J 1 r imp it ii iiHit mmNii in -jjj. Tlie Full Frospcctus of NotaV.e Features for 1S92 and fpcci.ucn Copicj will b; n:t Free. Brilliant Contributors. Articles have been -rrttten xir-"'y fr ! coming tolunie by host of eminent men and women, among whom sro The Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. Count Ferdinand de Lessep. Andrew Carnegie. Cyrus W. Field. The Marquis of Lome. Justin McCarthy, M.P. Sis Lyon PIayfaIr.-riT.nk R. Stockton. Henry Clews. Vasill Verestchagln. V. Clark Russell. The Earl of Meath Dr. Lyman Abbott. Camilla Urso. Mrs. Henry M. Stanley, and One Hundred Others. The Volume for 1892 will Contain Nine Illustrated Serial Stories. 100 Stories of Adventure. The Best Short Stories. Articles of Practical Advice. Sketches of Travel. Hints on Self-Education. Glimpses of Royalty. Popular Science Articles; Household Articles. Railway Life and Adventure. Charming Children's Page Natural History Papers. too Larce Paces. Five Double Holiday Numbers. Illustrated Weekly Supplements. Nearly 1000 Illustrations. i 1 f "A Yard of Roses." F q mm $ C2 WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HANI) A Full and Compkto lino of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded ut all Hours. READ! READ! THIS OFEICE 18 PREPARED TO DO ONLY FIKST-CLASS WORK, AND DOES IT FOR REAsOXAJ'LE PRICES. IF YOU AUK IS NEK I) OK LETTER HEADS - - HILL IIKADS, STATEMENTS - . . . . - - - - - ENVELOPES - SALE BILLS - - . - - - - POSTERS or in met anything' in the STATIONARY LINE. CALL AT THE HERALD OFFICE, WE CAN SUIT Qqqi'qutee - IF you wish to succeed in your the public ktiOw your price. People like to trade with, the mer chant who oilers them the best inducements. It might help your trade wonderfully. Try it. As the most important Campaigne for years is Coming upon us be provided with a good live newspaper that will keep them posted tions of the day. THE Republican paper and your name on our list. See our Clubbing list pers published. ITOftlifi PUBLISWQ CO. BO 1 Cor, Fifth and Vine St. PLATTSMOUTH Chamberlain's Eye and Bkln Ointment A certain euro lor Chronic Sore Eyes, Totter, Salt IUioum, Scold Ilsad, Old Chioolo Soros, Fever Soros, Eczema, Itch, Prairio Scratchos, Sore Nipples and Tilos. It is cooling and eoothlng. LTundrcdaof caeca have boon cored by it after all other treatment bad failod. It is put up in 23 and W cent boxes. L FREE TO JAN. I, 1892. To New SuWribrra who will cot ont and enl ua iMi allp with name and oddre.t nnd Sl.73 we will nond The Compnninn Tree to Jan., 1S'i, mid lor a Full Yrnr from that limp. Thin oiler inrliidra Iho THANKS. ;iVINi, CIIUIST.UAS and NEW YEAtt'S llouble Holiday Number.. V will alfio .end a ropy of a benntlful rnlntlm, entitled "A V.V1ID OV ROSE." It production kaa coat TWENTY TIlOl SANI IMIl.t.Al'tf. Send Cluvk, f-o!c ProVr, or Registrrcd Utter at our risk. Addrtu, 8 THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, Boston, Mass. YOU, A SAVE Sqisfqcioq. business, advertise it and let every Farmer should on all important ques HERALD is purely a would be glad to put Only $1,50 a year. with the leading pa - NEBRASKA. CmcHtsm s English. . j.1 omoiwaiaNO otNuiist. !' nam Ibr iklnnr i M - uK ',1"'l,"",""r,M'm, Take All .III. Id pwbovl bum. ilnli wri 4. In taii lot rvtlealftn, imiiauuiAlx. 10,000 1-rttlnioiiUlii. fittn t'ipw. ol4 bf all LtK-ul Ur-iixUU. This Slip and SI .75. 217. 210,221 and 'J! J M-tin H'., Portsmouth vcarastta iDe Perkins Iiuh heen thnrounldj renovated from top tt: ...ilt..iii ail.. 's low out' of the best lintels iu ttio stun- dtj.irdurs will ho tuk.in liy the week ut M.fiO and up. 303D BAR CONaECTfiD B ANK v)lf CASS COUNTY Cor Main ami Fifth street. ,.M nnp-initilt J' ''" irplu. 