Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, December 24, 1891, Image 4

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P''NT, .
1,1 ""'"; 7
ocratio exchamr's. we have yet to
ece ii c 1 1 1 l i in t-iitnry notice of
I'ref i'.ient Harrison nicsHage.
Every question with which he
deals, it m.illers not how ably, is
held up to ridicule The following
able i:ii; n ' a : Tionest comment
of the New York Hun would be inte
resting reading for these contracted
KpcciiMciis oi journalism:
The capital failure in the report
of the ((; et u-v of Mate is the nc
count of the ( to wlii'-h the re
ciprocity claim- of the M'Kinley
act have nl ready been put, and of
the larger re-ult to be expected.
We have heretofore referred in
these column- to the substantial
advanta ges whim will occur to
our produeer.-f of lood staples and
to our manufacturers when the
agreement with .spam respecting
the conditions of our trade with
her West Indian dependences shall
go completely into elicit, which
will not be until Inly 1, 1HX'.
Material benefits have been secured
by similar arrangement for partial
reciprocity between the United
States and Ura'.il: and the fact that
San Dominirn has made corres-
nondiiur concessions may cans
the development of a considerable
i . . i i : ii : . .
iraue won inai repuoiu. ii i
understood that neeotiations have
been undertaken for the purpose of
obtaining like facilities for trade
with several other South American
iind Central American slates, and
we infer from the president's ines-
sairc that more than one new field
fif commerce will presently be
opened. There are certain coun
tries on this'coutiuent, as, lor in
stance, Mexico, Venezuela and
I'erw, with which a free interchange
of many products may reasonably
be.looked for. 1 f the prospect seems
less bright in the directions of
Chili, the Argentine Confederation
and the United States of Columbia,
it is because the latter com nan v is
still in some degree tied to France
by the lingering hope of seeing the
Panama Canal completed while the
two former republics are too de
pendent upon Kngland, commer
cially and financially, to accept the
overtures oi the United Mates.
It should interest those Amer
icuns who have been swift to credit
the calumnious charges brought
nirainst Minister Kiran by tin anonv
moiis correspondent of the London
Times, to learn from the president's
message that up to the present hour
no omcial complaint ol tlie conduct
of our envoy in Santiago or of any
of our naval officers during the
Chilian civil war has been pre
sented to our federal government
Noteworthy also is the information
that the new Chilian government
lias not ventured lo deny the right
of asylum asserted for the Amer
ican legation by Minister r,gaii on
behalf of ISalmncedist refugees
lo the outiajres perpetrated in
Valparaiso on sailors wearing the
uniform of the United States the
president's message refers with in
dignatiou, and expresses a dignified
regret that the Chilian government
should have replied in an offensive
tone to the protest of the state
department. Significant is the
further statement that, unless a
more seemly and satisfactory
answer to our remonstrance is soon
received, the matter will be pressed
on the immediate attention of con
gress by a special message. It is,
indeed, high time that the insolence
of the Chilians should bo fittingly
rebuked, and (hat they should be
taught their true position with re
spect to this republic. Nothing
could be more groundless thau the
notion that we must put up with
the insult and injury from a petty
state lest we should expose our sea
ports to bombardment from Chilian
ironclads. There are plenty of
armored vessels of a high class to
be bought in Europe, and, if con
gress should authorize their
purchase, they could be brought
across the Atlantic long before a
Chilian vessel could reach our
On the whole, we believe thut no
one can read the report of the slate
department without a gratifying
conviction that our foreign rela
tions are in firm, capable and patri
otic hands. New York Sun.
The Ogallala News announces
Judge Neville, of North Platte as a
Candidate for congress
(Sixth) Keni's district.
from the
Braliet, Cuts, Woands, Soraisti,
stimets, swellings, uacnacne, ne
ralgla, Sciatica, Burnt.
i jT ; . tlnouct.j nt Washington
! that Speaker Crisp will announce
t. t-oniinittffH Wednesday.
IT is announced from Washing
ton that the supreme court decision
in the Hoyd-Thayer contest will be
handed down to-day.
It has been stated that President
Harrison contemplates restoring
the duty upon sugar, tea and coffee
n wm iii.mciuiiuirii-a which
lif.i.u ..i ...... It.. I ii., nc n.
I..... "i..i.tu im-iiin-iK-nui um
McKinley bill.
