Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, January 07, 1892, Image 2

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    THF insurrection in Mexico is
CTOwin" iivrv alaru.intr every .lay.
notwithM.l.ulin-l'resi.l. ntlHa.ha
, ,i .-...mi. v 1.. II. r LMiveni- ,
incut than it e.-r la1 liefore.
x uiii'pnrtinu: 1 "nice in j
lier innil.h with Unltraria, '"it as j
all the other nation of I'.nro; e are ;
njraiiist lYam-e. it is tliotij-ht "he1
will not jm-rtnllii ihiue to a point'
of. war. I
SrEAKIK I KISI-Vs friends have
taken the trouble to utate that he is
ardently in favor of free silver, thus
informing the country that he is as
wronjr tl,e money question as he
is on the tarilT.
Till: pi inters of the south have
concluded to stow Houiethintf be
sides cotton next year as the growth
of last year and this him overstocked
the market ami there ceeinw to be
but little demand lor cotton.
Nl'AKl.Y Ifl.oUVXKI in (fold arrived
in this country from Kurope last
week, but the country has become
po ar-custoim d to thin tiling "l the
past two or three months and the
fupdIv of inonev 1 1 ore i h (.-Teat
that no notice is talicn of thi
arrivals now.
Cor.. lidllKKT (1. lN;i:WSOI.I. iscoil
Htantly robbiiijf the (lower garden
of faith for poesies with which to
decorate the doctrine of infidelity.
He s-ii1 the fdllowin.'f tel.".',r i:ii to
Wait Whitiiia.i, the dyine; poet, on
Christmas I)a :
After the day the iii.;h:, and after
nijfht the dawn. Yotu.-', with words
of love and hope.
It. (i. 1m.i:ksih.i
W hat "dawn" does Col. Injforsoll
refer to? The doctrine which he
has been preaching for twenty
years warrants no belief in any
dawn after the nijfht of dea'h. And
the expression "Your-., with words
of love a nd hope," is, so far as hope is
concerned, clearly beyond the limit
fo Col. Inoersoll's leachim;. Hope
belongs to the Christ mn, and the
infidel haw no right whatever to in
dulge in it. It is one of the words
not hmltided in the dictionary of in
fidelity. (i lube Democrat.
What the country has to say to
these men is simply the direction
spoken of old to Judas, "That thou
doest, do quickly." Let not long
debate and uncertainty prostrate
business throng hunt, the laud.
The prospects of trade and indus
try are now exceptionally bright.
A long contest about the silver
.pieslion would almost inevitably
shake confidence and arrest busi
ness. Play the political game
ouicklv if il must he tdayed. Make
the harm to business as brief and
little as possible. Send the bill o
the senate in a single day; what is
the use of congressional debate
about it? The senate ought to be
able to uct, on a question exhaust
ively discussed last year and then
decided, without delay or talk. If
the bll goes to the president at all
he will not take weeks or even days
to make up his mind what to do,
congress may be sure. The repub
lican party is exceedingly willing
to meet this issue before the people.
All it has to ask is that the indus
tries and trade of the country shall
be harmed as little as possible
while the question is pending in
congress. the democrats
' will see how wise they have been.
New York Tribune.
