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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1891)
V X LABORING MEM! X.OS3 07 TX22XS X3 COBTXXI ALL the republicans need do in the present congress is to "keep in the middle of the road." IT is pretty conclusive that Sen tor Mattderson will secure the locn ion ol ti mint at Omaha. So mote it be. THE late Preston H. Plumb beg his career a a country printer. great many men commence th ei career in that capacity, but it rare occurs that they die as members the senate. SiNCB the appointment of Stephen R Klkins to the secretary of war hip, it has been discovered tha hi mother is buried in Nebraska City. The secretary's father was a citizen of Otoe county and agent o the Hen Holiday overland stage line during the civil war. The last resting place of the mother is marked by a simple marble slab. I.A Gk'IlTK is steadily spreading in this country. While its preva lence will probably become so gen eral that it may truly be called an epidemic, the disease is not conta- geous. It is caused by atmospheric conditions. Dr. Edson, one of the leading physicians of New York states that he believes there is no absolute preventive of the disease "The best advice I can give," he ays, "is, observe the general rules of health; try to avoid taking cold, and, if you have a cold, take good care to cure it. Always dress warmly, if possible with woolen garments. Above all, keep your digestive organs in good con dition." It is asserted upon good author ity that the Mills faction ot the democratic house propose to draft n taritf bill embodying the princi pies of the famous Mills bill of the Fiftieth congress, and urge its passage. Such a bill should properly be referred to the ways and means committee, but the plan of the free traders is to refer it to the committee of which Mr. Mills is chairman and thus secure a favorable report upon the bill Then it will be that the true demo cratic position will be known. It will be a contest in favor of the repeal of the McKinley law and the enactment of a free trade law on one hand and the retention of the McKiuley law on the other. Let the fight proceed. Neukaska teachers from both the city and rural schools, should be well represented at the State Teach er' Association w hich convenes at Lincoln to-morrow continuing over Thursday. A program bearing directly upon live school topics to be rendered by the educators of our state, has been prepared and the management announces that it will be carried out to the letter. Evening lectures will be es peceial features of the occasion, to be delivered by educators of na tional reputation. The most prominent of whom, probably, is lion. Andrew S. Draper, of Albany, New York, who lectures Thursday evening on the subject "Our Pub lic School System and General Ed ucation." This address alone will warrant the attendance of any live progressive teacher. We hope to see Cass county well represented at the meeting. THE ANNUAL MEETING. The Nebraska Press Association which meets at Fremont January Zi, should enroll a representative from every news paper in the state. The association has already con ferred great banefits upon the pro fession, bid there is a necessity for the manifestation of still a greater interest in the matter than ever be fore. This is an age of progressive . ness, and aa a means of acquiring helpful ideas that will aid in keep, ing pace with this onward and up ward march, meetings of this nature can rarely be excelled. The news paper men must keep out of th ruts. Get out by helping each other. Attend these meetings and thus make au effort to get this help. It is obviously au injustice to ones self and manifestely unfair to hi readers, for an editor to plod along endeavoring to learn the newspaper business thoroughly by actual finding out by experience, what he can learn by accepting truths that have been developed and firmly established heretofore. TAKE CARE I ST. JACOBS OIL, THE GREAT REMEDY FOR PAIN, cans RHEUMATISM, SpralBi, Brolies, Cats, Wounds, SoreaeM, StlffkMS, Swellings, Backache, Nei ralgla. Sciatica, Baroa, There are always splendid oppor tunities at these meetings ior par ticipanta to receive information that would probably require year to acquire by experimental know edge. Let us accept these deduc tions of wisdom, incorporate the into our work and bend our ener gies to mane discoveries of truth not yet accessible. Although assured as never before of countless coming bless ings from the coming crops, the country is even now halting and hesitating in its enterprise in a marked degree because of some undefined apprehension about the future financial condition. It is not unfair to attribute this feeling to the agitation respecting silver. This prevailingdoubt is, however. not without some good result. It has forced economy all over the land, restrained speculative opera tions, and prepared the way for the restoration of sound currency, What is thus saved and what is now certain to be earned through the gathered crops have together pro vided means and brought the country