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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1891)
WITIIOUT ITT ACOH52 BBIH CUR" v -rx ,VAJ RHEUMATISM." TRADE MARK. EDY"PJ Sprains, Brulsos, PROMPTLY AND llENKV WATTso.N i credited with saying that he sees no chance for Cleveland in 'VI We hear nothing these' days about "The tin plate liar". What is the matter lias he quit lying? Do you eiieournj' every move that hat for its object the upbuild ing of your town'.' If not? Why not? TllU difference between Russia anil the I'niUd S!at-s in thai one ha. ii "wheat laiiimie'" Hie other a fuiliiuie of wheat c.irs IIWIII !!:Ni:'!T ll'U. guiles pleni-atitly, while '.:u er t 'levelain 1, tnoriilied and in t i . j - -1 dency. i" silently d.-ploring !iN !.vnf il I. IK Speaker Crisp w'll take time to read the news papi rs he will h-aril a great deal about himself and bin future intentions and pro-pecls. TlIK Hee continues it' warfare upon tin' state oil inspectors. Tt in certainly taking an aggressive step in the interest of the people in so doing. IT is rumored that, Mills, morti fied at his defeat, will resign his position. It is earnestly hoped on the part of (he republicans that will remain in congress. he SkkATok S'l'KWAkT, of Nevada introduced a free coinage bill in the senate tin' second day of the session. If the democrats will put up 'an honest money man at the next election all good republicans will hope his election. Tlllik'li is little doubt that the speakership light has left sores in the' democratic ranks which it will take years to heal. Mills says little but it is plainly evident that he thinks a great deal and in the event Tanunanyisin dictates in the cam paign of 'V2 he may be expected to be heard from. -.. loun SALitfuruv in quote! as saying that "England will not falter in her attachment for free trade. It is very conclusive that she will continue to hope for dem ocratic victories and hail, aa a dis astrous stroke to her industries, the growth of the protective tariff senti ment in this countryi IT may be confidently expected that there will be neither taritT or silver legislation in the present con grea. The people realize that fre quent alternations of such moment ous questions) have a tendency to unsettle 'business and to the end that only wise steps maybe taken they propose to give the existing laws a fair trial. IN the election of Crisp to the speakership there can be no ques tion that the free trade idea of tar iff reform as iuattgerated bv drover Cleveland anl which it wan ex pected the democracy would en dorse, h is taken a decided set back. The M'Kinley bill is evidently mak ing inroads in the camp of the enemy. Tub alliance strength in congress has dwindled to small proportions. Instead of the forty-live or fifty members that a number of the en thusiasts asserted they would have, just nine of the reformers will re spond to roll call. Two of these will disgrace Nebraska, f will portray the woes and suffering of Kansas while in the south, the home of the alliance only succeeded in sending two members, and it is stated upon good authority that these are dem ocratic. We believe that one may truly say of each of the reformers that they are anything "for dat uir coon.'' WITH regard to. the possible op position of railroads to the improve ment of the rivers of the country, Mr. J. M. Osborn, one of the division freight agents of the Wabash, writes that it should be easily overcome by reference to the history of the New York Central, the Pennysl Tania and other noted lines. The late Dean Richmond, for many years the general manager of the New York Central, is quoted as saving that the traffic of these lines, large as it was, was only incidental to a still larger traffic done by water lines, in soni'j sense counter itors, but in a large sense valuable AN EQUAL. O m neuralgia,' lumbago sciatica A Burns, Swellings,' PERMANENTLY. O n.iiniiH. f'niitam Havs. while a member of the New York legisla ture, made the statement that there was not a dividend paying road in the country that did not pass along, near to or between bodies of navig able water, a statement undoubted ly true at that time. The movement is not an attack upon the railways, forwhile it will, when successfully carried out, cheapen heavy transportation, it will assist the roads by leaving them free to handle the high class and more profitably nierchandi-i. commodities. The manufactured goods can take a higher rates with out loss, than u rain, ores or lumber, and being less bulky, will give the road- better returns than the latter. The euuiimieiit of the roads is equal to the handling of one sidi but not both sides of the question PROTECTION FOR THE SOUTH. Il is an iucontrovert able fact that the idea of protection is rapidly spreading in the south. The citi .ens of that region are waking up to the fact that they may as well harness the steam power and util ize it in building up the wealth of their country and render them selves independent of foreign