Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, December 24, 1891, Image 5

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    Legal Notice
I)Itr;'-iCT COURT CA83 COUSTY NE-briwlia
tl aUbo, and
r Allen, partners m
rut. I'liiluliu"
t Petersen and
at II. I'eter en
uc u Petersen & Bro
1 1ClfUUftUllS
Rasmus Petersen, defendant, will take
notiee that on the 2th day of November.
Allen Bros . pluintills herein, filed their peti
tion in lue district court i f Cass county, Ne
lraska, aualnst siiid d femliint. the object and
fraytir of which are to recover of defendants
tie sum ol one handled thliteeu und live one
Imndrethsd' liars with Interest thereon from
November 20, ltfl : eventy-8ix and ninety
seven one liuinirt'tlis dollars of ahl amount
being now due and iiayaulu ami thirty six and
eight one-hundrellis dollais due and payable
lovember 30 forwoods and merchandise sold
at jellrered defeudantKhy )1 IntiRsaud tint
on aid day an order of attachment was issued
ie clerk l the dtotnet court of ass
I ty. r.eoraii.a, aireeteu 10 tne snerin oi
fjd jton county, Nebraska and the sheriff of
" NA.intv Mhriulfu anrf luviwd hv (hum
J K. vu.i.'.Ji nU ni.u ""i "J .......
the following described property, to-wit :
mi.i north-east quarter of section intriy
no township twenty-three (331 north of rmitte
lour r 4 1 Mvtlsou e.'unly, Nebraska, and lot
rlour f4l In block flftv-ehtbt Ml and lot ten
(10) In block thirty-three in the city of
Plattsmouth Nebraska, Notice of garnlsh
ment was also served upon the Vrtt National
Bank of pliittsinoutri Nebraska as niorteauee
of all eoods merchandise book accunts u
lomrinirto said defendant and in possession
aud umlei control of said bank, Plaintiff prays
'. tnflmnent akralunt dfeendHtit for the sum
f Ii3.05 Interests and all of said property or
fncli thereof as may bo necessary be sold
" Htisfv the amoutit fouud due plaintiff from
You are required to answer said 'petition on
or elore Monday jauuiary inn ItKOH.plaintlff,
by John A, DAViKS atty
Dated Not.301891.
Legal Notice
James Japsen,
Plain tin
! - vs
Rasmus Petersen,
Rasmus Petersen defendant will take notice
that on Uie2ntli day of November lwl James
Japsen plaintitf herein tiled his petition In
the district court of t'ass county Nebraska
aitalnst said defendant the object aud payer
of which is to recover of the defendant the
sum of one hundred and fifty dollais, with
Interest from date for money Waned delendant
at Ills special instance and request now due
and pavable to plaintiff from defendant and
timi in.ii,i iiiiv mi in iter of attachment was
iaani.,1 hv Hie clerk of the district court of
Cass county Nebraska directed to the sheriff
01 Madison county Keorasan ami inn mnin
oi t'ass county Nebiaska and levied by them
iinmi tim inilowliiii decsrlhed property tow rlt :
The northeast quarter IV) of section thirty
faol township tweutv-three 2a i north of raniie
fnnr 141 west, situated ill Madison county Ne
brunka and lot four 41 in block flfty-eitlht Ml
ami lot ten 1 101 in block thirty-three J3
itimtmi n iiih uitv nt v aits no I n i.:is couu
fv Nebraska and also served notice of izarn sh
mnnt iinon the Kii st National Hank of Piatt -
mouth Nebraska as indrtgage of all goods
war..a nierclmiiil Inh and bonk accounts beloliir-
I'Ultosaid defendant Hasmns Petersen In the
liiids and posession of said First National Hank
fll'lattsiitomil enrasaa. uiai piaiinui piajs
A hiiiL'inent airalnst defendant It said sum
y,ine hundred and fifty dollars with Interest
mh date and that all of said property or as
. )ucli thereof as may be necessary be sold to
'aatlMy I lie aiuouHl iuuno uue planum iroiu
You are required to answer said petlttou on
or before the lltu day ot janurary isiu.
Jamks Japsen .plaiutiff
By Matthew Gkrinu, Atty.
Dated Nov 27 ln.
Legal Notice
Dudley M. Hteele,
Dudley Smith
A v Dudley H
f JohnSt(i
J lJ'I,-M-4''''5asmiis
, ' X'hrlstlan
1 - V
oho Steele, partners
Steele co.
Petersen and
lirlstlan Petersen rart
. ners as Petersen & Bro.
Rasmus Petersen defendant, will take notice
'that on the 19th day of November Ihbi. D. M.