25. OHO OFFICERS J. II. Purne'.e President Hrwl tinnier Vlp I'ri-M't.inl r. M. Paltertoll. AMt '':i-litei DIHBOTOH'S ). II I'.ir, .1. l KtUeMiiii. ! : il (inlili t 1. II. Mmtt 'i K. B. Wtiellmin. II. 8. UiUiHev and r. M I'a'tM'snil GSSSML BU31T:i:K ' SALUTED A.ieciimts nolintu'' r.ilernst ailiwml on timr ,i'iiH'.t ilii'l IT'iMli't ;llt":'tl'ilrl-.,i'li t' nil lur n.is cnirmted ti itH oam. WQ m MNE88BitDiniiftcURED ti lifa i'A t by r .liiIHTilj.Ur H.r tub- Ito' Itia Or SI WbUptrt htud. Corafon.hl.. Snei ru(lli.ril Irtimcl Infill. Sold by r. HllM,mly , rn r I f53 llr..lJ, Hew .rl. Will, tin Iwuk ut frwUlUU 1 rflfiWflfTr,r1w PARKER'S l" . ; . ifi'l HA H BALSAM . . I'U .... I ... . ll.....i.... .......k i .'-"l, it- - 'OrViw,!T.' Pall, to Motor. Gray V v K" 'r . tAjWl tui baolp iltMiwt & hair tajuitf, i'J.' Cu V.-:-. I.nti", Dr li I'nliKvition, J'ftlu.Tbkt! lutima.MicIi. '.fObirfCORNS. Tht only mre cirr fnr Comi. G Ii A T E U L- COM l O IiT I N C, Spps Gaooa UliEA KFAST "Iy ;i tlimomtli KimiwIimIko of tn natural Inws wlili'h U"vi,rn flip npfiiMci'is of cllvi-Ht'liii Him iiiiiiiiloii. ami ny n cari'ml Hi hmiiinn the Him IT"!1'"!!"""' wi'll si..ct. i'o n.i, Mr Knin lias iii'ivi.li"! our brink lust tnliln witli I di'lica fly II .v.nc 1 Im'vi'i ikh Hlilcli may "avt1 us many ii"nvy rtiftir lit Is, It s hv t tie jit'lio Ions me n Slll'll llltlcll.K i' ilict til t (''III Mitull'Pii tuny lit' I'Miluuliy bullf up iiulil lrmi! t'liniiirti id rt-siM t'vt'iy i. iiiii'iioy to iusimsi' inniiiriMiK in suiitio nii'tuiut'H arc ii aim HMiiml us iv.'hIv tn att.vk wli'-ruvi-r hurt' i wt'tk piiltit, Wo may fi-capfl inanv it tatal shaft lv ki'i'plni; (iiri V" wnll turrlfleil wl:li purnlilim : uml a pruptirlyjiimirlslit'tl frani"." Civil Ki-rvltm (iaellti. Mailusl slmplv with linilliiK watfr oi milk, Mild mi y In tialf-pmiuil inm, nv irnt"i'ii'"i. laui'MPU rnur: JAMKs El'I'S UO.. ll'imiiMmitlilc "hf niNt London. KiKl;tnd How Lost! How Regained KNOW THYSELF. Or SELF.PRKNKKVATTON. A new and only Gold Medal PUIZB EHSAT on NERVOUS tod fHYNIUAL. 'UKHIL.ITT. ERROKfl YOUTH, EXfTAVSTKU VITALITY. PRE. RIATUKE DECLINE, and all UI8EANEH and WEAKNEHHKHorMAli. 100 paf!, cloth, dlt: 1X6 lnralaable DreacriDtkma. (Jul. It .00 by mail, double acalnj. Dencriptlve Proapect. of the Irea. and Tnlnnlarr LULL I otriU tettlmonlala of tha cured IIILUI NOW, Confiiluillmi In tmnn or by mail Expert treat, menu JNVIOLABLK fcKCKKCY and CEU TAIN rritF. Atldrw. Dr. W. If. Fitrker. or i ne i camiay sieoicai jUHiuuie, AO. 4 lsulliucn pi Bo.ton. Una.. Thu I'rahody Medical Inttltote haa many Iml uiuir., Dub pu euui. fir rum. The Hclence of I.lfe. or Htlf ProiervaUon, In tresmirn more valuable than Kold. Itend It now, every WEAK and N K II VOLS man. and b arn be 8TRO.NO . Medical lietiew. (CopyrlKhtedJ Rfd doss P.movo ehmd t.-onl s r. in.iMui' I r.-r - h 1 ,4 I n t.'..,t u.,' 1 . ' ,1 taee at.-.'. ..-.'v .. v. ..., ii tr. I '.,hi .-.), . -. r I '-u-lr t..f ' , , . CM''.- ( rf ' J ' . ' v 1 1 . ALMOST BURIED IN CINDERS. lie Won tlie llt-t. r.nt Finrfully 1itt but Didn't ;t t thu Xl.tuey Artrr All. Hi.' st'Hi.l In the Oninl CVntral M.'tiw fantiiiijC liiniMelf with his hat, aibl t'-1 cimlera tn his buM heail lotiki'il lik ifi per 011 a har.l boiled vgg. Every sijuiti t iiu h of liia shurt fat person was begnaii'd atid dirty. ' bposa I look like u Dier Indian just tbi;:," ht rt'inarked, putting his head into the window Rt tb bureau of infor mation, and lettinijhiM imitation loathe! valise drop on the floor with a thud. 'Oh, wi ll a little jailed, perhaps, re gponded tlio elerk politely. "o 111; around mo, "said the dirt tourist indignantly. "I only got in ten minutes aijo." ".So;" "Ye. Haven't washed senee wa left Coiineil Dli'.lTs. Would you believe it'.'' "Oh, yes." "We had ft Ky time., I tell yer." "How's that?'' inquired the eleik. "Well, von see, a feller from IS011II) Dakota oiiened tho wiudi-r just 111 front of me a while after we had started and tho cinders cotne in like it wa a hail fctorm. I didn't want to 'pear disobii ;!!) so I Mot h1 it for three, hours, tiud then J leati' d ovi r vo tho South Dakota feller, and says I, 'Lil tie dusty, ain't it?' 