Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, January 14, 1892, Image 1

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'31 ,9 i :
M )H ("tS-J IK N S ih. u IS B H Li
Y0L.XXVI1. NO. 42.
f " v
Royal Baking Powder is reported by
the U. S. Government, after official
tests, highest of all in leavening power.
O natal
It is the best and most economical;
a pure cream of tartar Baking Powder.
V TIME llF!E.y
MO. J 6 1 06 P M.
No. 4 lu:l it.
Ho. 8 7i 44 P.
Ho, 10 iHln
No, 12 It) ilia, li
Mo, 20 8JUH. IJ
No l 3:45 a. III.
1 6 :v! p ii
No. , . :05 . in
- o. ! 7 1.1 a. I".
Ml. x. :p,m
SO. 'I, .. :0ft p. In,
o, 19 11 :U5 a. m.
Jo. 8M Aceomoaati u Leaves lo.a. m
io.3s " iurivt-8 4;00p. m
Tralus daily except r uuday
A, N.
Attorney U11 inve prompt auentioi
to all twines entrusted to him. Office In
Union block, Kiwi bide, Flatinnouth, Ieb.
TTN1GHT8 OK ' pYTHIAn" tiBUiitlet l.ndpe
K Mo. 47 Me. w every wedneMlay evening
at their h II In iarmeie iwii mma, i .
ItlDK HnlMhts are cordially mvted to attend
n i vn iu Uaii aaoii(1 and tourtb
Friday VeMnn ; miiiith . A. H.
in Koikwood block. M. Vondran. M W,
Brown. ftecoruer.
"a ... .... ., . rf. n V maitl tV
eOAH wiw: T: :' .V i,....iiii
STKinff 'Lh Vi"mT.; K cuT Chru Pet
ersen.N Q-; F.Osburn, Secretary.
.. . . ,, . v . if f ..u Pn, tinll Nn 1091
Crat block over Uenneit & lull., visli inK
tti.r.n Invited Henry tiering. KegeM;
Thos Walling, Secretary,
O. Meets first and lliird f rUlay
A ..'vp'.lnL'ii'nf ewh mown at (1 A II. Hall
In Rockwm.k tlo.-k. Frank Vermllyea, w. v.
B. fcuersole. lU'conier.
jU, B. feuer
T. F hall ll
Dr. Dau GolJing was iu Omaha
Attorney Mathew Gering waa in
Omaha to day ou business.
II. C. Schmidt was a western pas
senger this morning on No,5.
Dr. and Mrs. K. R. Livingston are
visiting in Council iiluffa to-day.
Bvron Clark and let. W. Hyera
were in Omaha on business to-day.
Mat Schlegcl, the Louisville
cigarman, is visiting with hia fam
ily. C. A. Miller is attending the G. A.
E. reunion at Nebraska City tnie
Councilman Larsen is reported on
the sick list, with an attack of the
Miss Nellie Taylor, of Central
City, Nebraska, is in the city, the
guest of Miss Maggie Oliver,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Patterson left
this morning for Omaha to attend
the bicycle race there this alter
In tne United States district'eourt
Martin L. Coleman, of Greenwoon,
was fined $10 and costs for retailing
liquor without posting a stamp,
The county commissioners have
made all ot their appointments for
road overseers and the county clerk
waa busy yesterday mailing them
their certificates of appointments.
C. W. Sherman and Ed Oliver
How to Increase Immigration.
While it is true that the vacant
lands of the west are rapidly tnken
up, and that Nebraska during the
last decade shows an increase iu
population of 234 per cent, there yet
remainh west of the Missouri river
a vast domain awaiting the hand of
the husbniuhnan.
At a very modest estimate, the
unimproved or vacant lands west of
the Missouri river, in localities tra
versed by the Uurlington &
Missouri Kiver railroad, would
make 100,(XXI farms of lUt acres each.
While, other states have an oran
i.ed immigration bureau, backed by
liberal appropriations, Nebraska
has rtlied entirely on private ei-
forts to place Uer advantages be
fore the people of the east.
Tin. nminiiDii mav verv well ne
asked, is it not possible for tlie
nro.ii wiili but little elfort ami
11 Siiiilqoif foi Cqslnt Ti'qde o
While we appreciate the large amount of trade we are favored with. w
still desire to increase our
t, thnnal Heunion Which
ia now In Session at Nebraa
Uu Cnv.