(Steele to piaintins Herein men meir pru
tlon in the district court of Cass county, Ne
braska airainst said defendants, the object and
' prayey of which are to recover of dependant
the sum of One Hundred and Twenty-fout dol-
tare and sixty two cents wuu luierei-v uieieou
from November 19, 1MU now due and payable
to plaintiff from defendants for go'xls and mer
ehandlse sold and delivered by plaintiff to de
fendant at their request and that on said day
an order ot attachment was Issued by the clerk
f the dlstnst court of t'ass County. Nebraska
1 directed to the sheriff of Cass county. Kebras-
Ha and bv him levied upoa the following de
' 'scribed property, to-wlt. . .....
, ' aUit(our4, block flfty-eleht 5? and lot ten
' Tin, block thirty-three 33 In the City of
riattsmouth. Nebraska. Notice of carnish
. '' meutwas also served on the First National
' Bank of Plattsouth, Nebraska as mortgagee
of all goods, merchandise and beok accounts
. beloiiRlng to said defendants and now In pos
' oS8lou and unber control of tlie said Kirst Na
W Vonal Bank wherefore plaintiff prays for Judg
V. went against defendant for the sum of 8U4.61
with Interest and that all of said property o'
o'rnuch thereof as may be necessary be sold
' to'aatlsfy the amount due plaiutitf from defeu
idefendatit. You are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday, January 11, 181.
D. M. Stkklk ft to. Plaintiff.
Hv John A. Davles, Atty.
kted November so. itwi,
Legal Kotlce.
f X braska.
shland Mill and Klectric "1
tight Company (incorixir-
: Stud). PlsiUtlff I
vs t
Rasmus Petersen,
' Christian JI, Petersen,
Rasmas Petersen defendent will take notice
that on the 20 th day .of November 1SU1 the
Ashland Mills and Klectric Light Co, plaiutltT
erein Hied its petition in the district court of
,ass euimtv Nebraska aimhi't ""Id defendant
Uie object and prayer of which are to recover
Aft deftfndants.tlio sum of one hundred twentv
Tlollars and fifteen cents with Interest thereon
from Nov, aith 1)1 now dao and payan'e to
plaintiff from defendant, for goods and merch
andise sold and delivered to defendant at
their request by plaintiff and that nn said dsy
an order of attachment was issued by theclerk
of the district court of Cass county Nebraska
directed to th sheriff of Madison county Ne
braska and sheriff Of Cass county Nebraska
ami I
and levied by them upon the following des
cribed property towrit :
The northeast, quarter tj or ssenoa minjr
i nil t.mnsblo twentv three Ml north of rani's
four Ml. west, situated In Madison county. Ne
braska and lot four 4, block flrty-eitfht &h1,
and lot ten till, block thirty-three M. l'latts
' mouth, Nebrasnii. Notice of garnishment was
i also served on the Klrst National t'ank of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska as mortgagee of all
f4 goods, merchandise and book account s belonu-
na to said defendant and now In possession
and under control of said Bank. Plaintiff
prays iora juuKineni ncaiusi smu ueieuuaui
forthe said sum of $110 1.1 with Interest aud
that all of said property or so much thereof as
may be necessary he sold to satisfy the amount
found due plaintiff from defendant,
Vou are required to answer said petition on
or before Morday January ll.lssii
Ash t. and Mux and Klkctrio
Liuht Company, Plaintiff.
By John A, Davles, Atty
Dated November au, ibvi.
Legal Notice
Basfflu.Haneepiaintiff 1
Pmmiii Petersen.
ueisnaam j
Rasmus Petersen, defendant, will take
notice that on the twentieth day of Nov.. 1891.
Rasmus Hansen, plaintiff herein, filed Ins
petition in the district court of Cass county,
Nebraska, against said defendant, the object
and prayer ot which Is to recover of the de
fendant the sum of one huudred dollars, with
interest from September I, lic.'l at 10 per cent
per annum for money loaned defendant at his
special Instances and request nww due and
payable to plaintiff from defendant and that
ou ssld day ulso filed the necessary affidavit to
obtain or tersof attachment to be Issued by the
Clsrk of the district court of Cass county, Ne-
braika directed to the sheriff of Madisen coui
ty Nebraska and t the Sheriff of Cms
county. Nebraska aud levied by-ltiem upon the
(ollowlng described property, M-wit ;
Then rtneait quarter I s . oi ei lion mmj
30, lowusliip tw-nty three (.'SJ.nortli of mne
four (41, weft, situat d iu M idisou county Ne
braska and lots tour 14 1, in lilix-k fltty-eltbt
I. VI. diid lo ten ltd in bioek tlnrty-inree .,
City of I'lattsinoulh, t'.i.t county, era.ka,
and also served notice of caruilinient mum the
First National Hank of riaitsuiotith. Nebraska
as mortgagen of all KO 'ils, wares. merchandise
and b'xiK acrou ts lirlougtng t said defen
dant Kasnius the nand and roses.
slouof said Pint National Hank ot I'lattsiuoutli
Nebraska, lliut plaintiff pravs f"r a Jiidtf
nient against efendant for salil sum of g
with imeres' from tiept S, ls;il anil that all of
lid pr 'Perty or so nuieii thereof as may be
necesary be sold o satisfy the amount found
due platatlff from defendant.
