Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, December 17, 1891, Image 1
i H 1 i, & v. ' lM.ATTSM()lTlI,CASS(X)UXTY,M-:iniASKAriIlIUSI)AYI)I-:CKMKlS 17, 1S01. VOL XXVII. NO. 38. SUOAYKAli. v. ( ( per ct. difference. Royal Baking Powder, Strongest, Purest, Most Economical. Certain baking powder makers are publishing falsified extracts from the Government reports, with pretended analyserand certificates, wherein an attempt is made to compare their baking powders with the "Royal," or making bogus tests from house to house, their obvious purpose being to counteract the recent exposures of the inferiority of their own goods arising from their impurity, low strength, and lack of keeping qualities as shown by the Government chemists and others. As to whether any of these baking powaers c equal to the "Royal," the official tests clearly deter mine. When samples of various baking powders were purchased from the grocers, and analyzed by the United States Government Chemists and the Chemists of State and City Boards of Health, the reports revealed the fact that the "Royal" contained from 28 per cent, to 60 per cent, more leavening strength than any other cream of tartar baking pow der and also that it was more perfectly made, of purer ingredients, and altogether wholesome. As these powders are sold to consumers at the same price, by the use of the Royal Baking Towder there is an average saving of ovtr one third, besides the advantage of assured purity and wholesomeness of food, and of bread, biscuit and cake made perfectly light, sweet, and pal atableadvantages not to be had in the use of the low grade, cheaply made baking powders that contain lime, alum, and other impurities. II TTORNEY A. K SULLIVAN. Attorney Will t;lv prompt BttPiitlon to all bUKineM entrusted to htm. otllce In Union block, Kant Side, riattcmouth, Neb. PEARCE -ICvAWSON & u HAVE RECEIVED Their Fall straws, fancy rlliboim. tips hiuI quill also a lot ( new fiiMilim one shape nuts In straw and fe t. They hi-ve a lull Hue ol baby h'd- and iu or der to close old stock out have re duced their uraw allor Hats to 40 aud to 75 ce' ts trimmed, MISS SCIIUYLKK, TRIMMER. Shorthand. AND TYPEWRITING COLLEGE Plattsmouth, -Nebraska. There are thousands of ynui:jt lndlen. fewiPR cirls. school teachers, clerks, He ho ; reeking out pn existence on a salary barely sufllclent to supply their every day wains. liy completing a course in short haul and v'ty flni.shi"g tilt y can earn from lo to iau per "'wui'i'ions (ruaradteed to competent students ludidivual iiii-tructioii, new tvpeilteis. DAY AND EVENING SESSIONS. Rooms over Mayers Htore. Santa Clause, Christinas and Geo. Vass. tf Pure buckwheat flour for sale at Ileisel'e mill. tf For a nice Hat or Cap go to JOE, the One Price Clothier. tf For fine hoots and shoes go to InHi.nh Ketzer. Main street, between Fourth anil Fifth streets. tf I warrant every piece of Roods I sell and will sell at bedrock prices forthe next thirty days. H. A. McElAVAiN, Jeweler, 11.) Main street. Hefore you buy any Men's, Hoys' or Children's Clothing look through JOE'S line. He will save you money. tf We w ill give genuine bargains in gold watches and jewelry. 15. A. McELWAlX, Jeweler, 415 Main street. tf Tin- lnroest and best line of Gloves at wonderfully low prices at JOE'S. tf For abstracts of title at reason able rates, go to J. M. Ley da, Union block. tf Children's line shoes fit Schild knecht's. 3 A, SALSBURY : n-E-N-T-I-S-T : r r... r 001.D AND PORCELAIN CROWNS Bridge work and tine gold work a SPECIALTY. DR. 8TEINAC8 LOCAL as well as other an estbetlcsKWen lor the painless extraction ol teeth, 0. A MARSHALL, FitzRmld J ULIUS PEPPERRERG. MANUrACTL'HE OF AND WHOLESALE MBEETP.1L DRALRKINTHR CHOICEST BRANDS OF CIGARS FULL LINK OF TOBACCO AND SMOKEK. S ARTICLES always in stock GOLD AXI) I'C.KC'ELAIX C'KOWNS. Of. Steluways aiiii slhetlc for the paiiilwH ex- liaciiop ui icein. Fine Gold Work a Specialty. Rockwood llloek