The prospects for the old soldiers
meeting is very tla enn . . no to niBteri.
n binve number ot tne memoes uiv i - -. . , .. ,
the .nd it is expected by noon to- '"rZ7Z
i reiziiruuin uic nrov uiiiuh
I day they will all tje mere. "le? Takinir as their text the
Every tra n whicn arrives oririKa - .
.r,u ' mai-iiilicetit crops of the past sea
in new clolegat.ous 8t)II, every issue might well contain
ine coun .i,.i,i ...m.MiiH from one or
decorated wun nags mm
a,.il nresents a patriotic and inspir-
Governor inayer
nw nn R meeli ocnn'l and Ptaricu om una "
thTlmrs.iHysot eanii ",'V:. ' bit hunt. They
i.. ... rM 1,1 ,.k Mm. K. BoVll.
iady ol Uniior.; Belle Vermyli-a.con! :t
tur nv pvuiiiiiif at 7 : 30 in hetr .Hall in
i.l,.,.!. All vlxliinu conir:iil'H are
"'...I ..... .. 1,1. ,.j Krll Ktp
SSS'l'i F. Nile; " PoV cVmmadUer
oi,mi if tiir woRI.n. Meetn at 7:10
O every Mrnnav eve-lmt at tlie Uraml Army
hall. A. r . uroom, iirenucin, i n". ....
secretary. .
No stt M w. A. m-eti every
Fi urth M on nay tv ning in
FllzireraUl ha 1 Vinitinit nt-lnlili .r we cume.
o v." ii...,..,, v r.. h. werteunerL'er.
8. C. Wilde, Clerk.
. . ii t- u I M If I) PAUI NO R0-
C v. ion. tiivminn ot'ka. 0
m9 rive
eecnnd and
A hi,.t.VUIU I IIPHllH
f In their hall In Htlueralil boon. .nsonii' - o ....u,r
viitlni comrade. re cordially lnvite-i to meet cept vice president. B. S. Ramsey
with us J.J. Kilrlz, I'oniin.nider j B. A. C i oaiilpnt in the
- t. KIwh n. let f-eailfeni. - - .
J i Uicliie N .. 40 meet"
bit hunt. They lift orders witn
Phil Harrison to meet ihem tlna
evening at OreapolibVi firing in the
spoils. 1
All who can sing and are willing
to help our high school secure a
goodlibary are invited to meet to
night at Prof. MeClellana s nome xo
practice the Canta, "Japhtah and
His Daughter.
The directors of the Bank of
Cass County held their yearly elec
tion of officers last night. The
old officers were all re-elected ex-
inir HnDerance.
and Lieutenant Governor Majors
have no arrived yet, but are ex
pected this evening
The , following program was
carried out last evening: Music;
address of welcome, Hon. M. J,
ITavward: response, J. Q. Gross,
president; music; short voluntary
speeches, J. W. Pearman and others.
A CurlouP Wall.
Fremont geologista are wrestling
7ih a sirance problem mst now
. e iL. A til
in the snapc oi iuc wuuuv.v.
nhenninenoti exhibt by a well in
r . . .
that city. GeologiBta nave an niong
banked on the intense heat of the in
terior of the earth, but the manoeuv
ering of this well tend to indicate
an interior condition of the other
The well in question ia a bored
one with a dianiater of about a foot
and is 112 feet deep, and the strange
part of it Jis that lit spouts cold air
in place of water, the air rnsning
mid have completed arrangement in which we have secured large quan-
uues, ai nisi nanus, oi i lie ceieurtueu
at such ju ices that we propose to give them to our many customers be
lieving that we f-luill increase our trade, as our customers appreciate the
fact that we are spending the money ve set aside for advertising nurpo
es by returning it to them, believing they will uppieciate the gilts aul
tell their friends, and thereby increase our tr.ide.
U ' i
EVERY Cash purchase to the amount of $T entitles the purchaser t
either a Roger's Solid Silver Metal Butter Knifeor Sugar Shell sol
i.. i i. i. ..I i m
, (Villi.,.
EVERY Cash purchase to the amount of $1,1 entitles the purchaser to a
K I v asn pun nase io uie amount oi $i; entities tne purciiuser n
set of Roger's Solid Nickel Tea Spoons, sold by Jewelers at$2.