You are required t an-wer said petition on
or before the lltli day of January, ism
KASMt'H iiamskm, riaintin,
Hv Matliew tiering, Atty.
Dated November I", lS.ll.
Legal Notice
braska. I
Christian II. Petersen
Rasmui Petersen,
Rasmus Petersen defendant will take notice
that ou the lidh day of November isul chris
tian II. Petersen plaintiff herein filed his peti
tion in the district court if Cass county Ne-
biaska against said deleiidant the object and
prayer of which Is to recover of the defendant
the sum of two thousand and Bfty-slx dollars
unou a promissory note and other Indebted
ness as shown by said petltlou all of which
sum is now due and payhle to plaintiff from
defendant and that in said day an order of
attachment was Issued by the c.erk of the dis
trict court o' ass ( utility iseurasKa directed
to the sheriff of Madison county Nebraska and
the sheriff of Casscoiiuty Nebiaska and levied
hv them ii mill the lollnwiiiir described proper
ty beloiiL'iiiii to the defendant tow It :
I ne noil neast quarter tu ot section tinny
(3) township twenty-three i2;i) norm of range
lour (4) west, suuatcu in Maiiison diiniy Ne
braskaainl lot four (4) In block lifty-elht (.rs;
and lot ten 1U) in block thuly-three(33) situa
ted in the cl y of Platlsmoulii Nebraska that
plaintiff prav for Judgement airainst ilefenilant
forsaid bum of yMH wlih interest fioiu date
and that all of saio I mnertv or so much there
of as may be ueessaiybe sold to salify the
uiiiouiiL iiMiuu one iiiainiin iioni uc icuuani
ion are niiiirt d tonnswer said petitio n on
or before the uth nay of Janury 102.
UlUUsllAN II. I'KTKKSI'N, plllllltlll
Wll. L. itltJWNK. All.
Dated Nov. 27 lwl.
Legnl Notice.
Theodore Tvcl.son and
Julius I; uch, paitueis i
Plaiullffs. '
vs. V
Kasmus Petersen and I
Christian 11 l'e1eicn, iatt !
ners, iieieiuialils. j
Hasmns Petersen, defendant will take ao
ticetlial on the ith day of November lS'.M
lychson ft Keneh plaiiititis, ben in llled their
petiliou in thrdistrict coiic ofi ass county e
bl'atka against said defendant the object
and prayer of winch are to recover
from defendants the sum of i.l.4.r w tli
Interest thereon from November ifo, isyt
for liooils aud ineivhandise now due and
payable. That an order of attachment was
issued by the clerk of the district court of Cass
county Nebraskadiiected to the slierill ol said
county ami ov nun levied upon ine louowinu
deser bed property : t"wit,lot four (4) In block
I OSi and lot (id) in block .! in the city oi
I lat tsiiinui h .Nelira.ska also that a notice ot
Garnishment was srved unou the First Na
tioual Hank as morti;iigee ot the goods, anil of debts and b ok accounts
1 bat the same may hit out t satisfy amount
due nlaintill troin iteieiidants tin icon.
You are required to answer s;:id petition on
or beiore Monday January inn, liwz
ItytJoitN A. D.wiKS.Atty.
Legal Notice.
J. Nebraska
Gertrude 8. Petersen 1
Plaintitf. I
vs. r
Rasmus Petersen.
Defendant. J
l,ninun ft cia.i, unruuniit, nil, tivo iiir'
tice that on the 2uth dav of November 1891
tJ n .i U . .. Jf.l.J.n, will , - I. . ...
