Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, December 24, 1891, Image 3
I. tni . I E-v Y OJ1 W! II TBI UK all M Si 1.7,1. B. . K. S2 9 ll .! m M' Litl V) SiK II) HI EI B.B 3 Jl' 'I'll 1.1 ,' H 13! U ITSi S -s ' I lib A V AAA rs Th The Full rtoipectui of NoUble Feature for iSoa and Specimen Copies will be teat Free. Brilliant Contributors. Article, have been written exprestly lor the eomlng volume by host of eminent men ar.d women, among whom are K!ht Hon.W. E. Gladstone. Count Ferdinand de Lesscps. - Andrew Carre:-".;. - Cyrus Y. Held. The Marquis oT Lorne. jusun mcwurny, jn.r. ; tan oi nnauii j One Hundred Others. will Contain too Stories of Adventure. Tbe Best Short stories. Sketche of Travel. Hints on Self-Education. Popular Scleaco Articles; Household Articles. Charmlnr Children' Pase Natural History Papers. Nearly looo Illustrations. 3 Henry Clews. VaslII Verestchagln. -V. Clark Russell. -The ' Camilla Urso. Mrs. Henry M. Stanley, and ( 1I1C TWIU111V " 'wy Nine Illustrated Serial Storiet. Articles of Practical Advice. Glimpses of Royalty. 1 Railway Life and Adventure. 700 Large Pages. Five Double Holiday Numbers Illustrated Weekly Supplements. "A Yard of Roses, FREE TO JAN. I, 1892. Te New Sabeertbere whe will ent eat and .end m tble illp wtta name and addre.a and $1.75 we will aend Tbe Companion Free to J-;I km' and for a Fall Tear fro- that Date. Thle oflrr Inrladra the TIIAMiH GIVINU, CHBIBTMAS aad SEW YEAR'S Double lie iday "krra. We win alee aead a eey of a beaatlful palatine, entitled "A UBUOK SoSSK IU pT.dretl.a ba. co.l TWENTY THOUSAND DOM. A US. Sent Chid, BMt-oet Order, or Rtvitlmd Ltttir at our rule. Addrtu, THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, BOiton, mass. aa 9 I nt I WW iri9 w wivi r riiwi, wv.vV m This Slip 1 TARNS A150TJT THIBET. E 8T0R1ES ABOUT LIFE IN AN AL MOST UNKNOWN COUNTRY. Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. II. A. WATEEMAN & U PINFL UMBER THE WEEKLY .1 ITER OCEAN STILL CONTINUES The Most Popular Family Newspaper in tbe West IT IS THE BEST NEWSPAPER FOR THE HOME . .-. THE WORKSHOP, oh THE BUSINESS OFFICE. for THE PROFESSIONAL MAN, THE WORKINGMAN. or THE POLITICIAN. t,tq a PtTBT.Tn an NEWSPAPER, and ea aucb la ably conducted. &?WW'X& Uyora perfectly poetod on Shingles, Lath, Sash, Doors, Blinds n i ........ ,1.mAni1 nf 1 1i n ritv. vau BUppij cvt-inr ucuwuu Call and get terms. Fourth street in rear of opera house. .Vnt. Ti S;rtho world. ""its LirlKARY FUATUHbd .are vHANCta HOUuaoN uuknutt, mah FAME. itwlUtnuaba asontnat THE paual to thoto of the J0n maooainm. A Section of Mliltllo That lla. At tractod Mauy Able CblueM Story Tall' re Some lUinarkablo AcoouoU of Strange Itoliig. In Chlu WrltlnK. i A curious collection of facts ntptct Ing Thibet, as represented by vari ous Chiui'M authors and travelers, has been made by Mr. Woodville llockhill, who hia himself explored that mysteri ous country of middle Asia. On New Year's day at the capital city, Lh'asa, there iM'ginsaseacon of festivity. One of the entertainments is called the "Spectacle of the Flying Spirits." The performers stretch an enormously largo rope made of hide all the way from the top to the bottom or Mount i'olaia; men they fasten Krooved blocks of wood to their chests and sail down the line like so many swallows. On top of this same mountain dwells the pope of the Budd hist religion, who is called thetule lama. Iln is also the incarnation of the cod which chiefly protects mankind. On tho IJOth of the month there la an other great sport when the kiiu; of tho devils is driven away. A priest is chosen to play the part of the talo lama, and a layman, selected for his wit and activity, takes the role of the demon. Tho latter smears his face with black and white paint, and goes before the pretended tale lama for tho purpose of mocking him. Tho two have an argument on religion, tho issue of which is finally referred by mutual agreement to a cast of dice. These dice are very big ones, abont the size of apples, but