Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, December 17, 1891, Image 7
0 .1 itic i yy in! iwi i The Full Prospectus of Brilliant Contr'ul.0- Article bavs been written cxpress'ij for the ceuiluff volcmo by a lioH of eminent met sal vo.nou, among whom are The RlKht Hon. V. C. Gladstone. Count PerdtnsnJ tie Less??.;. Andrew Cur-Tie. Cyrus W. Held. The Alarauis of Lornc. Justin McCarthy. M.P. Sir Lyon Play fa!.-. frank R. Stockton. Henry Clew. VasU Verestchasin. . HI at a Camilla Urso. The Volume for 1892 will Contain Nine Illustrated ScriaJ Stories. 100 Stories of Adventure. The Best Short Stories. Articles of Practical Advice. Sches of Travel. Hints on Solf-Education. Glimpses of Royalty. Popular Science Articles; "cf0" Artic,s- Railway Life and Adventure. Charming Children's Page Natural History Papers. 700 Large Pages. "A Yard of Hoses." Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. II A. WATERMAN k 88 L Shingles, Lath, Saab.J Doors, Blinds Can supply everw demand of tho city. Call and gut terms. Fourth street in rear of opera house. HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND- Ti UNDERTAKR. Constantly keeps on band everythin you need to furnish your house. CORNER SIXTH AND MAIN STREET Plattsmout Neb For Atchinaon, St. Joseph, Leaven worth, Kansas City, St. Louie, and all points north, east eouth or west. Tick eta sold and bag gage checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO RATES AND ROUTES Call'at Depot or address H, C. TOWNSENP, G. P. A. St. Louis, Mo. J. C. Phiixippi, A. G. P. A. Omaha. H. D. Apgar. Agt., Plattsmouth. Telephone, 77. MEAT MARKER SIXTn STREET F. II. ELLENBAUM, Prop. The best of fresh meat always found in this market. Also fresh Eggs and Butter. Wild game of all kinds kept in their I 1ER W7 season. lf SIXTH STREET f"fl Meat makketI Notable l'titarei for 5y2 anJ Sit":i:cr Co-".os W. U Clark Russell. The Uarl of Mrs. Henry M. Stanley, and One Hundred Others. Five Double Holiday lumbers. Illustrated Weekly Supplements. Nearly looo Illustrations. FREE TO JAN. I, 1002. Te New Subscribers who will ent on( cu'1 u ,h' with name and uddrrs and $1.73 we wil.' "d Tho Companion Free to Jn., 1VJ i, and for a Fall Year from thnt nt. Thin olli r Includes the TH ANKS 4ilVIMS, CI1KISTX1S and NEVi' YEAK'S Double Ilolidar Numbers. We will a 1m (end a cop? of a beanliful r-aintinr, entitled "A YAIIB OP 110SES." Its prodoetion ha cost TWENTY TI101 SAM l)(l II. A US. Stnd Chect, n-OJlM Order, or BtgUtmd Utttr at our rut. Adilrtu, I THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, Bo-ton, Mass. BE WEEKLY . STILL CONTINUES The Most Popular Family Newspaper in the West IT 13 THE BEST NEWSPAPER FOR THE HOME . .-. THE WORKSHOP, or THE BUSINESS OFFICE. for THE PROFESSIONAL MAN, i' THE WORKINGMAN. or THE POLITICIAN. IT 18 A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER. an;l as such Is ably conducted, numbailr.a aroona its writers tiv ab:o it i:i Vro country. ,. Itpibilsha-i ALL. THU NKWd. and koojia Its r. aJurs porfoctly posted on '"SffiSHy'FMUKW. eoual to thofo of tho btm.airim AmonO ltscotrVbutorsoro W. D HO vl LLV, FHANK R ?TKToR.MhB. FHANCK3 HOUliaON HUl(Ni:TT, MARK TWAIN. HR f.T HARTK, M AU iSS t mMpq ; A W TOURUI T. RUlil RTLOUTS BTl.Vt .NiiON, HUD- THE BEST STORIES AND SKETCHES IN THE LANGUAGE. Ita FOREIGN and DOMESTIC CO R RKSPOOTENCE is vory oxtonalva and tba boat. The Youth'3DtTiirtmnt, Curiosity Simp, Woman's Kingdom 4 The Home Aro Better than a MajaTino fcrtho Family. One of the Moat Important F3aturos la the Department ol FARM AND FARMERS, Edited by FX-OOV. W. T. HOARD of Wisconsin. F.rtltor nnd Proprietor of SHolrd'IpeJryman." This la anew future and an important onotoAorl- culturlsts. AN ALLIANCE DEPARTMENT Has also benopennd for the Bjioclnl purpoBO tf dlocusalna the queaUons now aoltatluatholarmoraof tnu country. THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN Is One Dollar per Year, postage paid. THE .-. SEMI-WEEKLY . INTER .