Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, December 17, 1891, Image 6
X If . 4 A WEDDINO BELLS. A Pretty Weddlnu at the Horns f Chria Pete men Last Evening. Frew Thtirikl.lii Daily One of Uie prettiest weddings ever solemnized in Plattmuouth occurred last evening ut Hie lionie of Chris Petersen on South Tenth street. The contracting parties were Christian Chiistensen, a trustworthy employee of the R & M., and Mrs. Mamie Honk, one of our most charming and prom ising young ladies. At 8 p. in. Waldeninr Heck began to piny the wedding inarch and in a few moments the bridal party up peared. The groom, attended by J . J. C.trlson, and the bride by Mamie Petersen, immediately took places prepared for them, and Kev. Falk, pastor of the Swedish church, performed the ceremony in a solemn, yet impressive and fitting mnnnev. Afler the ceremony luid been per formed the happy pair were the recipien Is of hearty congrat illations nnd wishes for a long and pros perous life together, at the con elusion ol which the company Tcpnired to the dining room, where a delicious and sumptuous repast was served. After supper the hours were whiled away indulging in music, games nnd a general con versnlion upon topics in keeping with the occasion. The newly mar. rietl couple received a surprisingly numerous and costly collection of presents, which indicated the high esteem in which they are held by the community. At 3 n. m. each member of the merry company re paired to his home feeling that he liad spent the evening pleasantly and participated in nn important event. The following were among those present: Mr. and Mrs. W. I Urowne, Mrs. Mcllride, Nehawka; Andrew Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Aug, Angard, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Amberg, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hang, Mrs. A. Pearson, p. J. Carlson, Otto Oleson, C. II. Moonie, Chas. Ilolnistrom, Jvrnst Hang, Albert Pearson, Win. Petersen, John Anderson, Walde mar Heck and the Misses Anderson THE IlEKAM) joins with the com pany in extending congratulations to the newly wedded pair. Police Court Police Fry filed information against Ilerrman Klebch, charg ing h.'ni wi.h failure to close his tiioMiing. Suspicion rested upon , place oi.Dusiness at 11 p. in. as re two tramps that had been seen ii i J"ifU Ly the city ordinance. He that section and accordingly j Vh'iul S'Hy to the charge and de posited ana costs in the till. Burg lary at Louisville The cigar nnd confectionery ptore of Miles M. Drul e, of Louisville, wan bursrlurized at 1 o'clock this Marshal Spencer placed Hum under arrest. A portion of the siolen pioperty was found upon their persons, whereupon the younger of the bandits confessed their giilt. The amount siolen win eMiuiated at $-G 4.", most of which had been concealed near the M. P. railroad cossingat Louis ville and was found by the author ities. The preliminaiy hear ing of one of the younger of the parties was con ducted at Louisville, resultintr. in binding him over to the district court. J he outer one waived exam ination. 1 hey have Ik en .com-, ini'led to the county jail, awaiting the next session of 'die district court. Judge Archer's Court. In the case of Win. Wagner vs Iloucka, which has been under nd- visement for a few days, judgment was rendered in favor of defendant. Ju the nl'achmcnt case of Joe M c Ve y v s. 1 1. C u n n i n gh a in n ve rd i c t was rendered in favor of plaintiff lor 5-13. fn (his case McVey garui Bheed the P. & M. K. R. with n view of obtniirng payment from defend ant for goods purchased of plaintiff. Fiom Friday Dally. Last Thursday there was a double accident at the quarries of Van. court A Leniist east of town. A Swede named J. Swansou was en- trusied with the task of putting in and firing a blast. He accom plished both, but the wind did not blow through his whiskers when he jrot It huimciied ibout this way: After the blast was made ready and the powder can carefully laid away (about two feel,) applied the match to the fuse and dropped it a moment laier. The wind carried it into the powder cau and away went his whiskers. One of his companions seeingthe plight he was in, rushed to his aid, arriv ing just in time for the explosion from the blast to get in its work on hiuij foriun.iU-ly no serious results