Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, December 17, 1891, Image 5
f f i Legal Notice N DISTKICX QOUttl CASS COl'NTY NE 1 brink Oscar dwurd Aium, ana -liiir Alloa. partner a a ISru. riuaitiS vs mi Petersen and tiaa H. 1'eteren .era as Petersen & I5ro liefmduuts 1 .jtmui Petersen, defendant, will take notice Hi at on the 2ilh day ot November, Allen Bros , plaintiffs herein, filed their peti tion In the district court ilia's county. Ne braska, against said tl feuduut. the object and prayer of which are to recover of deteudants the sum of one hundred thirteen and Ave one hundretlis dollars with Interest thereon from Aovtiiuuer 20, l)l ; seventy-six un4 liinety teveu one hundretlis dollars of said amount being now due mid payable ami thir'y ux and eight one-hundreths dollars due and payable ovember 30 for iroods and merchandise sold and delivered defendant by pi limits and tint On said day an order of attachment was Issued lt clerk of the district court of l ass ( nniv. Nebraska, directed to the sheriff of I adison county, Nebraska and the sheriff of I tots county. Nebraska, and levied by them it Annthefol owinif described nrooerlv. to-wlt : - . i,i j ........ - i j ... .......... ......j J . i ,.......1.1.. ...,.. ... .I...... rn-.l ....... I. .. . T-t J v ....... v J ...... i i ..... ... ...... V v. ,ar 141 Madison C"Uiilv. Nebraska, and lot , lour HI 111 block flftv-elKht fwl and lot ten (10) In block thirty-three ai In the city of riattsniouth Nebraska. Notice of jjarniidi ment was also lerved upon the Klrxt National Bank of Plattsnioutli tebmska as tnnrtKiinee Of all uooils merchandise hook arcounts be , longing to said defendant and in possession . ami under control of said bank, VlaiulilT uas for judgment HtaWt dleeixlnnl for the sum of U3.o.' interests and all of said property or .) m ieli tbereof as may be iieeesrniry be col l to tatisfv theamouut found due plaintiff from Wi'tenilants. You are required to answer said 'petition i u r before Monday Jaimiarv lltb l"11' linos, iilainl ill. hy John A, av Iks atly Dated ld. Leal Notice IN DIsritlOT CUl Itl CASS COl'NTV, m: brakn James Jupsen, l'laintilf vs . Kasnui rrlerxi'ii, ( Defendant I ' Itaiim I'eler-ien defendant will take notice that on ihe ttMli day ol November .lames Jupsen plaint. If herein liled bis petition in llie ilMili-t court ol i ns county reir:e-Ka aiaiinst saul defendant the object and payer of which is to recover of the defendant the mini of one hundred and llfty dollars, with Interest from date for money leaned defendant at hi special instance and request now due ; and payable to plaintiff fi'"lu (lefendaiit and thatin'said day an older of atlachtnent issued by the clerk of the diitilet court of . Cas county Nebraska directed to the sheriff ' of Madison county Nebraska and the sheriff 01 Cass countv Ne'binska and levied by them upon the following decsribed property towrit : The northeast quarter U of section thirty JOJ township twentv-tliiee L'3j north of range four 141 west, situated in Madison county Ne- braska and lot four 4 in block fifty-eight Irk and lot ten 1101, in block thirty-three a situated in the uitv of Plattsmnulh Cass coun ty Nebraska and aiso served notice of garirsh incut upon the First National Hank of 1'lattt moutli Nebraska as mortgage of all goods, wares, merchandise and book accounts belong ing to saiil defendant Kannu Petersen In the bands and posessiou of said First National Hank 01 I'lattsuioiiltl jetiraKa, i uai planum piiijs for judgment against, defendant f r nid sum of one hundred and fifty dollars with interest from date and that all of said property or as much thereof as may be necessary be sold to satisfy the am-iint found due plalntill from defendant. You are required to answer said petition on or before the litlday of .lamiraiy Jam Fin Japsf.n, plaintiff Ity Matthew (, Atty. Dated Nov l;d. Legal Notice N DISTlilO'l t'oUlT, CASS COUNTY NK brasku. I Dudley M. Steele, simtii John Steele, partners US D. M. Steele & Co. va Rasmus Petersen and Christian Petersen part uers as Petersen & liro. lUsmus Petersen defendant, will take notice that on the tilth day of NoveniDer ism, u. ni. Steele & Co., plalntilis bereln liled their peti tion In the district court of Cass county. Ne braska against said defendants the object and firayeyotwlilchareto recover of defendant he sum of One Hundred and Twenty-four dol lar and sixty two cents with Inters-1 