EVERY Cash purchase to the amount of $25 entitles the purchaser to
set (1) of Roger s solid Nickel Dessert ;pooiiH. sold by Jeweler
Lrs at
out nt times with a noise liUeiescap
ingisteatn. The atinosphWiftcur
rent from the well is always tne
strongest when the weather ia cold
i A Im'i ot From-
tlu nennlul ami
r i f eHl'll lllnlllh 111
l ( 0 . 11 MVT, K. v,iu,.ms,h.
G. ; ilrs John Cry. Secretary
r CATnour.-St. raul's Church. Hk, hetweei,
L Kill II Hllll r-IAIII,
VSiJv w. . Miss at imd in :3n a. m. Sunday
Bcliool at i :3ti, wl'li Benedict loi..
CHBHTIAN.-Corf er l..nil and Fliilith Bin.
u.. .....rniiiir n il l-veitME. Hdi r A.
tJHliowav na-ilor Sunday Scliool 10 m.
more farmers, ol tneir operauuuo
durinir the past year; civing acre
age of different kinds of gram or
vegetables, yield, amount realized
etc.. . accompanied, perhaps, oy
brief statement of the party s pos
sessions at the time he reached the
utate. nnd present financial condi
tion. Urge subscribers to take as
many copies as they can, of issues
mit!iiiiinrr aiu-h statements, ana
" r
tend to their friends in the east.
ah ciuuaca are. or should be
interested in immigration work;
increased population means in
creased circulation for our news-
naoers. increased business for our
merchants, increased value of real
estate holdings, and the develop
ment of the state, increased work
for the mechanic and laboring
man. '
I shall be very glad to furnish
pamphlets and other advertising
matter of a suitable kind, to all who
desire to mail same to their eastern
friends. FKANCia.
G. P. & T. A., B. & M. R. R. .
Omaha, NebV
li Y Cash purchaser to tlie amount of $30 entit'.ci
pet (ll) of Rogers' Solid Nickel Table spoons or a
Forks, or a set oi Tripple plated Knives, sold bj
s the purchaser to a
i Mi-t of Solid Nieknl
by Jewelers at $4.00.
ERE ia what the manufacturer says in regard to Solid Silver Met
IT ni iroous anil ftomi .MCKei silverware: "mere naa oeen
'1' W the nliiee ol rolul silver anil mate ware
U,T)UU I '
for some time to attain this end, and are now able to oiler the public our
Rogers' Metal and Roger' Solid Nickel Silver. We guarantee thia metal
superior to any Nickel Silver manufactured and have the greatest confi
dence ill assut inir our customer" that this ware is inferior to service on
ly to solid silver. It is a beautiful white color, is highly polished anf
can hardly be distinguished from pure silver. We recommend thia ware
especially tor hotels, restaurants and boarding houses, as it will stand
more hard usage than any other metal; ia very tough and hard; will hol4
its color and will outwear any plateware ever manufactured." All our
customers know Rogers' ware by reputation. This iirm have manufac
tnruil til.'ilil wnrp uiiw'f IKIlTi ami tlii'ir iinrnc ia ticvpr nut nil from la that
a grow
ing demand for years for a grade of Spoons and Forks to take
We have experimented
are not of a high grade, so our customer can rest assured that they art
getting some very oesiranie gooos wncn iney get goous unuerineu
brand. Come in early nnu secure a snare ot these goods Detore it la tot
Wc Qtiqtfqiiec ot Ibices o be "tc Loesj; qri
, I iVfatc Competition.
nor. McGintv'a Trouble.
"McGinty'a Troubles" ia the name
a cold snap, Several theories Have f "" "iZ aflcP.
been advanced, but as ye the - -
strange phenomenon remaina on'; " ' . from itB
mvstery.-Ncbraska City Press. " " -
iujeicij. j .....v., ia n,i nf those nonsensical
State Horiicultural Society.
. an nnnnlfir. which
. ... I TimtlUCLlUUO I'" I
The annual winter meeting of the lo t enouRh tr;ice o plot to
Nebrarka State Horticultural eoci- a snarklinir success-
- , ,
rxt nnnira. intoraOCrflCU Willi
iuii r
EPia"0PAL.-8t Luke's hiirch. coiner I nlrri
and Vine. Kev H B Bnrisew pa-tor. Ser
v ces 1 A. i. ai d 7 :30P m . Sunday School
at 2:30 p. M.
r, ........ f irviiiiiiiiiT irner Slxlll St anil
URU.1"!" ...
tflrunltrt IfPV. IIIIT. HIIOr, Pf IM " i n R.
and 7 ;30 r, M. Suuoay behool 10 -.30 A. M.
place of Fred Gorder deceased.
