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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1891)
Th9 Flattsmouth Herald. KNOTTS BROS, Publishers PniitUliwI rviiry ThurMtity, ami il.illy evtuj fTenlnKenK-ptuiiiliiy. KtiititTf .l t t'w I'liittxnumtli, XhI). wt fllccfiir trivimiHvuii tlirowrri tV U. n,)r ttftint pI:ihb rut. OMli-p eiinwr Vln ami Fifth streets. Mi'phont lie. TKItVH rnK WKF.KI.iY, nn copy, one ye ir, In a lv.inre l Jim cniy, uii yenr, not In mivanie aix )ne copy, mix iiioiit!if. in mlviint'i! 7 e py, tliri'i- in inth", In uJv;iin". . . TKKMM K'H llAll.t Hi eiip line yi In n.lvnire i )ime npy pit eek, ly nri'ir j: copy, per iiionih 51 TO RENDER AID. The movement inaugurated ly several utatert of the union, to equip train loads of provisions for the starving Kttxsianx in timely and commendable, and should become general throughout the country. Our granaricH are full to overflow ing, and this little act of charity, to tm practi;ally 110 sacrifice, will be abundantly appreciated by the Nubians, and have a tendency to create a favorable immpresion toward our own country. Indications are that a train will be equipped with Nebraska prod ucts in the near future, as re- sponoes to dovernor Ihayers re quest have been numerous and generous. Now Try This It will cost you nothing and will surely do you good, if you have Cough, told or any trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King'i New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to give relief, or money will be paid back, btifferers from La Grippe found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and perfect re covery. 1 ry a sample bottle at our expense and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottl tree at r. O. i ncke & Co. Drug oiun, j,.uj;i; tiise iXJC. aim fUl) Holidav Rn . men. ?l. wil se II round fi-;t 41. I. .,- . . . . utniiu on uL-c. it,:! unu m to sta nous not over 3HJ miles distant at rates as tollows: in Aenrasha Ninth Dakota and Wyoming one and one-third fare In Colorado and Kansas one fare. In selling from a point in Kan sas or Colorado to a point in Ne braska or vice versa, agents wH! use rate ot tare and a third for the en tire distance regardless of rale ap plying in the dim-rent states- ti '.. 1. .. I.I I M ... ... .... ivi m v. wain Jialiu """in iiuee years, ami nave re commended lis tw 111 more than ; hundred special cases of catarrh The unanimous answer to our in (jinnes is. "11 s the best remedy that 1 nave ever tiM-d." Our experience m, in. 11 uiicrc parties continued its never fails to cure.- J. II .'lontgonicry, C o Druggists, De- corali, Iowa. When I began using ICIy's Cream Halm my catairh was so bad I Iwi.l headache the whole time and dis. charged a lare amuuiit of filthy matter. That lias almost eiiiir. lv disappeared and have not had head ache science.-!. tSoinniers.SteDhiiev. onn. MONDAY, Di:Ci:.MI!KR:il. IS!)! I'M I.K SAM may well winli every notion in the universe a mem Many old soldiers, who contracted chronic diarrhoea while in the service, have since been permanent ly cured of it by Chaimberlaiii's Colic, ( holera mid diarrhoea K'em edy. 1'or sale by F. O. Fricke & Co Are you made miserable by indi . geslion, constipation, dizziness. loss ot appetite, yellow skin? Shi- loh s ita!ier is a positive cure For sale by F. (1. Fricke & Co. Christmas Tins Crisp-Mills causing no iiupli republican circles. illcnalidii asantness AT this time a great many repub licans are speaking more compli nientary of Mr. Mills than are many democrats. It appears at this time verj improbable that the republican? will receive the aid from Mr. Mills which they apprehended a few weckssiuce. ' Height of Cruelty .niviMis women seldom reclve tlie sympathy they deserve. While often the nicttircsot ln-iilih iney are constantly ailing. To with hold sympathy from these tin- lortiintes is tlie lietglit of cruelty 1 ncy nave, a weeK Heart 1. cans inr .1 . e . . . . i-iioiiiieess 01 Dreath, tluttering. pain 111 side, week and hungry swells, and finally swelling of ankles, oppression, choking, snioth ei ing and