countries as the north. Win. T. Moore, the greatest dry goods merchant in the Bouth, gives some of his reasons for adhering to the protective policy in the following: "I am, furthermore, a protection ist because, being a native of the southern section of our great nation, I fiave not been a careless observer of the then dependent position of the late Confederacy, on account of its inability to wage tuc cessful war. This position was an outcome of its slave system ami of free trade teachings for fifty years preceding the war. Seeing, there fore, as every southern free trader and Confederate must see, if his eyes be not hermetically sealed, that their failure was chiefly ac complished by their inability to manufacture even their ordinary war implements and machinery and supplies. I can not even ining. ine a sound or valid argument for free trade in the United States within the next fifty years." THE NEWS AND DDLSARTE. The time has arrived when a halt should be called upon the sopisti cated and unwarranted warfare be ing waged against our public schools by the Evening News. In the attacks upon the instructors repeatedly made, its editor has completely overlooked the matter of justice. And in his sarcastic at tempt to work detrimentally to the successful prosecution of the school work, he has placed himself in a very ridiculous altitude, to say the least. Ilia attack in last eve ning's issue upon the Delsarte ex ercises betrays, to one at all famil iar with the art, a woeful ignorance of the subject upon the part of the critic. The Pclsarte system of physical exercises is recognized by leading educators everywhere as the most natural and graceful system extant, and not, as our contemporary would have the patrons of our schools believe, a novel idea or an exneri- nient. Its primary object is to put the muscles in proper condition for grace and beauty in appearing upon the stage. It is really supple mentary to elocutionary drill, the priii cipal end to be attained bejng the acquirement of easv. graceful gestures, with such incidental physical culture as it will afford. We pause here to remind the News pedagogue that the forward and backward movements, the evil results of which he makes so im pressive by the tne of the scholarly simile, does not originate or is it in any way connected with Delsarte, but on the contrary, it comes in the drill of calisthenic exercises, purely a means of physical culture. The citizens of Plattsmouth have abundant reasons to be proud of the city schools as conducted by the present management. It is ad mitted by patrons that we never had teachers better qualified for the work or more thoroughly interested in the advancement of our schools. It has been suggested by a patron of our schools that this progressiveness on the part of our present corps of teachers is so far ahead of the plan adopted by their predecessors, that the News has been used us a tool to give flavor to hir green-eyed jealous; OUR EXTENDED MARKETS. To the end that our readers may form some idea of the benelicicnt results of the McKinley law, we clip the following from the Inter Occur. "The filter Ocean yesterday an nounced the repeal of the long established prohibition of Amer iean pork from the Austrian mar kets, and the passage of a bill by the Mexican house of deputies that enables the president of the repub lic to suspend duties imposed on grain, meats and animals. The Mexican act will be almost as ex clusive In its beneficial operation toward the fanners of this country as the Austrian. For though the Mexican law empowers the presi dent to suspend the duties on all the things enumerated, no matter whence they may be brought, by it, yet the United States will be almost the only exporter of any of them. Some wheat may reach Mexico from the Argentine Republic, but the bulk of grain imports must be from thi United States, and the meat supply almost wholly from here. Thus, since the passage of the McKinley bill,, the farmers of Un united States have made gains as follows: Prohibition of American meats removed bv the governments of dci-many, Denmark, Italy, Austria and France. Duties on grain, meats, lard ami nearly all farm products repealed by Drazil and Cuba. The president of the Mexican re public empowered to admit grain, meals and live stock free of duty. These concessions by foreign nations to the products of the United Stales farmers have been mad: since, and some of them because of, the passage of that new tariff which the free traders and democrats assured the farmers won Id 'materially curtail the foreign markets for American farm produce.' Not a single prediction made by the democrats and free traders con cerning the operation of the McKin ley bill has been verified. Every one of them has been proved farse Our exports have increased, anil so have our imports, the prices of home-made goods have tended downward, our manufactures have increased in quantity and improved in quality. The How of gold has changed its course; it no longer rolls