followed, beyond the tilling of his eyes with dust nnd small stone niakingsoine slight wounds on his face. Poor Swanson was badly burned, his face and hands and one leg being blackened and cooked Dr. Hungate was sent for, who fixed him up ns comfortable as possible, later in the clay he was sent '.o the hospital in Omaha where he is at present. It is very evident that all the tools are not yet dead, or this accident would not have happened after the repealed warnings nnd ac cidents that the employee of these quarries have had. Those people who handle powder should certain ly Know that a lighted ruaich and that substance cannot Kagle. Jas Patrick was find $." and cost on a charge of drunkeness in de fault of the payment of which lie was committed to jail. 1 his young man came to Platts mouth the fore part of this week from Germantown for the purpose of securing work in the shops. He had previously contracted tin- habit of over indulgence in dis tilled rye and having in his pos session a lew dollars, went on a protracted drunk from which he lias just rallied. A New Mail Car. A new mail Car finished in the latest style was sent upon the road for active service this morn ing. In the construction of these cars it is necessary to employ skilled mechanics, and if the H.&M. i.i i... .1 i . .... . lumu ue luuueeti io siiii lurther equip the car manufacturing tie partmeut thus bringing still a great er number of skilled and better paid mechanics into our midst the busi ness interests and the general wel fare of our city would be material ly helped. Delegates to Beet Sujinr Convention. The following delegates have been appointed by M. H. Murphy, president of the city council, to represent the city at the beet sugar convention to be held at Lincoln Decern ljcr 17. The list was handed in too late for publication in j ester terday's issue: K. S. Greusel, John Davies, Timothy Clark, Clans Hrekenfeld, F. S. White and A. H. Knotts. TIRED OF LIFE. Will Enforce the Luw. Acting Chief of Police Fry, authorizes us to state that the city ordinance forbidding the runninir of saloons on Sunday shall be rig- more than exceed his assests. An Old Resident of PJafsmouth Meets a Tragic Death rrm faturilau' f. Uu Our usually quiet little city was startled this morning by the an nouncement that J.M.Schnellbacher had committed suicide. A IlEHALO reporter at once hastened to the scene, and the horrible spectacle that met our eyes proved the report only too true. The unfortunate man lay face downward in a pool ot blood, all traces of life bcinj extinct. A HS-calibrc bull dog re oiver, with but one empty cham ber, was lyiu r by his side. Investi gation developed the fact that the ball entered immediately above the right eye and came out at the back of the head. Tl. . ... . me iragic enu which lie has met is a surprise to everybody. The deceased was in Omaha yesterday aim returned home on the flyer in company with II. C. McMaken and R. W. Hyers, nnd these gentlemen state that his actions would not indicate, in the least, that he antic ipated such a rash act. He went to the house in the eveniinr and retired as usual. It was ob served by his wife that he did not appear to be resting well, and at 12 o'clock he arose nnd remarked that he could not sleep and must eo out. She urired h - - " LSI t ' it availed nothing. It is supposed that he immediately repaired to the shop and committed the deed. Plint-.. ... A'.til.. .1 I . . . "iiiioiiuii; iiouui mat lie was driven to the act because of finan cial troubles. His creditors were urging payment of longstanding debts. He was involved as follows: Cass County Hank, $700; Lieder kranz, ifSOO; Philip I lorn, $1,01)0; John Coffenberger, tfTOU; Fred Krug.fl,. 500; Geo. P. Horn, 100. It is also rumored that he is in debt to the I. O. O. F. lodge for the sum of $J7."). His liabilities will it many ngvee.