riatlsmoiith, eb, 13 OI'EXIXti I I' One 5f the newest and brightest newest and lines of Plush' Goods, Toys. Dolls. Novelties. For the Holiday trade that has been seen In town for years. NO OLD STOCK, ALL NEW Which was bought earl' in the season from some of the Largest Importing Houses Which guarantees you the pick of the market and at prices for which we are noted. :The Lowest in the Country :- o()o The public is cordially Invited to Inspect our gooos uuu compare pries -oOo- Plattsmouth, Xebrassa 8.K, B.scilER. I'rop. FlulUmouth Advantage of Plattsmouth. The high chool has been study ing the past, present and tuture of Plattsmouth in their general in struction work. One question was to name the advantages of Platts mouth as a manufacturing center. It thought that the advantages named byIlenry Snyder were the most complete and thinking they wdl be interesting to our readers we produce in full: It is the gateway to the South Platte country. 2. It is on the Missouri river, as suring greni water privileges. 3. It is located by nature so that the best of water-power can be se cured from the Platte river. 4. It is located on two trunk line rail roads, the C. H. & O. and M, P. tints securing the best of shipping facilities, 5. It is in direct and close con nection with the great coal-fields of Missouri, thus securing cheap fuel. 5. It has plenty of cheap land thatcan be secured for manufac turing purposes. 7. It has an energetic class of businessmen, who are willing to give time and money to secure manufacturing institutions. 8. It is not influenced by labor unions and will thus avoid all troubles on account of strikes. 0. It has an endless supply of lime-stone for building purposes and for the making of lime. 10. It has a never-ending supply of clay for the manufacture of tile and brick, and two extensive brick yards. 11. It is the center of the best fruitgrowing section of the state, mid needs a copper-shop to prepare for the shipment of fruit. 12. It is in the center of the best stock country in the world and needs a packing establishment. IX It is by nature the distribut ing and collecting center to the South Platte country, which can raise the best sugar-beet in the world; so a beet-sugar factory would be an excellent investment. 14. It is the market for endless quantities of straw and flax, which would insure a properous paper mill. l.r It is the market for a never failintr potato and corn crop, so that a starch factory would be paying investment. 111. It is surrounded by one of the best wheat and oats regions in the world, so that a cracker and oat meal factory would not fail to pros per. 17. It has an excellent system of water works which secures against lire and supplies an endless imountof pure water for private and manufacturing purposes, 18. It is located in a pocket form ed by the Platte and Missouri rivers which protects it from severe storms, making a climate unsur passed by any city iu the world. 10. It has ti natural drainage and an extensive system of sewerage which insures a good sanitary con dition and good health. 20. It has an excellent system of public schools and a high school that is anxious to do what it can to benefit the town mentally, morally, and financially. 21, It has prospering church organizations of every denomination. 1. It lias tne uest Hotel accom modations of any city of its size in the west. 23. It is the county seat' of Cass county and a new $80,000 court house is now being constructed 23. It has all the improvements of a modern Jcity of 10,000 inhabit ants and has more natural advan tage for becoming a great manu facturing city than Omaha. Any nianufacturing'establishment that would be a profitable investment in Omaha would pay much better if located in Plattsmouth. Capital ists seeking profitable investments in the great west will do well to ad dress. He.NKY E. SXYIU-K", Plattsmouth, Neb. Some of the udvnatages were given iu the following answeres-, Hecause it has plenty