the poor fiend has no show at all m tho gamble, tor Ins uie is blank on every side, while the lama's baa tho highest number on each of its faces. In Thibet, as in Christiau conn- tries, it is always laudable to deiraud the devil. Being beaten, tho king of the devils is frightened and runs away, with all the people after him, firing guns and cannon, so that he is obliged to hide at length in STEALING A" CROP OF BAftLEY." a Kicltlug lUttla In tba Dark with Armod Thtevoa. A daring attempt to steal a whole field jt barley that had boon thrashed has Been made at tho farm of J. M. Mnia ttrd, on tho line of the Burlington ditch, nine miles northeast of Denver. The barley had been bugged, and the bags rtood piled p in a field some distance ftvm Mumfords house, Justatuusna ftmng fellow who was taking" a short Wt across the fields saw four men at fork loading the sacks of barley into two wagons that stood outside the field, two of the men were CJirrytng the saoka to the fence and throwing them over Old the other two were loading the waft ns. He soon saw that they were not linmford's farm hands. Mumford's HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND- X AHEif MAR Y HAHTW .fpsr?' L1TLR AR Y fame. uwiuuuiiwuwu"- .. , airmrc THE BEST STORIES AND SKETCHES IN THE LANGUAGE, Its FOREIGN aad DOMESTIC CORRESPONDENCE la very extensive and loo dbi. The Youth. Department. Cariosity Shop. Woman's Kingiloin & Tho Homo Are Bettor than a Magazine lor the Family. One oltno Moat Important Faaturaa la the Dapartmant of FARM AND FARMERS, eulturlats. - AN ALLIANCE DEPARTMENT Hasalao been opened forthe epeclel purpo.a of dlecusolno tbe QuoaUons now MttatlnaUielarmaraof tno country. MB THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN la One Dollar per Year, postage paid. THE .'. SEMI-WEEKLY .-. INTER .-. OCEAN iapubliabadovery Monday and Thursday at $2.00 par, postpaid The DAILY INTER OCEAN is $6.00 prj&Aal paid The SUNDAY INTER OCEAN is 2 00 Postaqeafaid Liberal Tarns to AoUva Aaants. Bend for Sampla Copy. Address THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. UNDERTAKR. Constsnth keeps on hand cverythin you need to furnish your housa CORNER SIXTH AND MUN 8TRKKT PUtumout - Neb Many old soldiers, who contracted chronic diarrhoea wmie m wu Hcrvice, have since been pcrnunieni- ly cured ot n uy uuuini M.iiim Colic, C holera nnd diarrhoea Kein edy. For ale by F. Q. Frickc & Co. Are you made miserable by indi gestion, constipation, uimuhw. loHrt ot uppeiiie, jenow '" loh's Vitalizer is a positive cure For sale by F. G. Frickc & Co. U . by l-k'.ln.wM.l.t.Ur brt'i ft..-, iluiw. lri:r.lvfl. NiM by T. LULU B ANK OF CASS COUNTY fAftKEH'S ! l-!A!r.' MALSAM Iv' Clowiwi ik1 U ;imu"u tie 'r,T I; liion hi Vy,l Mpt.t Fails to SmIot Oraj c lliiir to VctilUlul ColGr. ftf 1 'iiPnivl 137 m m Cot Maiu and Fifth street. "Hid tin capital iiirpliif mwnrycoRNS. n ?wr .,f. ". ' SMi JilL. E ak Hruit " mai-'Oi 1.0. , N. V. , .'5 0"" 10 OFFICERS I'. H, farnele ' Cred Horner ' " , 1'attiTHon GK ATK VLr- COM FORTI XG P. J. M. r. m. Patterson, DIRECTORS pr!. .1. M Put tenon. Fred lionler. A, H, Smitli, R. H. WimlUitin. U. b. Unilie) tt-.d r. M.mtifiwn i QENElt4.L iiANSlMC oDSLNiS : aANSATED Aooomita solh-lted. trilerrit allowed or. ttnKi lHDoiltK and prompt attentloniiven in an muss on trusted to Its care. I:D0S Oocoa hole in tho mountain, where provisions have previously been placed to feed him for a few days while he remains in con cealment. Tliero are nearly as many demons in Thibet as there are human inhabitants, and tho priests or "lamas" are kept very busy exorcising tueui, be cause otherwise they would swarm every where and do no end of mischief. POWEll OF TUB riUESTS. If any one is sick or annoyed in any way the devils are responsible, and tho only sensible thing is to go and hire a priest to frighten Ihem off. For this purpose the lama reads aloud from the nai'fd writings, blows a horn made from a human thigh bone, beats a drum manufactured out of two human Bkulls, rings