Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, December 24, 1891, Image 8
K Narrow Eacapa. The many friends of Wm, Brant tier will regret to learn that while working in the wcMtvrn part of the etate with the Hilly Neville bridge gan he BtiHtaiiu-d an injury that came near coBtiug him hi life. He was assisting in the manipulation of the pile driver when a portion of that apparatus struck hini in the face, breaking bis malar or cheek bone urul bruising his face fright fully. When picked up by his fel low laborers he was thought to be dead, but after being carried to his room restoratives were adminis tered, which in the course of u day or so restored him to consciousness. As soon as he was able to travel he was brought home, arriving last evening. A IlEKALltrcportcr called . at his home on North Ninth street to-day and lound him as comfort ably as might be expected. There is little doubt that be will survive his injuries, though he will prob abiy be confined to his room for several weeks. IntnreHt Ineren1y. Father Hayes called at TliE office to-day and says that he will render all the aid in his power to secure the location of the Western Normal college in this city. He has twelve acres between Granite street and "Fitzgerald's Forty," which he considers would make as flue a site for the building as could be found. In the event the business men feel disposed to take the aggressive steps necessary, he will make a proposition that would be extremely reasonable. Let a meeting be called at once, each one do his duty and we shall succeed. Pony Theivinu. A crook named Winter was sentenced ito sixty days confine ment in the county jail some time since, as a punishment for stealing goods of a Weeping W. merchant. Having served out his sentence, he was released last evening, but no sooner was he at liberty than he began to practice the nefarious work upon Jour merchants. He or his accomplice first a pair of shoes nnd slippers from the establisment of W. A. Hock, which he disposed of to a boy for a trifling sum. The police were notified nnd according ly the lellow was run in, but as he declared he was innocent of the charge and positive proof of his guilt could not be obtained he was uot brought into the police court. To-day at about 10 a. m. the same party walked up to "Joe's" Jclothing store nnd boldy took an $18 over coat from the rack and after put ting it on proceeded to quietly walk away. The proprietor soon dis covered his loss and Johny Fitzpat rick upon being notified took after the transgressor who was making for the Junction. Johny ran as far as the bridge whereupan the oblig ing conductor on the K. C. train assisted him on his way. After crossing the bridge, immediately on the Iowa side the fellow, and his negro accomplice attempted to run across the country in the hope of eluding thier pursuers. The con ductor stopped the train, and the plucky Johnnie uoon brought the hardened criminal to a halt. See ing hsi predicament he asked "Well. Johny, are you a policeman in Iowa too" whereupon the police assured him that he was a privileged character. The police ordered the negro, who was then wearing the coat, to deliver it over. To this the mau Winter objected. A few strokes from the billy of the police man rendered him in a less choicy mood and the colored gentleman turned over the property without further protest. It was thought advisable to let them goon as to detain them would only incur an unnecessary expeuse. Judge Archer's Court. Information was filed last eve ning against D. M. Jones, charging him with disturbing the peace and carrying concealed weapons. The case has been set far Saturday at 2 p. m. Mat Gering will appear for the defense. The case of City of Plattsmouth vs. Wi. 