The beet sugar industry has
been stimulated by the M'Kinley
law but if the democratic papers
were laboring for the good of the
people this should note deter them
from supporting the move.
The declarations of the silver
miners' conventions in favor of tht
free coinage of silver will not dis
turb the republicans. Their fidelity
lo the KlOcent dollar has never
been questioned in the past and it
will not be in the future.
It is not surprising to see demo
cratic papers oppose the further
extension of the beet sugar indus
try. It would not be true to its
past record if it did not oppose
every movement caculated to en
courage America industries
The opinion is prevailing in dem
ocintic circles
will be chosen
that Gen. Palmer
standard bearer in 'UU. Senator
Palmer has a strong constitution
and there is little doubt that he
would bear well the inglorious
defeat the nominee will sustain.
The members of the republican
party are practically united upon
every great question of public con
cern. As to preferences for a presi
dential candidate, there .can be said
to be but little litTerence. Blaine
and Harrison represent the true
blue republican sentiment and the
republicans will be perfectly satis-
nea witn either.
It is expected that Congress
Hryan will get a place upon the
ways and means committee. The
free trade congressman will find it
necessary to modify his views on
the tariff question if he meets the
expectations of the sneaker. Mr.
Crisp is opposed to the repeal of the
N Kinley law and the substitution
ot a tarilf for revenue measure
It has become generally settled
mat Win. Snrinirer will hi un.
pointed chairman of the way and
means committee and R. P. Bland.
chairman of committee on coinage.
If this program be carried out the
legitiniite results of the election of
Speaker Crisp will be realized. It
is plainly evident thatjthe majority
in the democratic party in con
gress, expects tuin to adopt no
radical tariff policy. The seclection
of Bland to shape a coinage bill is
a strong indication that Mr. Crisp
noes not regret his vote in the last
congress in favor ofjfree coinage
and that he desires to put such a
bill though the house and succeed
in corporating it in the democratic
platform in (J2.
I nder the direction of Prof. Put-
nam, Chief of the Department of
htlinology, of the World's Coluiii-
1 ' IV. . ,
i.i.iu reposition, a party of men
has been making extensive excava
tions of the pre historic mound in
Ohio and Indiana, and according
to report, received from ;
nun-, must irruutyinir success 1ms I
been met with KanZ
. ....... i-nuttn, pni ll"
, i miii., mii, orna-
im-r 400 ,n Sod ,iu n: . . " ...
...i.iv-, iiu.uuui t'tii in llilV Wt H'li.
. Z , I 1
herds, etc., have been secured.
in inn- iiiuunu, situated near
i .. . .
Anderson Station, Indiana. 7.232.
flint soear heads ...! Vn;,. ' '
discovered. Tlh.,11, -
.... urn v o ir i
that it took four horses and a Targe
corn wn tn hni ,., VL 1!
. HmBui7C1U L'lTlll I
nmn Tl, 41 ,.k.
trifle over 4,700 pound. The imple-
i , , : mipie
"r'KUl was a I
niciun were iounu in a layer one
foot in thicknPss. ovtenHi.,
. I.. " "
space twenty by thirty feet. Manv
of then, were over eight or ten f niH n K e possession
inches in length: r ul A011 ioT the Purpose of
. . i ,- .
PVeil laroer nrliile flirt ...,:.:i.. I
. " , , "f
ran nea irom seven to niriit im-t
ei. '.. ... , . .
mi-jr .ire inaue oi gray unit toutid
only in Indiana, and show thut
there were .from sixty to seventy
it.i,. i t i
i flakes detached from each one in
order to fashion it.
The largest find of flnt imple
ments Miade in one place heretofore
in America did not exceed 1,S10
specimens1 In one of the caverns
occupied by primitive man in .the
valiey of the Seine, below Paris, 2,
implements were found in one
deposit As it is reasonable to con
clude that nearly one day's work
was expended on each implement,
and as each one exhibits almost
absolute perfection as far us Hint
chipping is concerned, the find
will be of special value to ethnolo
gical research.
Senators have been
in the making up of
Governor RussELiin his article
in the November horuni on the
significance of the late Massa
chusetts election, concludes that
tne manufacturers gave linn sup
port because he favored the admis
Hion o free raw material. The na
. .
tioiin democrat c nartv mnro
hostile to that policy than is the
republican party.