dropsy. Dr. Miles1 New Heart v. lire is 111st t hr tliino- f,.r tlieiu. Jor their nervousness, bead ache, wcekness, etc., his Restorative Nervine is uiieiialed. Fine treatise on" Heart and Nervous Diseases" anil marvelous testimonials free. Sold and fuaranteed by. F. G. Fricke & Co. Ik there is a man in the United States that richlv desires the sym pathy of the people it is Jerry Simp son. No socks and consequently 110 Christinas. SPECIAL MARKET LETTER. IT is evident that Speaker Crisp considers that "to the victors belong the spoils." In view ol which he has distributed the chair manships so as to pay his sup porters and gratify his personal flpites. IT is rumored that Cleveland has announced that he is not a candi date for n nomination. Why could lie not have ma le this statement a few months since, lie eTidently has been watching the formation of a high Hill, which he deems im practicable to attempt to mount. Tiinkb-foukths of the committee on coinage is in favor of unlimited coinage of silver. There is little doubt that a free silver bill will pass the democratic house and in the event the Crisp faction can control the democratic national convention a plank favoring it will lie adopted. J. Kl.LKX Fostkk while in the senate gallery, Monday, witness ng the Plumb obsequies laid her fur coat aside for a few moments. Presently an occasion presented its self upon which she deemed it necessary '.to leave her seat for a few moments. Up,,,, returning kmc loiin.i tnatKX) in money had oeen stolen also, a d valued atfliXK). a diamond pin Till? rumor that Governor Humphrey would resign and have the lieutenant governor appoint him to the senatorial vacancy oc casioned by the death of Senator riuiiib, was a pure fabrication, there being no foundation whatever 'or the statement. Govenmr Humphrey has resented the insult in no unmistakable terms. Such a move might confidently be appre hended if such a man as Governor Hill was in his place, however. THE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SECRET-BALLOT. Although the method of secret voting known as the Australian ystem was introduced into thl United States only five years ago, it has now been adopted in thirty three states of the Union. An ex planation of the statutes of each of these and their experience with the use of the secret-ballot, as well as of the grouping of candidates and of the method of voting the ballot in each state, is explained in an in teresting review of this whole movement by Mr. Joseph IJ. Bishop in the January number of the Forum. The rapidity with" which this system has been adopted in every part of the Union is without a parallel in the history of reform movements in the United States. Almost every state of importance. except some of the Southern states, iiow has a secret-ballot law on its Statute books, and some of them have it in their constitutions. It is a singular fact that the Southern states have been the hindmost in- stead of the foremost in this move ment, because the secret-ballot would undoubtedly in practice dis franchise a large part of the ignor .lint voters in the south. , w. G. Tress & Co., Hankers & Commis sion Merchants, Nos. 2 and 4 Sherman Street, Chicago, in their last special mar ket letter say : If theold adage "as rim iron so goes trade " is to again be verified, the corning year promises to be one of un usual activity and prosperity, for the iron indnstriesof onrcountry have for some time ueen steadily increasing their output and in many instances been unable to keep pace wuu me uemanci. it is claimed that orders already given rolling mills for steel rails, aicK,ne inree times as many as at tlie cor responding date last year, and that the de- m A f , : 1 . . . .mm railways ior iron to tie used in construction and repairs, must for many months be urgent, if the roads are to be put in proper condition and rollinii stock be supplied to meet the requirements of the i.irgciy increased traltic due to the results ot tlie last harvest, and the unprecedented uciii.inu ior ioou products from abroad The etfects of this demand is cleurlv anna. rent to the most casual observer, and have been made manifest in the finaifial con- ui. 0.1 01 our oanks, the earnings of our railways, the liquidation of mortgages, and in the general feeling of satisfaction and confidence permeating the agricultural, industrial and commercial cl.