Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, December 24, 1891, Image 2

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    If Mills continue to act peevish
ly he will jimtly earn the .'title of
"the foiled hoy" of the democracy.
THE "Kincrala." "kunnclla" nnd
"niajas" of the late war were in the
race for tlie wpeakcrmliip hut the
plum wu8 carried ff by a "private."
TllK Inter Ocean f;tyn that if
Cleveland fails to receive the dem
ocratic nomination in it will go to
no New York man, f.r there areo-i-victa
in New York more certain to
get it than in Gov. Hill.
THE Lincoln Call Bays that
J. H. Strode will probably be
the republican nominee for
congress from this district next
year. Among the many available
aud able men, Strode in one.
IN the event Speaker Crisp gets
tangled up in the management of
the house he can easily call upon
Tom Reed, who will occupy a front
neat, to help him out of the dilemma
Reed will gladly render the neces
nary assistance.
TllK public spirited men of Lin
coin appear determined to secure
the location of the Western Normal
College in that city. There is little
use for small towns to compete for
the institution if our capital city
determined to have it.
TllK unwarranted warefare in
augurated against our public
schools by The Kveuing News will
not nave tne ucsirea eitect. it is
very evident that our contenipary
is actuated by motives anything
but loyal and a desire for truth.
Tub New York Sun, the foremost
democratic paper of the Empire
Htate, says that if the democratic
platform were to declare for suicide
and polygamy in Vi, the party
would have as much chance of sue-
ccs as to propose free trade atid
income tax as suggested by Mills
and other democrats.
TUB Norfolk beet sugar industry
has just closed. The success has
been greater than was apprehended
by the most sanguine of its sup
porters, i ne authorities announce
that the farmers in that vicinity
will raise acres ot beets next
year all o which will lind a ready
market at remunerative prices.
Rkom present indications the al
liauce congressman will not create
a revolution in legislature matters.
The boasted forty members of a few
months since have been reduced to
nine and even this small number
cannot agree upon the most vital
questions to be proposed for the
consideration of congress. A re
cent press dispatch from Washing,
ton says:
"A conference of the Alliance
members of the House was held last
night at which Culver, of Kansas,
nnd McKeighan, of Mebraska,
locked horns on Beveral questions.
It is quite evident that the alliance
members will divide on most of
their issues. Culver proposed a
resolution providing that the nine
alliance members vote as a unit,
which was earnestly opposed by
McKeighan and finally defeafed.
Then Culver proposed an amended
nub-treasury bill, and asked for ith
endorsement by all present. The
bid provided that the fedaral gov
ernment shall loan money to coun
ty commissioners on n properly
executed bond at 2 per cent, interest
and the latter in turn shall loan it
at the the same rate of interest to
individuals. This, Culver thought,
would be a good way around the
constitutional objection, but Mc
Keighan thought it just as objec
tionable as the first sub-treasury
bill and declared tht.t he would not
make a fool of himself by voting
for such a scheme. The bill was
not endorsed.
I.NOlCATloxs point to a good at
tendance at the beet sugar conven
tion to be held at Lincoln to-day
This is as it should be. The fact
that sugar beets can be grown in
Nebraska profitably has been re
peatedly demonstrated, and the
factories that have been running at
Norfolk and Grand Island the past
season have been attended with
that degree of success hardly antic
ipated by even the most sanguine
of their supporters. If this new in
dustry is pushed to the front, bene
ficient results cannot but accrue to
all cla9se8 of individuals. The
farmer will be benefitted directly,
in that his products will be diversi
fied, having n tendency to give him
a better price for all his products
owing to the more limited supply
of each kind; nnd all classes will be
benefitted indirectly by the pro
duction of a staple commodity at
our door. This is as yet a new
industry and the price has not been
materially reduced, but in the event
the production of beet sugar is car
ried on extensively there will be no
doubt that the price will be greatly
reduced nid the foreign sugar
trusts forever broken. Let us push
the beet sugar industry.