thereon froni November 18, Ism now due and payable tolalntltI from delendants for goods and mer CliaUUIe SOIU nilU UUUVCIU uy itniuhiii n tii- fendant at their request and that on said day an order of attachment was issued by the clerk f the distnet court of l ass County. Nebraska directed to the sheriff of Cass county. Nebras ka and bv him levied upoa the following de scribed property, to-wlt. hot four 4, block fifty-eight 581 and lot ten fin, block thirty-three 33 In the City of I'lattsmouth. Nebraska. Notice of garnish ment was also served on the First National Kankof PKttsBoutli, Nebraska as mortgagee of all goods, merchandise and book accounts belonging to said defendant and now In pos session and unber control of the said First Na tional Bank wherefore plaintiff prays for Judg ment against defendant for the sum of $14.62 with Interest and that all of said property or so'much thereof a may be nece-sary be sold to "sat iffy the amount due plaintiff from deten defendant. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, January 11. isl. D. M. Stkklr & Co. rialntiff. liy John A. Davies, Atty. Dated November an. isil, Legal Notice. TN DHTRICT CUl'KT, CASS COUNTY NE J. brsska. shland Mill and Klectrlo 1 Light Company (incorpor ated). Plaintiff I v i" J'asnuis Petersen, Christian II, Petersen, i Defendant J Itasmns Petersen defendent will take notice that ou the Hi th day iof November lsal Ihe Ashland Mills and Klecirlc Light Co, plaintiff herein Bled its petition In the district court of Cass county Nebraska against said defendant the object and prayer of which are to recover of defendants the sum of one hundred twenty dollars and fifteen cents with interest thereon from Nov, 20th lS'.il now dne and payable to plaintiff from defendant for goods and merch andise sold and delivered to defendant at their request by tilalntlff and that on said dsy an order of attachment was issued by theclerk of the district court of Cass county Nebraska directed to the sheriff of Madison county Ne braska and sheriff of Cass county Nebraska and levied by them upon the following dej tfibed property towrit : The northeast quarter fHl stetlos thirty Jfll towuship twenty three 2S north of rang four 141. west, situated in Madison count v, Ne braska and lot four 4. block fifty-eight is, and lot ten fill, block thirty-three x), Flails mouth, Nebraska. Notice of garnishment was also served on the First National nank of Plattsiiiouth, Nebraska as mortgagee of all goods, merchandise and book accounts belong ing to said defendant and now In possession and under control of said Hank. Plalntill pravs for a judgment agalfist sid defendant fertile said sum of $120 15 with Interest aud that all of said property or so much thereof as may be necessary be sold to satisfy the amount found due plaintiff from defendant, You are required to answer said petition on or before Murrtay January ll.lsw Ash land Mill and ELurTtitf! LiohtCompanv, Plaintiff. By John A, Davies, Atty Dated November 30, 1891. Legal Notice IN DISTRICT COLKT, 0A.S8 COUNTY NE braska. Rasmus Hansen, 1 laiunu vs Ruitim Petersen. ueienuaui j Kasmus Petersen, defendant, will take notioe that on the twentieth day of N"v., ls'jl. Kasmus Hansen, plaintiff herein, filed his petition in the district court of Cas county, Nebraska, agaiiist said defendant, the object and pniyerot which Is to recover of the de fendant the sum of one hundred dollars, with interest from September i, 18:0 at 10 per cent per annum for money loaned defendant at his special instances and request now due and payable to plaintiff from defendant and that en said day also tiled the necessary affidavit to obtain orlersof attachment to be Issued by the clsrk of Ihe district court of Cass couutv, fe- r . J J . 1 braska directed to the sberlff of Madison eoui tv. Nebraska and t the MicritT of Cxss county. Nebraska and leviei hy them t.ponthe following described property, to-wlt ; Then r beast quarter '). of section thirty 30, township twenty three I .::?. north of mime four 41, west, sltuat'din lidison county Ne braska and lots four 4!, ill blin k fifty-eight :.s, diul io ten iio in biock thirty-three a.nj. City of Plattsiiiouth. l ass county, Nelrak i. ami also served nonce of garnishment unootlie First National Hank of Plattsiiiouth, Nebraska as mortgagee of all go' ds, wares.mercliandise and boon aceou ts belongli g te said defen dant Kasmus t lie hand and