Secretary Dlaitie has once more
demonstrated his astuteness of
diplomacy. The French want a
nevr commercial treaty. As they
nave no beet sugar to sell, mid
their exports of teas, colfees and
other articles covered by the reci
procity clause of the McKinley bill
are infinitesimal, that portion of the
measure furnishes no adequate
basis for a new treaty. When the
French government forced through
the senate of France the removal of
the embargo on American pork it
was understood that the United
States would not be satisfied with it
because the duty of more than two
and one-half cents per pound was
almost prohibitory. The statement
then made was that when the
restrictions were once formally re
moved by the concurrent action of
the chamber of deputies and the
senate the government would ap
ply itself toward securing a reduc
tion of the duty. France desires to
get her wines, silks and other
products into the United States on
more favorable terms than her
rivals can. To do this she is willing
to reduce the duty on American
cereals, breadstuffs and meat
products. The egricultural prod
ucts in France have hitherto op
posed any reduction in the duty of
agricultural imports into that
country. Hut the' fanners of
France are now much concerned to
enlarge the market for their wines
and kindred exports to the United
States. . So that it believed that as
a matter of domestic policy the
French Koverniiieiit will he nt-lc to I
receive mii-port for the treaty
which i- miner
The new tuiif in Iraiue is
modeled -omewhat after the Mr
Kinley liieanui.', having one
ui'li.-rli.!,- for tliorie nations villiiiir
toeater i Mo n ri)roeal relations or
rant concessions, ami a higher
..e ,;r t:.', e who will not. French ,
...I . :i:v evidently inclined to
;.;;;:"a!:' l!u' -vame principle of
i i'.ti in i of which ill, line v. ii.'i the
. . . i . .. '
originator ami mrei iiimri . -i h
resentative of the French jfoveru
ment is now in this country to com
plete the treaty. Lincoln News.
r mil Mil Hid ys Daily.
Judjjv Ramsey and M. U. Murphy
are on the sick list to-day.
Mi-s Mollie Vallery returned to
her in Murray this inoiiiiiig.
!'. K', Ciilhnian anil Mis-i Minnie,
spent .New Year's in Omaha.
I-'i'i d Murphy and wife, of
Creek. :-'pent New Veal's in the city.
1). A. Campbell and wife were in
tlx-city jc.-lerday veiling frie.ids.
' ears
1 b.we. ot ( liiiali i. i- pent .New
with the family of K. W.
I I el s.
M 1.-..S , lelih.l I lor tc ! erne
I hi si dill ie.-i at l' liioil
morn i ng.
Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. V. e .
ill, of
II. t .
Ashland, were the utlests (it
1 1.. i kney nd u ifc ) eslenl.iv .
C. 1!. Hackney and wife, of ,.-h-laml,
spent N-.v Years v.idi their
son ! i. ('. i local., y, of i c h'.l y,
Mr. and Ml l-'r-mk Dickson iv
tm o' l i i: ! ev'iii l'f fr.n'i a m ( ks
visit with Mr. Dick 'oil's brother r,
Maxwell. Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. I". C. (loll, who have
been isitiug in the eastern pari, of
Iowa, for the past month returned
home yesterpay.
Geo. K. Chatbiirn and wile after
-pending New Years with the fami
ly of M. H, Murphy, left for iheir
home in Wyinorc tliis morning.
John Kennie severs his connec
tion with the grocery firm of Den
ned A; Tutt and will leave to-morrow
row for Minnesota to enter the
employ of his uncle.
l andlord I laekliey . d id himself
proud yesterday and served the
ho'if dinner that has been served
al that hostlery. The citizens
aj precialed his el'orls ,y turning
out wiih their families.
Mr. A. II. Dray received the sad
intelligence this moni'iig that his
mother, aged 7 years, was lying at
the point of death at her home in
Auburn, Neb. Mr. Dray Jetton the
Missouri Pacific for her bedside.
The lli;,hit Kailnay In la.iope.
Tho o euiii,!; of a new Alpiiiit railway
tin? K'.thhornbahn is an
nounced. It is the highest railway in
the. Alps and commands magnificent
views. It is 2,!i."d meters (7,s;!(i feet)
lii'h at tho Hiumiiit luvel, and tireimds
l,(iS2 meters (l.tllK) feet), or sixty-seven
meters (IJ feet) higher than tho PilaUis
railway. The journey occupies uu hour
atid a half. Tho gango ii 0.8 meter.