Gertrude S. Petersen, plaintiff herein filed her
Reiiunn in tne aistrict court oi tans county
ebriska atfalnst said defendant, the abject
aud prayer of which Is to recover of the de
fendant the sum of two hundred dollars with
Interest from May 11. 1891 for money loaned de
fendant at his special instance and request,
now due and hiayable to plaintiff Irom the de
fendant, and that ou said day an aflidavli nec
essary to procure an order of attachment was
tiled In said court and ordeisof attachment
were issued by the clerk of the district court of
Cass county Neb directed t ) the sheriff of liad
ison county. Neb and the Hherlff of Cats coun
ty Nebraska and levied by them upon the fol
lowing described property, to-wit :
'1 he northeast quarter (H)of section thirty
(!!, township twenty-three (23) north of range
four (4) west, situated In Madison county, Ne
braska aud lot four (4) In block fifty elulit (,'.J)
and lot tan (10 la block thirty-three (3I situat
ed in the eity of Plattsmouth, Can; county,
Nebraska and also served notice of garnishment
u pun the Kirst National Hank of Plattsmouth,
Nebraska, a uortKacee of all goods, warss.
merchandise ad book accounts belonging to
said defendant, Rasmus Petersen In tke hands
ami possosslon of said First National Kauk of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, That plaintiff pravs
for a Judgment aK!iist said defendant for
said sum of two hundred dollars with Interest
from Mav 11, IK'jl and that all of ss id propertv
or so much t hereof as may be necessary be sold
to satisfy the amount found due plalntlll from
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the Uth day of January 18W.
UcuiuLDkS. Pkikmskn. Plaintiff,
By Matliew tiering, Atty.
Dated November IT, 1891,
Legal Notice
Ceo A Kennard (impleaded with otkers) will
take notice that ion the 17th day of May lsW
the plaintiff herein, William Saunders, filed
his petition In the district court ol Cass county
Nebraska, the object aud prayer of w hich are
to foreclose a certal'i nioriuaRe executed by
the defendants Paulina A, Horloiiand Wilils
j llmton to the plaintiff upon the northwest
quarter of .section number twenty-seven, town
ship number ten, north ranne ten, east of the
Mh I'. M.,ln s.iid Cass county to secure the
payment of a certain proiuisory note dated
August M. 18SH for the sum of f Jn.voo due aud
payable one day after dav at lo per cent Inter
est. There is now dueupon said note and
mortgage the sum of ?)5.oo ami in per cent in
terest from the HUIIi day of August, 1831 for
which sum, with interest, plaint ifl nays de
cree that de(-n iants be required to pay the
same or that said premises may be sold to sat
isfy the amount found duo, aid to execute you
from all Interest therln.
Vou are required to answer said petition and
all cross petitions therein tiled on or before the
Mil day of Januaiy lsna .
William Hacnprhr.
Hy Cibson t Wooley, his Attys.
December 4 1891 . 4t.
In the District Court, Cass County, Nebraska
Mary .1. Jameson, plainttll vs. Arthur 11.
Jameson, defendant.
To Arthur II. Jameson non-resident defend
ant, you are hereby untitled that on the 21st
dayof November lsul. Mary . I. Jameson filed
a petition against you in the District Court of
CassCounty Nebraska, tin oblect and prayer
of which are to obtain a divorce from ynu on
the grounds of said defendant being an habit
ual drunkard, failure to support and that you
have willfully abandoned the plaintitf without
good cause for the term of two years last past.
You are required to answer ssld petition ou or
before Monday February s, m,
Makv J. Jamknson,
By A. N . Sullivan, her Atty.
Legal Notloe
Robert Irwin will t.-'ke notice that on the 4th
dayof December, lsul. Kred Patterson a Jus
tice of the peace of Hook blufl precinct. Cass
county. Nebraska. Issued an order of attach
men ts for the sum of lis OU. inaction pending
before Mm. wherein K. K. Reynolds is plaintiff
and Robert Irwin Is defendant, that property
of the defendant consisting of notes In Joseph
Shera'e nands has been attached under said
Said cause was continued to the 23rd dayof
January ltwzat ino'ciock a. m,
4t Signed K. K. ilnvwoi DS, FIl'IT
Yesterday was the shortest day
ot the year. 1 here were only nine
hours and four minutes of day
Baffled Best Medical Skill for
Eight Months. Cured In Two
Months by Cutioura
This is to eertlfy that a child of mine had
enema In its woist mrm, ami which oaiueu
the best medical skill that could be employed
here The little sufferer was wrapped In
gony for at least eight nionta. ,su nioiiths
oi uiai line us suner
Inn was slniplv untold,
then I et!an the use of
the li i n i ttA Kkmk
piks; In two months
the awful disease had
ceased its venneane,
and my darling boy had
rest, and to all appear
ance the disease had
yielded, but Irontlnu d
the medicine for several
months after no trace
ceuld be seen of It on
anv nart of his bodv.
The doctors here watched the diseaio witn
much iuterest, and could only say "Well
done I" The case was known far and wide,
and everybody was much sui prised Hut
thanks to Ci'TiruuA Ukmkdirs. Could there
be anyttiliii! on earth that would cause a
faiherto rejoice it surely would be w lit n the
little Innocent one could have such u remedy
at hand. See portrait herewith. J. A.
NICIIOLHS. Hunker Hill. lnd.