Last niirht the directors of the
Citizen's bank met and elected the
following officers for the ensuing
year: President, Win. H. dishing;
vice president, J. W. Jolinson;
board of directors, F. R. Guthman,
J. W. Johnson, K. S. Greusel, Henry
Eikenbary, M. W. Morgan, j. A.L-on-nor,
W. Wetenkamp and W. H.
dishing. W. II. Cnshing will still
act aa cashier.
;u rnn cniurh when Shi-
loh's cure will give immediate re.
lief. Price iu cis., ;io tia. ouu
For sale by F. U. friciseocc
... . at nrviPM In liPW rlllllvh.Cor-
r " J... i I-... . . , J Vt . v I T. l'Hlr.1.
tiAHtor. sunday-sci ool at;30j I'leachlni?
at U a.m. arm up m.
. . a. u i IT nf ikl
lL '.i. li-n.i lint ui T 1K In IriM huftPinfll t lit
tliecliiicrli. Ali'areluvltedto attend these
v- 4Ua Vohmaka Soldiers Re-un
V,.l,r.iuka t ltV i an. 1 IU it
ihc M. P. Rv.. will sell round trip
l church nvemeveiy uCte;a Jan 11-12 and 13 good re
turning Jan'y 15 at l.iu. "
i ,
4 vA
.,..,i,uilh St 11,'tuen Main
'lad Pearl 'TeV. Cf. Brl.t. 1. P. Pastor
Srii.. , li A M..8 :00 P. M hunda. School
t :30 A m. Frayermeetl' g W ednesday even-
Inn. '
. i,.,..uvi, , . u l iirner Main and
Ninth. Kev. Wltte, pastor. Service usual
hours. Bunduy chool :30 A. M.
. m-r 1 11
civ convened in JNeoraeKa nan,
Lincoln, yesterday, with President
Tavlor iu the chair and about nity
delegates present. The exhibits
are verv fine. Iu the evening the
president appointed the following
committee to revise the premium
list and rules and regulations gov
ernimr the society: .Messrs. j
Younger, Geneva; h. F. Stephens,
Crete; C. H. Barnard, Table Rock;
r. E. Chapin, Lincoln, and . J.
Ilcsser. of this citv. In the eve
ning the president delivered hia an
nual address.
Judge Archer's Court.
Soennichsen & Schirk vs. Elam
Parmele. Suit on acconnt, con
tinned until January 10.
Toe Klein vs F. A. McKee. Suit
. .1 Aft T
on account, continueu until jan
uary 23,
The Nebraska Farmers Alliance
is in session at Lincoln this week
behind closed doora.
. "!Stt4 tfjjjjr
Bwkkdisw rojjnni'OATioNAL. (iraulte, be
tween Filth and Sixth.
C01.OHKD BAMiHT.-Mt. Olive, t'ak. between
Tenlli ami F.leventh. Hrv, A. HoHwell, pas
tor. Kptvt"e ll a. in. and 7 :30 p. in. l'rayer
nieetlnn Wednesday evenlm.
Iouno Men's Ciuu-tiav AoriATtnN
Koonisin v, atermau block, Main street, (los
pl meet IliK. t"t wen only, every Sunday af
ternoon at 4 o'clock. Koome open week days
Ironi b:J0 a. in., lomjup. in.
South Tark TAiiRiiNArLit. Kev. J. M.
Wsod, I antor. Services; Sunday School,
lot. m. : 1'reachinu. 11a. m. and 8 p. m. ;
f rayer ineetluK Tuesday nlnht ; clintr prac
Ice Friday iiIkIU. All are welcome.
Miles Nerve andlLlver Pills.
Act on a new principle regulat-
1ii lii7r. atmnrcli nnil liriuiAla
flll HIV ...... . - . . . u
, through the nervs. A new discovery,
v ; Dr. Miles' l'ills speedily cure biliou-
i StlCSS lal xaoir, iuiint iiyi-i, iiico
I i nnnIi;,viiiiin ITnenunled for tnen
i ' women,' children, smallest, midest
surest! doses, iic. Mimples
. free et F. G. IricRe & to e.
goodly quantities of "specialties."