from America to Furope, but from Europe to America. The .McKinley bill has vindicated itself as a measure beneficient to the whole country, but firstly to the farmers of the country." "WHAT SHALL WE DO WiTH OUR BOYS?" "Whose boys?" "Your boys; your neighbor's boys; everybody's boys." Hoys will be boys, but not every one knows how to manage them; but if you wish some practical, common-sense suggestions, read the article on the subject published in the January number of Denio rest's Family Magazine, that ideal publication which bears out to the full the promise of its name. The January number contains a genu ine holiday feast. The subject of the beautiful water-color "A Slip pery Spot" appeals to every parent who has little ones, and the subtle sentiment of the exquisite full-page engraving, "Eloquent Silence'' (after a painting by Alma-Tadeina), will be appreciated by young men and maidens. The artistic attractions include, besides, over 2iX) other pictures, illustrating "Ihinna and the lhirmese," by a resident of liurina; "Evolution of Modern Costume," interesting alike to men and women; "Intelligence Offices in Paris," which will strike a re sponsive chord m every house keeper's heart; "Home Art and Home Comfort," which, besides some novel ideas for fancy-work, includes a paper on "Amusements for a Sick Child"; Correct Styles in Table Silver," an appropriate sequel to "A Course Dinner" given in the previous number; and sev eral especially fine stories. The departments, "Our Girls," "Sani tarian," "Artistic Notes," "World's l'rogress," "Chat," "What Women are Doing," "Household," "Corres pondence Club," and "Mirror of Fashions," each have special at tractions this month; and this splendid menu, with variations, is furnished twelve times a year, for the subscription price of $2. Pub lished by W. Jennings Demorest, IS East 14th street, New York City. Governor Hill must feel very sad. II is term of office will expire January 1 and then he will only be permitted to draw one salary. Sad! Sad! Indeed. The merchants' association of Iioston has secured from Secretary Blaine the promise of a speech at a dinner to be given by the associa tion January 7. It is probable that the secretary will then announce his intentions relative to his candi dacy for the presidency. Cleveland has more fat than Hill has, but he is not a thief According to the majority of the democratic papers of New York, Hill is. THE presidential nomination is backing away from Orover Cleve land at a gait that cannot but be discouraging to the "one term" president. Sugar Beet Convention. As the dates approach for the beet sugar convention at Lincoln, the delegates should prepare to attend. The H. & M. road author izes us to announce that a rate of one and one-third fare for the round trip will be made. Parties purchasing tickets will pay full fare to Lincoln and receive a certifi cate from Agent Latham. This certificate should be signed ot Lin coln by M. A. Lunn, secretary of the board of trade, and upon its presentation transportation home will be granted for one-third fare. The laws of health are taught in the schools; but not in a way to be of much practical benefit and arc never illust rated by living examples which in many cases might easily be done. If some scholars, who had contracted a cold, was brought qcl'ore the school, so that all C'UiM Ik. ir the dry, loud cough and know its .-iga i'icauci-; see the thin white coii'ing on the tongue and latter, as the cold developed, see the profuse watery expectora tion and thin water) discharge from the nose, not one of them would ever forget what the fust symptoms of a cold were. The scholar should 1 1n it be given Chamberlain's Cough Remedy free ly, that all might see that even a severe cold could be cured in one or two days, or at least greatly miti gated, when properly treated as soon as the first symptoms appear. This remedy is famous for it's cures of cough, colds and croup. It is made especcially for these disease and is the most prompt and most reliable medicine known for the purpose. 50 cent bottle for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists. Wiley lilack, bought of Mr. II, Hester, yesterday sixteen head of hogs that averaged 4()i) pounds each, he paid Mr. Hester, if'JSlMi) for them which makes perl(X), r The Aiiriliin in the Klrvutur. Some years a;'o a young man came to Chicago fiuui Germany, Hi.s father had cut him off from hi.s annuity. He lived in the same, huuse where I lived. Hi finally obtained a place in one of the big grain elevators here. I do not know what the place was except that he had something to do on the top floor, away np under the roof. Several men were employed with him in the same place. One day while he w;is dusting ho sud denly stopped and asked his assistants who that nicely dressed old man was that wa3 standing buck there by the shaft. Strangers are never allowed in these big elevators, and to see one there well dressed was enough to excite com ment. Ills companions looked