a bell and tells over a rosary of disk shaped beads cut out of human skullB. The lamas bIso do a large business in fortune telling. Sometimes they ascer tain the fates with barleycorns; at others they burn sheep bones for the same purpose or gaze into bowls of water. According to one author there is a very aatoifshing curiosity in Thibet in tho shane of a plant that flies. It re- sf-mbles a dog in shape, is the color of a tortoise shell and is very tame. If lions or elephants see it they are frightened, "hence it is the king of beasts." There is a kind of black doukey which can cope in fight with the tiger. On the icy peaks of tho Himalayas, says this imagi native writer, there is a "snow maggot," resembling the silkworm in appearance and weighing nearly a pound. It is ex cellent to eat, but too much of it will make one bleed at the nose. Seventy li from Lh'asa is a convent on top of a lull, and a great hole full of white clay that is good to eat. As fast as the clay is eaten more takes its place. Behind the convent is a largo lake, and evildoers who go near always tumble into it. Tho ThbVtans used to cast For Atchineon, St. Joseph, Leaven worth, Kansas City, St. Louis, and all points north, east eonth or west. Tick ets sold and bag gage checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO RATES AND ROUTES Call'at Depot or address H, C. Townsknd, G. P. A. St. Louis, Mo. J. C. Phiixippi, A. G. P. A. Omaha. H. D. Apgak. Agt., Plattsmouth. Telephone, 77. ft. TTEAT MARKET SIXTH 8TKEET F. II. ELLENBAUM, Prop. The best of fresh meat always found in this market Also tresn Eggs and Butter. Wild game of all kinds kept in their BeUBUU. mm SIXTH stkbet fn Meat aiass? 1 PERKINS- HOCS 817. 819, 221 and 223 Main St., Plattsmouth Nebraska H. M BONS, Proprietor, lhe Perkins has been thoroughly renovated from top tc o,tom ud 's now ono of the best hotels in thu state Boarders will be taken by tho week at $4.50 and up. HKEAKFAST "Hva thnrmarii k'niWciio of tn. n;imnil laws Wlileli K'Weril the op.-iilio- s of liliri'H'on aiiil'ieilriima a'l rarefnl HKl lioiUlon of tlictlni' il'..Hfr!M" well selected .inn, Mr. Villi" lew ihovI I.-.I our lir-akfast table with a dVliea-elv fl'vorel hev-uuo which may mvc lit m iiiv h-v v doctor' hills, It It lv the judio Ioiih iim-i( n.cli nrtle!e oiet til t a eon situtt'Mi may he isrtilimlly niillt tip until ttrnnu enoiiirh M resist every i miency iu lluntlredn of tithtl' PielaillH aro lloatln K around nt r.idv attack wherever here in i wek S may encainj inaay fiit-J shaft hTkeeoliisoiiialv well foriincd wl Hi pure bloo ' an t a properly nourished frame. -Civil -frvi e (iaette. Madosi simply with hoilliiR water or milk. Sold only In half-pound tin hv L'vifcrlt labelled thur: .lAMKt KI'l'S .1 DO., UoinuHiPHthte t'nemltt ,IA" ' Loudon. KiiKland Jen would have driven tho wagons into e fields, and besides, they would bo ry strange farm hands lndooil tnai ould work with the desperate haste With which tht?so men were working. Tho young fellow went at first to II urn ford's honso and told him of what as going on. J. S. Foster, a neighbor ing farmer, was called in, and soon six Hen were got together, all armed, an fiir-y started out ou horseback to catch tUo barley thieves. The night was dark and cloudy, and at was impossible to seo any distance, but ttiev rode iu tho direction of the place where the barley was stacked, and soon Aiey could hear the voices of tho meu at work. It was impossible to see any fliiug. and a consultation was held to try a decide the best way to go about the Aipturo. While the six horsemen were fathered iu u. group, talking in low kiues together, it flash of lightning from tiio cloudy sky lit up the Held. It dis. djosed a man with u barley sack upon is shoulder not fifteen feet away, and lose at hand tho two wagons, with thu al her threw men at work. One of the korsemen. almost as uniek as tho flash kig lightning, pulled his weajsm and uok aim, and before darkness onco more Wd the scene a shot from his pistol