I i i -3 f The Plattsmouth tali KNOTTS BHOS, Publishers Published every Thursday, and dully eveiy nenln except Sunday. Registered M l'ie Flattsmouili, Neb. h)t rtTtcefor transmission tlirtimrh t.h U. S. ma.la At iecond class rt - Office corner Vine and Fifth streets telephone M, TKIOIrt KOK WKK.KI.Y, hie copy, one ye ir, li. .niee It wi hie Copy, one yi'nr, ti"' n.u lv :i e .. . ami ie copy si imm'tif. ii. i f1' ... T Jlirt C"pv, Ihr ii iiiM- " ii 'ui',- . TKHMH I'uK DAII.l hie np 'Hie ;l In I'lv 1 '' hie CclpV per .'ek. by -: ... i' hie copy, i r ni'itl' .... . M' THURSDAY, JANUARY 7. 1 8! W CONGRESSMtN AT-LARGE The states that tfiiin reprenenta tiveH in congress under the new apportionment will do well to elect them nt liirri instead of hastening to make Hpecial districts for them. Hetter inenare likely to he cliosen where there is a whole Htate to delect from, as experience has shown in repeated instances; and they have peculiar chances of use fulness by reason of tlieir lare constituencies. It would not be a bad plan, in fact, to have a portion of the congressmen of each state elected in that way at all times. Ac the matter is now arranged, there is more or lesscmllict be tween the dilferent members from the same state on account of strictly local interests. Nobody is authorized to speak for the state as a whole in the house, but several individuals speak for separate fac tions of it, and do not often look beyond the limits of their respec tive districts. Thus the service necessarily loses some of its dignity and value, and questions of general value to the state do not always re ceive the ritfht sort of attention. Kach member takes care of his par ticular locality, while the Htate in its entirety is not adequately rep resented. If each state would elect one or more of its allotted number of members on a general ticket the result could not fail to bebenelicial in several respects. There is no constitutional neces sity for the election of congressmen by districts. They are apportioned to the states as states, and may be elected according to such methods as the states prefer. The constitu tion says nothing about districts, and they were unknown lor a long time after the formation of the gov ernment. It is not required that a congressman shall live in the dis trict by which he is chosen, but only that he shall be "an inhabi tant of the state." The district sys tem has certain advantages that we can not alTord to dispense with; but it is possible to improve the present order of servieeby provi ding for the election of a given number of congressmen as servants f the state as large. Men chosen in that manner would have an ex ceptional standing and their iiillu ence would be forcible in the adjustment of issues affecting the highest interests of the states, which are now so frequently neg lected. When Gen. Logan was a congressinan-at-large from Illinois he did almost as much for his state as lie accomplished at a later time in the capacity of a senator; and there have been other cases of the same kind. It is not to be doubted that such an arrangement would tend to raise the standard of con gressional qualification, as well as to promote legislation of a wise and worthy sort. The state needs to be represented as a state in the house. There are obvious reasons why the district plan can not be expected to yield all that is desir able. It is all right as far as it goes, but it stops short of doing a perfect work, and its defects can probably best be remedied by a re sort to the expedient of selecting a part of the delegation by the votes of the people of the whole state. -Globe-Democrat. STUDENTS AS RESPONSIBLE BEINGS. In discussiug certain evil pre vailing among the students at Har vard University it should not be forgotten that the president and faculty of the college have certain very well defined views as to the re lations existing between the institu- . tiou and the students. It is a bad thing for stundeuts to drink too much or to maintain bar rooms in their clubs, but if the Har vard authorities are right in insist ing that they are to have no control over their students except to see to it that they do a certain amount of iutelleclual work before securing their degrees, they must interfere with the habits of the students only to the extent of suppressing