In the di rection indicated and said they saw no one. He insisted, and when they laugh ed at him he went to the place where he saw the fignre standing. On his ap proach it vanished. The younir man fainted. Ha reeov- ered and then asked his companions to make a note of the occurrence Hi a Hnta and the time of day. He said the figure ne saw was mat or nis rather, in twelve davs he received a letter frmn the old country telling him of his father's ueata. ine date and time ngreed with the date and time of the occurrence I have described. Tho letter infi him that his father had forgiven him and remembered him in his will. He returned to the fatherland, srot his nnr- tlon of the estate and is living there now. ou may say what you please, but I have never felt like ncoflinir from the time I heard this story. The spirit or that hoy s father appeared to lnrn on the top floor of that elevator. Eugene t lew in uinengo News. Why the Shnrk la Always Hungry. As it is a source of wonder how the flea manages to exist in tho sand, where hia chances of obtaining a meal may not occur once in a lifetime, so natural ists are puzzled as to how the shark maintains himself. The ocean is wide, and the number of men who fall over board small indeed in comparison to its area. The vast proportion of sharks, then, must go through their lives with out a remote chance of obtaining a meal at the expense of the human kind. There is no ground for the supposition that the shark can exist upon air; he is not like the whale, provided with an ap paratus that enables him to sweep np the tiny inhabitants of the seas. He is too slow in swimming, and infinitely too slow in turning, to catch any fish that did not deliberately swim into his niouth; and nnless we suppose that, as it is said of the snake, he exercises a magnetic in fluence over fish and causes them to rush headlong to destruction between his jaws, it is impossible to imagine how he obtains a sufficient supply of food for his sustenance. Indeed, it would appear that it is only when he gets the good luck to light upon a dead or badly injured fish that the shark has ever the opportunity of mak ing a really sqnare meal. Eis prolonged fasts certainly furnish an ample explana tion and eicuse for his alleged savagery of disposition. London Standard. a e complication. "I'll never publish another book anon ymously as long as I live," said a poet on Christinas morning. "Why not?" queried a'friend. "Because I have already received five Copies of my own book from my ad mirers, with the compliments of tho leason." Harper's. NEVER KNNOWN TO FAIL IT VAYS TO m l'OLlTB. 1TPAYRT0 IiK HONEST. IT PATS TO K' I 1MAYER I Our Winters stock ot Mens, IJoys aud Childrens Clothing is coinjle!e. For the next two weeks we have determined to make a iireat 3SS 3BS 3D) HJ CP 3? 1C 3SJ in iheiu, l'V selling theiu to von at a great Come in yjiirseU' and brin-your neighbors and he con vinced that this is no advertising lake Lut a plain statement of facts. If you have One Dollar to spend we will save you ten cents. If you have Ten Dollars to spend we will save you One Dollar on any prices offered by our competitors. 13 IT NOT WORTH LOOKING INTO? COK. FIFTH AND MAIN STUEETS MAYER Tfcc CtothlflgKtaff of C.tss County Plattsmouth, . . Nobrasra-. Boes Yoiu Little CThl. we are offering before buying. We have Just received from a arge Cloak Manufacture! his full line of Childrens Sample Cloaks. For children G, 8, 10 and 12 years old, consisting 0f US garments in all. NO TWO ALIKu, on which we were given a discount from regular- wholesale price so that ;c arc able to sell them at actually Manufacturer's Prices. CALL IN and let uh prove the truth of the above statement, and show VIII !lt 1 1 1 s:imi I nw mir KIVI.' I IVtt I T .. .... ..' . baeques and Jackets. SECOND SALE OF SAMPLE SHOES Another opportunity to buy shoes at FACTORY PRICES l""!.11.? annoudntf0 the people of Plattsmouth and 1.1.11 wcjiuve succeeueu in gett nsr another line of sample shoes. Our success with the last line was plu'rTo. ina atuJ htm t SninMl't "Xnr hT T th? too late to secure Lome o the &V M,.r ir T, Z nv v r7M 18 M,,er if ytlinff than the last, be 1 mi1" m"iy "of B?Son' M""-. full "line cousistimr of La- seriptions. A,,,onff then, is 3U0 pair'of bs and Ma s booV? in wuic we can give the best value for your money that you ever "1 , d ev s on un.i, iii!nii., iiiuuri-iii', ni'nsai u linvx im.u f ..n '.i .1 .. shoes are not of any l.ixrh mialitv. iirtliiw unnvcii,,,.',. ;., 41,:. ;. ai the root of values and ir ve von life are SI Giving; Great HERE'S A FEW OF THEM: 25c 25c Childrens Nat ural Wool Col or Shirts and Darwers All Sizes. Childrens all Wool Shirts & Drawers All Sizes. WM. HEROLD & SON. 507 Main Streot PWUmoutt, Neb 1 fill Hb Y YOUR CLOTHING f)F MORGANM & MORGAN . un cb V 1 T.'A.V"" ... I ' oes ,a? luc "-.""""""K snoes inai are th. f ,.. . '...""" u e UJ Bargains i 39c Ladies Fine Merino Silk Trimmed shirt anil Drawers. 39c Mens Extra Heavy Ribbed Shirtsand drawers.