The lino is a pure rack and pinion rail
way on tho Ah system, and is nimilar
in construction to the Monte Oencroso
Tho steeliest gradient is one in four
that is, less than tho maximum riluttu.
ascent. Tho railway has been built in a
remarkably nhort space of time; it was
bctfiin so recently as tho 1st of Octolier,
istid. No fewer than ten tunnels were
bored; numerous streamlets were
bridged and heavy Btoiio dams had to
bo erected. Iron.
Win Hint; Against Anl Ipj rln.
Let nio Bay BoinetUiicf about tho indis
criminate nso of nntipyrine. I think it
in villainous. Its use should ho restricted
like laudanum nnd morphine, and used
only upon n physician's prescription. Peo
ple use it carelessly, not knowing that
it is a heart depressant and cumulative
in its action. Many persons come to mo
and say that they have been using ten
grains every threo or four hours, and
without any idea of tlio harm it does. I
camo across two or three deaths last year
directly duo to its use. Too much cannot
lie said about the dancer from its indis
criminate use. Interview in Philadel
phia Press.
Miiiiiinii't Dlarle.
Little Girl The teacher says I must
get a diary, and write in it all i do every
day. Will you buy mo one, mamma?
Mamma There are plenty of them up
stairs in the lower bureau drawer fif
teen or twenty, I think.
Little (lirl But isn't those ones writ
ten in?
Mamma Only the first pages of each.
Good News.
At llrnre nn a Stump Orator.
A rooster was put on the block at Ilan
ford the other day und his head was cut
off, but when the plucker reached for
hiin tho ambitious fowl had walked off.
The head was completely severed save a
small portion of the base of tho skull,
but the bird could still hear and feel and
even cry out Ho lived for sixteen hours
in that condition. San Francisco Call.
A New rreclon Stone.
A hitherto unknown stono has been
found in the mining district of Cando
liiria, in Nevada. It is of a dark green
color and takes on a very hih polish, j
and is classed by tlio state geologist as I
"sariseite." Several beautiful ornaments
have been produced from it, but so far!
it has not been found in anv consider.1
able ouantitv. ltetail .W-oi.
A Woman' Statement.
Tlier it into an argument about the !
money muriu by iieotile who earn, their
living mi tlio Htasre. Of cunw they dif-
fen-fl. people can't unfit RatKiM'torily '
null's.-, they do ii(Tt;r lut here in the
Olilllloil of ii woman WUO WlW once 01)
the considered lM)tml:ir
w!i' v.'.w defer einii.','li in Ixt work to
(M iipph; us an.l praise, who presnni-
alilv en rii.-. 1 more than the average ue
tress, ami yet wlio is content with her
present life'
When 1 take out the money paid for
gowns which were useless except on the
st ie. when I make ullowanco for trav
ehnj' expenses, hotel hills, weeks in
which few performers earn anythinj:
when I take into uceount ennii;;ement
, . , , , n " ,
which could not for many reasons he
sat I.-factory to me; when 1 foot up the
alaries which sometimes in my earlv
work I never received, and when I esti-
mate the thousand and one little ex-
penses which were then necessary, 1 con-
nidei- that fur Heveral venrs nf inv lifo 1
earned practically nothing but a living
. , I. ,i . . ".
and I worked very hard, yon must mi
deivtand When 1 not married 1 left
the stn;;i;. Now it isn't necessary to ted
you what my salary v::s or what my t
husband's salary now is, hut his ear.;
iir;s are lers than iiiuirt worn. Hut v.n
two hvo iiiacii Int. or on his sm. diir
salary than I ulou.i could live i n lay
Jiiggcr salary. We have a pretty limit.?
and ail we iief. to he li.c..jiy V.'e
save a lit tk' moi.ey too. t'o I Mipj.eo
this is n fair anrvver fis to what
makes on La- s:.i..e. There tile a .'..Teat
s:.i.,o. There an; a ..i
iM.mees to U) consider.
many circm
-New YoiH
Ten A in l.nm 11! i nte r'i.