public scandals. In a word, the Harvard Mon it that tli Hitu1rni( are men, and tniixt lc uiii-liol only by the con8euenre of tlieir olTenHes, as tln-y will lo whi'ii they p t into the world. If psiri'titrt want their Iioj h tinder morsil Hurveilhuiie they must Bend thrin to Home other find smaller college than that at Cambridge Ne.v York Worhl. Tin; Had downfall of Daniel S. Soper, I lie detnoeratic secretary of Htite ol Michigan lum had for more thai; thirty jrnrs, nhniild he a Hiillit lent warning to the voter of all oilier nateH. Soper has always Ween a di'iiioerat. hinee he became Heart li j oi Ht.ite he Ii;m lived a faV, i,. ' ,n l is "hhort" in his nc Cnu i:.-, i usually the cane with all li.i i. if of his party who can re.n ii puuiie funds. KAi.ir.K iV'iUiKi.M is caid to be coiiieiupi.iiiu a visit to America. I le . i oiid postpone his visit until ilex, , i a. .Hid take in the Worid -i e' o' ii he isanxious to see 1'iaii v knocked out. The Colum bia. i i .xjiositioit will tlcow tie I .i 1 1 - Kx,M)-hi i.i completely in the slia l , .nid, unless U'illielui has cii.i g - I ids moid, thai ought to be a plea-uie lor him.- -lnteiOeean. l. li. Fricke A Co., Druggists A Pharmacists, Union Mlock, l'latts iiHiuili, .Net), desire to inform the I ubiic, that i hey are agents, for t ie iiM.-t successful preparation tloit.iius e heen produced for coughs, colds and croup. It will Ioommi and releave a severe cold in less time than any other treatment. The article referred loo is Cliamer-laui'-( 'augh rcnicby. It is u medi cine that has won fame and popular ity on it's merits and one that can always be depended upon. It is the only known remedy that will prevent croup. It must be tried to be oppreciated. It is put lip in at) cent and $1 bottles. Holgli' of Cruelty Nervous women seldom recive the sympathy they deserve. While otteu the pictures ot health, they are constantly ailing. To with hold sympathy from these un fortuntes is the height of cruelty. Theyhivea week hearth, causing shorlneess of breath, fluttering, pain in side, week and hungry swells, and finally swelling of ankles, sppression, choking, smoth ering and drop.-y. Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure is just the thing for them. For their nervousness, head ache, weekness, etc., his Restorative Nervine is uneqtinled. Fine treatise on" Heart and Xervous Diseases" and marvelous testimonials free. Sold and fuaranteed by. F. G. Fricke & Co. Travelers may learn a lesson from MrC. 1). Cone, a prominent sttorney of Parker Dakota, who says: "I never leave home without taking a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic Chol era and diarrhea Remedy with me and on many occasions have ran with it to the relief of some sufferer and have never knywn it to fail. For sale by F. (i. Fricke A Co. drug gists. Tight Luring Onre More. It is a trito but correct remark that, bh the hiniian form liiw been molded by nature, the best shape is undoubtedly that which sho has given it. To cudeav or to render it more elegant by artificial moans is to chuiuro it; to make it much smaller below and much larger above is to destroy its beauty; to keep it cased up in a kind of domestic cuirass is not only to deform it, but to expose thu in ternal parts to serious injury. Under such compression us is commonly prac ticed by ladies, the development of the bones, which nro utill tender, does not take place vonformably to the intention of nature, bocauso nutrition is necessa rily stopped, and they consequently be como twisted and deformed. Those who wear these appliances ot tight lacing often complain that they cannot sit upright without them are sometimes, indeed, compelled to weai them during all the twenty-four hours; a fact which proves to what an extent such articles weaken tho muscles of thu trunk. The injury does not fall merely on tho internal structure of tho body, but also on its beauty and on tho temper nnd feelings with which that beauty is associated. Deauty is in reality but an other namo for expression of counte nance, which is the index of Round health, intelligence, good feelings and pence of mind. All are aware that un easy feelings, existing habitually in the breast, sjH'odily exhibit tlieir signature on the countenance, and that bitter thoughts oi A bad temper spoil the human expression