rang ut upon tho air. This was tho signal tor a ireneral fusillado that filled the lark uiht with flashing pistol Bhots. The tliieves returned tho horsemen' (ro, and the horsotnen kept it up until tiiittir ammunition was exhausted. The anW aim for either side was the flashing istol shots of tho others, so that not much damage wits done. None of tho korsemen wero hurt. While the firing was going on tho wagons were heard iiiving off, tho drivers whipping up Mieir horses in a fnrio"" wuy. It was vident that the two men outside the imce had fled and left their companions to take tho consequences of their acts When the firing ceased, the six horse- nen made a search for the remaining lien, but they could not bo found. They kad fled in tho darkness. An examina tion of tho barley bags showed that mat manv of them had been taken, and lie horsemen at once went in pursuit of Ilia wairons. ' About half a mile away they lonna tiie wagons, but the horses and men were jono. The wagons were half filled with sacks of barley, and a number of empty kags were found with the marks of a IVnver firm upon them, so that it seems arobable that the thieves came from this tity. The wagons are now at Mr. Mum- ford's place waiting for an owner. In the morning an examination was made of the field where the shooting took alaco. A trail of blood was found lead hig to the fonoe, but there it was lost. The attempted robbery alarmod the aoighboring farmers, and an examination was made, which resulted in the discov ery that seventy-two sacks of wheat which one of tho farmers had stored in a distant field had disappeared. It is sup posed that the thieves were the same enes who tried to steal Mumford's barley.- Denver Republican. A Mystery Explained. The papers contain frequent no tices of rich, pretty und educated fcirls eloping with negroes, tramps and coachmen. The well-known specialist, Dr. Franklin Miles, says all such girls are more or less hys terical, nervous, very impulsive, un balanced; usually subject to nead ache. neuralgia, sleeplessm-M. im moderate crying or laughing. Jhese show a weak, nervous system for which there is no remedy equal to Restorative Nervine. Trial bottles and a line book, coiitainit'i" many marvelous cures, free at F. G.Fricke A Co's.. who also sell and guarantee Dr. Miles' celebrated New Heart Cure, the finest of heart tonics.Cure fluttcring.'.Hhort breath, etc. Wonderful. W. Sawyer, of Rochester, Wis., E nroininont dealer in ireneral crchandisc, and who runs several H'ddling wagons, had one ol lu. orsos badly cut am! burned wnn -iriat. The wound refused to heal. lie horse became lame mid still now-withstanding careful intention nd the ol remedies. A friend handed Sawyer some ot I.illor's lSath Wire I.inement. the most wonderful thing ever saw to eal such wounds, lie applied it til V three times and the sore was J i . i l i I.- ii.. ...... ..i oliMiietfd iii-nieii. r.iii.iu j.-.""i for nil sors, cuts, bruscs, ami wounds. For sale by nil druggist For lame back there is nothing idler than to snitiraie a uatinoi loth with ( liamlii'rlain s lain Halm and bind it on the nllecioa arts. Try it and you will tie stir irisedat theprompt relief italTords. I'lie same treatment will cure riuiw- matism. For sale iy J Vj. rricne iV Co. The volumes of the Miiinui tie be gin with the Numbers for June and December of each year. Vlicnno time is specilied, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at the time of receipt of tinier. Hound Volumes of Harper s lUiigaine ior three years back, m neat clout Dinu- ing-will be sent by mail, post-paid, . . t dm iui ...... on receipt oi ?.. pei Cloth cases for binding, cach-by mail post paid. volume. ,rU cents Mllos Norvoand:ilvor Pllla. Act on a new principle regulat ing the liver, stomri h mid bowels through the nervs. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cure biliou sness bad taste, torpid liver, piles rionstipation. I'ncqiialed for men women, children, HiuallcHt, midest surest! fit) doses, '2rc. Samples free ut F. O. Fricke A Co's. Illilmp llrooki' Way with Children. No ono who has seen Dr. Brooks with children is likely to forget his "way with u.em." Sterner uersois say that he makes them behave very badly, and, ., i . .1 I...... ...U...1 auadh- in copper, and , the smaller they - J. " people. No objection is heard from the How Lost! How Regained! GOOD BAR CONNECTED KNOW THYSELF, Or SELF-PKKHEKVATION. A new and only ttold Medal rUKK r.nnll ounr.mi'vj.u. PHYSICAL DEBILITY, KKKOHS of VOIITII.EXHAI'BTKD VITALITY, PKE WAtVkk I.KCLIKK. and all DISEASES Ha unraKNKHHE8ofMAN. 800 paeea. Cloth, cUt: 16 inv&luabla preacrlpUona. Only ll.W by maU, donbla aealed. DcrlpUvS ProaDect nt with andoraementa mpei SEND Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. . . , fi T-- Aoertamcureiorvnraiiooonx.yos, ni wlth ,n(iorBementa rn rr I Totter. Salt Bhoum, Scald Uead. Old jr u-iw- mLt! NOW. Chxoaio Soros, Fow Sores, Eczema, tonniition m pemon or by maiL irjprt Jf STftrirto Scratches, Sore Kipples and Piles. It la eooliatf and aoothing. J.V Ued.caiin.t..uu.No.4iiumUchBt.. Ilundjodsof Case have boon Cured by The Veabody Medical Imtltuto haa many Iml- It after aU other treatment bad failod, utl!A.VnT It 13 put up in 23 and 00 cent boxoa. r. ft be STUON". Afedicut Kttitw. (CopyrlKliled-1 CHicitt snffs Enihish, Red Cross Y Diamond Bm l-.-r. a nA Mit M. Pill fct. .. Ledlm, lm.ert.1 to, u ia ljrL" All Iitl Is paVMad bnIM, pn WTHVm u. llicro. .!' in.tHHt ifcw-oili.. s,m,r. cMiCHiaTKa Chcmical Co., MM by att Lal lrtLgUia, . 1 11UjA1 M4 M4i'TR04t. il)n,(rliori Mik1W.ii Ha tiar. Ubl i'lUA. I' A. wero the more they were worth. POIJTENESS IN TU1DET. Chinese philosophers say that manners differ every hundred li of distance, and customs are no longer the same every thousand li. Thus the ways of the Thibetans vary, but in most parts it is usual for a woman going to Bee a priest to smear her face with molasses. If this is not done it is said that she is try ing to captivate the lama by her comeli ness an unpardonable crime. A sign of politeness ou meeting a person is to hold up the clasped hands and stick out the toueue. When a man dies one-nair of his property goes to charity and the other half to the lamas. Uis lamuy gets nothing. One of the writers quotea observes that in case of death the corpse is tied up with the head between the knees, and suspended in a rawhide bag from the rafters. A few days later it is taken to the corpse cutter's place, where it is tied to a post. The flesn is tnen cut on and given to dogs and the bones crushed in a stone mortar and made up with grain into balls, which are also thrown to dogs and vultures, uotn tnese mem ods of burial are considered highly de sirable. For small misdemeanors men and women are stripped and beaten in the market nlace. Great criminals are bound with rones and whipped with raw hide lashes. If this does not persuade them to avow their guilt boiling butter is poured on tlieir chests. Supposing that they still protest their innocence, they are suffocated with water or splint- . . . i ;i tir....i ers are driven unuer ineir nana. w asu rngton Star. Machinery Ilaa Affected the Shoemaker A man called a shoemaker thirty years ago made shoes; today, except in rare cases, he makes only a part of a shoe as he labors in some factory guiding one or the other of the numerous labor saving machines, and is known as A beater, binder, eyeleter, heeler, laster, pegger, stitcher, trimmer, filler, cntter or dresser, What is true of the shoemaking trade is true of other trades. St. Louis Repub lic. children. They look midgets, indeed. on those knees, high and broad, in which two schools of chnrchmanship figur atively meet. Is it foolish to imagine Miat the new bishops visitations win gain some of their power over mothers at least through his extremely happy intercourse with tho children? However literally true it may be, surely the story of Dr. Brooks going to a poor woman's rooms and keeping tho children out ot mischief while