-issi. v;ih such satisfactory results from but six months of the demand, the future is bright with promise, for there is nothing upon which to predicate a prophecy of an abatement during the remainder of the crop year, while there are sub stantial reasons for expecting an im provement. Already have the increase in available funds, and the prospects of larger railway earnings revived speculation in Mocks and bonds, and as foreigners pay lor the enormous quantities of grain to be tent them, and farmers discharge their obligations, the field for speculation must widen, for railway shares cannot be ad vanced indefinitely, and investors must seek other channels for the employment of their funds. In what can they invest more conveniently and profitably than the pro ducts of the soil which are primarily res ponsible for their prosperity. As money become more abundant and domestic and foreign consumption reduces stocks of 1,-rain, speculators who are now attracted by advancing railway shares will doubtless turn their attention to grain, and infuse new life and activity into l.innnlcliinn ...... kcls. ' " ' h ' The general situation has not materially changed during the week, and the market fcr wheat has fluctuated within a narrow range in consequence of the general dis- lr 1 1 1 An 1, U . i-.-......, .,i uoine ana aoroad to restrict transactions until after the holiday season ' ontinental Kurope has evinced some dis position to renew purchasing in our iik"-'-ts on a more liberal scale, being led by I rench operators who are reported as having bought literally on the Pacific t oast European markets have shown a halting tendency because of a fair in crease in the amount on ocean passage Farmers deliveries in the United Kingdom are decreasing, and domestic receipts whibj large enough to moderately increase visible stocks, show some indications of abatement. Cash wheat has been in fair demand, and it is claimed that the out ward movement to country mills would be much larger if eastern railway lines could furnish transportation. There has been no marked change in the condition of the growing crop, although rains and warm weather in the favored localities have been benehctal. The general situation Is such however, that a suddon change to extreme! ly cold weather, while the plant is iinpro tected by snow, would create apprehensions for its safety. The expectaa'ons of the bulls in the near futures of corn have not been realized and the market is gradually drifting towards its normal condition, which when Attained, will establish the May future at a pr.-mium. over cash and the nearer futures, and enable country grain dealers to crib the grain without the risks of serious losses. So lone as the 1 , ..... ""rl"r ic- Specimen Caes. ?. If. Clifford, New Castle, Wu was troubled with neuralgia und rheumatism, his stomach w.-i ilia ordered, his liver was affected to mi alarming degree, appetite fell nwaj and he was terribly reduced iuilesk and strength. I'hree bottles o1 Klectric Hitters cured him. hdward Shepherd. II 111., had a riinninir sore on hi leo of eiirht vears' stamlm.r .1 ....-. , ... . .?v - iint-c mime 01 jviectric Hitters and seven Pottles Uucklen's Aruic JNiive, ami ins leg is sound and well 01111 speaker, Catawba. ().. had tin artre fever sores 011 his lei dnrti.n saiu ne whs incurable. One botti Electric liitfers and one box UmJi leu's Arnica Salve curfd him entire ly. sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. I have been a great sufferer from catarrh for over ten years; had it very bad, could hardly breathe. Some nights I could not sleep and had to walk the floor. I purchased Kly's Cream Halm and am using it freely, it is working a cure surely. I have advised several friends to use it, and with happy results in every case. It is the medicine above all other for catarrh, and it is worth its weight in gold. I thank God I have found a remedy 1 can use with safety and that does all that is claimed for it. It is curing my deafness. H. W. Sperry, Hart ford, Conn. PLACKS OF WORSHIP. CATiioi,ic.