A child was brought to me with chranlc
eivema that had defied splendid treatment
irom many gnoti doctors. As a regular M, l .
s'lould have continued similar treatment, but
thought It useless. So put it on L'UTIOUHAS.
ine ciiiu is welt
C. L. GURXEY. M. D., Doon, la.
Th aew Blood und skin Purifier. Internally,
gnu vutiitka, inn great, skiii tune, auo
Cu ricuiiA Soap, the exuuisite skin Heauti-
fler, externallv, Instsntlv relievo ami speedily
cure every disease and humor of the skin,
scaiand blood, witn loss of hair, from liiuu
cy to age, from pimples to scrofula.
Sold evervwliere. Price. Ct'TirfttA. SOc
Soap, Sic : Hknoi.vknt, l. Prepared by the
I'd I' I Ml DltLci A.MlCliKllH'Al.COUI'OUATlON,
lr Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases,"
M pages, .) Illustrations, aud 100 testimonials.
Tl A T3VJC! Sl"n and Scalp purllled and
JJri D I O beaut iflnd by Ci'Tici'KA Soap.
Absolutely pure.
Kidney and t'lerme Pains and
Weaknesses relieved in one minute
I. . . .I... . . i . . ft .i.n
1 Plaster, the only instantaneous
pain killing plaster.
ftm Mrmiay't Daily.
Henry Kikenbary
Nebraska City last evening.
Dial Smith and wife departed
last evening for Heaver City to
spend the holidays.
Judge Chapman and A. N. Sul
livan departed for Nebraska City
last evening to attend court.
A. V. Cox and wile, ol' Hastings,
spent Sunday with Dr. I.ritt and
returned hon.e this ii.oming,
Mrs. Frank Harntiouse and son,
who have been visiting i't city,
relumed to pairuiont lasi evening,
A. H. Todd is another victim of la
grippj. lie is a pretty big man
but avoirdupois isn't "in it" with
the grippe.
A. C. I.oder came iu on the
Schuyler this morning. lie is con
siderably indisposed by an attack
of la grippe.
B. E. Hendricks, principal of
school at Heloit, la., is the guest of
Miss Deana Fisher, a former class
Mrs. M. A. Lockart and daughter,
Mrs. Klla Manning, who have been
visiting at the home of II. C.
McMaken, departed Saturday eve
ning for Sierra ladre,Cal.
The following persons were pas
sengers for Omaha this morning
Mesdames George Dodge, J. Hlake,
Atwood, Agnew, John Tighe, Leech,
Kate Oliver, L. Stiles, Campbell and
Prof. Musgraves has been indis
posed the past two days resulting
from a slight attack of la grippe
together with a painful aching
toothe. He has not yet been in
capacitated from attending to his
school duties, however.
To look at as tine u line of Holiday
doods as there is in riatlsinoutli
call at Snyders drugstore when in
town. He does not have the largest
stock in the comity, but what be
bus is well selected, taut v. neat
just what you want, and will be
sold for prices ho low that you can
allord to buy a nice present for your
wile, (sweetheart or menu. A cor
dial invitation is extended to each
and evory reader of tins paper to
visit his store and see for your
selves. w.!t
Archer's Court.
All action was begun to-ilay in
which Samuel Crosby ues J. T
Kichey on two promissory notes
aggregating s!!-,'"'. l lie case was
continued 'til December 31, that
the defendent may be prepared to
give security for the Jpajment of
the costs of the suit.
Cases as follows were called up
andjudinent rendered in favor of
plaintiff, by default:
Lewis Grosenbacker vs. W. C.
Hickman. $1,K0; Lewis Grosenbacker
vs. Cal Walton Sr., f2,0."i; Lewis
Grosenbacker vs. V. V. Dunson,
$1,30; Lewis Grosenbacker vs.
Mason, $l,:d; Lewis Grosenbacker
vs. Jake Grassnnn, $T,10; Lewis
Grosenbacker vs. lid Hubble, fj.75.
Hero is Chance
For some one with a few hundred
dollars to get into a good business,
.established 18Sr3. For further par
ticulars address Hox 9"J8, Platts-
mouth, Nebraska.
Prof. McClelland is suffering
from au attack of la grippe.
si J
Sonator Prct.)i B. Flvimb Suildenly
Colle.l Away.
Soniit r I'ltiinb ilioil tiulilrtily if
ijoloxy shortly ln-forc noon yi't-
terilay. 1 lo li;ul 1himi 8lii;lttly in
ilitpo!i'(l for Mfvoral works, tlionoli
it was approlu'iiili'd flint a littlf
rfyt wonM coniplftfly rrstoro ltim
to his oKl 1 i mo vior. lie was fiil-
joct to ri'iH'iitoil attacks of a Ht-vcro
hosuliU'lio, Wouoht oil by ovorwoi U.