Captain Am!' r-.m riseu.-.i the eietf
a Dutch schooner from a wild part of the
island of l-'oniH i-.ii. alter tirm iiwii
of tin.' lUitV' s !i:i return is thus do
icriiie.l m "A C: n- in an 'pinm dia
per:" "(Jar way took n.i in siii;;!,- I, la
lln-.iti'.;h a ii rr.iw, and ih I eiilei. I
it at t'i I: ,d uf my in .! f'.r a .-'. o:i 1
my heart almost cea-od to h:,t at tli !
(startling si;;ht that v t my :;:.
"Tiio pa.s.- wns lined on both sides wii'i
(croc. otis i)nl;':i'; unlives nr n- wu i
pole axes, spears, hn,'o knie, and many
other death dealing instrimieuts.
"Although 1 was taken Hat aback by
tho sojht K.nne instinct carried fur
ward sword in hand, x!.ing to t!iori;J t
and left with n cool, ittartie,' eye. v h i ! i
seemed to curb tho revengeful spirit of
the natives.
"On arriving at tho other end of th
defile I stopped, turned round, saw all tiiu
men safely through, und then told them
in unmistakable Englidi to make a clean
pair of heels for the ship, while I brought
tip the rear at a sharp puce ns soca as I
had got a little way from the entrance of
the pas, so Unit tin natives niiyht tmt
see ns ia too great u hurry.
"How they let ns thi'ira-h whhotit
touching a hidr of our heads or on.'o
inalfiii' a motion toward us!S my
coiiipi'i heuMon."
I.'ttri That Never C'H'nr.
Thoy t. !1 a funny t;tory of impu who
rented a box in th(.'postoilicea.-hilea"o
lie appears to tnivo been new to
I.U.iil-.e-.s and bided to
tho h:
tho thing Afb ra tnonth orto hociil.V.l
on one of the pu-tuffice oflicials and be
pnn to kick about the box. "The blamed
tiling never had any mail in it," was lns
"I havo looked in that box everyday
since 1 rented it and it lauii'thad a thins
in it the whole time. I even addressed a
letter to myself and never heard from it."
Tho two took a look at the box and
the postoflice man inquired if tho box
renter had ever opened his box Why,
no: of courso not Couldn't ho boo that
there wasn't anything in it.
Of course it turned out that ho had
forgotten tho number of his box though
it was on his receipt, and had been
watching and swearing over an nnrented
one. He found a stock of mail in his
box at last and wont away feeling Fmnll
enongh to crowd insido of it. Buffalo
Th Wooilcn Indian.
I used to live in Spain, and after
ward in tho West Indies, before 1 camo
to the States. 1 met the wooden Indian
long before 1 camo to this country. 1
have been asked before where the wooden
Indian got bis start. I only know what
1 have heard about him in tho Old
World. There was an adventurer
named Ilutz who loft his old city, Bar
celona, and camo to Virginia 300 years
ago. When he returned ho executed
tlio wooden Indian in a rude way, as a
type of the sort of animal he had met in
tlio New World, and tho fi;ire was set
up in front of a shop where wine was
sold. Finally it became a sort of trade
mark. There were smokers in those
days and they assembled around tho In
dian. And the wooden Indian is now
Been in front of nearly every cigar storo.
Interview in Chicago Tribnne.
Wall c.l t ntil the Child tl'u Safe.
An interesting little war story has
Governor Jones, of Alabama, for ita
hero. At the timo Gordon was resisting
Sherman's advance, Jones, then a staff
captain, was delivering a message from
his chief when ho saw a little child, clad
only in night clothes, hiding in terror
behind a frame house in tho direct range
of tho bullets from each army. Jones
rodo forward, took the child on his horse
and galloped back with her to the Con
federate line. When the Union forces
saw the act they ceased tiring, and thcro
was an impromptu cessation of hostili
ties until the child had been carried to a
point of safety. Charleston News and
Thieve Trust In Fortune Tellers.