MAJOK M'KlNLKY has been con
fined to his bt d the past week with
an attack of la gaippe, but his phy
sician hopes to announce his com
plete restoration to health before
the close of the week.
Tli3 Grand Island Independent
says that the farmers of that sec
tion will raise ityXK) acres of beets
cxt year, that amount being re
quired by the sugar factory located
there. How many acres will be
necessity to supply ,tne nans
mouth factory?
IF Grover Cleveland had an op
portunity of sending a message to
congress at this time it would be
quite different from his firebrand of
I a few years since
What a pity the
McKinley law had not been in force
prior to that time, that it might
serve as a lamp to his feet.
TllB Omaha World-IIerald ap
pears to be greatly disappointed
that the democrats in congress do
not propose to repeal the McKinley
bill and form a measure in keeping
with the latest declarations of the
leaders of that organization. The
fact is the shrewd congressmen fear
they will strike a snag if they at
tempt to repeal the McKinley law.
Skmatok KYLK, of South Dakota,
appears to be having a hard time to
determine whore he really belongs.
He once promised Senator Cullom
that the woul 1 act with the repub
licans where such action would
not conflict with his promises
to his constituency, but later
developments indicate that he
is determined to act with the dem
ocrats. Doubtless the republicans
are very 'glad not to be disgraced
with his presence.
ins democrats rliave given tip
hopes of carrying Iowa or Massa
chusetts in 'V. From the manner
in which the party in the house is
dodging on the tariff question, it is
evident that they 'are not overly
sanguine of carrying a few other
states upon vhich they have here
a r a . m .
loiore ueen counting. It is rather
hard that the McKinley bill should
thus interfere with their plans, but
it is having just the effect the
republicans prophesied. Let the
good work go on.
Mk. Hkyan is recognized as the
leader of the Nebraska delegation
in the house, according to the
Omaha double-ender. Leader of
which Nebraska) delegation? The
independent, the fusion, or the
democratic? At this distance Kern
appears to lead the independent,
McKeighan the fusion, and Bryan
the democratic portions respect
ively of the Nebraska delegation
and as each of these consists of one
congressman. All each leader has to
do is to stalk around after hia own
nose. Omaha Dee.
It is gratifying to all good citi
zens to know that the Jlaw has at
last taken hold of. Edwin Field. It
is to be regretted, however, that he
is being given a large, airy parlor,
and surrounded with nearly all the
comforts he might desire. He has
been gulity of a great crime and
should be treated as any common
malfactor We have no sympathy
with that officer who grants special
favors to criminals because of the
exalted position thev mav
have held prior to theirj irrest. A
thief is a thief.
The following recently appeared
in the columns of the Keokuk Con
stitution, a democratic paper too
dishonest to be truthful:
''The McKinley tariff lays a heavy
tax burden upon industry and con
sumption, lessens markets, handi
caps business, decreases the de
mand for labor, keeps wages down,
wipairs the purchasing power of
wages, makes the rich richer and
the poor poorer. Congress should
take these facts underconsideration
and furnish speedy relief. The
democrats should not and certainly
will not permit their attention to
be diverted by the republicans
from the vital issue in .which the
interests of the masses are concen
When an intelligent man reads
the above and remembers how the
markets of the world, that have
heretofore been closed, have been
declared open to the products of
our farms and manufactures; how
prices upon almost every commod
ity the poor man has to buy has
been reduced, and reflects upon the
general prosperity that attends
almost every avenue of living, he
cannot but feel a deep sense of dis
gust; and yet if he be a considerate
reader he cannot but have sym
pathy for that man.
La grippe is becoming epidemic
pair of rery chubby leg.
Encased In scarlet botie;
X pair of little stubby boots,
With rather doubtful tow;
A little kilt, a little coat.
Cut as a mother can
AdiI ldl before us slunds Id state
The future's "coining man."