roses, slonnf Said First .National Hank of Plattsnioiitli Nebraska, that plalntill prays for a judg ment against refendaut Tor said sum of -fKKi.isi with interest from Sept 5, ls:U and that all of said property or so much thereof as may be necessary be sidd o satisfy the amount touud due plaiatiff from defendant. You are required t answer said petition on or before the nth day of January, is i Kasmi s Hanskn, Plaintiff, Hv Mathew Ueriug, Ally. Dated November:, 1SJ1. Legal Notice IN DISTRICT COIHT CASS CNUNT i NE braska. Christluu II. Petersen "I Plaintiff I vs. V Hasmue Peteisen, I Defendant, j Kasmus Petersen defendant will take notice that en the pith day of November l.s Chris tian II. Peters' ti plaintiff herein tiled his puti tionintlie district court -f Cass ctunly Ne biaska iigainst said (lelendatit the object and prayer of w hich Is to recover of the defendant the sum of two thousand and llfty-six dollars Uiou a promissory note and other jtideliieil ness as shown by said petition all of which sum Is now due and payhle. to plaintiff from defendant utol Unit in .said dav nil or.ler of attachment was issued b the clerk of the d's tiict cointof ( as County Nebraska directed to the sin rill of iladison county Nebraska and ll,e shei ;I of ( ii'.s i" nut. V Neli aka mid levied bv them upon the tclloumg desciilied proper I) belonging to tile ilelcnilaiit tow it : 'I lie iuit lo-:i-i quarter i'i1 of section thirty ip town-hip w. nty-three i'.'.ii norin of lange tour 1 4) wet, situat.'d In Madison e. iinly ,e. luiLskii an l lot i ' . ti r t) Pi block lifiyeicii :,) an ' lot ti n ! ii block I mi iv -I lneei:i;u iina teil in the ci j l l';attni'iii;ii Nebiasi. a that plainiill prav t i jiiiiueincnt against defelidaiil forsaid sum "I i h 'lucres' lh in date and thai all of said property ! so much Iheie of as iiia be ncis-aiyhe sold to sutily the aiii"iiiit loiai'l iluc pl.iiiililf fr nn defendant You are rquiivd 'o.invwor ald petithi'i on or liefore tin! nth eav oi janury is:i.'. ClIUlsT'AN II. !'!' I KIISI-.N. pIllinMlf )l, I., lilt W N K, AtiJ . Dated Nov. 27 Iwl. L.ei;tl Noiico. IS D1S1UICT COl KT CASS COl'NIY N- brska Theodore Tvehson and 1 Julius Keiich, pai (nets i l laiulitls. i vs. Kasmus Petersen and I ( liristiau II l'eteiveti, part 1 Iters. Defeni:alits. J Kasmus Petersen, defendant will take no tice tnat on the jnth dav of November Ikl'I Tycbson & Itencli plainlilis, herein liled their pelillou in the district coiir. of t ass comity Ne braska against said defendant, the object and prayer of which are to recover from ilcfciidatits the sum of w th interest thereon from November '-', lsyi, for goods and merchandise now due and payable. That an order of attachment was issued by the clerk of I lie district court of Cass coiuiiy Nobia-kaulrei'teil to (he sheriff of said count v and by him levied upon the following deser bed property : tew it, lot four (4) 111 block (I and lot Jo, In block J','.) in I he citv oi i'lallsiiiouth .Nebraska also that a notice ol giirnlsliinei I was srved upon the First Na tional liank as mortgagee of the goods, and merchandise i f debts and b ok accounts. 'lbat the same may bo mho to sat My amount due Plaintiff Irnindefeiidiiiits hereon. oil Hie icqinieil lo anHer said petition on or ti id ore Monday jamiaiv inn, ivi; l vi tisov ,t Ks tii it IljtJ ilt.N A, DAViKS.Atty Legal Notice TN Til fl DHTlilCT C',U..T CASS COL'NTY J. Nebraska (iurtrude 8. Pete rseti Plalutllt, vs. Kasmus Petersen. 1 Defoudaiit. J l!a"niuH Petersen, defendant, will -jke no tice that on the i.'1'th day of November Uerlrude 8. Petersen, plaintiff herein liled her Roll Ion In the district court 01 tass county ebriska against said defendant, the object and prayer of which is to recover of the de fendant the sum of two hundred dollars with Interest from May 11. 