-St. Paul's Church, ak. between Kifth ami Sixth. Father C'ainey, Pastor H'-rvlcej : M iss at n unit 111 :: a. m. Sutidiiy School at 2 :;ni, with benediction. CiiHi-TiAN-.-Cnrner l.oi-ust and Klu-hth Sts. Services morning mid evening. Klder A. (Jalioway iustor. Sunday School 10 a. m. Ki-iscoi-Al.. St. Luke's Church, eortier Third Mild ilie. Key. 11 II. Iliiircsn. pai-tur. Ser vices : 11 a. m. iKd 7 Me. M. Sunday School at a :.') p.m. fimtMAy Mk.tiiiiiiist. .irncr Sixth St and (tiainte. Itev. Illrt. I'liotor. Services : II A. i and 7 :M 1: M. buu.i.iy School 10 :3(i A. si. I'Kl''i ttiAN. -services In new church, cur tier Sith 1111. 1 ( ininile sih. ;ev..l T. llalrd, :iylm Simdav-M- mil at U ; .'' ; Pre achiiu; at It a. 111.101I k p in, 'I In- . It. s. ('. K ol 1 hi church int-ftK e vnrv Salih-ilh evening ill 7 :ir. in the basement of the chuciii. All are invited to attend thcxe meet inns. KlUHT Ml TMOIitST. Sixth St.. licttteii M'lin and Pearl. Kev. I.. V. P.rltt. P. I), nastor. rv lVlCCH :l A. M.. 8 (Kl 1- SI Slim Sell... !::! A. M. I'ruyi rtneeti: g Wednesday even Ukhma.v PiiKHitvTKitiAN. Corner Main and rsaiin. i:cv vt lite, i ist"r. Services us": hours. .Sunday -clionl ti :;io a. m. SWI KIlWH ( 1. Noun; vrlOKAl (;r:oiltn. lie tween Fifth and Sixth. tot.oitKI) HAI'TI.T.-Mt. Olive. Oak. between iciiiii anil i.ieventli lu-v. A. Jhirwcil, pas mm. .-leive es 1 1 11. in. 11 1 1 1 7 :.) 11. 111, l'iti ineetliiL' Wednesday evening. Vot Nd Mkn'h ltl-TI an AssoriA-rtnv nonius in v aii'iiuaii block, Main street, (ios pel meeting, for inei, onlv, every Smidav af tei iiiMiii ui 4 o'clock. Hounir- oiieu week days b.'m .. ... ... 1. . .1.. ... J in., n if ; .mi v. 111. OIMTII TAIIK TAIIKHNACLK Itev .1 M W jnil, I .Services; Sunday Sirtinol i-a. in.: i i eacii I hi;, u a. iii. and 8 p. in prayer ineetliie luesdiiy night; elmir prac- ' """j muni., ah are welcome. DEilJK 15- STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASS AND QUEEN8WARE. Patronage of the Public Solicited. North Sixth Street, Plattsmouth. if at A fOi'LLAK FAMILY. t..ii . u T7..n u 1 ITaiA that ie-m to 'eatch on 'to the last nctr' UjinJJJi what I niuy, you always seem H , j fiott Kat'b: "Idon'tknow: Ieerinr,; muKeany exertion in tnai airecowa." Jknmic: " Well, during the but n,, lor axaiupio, you nave taxen uai pai. without any toucher : whi-ii Miss Luliir, desei tcil her ltJ iwr F IRST : NATIONAL : HANK OF PLATTSMOUTH. NEKHASKA 'aid up capital Surplus SWRKT SOCIETIES l.MtiHIS Or PVTIIIAS Cauntlet Lodge CI IF. II illl-l'l- rVITV 11 fllrlKl.ll III' Atf .in 1 1, it tlw.1- 1, .11 I.. I. ... t. . . 'h iik ii ii hi i in i p a i r:i a- it iuiu aii if i u Itlng knights are eordlaily Invted to' attend . L. Maishall. C. C. : Ii Hovcy, K, l. s. A - l ..W',.s Mei'lx first and third Friday eve.iingK ot each niotilh at (i. A. H. Hall 111 Itockwnok Muck. Frank Vetinlivoii M vu i o ,i.. i i - " A V; w- N'"-xi-eets Heciuid andtoiirtli I-rlday - venlngs In the month a' li. A. K hall in Ibickwood block, E.J. Morgan, M W, ( I Hiwnii, lH-UtJlllfl, Remarkable Facts. Heart disease is iisiiallysuposed iu ie lneiiiiime, out wlien properly treated a large portion of cases can be cured. Tims Mrs. Klmira Hatch, ui r.iMian, inn., and Mrs. Nary I, naKcr, or uvid, Mich., were cured after suffering 20 years. S. C. Lin burger, druggist at San Jose, III., says that Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure which cured the former, "worked wonders for his wife." Levi Lnn-.-m of Buchanan, Mich., who had heart uisease tor .) years, says two bottles mane mm -ieei like a new man.' Ir. Miles' New Heart Cure is sold ana guaranteed by F. G. Fricke & Co. Ikok of wonderful testimonials iree. i Gentlemen would not use "HIubIi I : i ...... . . . " " u was a paint or pow- uer, oi course not. it is clear as water, no sediment to fid the i tne skin. Its mission is to heal. i , . r . . . .ieane aim purity me complexion i i-vri y uiiperiection. ntul liisnren every lady and gentleman a clean, smooth complexion. Sold by O. H. onyuer. i rice io cents. IIOYAI. 