The skit ia a fine sample ot its kiiiu
The songs are catchy and cleverly
:.,-,i.ii,ii Tiu nlav maae n ue-
eided hit yesterday, and wna wit
nesscd by crowded houses at oom
performances. Mol me Globe, inov
15, 18110.
Never has a company met with
such hearty applause in our city as
"McGinty'a Troubles" received last
night. It waa one continual roar of
laughter from rise until laii oi
curtain on each act, and the com-
nanv well merited it. Should
Mnhnra Brothers ever come to our
city again connected with an enter
tainment, we can guarantee tnem a
full house. New Princeton, Nov. 18.
Don't fail to see this company at
the Waterman to-morrow night,
A Turkish Bath.
All lovers of fine singing, excel
lent dancing and funny comedy
District court adjourted yester- should not fail to-, see "A Turkish
. .... . I r .. Wlrnnn nnera house. On
dnv until Fridav: court will be in
session Friday and Saturday.
There will be a meeting of the Y's
nt the Y. M. C. A. rooms to-morrow
at 4 p. m. All members are urged
to be present. By order of presi
Regular meeting of Gauntlet
Lodge No. 47, Knights of Pythias
to night. All members requested
to be preset as .business of import
ance is to be transacted.
The funeral of the late
Bath" at Waterman opera house, on
Mnnrlav evening next, ine uaics
- -w j - -
burg Herald says:
"While the singing is tne pnn
cipal part of the play, the whole
entertainment ia full of fun and no
one can sec it without laughing.
And we do not doubt that a return
engagement would be met with a
packed house.
vi -Kl
In the best grades of
415 Main Street,
Plattsmouth, Neb
oQA ACRES of Colora io land for Bale or trade for Plattsmouth real-Dj-J
estate or for merchandise of any kind. ThiB ia a bargain for
some one; the land is AI. For further particulars call on or address
THE HERALD, Plattsmouth, Neb.
The election of oflicera of the
First National Bank occured thia
afternoon too late for publication.
The cold spell has brought the
thermometer down. At Belgrade,
Montana, it registered 49 dcre-a
below, at Huron, S. D. 24 dej.f--e8
below. Fremont, 24 degrees below,
Pine Ridge Agency, S. D., 51 below,
Beatrice, 25 below.
Mrs. Angelicu Bailey, of th; Pre
clnt. at 10 o'clock Monday evening,
ine Iliuerui ui mc imic rrcu - . . . t, t
Ridall occurred this afternoon at the aged 75 yean, and 4 moutha. The fun
family residence. The cigarmakers' erai win tunc v. ...v .........
union, No. VJ70, ana tlie A. U. U. W
lodges turned cut, headed by the
Bohemian band. Rev. H. B
Burgess officiated.
The Sons of Veterans are making
big preparations for an oyster sup
per next Saturday night at their
hall in Fitzgerald's block. A good
nrorrranie is being nrranged which
I will appear in The IIekalp before
i Saturday evening.
residence four miles northwest of
this city on Friday afternoon nt 2
The remains of the late MrB.
Moldenhauer were laid at rest this
afternoon, Rev. W'itte of the
German Presbyterian church con
ducting the service. A large dele
cation of sympathizing friends fol
lowed the remains to their last
resting place.
Lint of Lettera
Remainingunclaiiiied in the post-
r.mcc nt Plattsmouth January li,
for the week ending January : :,'rll,,a",
Burnt. Fd lah r. (.;.
triio'jis ii
I.annl H.Matt
Mcss.'r-miil) Alanora
Marshall. Omar
Heiklu, Aney
itltcine, i.
Boliun, H
Boyd, ilames
Huul rli irli'T
rotn ice, Win
Poison O U
Pean, It F
Williams, Mrs l-ottle.
Tlnrunna I'M Hi HIT for nilY of the
a n. v r
above iwill please ask for "adver
tised" letters.
H.J. Streight, P. M.
Many old soldiers, who contracted
rlirnn c (liarriioen wnuc in iiic
,.,.,;.-. U:wf since been permanent
lw cured of it by Chaimbcrlain'B
"linlxra ami ili.irrhoea Rem
edy. For sale by F. G. rricke A Co
The Leading
n r', rvr.i ii , :r i
Constantly keepa on hand everythiax
you Deed to furuiah your house.
Firttsmout - Neb
For abstracts of title at reason
able rates, go to J. M. Lcyda, Uninu
5 V '