1891 for money loaned rie fendant at Ills special instance and request, now due and Ipayahle to plaintiff from the de fendant and that on said day an aflldavii nec essary to procure an order of a'tsclimeut was liled In said court and orders of attachment w ere issued by the clerk of the district court of Cass county Neb directed t) the sheriff of Mad ison county. Neb and the sheriff of Cass coun ty Nebraska and levied by them upon the fol lowing described property, to-wlt : '1 he northeast quarter K)nf se tlon thirty (.t), township twenty-three cS) north of range four (4) west, situated in Madison county, Ne braska and lot four (4) in block fifty eight(M) and lot tin (10 In block thirty-three (31) situat ed In the eitv of Plattsiiiouth. Cant county, Nebraska and also served notice of garnishment upon the First National Hank of Piattsmoutli, Nebraska, a inortgHcee of all goods, wares, merchandise aud book accounts belonging to said defendant, Kasmus Petersen in the hands and possossiou ofsaidFlist National Hank of Plattsiiiouth, Nebraska, That plaintiff prays for a judgment against said defendant for said sum of two hundred dollars with Interest from May 11, IsJl and that all of said property or so much tncreof a may be accessary be sold to satisfy the amount found due plalntill from defendant. You are required to answer said petition 011 or before the llth day of January isw. UeuthuukS. Pktkkskn. Plalniiff, Hy Mathew tiering, Atty, Dated November 27, IStfl, Leal Notice fleo A. Kennard (Impleaded with others) will take notice that on tin 17th day uf May K) the plaintiff herein, William Saunders, filed his petition In the district court ot Cass county Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the defendants Paulina A. Morton and Willi's J llotton to the plaintiff upon the northwest quarter of section number twenty-seven, town ship number ten, north range ten, east of the 6th P. M , In s.ud Cass county to secure the payment of a ceitaln promisory note lated August M. lssi) for the sum of $w no due and payable one day after dav at 10 per cent Inter est. IheiH is now due upon said note and mortgage the sum of $-".13.00 and lo per cent 111 teiest from the AMU day of August, I811I for which sum, with interest, plaintiff praysde ereethat defenlanis be required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to sat isfy the amount found due, aid to execute you from all interest thcrin. You are required to answer said petition and all cross petitions therein liled on or before IU9 Ihth day of Juliuaiy IS'.U. William Hy Gibson Wooley, lus Atlys. December 4 iHd. 4t Married, J. I. KobitiHOii, fortnorly county clerk of Cuss county, now a r Hident of Chadron, was married last wei'k to a Miss Wright, at the home of her parent.- at Chadron. The inatiy friends ol Mr. Robinson will join with THE IlEKALD in extending congratulations. Here ia a Chance Tor some one with a few hundred dollars to get into a good business. Kstablished ISSfj. For further par ticulars address Box 98, I'latta mouth, Nebraska. wd-8 Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When P.aby was lick, w gave her Castoria. When the was ChiM, she cried for Castoria, When she beoame Miss, i'j clung to CaorV., When sli bad Children, shs .vo tliem Contort, WORST FORM ECZEMA Raffled Best Medical Skill for Eight Months. Cured In Two Monihs by Cutieura Remedies. This is to seHlfv that a child of mine bad eczema in its woist form, and hch baffled the best ineo.n-.ti skin mat could tie employe! here The little sufferer was ripped 111 tgouy for at least eight months, six months 01 mat nine us suner lug was slmplv untold, then 1 t'gnn the use of the CmrPKA Kkmk piks ; in two months the awful disease had ceased Its vengeatise, aud my darling boy had rest, and to all appear ance the disease had yielded, hut loom Inn d the medlclt.e for several months after uo trace ceuld be seen of it on any nart of his boilv The doctors here watched the disease with much luterest. and could onlv sav "Well done I" The case was known far and wide, and everybody was much sutprised Hut thanks to CimtTHA Kkmrdiks. Could then be anything mi earth that would cause a father to rejoice It surely would be whin the nine innocent one could nave such a remedy at hand. ISee portrait herewith. I J. A. NICIHU.KS, Hunker Mill. Ind. A child was brought to me with chronic ecema that had defied splendid treatment from many good doctor. As a regular M, D . should have con'iiiued similar treatment, but thought 11 ueie-s. Sn put It 011 c titer it as. The child Is well C. I,, til ItNKY, M. 1)., noon, la. Cutieura Resolvent. Th'' new Hlood and skin Purifier. Inlernallv. slid 1 l' I li t ha, the great uln I'uie, and Cr i n I It So i', Ihe eqiil-ile Skin Heautl I'o r, cMeriia'lv, 1 1 1 -1 a 1 1 1 1 ' rein ve and -.pee lily cine rvcry i-ease ;" d biitnar of the skin'. il" and bomil, null loss ol hair, from 111I.111- cy lo a.,;e, I10111 pimples I 1 scrofula. Sold even -here. Prii-e. t'ln'triiiA Me.: Sua p. J.'