Tho thief has implicit reliance in tho
foreknowledge claimed by gypsies and
other people, and he has been known to
pay blackmail to professed exponents of
the "black art" wdio threatened him with
nil manner of perils. Exchange,
III Frrnr.
Husband -Thank heaven I ara not as
other men
Wifer-You are mistaken there.
It in
hoy who should be thankful. Detroit
1 Free Press
There i nn iimm. hi !
ii .mroVrul lose power
ru - .iirua
1, uiMiii, ! .rn i il tiny us.
Wliocall.lli 1 !- I kii i v int. Sorrowful,
:t r"ir -.-le v m twur
jn, .1.1.1 . lit a 1 ,n- ttoi lil Is umr
Ami for n mmm-nt m .m::.i;i- wiih mi muritw
Thf rouwy rlm-ii;. r of tUv tempt.. wul.
Ill tilt' llilll di III' I -1 V1TII I W I rfillfi. Of hll'l'p
Or in I lii' si il hi." "f loi- ion ... -.Lure.
They riMi for luiiin or loruieiil, s.-ot or fait.
An J nioM nr.- iiiint- In i . In ilii-kiinlly wmuln
I'ohliiu t hiMiiI.e jo) ol in i ut r M m hiiin
The Mutely f ni .'IncMi of the pine linth power
To cull their kimlieil t iiiiitoiiiiie auvw.
I" so well thy ili itcl. Tin y iump to rntk of Hire
Whul tliou luist dene iili nit Hi is buni'il l.i.'t.
The M'til of .iirer hit'.' ir has it fallen uiiuni.t
In Mimy wayt ai:'l liroiu;!it thy lili' no uMin''
Wilt Hum wiiii (?!mln--ns in uhoiIht woria
, 1 3 , ,t,i.
Ami ruliil Ihre with ioiim Ilih-u tot thine
Another noria: ll.nv mV. we dial u.i iifnil.'
Wl1"' '"r.vfnl law ,:u. t.imn ufnr.- to fa. e?
Au"xlfil U1"lt i"
vm ,,vo souls tulnncil of love brin near
Anl1 "nil one commoii Um.l of (Inly liclil
Tliij. living-anil that il. ail. wi.i'i. Ii!u rtastlii'lrs.?
lr rihall some i! runner r mil. in h! leieieil,
Hi i hi; lioth to loueli. wiih naline's cerluinty
As the inn .) ei y-,1 n I almn.i of il kinds
Iliaiv into fellowship nf kivelinehv'
- S. Weir MitriiHI.
Tin. (irei-k llii'si lor Wouiitii.
It is not to he wiiinlered at that those
women who rare for their h. anty rather
t'iu for style ill their i,! tire siweid
au' iia urn! ii.;m lev. it to the idea of in
troducing mu'iiii; l'.ii;;hh l.uiies the
j.i:u.iHl fV.--hiiiii-.
Tin' l!ov. in,. di-;,j-el
ill iiich mo i.e., j
w..s nrr,i;,. ,i I'.,:-.
a suitable a!ue
stU'lied i'!ih' t'.o
(' ait. i. lit Greccfc.
'- and u.iiil'iy i'"''i
il' i::: Alb. Ulan ..ei.v
'! ;!ie viy id I'
or Woim-n, if tney
:it of making ;iii'iu
i.'i ,.
m ' s .pp. .,' c!i;..'
i.ial tiie'..ei i-; i iiy t lie onH moue
of'niiiie suited to the form feminine is
s'ltii 'ieally alie ted by t fact tln.t no
v. e:e ii of t.i-t- Wi.drli' a hie si.e sh.t lie
i f I;-) .
i: rr.ivin
or I..:,-
to 1 e lo. el,! Wollid fllhik !-f
If ia ;i!iv ol le r fa-ldei: o!
i iotl' Wo.'Jd tim bodice, ! ;:.). i
ill I .i-iple. neeonliiig to te.e 1 ' .s-
v.'.i.n:;; sl
tie.,' t'.o-.mee,,
wii- t iiiid I
Wilell clllSel
hr.iu.c. bo
for classic ill
.. the full i
l'aight skii'i cr
pet!, the tight Le o.'
in i h -nked shoulders, a; j ei'
d ill l.urbio ol- f.U.iereil it,
far, liowe i'er, tla) lieinao i
. ids lcis been inado in v:;ia.