'Weber, wherein the defend ant is accused ot keeping his saloon open later than 11 o'clock, the hour at which the city ordinance pro vides that they shall be closed, is pending as we go to press. Dukixg the past eight mouths the mortgage indebtedness has diminished 2o per cent, in Kamsas, ltus indicates that the large crops have found a ready and crinunera tive market andwith the proceeds the farmers are paying for the land and farm improvements for which they went indebt when they were purchased. Dooutless the alliance leaders read with regret the lists of farm mortgages that are being cancled in Nebraska and .Kansas. True when the people prosper it is a dull time !for the disapointed and dis irruntled politician, that has been kicked out of some other party, who expeets to be hoisted into office by the calamity wail. Umclb Sam should be truly happy. His graneries are full to overflowing and all Europe is beg ging at his feet. Tub big crops together with the extended markets the republican party has opened for the people is a Christmas present for which they will feel thankful. You can get the best of hand made boots and shoes at Joseph Fetzer's. tf Mesdames Ella Royaf nnd Arnold departed for Omaha this morning. For gents Christmas slippers go ot Joseph Fctzer. tf Why will you cough when Shi hill's cure wi'l gi.e immediate re lief. 1'rice 10 i ts., 50 cts. and $1 For sale by F. G. Friciie 8c Cc For a nice X-mas present go to JDK, the popular clothier and look at his fine line of Mu filers nnd Hats. Ilroken How is considering a pro position to establish a paving brick manufacture. Progress is the watch word of Nebraska towns this year. What about riattsmouth? Geo. Vass and the court house clock. tf The conuty commissioners', Geo. Vass and the court house cluck. Call on the Tucker Sisters in the Sherwood b'ock for bargains in Winter Hats. tf Heiinctt & Tutt have sweet cider, tf Gering & Co for Christmas pres ents, tf No. 5 was ov r and hour late this morning, detering several from making a trip to the metroplis. A nice line of holiday goods at Hennett A Tutt's. tf Gering A Co. have the largest and best stock of goods in the city, making no exceptions whatever. If If you want a beautiful lamp for a present to a friend, and want it cheap, go to llennett & Tutfs. tf Gering tc Co. are headquarters for plush goods of every description, tf There was a slight wreck at Grand Island Monday caused by a fanety switch. No one was injured Go to the Fair for your Christ mas presents. You can buy toy;? of all kinds cheaper there than anywhere else in the city. tf You will miss the opportunity of lifetime if you fail to call and examine Gering A Co.'s mammoth Holiday stock. tf Anybody that wants to can pot presents on the mantle at the Christian c'.uirch to-morrow night. Everybody is welcome. Gering & Co have the finest and largest line of plush goods in the city. tf Sleepness night made miserable by that terrible caugh Shilohs rem edy is the cure for you, by F. G men. auu j n onyuer. z Important Notice). The full official board of the M. E. church is called to meet at the church at the close of prayer meet ing on Wednesday night of this week. It is very necessary for nil to be present. 2t L. F. Hkitt, Pastor. You will make a mistake if yon fail to call on Hennett & Tutt be ore purchasing your holiday goods Vi i i i.. f iiiey nave u mrue ciiiMiiy in cuoice candies, nuts, fruits, etc., which they will sell cheap. tf If you want to see a sicht that will make your eyes water you want to call and look over the hand some assortment of plush goods at Gering A Co's. Height of Cruelty Aefvous women seldom recive the sympathy they deserve While often the pictures ot health, they are constantly allmir. To with hold sympathy from these un- fortuntea is the height of cruelly. ineynavea week, hearth, causing siiorineess ot breath, lluttering pam in side, week nnd hungry swells, nnd finally swelling of ankles, sppression, choking, smoth ering and dropsy. l)r. Miles New Heart Cure is just the thing for them. For their nervousness, head ache, weekness, etc., his Restorative Nervine is unequaled. Fine treatise on" Heart and Nervous Diseases" and marvelous testimonials free, Sold and fuaranteed by. F. G. Fricke A (JO. HowTMn! We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO. Props, Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F. 1. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfetly honorable in all business transactions and fin ancially able to carry out any obli gations made by their firm. went & Traux. Wholesale druc gists, Toledo, O., Walding, Kinnan A Marvin, Wholesale druggists Aoieoo, yi. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in temally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Trices, 75c. per bottle, Sold by all druggists. Testimoni als free. Good Evening! Have you used Ah! there is no ueed of my saying any ining lunner, i am sure you will hereafter use nothing but the ramoua iuusn ot Koses tor your complexion. Yours with best wishes, Flora A. Jones, South Bend, Ind P.S. Call this eve -tlease at O. H Snyder and learn ibe particulars. For the handsomest plush drees OUR CLUBINO LIST, Home Magazine and Hibalo 1 N Toledo Bind and limLD J n llanfr'i MukmZ'DA Kiid Ukralu 4 & llnrpcr's HHZxrand Hrmald in Harper' Weekly and nr.KAi.ii -- 4 a Iowa Hint Kejrlsler and IIkhald ft WcNtrrii Km mI and Hkhalu i w The Korum and IIkhald a to Globe-Democrat and II KK u 2 10 luterOceauaud Hkhalb 2 a Guaranteed Cure, Wt authorize our advertised drug gist to sell Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. If you are articled with a cough, Cold or any Lung, Throat, or Chest, trouble, and will use this remedy as directed, giving it a lair trial, and experience benefit, you may return the bottle and have your money refunded. We could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could relied on. it never disappoints. Trial bottles free at F. G. Fricke A Co Drug Store. Large size 50c, and $1.00. Holiday Ra'ea, The H.AM, will sell round trip tickets on Dec. '24,25 nnd HI to sta tions rot over 200 miles distant at rates as follows: In Nebraska South Dakota and Wyoming one and one-third fare. In Colorado and Kansas one fare. In selling from a point in Kan sas or Colorado to a point in Ne- traska or vice versa, iments will use rate of fare and a third for the en- ire distance regardless of rate ap dying in the ilillerent states tt A Million Friends A friend in need is a fried indeed, mil not less lhan one million peo- le have found just such a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption, coughs, and colds. If you never have used ibis great ough medicine, one trial will con vince you that it has wonderful cur ative powers in all diseases o.'lhe throat chest and lungs. Each bot tle is guaranteed to do all thai is laimcd or money will be refunded Trial boitle free at F. G. Fricke A Co's drugstore. Large botlles 50c and $1.00. We have sold Ely's Cream Halm aboul three year., and have re commended its use in more than n hundred special cases of catarrh. I'he unanimous answer to our in- quir'cs '.V'li's I ne ijesl remedy that I havecver used." Our experience is, tliat where parlies continued its use, it never fails to cure. J. II. Montgomery, i. Co.. Druggists, De cor;, n, lowa. Wiien I began usini Y.' Cream I i I in my calm rh was so bad I had heiidaeiie the wiiole t;ire at'd dis charged n large r. mount oC filihy matter, liii.t has almost entirely disappeared am1 have not had head- iche science.-J. sonimers.Sleplinev. Conn. Will you suffer with Dvsneosia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vit alizer Is guaranteed to cure you. 2 Happy Hoosiers. Wm. TimtMO' . I'o u.if -to.' iirvillc. mil.. wrilei; "lr i, r. ; .! done imm for me. Una e'l ui er,i';'i'!i p nmiliiveil, fur ih:. bd "ee tvr .,oin Kidney a:H l.iver trollill.l." JO 111 i e'.e. C. ne-nlil kM.inun e'tiiire', r,.. c' r I 'tv. c lutein to db I nub i S" iliie'HVd I, tree meu.c u, made niefee ea irn nan J. W. danlne li.r J.,'.e ini'ieh: ut.k, ,ne .oKu.r.vs: "Elec fie I'.i f! j. .e ,ii ,i I, , n who r. in: di.' a i od On i i . e t l.e lues or diiile'd -it .( .0. tfi. I ui'iiBill. am' i j i Oil 60c, a b; Store . ' r i a i p iv ie. ie on life b. K. C. rrcke & Co s Drun 2 Gentlemen would not use "Blush of Roses" if it was a paint or pow der, of course not. It is clear as water, no sediment to ful the tiores of the skin. Its mission is to heal. cleanse and purify the complexion of every imperfection, and insures every lady and gentleman a clean, smooth complexion. Sold by O. II. Snyder. Price 75 cents. A Cure for Paralysis. Frank Co. nclii s, of rmcel, Ind Ter., says: "I induced Mr. Pinson whose w'.fe lu.d paralysis ' 1 the face to buy a untile of Ch: u lei lain'c lin liiilin. To their great sunrise before ilie bn.ile nil been used she was a great deal better. Ilei lace had been drawn io one side; but the Pain li.ilm rdieved all (lain and soreness, :i inl Hie nioiii'i iiriMuuicii us naiuri i shape. It 's also a cert. lin cure for rheumatism lame ..ack, sprains swellings and lameness. 