.e. ; III sm.vKN '', ji. Prepared by I he PoT I III 1UU ii AMI Cll f.MH AI.LiHU'OllAI loN, 1 ii'si , '.Jin, lira nun Nil- l I II I '-l.l ,1, (14 pages. ,10 illustrations, ami loo tesiimouiaU. W.H..1 r.... ell.,,.. ,. I. 1. :.. 1,4. .... "R A PV'vJ Ski" ri,,'l pnrllled and DtD L O bcaulilicd by t urici A Soac. Absolutely pure. Wi;AJi, fAlNI U. fflSlA Kidney and I'terim hull Weaknesses relieved i LljiiJ bv the cutieura WEAK, PAINFUL BArKS. ne Pains ami in one mliinte A ntf-Pnln i. H PlAQtnr. tilt- till I V I114I :ml illieiltw pain killing plaster. Aiie'lo" of Hsrdwars at J. Kieley Johnson's CDnniipncing Thursday Ueeember Kl, and con tiutiitig !ay and ttL-lit, im1il closed out. R S. White, w.'tt. Aiiitioneer. CtaHM Monday' 1 IktQu. li.-s Bird Ward, of Louisville, is visiting' wilh her cotisiti, MissSusie Stnll. Judge C'li.ipm;iii flcnnrffd hist evening fur .Nebraska City 1" re sume hi- duties tipo:i Hie l i'tuli. C. L. ('oleinal!, of Oiiiiilta, spent Sunday in the city. Tout Ililier and II. it ry (ii i-en com nienied work in the sliops this morning. Mh. Vass iind daughter, Carrie left tli is morning for Uenver, Colo., for it few woekn' visit. TomNiller has resigned his po sition ns postoflice cleric nnd has beeti succeeded by VA. Styles. John Vullery nnd Mrs. lligginson came in from Chicago this morning, called hither by the severe illnes of Marguerite Vnllery. MrB. W. A. Lockart and Mrs. Geo. Mantling, who have been visiting at the home of II. C. McMaken for sev eral days, departed thia morning for Sierra Madra, Cal. The former is a sister of Mrs. McMaken. MissJ Maggie Vallcry who for some time past has been nfllicted with ulceration of the Stomach grew rapidly worse Sunday and is no bet ter to-day. There is very little hope entertained for her recovery The new depot at South riatts niouth is rapidly Hearing comple tion and the construction of the side tracks is reported to have been commenced. We cannot say, how ever, that this intelligence is spec ially interesting to I'lattsmouth. Almoat a Rnnoway. About 1 p. 111. jesterday Lon Marshall untied his team which was tied in front of Lebnuotf Bros' place of business, but as he at tempted to get into the vehicle, 0111 of the horses quickly switched its tail over the line and at once sprang forwaad and began to kick violent ly. The plucky driver tightened his grip on the lines and braced himself firmly as possible and although standing upon the ground succeeded in stopping the team, after it had encircled u portion of the street a few times The buggy was damaged consider' ably and the milk can were scat tered promiscuously about the street, Linooln After It, There is a strong probability that the Shenandoah Normal College will be removed to Lincoln. In the event of which Nebraska education al facilities will be greatly en larged and bettered. The following front the Lincoln Journal is of inte rest: The proposition to mere the Shenandoah normal school with Professor Roosc's Lincoln normal universily is likely be successful, if indications arc not decidedly mis-, leading. Saturday evening a meet ing was held in the school house near the campus of Profess Roose's location. It was largely attended by property owners of the vicinity and by prominent member of the board of trade and real estate ex- chnnge. The proposition was ex plained by Professor Koose and others, who stated that plans of the buildingnlrvady in course of con slrueliiui Heiv In be couipli'lcd and a boardtng house built with a capacity of am) boarders. In itd- ditinn a power house must be erected lor power, light and heat. The b.tililings alone are to cost of least $i:.i,Uii) and it is to be made the' largest normal college in America. Property Mibscripiou amounting to ."0,itii() only were needed, , After a free discussion eight live acres of land were subscribed by those present. Others have sigui fied a willingness to subscribe and no great dillieulty is apprehend in raising the desired amount. The matter must he settled this week, as another site near the cily is in view. In addition ts the oilier site which seems available, there have been liberal otTets front Sioux City and IVnvcr. The board of trade and red estate exchange are de termined, however, to never let the present opportunity pass if it can be avoided. Stivi-r-oly lo.iureil The many friends of lion. W. It. Sliyroe!., of Louisville, will be pa i ne ! hi Lea r 1 hat lie nu t with an unfortunate accident last Saturday, lie was in (lie act af mini ut itig a saddled pony, and juM as Mr. Sh rock had planted his loot (irm ly in the si ii rup, t lie pony ln'caiue frightened aa I sprang rapidly forward not Mopping until the un fortunate man was ili'a 'ued liA) yards. 