-. OCEAN la publiahod every Monday and Thursday tt $3.00 per year, postpaid The DAILY INTER OCEAN xa $6.00 rSg&Zi paid The SUNDAY INTER OCEAN is 2.00 Ahio Uborol Tonna to Active Aoonta. Bond for Sample Copy. Address THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago B ANK OF CASS COUNTY Cor Main and Fifth street. Paid up capital ! Surplus 25 O00 OFFIOEBS 0. H. Parnele President Kred Oorder Vice Prejtiilnnt 1. M. Patterson Casheli T. M. PattersoB, Aest Casliler DIRECTORS U. H. Parmele, J. M. Patterson, Fred Oorder, i, B. Smith, H. II. Wludliam, B. 8.1Utmey and r. M.Patterson 4. 0ENEEA.L BANK1NC BUSI5ESS TEANSATED Ascounts solicited. Interest allowed on time leposltn and prompt atteutlouglveu to all bus iness entrusted to Its care. PERKINS- HOUSE, 217. 210, 221 and 223 Main St., Plattsmouth - Nebraska H. M BONS, Proprietor, lhe Perkins has been thoroughly renovated from top to bottom and 't now one of tho best hotels in the state Boardors will be taken by the week at $1.50 and up. GOOD BAR CONNECTED T II B CI1IZBXS HANK. PLATTSMOUTH NEHIU8KA Oapttal stock paid la 8V (H Authorized Capital, $100,000. omenta f BANK CAKKUTH, JOS. A. CONNUK, President. Vice-President W. H. OUHHINfl. CMhier. DIHRCTOltH frank Carrutb J. A. Connor, K. K. Guthinani J. W. Johnson, Henry Hoeck, John O'Kecfe W. D. Merrlam, Wm. Wotenoamp. W. II. Cashing. teaksacts:a general banking BOSiNES sue ce rtlfleates of deposits bearlnn Interest Uuvs aud sulle exchange, county and olty iimiii CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. TMItfllGINtLANOr.fNUlNC tkUaa ali! arllii ttlarafWi 'I aba awi at-. ill piata ) paMitoo-il LoiM, pnl wr'ivri vx v':ftrwui fwnnttrM-.s. :.-wit nl TMNmmanli. Him Mir. . lu aut bold lf ail Lvoal lrSUM. MIDI will be tlt 1 .Mcath. Dr. Lyma.i Abbott. v B II mi mi Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. A certain euro foe Chronic Sore lyes, Tetter, Salt Bhoom, Scald Hoad. Old Chronic Soros, Fevtr Bores, Ecrema, Itch, Piairio Scratch, Bore Nipples and Piks. It la eoolintr od toothing. Ilundrodi of oama bars boon cored by it after all other tjoatmeot had fallod. It Is put op ia 23 and 60 cent baxoa. N eta a aaiBROHII CURED by rauk'ilxaibltTibihr lUr Cub. PmMi(iliilUiu..llirall. Soldbvr. niMal,Milr . CD CC biJ UrJ,T, wk. Wnu tut Ixwk ut pruulrilLb PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM OSMIUM Wtl bttMltlfiat lh tia fnniMit a hivurititt fniwth. x rt Ifcfri uv "'P d aLt fUi. .-v 1 M Bni' LTlhl'll H KM (m 1 aa1 1 1 drkT' (iir-iT Ti'mn. U cum, tliv w.rpl Lihij'i, V 'ik Imw. iMnlilr., fui, liu in um. Juiu. iDE.RCOR MSt Tin rorf iii nm,. t:u ali i-n.u. Lie ul LnufiiiU, or lllsCuA a CO., X. G K A T KUIv CO M FO K T I N G HKKAKFAST "l!ya thorous,'h knowledze of the natural laws whioli Ki'vern the oiieratlons of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful aptlioatlon of the line prnperlle of well selected Co vin, Mr. Kpps has provided our breakfast table with a (itillca'eiy H viiren ocvenme which iny rny us many li-nvy doi'tor ullls, it is ny.tne juuiO' Inns iue of such articles o diet tllxt a cote ultiiti'in iniiv be ui elimlly built up until stronn eniiiiL'h to resist every t-ndency to dlseiise. Hundreds of sulitle in el ad les are floaliiiK iimiitiil us readv to a'tack wherever tliere is a wk point, We may escape many a f;itl shaft by keeplnu ourselves well formed with pure bloo 1 mid a properly nourished frame.' Civil Service Crazette. Mailosl simply wiin Imilinf! water or milk, Hold only In half-pound tliK, by irroeeries. lalielled Ihur: l am u KI'l'S I. 111) . lliiinoMinathlc Phemlst London. Hnuland HOOK ACETJWAXTED for SliDAYLIGHT i iiiiith i "i it nu a nnwH or SEW TOBK TIFF. tm if AChriitiu wnmin'inwtUlTeof MlMlnn wnrk dona "In Hit Noi " In UnJEh plMSM, iWMltnK lh " imur V of Ol mdrr VfKliof New York " u wvn by a woman." it drteHbM Ootpii lark In IhiiluDii. MdliTMtfunouidrtMti't'lSOyMnri- Mri..ML Hff Hnk it. letra Caiapkcll, Col. TI.V W. V I.wmIjip TIm. Ilvrara tChirfttf i ad liiiHt .WilblibU MaW. T. Jtcttvrt u Wilb UbO cngrmvinn f rim flwh-llclit nhot-jf rpha of Krnrt m txrk'M Nm York 11 and bp A19U. run and rood, full of af and unties. It ia an illy uf Tampannfa, itiitM to Uia povar of tba Ouapl,a buk for avery Aohm. Mmtittra atr. aMd tt." minrnt womaa anaona IL .J. tiU WntL Mra u Soan. a-ll a momlM miutr. a t I Nataaaai U .a lad raaaa. f a f't fniaXIt and el rrtra l w ma ajt airtn urn K RED CROSt Duhond Brand riS Tho iintv rV. u. i.B-1 rrfi.iU M'l fnt tAlt. n4ia L liad. hrfUMS .'t'., t'tjl',. al ' V. 1 lMt,1ti41 ttMICMIBTtB C M I: a ft. L Du. . MaiiK .a Mou i ins him r I r ama and 6l.i5. 