of its comeliness and graco. New York Ledger. A Negro Servant's Wit. A copy of the Salem (Mass.) Gazette of Aug. 13, 1783, contains the following anecdote. A gentleman in tho state of Connecti cut regularly attended public worship on tho Lord's day with nil his family; on tho Sunday evening ho always cate chised his children and servants on tho principles of relhjion, and what they heard tho minister deliver from tho pul pit. He had a negro man who never could remember a note of tho sermon, though otherwiso smart At lust his master peremptorily told him lio would on Mon day morning tio him up and flog him. Next Sunday evening, when interro gated, he had forgotten all. On Mon day morning his master executes his threat so far as to tie him up. Tho fellow then cried out, "Oh, mas ter, sparo mo, for 1 remember something the minister said." "What is it?" said the master. The fellow replied, "This much may suffice at this time." The master was so pleased with his wit that ho forgave him. INVESTING MONEY. VALUABLE OPINIONS ON THE BEST WAY TO INVEST $100. Varying Iileaa of Well Known Capitalist. Saving; Flanks and Building and Loaa Association Htroiu mended a the Saf est Dace to Keep Money. Hundreds of thousands of thrifty young men and women throughout the 'United States, who are ambit iiinti in bp. cure a competency for their old age, are lit a loss to know how to invest their small savings to advantage. There is Scarcely a successful business man in Nw York who does not receive in hia mail every morning requests for informa tion as to tho best way to invest small sums of money. I With a view of obtaining some opin ions on the subject a reporter called a lew days ago upon somo of the most prominent and successful business men if the country, uoted for their shrewd Investments, and asked them to give llieir opinions of the best way to invest (100. l" Mr. Henry Clows, -who has earned a Vputation for his sound judgment in all matters relating to investments, said; 1 'The best investment for f 100 is to place it in a good savings bank and make the foundation to build upon by frequent additions to it. When tho amount gets largo enough the first acquisition of proi erty should buy a homestead, and when that is accomplished it will give such comfort and eaee of mind to the owner and his family as to make life worth the living, I 'When a man is known to own his house it gives him a status in tho com munity greater than anything else. It lilso gives liim an established credit which, when obtained, if judiciously and conservatively used, wdl mako it much easier to acquire this world's goods. , "The best citizens are those who own in fee their homes and their contents, for St develops qualities in a man's nature that otherwise may remain dormant or hidden like a light under a bushel. ( "Among these qualities are pride of position, which will keep u man respect able; tho love of country, which will make him a patriot, and almost more than anything else contribute to make him, not only respected by his neighbors and friends, but also a good and faithful husband and a loving parent." A "GILT EIK1KD BOND," SAYS Pit. DF.I'EW. Dr. Chauncey M. Depew advised that the $100 should be made grow to $1,000 before being invested in any enterprise. "Put it in the savings bank," said the doctor, "where it can draw compound Interest, and add to it as you can until it becomes a thousand. Then consult some wise, conservative banker and in vest it in a gilt edged bond which can be registered. There is no investment for $100 except to put it into a savings bank that is absolutely safe. The chances are that if he went to inquire ho would meet speculative gentlemen who would land his $100 in some mining or other similar scheme which promised large returns, and that would bo the end of it" Mr. Erastus Wiman is of the opinion that "the best way to invest $100 is to buy a share in some well managed Jocp.1 building and loan association. These associations represent the aggregate sav ings of tlieir members, and the money is invested only in houses built by one of their own number. Tho investment is therefore a very safe ono, bocauso men will pay for tlieir homes and the interest duo thereon sooner than they would pay for anything else. Tho money can be withdrawn, if need bo, while it rests with