1 ie was discovered sdiorlly afterward and taken to his home in in insensible condition. Upon examination he was found to be badly bruised on different parts of the body but it was thought that he 11 cei veil no serious injury ex cept the fracture of a leg. It is almost miraculous that he should escape more serious injuries, and he surely has some cause for re joicing, lie will he conlineil to his room for several weeks. S. V. Duttou departed for Kan sas City this morning. A Iteliuious Dehoifs. A religious debate is in progress it Kltnwood between Ivlder Allen, pastor of the Baptist church at I'i. ion, aud Rev. Potter, of Saline county, of the Mormon persuasion. The discussion began Tuesday night, and, unless the time 11s originally set has been extended, the debate closed last evening. In his report of the discussion to the Union Ledger, an Klinwood corres- pondent has the following to say of the debate: "The speakers have so far been kind and patient toward each other and have deinonmrated the fact that debates can'Jfe held without personal spite. As to their ubil ities, Klder Porter co.nes as a repre sentative of his faith, is Knglish by birth, and is a fine speaker, and while he seems to understand his business from his standpoint, he is not a sparkling orator, but a genial and companionable man. As to Ivlder Allen, he needs no commen dation from me. lie is a nun whose reputation as a skilled, fair and scholarly debater stands in the front ranks, and in this debate he has more than met the expectations of his friends, and last night his onslaughts were so fearful and unanswerable that his opponent seemed to sit and gaze with amaze ment, and yet while Allen shredded the Mormon claims as by whirlwind, his bearing toward his opponent was that of a friend and brother, and he plainly stated to the congregation that if they came to hear the Mormon prophet villi' fied they might as well go home He has now in this debate the admiration of even his opponents as a man who stands above per sonal prowess or vindictive slang." IF YOU WANT To look at as fine a line of Holiday Goods as there is in Plattsiiiouth call at Snyders drugstore when in town. I Ie does not have the largest stock in the couuty, but what he has is well selected, tasty, neat just what you want, and will be sold for prices so low that you can afford to buy a nice present for your wile, sweetheart or menu. A cor dial invitation is extended to each and every reader of this paper to visit his store and see for your selves. wt IT lias lieen authoritatively an nounced that the shipments of American grain to Kwrope thus far this year have been 100,000,10 bushels greater than ever before The prospects of the alliance con tinue to look gloomy. The repub lican party should not be blamed as when it opened up' additional markets for our farmers it was only doing its duty. The Globe-Democrat aaya the an nottnccinent that Senator Culloin considers himself a presidential possibility is worthy little attention as this spell will soon wear off and leave him as sane as ever. A SAD DEATH. John Monro InxiHinly Kille t WhiU Milking h Cmiptiii.f ut the B. A M. Ynt. Our citizens were horrified last e ening by the announcement that John Monroe, a switchman at the B. A: M. yards, had been instantly killed. The corpse was at once taken in charge by Coroner Uiiruh and conveyed to apart meats over his place of business. As it lay up. ou a stretcher it indeed presented an thing but a pleasing scene. The head was crushed into an un recognizable mass. The skull was crushed as it were a piece of chinaware, while the brain, the little that remained, was dangling from the skull. The face was badly bruised aud coveted with blood rendering the scene sickening in the extreme, lvvidenees tnat the car-wheel had passed partly over the abdomen were diseet liable. As soon as practicable, Coroner Unrtih cared for the corpse and rendered 11 111 as preseutauie condition as possible. I'lte accident happened a few minutes before 7 last evening. The 1111I01 lunate in in was attempting lo couple a Hat to a box car. The Hal ear was loaded with heavy timbers, which projected over the ml of the