of men needing employment who would work cheaply. It does not have many manufac turing establishments so there are plenty of room for more. Hecause it has thirteen saloons. It has plenty of rags and should have a paper mill to manufacture them. It has good policemen. jii'causea great many hogs are raised in the vicinity of Platts mouth. SILVERWARE GIVEN AWAY 11 Sliiiinlqjoi' foi' Gqsl-, Ti'qclc o Wiclc-iltfql-io Porous. While we appreciate the large amount of trade we me favored with, we sttll desire to increse our --CASH TRADE" and have completed arrangement in which we have secured large otian- ttties, at lirst hands, of the celebrated ROGERS SOLID 'NICKKL' S!LVi; PLVTEWAHE Did you see JOE'S magnificent line of suspenders.'' tf For gents Christinas slippers go ot Joseph hetzer. tf Finest line of men's shoes in the city at Schildknecht's. 3 Attorney Dwyer is in Omaha on legal business to-day. Clerk Critchfield departed for Omaha this morning. The Schildknecht shostore is the place to buy children's line shoes. 3 C. C. Parniele and Judge Newell departed for Cedar Creek this morning. A great amount ot fun is in store for our theatre goers at the Water man next Friday night. The nigger chants of the Olym- phia quartette are one of the musi cal features of Sport McAllister. Lost A pair of plain spectacles and case last Saturday, December The'lind will please leave the same at this office. The dread disease diphtheria has igain appeared in Nebraska City. Several new cases and one death were reported yesterday. Mrs. Kyan, of Nebraska City, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. H. C. Wheeler, the past few days, re turned home this morning. . W, A. Ilrady jumped in to play the part of the lunatic barber In Sport McAllister one night last week owing to the illness of the man playing the part. At 3 p. m. to-day Dr. Livingston reports Miss Maggie Vallery a little better. To-day', improvement to gether with the slight betterment of yesterday, may lie taken as slight indication of her ultimate re covery. When Hobby Gaylor is in New York he stops at the house of an Irish lady who hails from the his torical city of Cork. Hobby claims that he tries all his new gags and songs on her first and that she is the best audience he ever played to. The many friends of Jake Hen- drich will regret to learn that he is still lying in a critical condition, with very little or no hope enter tained for his recovery. 1 lis strength is almost exhausted and the end is thought to be only a matter of a few weeks at the most. Several of the Plattsmouth dele gates to the Missouri river improve ment convention which convened at Kansas City yesterday weic given recognized in the appoint ment of committees. We notice that M. H. Murphy was seclected as a member of the committee on credentials; C. W. Sherman a mem ber of committee on permanent organization and Senator Thomas as a member of the committee on rules. Gov. Thayer was seclected chairman. Hut little business was transacted aside from preliminary arrangements. J lie business will largely be done to-day. at such prices that we propose to Rive (hem to our many customers be lieving that we shall increase our trade, as our customers appreciate the fact that we are spending the money we set aside lor advertising ptirpos es by returning it to them, believing they will appreciate the gilts and tell their friends, and thereby increase our tr.ide. I EVEK'Y Cash purchase to the amount of entitles the purchaser to either a Roger's Solid Silver Metal Putter Knifeor Sugar Shell sold by Jewelery at KYElv'Y Cash purchase to the amount of $15 entitles the purchaser to a set (0) of Roger's Solid Nickel Tea Spoons, sold by Jewelers at !f'z0() EVERY Cash purchase to the amount of ifj.'i entitles the purchaser to a set (II) of Roger's solid Nickel Dessert Spoons, sold by Jewelers at Iv KM Cash purchaser to the amount of $30 entitles the purchaser to a set (0) of Rogers' Solid Nickel