tho society, and it pays as good an interest as any other safe enterprise can nfford. Compared with the savings bank it yields about twice the interest, while the security is generally just as good. - "Of ccmrso all depends upon manage ment, tint taken as a whole 'the money of poor peoplo put into building loan as sociations has been moro honestly ad ministered by the poor peoplo themselves than has been any other financial trust in tho country. In proportion to tho enormous amount invested, which now reaches over $700,000.000 reaching that of the capital of all tho national banks the amount of defalcations has been in finitesimal. "Tho rate of interest paid has been larger, the purposo accomplished nobler, and the security just as safe as that of tho average railroad, bank, mortgage or insurance investment. 1 put $100 away every month in a building and loan as sociation, conscious that it is the very safest and best investment that I can mako. By it 1 am enabled to insure my life for $30,001). ami 1 am all the timo ac cumulating, 'not only the principal, but interest, which thus far has averaged 10 per cent ! "uncle" rufus hatch's views. 'Uncle" Rufus Hatch, who has lost over $1,000,000 in Wall street, does not recommend any "high flying" in vestment His advice for putting out $100 was to "go slow," and ho added: "If you can find a solvent savings bank, put the $100 there, and be satisfied with 8 or 4 per cent, interest It would seem, however, from disclosures that national banks nnd savings banks and all other banks are more or less open to criticism. Tho vast majority of the public do not know how to take care of their savings and are easily induced to put them wherever they are promised a big per cent, interest. i "However all this may be." and "Un do" Rufus Hatch looked very serious, "under any and all events, keep out of Wall street. Teach the public to shun its precincts. It is simply suicide for a man to go into Wall street with $100. If ho had $100,000,000 that might do. My advice to thrifty persons is to keep the $100 saved and keep adding to it until it has accumulated to a reasonable amount. Then buy an annuity for lifoorn paid up lifo insurance for your wife and chil dren." New Yoik World. About 13,3;!.'i.(K)0.0o0 matches nromndu in England every year, equal to about 11,000 tons of wood. The estimated pro duction of matches per year throughout tho globe is given at 1 joiooo.ooo.OOO. Startling Facts. The American people are rapidly becoming a rase of nervous wrecks and the followtng suggests. th best remedy: ulphouso llumpfling, of Hutler, l'enn, swears that when his son was spechless from st. Vitus Dance Dr Miles great Restorative Nerving cured him. Mrs. J. L. Miller of Valprai and. J. D. Taolnr, of Ix)gansport, Ind each gained JO pounds if an taking it. Mrs. II. A. Gardner, of Vastulr Ind, was cured of 40 to 50 convulsions easy and much aeadach, tlizzness, bockach and nervous prostiation by one bottle. Trial bottle and fine boek of Nervous cures free at F. G. Fricke, k Co., who rccoiuends this unequsiled rwnedy. 4 As well as the handsomest and others are invited to call on any druggist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Ilasain for the Throat andLungs, a remedy that is selling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to relieve and cure all chronic and acute coughs, asthma bronchitis and consumption. Large bottles 50c and $1. Pronounced Hopeless, Yet Saved. From a letter written by Mrs. Ada K. Ilurd of Groton, S. I)., we quote: "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on iny lungs, cough set in and finally terminated in consump tion. Four doctors gave me up say ing I could live but a tdiort time. I gave myself up to my Saviour, de termined if I could 'not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My hus band was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption coughs and colds. I gave it a trial took in all eilil bottles'; it hascured me and thank God I am now a well anl hearty woman." Trial bottles free at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s drug store, regular size, .TOc. and Sfl.OU. Some Foolish People allow a couyh to run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine. They say, "Oh, it will wear away," but in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the