'Meb be,' s.ivs he. 'Would you mind shuttin down that winder for a siwll?' says I, as nerlite, lis vou lilease. 'I lmd it ver aunoyin.' 'I would inind,' pays he, 'am if I can stand it, I'll bet you can.' 'Well if it's a bet, you say,' says I, 'I'm in it. 1 don't let no South Dakota feller bb.ill me. I'll bet you iifty dollars, evi'i money, you'll weuken on that open win tier before I do. "Ho looked surprised, but ho nays, 'If: ago.' " o put up tho money with tho con duetor. and husnmrirli'd up tolus wunlei and I behind, takin tho dust sorter see onil hand. At thu end uf the first twenty four hours we wasn't purty fur a cent and I see d the other feller was sipurinin a good deal. So when tlio train Ktoppt for dinner I i-neiiked out to tho eujjinet and gave him my last ten dollar bill, uud says I winkin, 'When you htart up t lit engine it'll be a pertickler favor to uit if you won't screen back them cinders let 'em flicker for two or threo bonis just buzz ont every cinder you'vo tfot.' " 'My coal,' Bays he, a winkin back, 'b terrible soft and muddy today.' "Well, bir, the uext three hours wai awful. I never seed such smoko and coal dust anywhere. Tho way that en cine snorted and blowed and them cin ders rattled and pattered most sea-red tlit passengers off tho train. It actunlh seeined as though the screen business had busted clean ont of tho smokestack and let tho coal blow through in chunks Tho dirt was so thick on my face you could have wrote my name iu it, but that feller from South Dakota he caught them cinders right in tho neck. lie wa almost buried. There was cinders in his hair, cinders in his mustache; they worked down inside his collar; into liif vest pockets. And when he started to bnico op on a chew blamed if he didn't bite more cinders than tobackur. About then it came up to rain, and for an horn that feller from South Dakota locked like he was dredged tin from a mud pond. When the raiu stopped nnd lie was wipin down the mud, along come red hot cinder as big as a pea and lit ou his beard. The brakemau helped him put out the fire, bub just then tho train stopped and that feller riz np and says he, 'I weaken, take the cash, and he walked right off the train. Then all the passengers congratulated me. They said I was dirty, but game. "So you got the money?" inquired tht clerk with some interest. "Well that's tho trouble," rejoined th dirty traveler. "While I was fixin tin engineer blamed If. tnat onery cus wasn't goin me ono better and fixin the conductor, and they froze to tho cash and skipped together. The trouble with me is," added the grimy traveler, gazing out pensively at the Forty-second street hackmen, "that I'm too honorablo and confidiu, always been so. Say," ho adtle iu a whisper, poking his dirty head in tho window, "gimme a quarter fern wash, will yer?" New York Tribune. Caugbt. At a certain station large quantities ol plums nnd apples were being reported as missing almost daily in the large hampers and baskets that were sent to London. Circumstances pointed to the probability of the pilfering taking place at the sending station. The agent hit upon a novel plan for detecting the thief, lie had a . lad porter placed in one ol these hampers returning empty, which was large enough to hold him, covered the top with canvas and labeled it "Plurus PeriHhable," with the address in full. Toward midnight the lad got cramped and felt anxious to get ont, but he stuck manfully to his post. By and by one ol the night shunters came into the shed to examine the wagons labeled for the next train. lie groped abont the