- The Slept in Jail. TV'rr. Lcngsia-vle, a farmer resid Ing in (his v'cViy, was found by Ilcory Mt Cu' e upon the si veis at 1 o'clock Ui' moriPng in a e.'a:e of i i o. Vt.'on. He spent the'uder ofi'ie n'ght in jail, nnd was (hs mo 'a'.ig arraigned be "ore Judj,e Avuc-, who (dmm'siered the regular dose of ?." nmi u Th Oi'li (he iuflue 'ce of Ceo. WVdinaii Cie $." tine was rein'i.ed and 1 lie tanner pe-ni i led his way rtyi'c 'i. io go on Howlo Pr-epa ra and Address Pack ages Sent by Mail, Theseeson is approaching when the ni.ris will be filled with holiday . piese.iis, aiui;a great many are tin tmonuO'i..:!.. .i.i... i ..v.., y mm, uetnyeu or cainnged each year because of (he indifferent manner i i which they ore pre pa ed jor mailing. Newspaper or other thin paper . enouid never be used for wrappin nnd packages as ordinarily wrno ieu wuerc pu cnased are not uufbcietiilv seen c for forwarding in ine mans, Use strong paper; make a solid , vackage that will not crush easilv tf ewell wiih good twine; address 7,' ibly and correctly with ink on iower Inght-hand corner and very ' w pnekages will fail to reach destination in good condition. It is always advisable to place the name and address of the sender on the upper left hand corner of all packages, etc., eent in the mails, eo they may be returned in case the addressed cavnot be found. Pos tal statistics show that more delays result trom incorrect addresses than from errors in distribution by postal employes. In case of loss or delay report the same to your postmaster with an me inionnadon that can be given. The postmaster would suggest ihat valuable package be registered then in case a package is lost or de layed it can be found more readily. Any lack ( courtesy or attention on part of employees in the post--ofllce, should be reported to the postmaster. Henry Hemple, who has been so journing in Texas, for several weeks Jiae returned to I'lattsmouth. , "Authors' Cnrnival." ladies of the Presbyterian church having in chanre the "Authors' Carnival" entertainment nt Rockwood hall last evening nimevcu a measure of umwuu hardly anticipated by the most sanguine of its supporters. 1 he booths, representing respect ively Lalla Rookh, Snow Cave, Hanging Garden, Dickens' Partv. Mend Muller and Old Pllriituitir Shop, were tastily and skilfullv ilecoraied, reflecting great credit upon those in c ha. -ire. Care had been exercised to represent a vari ety of characters, and with the oiumies ior winch Dickens' works n -e noted, ably represented by Prof. McCK-HiMid. as Mr. Cuttle, and Miss Hyers, as Miss Peggody, and the meekness and innocence of girlish life fully typified by KdMi Gering, as Maud Muller, it was plainly evi dent tnat toe two exi'onies wore ably represented. An excellent program, consisting of music vocal and instrumental tableau::, etc., was rendered, reflect ing credit upon the paviicipan.s. The tableau representing pyfc-. malian's statue, Galatea, by Minn ll... i . .' K'ecep ion. by about a doten young ladies, nre deserving special men lion. The cornet solo of Mr. Kigeu broadt was fully appreciated, as the spontaneous encore tendered him fully indicated. After the rendition of the pro gram, it was announced that r. freshmeuts would be served, to wniLii a great manv resnnml,.i The table decorations exhibited a taste and genius rarely excelled. everything: passed off wleasantlv. there beine: nothimr to v, r.. ri.Hin,rQ . 41... i "...7 ." tt" mc ivuei. ine enter tainment will be conchulfd thi eretnng, when an entirely new nro- Elected Officers. At a regular meeting of Trio Lodge No. 81, A. O. 17. r., held in the I. 0. O. F. hall last evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year; Master Work man, M. Vorndran; Foreman, Dick J lines; Overseer, A. F. , Groom; Recorder, T. H. Drown: Financier. ' C. Morn-an: Receiver. r.,.n i? Jaquette; numbers, and to (he end that these business, havin.n.nd in 1,7. i .7 " alU1' L JraiIk Jl'tte; Out- . .. . ... ..... ? l,"i"uJ sme Watch. C. i hi.-, uiiii 1 1 ii i n rr nni .... idly enlorced hereafter. lie has was not thought generally that his reasons to believe that men nre ad mitted upon Sundays, in large Sad New. A message was received by Mr. Pettee this morning announcing that Mr. John Murfin, whom many will remember as an old resident of this city, will be hurried at Xehawka at 3 p. m. to-day. This win be sad news to hia friends in Cass county. IToHayea Public Instalation. The several orders of the A. O. U. . composing the Trio lodge, Xo, 84; German ia Xo. 81; Piatt lodge, Xo. i; and Degree of Honor, are makiii extensive preparations for a pub nc installation of officers nnd grand social on the evening of Ian 1u a ,,, I . feiuuii nine may be ex pected by the members of the orders and friends. Epworthians