50 cck brtties 'or sale by b. (j. Fricke.Co., Druggists. I used Ely's Cream Halm for drv caiarin. ii proved a cure. IS. J. PL Weeks, Denver. Ely's Cream Halm is especially adapted as a remebv for catarrh which is aggravated bv alkaline dust and dry winds. W. A. Hover, uruggisi, Denver, lean recommend Ely's Cream Hal to all sufferers from dry catarrh from personal experience. Michael nerr, t'liarmacist, Denver. illy s Cream Halm has cured many cases of catarrh. It is in con stant demand. Geo. W. Hoot rhai macist, Cheyenne, Wy. The laws of health are taucrht in the schools; but not in a way to be of much practical benefit and are never illustrated by living examples wiiit.ii in many cases might easily ne done, if some scholars, who had just contracted a cold, was brought oefore the school, so that all could hear the dry, loud cough and know its significance; see the thin white coating on the tongue anu laiier, as me com developed see the profuse watery exoectora' tion and thin watiry discharge from the nose, not one of them would ever forget what the first symptoms of a cold were. The scholar should then be irlven Chamberlain's Cough Remedy free iy, inai an mtgm see that even t i m . . severe com couiu oe cured in one or two days, or at least greatly miti gaieu, wnen properly treated as soon as the lirst symptoms appear, inis remedy is lamous for it s cures of cough, colds nnd croup, it is made especcially for these disease and is the most prompt and most reliable medicine known for the purpose. 50 cent bottle for sale L TO CLOSE B LT CAlsT OVERCOATS MB SUITS, FOR XvIEW -A-XsTID BOYS FOR LESS MOXKY THAN EVKK HEARD OF BEFORE It "Who will fhow you better miikos, quality and fur less buy west ot Chicago. A CHILD CAN 15UV AS CHEAP AS TOE Has Cnl3r One IFrice, OPERA HOUSE CORNER, HUYS A FIRST-CLASS Fqi'ii - Ijqi'iiess, all hand made. LOOK AT THEM Repairing Promptly lone. Remember the Place. Phil's Hew Harness Shop. Opposite P. O. Plattsmouth jCAWSON & PEARCE HAVE RECEIVED Their Fall straws, lanoy rllitii'iin, tips and quills uiso d itn in new laKlilon cone sunpe nau 111 straw nnd In I. They hxva a lull line ui Imliy h'iml- and In or der t.i close old slock out have re dnced tuelr urn w rallor hat to 40 and to 75 cents li'lniiiied, MISS SCHUYLER, TRIMMER. Shorthand. AND TYPEWRITING COLLEGE Plattsmouth, Nebraska. There are thousands ot young ladies, fewinR furls, nchnollleucliers. cleiKs, no who tre ekiiiK out rn existence on a salary barely sufficient io suppiy meir every aay warns. Ilv cniniiletiiiE a course In short hand and by finishing Ui, y can earn from $10 lo $150 per month. Situations gunradteed to competent students inaiuivuai luniiuctlon, new typewriters. DAY AND EVENING SESSIONS. Rooms over Mayers Biore. Children Cry for Pitcher's Cutoria. Wim Babf m tick, we gave bar Cutoria. When ab in a Child, aba oried for Caatorift, TOmq aha boMm JHna, rh? clrn to Oaafcw ju, TOmo lb bad Chil.frm, dx kvu them Cantori HEAR IN MIND THAT sJOE S-fW EYOTJ COITSY FurnishiDg Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, etc. will pay you to come fifty miles to trade JOE NO TROUHLE TO SHOW GOODS. F Q $ C2 . WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A Full and Complete line of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully THE SAINT LOUIS WEEKLY GLOBE-DEMOCRAT THE BEST NEWSPAPER OF THE AGE. i It consists of JO pages. Pays more for news than any other paper in the U. S., beui$ re,dete with matter of interest to all classes, the agricultural, the mercantile and the pro -fessional. Advocates the principals of th Republican partr and publishes in full the speeches of its leaders. As the coming Presidential Campaign pi oml es to be the hottest ever contested, ev ery republican should become' a subscriber and keep himself thoroughly informed of what isocmring in the political world. PRICE Sl.00 PER YEAR. Remit through Postmasters and News dealers or direct to the GLOBE PRINTING CO. ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI SAMPLE COPIES MAILED FREE. H Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. Tbb Bkst Salts in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sorei, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Tiles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 con tg per box For sale by F. O. Fricke YJERS ) at Jobbers Prices with money than you can A MAN PLATTSMOUTH. CompounihMi at all Hours. I. ir. dujn Alwnya hag on hand a full stock of ILOUR AND FEKD, C7"' Bran. Shorts Oata and Baled and delivered to any part of the CORNER 6IITH AND VINE Plattsmouth, . . Nebraska. ug case can oi uenng & Co. tf by r. O. Fricke Co., druggists.