AT the close of last week's legis
lation Speaker Crisp tendered R. O.
Mills the second pi ace on the ways
and means committee, which he
promptly and curtly declined.
Mills could hardly be expected to
do otherwise. He has been ili
leader of the free trade policy in
the house for years, and as chair.
man of the ways and means com.
mittee in the Fiftieth congress he
framed a bill that was supposed to
represent the sentiments of the
democratic party. Mr. Mills was
assured that the party would
adhere to "tariff reform" as outlined
in the bill. Hut with the election
of Crisn the nartv nr:u-l iivillv
A , ,j j.. .. t.b. j
abandoned the free trade crusade
and adopted an entirely different
course. Mr. Mills in declining to
take second place, tendered, from
all Mnne:ir:irweM HimrtKr nu ei t,',H.
of HjKn iru.8 hi(J u:iief m the
these years, and indicates his
unswerving fidelit) to the cauBe.
County Court
P. E. Ruffner vs. Geo. K. Dovey:
continued by consent until Dec.
28 at 10 a. m
J. W. Ilendee vs, Kratta !k Thver
etal; continued until Dec. 29 at 10
a. in;
Fuller & Johnson vs. Fred Burke:
suit on promissory note. Hearing
uec. a at 10 a. m.
Moline, Milburn A Stoddard Co
vs. Fred Burke: suit on account.
Judgment by confession for $188.51
Clark Wilcox vs Win. Gilmore:
suit for damages in the sum of $50
for alleged neglect and refusal to
release chattel mortgage
matter of the estate of
Ell8ha Stradley deceased. Hearing
on claim8; decree for payment,
In the matter of the estate of De
lia Til ford deceased. He
tmal settlement January 12 at 10 a
In the matter of the estate and
tuial settlement of Ann-ust
Reinhackel deceased. Continued
In the matter of the estate of Sam
uel C. Dean, deceased. Hearing of
linal settlement, January 13 at ,10 a.
In the matter of the estate of The
ouore . in torn, deceased. Hear
ing of final settlement January 13.
at 10 a, in.
In the matter of the estate of Ino
M. Schnellbacher deceased. Letters
of special administrationissiied to
1 eter J. Hansen special adminis
trator on petition of Amelia M
Schnelbaker, widow of deceased.
John Johnson vs. Wm. Tighe.
sheriff. Action in replevin. Testi
mony of plaintiff and judgment
debtor, Andrew Johnson, tends to
show that the property in contro
versy was purchased by Andrew
Johnson and mortgaged by him to
secure a part of the purchase uric:
mat subsequently, in the fall of
1890, plaintiff advanced money to
pay said mortgage and that bv
reason of the payment thereof and
the payment of other debts owing
oy said Andrew Johnson, ho, with
, ;
" ot said
A.t.l..... I ... 1. -. ..
."..i-w ju.i.iBoii, oecame me
owner at said time of the property
I . i. . .
" ...t,UBMUni. U1!U on Jry U
im' eaid Andrew Johnson ex
LPllt(,, , A , "
" v....,.,.va IU I. i-i. HI
I. . ... , " gaffe " tl,e
M'"'' l m lrrsy secure
iiia a r . . - . .
rT,u"'1 ul a nolc Klv"u X
,pr" 17 i T- 1 Ut"
tereon; that the Plaint! "ewof
.... : J H 1 W 1 -
"'"l" lUlBHlfl mnrtrrorrn. o1 .t...-.j
ft"- "" uruieu
" ' . 1""J';" """tgagea
was the property of said A. Johnson
(!,.. .......
-..-i .u-i" .. ..
vyoi execution tnereon;
tnat wiien said niorteairee. bv his
L 1? K. ' y "l8
sening same to satisfy the debt se-
. . ' "'
cured thereby, plaintiff did not theu
"SBeri ins ownership of said uroo
w ., a.,.. . . .
ii, - L ..... ' .
n . . A.,
nat the debt secured by this mort-
.. . ,J
. ",,u """-n, oy
j sale, under foreclosure of said uiort
gage; that subsequently an execu
tion was levied upon the property
, in controversy, as the property of
B'iiu vuurew joiuibon, to t-atihty a
judgment in favor of one Robert
Donnelly and against said Andrew
Johnson. Court holds, that upon
the facts shown, plaintiff is estop
ped to deny that at the time the
levy was made, the property levied
l,wu ..- uie properly oi Andrew
Join, son judgement for defendant.
ureal Winter Competition of The
Ldie' Home Magazine.