Meet. The regular monthly meeting of it... r. . w me j-.pwortn League was held last evening at the home of Miss Mary Davis. After the usual business had been transacted a literary pro gram was given. A quartette com posed of Robt. Hrown, C. S. Polk rirs. Lhnrley Johnson and Miss HIanch Kennedy rendered several songs with pleasing effect. Morton's Resignation Accepted. Governor Thayer accepted the resignation of J. Sterling Morton as a member of the Xebraska world's fair commission. He nt once appointed Ex-mayor Sawver of Lincoln, to fill the vacancy, and Hon. F. E. White, of this city ns alternate. If Mr. .Sawyer, should find it impracticable to serve the duty will devolve upon Mr. White, in the I event of which the matter will be attended to faithfully and well- Auction of Hardware at J. Finley Johnson's commencing Thursday, December 10 and con tinuing day and night, until closed out. F.S.White, w3t Auctioneer. I have been a great sufferer from catarrh for over ten years; had it" very bad, could hardly breathe. had to walk the floor. I purchased. Ely's Cream Halm and am using it freely, it ia working a cure surely. I have advised several friends to use it, and with happy results in every case. It is the medicine above all other for catarrh, and it is worth its weight in gold. I thank God I have found a remedy I can use with safety and that does all that is claimed for it. It is curing my deafness. H. W. Sperry, Hart ford, Conn. E. BU7AG1 girenwood, mm. Oflice in the Bass Xoel building Residence, the Ed Rich Property. TO SHIPPERS. Butter, Eggs, Cheese, ild Game. Poultry, Meat, Apples! Potatoes Green and Dried Fruite, Vegetables 1,(11 Deans, ool, Hides. Tallow Sheep Pelts, Furs, Skins, Tobacco. Grain, Flour; Hay, Beeswax, feath ers, Ginsing, Broomcorn, and Hops. E. Jj A L L A R D ton. Com, Merchant and Shipper, 217 Market Street St. Louis, Me. WANTED Appnt r and Shipper. " w D, "ul"i"ii" may ne tieiecieu lie pro poses to have the window blinds raised upon those days. The po lice spoke with an air of determina tion and judging from the manner in which he has performed his duty in the past there is no room to doubt that he speaks in earnest. He will receive the encouragement of nil good citizens in his endeavors to enforce our laws. property was encumbered, as he j has apparently been doing a good Iiwlde Ryd berry; Trustee, , not Theatre-goers will have an oppor tunity Monday evening, December 14, of witnessing one of the neatest and best things in the way of legit imate spectacular drama that has as yet been presented in Platts mouth. Mr. John Palmer's "Last Day of Pompeii." which will hn presented nt thtTaterman opera house on above rfate, must not be confounded with Mr. Pains spec tacle of the same name, ns (hey nre entirely ditTe ent. Mr. Palmer's play is a si.ige dramatisation of Sir Biilwer Lytion's delightful romance, "Lest Days of Pompeii," and is to be prescnled byastron" company ofdramaiic ag ists, wi;h all (he scenery, mechanical effects, stage ejects, etc., that are needed to picture (lie s.irring scenes of the famous story. on tll'lLlllr. 1 . dl. pni)j!i uiiee men ior se-- eral years. He has until recently cairieu insurance of several thous and dollars, but the policy expired a lew months since nnd has been renewed. He was born in Hesse Darmstadt. Germany, in 1S42, and emigrated to this country in lS)fi, arriving first at Illinois, where he resided three years. He came to Platfsmouth in 1S(KI and has resided here continu ously since. He has been known t ... oy ins neighbors ns a quiet, in- offensive citizen. He was married to Amelia Lau in this citv in 1SS: wno, with hve children, the oldest ot whom is eight years of age, is left to mourn his departure. This is a severe blow to his family, who have the sympathy, of our citizens in the hour of their affliction ine interment will take place 1 uesday at p. m. from the German Presbyterian church, Rev. Witte officiating. A. C. Murray. A Few Facts. Read this and govern yourself u t in inngiy: We have lis pure a stock of drugs as any in Cass county. Our wall paper ami paint stock is the lai est in the city. We buy wall piTper mi- t'.icm-in iai-iories in ear load lots and feel safe in saying we sell more than nnyother linn in the county. You wonder why? We can answer that by saying that we buy in large quantities and sell for a very low price. tall and see our line of drugs, I'.uin.