCC 853 Ui-Mdifij, kw lark. Wni fur buU ut ptiMiuTttt PARKER'S MAID RAI CAM CltuiMi d Iwiutiflu ttt hilr. - . .uu..h gruwin. Navar rail to But or Grar Hair to 111 Youthful Colon vww naip iiifKMM a natr uuuai. Jc,aji1 tl II' .1 Dniyyi ' i J, Kt,r Uliiiior I onlo. it onrn thtj wort Cutitfti. rt nk Lnryt. IMiIHit, InlipMiina, P.ntTak In Umi.fil)ctf. GKATEUL COMFORTING Epps Cocoa BREAKFAST "By a tliornuuh knowleiU of the natural tnirt ni,n;it inrni l,,erni HII-B 111 flleSllflll and nutrition and liy a careful application of the flue propertlttiinf well selected Coi-oa. Mr. Klin.hu. nrnulrlu.l nn. hmnlifi..! t.hl ...l.U .. ..(. ,.......(. i. in,. Uirnniftl, n)in Willi Q delieaiely llHVnre.l beveriiKB which may nave man J liruvy IIIH'llir DHLS. IU1 IIV lilt! JUlIle- Imiis use of mch article" of diet tli-t a con- Itnttitn m-iv l.i, fvni.l null w luill. ..n .....ii '"..j i.mn Uf until nuiiiiH enom;h to resist eveiv tendency to disease Hundreds of mihll - elailie- are floalin i around us ready to attacK wherever here is a . . ,i"""i. ,"o limy v.rnpn nianv a mini shaft hy keeping ourfulves well fortified with UK... ...iii a M..ii iij nourisnen inline. " Civil Service (iazelte. Madosi simply with boiling water or milk, Hold only In lull-pound tlin, hv erocerles. labelled thur: JAMEsEI'PS ADO., Homoeopathic Chemist A.ouaou. ii;laiid How Lost! How Regained I KNOV THYSELF. Or 8ELF-PREHKKV ACTON. Anewandonlf Gold Medal PK1ZB EH8AY on NERVOUS ana PHYSICAL 11EBIL1TY, KRROR9 of YOUTH, KXHAIISTK.D VITALITY, I'RE MATUKK IIECXINE, and all DI8EAHKS and WEAKNEKHES of MAN. 800 pipes, cloth, silt; lift Invaluable preacriptiona. duly fi.uo by mall, double cafed. Descriptive Prospect us with endoritmtiitt rnifi crtin of the lresf and voluntary FRW L I ptND testimonials of the curei I IlkUl NOW. CoMultatlnn In person or hy mail. Einert treat. menu INVIOLAKLU BKCKKCV and CKK. TAI t'I'KE. Addrcs I)r. W. H. Psrker. or Tho i'eabody Medical Imtltute. No. i RiKlVSh'fii Boston, Hans. The I'eabody Medical Institute hat many lm. tators, but no equal. Herald. The Science of Llfo. or Helf FWrvnHnn a . treasure more valuable thsn Bold. Head H now. yvery WEAK and NERVOUS man.aad learn la wioiivu.u. Jetficu(irK. (CcDvrinhledJ CHiCHtsrtn-a Fnglim, 111 ..ill. i .i ..-- 10,000 N.-l.nnM.. (U, Mexican Mustang A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast. A long-tested pain relierer. 113 9fJt aimSt Univ5flal by the oew!fe, the Farmer, the Hnhient F' T nC recluirin an elective- No other application compares with it in efficacy This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost" generations. ' ' No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang. Liniment. Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers have it. CIALSH IK- STAPLE AND FAN GLASS AND. QUEENSWARE Patronage of the Public Solicited IE I f,hi GROCER North Sixth Street, Plattsmoul -' h PAW F IRST : NATIONAL : HAX OK PLATTSMOUTH, NKBKASKa 'aid up capital fw.omj Smplus ...J. lu.oocJ rs the Viry best facilities for the prod iraDsactiou oi iipmmate Hankiiiir Husiiuvss rttocks, bonds, gold, government and local s urltles bought nd sold, lieonslts recelv. tod interest allowed on the certlflcatJ Irafts drawn, available In anv nart of tb Inlted Stater and all the principal tewns il Europe. HILLBOTIOKH MADB AND PROMPTLY Bit Mr TKD. Highest market P'lce pld for Count; War rants, eiaie aua ;ouuiy oouua. Ul KHUTOKS A John Fitzgerald D. nawkswortb. J SamWaugh, K. K. while (leorge E. Dovey lobn Fitzgerald. H Waugh. President V ' U . ..J TEW HARDWARE STC n S. E. HALL A SON Keep all kinds of builder hardware 0'i'handl ana will supply cout i actors on most lai orauie ler ..s TI3ST ROOFIlSrO J i Spouting and all kinds of tin work nromMlv done. Orders from the country Solicited.! 616 Pearl Bt. PLATTSMOUTH, JiF.B. T HE CITIZENS HANK. PLATTSMOUTH . NKHKASK.tt lapttal stock paid Id j on, Authorized Capital, $100,000. OKPIOKK8 RANK CARK0TI1 J08. A. CONNOK President. Vice-President W. H. 0URH!N. Ccshler. DIHBCTOR Crauk Carrutli J. A. Connor, K. K. (iutn.nauD l. W.Johnson, Henry Bwck, John O'Keefe W. T). Merriam. Wm. Wetencamp. W. H. Gushing. fRAHSACTSIA GENERAL BAMIUG BDS1KES smen certificates of deposits bearing Infe.W'l Buys and selli excbaiige, county and k 1 cuy iiii,, A. C. MAYES COUNTY -SURVEYOR . AND A ' CIVIL ENGINEER J All orders left with the county clerk will be! promptly attended to. OFFICE IN COUKT HOUSE, ' Plattamouth, Nebraska Red Cross Diamond Brand ,... v;w, tmntnnttUmM en'J ImtlaHnmM. V .e'i oiri'V' "'"'"v.''' "'" MkII. v Liniment. in UK per e ai id n nay "J" esTl RaJ tin la a E eve wit 1 IRa thi ch in coi Na iW etir Mi out )8t .Vitll hat iffai hnd uefc Will Arar 1 n