to a most favorable time when the silver law can be repealed with the least injury or incon venience. There is evidently a marked change in public sentiment upon this important subject which has so far progressed that neither of the great political parties will venture to avow itself distinctly in favor of the silver law of 1890, or to assume it as a party measure for the future Is it not, therefore, safe in policy and timely in principle now promptly to meet the issue, while so many favorable conditions exist, by repealing the law; and after that, to consider how the great mass of silver already purch ased can be disposed of with the least injury to all intercst.iuvolved in it? George S. Coe, iu the Janu nry Forum. Between tChiii and Scnor Garza, of Mexico, who is at the head of the revolution in that country the United States troops will have their haud full this summer. ACTIVE WORK FOR RUSSIAN RE LIEF. Governor Thayer and Labor Com missioner Ludden are actively at work i,n securing the proposed train load of corn to be sent to the famine sufferers of Russia. From dozens of points in the state re sponses are coming to the procla mation of the governor, and Mr. Ludden estimates that 2,003,000 pounds of breadstuffs will be donated by Nebraskans. Yesterday Governor Thayer received a letter from Governor Merriam of Minne sota, the letter stating that the millers' organization there had raised 1,000,000 pounds of flour for Russian sufferers. The letter sug gests that as the Russian charge d'atlairs had agreed to charter a steamer to take the supplies across the ocean, that Nebraska join with Minnesota in nuking up a ship oad. Gov. Thayer is in hearty ac cord with the idea that a, ship load be made up from a few western states but as the naval department las said that Nebraska and Minne sota can have the frigate Constclla- ion to take the supplies to St. 'etcrsburg at government expense the governor thinks that to be the preferable way of shipment. "I would like," said the governor, "to have the, contribution from this country go a free offering the on ire way and land in Russia in a ship carrying the American Colors. It would mHke the gift complete and much more satisfactory to the givers." Senator Paddock will oin with the governor in the ar rangement for shipping facilities and the governor hopes very shortly to be able to notify the many people over the state who have volunteered contributions list how and when to make ship ments. Lincoln Call. The sea serpent has now respect able clerical backing and is likely to be recognized in the best society. The bishop of Adelaide of Australia certifies to the finding of a dead sea serpent sixty feet long on the beach. Its head was five feet long and had two holes in the top and it had a tail like a whale.-Lincoln Journal. Chile must either apologize and pay indemnity or fight the United States. Ckisi ii doing more for the republican party than ever Mills could have done, which causes the republicans to greatly rejoice. The Mills men say that Springer, the new head of the ways and means committee, is "neither a safe nor an efficient leader." The repub licans knew this all along, and this is one of the reasons why he suits them so well. The free trade leaders will have to look out or the south will soon begin to demand a McKinley bill for her special benefit. The leading democratic organ of South Carolina the Charleston News and Courier, favors a protective tariff on cotton mexicos revolutionists are causing considerable trouble just now on each side of the Rio Grande, but most of the trouble goes to the revolutionists themselves, as the United States troops and Texas rangers are after them as well as the government troops of Mexico. The record of 1891 will id al probability stand unbeaten for several years to come in the matter of wheat shipments to Europe, as the shipments have been much greater than ever before, and they would have beeu still greater if transportation facilities had been better. Less than a year ago three Ne braska congressmen went to Wash ingtou to ask congress for an ap propriation of $1,000,000 for the le lief of their destitute constituents. To-day those constituents are collecting a train load of grain to be shipped to the starving peas ants of Russia. Bee. Petitions are pouring into the national capital in steadily increas ing numbers urging congress to enact legislation for the free deliv ery of mail in the country districts and for one cent letter postage. Both projects are praiseworthy and they are almost unanimously de manded by the people of the nation Iowa State Register. The dispatches this morning look more like war with ;Chile than ever. They report that Admiral tiherardi will take charge of the naval forces and that General Miles will have charge of the land forces and that as soon as war is declared he will leave with 10,000 men from the regular army for Chili. These forces are to be taken from the frontier or western posts and their places supplied by the pnlisiment of western frontiersmen. TnE McKinley bill, now a