packages, and cat a hole in the canvas of the ham per where the lad was concealed and felt for the plums. lie was terrified, however, to find his hand firmly gripped, and almost fainted with fright when the porter revealed himself and recognized him, with a large basket full of fruit by his side. The shunter was in a couple of days dis missed and the porter received promo tion. London Tit-Bits. Fine yuentlon. The Germans are a very philosophical and somewhat argumentative race. Two workmen in the great Kropp cannon manufactory were overheard discussing an important question. "In yonr opinion, Johann," said one, "which is tho more important part of a cannon the hole or the 6teel?" "The hole of course, Il'iricb,,' said the other. "Because what nse in the world wonld a cannon be without any hole in it?" "Yon are wrong, Johann. It's the steel that's moro important; for how many men could you kill with a hole with nothing around it?" Youth'sCompauioo. BEATING TIME. When the llnbia M'u Viral Teed It MTaa a KorinliUble Sla Foot Club. Investigations into tho origin of the baton, or stick for beating time, which is used nowadays by tho conductor of every large orchestra, have brought out the interesting fact that the first conduc tor's baton was a formidable staff, about six feet long, which tho old time French musician, Lully by name, who invented it, may have used as much to intimidate the members of his orchestra as to mark the time. In tho very oldest orchestras, as in Chinese orchestras of the present day, there was uo conductor in the modern sens-?. Every performer played as well as ho could, and tho man who played upon tho loudest instrument the ttlo drum, for instance marked tLe time for the rest. When music became more systematic and refined, the chi"f command of tlu orchestra was given to tho member who was regarded as the most accomplished and skillful. lie assigned the other mem bers their parts, drilled them at re hearsals and supervised the final per formation. To prod uoo a good effect it w is n s savy ol course that tnu musicians should play iu time, and th t hief of the orchestra, who himself played ono in stiuineiit, was accustomed to mark the beat by stamping on the floor wi'h one foot. For this reason tho conductor ol an orchestra was at that period called tho pedaiius. Afterward it became customary for him to give tho time by clapping the fingers of his right hand against thu hoi low of his left. The In-liter of time aflet tills fashion was called the maiiiidiictor. Meantime experiments were made in marking the time by striking togethei shells and bones. Tho bones were soon given up as instruments to be used by the conductor of an orchestra; but they survived as au independent instrument. Doys and negro minstrels "play ou the bones" with great gusto to this day. In thu early part of tho Seventeenth century tho musician already alluded to, Lully by name, arose. Ho found all those instruments of leadership ineffec tive, and in order to reduce bis perform ers to complete subjection, ho procured a stout staff six foot long, with which lie pounded vigorously on the Hour to mailt tho time. Ono day, becoming particularly impa tient, and pounding with especial vigor, Lully struck his foot instead of the flooi with his baton. The wound gangrened, and Lully died from its effects in 1087. Tlio baton continued in use through out tho Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries, but though it gradually tie creased in size, there is no evidence that conductors marked the time in any othot way than by pounding upon their music stands or somo other hard object. All this poundiug must have had an unpleasant effect upon the music, and critics and musicians began to ridicule the practice. Iu courso of time, there fore, wo find musical conductors no longer