car and the presumption it first was, (lioitLiIi that view has ici'it disproved by (lie coroner's jury, that as lie stepped between thecals his head was caught by one of the timbers nnd ianimed igainst the car with great force. Htakeniati Wilson stated thai he stood within eight or nine feet of the man at Ihe time of the acc dent and he kiiw the timber jam his head against the ear and us the train slacked he immediately drop ped to the ground. Others testified before the coroner's jury that Ihe injury was more probably caused by the car wheel. The coroner empaneled the fol lowing jury: Win. Weber, W. W. Hull, I'M Fitzgerald, A. I). Despain, B. Nobles, O. C. Dovey. About a lo.en witnesses were examined aud the following verdict was rendered: At an iiiiiuisition hidden at Piattsmoutli, in Cass county, ou the lath day of December, A. I. lYll, lelore nn', J. I. Uiiruh, coroner of said couuty, upon Ihe body of John Monroe, lying dead, by the jurors whose names are hereunto sub scribed, the said jurors upon their n, lib say: That the said John Mon roe came to his death while at lemotinir to make n couplitiL'' in the I'lattsmouth yard of the B. .V M. Ii. Ii. Co. from accidentally falling under the car wheel and the wheel of the car running onto him; and that, in our opinion, from the evi dence and to the best of our belief, no blame could be attached to the company or its employees. Wm. Wkhek, Foreman. V. W. Hull, Kl FlTZftEWALD, A. I). DKHI'AIN, C. U. Noiilks, (. C. I)OVKY, J. I. UNKUII, Coroner. The deceased is a young man, unmarried, and has been living with his parents in Plattstnoulh the greater portion of the past five years. Until recently he has been employed upon the street works of the city. About four months since he went to Lincoln, where he coin menced switching, but as there was an opening for him in that work here, he began work in the Plaits mouth yards Oct. 13. lie has al ways been considered a quiet, honest, upright young nnu, and his untimely end will be deplored by his large circle of friends, Ihe shock is specially hard for his aged mother, at thiH time is lvinif at the the point of death. The funeral will take place at the residence of Mr. Monroe's, patent in Shalfervile. at 11 a. in. to-morrow. Miss Maggie Vallcry is reported a tritle betterjto-day. Mr. Harry Dixon, of Denver, is visiting the family ot engineer Traver. Mrs. Dixon, of lidgar, formerly a resident of thisjcity.jis the guest of Mrs. Cochran thisjweek. Judge Ramsey left for Kansas City this morning to attend the Missouri Improvement C onvention Jas. Stradley. of Smith county Kansas, and Isaac Stradley, of Greenwood, are in the city, the rruests of their sister, Mrs. D. K Barr. A crowd of young people, repre sentatives of the Epworth League met at the residence of Mrs. Kenne dy last evening, and completed two comforters, to be donated to a fatu ily who are in destitute circum stances. We are are glad to note this evidence of generosity and charity on the part oi" this organza tion of young people, and it is certainly to be commended. And as winter approaches and the poor of our city become more in need of material comforts, the members of the League will doubtless be glad to co-operate with any in aleviating distress. THE COMING MAN. A pair of very chubby leas, Kncascd in ru-urlet none; A p'lir of link, xtiibhy Inxits, ' With ratio r do'i'itful toes: A III lie kilt, a litilo out, Tilt an a mother 11111 -And lol before nt stands In state 'lhu future's "l ouiiii iimn." Ills ecN,V'ri'liimrc, will read tho stars And search their unknown ways; I'eri liaiio the Ii noun heart and soul Will o'll to tlo ir irn.e; lVrrbnnce their ki t 11 and flushing glaual Will be a nation's liclit Thusn eyes that now are wistful bent On soliiu "biu fellow's" kite. Tliii'c bands- those little busy hands So si Icky, small and brown; Those hands w hose only mission seems To Hlll all order down ho knows what latent strength may be Hidden within their chisi, Tlioniih now 'tis but a taffy stick lu sturdy hold they Kriuip. Ah, blessing on tlumo little hands. Whose work Is yet undone! And lilesslut.'s 011 those lutle feet, WhoHU rare Is yet iiurutil ' And IiIchhIidisiiu thu little brain That has not learned to ihuil Wlnite'cr the future holds In store, liod blcsa tho "coiuiiiK limn!" (sonic rvtllo Journal. At MarrliiRn Mi m Window. A marriage license) window is a queer place, mill one ut which human nature