His eyes, perchance, will read the star
And search their unknown ways;
Perchance the human heart and soul
Will open to their gaze;
Percluim-e thuir kocn and flashing glanoo
Will he a nation's liislit
Those eyes Unit now are wistful bent
Un some "big fellow's" kite.
Those hands-thoHe little busy hands
Ho sticky, small and brown;
Those hands whose only mission soeros
To pull all order down
Who knows what latent strength may be
Hidden within their clasp.
Though now 'tis but a taffy stick
In sturdy bold they grasp.
All, blessings nn those little hands.
Whose work Is yet undone!
And blnsatiiKs on those little feet.
Whose race is yet unrunl
And blessings on the little brain
That has not learned to plan!
Wliste'cr the future holds in store,
Uod bless the "coming maul"
Howorvllle Journal.
At a Mnrrluge License Window.
A marriage license window is a queer
p'nee, und one at which human nature
is bared to official infection as it sel
dom is in any other government office.
Hither come the gossips to ask whether
certain couples whose names were pub
lished the other day have yet got mar
ried; to ask what sort of a looking man
it was who took out a license to wed
with Susie Todd was he tall and light
or Btout and dark? And hither come an
gry mothers to say that no permit
Hhonld have been given for their
daughters, who are not so old as was
said. They how tho law can be in
voked to punish the offending bride
grooms, but there ure other brides who
appear to be forty or thirty, yet de
clare themselves thirty or twenty.
Back comes a man to ak if his permit
iinuibtir cannot be changed, because he
wants to buy a lottery ticket of the same
nnmber as his wedding license, and can
not do so unless a change is made. Old
men speak for girlish brides, and ancient
wrinkled women load up very young
men, holding their arms as if they might
escape. Once a girl came weeping, and
said the mau she meant to marry lay dy
ing, ana there was not a moment to lose,
Indeed, it is a queer place, and the whole
illimitable gamut that novelists have
spanned in many centuries is there at
hand still sounding fresh notes and of
fering new chords. Julian Ralph in
Harper's Weekly.
How Muskrat Are Trapped.
Trapping is one of the modes by which
muskrata are secured. The traps are
made of boards about C inches wide aad
3 feet long. These are nailed together
like an ordinary box trap, the open ends
being secured by swinging doors of wire
network, fastened to the upper part of
both entrances. These doors allow easy
ingress to the trap, but once in the rat
canuot get out without opening the door
by pulling it to him, which secret they
seem very slow to discover. These traps
are put in the leads running from the
houses to the water when the tide is at
low ebb and the rats are out feeding.
On the return they crawl up the leads,
push against one of the wire doors of
the trap, which immediately opens into
the trap, but they cannot go f urthor, as
the next door opens toward them. Be
fore they can gnaw out the tide makes
up and they are drowned in the trap.
By having a nnmber of traps and watch
iug the tides closely a trapper can cap
ture a large number in this wav. Balti
more Sun.
Judged by Ills Appearance.
An amusing incident occurred some
time ago which illustrates the scanty
ceremony with which shabbily dressed
pwople are often treated. A country
magnate in the north of England was
called upon with reference to a scheme
for tho furtherance of some local charity
by a person whom the servant, judging
by his timeworn habiliments, described
to his master as "either a beggar or a
tout for orders," adding that he had left
him in tho hall, not thinking it safe to
show him into one of the rooms. The
"beggar or tout" turned out to be no
less a personage than the member for
the district, and one of the richest men
in the county. London Tit-Bits.
He Couldn't lie Frightened.
A small boy on Sixth street hates the
washing process worse than snakes. His
mother was scrubbing him aud he was
"Why don't yon be a good boy," she
begged. "Don't yon know that you'll
go to the bad place if you are not?"
"There ain't any water there, is there?"
he asked.
"Not a drop," she answered solemnly.
"Then I guess I'll keep on being bad."