1 WVu OCEAN Epps Cocoa 4 w ruiciiiitiruu. i-a. AN 0D0 NUMBER AND AN ODO CASE. Amt tin' Oue.llou In, lluii Thlrtrru Any t It I n k to ! nltli Hip ( iim? 'i'hort? wa ft coniniition in tiie hotel vht-ii tin 1 -nvor ,tt;ii:o i-Miie in, and the uifii who wrro playini? inikiT in tho l. for som.'lxHly to treat hmriod' L 6,c what was tip. 'TIhtc's a nick trawling tnn. lt.'s awful bad and can't go any further. TiS him up a Ivd and wud for a doctor. Boino ono in authority was Bayiiitf. Tlii'ie wen? plenty of volunteers to help carry the t-iek man to a room, ami (ooii a temporary nurse was installed and a doctor in i-liar.o of tlm case. There was nothinj; unusual alxmt it Ho wasn't the first iek man that had Btrauded 1 here, and would not bo the last. The only curious tiling about him was this: He heard the landlord say: "Take him into thirteen." "No, no," ho wild feebly, "that is an nnlneky number to me don't put mo tliero." "All ri-ht," said the landlord, "pive him eighteen, that's emi)ty." And tho men bore him carefully upstairs. lint the landlord had winked to those who had him in charge, and they had responded by an answering wink, which paid in dumb show, "All riht, we un derstand." So they carried him into the room with the unlucky number, and lu, having faith in the man ho had appealed to, asked no questions. Indeed ho could not, for as they carried him into the room lie swooned, and they had enough to do, with tho doctor's help, to revive him. Then ho dozed, and started up in f- vensii delirium, ami caueu ior people who were far avay, and raved and mut tered, and tho landlord was laughing down at tho bar, telling of his good joke in deceiving the sick man. "He'll never know tho difference," he said. "1 ain't no patience with such superstitions, and what tho eye don't ee the heart don't feel, llero'a health and long life to tho stranger in No. 13. They clinked glasses and drank. The noise of their carousal penetrated the room above, where death wrestled with life in an unequal encounter. "What time is it?" Tho sick man had wakened (suddenly, and as he asked tho question the clock on the mantel began to strike tho hour. "Ono two three four," ho counted the strokes aloud. Tho nurse tried to dismiado him from speaking by shaking her head in disap proval and laying a finger on her lips, but he persisted and had his way. "Five six eveu eight The doctor held his finger on the sick mans and leit an aoceieraieu thrill in its irregular beat. The sick man's voice continned: "Nine ten eleven twelve" "Midnight," said the doctor, giving the nurse a warning look. "Thirteen!" "Tho clock struck one too many; it ia ont of order," grumbled tho nurse. "It lias stopped, eaid the doctor, tak ing his finger from tho pulse, to which lie referred. "Strange! I did not think tho end was bo near." Neither did the landlord, who had just wished tho traveler long life. But the clocl: that struck one too many had been the Btrango instrument of fate. Detroit Frea lre8S. Rome People Dislike Clocks. I loathe clocks! They are like yonr frank people who are always bawling nn pleasant truths at you. As I look up from my work just now and catch the eye of that brazen little monster on the shelf it almost seems as though it was gloating over the fact that time has the best of me. "Ah, ha! it seems to lie saving, "would like to keep your bloom a little longer, would you? Don't like to think how late in the day it s getting for some folks, and how near the bedtime of the gravel But mortals can't hold on to youth, and they can't forget the inn where they are bonnd to Bleep the night of death away, while my brazen tongue is wagging! You re on the lightning ex press that stojis at no station, and I've got hold of the throttle valve, my dear!" Well, you little be.