Is bared to ollieinl inspection ns it sel dom is in any oilier government office. Hither enmo the gossips to atk whether certain couples whoso name were pub lished the other day have yet got mar ried; to 11 -k what sort of it looking man it was who took out a to wud with Susie Todd was he tall and li'ht or stout nnd dark? And hither cotini uti lity mothers to fy that no permit Hliortld liiivu been given for their daughters, who are not bo old as win said. They ask how thu law can lis in voked to punish the nfl'eiiditig bride proems. But there lire ether brides who tippear to be forty or thirty, yet de clare themselves thirty or twenty. Hack comes 11 imiu to usl if his permit number cannot be changed, because h wants to buy a lottery ticket of thowinni number its his wedding license, and can not tin ho unless a diango is mado. Old 111011 npijuk for girlish brides, and ancient wrinkled women lead up very young- men, holding their arms us if tlioy might escape Once a girl eiuno weeping, and aid the man alio meant to marry lay dy ing, ami there was not a moment to lose. Indeed, it is a queer place, and the whole illimitable gamut that liovelistB have spanned in many centuries is there at hand still Hounding fresh notes and of- ring new chords. Julian Ualph In Harper's Weekly. How M us k rain Are Trapped, Trapping is one of tho modes hy which nitihkrats are secured. The traps are made of boards about C inches wide and .! feet long. These lire nailed together like nn ordinary box trap, tho open ends being secured by swinging doors of wire network, fastened tu the upper part of both entrances. These dixirs allow easy ingress to the trap, but once in the rut cannot get out without opening the door by pulling it to him, which weret they Boem very slow to discover. These traps are put in the leads running from tho houses to the water when the tide is at low ebb and the rats are out fuelling. On the return they crawl up the leads. push against one of tho wire doors of tho trap, which immediately opens into the trap, but they cannot go further, as the next door oikhih toward them. Be fore they can gnaw ont the tide makes , up anil they are drowned in tho trap. By having a number of traps aud watch ing the tides closely a trapper can cap ture a large number in this wav. Balti more Bun. Judged by Ills Appearance. An amusing incident occurred som time ago which illustrates the scanty ceremony with which shabbily dressed people are often treated. A country magnate in the north of England was called upon with reference to a scheme for the furtherance of some local charity by a person whom the servant, judging by his timoworn uabihments, described to his master as "either a beggar or a tout for orders," adding that he had left him in the hall, not thinking it safe to bIiow him into one of tho rooms. Tho "beggar or tout" turned out to be no less a personage than tho member for tho distnet, and one of tho richest men in the county. London Tit-liits. 1 ' He Couldn't He Frightened. A small boy on Sixth street hates tho washing process worse than snakes. Ilia mother was scrubbing him aud he waa kicking. "Why don't you be a good boy, sho begged. "Don't you know that youll go to the bad place if you are not?" "There am t any water there, is therer he asked. "Not a drop," she answered solemnly. "Then I guess I'll keep on being bad." And he kept on. Detroit Freo Press. Fully 85 per cent, of artificial lim1 made are legs, 15 per cent. arms. Of legs, 4'J per cent, are right, 40 per cent, loft, S per cent, both right and left. Seventy-eight per cent, of legs auaputut ed are of males, 22 per cent, are females. One of the tricks of the coffee trade ia to sift the beans so as to get the small beans out of inferior Java coffee and mix them with Mocha, bo as to sell at a, higher price. Sometimes even experts will be deceived by this trick. Beet sugar may be bought in certain tores in our eastern cities. To the taste) it cannot be distinguished from the beat eane sugar except by experts, who say it is richer in sweets than most cans sugar. ' Steam pipes are now being made from the ramie fiber. The material is so close ly pressed together by hydraulic ma chinery that it has a tensile strengtu. two aud a half times that of BteeL A second hand clothes dealer found an I O U for f),000 in a gentleman's jacket which the until had overlooked on wil ing and had despaired of ever finding! gain. 4