she went to church tells something of his spirit. And the story loses none of its point when one reflects that the woman could not hear one ot her visitor's sermons. Harper's Weekly. "The foremost of our periodicals." COHUAffSIffO EVEBY 0BEA1 CENTEE 07 THOUGHT Alt! ACTIOH XV TEX WOBLD. Aaamplacopywltl Illustrated proapao tai will b Itnt lot 28 cants. aia BDWIM ARNOLD. Tna Fount la the most IrmrrnctlTO, the most timely, the largest and . the nandtomewt of the rerlcws. j The three great gjoups of sub jects out of the coinum pear will be impartially asd instructively dis cussed by the ablest writers; I. Political subjects growin out of the gresidential caiupaigue. II. Financial disturbance here and abroad. III. Theological unrcst- wilh all the social questions sug gested by these groups of great top ics. , There is no other way whereby one may get the ripest information about the great problems of the time within so narrow a compass or for so small a sum -short spidies of great subjects by more than hun dred of the foremost nu n and wom enof the world; because there is only cue American periodical for which nil the great leaders of opin ion and of thought write, and that is The Fokum. - The December number for exam ple contains: Degradation by Pen sion - The Protest of Loyal Volun teers, by lieutenant Allen R. Koote Foundererof the Society of Loycl Volunteers; The Meaning of the Democratic Victory in Massaclm setts. by Gov. Win. K. Russell,-; Patent Leather and Patent Calf. While many may apply the term "patent leather" to all kinds of enamel leather, still, strictly speaking, it is only used in the harness trade and in the cheapest grade of shoes, while patent calf is the material from which fine shoes are made. Only the very finest calfskins are used, the enamel being ap plied after the skin has been through a long course of treatment and all the stretch taken therefrom, and is, there fore much more durable than patent leather, which is made usually from cow hides. Shoe and Leather Facta. The Allanthua Tree. The first ailanthus trees grown in America were brought from the far east and planted in the garden of Bums' cof fee house on lower Broadway, opposite Bowling green, New York. They were much admired by the New York beaux and belles of seventy-five years ago, from which the conclusion is drawn that fashions in odors also change. Ex change. One" Way of I'uttlug a Spell on Enemlea. ' It was a custom in the time of Catha rine de Medici to make figures of wax and melt them slowly before the fire or stab them with needles, in order to bring suffering to enemies. This operation was called putting a spell upon them. L. PopofT. Iu Popular Science Monthljr. French feeling toward Oermany;. AnotSer Conflict nbout Ilsnce- Lo- raine IneAitable, by Cammille Pel letan, member of the French Cham ber of Deputies; Should tne Silver Law of 18U0 be repealed? by Jacob II. Schiff one of the most successful and in New York; In Modem Edu cation a Failure? by Fredrick Har rison, the great English essayists Unregulated Competition self-destructive, by Aldace F. Walker, Chairman of the Western Traffic Association: Women's Clubs, the Volume and the Valud of their Work, by Alice II. Rhine; A Day With Lord Tennison, by Sir Wil liam Arnold. And rive other arti-cles. O There are now in progress discus sions of our yension system; Prison Management; The Training of Teochers; The Louisianna Lottery The next Step in the Tariff Agita tion; Are Modern Fducational MaV ters a failure? ,r0c a copy. $3 n year. THK FORUM, Union Square, N. Y- mm of uk Caally, Quickly, Permanently Restored. WtnluirH, Nroiiinree, Debility, and a!) the train of evlll f n mi early erniraorUter aicewe". the re.ulu of orerwork. dekneu, worry, etc. l ull trennUi, dorelopruent, and tone given to every orxan and portion of Hie body. Simple, naurel methods. Immediate Improvement aeen. Fall ire ImpoMlbie, 3,iuo rcfori'iicee. ilook. eiplauaUona and proof mailed omiKdi tree. Addren ERIE MbDIOAL CO., BUFFALO, N. V.