And he kept on. Detroit Free Press.
Fully 85 per cent of artificial limbs
made are legs, 15 per ceut. arms. Of
legs, 49 per cent, are right, 40 per cent.
left, S per cent both right and left.
Seventy-eight per cent of legs amputat
ed are of males, 22 per cent are females.
One of the tricks of the coffee trade is
to sift the beans so as to get the small
beans out of inferior Java coffee and
mix them with Mocha, so as to sell at a
higher price. Sometimes even expert
will be deceived by this trick.
Beet sugar may be bought in certain
tores in our eastern cities. To the taste
it cannot be distinguished from the best
eane sugar except by experts, who say
it is richer in sweets than most cane
Steam pipes are now being made from
the ramie fiber. The material is bo close
ly pressed together by hydranlio ma
chinery that it has a tensile strength
two and a half times that of steel
A second hand clothes dealer found an
I O U for $3,000 in a gentleman's jacket I
which the man had overlooked on sell-
ing and had despaired of ever finding I
Gift of Very Poor Children.
The children in the free kindergarten
in West Fifty-fourth street received an
object lesson in charity on Thanksgiving
day. Most of these children are of pooi
parentage, some of them even destitute.
A day or two before Thanksgiving day
their teachers talked to them in a kiudly
way about the real purpose and spirit oi
the day. They had nurtured the idea
that it was a feast day, and that they
ought to have a nice dinner in the
school. The teachers told them that
they could best manifest their thankful
ness for the, blessings they enjoyed by
contributing some little gift to make
others, poorer than themselves, happy.
There was no urging that the children
should give, but merely the suggestion
On Thanksgiving day an autumn fe.sti
val was held at the free kindergarten,
and one of its most interesting and beau
tiful features was the offering of gifts
for the poor by these poor children.
They marched in procession around a
large table and deposited their little
One very small boy brought a big re?
apple, another a small paper of candy
still another a much worn picture book,
and a fourth laid a set of jackstones on
the table. But it was the offering of a
poorly clad and pale faced little girl that
touched the hearts of the observers most
keenly. She modestly placed upon the
table a single sprig of geranium, which
had doubtless been plucked from a care
fully nurtured home plant There were
other more pretentious and valuable
gifts, and all were gathered up and dis
tributed among the pour patieuts in tin
various city hospitals. New York
The Allocator Played 'I'ossiint.
An alligator that played 'possnm came
near doing damage to some young men I
near Millen Monday. Van Tyler, of i
this place, together with Messrs. Apple
white and DeLoach, of Millen, had been
out to theriverhunting. They had killed
a 'gator about seven feet long, and
putting nun in the wagon were bringing
him to the town. Van, who was sitting
near the middle of the wagon, began to
triumph over his fallen enemy by con
temptuonsly kicking him in the side,
Then a thing happened that was done so
quick the boys can't explain it There
was a rush, a snap, a yell, and Van went
out the wagon head foremost, and lew
ing as a souvenir a part of his pants
Hanging on the gator s teeth.
The other boys woke np to the im
portance of hasty action, but DeLoach
took a little too much time in getting
ready for an old fashioned head fore
most dive into a sand bed, hence h
struck the ground minus a shoe heel
which his 'gatorshin gratefully swal
lowed and slyly 'wunk' his eye as if he
enjoyed a lively time himself. The
boys rallied from their stampede, and
advancing with guns put an end to
their foe. Waynesboro (Oa.) True Citi
zen. Bread for the Rnssians.
Mr. Squills (looking over the raoerV-
The Russian army is almost in a state of
mutiny because the soldiers have to eat
wheat bread.
Mrs. Squills, (a famous housekeeper)
Iliats too bad. I suppose it's because
they don t know how to fix it You
must write to the czar this very day and
tell him.
Mr. Sqnills (starting) Eh?