Table spoons or a set of Solid Nickel l'orks, or a set ot Tripple plated Knives, sold by Jewelers at $4.00. o . ERE is what the manufacturer says in regard to Solid Silver Mot at goods and Solid Nickel Silverware: "There has been a grow ing demand for years for a grade of Spoons and Forks to take the place of Solid silver ami plate ware. We have experimented for some time to attain this end, and are now able to olTer the public our Rogers' Metal and Rogers' Solid Nickel Silver. We guarantee this metal superior to any Nickel Silver manufactured and have the greatest confi dence in assuring our customers that this ware is inferior to service on ly to solid silver. It is a beautiful white color, is highly polished nud can hardly be distinguished from pure silver. We recomend (his ware especially lor hotels, restaurants and boarding houses, as it will stand more hard usage than any oilier metal; is very tough and hard; will hold its color and will outwear any plateware ever manufactured.'' Ml our customers know Rogers' ware by reputation. This firm have manufac tured plated ware since lMla, and their name is never put on goods that are not of a high grade, so our customer can rest assured that they are getting some very desirable goods when they (ret goods under theit brand. Come in early and secure a share of these goods before it is too late. Wo qtiqtriqcc oti Ibices o ho lc Lowest qiid htic Gont)oiion. FRED HERRMANN. Ladies' felt shoes only $1.00 at the bchiluknecht shoe store. 3 , - JEWELER Headquarter for Everything in the line of WATCHES, DIAMONDS, FANCY AND HRONZfc CLOCKS, OPTICAL GOODS, OPERA GLASSES FANCY SILVERWARE, SOLID GOLD JEWELB"! BIG STOCK OF HOLIDAY GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Repairing of MNE WATCHES a Specialty and till Work Warranted. 33. .A.. M'ELWAIF, THE LEADING JEWELER, 415 Main Street, - . Plattsmouth, Neb A Cure for Paralvsls. Frank Cornelius, of Purcell, Ind. Ter., says: "I induced Mr. Piuson, whose wife bad paralysis in the face to buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Halm. To their great suprise before the bottle had all been used she was a great deal better. Her face had been drawn to one side: but the Pain Halm relieved all pain and soreness, and the mouth assumed its natural shape." It is also a certain cure for rheumatism lame back, sprains swellings and lameness. 50 cent botties for sale by F. G. FrickeA Co., Druggists. OUR CLUBINO LIST, Ilolllf MftUH.IIIOHIKl 11 F ItAI.U (1 i I on do 111 ntn and IIkh!1 2 4( ll.iriirr'l .MrlKiZ IIH hlld llKKAMI 4 til IliirptT's Hiihr mid IIkhai.ii i Hi i ill jirr'l Weekly Hint .IKHAI.D 4 HI I 'mil stutfl noisier ;niil Ukhalu 2 I' Western Hural and Hkkai.o 2 W I lie For mn and IIkhai.ii IN (iiobo Democrat and 2 10 luler Ocean aud Hkkai.o If you want ladies' felt shoes, they are $1.00 per pair at Schildknecht's. Call on the Tucker Sisters in the Sherwood block for bargains in Winter Hats. tf Do you want to know what would make your father, mother, brother, sister and sweetheart happy? It is a nice pair of shoes or slippers for a Christmas present. W. A. Boeck & Co. have just received an elegant line that they offer at .VEKV LOW prices for thirty days only. tf i BY ELSON, - THE " CASH - CLOTHIER, m SEE WHAT CASH WILL 1JUY F0H TH1KTY HAYS: Mens O rcrcoats Child's' Overcoats -Mens' Suits Boys' Suits -""Ik Mufflers - $1.90 1.75 3.75 2.75 .05 Childs Suits Mens' Jeans Pants -Mens' Dress Pants M us' Cass Pants -Four Ply Cunn Collars 51.75 .00 1.40 2.50 .25 Mens Overalls Mens' "Wool Socks Mens' Heavy Cotton Socks Mens' Heavy Caps - : Mens' Lined Kid Gloves 45c 15c 25c 25c 45c Mens Wool Mitts Children' Mitts Mens' Suspenders Chiids' Suspenders SilkTieB - 15c 10c 15c 05c 20c A salo cf this magnitude has never been attoxnptod in Flattsmcuth. Wo moan to unload those goods in tho nest thirty days, Tills Sate Means Goods Retailed at Less than jQbbers'Prfces. BLSOIsT, The Cash Clothier. - Plattsmouth; Neb. '111 V