-i, 4t , oils and wall paper. Yours Respect lull v. Brown a Ba'krett. The "Carnival" Cloes. llie attendance at the "Author's Carnival" entertainment last eve ning was nuiy as large, and the ....v . i c-i iii.uiiienit-u was equally ns intense, as upon the previous eve ning. A new program was ren net ed, aside from n repition, by request, ot the tableaux "The Wise and Foolish Virgins" and "Jack M-osts Keception." By urgent re quest Miss May Skyles, represent ing the much abused "Topsy," mounted the platform and de- ugmeu me audience with a "skirt dance," and the spontaneous encore which followed wns evidence that it was appreciated. After the rendi tion of the program, amusements were indulged in to a late hour. the net proceeds will amount to $100, which will be judiciously ex pended lor church purposes. The ladies having the matter in charge arc to be congratulated upon the "A Yard of Roses " One of the popular paintings at the Xew York Academy of Design was a yard-long panel of Roses. A crowd was always before it. One nrt critic exclaimed, "Such a bit of nature should belong to all thepeo pie, it is too beautiful for one man to hide away." The Youth's Companion, of Boston, seized the idle, and spent twenty thousand dollars to re produce the painting. The result has been a trumph of artistic de. Iicncy and color. The Companion makes an utunin gift of this copy of the painting to all those who subscribe now for the first time, and request the "Yard of Roses." Besides all ew subscribers will receive The Companion free from the time the subscription is re ceived till January First, including the Christmas and X CW Yon rj Double X umber, nnd for a year full from that date. The price of The Companion is $1.73 a year. Auction nf HnriMon. at J. Finley Johnson's commencing Thursday December 10, and con tinuing day and night, until elosed out. K. S. Thitv w3t Auctioneer. Miss Julia Vinyard, of Hastings, came in last evening the guest of MissIIattie Latham. t iv. nr,i,ou, Registered riiy.iclun ami rhurinaclst fpecial attention given to Oflice Practice. Kock Bluffs . . Neb; THOS POLLOCK R gTIRS tary Tublle & Abstracter Solicitor eal Estate, Loan and Insnrance Agents If you have real estate to sell or exchange send us description, price and terms. Abstracts of title furnished at Teas onable rates. $100,000 t loan at 7a per cent ane! commissions, on good farm security. POLLOCK & IITERS PLATTSMOUTII . NEB. Ofllee under Cass County Bank, lo repp-sent our wrll known limise. You need no cuplM to repre sent n 11 rut that warrants stuck flrttt-i-luM and ti no to name. WORK ALL THE YPn R .HK'per month io r.glii i i.ntii. Apply 'nick! statliiKRi!.. LU WAY A CO Nursery, Kl.irNt and l'auliMlnn. Obis house Is respoxiblu.) F)E2L DIEFFENBACH'S tn. PROTAGON CAPSULES. pure uure ior Weak Men, as I'li.vuu aj rvporuui loadlnK phf 8lclin. State nre In orderln. l2icJtl- 'laloBiia Free. J O A sala and ieelf lift II rure Cleat, Mtrlrtnrrnnd nil unnatural dlnclwyes. PrlceHll. GREEK SPECIFIC T.tH nnd Hhln Tll..n.. loa More nndSyphlllile AITectlon. wita- ontmemiry. Prlro, 3. Onter from THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. 52. I8 Wiscocaa Staeat, MILWAUKBB, WH, ruiiKafiness fn- tfiD Lluuor Habit, Positively Curetf or AD::iii!.YEni,)Q dr. haire? ooiden sptcint. It can do given In o cup of coffee or lea, or in ar tides o.l ooil. without the knowledRO ol the per on takln It; It U absolutely harmless and will effort a permanent and upeedy cure, whother ttiepiitlentina moilerato drinker ot-an alnohollo gram will be rendered. To ba Married. We have received the intellic-enre that Alex Schlegel, of South Om.i- ha, is to be married to Niss Mamie Bafford, ef Ainsworh, Nebraska, the ceremony to be performed at the residents of the brides parents at Ainsworth, Nebraska, Wednes day, December 10. Nr. Schlegel was formerly a compositor in The Herald oflice and during his resi- dence here he acquired many friends each of whom will gladly join with Tub IIfnald in extending congratulations. He is now hold ing the responsible position of city editor of the South Omaha Dailv Tribune. His parent9 still reside iu this city. We learn from the Xebraska rress that Judge Chapman is clear, ing the docket at a rapid