Mrs. Squills Yes, tell him that he
must be sure to furnish the array with
good butter; get print butter if possible:
it's often as low as fifty cent and nevei
over a dollar a pound. Then, on baking
days, when the bread is fresh, tell the
soldiers to spread the butter on thick
and it will be delicious. The following
day, when it is a little dry, give each
soldier a bowl of rich cream and tell
him to crumb it in. I'm sure they'll like
it-New York Weekly.
Kzecntnn Responsible.
Judge ITolmes, of the supreme conrt,
has decided in the case of Oertrndo P.
Sheffield against Horatio O. Parker and
Francis J. Parker, that the defendants,
executors of the estate of tho late Judge
Joel Parker, will not bo allowed in their
accounts as executors the sum of $10,000,
expended in the purchase of stock in a
mortgage company, which, since the
purchase, has gone into liquidation. The
executors invested in the stock at par,
and at the time it was paying 7 per cent,
dividends. After the purchase it stop
ped paying dividends, and has gone out
of business. Boston Traveller.
The Man anil the Unite.
Before Judge Utley William Crowlev.
of Leicester, was charged with assaulting
his wife, Johanna Crowley. He knocked
her down, she says, and kicked her. She
freed herself from him and ran into th
street He followed. She managed to
break away for tho third time and tried
to make her escape. Crowley started in
the chase, but was held back by the firm
grip of a dog's teeth upon his trousers.
The household pet had grown tired of
the household disturbance. Worcester
(Mass.) Gazette.
Seal and Carp.
A 700 pound seal was captured alive
off Fort Point the other day, and was
purchased by trie Spring Valley Water
company and placed in their Lake Mer
ced reservoir. The com nan v alreadv
have thirteen seals that are useful in de
stroying the carp that abound there in
such numbers as frequently to fill the
outlet pipe. The big seal will be a great
help in reducing the nnmber of fish in
the reservoir. San Francisco CalL
' A tobacco dealer in New Haven, whose
trade in the main is with the Yale boys,
says that the sale of cigarettes is falling
off. Three years ago he sold 860,000
packages of one brand; last year he sold
200,000 packages of all brands. He now
sells fifty pipes where e formerly sold
A chain shot wa dug np the other
day in a street in eSonttle, Wash. It is
supposed tobeoneof the missiles thrown
from the guns of the United States sloop
Decatur at the time of the Indian en
gagement that occurred there in Decem
ber, 1805.
UniTeraityof Nebraska.
To meet a steadily growing de
mand on the part of the farmers of
Nebraska, and especially on the
part of the young farmers for in
formatiou on matters of every day
interest to those engaged in agri
culture, the University has estab
lished a shoit course of lectures
which will set forth in a condensed
and popular for the latest results
of investigation and expritnent
the lines indicated by the topics
For the present winter, at least
there will be no charges or expenses
connected with the course; other
than the usual personal expenses
of the attending, while in the city
These can very easily be kept with
in one dollar a day, if it is so de
sired. Inquiries ns to places and
cost of board will be promptly
lhere will be opportunity be
tween the lectures and during the
evenings for much reading, both
general and special. The Univer
sity library is open till 10 p. m., and
the reading room of the city library-
is accessible to nil. The variou
class rooms of the University and
its museums and laboratories are
open to those taking the proposeil
I,, ... . ,.' .
iin wisniiig to attend these
lectures must enroll (by letter or in
person) before February 1st
though others will be admitted
later if the membership is not too
large. Addre-s "The Chancellor.
University of Nebraska, Lincoln."
dive full name, age and address.
George Anderson is able to be up
on the streets, after a four days'
conlinemcnt on account of the
Lelia Thompson, who has been
visiting friends in Ohio since
last August, returned home this
morning on the (Iyer.