-ist, go on with your exulting beat of passing time! Swing yourself loose and hurry na away to the sea as a Hateful tug tackles an outward bound ocean steamer! Some day we will get it all back on yon, when we stand under the new heavens checked off with no meridian of time! We shall forget you and yonr paltry environ ments as completely as the summer for gets the winter or the sunshine forgets the storm. Meantime I would like to demolish you with a meat ax! Chicago Herald. Island of the Sea. Some mathematician of leisure has been estimating the number of islands in the world, aud hits succeeded in count ing some hundreds of thousands. He says there are over 1,000 island under the flag of Japan. Strangely enough, lie makes no reference to tho Thousand islands of the St. Lawrence or to the thousands in our own Georgian bay, some of which are of considerable size. It was among these beautiful wooded little islands that the Huron Indians took refuge when they were assailed in 1W0 by their implacable foes, the Iro quois. Among the laoynnunan chan nels the Iroquois could not successfully pursue them, aud those who escaped to the islands saved themselves from the extermination which befell their friend. Toronto Truth. A Trio of I'ractlcal Joker. The late W. J. Florence was best known off the stage as a practical joker. Ho relied for his success upon his clever ness entirely. And it is not recorded that he ever made an enemy by a practi cal joke. This love of practical joking made him Rnd Dundreary Sotheru friends nntil tho end of Sothern's life. They were continually playing jokes each upon the other, and whichever way the joke went it was appreciated. Larry Jerome, Sot hern and Florence were a famous trio of jokers in New lork teu years ago. New York Sun, Tltla and IMaln "Mlatvr." Not many years ago the tille of doctor was considered justly as an honor and an evidence if sound cducaliou and training. The txlraorlinary fondness in this country for titles of all kinds, especially those of doctor, professor and colonel or some military equivalent, has takcll away all the prestige; from the name. The druggist at the corner is a "doctor," the chiropodist is a "professor," and the advertising columns of somo newspaper are emblazoned with pictures of these long ha?rvd "doctors" and "professors." To a mail who has been a groom the bestowal of "doctor modicum?," no doubt, still confers an honor; but. on the whole, the title lias lieconio rattier a trade mark and a convenient means of unobtrusive advertisement rather than 4 badge of distinction or evidence- of scholarly attainment. There seems to be a growing feeling that, after nil, the title of "mister" is a noble a one as a gentleman needs or cau desire, This is the title that is almost now a listiiictioii among medical men, who feel their own strength and rest on their onsciousness (if lieing masters of their art the good old title of "mister," which some of the liest men in the profession find ample for all social and professional purposes. It is certainly infinitely inoro honorable than any uuaeadeinie or un warranted use of the title of "doctor." And I see many indications that this view is shared by the professional and by many who think they have a right by courtesy to something more. New York Herald. It Ciiino Oir, for Our. "How now! What ho! dear sir," said an old rounder, stopping mo at the Wash ington statue in front of Independence hull, "will you allow me, beneath the shadow of this historic building, to speak a few words to you?" "Well, go ahead," I said. "For about tho fiftieth timo I read the Declaration of Independence today," he continued, "and I pondered long and deeply over it. I believe the whole gist of it is that all men are free and equal. Am I not right?" "Certainly, llut what have I to do with t'.iat?" I asked. Everything, my dear sir; everything," ho replied, "You are a good American, I know, and that is tho reason why I wished to say to you that men aro not free and equal in all cases." "In what