thumping upon the floor or their music stands, but beating the time en tirely in the air. It seems to have taken players a very long timo to learn that they could get the time as easily by means of tho eye as by means of the oar. Youth's Companion. Not Wholly Complimentary. A certain Mrs. Malaprop, who lives in a largo eastern city, is noted for hot skill in unconsciously embarrassing oth er people, while she herself remains per fectly at ease. Not long ago she was in troduced to two sisters, young ladies who had long been known to her by name, though sho had never met them. "Now, my dears," sho said, addressing them collectively, with her usual bland smile, and regarding them earnestly through her glasses, "I have often heard of tho bright and tho handsome Miss Ratcliffo. Now I am so glad to meet you both, nnd I want you to tell mo at once which of you is the bright and which the handsome ono." On another occasion sho was dining with her nephew and his young wife, who had just set up housekeeping. The dinner did not go off quite so smoothly as the young couple had hoped, ami the cooking was by no means perfect. The hostess unwisely began to murmur apol ogies and her husband joined in, halt laughing, with references to his wife's youth and inexperience. "Don't say another word, my deal children," interrupted their kind hearted guest. "I can assure yon I've eaten a great deal worse dinners than this in the course of my life; a great deal worse. Ye8,"she added meditatively, "I'vo eaten some pretty bad dinners, you may be surel" Youth's Companion. Tha FlaTor of Coffe. Real coffee is a very delicate sub stance and will readily not only lose its own flavor, but also take up the flavor of other substances. Thus it is quite necessary in shipping coffee to make sure that no other odorous substance is placed near to destroy the flavor of the coffee. The aroma is volatile. Let a quantity of pure ground coffee be ex posed to the air for a considerable time and the best of tha coffee will go out into the atmosphere. The careful house wife who wishes to make good, pure coffee of fragrant aroma buys it in the green bean, roasts it herself, keeps it tightly canned after roasting and grinds it the morning it is used. Coffee so made is a totally different article of consump tion from the great bulk of ground cof fee that is sold in the stores. . Some time ago an official analysis of some ground coffee exposed for sale dis closed the fact that there was absolutely no coffee in it. New York Sun. - That Fatal Number. Superstitions Boarder Yes, I like the rooms very much and will pay you a month's board in ad vance, Is this your little girl, ma'am? Nice child; how old is she? Landlady Just thirteen, sir. S. B. Give mo back that money. Here's your receipt. I wouldn't live in a house where they had a thirteen. Good day, ma'am. Detroit Free Press. A National Event. The holding of tht World's Fair in a city Bcarccly fifty yenra old will In- n remarkable event, but whether it will really hem-lit thin tuition us much as the discovery of the Kcstoralive Nervine hv Dr. Franklin Milen is doubtful. This ia jint what the American people need to cure their excessive iiervotimiess, dyxpcjiHia, headache, dizzinesn, Hl'eejdeHHiien, neural eta, ncrvouH tf biiity, tliilliuswH, contusion of mind, etc. It mix like a chiirm. Trial bottle and fun honk on ".'mtvoiis untl Heart liseiiscM," wiiii uiie tmolotl testimonials free ut F. G bricke A t'o. It is warranted to con tain no opium, morphine or danger one drugs). 1 Wonderful. K. W. Sawyer, of K'ochcstor, Wis., a prominent dealer in general merchandise, and who runs M'eral pcddlini; wagons, had out' of hij lioth.is badly cut and burned with a lariat. The wound refused to heal. The horse became lame anil stiff nowwithHtuudiiig careful attention nnd tlit" application of remedies. A friend banded Sawyer mono of Mailer's II. lib Wire 1. moment, the most wonderful tiling over saw to Ileal smell wounds. Me applied it only tlireo tithe.