rate and indications are that he will spend measure of success that has at rhri.tnmfl nt ti.,,., TKA 1 - ".. nc uu jiayers i teiiueu ineir eitorts. In the event o! me county doubtless are content they desire to give a similar enter with such information, as a pro- tainment in the future, there is iongeu term ot court always entails little doubt that they will be well To KxTirnit Voorlclnoi. Anthropologists all over the, wnrM nra said to 1 aroused by the proposition of Professor rutuiun, of Harvard, to mir.iw.r at tho Worlds fair in Chicago livinirren. ?'ltll,'T..NEVE.R FA,L8, wc GUARANTEE resentatives of evPrv r rnff T lut-o uj vo ionnn on tho a Tmn.n i tinent, in their own houses and costumes. Should the proposal be carried out, stu dents of man from all over the world will flock to America for and seize eagerly this only opportunity ever offered. The cave dwellers, whose mode of life WaltMcDoutrall treats nri th much historical correctness in fiction, will then be either demonstrated as ac tually existing or proved to have died out. new xork World. SPECIFIC C0. IM Haix St. CtnokaaUO. a big expense. patronized. Mrs. C. W. Belleville, of Knox- ville, la., is the guest of the family of C. W. Sherman. Sloan Eaeapea. Arthur Sloan, who a few months since murdered the Baldwin family in Washington county broke jail at xiiaii ui v.m last evening, lie was accompanied and assisted by Frank Morrison an all around crook who was being held for burglary. They The Best Remedy m i?,1 Vld" ,ayl Honr. of ByraovML N.T.. ii Paator KmIi-. n. V" In Jail for One Hour. I &y on. who waa tinrti.ii. .w The shortest term of lmnrisnnmnt "81'ltteke by haiaot had an ZIlT in ?tta was im- SSK&T I, So.t List of Letter Remainingunclaimedin the post office at Plattsmouth December 9, for the week ending December 2: Davli.Orln Stiidler, Bmbree, C E Freltas, Paul Marler, Frank Threlkeld, Mrs Llizle the bluffs, south of the town by the SS 'L cour V10U8e.janitor; The nla Vonng, ii m was at once given and within thirty Persons calling for any of the mimites 8Corea of excited citizens above will please ask for "adver- hnd fi'athere(1 at lle jail and hun- tised" letters. dreds of mounted men were scour- H. J. Stkeigiit, P. M. ing the country. Sheriff Harriinan ... , tI at once offered $200 for the capture Walt Holmes has added au ele of Sloan, dead or alive nml tlif Rant new hack to his already well search will be rmsWH v!.r.,,i., equipped livery establishment. In tlie event h. U r,-.i,.rH tul :1 IlKRAtnis glad to note thin tifi( lnuiw ii.. ii ;n i... i i..i The evidence of prosperity on the part at once as the sentiment of the of this establishment were discovered runninir townnl nif t,. ... . TU" f u t" .... zi. TiT" wm 86111 y to uo Tvcsiuru states. Ifa man abuses hia wiffi in rtntta tnn naif a yard of crapo is tacked on his door as a reminder that any trouble in the fu ture win bo followed by a call by an UUUUI LUKeia Fatting Finn. It is said that a number of the, lur fish never eat anything when traveling uj, livers u, aeposit spawn, at least noth- iDg is louna m them when caught. As me penoa or tho year is about the time of Lent, they probably have respect for vuu occasion. leehan's Monthly. .l r . . I :: " wo mea molt arerr- terrenng with a United Stat nfflAK U, thing w board of. bnt of no mil m the discharge of his dutv. was finnd t m ,nl w ,uu now toa took Faator Koa. .nd iuipriLea torlV&ntT VZXr' county jail.-Exchange, 1311 Ktwui An, mbs. c. bchttt.k Tl.o 1 1 . Thot. KoCordy, of SU 85 th Ato.. The yield of theoranffer-mnin fvio.. vmtr u.i.. 1 vnrtT, . i . .H.jvi.uai ' , J - lonifl la nfl IfllS VPllr ipaa . O ,U fri . I TTMl t,n,nint In HI . . w u,c, o,uw,wv poxes, nnil 7 "l ' " QMlmit (TQ ""VCIttB dox noma 150 oranges. About FREE by I topping tho fit, -A Talnabla Itonk a Ki lleM( tent (rn to uj a and Door n.ttAnta . i.. ttala medicine free of chars. Hill rnmsdy bu btwn prepared by ths RaiiaaaU Ktor KoeniB. of Port WayneVlidValnot HwThJ tonow preparod under all direction Tb KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, tit. Sold by Druggists at 91 per Dottle. 6for$ Lorce Size. 1.75. 6 Dot Uei for 89. citizens is very bitter toward him. HAVE YOU SCHIFFMANN'S Asthma Cur I NMI nil. to Ir.a4.n4 4. Ik. I I -- -" auwu nra wkr tht'T. nil. I ir. w. PUHlFrMANft. St tal, !. I ASTtrlW