cases aro they notr "Well, take for instance our own case," he said with all seriousness. "True, wo are both free, but wo aro noteqnal. You have enough money abont yon to buy a bracer. I liavo not. Therefore we are not equal, Do I make myself clear?" "Perfectly. Hero you are. Will ten place us upon nu equal footing?" "Undoubtedly. Would that all Amer icans thought as much of our funda mental principles." And ho shot up tho street rejoicing in tho fact that for onco ho was free uud equal. Philadelphia Press. Mama of I-nndon Street. ' I don't wonder that reformers shudder wlien it comes to the names of streets. I myself have counted twenty-six King streets, sixteen Queen streets and thir teen Duke streets in this town! The samo name will repeat itself in street, road, place, crescent and square, upper and lower, east and west, nntil the brain beginB to soften. We ve spent more shillings In directing cabs to Gloucester Bomothinir or other, when we ought to have gone to Gloucester something else, than I dare tell. Bob declares hell be chained to an ad dress book hereafter. I suptiose a good detd of this repetition is due to the greediness with whicii Loudon swallows up town after town. But really there is no excuse for baptizing the same streeta several times. One street in our neigh borhood, not half a mile long, has three names. It's a blessing to got into Picca dilly, Oxford street and the Strand, for then I know where 1 am; hut now J come to think of it, I don't know any thinir or the sort, ior nccauiuy runs into Knights bridge, that street runs iuto several tilings, the Strand becomes Fleet Btreet at Temple Bar or, perhaps ought to Bay, at tho place where Temple Bar once stood tnd Oxford Btreet loses itself in Holborn. London Cor. Kate Field's Washington. The Glow Worm's Light. The English clow worm is the wing less female of a winged beetle. Some suppose that the light she bears is be stowed for her protection to scare away tho nightingale and other nocturnal birds. Others, however, believe that the irift of brightness ia the very lnre by whicii he foes are assisted to discover and devour her. Much speculation has Ix-eu indulged in as to the nature of the glow worm's light, which is not put out by water nor seemingly capable of giv ing forth any heat. It has been asserted that the light diffusing substance con tains phoephorus, but this has never lxn proved. Certainly it is incapable of communicating ignition to anything. Washington Star. A Ticking Tombstone. A "ticking tombstone" draws many visitors to the cemetery of the London Tract meeting house on the boundary line between Delaware and Pennsyl vania. Two ceutuneu ago the region was settled by Quakers from Loudim, nnd the meeting house is quaint and venerable. A constant ticking comes from one of the old tombstones; and while mauy superstitious ears listen to the sound with awe, practical people say that the strange noiso is caused by a subterranean rivulet, which drains drop by drop, against the base of the tomb stone. Yankee Blade. A Complication. "I'll never publish another book anon ymously as long as I live," said a poet on Christmas morning. "Why not?" queried a friend. "Because I have already received five copies of my own book fsoin my ad mirers, with the compliments of the eason," Harper's. A Husband's Mistake. Hii.-Ii;ui(1m ion i, it, ii permit wivea, mid parent their cliibln-ii, to suffer from headache, ili,'.ziii', neuralgia sleepU-f suess, his, in rvmiMiesHiiess, when hy 1 1 if use id Dr. Mile' Ke stnratlve Xer ine such s-criotM re suit, could easily be prevented. Di iiicuisls everywhere say it y ivea universal and has iitr iiniiiciiMe nale. Woodwortli Co., of I'oi t Wnvnc, Iinl.; Snow Co., of Syracuse, . Y.j J. ('. ulf, Hillsdale, Mich.; and luimli cds of ium say: "It is the creates seller they evtff knew." 1 1 contains no opiates. Tri buttle and line book nil Nervous diseases, free nt F. G. l-'i icke C'o's Wonderful. K. W. Sawyer, of K'ucliester, Wis., a prominent (Killer in general merchandise, and who runs M-vcraj peddling wagons, had one oi hit, Iioi-n.m badly