11 Meet at the K. of I' I rati: block over llennett brethren Invited. Henrv Thos Walling, Secretory, Ai:C'AAM-(V" Council No 1nl '. hall In the Pariuele & n iiittn, visirlng Ht-rold, Kegeut ; ITAMUfniWll V t ta T d w SV3L.Xue"i,.f?,,.,FV,t f,1 ,llelr ,U4" ,n "'t'rald Olock. All Odd r-ellows are cordially Invited 'O attend When Visllimr In O.anltu' 1 -..... N. O. 8. W. Bridge. Secrelarv'i '', " T H K CI1IZKXS BANK. PLATT3MODTI1 NEBHA8KA Oapttal stock paid In nt Authorized Capital, $100,000. OPPI0KKR ''HANK OAKHOTtl. JOS. A. CONNOK. President. Vlce-Presldeni W. H. CU8RIN0. Ccnhier. DIKKCTOK8 Crank Carruth J. A. Connor. V. R. Outhii ni W. Johnson, Henry B(rck, John O'Keefe W. n. Mrriam, Wm. Weteiicamp, W. II. Cushlng. ..?SO.0"0. .. lo.lino.i.1:- rathe very be-t facilities for the promu tram-action of ligitimate ISankiiia liusiue 3S8 Stock", bonds, gold, government and local v urlliei' bought i. ml sold. Deposits recniv ;id Inteici allowed en the cert i fie . drafts drawn, available in any part of tin :nlted States and all tlie principal town o iurone. JOI.LKCTIO.NS M ADK AMI -1I0.MI'TLY BKHIT- TKI). Bighest marker price paid for County War rauts, State Him County bonds. DIltKCTOKS John Fitzgerald D. Ilawksworth Ham Waugli. K. K. White tlt-orge K. Dovey ohn Fitzgerald, 8. Waugh. President Ca t JEW HARDWARE STORE S. K. HALL & SON Keep all kinds nflmlMers hardware on hand aim in supply contractors on most fav . orable ten.s : TIl ROOFIN-'a l done. Hnoiitini' and all kinds of tin work promptly .un ii.Mii iuu ciniuiry solicited ti it 1, I you came tf the r iei-teu her Oil isivrti so suddfiily, and certainly we are W! lug 111 gi;u:e your instriK-t;i. : 1 i you t.-llinif Tomtiiy Knmes Inst eviiinti his elub tiiaile iiiistnkcs in ti!nviii(in.i you sri'iii to lie no ounll the htt't si 'fails know j.isr wiiatti) doiiiiiieralltiivuistii you ontci-t iiii I t-.-it il u I fy ; and in i monin vou nave mi proved so In health. yoi: toil tue. to your physk-uleuitiiiei-xi-Vnciv Ho you get all ol your inloii from In tliM li!tlo r the way place you never go to the city." Katu: " Wtiy, Jennie, you will nm Tniit. I h:'veoii!y one sniuvenf inf-n n but it is surprising Imw- it nn,). wm very s.-l I nn he:.r -l uriylliiug in-wlUiii mi.- nr.n n-w iris I'. lll'.r ll.U lull urn tf. on the Miliji-et. .!aaier Nol lln And a Iioumuu it is lo us iill, really furnishes the reudinir for the b' : father lias given up 1,1s u nJ i. .. i... i .... , .' ... . i Liiai. in. nan i.iiieii ior Jieui-s, lib ne sn one gives more und better inl.Tinul the S'llijer's of tlio ilay ; und nioilie that it is that that makes her such n ; lion el;.-eiei-. In fact, wo all mine th the only really family magazine pul ss w i- navo si nt for samples of all ol ami liml that onn is all for men. mint, ior women, and another for ih'liiri-n W 'lile i Ins , me Mlils ovorv olin of lis- only n I to t-iko one Instead of seven. unit is wiiorotiiu economy comes in. f only J.'.mi a ye;,r. I'crliniis vou think too hn isli iii my praise; but 1 will let y. ours, or, better st ill. send 10 cents to tbi lisher, V. Jennings Demurest, 15 East Stic rt. New York, for a snmilo copy, hall Hi ways consider that I have dote a great favor; ami may be vou will lieci us out. us you soy we have the re point being the best Informed family In that Ik- so, it Is Demurest' Family Mat, wint uuva it. A liberal ofler only $.100 f, THE WKKTLY H KHALI and Demorest Family Mag. tSend your subscription t( ollice. r ifi Scentific ri Krr Anencv fort v-a, r 616 Pearl St. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. CAVEMTS, TRADE imtftf nreiru BaVpail ?ti 1 COPYRIGHTS, it Information and free TTsndbook write tJ a. uu.. ,,1 lliioAUWAV, KW Vol. Oldest bureau for securing patonts In Ami-l-.very patent taken out by us Is brought be the public by i notice given free of olmrge ii. largest circulation of sny -rtentlfle naner In worm, splendidly Illii8triitel. No lntollk man PMOIIIU IMS WlinOUt 11. year; f 1.50 ii months. Pirunsuiias, 301 Broadway, Mew Yorl Weeklr. Srt.flil Adaress MUNM A ' Mexican Mustang t A Cure for Paralvsls. lrank t-orncltiiH. of Pun-i ll ffi T.. i.i . ... "'I ""j"; i iniiuceu iir. I'inson, nniiMfwiiu nan paralysis in the face to buy a bottle of Chamberlain's I am Halm, to their minn' before the bottle bad all bet il imi'd Hhe was il ereat deal hclti-r ll.r lace had heen drawn to one out ina rain Halm relieved nil pain and and the mouth assumed its natural nhape." It is also n certain cure for rheumatism line back, sprains swellings and imeness. ou cent hot! es for aula I 1 - - a - V oy r. u. iricke&Lo., Druggists. TRANSATO GENERAL BANKING BOSiNES asues certificates of deposits bearing Interest sens mciianKe. county and city . . . i. h A. C. MAYKS COUNTY - 8UHVEYOR mains above, or but slightly under 'May it will be more profitable for dealers to buy this future than to crib corn at home Oats attract but a moderate share of interest, althonKh the export movement has been large enough to cause a larse reduction in visible stocks: Hog product has felt the inrluence of liberal receipts of hogs, which continue to astonish many well informed ooerators who have been for some time carrying liberal lines of product, believing that re ceipts would suddenly drop to small pro portions. The weather has been favorable for their marketing, and farmers appear to have more faith in di future of com tba host. I used Kly's Crentn Halm for dry ratarrh. It proved a cure.-H. F. M. eeks, uenver. fcly s Cream Balm is especially uuiiincu us a remeoy ior cntarrh wnicn is aggravated by alkaline dust and dry winds. W. A. Hover, ""KKlei Denver, lean recommend Ely's Cream Hal io an sutterers from dry catarrh irom personal experience. Michael nerr, I'nartnacist, Denver. Aiy'8 cream Balm has cured many cases ot catarrh. It is In con Btant demand. Geo. W. Hoot Pharmacist, Cheyenne, Vy. CIVIL ENGINEER All orders left with the county clerk will be promptly attended to. OFFICE IX COUKT HOUSE, Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska The laws of health are taught in the schools; but not in a way to be of much practical benefit and are never illustrated by living examples which in many cases might easily be done. If some scholars, who nau just contracted a cold, was orotignt qetore the school, so that all could hear the dry, loud cough and know its significance; see the thin white coating on the tongue and latter, an the cold see the profuse watery expectora tion unu mm watery discharge from the nose, not one of ihsm would ever forget what the first symptoms of a cold were. The scnoiar should then be given Chamberlain's Cough Remedy free 1', that all might see that even a fevere cold could be cured in one or two aays. or at least greatly miti ...t ... . . in vi, Kiu-n property ireateu 11s soon as the hret symptoms appear. inis remedy is famous for it's cures of cough, colds and croup. It is made esneeeiallv for Viu disease and is the most prompt and moat reliable medicine known for the purpose. 50 cent bottle for sale oy r. o. hrtcke & Co., druggists. SEE THOSE FINE GHRI3MA8 SLIPPERS AT SHERWOOD'S Liniment. A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A long-tested pain reliever. , Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Unimcnt 1Ser' nC requirin2 an e've No other application comparei with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. ' ' ""y No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Must Jno Liniment. Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers have it. ' Everything to Funiisli'JYoar Hou AT , I " I. PEARLMAN'S 1 -GREAT MODERN HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM L Haying purchased the J . V. Weekbach store room oft c Wain street where lam now located onn cnii i. er than the cheapest having just put in the largest st ?!r?l3ernonShtA thecity. Gasoline sto'l auuiuiuiiuic vi uu Kinassoiaon the installment plan, 1 f! HI I. PEARIMAN. 'A THE POSITlvr 1 1 c- ,2LY HEI,S. 64 WsCY.rXu E rtr j kim HI I. '.