His iiliysioian ropcati'illy lultno'i
ishoil hint to take- more rest, to the
cud that his life miijht he pro
longed. Senator l'lmnl) had served four
teen years in the senate, and two
years ao was re-eli-etetl for a term
which would have expired in 1S'.I.".
He was one of the best known men
in congress. His tall, athletic form
his svinniti western gait, his
breezy method of Hpeakitt and his
rugged independence and original
ity of thought and action made him
a notable man iu the senate, and he
was a power on all questions to f
winch lie gave Ins uiuui. lie wus 1
an omnivorous reader and an un
tiring worker, i In the few days that
the present congress has been in
session he had submitted more
than thirty bills of a more or lesn
public character, embracing almost
everything of iuterest to his con
stituents, from free coinage of sil
ver upwards and down. 'While not
a great leader, he was considered
an able, sincere exponent of the
rights of his constituency. While
was thoroughly republican re
garding great national questions,
was prono to follow the dictates
of his own conscience, even though
it conllict with the views of his
Governor Humphrey will appoint
republican to till the vacancy
(luring the present congress. A
new legislature will be chosen next
November 3, upou which will
devolve the election of a I. S.
In Social Circles.
The commodious dwelling of A.
N. Sullivan was comfortably filled
with invited guests last Saturday
evening, to participate in the com
memoration of his forty-fourth an
niversary. The company consisted
of the J udge's immediate neighbors
and friends, includingseveral prom
inent members of the Plattsmouth
ar. The fore part of the evening
was speedily whiled away indulge
nig iu a giiihe of progressive high-
Ove, interspersed with conversation
rendered mirthful by the jokes for
which the host is duly noted. His
success was hampered in a measure
however, by the presence of the
doleful, meioncholy M. II. Murphy.
At a eeasonble hour, refreshments
evidently prepared with great care
and exhibiting rare taste in the
selection were" served. While all
were seated around the lestive
board, Judge Chapman arose and
in a few well chosen words pre
sented the host with an elegant
gold headed cane as u memento of
the occasion, assuring him that in
the presentation of this token of
esteem the guests manifested but
feebly the high regard in which he
is held by his neighbors and
friends. The host responded in a
fitting niiinner, assuring the donors
that they would ever be held in
grateful remembrance. The judge
doubtless considered it the most
atrreeable caninir he ha ever re-
The evening was cnjoyably spent
throuirhout, rellecting credit upon
the hospitality of the host and his
estimable family,
Mr. Peter Mann died at his home
on the corner of Vine and Kihth
streets, at 10 a. m. to-day. Mr. Mann
was born in Hedford, Pennsylvania
and emigrated to Nebraska nearly
twenty-one yearn ago. lie has re
sided in this city continuously
since. He was formerly a ship
builder and for several years was
captain of a steam boat, running
between St. Louis and Omaha. For
the past five years he has been fail
ing in health, and during the one
and one-half years prior to his
death he has been an inveterate
sufferer from the effects of a cancer
of the fare, whirl, fmallv resulted
v. , "
in his death. He was a man of
. .irtittwua r r li :i rnri itv fit
.,:.,!.., !.loir ..! ,.f li,,n..ui
and unriirht life. He possessed
... . ... .. .
above an was aevoieu cnrisuau.
:r i. r tf
Iicnivii a a n iiu ikiilo t muuhi v
tliree sons au two uaugnters
, i .,.,,
llll'UI 1. 1IIO VI V I'll 1 ill, v..
r.,,i ' :..a;n ,..
ducted at the residence, at 2 p. m.
Wednesdey, tinder the auspices of
No. 140 I.O.O. F. lodge of this
city. The funeral services will be
conducted by Dr. Uritt, of the First
M. church.
pA.m,i fr.WAH
a u......Vftv ' ' V
The cotintr iudire irrauted a li
cense Saturday evening te wed
Dantel C. Walher and lona ooa
nru nuni ui repiiij4 nuin.
1 ft.nftlft nft ....... V
License was to-day issued author Frederick Burdick ami lCmnia
Gruber, both of Nchawka to wed.
A Reoeption.
Alex Schlogel and bride, of whose
marriage Tins lli UAl.D recently
made mention, came in iroin Oms
ha Saturday evening for a brief
visit with Mr. Schlegel relatives in
this city. Arratigements. had been
mule to lender them a reception
and accordingly a large number Jof
invited guests assembled at the
home of Mrs. M. Schlegel on Pearl,
between Fifth and Sixth utreets, to
participate iu the festivities of the
occasion. The evening was vpent
in pleasant conversation, indulging
in music and other lilting aiuurie
incuts. At 11 o'clock refreshments
were served. The company disband
ed about 12 o'cloi k. Mr. Schlgel is
well and favorably known in the
County he having been employed
on TilK IlKKALD force a few years
since. He is now employed ou the
editorial stall of the South Omaha
Tribune, whither they departed on
No. 3 last evening.