-' and the soiv was completed healed. Initially good for nil Hors, nils, bruses, ami wounds. For Kilo by all druggist For lame back there is nolliinT hotter than to saturate a flannel cloth with Chamberlain's I'aiti Halm and bind it on the nlToc'eil parls. Try il and you will bo sur prised at the prompt relief itallortlss flu same treatment will cure than mat ism. For Hale by F. (i. Fricke A Co. Tho volumes, of the Magazine bf gin with tho Numbers for J line and 1 Icooiiihor of each year. When no tune is specuied. subscriptions will begin wilh the Number current at the lime of receipt of order. Hound Volumes of Harper's Magazine for threo eors back, in neat cloth bind ing will be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of ijsf.Ml per volume. Cloth cases for binding, fiOccntB each- by mail post paid. !t"lles Norvo ond'tlvor uis. Act una now principle--regi. lut ing (be liver, stonirch and bowelrt through the norvs. A now discovery. )r. Miles' Fills speedily cure biliou sness bail taste, lorpitl liver, pilea 5oiistipatioii. I'tieipialed for men women, children, smallest, niidost si, rest! fit) tlosos, li.V. Samples free it F. 1. Fricke & Co's. "Tha foremost of our periodicals." COMMANDING EVEBT 0EEA1 CENTRE 0? THOUGHT ANI ACTION IK THE WORLD. Aaimplacopywltl will bt Mnt foi 25 centi. , fix IDW1N AINOLD. Tn Fonm la th trinut lmtnirtlTt the mot timely, tliw largput ant , the hftndoma, of tbw rt'Tli'wgj j The throe great gjoups of sub jects out of the comiiis pear will be impartially asd instructivfly dis cussed by the ablest writers; I. I'lditfexlMibjocIs growin out of the grcsidontial campaigne. IU Financial disturbance here and abroad. III. Theological unrcst- with all the social questions sug gested by these groups of great top ICS. There is no other way whereby one may get the ripest information about the great problems of the time within so narrow a compass or for so small a sum - sliurt spidies of great subjects by more than huti dretl of the foremost men nnd wom en of the world; because there is only ene American periodical for which all the great leaders of opin ion nnd of thought write, nnd that is The Fokl'n. The December number for exam ple contains: Depredation by Pen Hion The Protest of Loyal Volun teers, by lieutenant Allen K. Foote Founderer of the Society of Loyel Volunteers; The Meaning of the Democratic Victory in MaBsachu petts, by Gov. Wm. K. Russell; French feeling toward Germany. A notSer Conflict about Ilsace- Lo--raine IneAituble, by Camuiille Pel letan, member of the French Cham ber of Deputies; Should tne Silver Lawof 18U0 be repealed? by Jacob H. Schiff one of the most successful and in New York; In Modern FMu cation a Failure? by Fredrick Har rison, the great English essayists. Unregulated Competition self-destructive, by Aldace F. Walker, Chairman of the Western Traffic Association: Women's Clubs, the Volume and the Valud of their Work, by Alice II. Rhine; A Day With Lord Tcnnison, by Sir Wil liam Arnold. And live other arti cles. There are now in progress discua sions of our yension system; Prison Management; The Training of Teochcrs; The Louisinnna Lottery The next Step in the Tariff Agita tion; Are Modern Educational Mat ters a failure? 5()c a copy, $3 a year. THE FORUM, Union Square, N. Y FOR uEN ONLY! rrpjTWoc imut or FAXLTHO KAHHOOD. Ultfffipeaml and V &RY0UB DEB HIT I, I tl I lY!ikn, of Bodr u4 ". KffaatJ II I IIJotKrroraor in nil - V mm Ifcjw, iouioiufuit.itMm4. H. lo K.Unr. J il-ol.l, ..r.111., Htiaa TKIUTaiHT-Htu 1. mUmi U unit, fm, iuHum u h, CwbtaTwrtL lfc lMtrtHl k, -ipIumMm, m prufi "T tmliliiajT KRIt MEDIOAL CO.. BUFFALO.!!. T.