cut and burned with a u iat, The wound refused to heaL The horse became lame and still now-withstanding- careful altention mil tho ntiilic,'itii.ii of remedies. A friend handed Sawyer some of Mailer's Itiiib Wire I.incuieiit. the most wonderful thing- ever aw to heal such wounds, lie umdied it only three times and (he sore wan onilili-ted healed, lvoiliilly oiiod for all soiH, cuts, luiises, nnd wound. For sale by all di iiri-ist For lame luick there is nothinc belter than to saturate a tlamici 111 with Chamberlain' I'.iiti Halm and hind it on tin- alTectcd ills. Try it and you will be sur prised at the prompt reliei it nllonl. I lie same ticalnicnt will cure rhaii- malisiu. I'or sale by G. 1-ricke Co. he volumes of the M.itrtizine be gin with the .Number for June and December of each vcar. When no time is specified, subscriptions will icein with the Aumlier current nt (he time of receipt of order. Hound Volume of Harper's Maen.ine for three years back, in neat cloth bind ing-will be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt ol s-.i.ou tier volume. loth case for binding-, 50 ccutt (oil by mail post paid. MMos Norvo andZLIver Pills. Act on a new principle reu-ulat- intf the liver, stoinrch nnd bowel llirouuh the nerv. A new discovery. Dr. 11 lie I'll 1h speedily cure Inliou- hiichh bad taste, torpid liver, pile iniisi ipalion. Um-ipialed for men women, children, smalleHl, niidest si.reHt! ,rKl dose, U.V. Sample free ;it F. G. Fricke & Co'. 'The foremost of our periodicals." COMMANDIHO EVERY 0BEA1 CENTEE OF IHOUOHT AKI ACTION 15 THE WOELD. Aumplecopytjlll llluitrtdprosp tuiwlll b nt lot 28 cants. 11 EDWIN Ain-OLD. Tun FnneM Is the moat InstnictlTw. the most timely, the largest anil the handsomest of the rcTlown. f The three, tfrcnt jrjoupn. of ub ect out of the comuiH pear will be impartially nd iiiHtructively diti cutsHed liy theablcHt writers; . Political subject irm win out of the presidential ciimpaiirne. II- Financial disturbance here and abroad. III. Theological unrcst- witli nil the Hocial questions uk-pi-Bted by these proup of preat top ICS. There i no other way whereby one may pet the ripcHt information about the if rent problem of the time within so narrow a compass or for ho small a sum shart spidieat of great subiects by more than hun (lrc(l of the foremost men aud wom- nof the world; because there in only cue American periodical for whicii ull the jfreat leadera of opin ion and of thought write, and that is Tiik Forum. The December number for exam ple ccntains:. Depredation by I'en- Hion Die rrotest 01 i.oyai volun teer, by lieutenant Allen K. Koote Founderer of the Society of Loyel Volunteer; The Meaning of the Democratic Victory in MasHachu sett, by Gov. Win. K. Kusseil; French feeling toward Germany; AnotSer Conflict about Ilsnce- Lo raine IncAitable, by Cammille Pcl letan, member of the French Cham ber of Deputie; Should tne Silver Law of WM be repealed? by Jacofc II. Sch iff one of the most sticccpsful nnd iu New York; In Modern FaIu cntion a Failure'r by Fredrick Har rison, the great lvtiglili esayitii rnregulated Competition self-destructive, by Aldace F. Walker, Chairman of the Weatern Traffic Association: Women's Club, the Volume and the Valud of their Work, by Alice 11. Khinc; A Day With Lord Tennison, hy Sir Wil liam Arnold. And five other arti cle. There are now in progress disctiav sions of our yenwion pystein; Prison Management; The Training of Teocbers; The Louisianna Lottery The next Step in the Tariff Agita tion; Are Modern Kducatlonal Mat ters a failure'? 50c a copy. $-" a year. TIIK FOKUM, Union Square, N. VIGOR OF HEN aally, QuioHly, Permanently Restored. -Waakana. Ncroaaaea, Itcbllltr Jil Ui train of evil fnm farly emiraorlaler aicaaax., Uia reaulla of ororwurk, alcknosa, worry, w. fall firenth, doTcloimient, and tone alren to CTry divan and portion of the body. Simple, nataral Dii-thoda. lu.iui-diati' Improvement seen, lailaf Inipoaailile. 3 1 si ri-ren-nrea. llook, exuuuisUuBB Sad pri-nfii DiS'IO'1 'Si nlPd) free. Aililreas ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N. V..