Tiie itUcmpls to revive the beaut. In)
l hcliions of liio Creek women hae boon
I desultory mid iut'ivipient, mid the few
i belies who have t t -1 the exi"rna.-ii!
have cither been mh.h tired by the ext r.i
trouble involved and amoved by tl.e no
tice they cxci'.ed, or ihey have not pos
sessed Mdliciei't social imjiortanre for
their example to bo I u-.. iv followed.
'l.i Ciilt'h Tiit.hf Sliaiiiiiiio Dialings.
"That no uii'.n is proof against the love
of money is evidenced by the e.i.-e v. i.'.
which a physician can e a pose a man
who is feigniug deafness," says Dr. Wal
lace Smyth. "A man can pretend t j
bo delicient in any one of the senses, and
it is sot.- :tiu.e,-i to subject
to an elect rii; shock to break down bis
self envt'-d barrier. But if a man v. !ej
i prelending t. be deaf is nppi-o..c!ie.!
tri.iii behiiid while s'audiiig on a s-,e io
floor cr sidewalk iii;d a coin is drop,.' d
o t.s to ring, he will iiivariiibly luai
bhit.ply lii-eimd wilii a view tu picking
ir, i.,).
"This simple device is frequently re
ported to in countriis where conscrii
tion is tho rule und where deafness or
any other iniirmify relieves a man froni
army service. I saw it tried in Paris on
Kix alleged youths, and, much to the ex
av.hmig physician's amusement, it suc
ceeded in exposing the sham every time."
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
We Aro Larger Than We 1'itril lo Iiu.
"It is a great mistake," says an archi
tect, "to suppose that men are becoming
smaller physically. When 1 was in Eu
rope, in Munich, we gave a grand ball
and the city authorities decided to let
tho artists have the vise of the niedia'val
armor stored iu tho museum there.
There were only two suits of armor
which could be worn by us. These were
the suits of giants of that timo. Tho
rest, which belonged to the ordinary
sized, strong inediieval soldiers, wore too
small for us. Would not this tend to
show that we are larger than our ances
tors were?" Detroit Free Press.
Willing to Io Anything.
Sho No, I'm afraid I can't marry
yon. Snooks is such a horribly common
lie (eagerly) I'll get it changed!
Sho But your hair is so dreadfully
lie (determinedly) I'll get it dyed!
She And your eyes are decidedly
He (frantically) I'll go out and get
'em blacked! Exchange.
Elrctrlo Garden Tump.
Many of thecountry residences in Eng
land are now supplied with electric light
ing machinery, and consequently a great
nuiulier of electrical adaptations are ren
dered possible. Among these is an electric
garden pump, which is said to do its work
in a most efficient manner. It is only
necessary to fix it up by a pond or foun
tain and attach a suction and delivery
pipe, and the water is projected as de
sired. New York Telegram.
The Irrcprmslble Ollice Uoy.
"Is th'r boss in?"
f "Whose boss?"
"I ain't got no boss. Ef ye mean the
man what pays me tree dollars a week
to answer fool questions, he's out, and
won't be in agin till you're gone!" New
York Truth.
It is estimated that not far from 30,000
persons sleep in rented rooms in Boston
lodging houses. Most of these are young
j men and women from the country, a
' considerable proportion of whom are
bravely struggling to live respectably on
very small salaries.
'ihe Imperial university, at Tokio,
Japan, is probably the largest in tho
world. haviiiL' an enrollment of 2.000
scholars Mid a faculty of forty members.