Questions Where do the follow-
ing words tirst appear in the Old
testament: "Knowledge," "wife,"
and "dove'f" Where do the follow
ing words first appear in the New
itwwimeiii: -juuca, "lame,'' and
Weekly Prizes F. very week
throughout this great competition,
prizes will be distributed as follows:
I he first correct answer received
(die postmark date on each letter
to be taken as the date received)
at the office of the Ladies' Home
Magazine (each and every week)
win get tlie second correct
answer, fl(X); the third, V; the
fourth, a beautiful silver service;
the fifth, five o'clock silver service,
and the next fifty correct answers
will tret prizes raiuvino- (mm k"
down to 92. Every fifth rnrrert
answer, irrespective of whether a
prize winner r not. will ,,.
special prize. Competitors residing
in the southern states, as well as
other distant points, have an equal
chance with those nearer home, as
the postmark will be our authority
in every ease.
Rules Ivach list of answers
must be accompanied lv St
for six months' sul
of tlie host IIoiii M:i
t - ,'......1 ..T II,
References "The Ladies' Home
Magazine is wellableto carry out its
promises." Peterborough (Canada)
Times. "A splendid paper, and
financially strong."-Hastings (Can
ada) Star, "livery prize wiuner will
be sure to receive just what he is
entitled to." Norwood (Canada)
Register. Money should be sent by
postofliee money order or regis
tered letter. Address, The Ladies'
Home Magazine, Peterborough,
Ca mula.
$3,500 IN HZVARD3
Canadian AcrieultuilHt-
Fall Miernry Cuni ettt lou
The fifth half year Literary com
petition of the Canadian Agricul
turist, America's old and reliable
illustrated family Magazine, is now
open. The following splendid priz
es will be given free to the persons
pending in the greatest number of
words made out of the letters con
tained in the words "The Illustrated
Agriculturist, hveryone sending
in n list of not lesa Hi
dren words will receive a present of
lnt erand rnWHrd m i. , j
j"'1 " " -Brand plano.valued nil
310 S1V in ,,..1,1
J'Jj " '.' OfRan valued at (W)
.. " cold
1 'ets KOld wittoli full ttiwelled
Ill " ' J In .l A
All ... "'.".
10 row ard a ot 1 10 Mch . . V.'.V.'. . . . .
" pnii-s m saver lea sew qukdruule
1)1 HI A Wat r:in tori 1 K c
Nmi 60prl!iei-60 silver denlert spoons war-
Next loo prizes-too silver butter dishes etc.
Next son prl.en consists of licivv nlntnri aii.o.
kattles. butter dlslien, fruit baskets, biscuit
j... "i,.uiii., nuiirr Hnives etc. all fully
. J" mug nnii hi ui tisa spicnuia re
?38500 alUe whlcl1 Wl" "8rek"ate
1. The words munt Iip rniisimi.!
. vunonuLl-
ed onlv from lottem i n... ..., i .
i.t., --..u in n, nujup,
ine illustrated Agriculturist" and
must be only such words as are
founds in u'etafra ,,.,.,i.,:,i.,...i
- - - - . . . . iiiiiiui uivi'd
dictionary, in the body of the biiod
nunc ui xne supplement to he used.
2. The words must be written in
rotation and numbered 1.2. 3. and
so on, for facilitate r in rlinwli
the winners.
3 Letters cannot ln naml nfinnnr
than they appear in the words, The
illustrated Airricu tuns . Knr i.
stance the word egg cannot be used
as there is but one 'g' in the three
4 The list contninimr tlw l-.r,.,wi
number of words will be awarded
first prize, a nd so on in order of mer-
it Y 'loll liu na ... I tl
... ....v .. nni nn if ll in leieived Will
be numbered adjf two or more tie
the first received will be awarded
first prize, and so on, therefore the
benefit of sending in early will read
ily be seen.
Kach list must be accompanied
by $1 for six months subscription
to The Agriculturist.