succesful Kemp's Halsam, which is sold on a positive guar antee to cure, they would see the excellent 1 ITect after taking the first does. Price 50 c and $1. Trail size free. At all druggists. A Mystery Explained. The papers contain frequent no tices of rich, pretty and educated girls eloping with negroes, tramps and coachmen. The well-known specialist, Dr. Franklin Miles, says all such girls are more or less hys terical, nervous, very impulsive, un balanced; usually subject to nead ache, neuralgia, sleeplessness, im moderate crying or laughing. These show a weak, nervous system for which there is 110 remedy equal to Restorative Nervine. Trial bottles and a fine book, containing many marvelous cures, free at F. G.Fricks & Co's., who also sell and guarantee Dr. Miles' celebrated New Heart Cure, the finest of heart tonics.Cures flutteringshort breath, etc. Cood Looks, Good looks are more than skia deep, deqeuding upon a healthj condition of all the vital organ If the Liver be inactive' you liarr a Hilious Look, if your stoniaci be atfeeted you have a Dyspeptic Look and if hour Kidneys be effected yov will have a Pinched Look. 8 curs good health and you will have good looks, Klectric Hitters is the great alterctive and Tonic act directly on those vital organs Cures 1'imples, Hlotches, lioilaantl gives a good complexion. Sold si F. G. Fricke A Co's Drugstore, 50c per bottle: I used lily's Cream Halm for dry catarrh. It proved a cure. Ii. F. M. Weeks, Denver. Ely's Cream Halm is especially adapted as a remeby for catarrh which is aggravated by alkaline dust and dry winds. W. A. Hover, Druggist, Denver. lean recommend Ely'sCream Hal to all sufferers from dry catarrh from personal experience. -Michael Herr, Pharmacist, Denver. lily's Cream Halm has cured many cases of catarrh. It is in con slant demand. -Geo. W. Hoot Pharmacist, Cheyenne, Wy. Are you made miserable by indi gestion, constipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, yellow skin? Shi loh's Vital izer is a positive cure. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. MORTGAGE SALE. The Edtire Stock of GROCERIES, FLOUR AND QUEENSWAHE B iloi ping 0 A. Iiack will le fold regardless of cost to sat isfy inor toageeb PHILLIP KRAUS FOR MORTGAGES 11 mtirit i ."f" HAVE flSTHHAF YOU SCHIFFMANN'S Asthma Cur I Naf hilfl tri riv iniitiint ri''f in thn wnrflt , tntl etfa'la rurr n.i,.t vlhrra CitU. THal rtitvt t'ltr.K Dr.tft.u k; lill, lAIrm PR. R. SnniPKMANN. t hl. Um: OUH CLUUIMU LIST, Hume MuKH.n.e uml .UK ALU fl loiMlo 1U..I. ami !lKK'II. 2 4 Hariier's MaKz'n mnl IIkhald 4 6 ll.irprr's Ha.;.riuit Hf.m u ... 48 Ihiipt r'i Weekly and "KltAi.n 4 C limit State lii-glster anil lie KALI) 2 0 W estern Hural and I1kkau 2 8 I he torum mid II kk Ai.n 6 W Uloue lt iiiwnit mid Ukkalo 2 1' Uitt-r Oreau anil HhliAI.B 2$ B of : m c vjrv Cor Main and Fifth street. Paid up capital nm Surplus.... i OFFICERS 0. H. Panii le President pril U.,ii-r Vice rie.snl.tiit J. M. Patterson 'aslieti T. M. I'iitliTMirt, A ( a-lilei DIRECTORS 0. It. Pa'n e'.r. .!. M. Puttersoii, Fred (.order 4, )!. Sn'ltn V H. Wlndhnm, H. H.Kainey hpi C. M.Pllttelniii 1 QESEuYL BANX1NC BU8ISE8f TRAN3ATED Accounts solli' ted. (2'erest allowed on ttnu teri'isitu and irtmit Bitent.niniriven tn all bun luess entrusted to us c;ire. PrkIUiN- IIOIJSK. 217. 2111, 21 and 223 Main St., Plattsmouth Nebraska n. EONS. Propriety. lhe Perkins has been tlionmulih renovated from top tc ivott.iu, mi;' oow 'liio of the lwnt hotcU in tin: hMi 3otiiliT3 will !)' tiikp liy thi- wn k a' $4.50 'nul up. 5003 BAR CONNECTED fKS A BrB"ESSBtn!mEcURED r1 LA fi'B b 1'icl'i lnt.til lalmUr r I'u.b h1M'UJU Ioim. .,.,,., i fri-. mfullirellrmfirifll. SnMbyK. Ilium, onlv, TPCC r . 'A' PARKER'S MA'I? Ftfil CAM .1 i,';;: CtcaHHi tad Immifiri ih hair. L f '5 ''n",l"i' a luii.jimit rronih. (,'-. Y7 v.fe-.? Mover Polls to Ro V"j.! Hair to id Youtl V" : i! Cure flip il.MSM-a A ' 1 .W. H I 14.1t I " - Ii r II A ii t. Mover Pulls to Br.