The Hkkald desires to join with
j Mr. and Mr. Schlegel's many friends
i wiMUi,iff Unit tHoir journoy of lift"
4ll,.(ii,.r. ho uiisnicioiislv 1..mum.
may be a pleasant profitable one.
AuAtloti of Hurdwure
at J. Fieley Johnson's commencing
Ihtirsitay liecetnocr 10, and con.
tinning day and night, until closed
out. J'. s. White,
wilt Auctioneer.
b'rnm T'wiiuit DmJy
W. H. Pickens is attending (bs.
trict coNrt at Nebraska City this
YV. C. Showalter, clerk of the dis
trict court was in Omaha to-day on
Nearly all the elevators of the
country are Idled to overflowing
with grain.
F. M. Kichey and A. YV. While
were passengers ou No. f lor
Omaha this morning.
J. A. Hoyt, telegrapher nt the M.
P. office, is considerably indisposed
with an attack of la grippe.
The railroad companies are utif
izing every car possible to assist in
the transportation of the immense
grain crop. Iu some instances
stock cars have been fitted up and
used. A hard time the fanners are
having, to be sure. Send for PelTer
and Sockless Simpson that they
may give us some consolation.
A Reelvjnation.
lO tne lionoraoie nn .ru oi V ..tuny
r ti tl.. I, I I t 1 ...
Commissioners of Cuss County
GENTLEMAN: Owing to the gen-
end resnonsiblity attached to the
Otlice Ot overseers ui ronu uinincis
in inns county nun iu iisiuci me
uncertainty of this life Bud the
. i . i.
death of the great independent
movement in wiiH inaie uhu i.iHii-iii
... . .a ; it. .. -a. .a- I i a ... i
T " "r S
your next meeting retire from
I active service on this Hon. board,
1 nereoy icnurr y w
blTSt? a ana So!:
I honorable body to appoint PI. li
Williams as overseer ot saia ais
trict No. 52. Very respectfully sub
Dated this 21st day of December.
Wm. Dullest,
Klmwood, Neb.
Judgo Archer's Court.
King, a corn busker
near Eight Mile Grove, came to
town yesterday and proceeded to
fill up on whiskey, and about 11
o'clock last night he was "run in"
by Policeman McGuire. He ap-
peared in police court this morn-
ing and loaned the court $!.;), and
was discharged.
In the case of Kagen vs. Holmes,
Case continued to December
10 a. m.
In the attachment case of Henry
Hons vs. Jackson. Judgment lor
plaintiff for SfUl.US.
In the attachment case of Hons
... , . .. . r i..:...:nr
VS. I little. Jtiogmeni lor piaiinui
for $9,
Iu the case of Snell vs. Petersen,
The garnishee (First National bank)
made a very lengthy answer as to
.'inioiint of monies collected and
disposition of stock of goods.
A jolly crowd indulged in an tin
due amount of distiilea rye nisi
evening and their actions were
niivthinir but becoming good citi-
Zen.S. AIUT VIMUIIIU "ri i naiwun
thev made a halt at tne mme me-
1 . . . . . . . mi . 11 .
pliant saloon. In Iront ot .vugusi
I . i t i
stood a bundle of
liclCIl l BlUlc
I. M. Jones pro-
into the saloon,
brooms WHICH 1. luncn iu
ceeded to carry
ptii-H Mr-finire called
twi whercuoon
I..v,w inni nrntpsti'd UL'ainst
....... , "
iminir to the cooler, and upon
r r ---
before tuUre
ioiw"""1" - "rr ---
i Arrhpr he was released. ji o p.
tn.dav McGuire told a Hkkald re
porter that information weuld be
tneu againsvinm w..a
..C'l" fr Vutrust
X IIC KIW'J ovaw r-y
. h. i .j
liaCIl was tiuocu mm .vt.i'"6
,i,iinr rhnttel
HailWIV in uiiuib iivi.f,
I a ou ff.llr.wu- lirOtMieWlff
I IJ1UI lKtlktn
- U n-nnrpn. of Council Bluffs,
to tOO- Fred Shroeder, Cedar Creek,
- jh'2; Ashlaud Mill & Llectnc Ligni
1 . . . n m . 1 .1 . I.
I Co., jon !..; rieyer jxuujjuv;
- 1 rt.nutm .n:v C. H. Partnele, Platts
I ,0uth $423.20.
If no, Lst
u Work in
Sanurs it.