Kdniutid Dorr, late candidate for
sheriff, returned this morning from
Shelby and Mills counties, Iowa
whither he has been on a business
Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Bruhl and little
child departed this evening on No,
i tor Hurlingtmi, Iowa, whither
they go on a month's visit to rela
The bell attachment for the court
house clock has arrived and been
placed in postion in the cupalo. It
was purchased of the Meneely Hell
Co., of Troy. New York, nt a costs of
$400. It weighs 1,'JOO pounds. It
was tested this morning and the
tone produced was clear, and loud
llie clock work has not yet been
finished but is under construction
as soon as (unshed it will be
placed in position.
A Few Facta.
Kead this and govern yourself
We have as pure a stock of drugs
as any in Cass county. Our wall
paper and paint stock is the largest
in the city. We buy wall paper
from the eastern factories iu car
load lots and feel safe in saying we
ecu more man any otner tirm in the
county. You wonder why? We
can answer that by saying that we
buy in large quantities and sell for
a very low price.
Call and see our line of drugs,
jj.unio, ous hiiu wan paper.
Yours Kespectfully,
4t Hkoyyn lc Hakrett.
The laws of health are tauirht in
the schools; but not iu a way to be
of much practical benefit and are
never illustrated by livingexamples
nn n in many cases might easily
be done. If some scholars, who
nad just contracted a cold, was
brouuht (icfore the school, mi Umi
ali could hear the dry, loud cough
uiu nuow us Kigiitiicance; see the
thin white coatinir on the Innm...
and latter, as the cold developed
see the profuse watery expectora
tion nnd thin watery discharge
from the nose, not one of them
would ever forget what the first
symptoms of a cold were. The
scholar should then be
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy free
ij, mm nn iiiignt see that even a
severe cold could be cured in oiii
or two days, or at least greatly miti
fc.niu, much property treated as
oon as the first Hvnmtmna f.r.r,,..,..
This remedy is famous for it's
cures of comrh. colds mul
It is made esnecciallv fur Hw.uJ
disease and is the most prompt and
most reliable medicine known for
the purpose. 50 cent bottle for sale
uy r. vi. rncitc iV Uo., druggists.
We have sold Klv'n
about three years, and have re
commended its use in more than a
hundred special cases of catarrh.
1 he unanimous answer to our in
quiries is, "It's the best remedy that
I have ever used." Our experience
is, that where parties continued its never fails to cure. J. H.
Montgomery, & Co., Druggists, De
corah, Iowa.
hen I betran tisino- VK-'u rvnnn.
Halm mv catairh was sn li:ii r hnH
headache the whole time and dis
charged a large amount of filthy
matter. That has ulmost entirely
disappeared and have not had head
ache scieuce.-J. Sommers.Stephney.
Conn. '
Soma Foolish P.Anu
allow a cough to run until it gets
beyond the reach of medicine.
They say, "Oh, it will wear away,"
but in most; cases it wears them
away. Could they be induced to
try the succesful Kemp's Balsam
which is sold on a positive guar-'
nntet" to cure, thev w.mlrl a..,
excellent effect after taking the first
does. Price 50 c and fl. Trail size
iree. m au druggists.
Auction of Hare war
at J. Finley Johnson's commend ng
Tliursilav December 1U. ana con
tinuing day and night, until close
out r. a. niie,
w3t Auctioneer.
An Interesting Case.
Au interesting case to Casa
county readers was tried in Ul'e
district court at Nebraska City
j Thursday. The case was brought
i by Oswald Baier, charging the
Missouri Pacific with killing hia
wife at Weeping Water last sum
mer, and suing for $5,000 damages.
After deliberating all night the
jury rendered a verdict in the
plaintiff's favor, giving the amount
l i r n. - . , ' t ii
asneu lor. me attorneys lor me
Missouri Pacific gave notice thatj
the case will be appealed.
Office in the Bass Noel building
Residence, the Ed Rich Property.