law, will rank in importance and in its beneficial effect upon the country and its industries next to the Morrill Tariff bill. It embodies the doctrine of Protection to American industries. It adheres to the principle laid down by Washington, MadisOn and the founders of the government. It aims to protect home industries nnd home inte rests by laying a tax on all foreign products brought to this country to be sold in competition with American products and admitting free of tax or duty all non-compet- ng article brought here from other countries which cannot be success fully produced in the United States. t would be almost impossible to frame a perfect tariff bill, or one free from objections, or that would suit all interests. Taken all in all, however, the law just passed is a wise measure, framed in the inte rests of the whole people, American ndustries and home markets. Secretary of War Klkins. TIN-PLATE IN ILLINOIS. The "Tin-plate Consumers' As sociation," which seems to be a free-trade concern doing business under an alias, may find an answer to its inquiry as to whether the Mc Kinley bill has had any effect upon me price of roofing tin in the United States in the following let ter: PlioklA. 111.. Nov. 27. ittii -tMitnr American Economist. A short time airo we bouirht fiftv nv Laufman's American tin (terne) plates, and are selling them at ?1 per box less than Welsh nhttnu nf the same crude. It i nn wriOioiit quality of tin. We also bought a large euppiy or iautman s tin sheets in lengths of ninety-si inches; these we make into eav trouirhs and conductors eiirht ft et in lenrrth. Vi ticvor Vmt-u Knn aiue to ouy Welsh sheets more tha rf - - - .... . v. n oixiy incites long, ana do not thin that they are made as long as Lau f- iimu a sueeiB are. i ours truiv. CLARK, QUEIN & MOHSB By CHAS, D. CLARK. Presipent. The new tariff on tin-plate has been in operation for rather less than six months, since July 1, 1891, to be exact, and here is an Illinois firm selling American made roof ing tin $1 per box lower than im ported goods, and cettimr it in lengths that the Welsh makers REWARDS FOR BIBLE READERS. Great Winter Competition of Tha Ladles' Homo Magazine. Ouestions Where do the follow iii; words first appear in the Old Testament: "Knowledge," "wife," and "dove.-" here do the follow ing words first appear in the New Testament: "Judea," "fame," and "kingr" Weekly Prizes livery week throughout this great competition, prizes will be distributed as follows: The first correct answer received (the postmark date on each letter to be taken as the date received) at tlie ottice of the Ladies Home Magazine (each and every week) will get $'200; the second correct answer, $100; the third, $50; the fourth, a beautiful silver service; the fifth, five o'clock silver service, and the next fifty correct answers will get prizes ranging from $25 down to Every lifth correct answer, irrespective of whether a prize winner er not, will get a special prize. Competitors residing in the southern states, as well as other distant points, have an equal chance wih those nearer home, as the postmark will be our authority in every case. Kules hach list of answers must be accompanied by $1 to pay for six months' subscription to one ot the best Home Magazines in America. References "The Ladies' Home Magazine is well able to carry out its promises." Peterborough (Canada) Times. "A splendid paper, and financially strong." Hastings (Can- aaa) star, "rvvery prize winner will be sure to receive just what he is entitled to." Norwood (Canada) Register. Money Bhould be sent by postomce money oraer or reins tered letter. Address, The Ladies' Home Magazine, Peterborough, Canada. $3,500 IN REWARDS The Canadian Affrlenlturlnt tircnt Fall Literary Coiuiirtitlon The fifth half year Literary coin petition of the Canadian Agricul turist, America's old and reliable illustrated family Magazine, is now open, ihe following splendid priz es will be given free to the persons sending in the greatest number of words made out of the letters con tained in the words "The Illustrated Agriculturist Everyone sending in a list of not less than one hun dred words will receive a present of silverware. lot grand reward fioo In pnld and .. .grand lano.valuednn fr0 Srt " $m in uold 4tU " Onun valued at 3oo 5th " gllltliiirold 6th Kent gold watch full Jewelled 7th Ladies uold watcti llh J50 In gold "III I5 In eoH 10 reward nf glOenoh ftiio tfextM prizes 20 silver tea sets quadruple plate wai ranted. Next 50 prbes-ftO silver desert spoons war ranted heave prate Next loo prizes loo silver butter dishes etc, wairnt' d f eavy plate. Next MO prize consists of heavy plated silver keuie, miner uimies. milt baskets, biscuit Jar sunar shells, butter knives etc. all fully warrautd making a total of 69 splendid re wards the value of which will aggregate .1.500. 1. The words must be construct- ed only from letters in the words, "The Illustrated Agriculturist" and must be only such words as are founds in Websters unabridged dictionary, in the body of the bbod none ot tne supplement to be used. & ine words must be written in rotation and numbered 1, 2, 3. and so on, for facilitating in diciding tue winners. 