UoIhoii to
TllK IIkkM-D's interview witl
President Croan, published lust
week, iu which he authorised us to
state that he desired to consider a
proposition from the city of I'lattn
moutlt looking to the establishment
of a first class normal college here,
has induced a number of our peo
ple to think seriously of the matter.
At this writing, Messrs. Thomas
and Isaac Wiles appear to be the
most enthusiastic supporters of the
movement. The former called tit
TllK Iliik'ALH office last evening
and stated that in the event the
citizens of Plattsmnutli desired to
make President Croan a proposi
tion, he would donate a sufficient
amount of land for the college
campus; also, he and Isaac would
each furnish, gratuitously, ten
acres of land, providing thecituens
would purchase for the use of the
college what remained of the orig
inal eighty acres, which would
probably be about fifty-five acres.
This proposed site is located six
blocks directly south of Oak Hill
cemetery, rendering it about one
mile from the business portion of
the city.
Tliii I1i;kai.I should be pleased
to see our people awaken to a true
realization of the importance of
this matter. A prominent Shenan
doah business man, iu speaking oi
the loss property holders of that
town would sustain by the removal
of the college, recently slated that
properly would immediately depre
ciate JO percent. If it be true that
a college of that nature would
enhance the value of properly even
11) per cent, our properly owners
could donate in the aggregate at
least $100,000 and yet receive the
equivalent of a high rate of interest
on the investment. The bringing
of 1,000 students to our town would
bring hundreds of families and
thousands of dollars every year;
as a medium of advertising a town,
n school conducted by President
Croan has no equal, for catalogues,
primarily in the interests of Ihe
college.yet incidentally setting forth
the merits of our town and coun
ty, would besent into nearly every
community in the country.
Hcsidcs, those of our young peo
ple that to-day attend school iu
other towns, would remain here;
,i,,.. , l,..,ri v,.,I of
, '
I till eillllHUOIl urcilllisu ui .liu l Aiiu
expense necessarily incurred iu
attendance away front home, would
. ,T.t...i .... ....,,.-i,,.,n ,f
I ue iiiiuiiiiru mi uu huhihuj v.
i , - - -
getting an education. The location
0f Buch a school would be a help to
tovm intellectually. As our
churches reflect theyrays of divine
light over the community and thus
raise our people to a higher stand-
ard ol morality, so would a college aid in thesocia. and
intellectual culture of thecomiiiuii
ity. Here is a golden opportunity.
Shall we embrace it? If so, let a
meeting of the board of trade be
called and committees appointed
to push the matter vigorously.
An Unfortunate Runaway.
Koy Uritt, boh of Dr. Uritt, met
with quite a misfortune while out
driving Sunday afternoon. While
driving in the neighborhood of
the electric power house the horse
j became unmanagable and iu its
fright hurled the buggy aga inst a
large tree, throwing ?ir. unit about
fifteen feet in the air aud jolting
him considerably. 1 he buggy was
damaged considerably, it was un-
fortunate that the accident should
occur, but, as the southern .stales-
I man would put it, we migtit be
glad "it 'twa'n't no wuss."
Mr. Unit has been in the employ
I t ...... i o. m i. :..f i ...t .r 41...
i oi ine i. re i-i. . nn- i uui m
freight station at Omaha for the
past six years.
A Narrow Eseapa.
Last evening Mr. and Mrs. John
Waterman narrowly escaped sus
taining a serious injury. Upon
her return from Omaha on the flyer
Mr. Waterman met Mrs. W. at the
train with a conveyance supposed
to be perfectly sale. 1 lie liorse
moved off in a brisk trot when sud-
i nuiiiij' ni-
I a . 1 1 ...b.w.l.! 4
ting me no. c ..u ...... w M,
A I J f 1 l...a 41,
proceeu lorwaru um .v
rear wheels including the buggy
to stop suddenly. The occupants
were immediately thrown forward.
- iu rm ..h
Mr. Wctcrman maintained a hrni
praso unou the lines and was
a uraggeu several icei. i-irs. uuur
i ... . , .
niiin fell forward upon lier lace
. . i r i i
susiaiuu.K oevi-.u. .nu.ui . ...oc
I , ,,, .
- The cross bar of the vehickle and
the dashboard were broken.
R Luther Smith of the Haptist
church at Springfield, Neb., has
disappeared, leaving a number of
... -s Ai
tn. creditors in the lurch. Kven the
best of men go wrong
I ....
lUfvm uwoiutco ,......., - -
ni a
ness treat every man as .i auuuu-
I . .
rel, is a goouone.
, Q Petersen and wife and Miss
.1 I "
Orr, of Colorado, who is visiting iu
the city, were Omaha passengers.
this morning.