Butter, Eggs, Cheese, ild Game,
Poultry, Meat, Apples, Potatoes
Green and Dried Fruite, Vegetables
(in Beans, col, Hides, Tnllow
Sheep Pelts, Furs, Skins, Tobacco,
Grain, Flour; Hay, Beeswax, Feath
ers, Ginsing, Broomcorn, and Hops.
en. Com, Mercbaut and Shipper,
317 Market Street - St. Louis, Mo.
WANTKD Aiient, yne acxualnted with Faaa.
er and Shippers.
Keglstered l'lijsidau mid rharniaclst
Special attention given to Office
Rock Bluffs . nEb.
Jiatary l'ublie & Abstracter Solicitor
R al litate, Loan aud Insurance Agents -
If you have real estate to sell or
exchange send us description, price
and terms.
Abstracts of title ftirnlehsd at reas-
onable rates.
$100,000 to loan at 7l per cent and
commissions, on
farm security.
Ofllce under Cass County Bank.
NjniPr raveTmeS A LESMEN
To reurrseut our well known
house. You lived HO canltnl to rrnnv.
sent a firm that warrants stock flrst-cluss
aniltrueto namo. WORK mi. THR VPnu
$ioo per month to right man. Apply quick",
stating ai: . LL MAY A. CO
Iursery, Hoi 1st nnd, I'aul, Minn.
I uis uuuso is renposioiv.;
Sure Core for Weak Mem, M
prored bj reportsof leading ph j -
ii'isns. Buuoage in oraermg.
Trice. CI. Cutulogu Fre.
A sate and speedy
cure for Uleet,
Mtrlctureand all
unnatural dUcLsnms. Price M.
tana Sores snriNvpMIItle Affections, wlCa
out mercury, l'rice, . Order from
1S Wi;ccti Btutt, JtlLWAPKBB, Wtty
fir tlio Lluior Habit, Positively Curetf
-v ;.at.:;i:i3f:s!.a cs. mm' ooutu specific.
It em he ghin h n cup ot coffee or tea. or in ar
ticles oj 'ood. without the knowledge of the per
son inking it; It Is absolutely harmless aud will
etlect a penuauent and speedy cure, wliotber
incpniiuiivisa mouorMeurtnkcroran nicohollo
ii ncvcri rim, " uunnnn
a complete euro Iu ovary Instance. 46 pugo I
I UuuK
rnc-c. n inn r-.n in rvmm.micv,
SPECIFIC CO., 1 86 tool SUCIncrnU.O,
The llcst llemedy
in Mill world,, say J. Hoffherr, of Syreerjui,
N.T..11 Pastor Koenlg'a Nerve Tonla, becsusa
my (on, who was partially paralysed tore
years ago and attacked by fita, baa not bad any
symptoms of them sfnoe be took one bottle of
the remedy. I moat heartily thank for It.
Pcbblo, Cel., Myt 18oa
Onr daughter contracted EniinnH v. .
fright three years ago; we tried most every,
thing we heard of, but of no avail. Am thank
fuJ to state now that since she took Pastor Koe.
Wg'i Nerve TonJo she has not had the ilightetrt
attack within four montha. '
1311 tvarts Ave. UBS, a BCHTJLZ.
Tho. IfcCnrdr. of 2H Mth n
Colo., says: Paator Koenlo'e i?n Tvni.i.
peat benefit to me; it has had the desired effort
to? topping thanta.
I III I nd poor patients eaa also oMsal
labia thta metltciue free of BhrwT
JThit remedy bu been prepared by the Berne!
faster Koenlg. ot Fort Wayne. Ind, slooa llfla. TSj
is now prepared nnderhia dirocUon by the
KOENIQ MED. CO., Chicago, III.
Bold try Drnrcists at 1 por Bottle. efarSS
Lam Size, 1VJ5. 6 Bottle for SO.
mr fails to gin Instant raliet (a the irnmtN
BOSKS, aud affwu nn. wlirrs alher flt fl
Trial rut mt KHKK r sr k?, I
IsaMsan isi iiaini.mnl 1mL r"'1'