3' Letters cannot be used oftener than they appear in the words, The illustrated Acrriculturist. For in stance the word egg cannot be used as there is but one in the three words, 4 The list containing the larirest number of words will be awarded first prize, and so on in order of iner- v. jcicu iibi us i ii iu receiveu win be numbered ad!if two or more tie the first received will be awarded first prize, and so on, therefore the benefit of sending in early will read ily be seen. bach list must be nrrnmnnnlcil by $1 for six months subscription to The Agriculturist. Ihe followin men have kindlv consected to act as Judges: J G Mac Donald, city clerk, Petersbourgh, Canada, and Comodore Calcutt, Pet ersbourgh. Our last competition Got $1000 prize all right, GW Cunningham, Vancouver, H. C. Thanks for fSiXI prize G W Cunningham Donald IJ rnze receized O. 1. I I) Hantie West superior, Wis. $'W)0 prize ree'd Thanks G V Robertson, Toronto; and 300 others in U "ited States and Canada: This is no lottery merit onlv will count. The reputation for fairness gained by the A griculturist in tho past is ample guarantee that the ompetition will be conducted in like manner, Send 3c stamp for full particulars to The Agricultur- st, Peterborough, Canada. The Farmers Mutual Insurance Company of Cass county will hold their annual meeting at the Hails school house in Right Mile Grove precinct on Saturday at 1 o'clock :. m. tor the purpose of electing of ficers for the ensuing year and to transact such business as may law- niiiy come before the meeting. it J. r. r ALTEK, Sec. Nevar to Cold to Dehorn Cuttle. Remember it never erets too cold to dehorn cattle, but it does tret too warm. Any time except fly time is the right time. It can only be done with safety between October and April. A card addressed to the un dersigned at Rock Bluffs, Neb. will be promptly answered. S. L. t URLONO Children Cry for PitcW's Castoria. Wbn Bbf iu risk, w ct ber Castoria. VThn ah vaa a Child, alio criol for Castor ia Wbn the became Mm, r cIuuk to Cuslor., Wln htliu-i Children, k 'it i-nvr 'iv.'ori fllll NEVER KNNOWN TO PAIL IT PAYS TO HE POLITE. IT PATS TO BK HONEST. ' W ' 1 .T n w l y v w -H an xiviki i 11 v a Am m & m .ii iv Our Winten itock ot Mene, Bojs and Ckildrens Clothing is complete. For the next two weeks we hare determined to make a great USE! ied tej in them, by selling them to you at a great IEJJTJOTJOlSr IlsT PRICES Come in yourself and bring your neighbors and be con vinced that this is no advertising lake but a plain statement of facls. If you have One Dollar to spend we will save you ten cents. If you have Ten Dollars to spend wo will save you One Dollar on any prices oflered by our competitors. 13 IT NOT WORTH LOOKING INTO? COR. FIFTH AND MAYER Tfie ClotWng Ktflg of Cass Cotmty Plattsmouth, . . Nebrasro. Does Your Need .cloak this winter? If she does you will make a crent mi-tak M V you do not call and examine the cl,ildrTn8 cloaf8 tha V we are offering before buying. We have Just received from a arge Cloak Manufacturer his full line of Childrens Sample Cloaks. For children 6, 8, 10 and 12 years old, consisting of U8 garments in all. NO TWO ALIKJS, on which we were given a disccunt from regular wholesale price no that we art able to sell them at actually Manufacturer's Prices. CALL IN and let us prove the truth of the above statement, and -' show you at the same time our FINK LINK of Ladies and Misses Kecfwr SECOND SALE OF SAMPLE SHOES Another opportunity to buy shoes at FACTORY PRICES We take pleasure in annoucing to the people of Plattsmouth and . surrounding towns that we have succeeded in getting another line of , .. . w.. dreds were disappointed because they hTvir ir7Jt Vi" ' . "' i-i'iss., mil line consisting of La- dies, Misses, Childrens. Mens and Ilavs Rhn of nil w;,ic ? n scriptions. Among them is 300 pair we can give the best value for your money that you ever "laid eyes on " Don t think that hirniir wo Hnn't out t i J . '.. , : , cn -"ik11 yucva lur mioes mat tne shoes arc not of any high quality. We have among these shoes that are H inr na miv chmvn m tin. rili. ,.,.,.....1.: ... . . ..w.... c.ujumi); exiruiHic is stripped awav and he shoes that you buy of us stands on their intrinsic worth. We Aa at the root of values and give you the worth of your money. ffi are Si Girag Great IIKRK'S A FEW OF THEM: 25c 25c Childrens Nat ural Wool Col or Shirts and Darwera All Siies. Childrens all Wool Shirts & Drawers All Sizes. WM. HEROLD & SON. 507 Main Ftrect Till M aT. 1 I I I ft- M I ' B-J nn v 1 1 H bm mm B mr nv-. I I minuikiivi svt I a m m m m m m u me rjr maiiiBi' j l cstpz ok MAIN STIIEETS Li(le Qiri. looinutHua uiiciiomitiai ana nun came too late to secure some of the HS"55 if,aK .e last, be of boys and Mens boots, in which Bar ii Merwr, 39c Ladies Fine Merino Silk Trimmed shirt and Drawers. 39c Mens Extra Heavy Ribbed Shirtsand drawers. urn Hattsmouth, Neb 9. i V .1 ever have put on the market. 1