The followin men have kindly
consected to act as Judges: J (i Mac
Donald, city clerk, Petersbourgh,
Canada, and Comodore Calcutt, Pet
Our last competition Got flOOO
prize all right, GW Cunningham,
Vancouver, H. C. Thanks for $.101)
prize G V Cunningham Donald II
C. Prize receized O. K. J 1) Haptie
West superior, Wis. $.'00 prize ree'd
Thanks G V Robertson, Toronto;
and 300 others in Suited States nnd
This is no lottery-merit only will
count. The reputation for fairness
gained by the Agriculturist in the
past is ample guarantee that the
competition will bp conducted in
like manner, vSend 3c stamp for
full particulars to The Agricultur
ist, Peterborough, Canada.
The Fanners Mutual Insurance
Company of Cass county will hold
uinr uiiiiuai ineeiinir nt th niiia
school house in Kiirht Mile Grove
precinct on Saturday at 1 o'clock
p. ni. for the purpose of electing of
ficers for the ensuing year and to
transact such business as may law
fully come before the meeting.
3t J. P. Faitkk, Sec.
Ner to Cold to Dehorn CattU.
Remember it npvpr n-ia inn
to dehorn cattle, but it does tret too
warm. Any time exceot flv time in
the right time. It can only be done
with safety betwepn (Vtnimr u,i
April. A card addressed to the un
dersigned at Rock HI tiffs, Neb. will
oc promptly answered.
V!Wm a
Our Winters stock ot MenF, JJojs and Childrena
Clothing is complete. For the next two weeks we hare
determined to make a great
2E i- in 1JJ
in them, by selling thcin to you at a great
Come in yourself and bring your neighbors and be con
viuccd that this is no advertising lake but a plain
statement of facts.
If you have One Dollar to spend wo will save you
ten cents.
If you have Ten Dollars to spend we will save you
One Dollar on any prices offered by our competitors.
Tfcc Clotbiflff King of Cass County
Plattsmouth, .
1 VVl UlOlUf
Boes Yoqi Li ( tie Qiil.
we are offering before buying at
We have Just received from largo Cloak Manufacture,
his full line of
Childrens Sample Cloaks.
For children 6, 8; 10 and 12 years old, consisting of U8
garments in all. NO TWO ALIKE, on which m
were given a disccunt from regular wholesale price
so that to are able to sell them at actually
Manufacturer's Prices.
CALL IN mill llf 11 J lll-nvi. I....1. . r ..
-how yon at the nan e t e onr F
Sncques and Jackets.
Anotlier opportunity to buy shoes at
AVe take pleasure in nnnoncinirfo the iwnni f
pnrroun?incr townn that we have ccoeYed in1 rH?i! laU".'i,OU 1 aud,
samnl.' lin,.u :A . ,U1.U ln Kt-ttiiiff another line of
lml8 were disappointed because they
bargains thnt . ,ff,r,.,i t. :" , :. '
, , cLiiunn Willi nit"
inValter II. Ten, y & Co . ol lion Z ' f"'.' V"" tha!1 U-xe ,a8t- be
di.H, Misses, Childrens, Mo.Ib i,Vd i Cyifcs n
seriotions. Ainnn,r(i, i.air :Ai . 118 w all kinds and of all de-
we can Kive tho v n for ur
as fine as any shown in ti e citv evervi V"n?"ff e?e 8,1008 t,,at n"
and tlie Hl.n.i i .SV r. tlu,,K tnnsie is stripped awav
(-..,.,,. : ' vh"'i"j.
a' the root of V , . Xt " "8 ""J
ffe are Si Giving; Great
Childrena Nat
ural Wool Col
or Shirts and
Darwers All
Childrena all
Wool Shirts &
Drawers All
507 Main Ptreot ... A,
CS 23? JL O 3KT
K L INK n 1 rt-Ve f"' an
h f Ladl08 andMiBaes Keefer
i:iht liti.i.... i . . .. . . .
c'.m, oo l Z "omxmn 11,1(1
,c' ",L. lP. ,ate 0 ecure Borne of the
,,n , f T' Nt'"H l,0(J,H' in wllieb
nave amouir tliese Klm. iiin
ul" ""lr inn.ic worth". We die
"iu w jwuj IJUJUCy.
Barpins ii Mmm,
Ladies Fine
Merin o S i 1 k
Trimmed ehirt
and Drawers.
Mens Extra
Heavy Ribbed
Shirts and
" inv vvwicr inereot