IX is unuor government control.
: i' t louis
It consists of JO pages. Pays more fo?'
news than any other paper iu the U. being
replete with matter of interest to all classes,
the agricultural, the mercantile and the pro
fessional. Advocates the rincipals of th
Republican jjarlrand publishes in full the
speeches of -its leaders.
.Is the coming Presidential Campaign
promises to be the hottest ever contested, eu
n'jj republican should become a subscriber
and keep him sett' thorougldu informed of
what is occaving in t!ic political world.
L'i'iiiC SI. CO PR Vi;Aii.
Picmil through Postmasters and News
dealers or din-el to the
E. Y
lie Host Popular Family Newspaper ia the West
THE HOME .-. .-.
IT 13 A KHPUrnVTCAN KEWnPAPETl. and 09 audi ia ably conduct!,
BUinbtrinct Ofioi.a 1; j wrltors tt! atnojt In tho couutiy.
I'pjb.lsVuALL rill-. M'.AV.-J.nad keups Ita roajors parloctly posted oo
irr. U:nt iriv-tnt .i 1 1 over tho wo: Id.
lu LI i, UAH Y I'i ATUiiK.i en orjnat to thOFe of the brt mnoazlnes.
Ar.ivi( N. O HOW I LLfc, t HA Nil H. blOCKTON, MKS.
VUAHCilU HOUvlSj.J.M UUmNL.TT, mai;k 1 wain, urf.t hahte, mau
r.l'.i: U'HOM I'WK, 'V V. To U KM EE H("ll RTI.aT fclXF.V! Nt.ON, l.'UD-
aud uiplino, --i-i:,r;y uaio;, maiy irAHivfLU cathkhwood.
T..t. C!-ANIl.rH H.-HT. . ri'id many otcra of HOVtiO jLlTthAH
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Aro Bettor tiun a Maciasina fortao romily.
OnooltSo Mo:it Important Foaturoi lath) Departraont ol
Frlitod TX-OOV. W. D, rrOARD of Wls-.onain. Editor Bid Proprtatr 0 t
"i-iujrd'a Daiiymau." luis Id aiisw lou'.iuo uudaa iaiportuat ouotoAgrl.
ITr.aalsob or Mf:rtho special purposo ol di3CU3a;no taa questions now
agitutlno tb-'laimcij. tnucountry.
Is Ono Dollar per Year, postage paid.
la publlebedovory Monday and Tburaday at $2.00 par year, postpaid
The DAILY INTER OCEAN is $6.00 j-&Jf $aid
Liberal Torma to Active Aoanta. Sand for Sample Copy.
Address THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago.
A. Mw.&A.'.a:ii.l' .:.( S 3 i
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f i mjili 6TH BODY r:n THc "'..'-a.
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TH: t::.T Cf CCCKS PfiUER THr3 Ti)
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W U U Mlrlrtiirrnnd all
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(1R I K.N WOOD, Hlftf.
Oilier in the Rush Nod liulldit
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trs, Giiisin-, Proomcorn, and Hops.
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217 Miirkftt Strpct - Rt. Louis. Mo.
WA NTHD Aiioiit, yne acxuainluil with Farm.
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iliwl Ifrnia '
A 1 mil ?vnl .1 i-.r r......- . i .
oiialile ratew.
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no coniniiHHioiif., on good
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Oflice iimler Cum Cnuuty Hunk.
i lruvpliliu SALESMEN
To ri'iiri'ipiit our wpll known
linns.'. Von iii'hiI no .'ai'ltnl to repre-
Plit a Drill Unit Hiirnints Htm-k llrst-pliip
and true w inline. WORK ALL THE YESR.
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MiitliiM a".-. L L WAY tc CO
vii fm'iy, Kloi it-t an.l Sccd-iiii'ii,st. l'lttil, Minn.
(Tills house In rexposlble.)