(ure Grty A lunr In. I -i Im-I'1,! , I'MtifctHiuTi, i'mn.lalu'iii time. 00 tU un cnrp fur (Y.mi. S.iyl tt Jjc HI lulliyiltl, or UlhCOX CO., M. V. G K A T K U Ir-COM FOKTI X G ocoa Li HRKAKFAST "I!ya thornu.'li knowledire of the natural laws which govern the operations of dmestlim nnd nutrition, and hv a eareful u licalion of the fine proper! inn 01 well selected Cocoa. Mr. Kpps has provided our lireakfast table with a dellca'ely flnvorc d lieverauo which mny d'lve us many heavy doctor' bills. It is bv.the judic ious use of cucli articles of diet tin t a con nit ut Ion may be gradually built up until stioni; enoimh to resist everv tendency to disease Hundreds of subll" dailies are lloatin)! around us readv to atfacK wherever here in a week point, vie may escape many 11 fatal shaft bv kecpli'irouiHtdves well forrilled with (Hire bloo ' and a properly nourished frame." Civil Service (iazette. Vadosl simply with boiliiiK water or milk, Stjd only In half-peiuul tins, bv LTocerles labelled thnr: JAMKs EPPS & DO., Ilomii'Oiiatlllc Chemist Loudon. England How Lost! How Regained! KHOV THYSELF. Or hKLF-PItESr.H VATTON. A new and only Wold Medal I'lUZK KrtS. Y on NKIIVOHS tod rilYMCAL DHUL1TY, EKKOKS of YOI'TH, KXTTA!KTK1 VITALITY, PRE. HIATI Iil. il( LINK, nnd all IHSKASKS and WKAKNKSKK9 of MAN. 800 page, cloth, pilt; l'5 Invaluable prescription. Only fi.uo by mnil, double aenied. Inscriptive l'rosjiect na with endoraementa t"rrt-1 crun of the Presa and voluntary FKR I .:V,Y tcstlmonlala of tho curetL IIIULI NOW, t'onaultatlftn In person or by mall. Exiiert treat ment. IN VlOLAIII.i: HKCHIX'Y and CEU TAIV TKI- Addre.i Dr. W. H. J'firker. or The Peabody Medical Inatltuto, No. 4 Buillnch St., Bunion, Mum. Tbe Pealsxiy Medlcnl Inititute baa many Imi tators, but no equal. Ih ruM. Tho Science of Life, or Self Preservation, la a treasure mure valuable Irian (nild. Head it nuw, every WKAK and NKKVOI X man, and b arn 10 lie STUOMi . Mtdical Iteciew. (Copyrighted J Chichchtfu'S Pwlish. Epos V, I t.,1THt5!"Q"'' L "? c'"ui"t. TIoBlrfV,ur.ndret(Mremfwia, W '' k ll'.i.-.-,.l f"r i.("li frnclt.t Bim.md H,a.i in K-rl n.l l..,tAlil V 4, It1 -T i'l plt tK lKici, (i!:i wri - .H.a - Mexican Mustang Liniment. A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A long-tested pain relierer. ;' Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, nc Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effee've liniment. v N'o other application comparci with it in efficacy ' This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. No medicine chest it complete without a bot' f Mustang . Liniment. Occasions arise for its use almost every day All druggists and dealers have it ' )fi STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. Patronage of the Public Soliciteot North Sixth Street, Plattsmoutl. F IRST : NATIONAL : BANK OP PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA fald up capital J.vi.ono.00 Surplus lo.ooo.lie r the very best facilities for the promp1 transaction of liitiinate Hiiiikin Business rftocka.bondit, (fold. Kovernment and local ae urliies bought i nd sold. Deposits received .nd interest allowed on the certificate (rafts drawn, available in any part or the lilted Mates and all the principal towns Of urope. IO1.LKCTI0.NS MADB AMD I'HOMITLV KKMIT TKI. -tiKhest market price paid for County War rants. State mi County bouda. DIUECTOUS John FitZKrald D. Hawksworttl Ham WaiiKh. V. K. White (teorire E. Dovey fohu Klt2Krald. H. Wauijh, President Car ' 'er, TEW HARDWARE STORE J S. K. HALL & SON Keep all kinds of builder hardware on hand aim win guppiy coniractors on most lav orable terms : TI2KT ROOFING Hpoutlnif and all kinds of tin work promptly done. Orders troin the onuutry Solicited, 616 Pearl 8t. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. T HK CI'HZKNS RANK. PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA Japltal stock paid in 85" 0 0 Authorized Capital, $100,000. OFOTCKK8 KANK OAKKUTH. JOS. A. CONNOK, President. VlcePres.leu W. H. (lUSHINQ. Cchler. OI11B0TOKR rfrank Oarruth J. A. Connor, F. K. Outtimann i f. W. Johr.aon, Henry Mceck, John O'Keefe W. n. Merriam, Win. Wetencamp, W. H. CnsliliiK. mmi',k GENERAL BANKING BDSiNES . ( asues certificates i t dei n-its bearlnn intereet Huvs and selU excliaiiKe. county and city .tin it s. C. MAYES COUNTY - SUKVEYOtt AND CIVIL ENGINEER All orders left with the county clerk will bo promptly attended to. j OFFICE IX COUKT HOUSE, f Plattsmouth, Nebraska Rfo Cross Diamond Brand njiwr. dunarrou rnunLrt. Itau k. imt.-iMti. or mtmA rtm i, .mi -rt"M4-t ir i.u-rit'," tn 'rurt, rt- r-rm MmIL HICKtrtrt CHf.fi.C"L Co.. 'i rtvumrj. 1 "57