1 s4 t WRAPPED IN FLAMES. esidsnee of R. Bilstein Sue- Vumbi to ilio Rvj8 of tha 4 lie residence of K. llilsteih, on corner of Vine and Kijrhth roiinH jit 2:-0 o'cl r burned to the clock this moru las:. The fir.it to detect the dis turbance va Mrt. Hilstein, who, looking through the window, per-! cmva a light, winch sue at nri attributed to a reflection from the moon, lut as it grew steadily brighter she aroused Mr. Hilstein, w' at once ascertained that their liwr.-e, was on lire. Fireman George Hrooks, who es near Mr. Hilstein's, was at ohec awakened and hastened to the bell tower. The rapid intonations 6f the fearful sounding bell gave no uncertain sound. After persist ent ringing, less than a dozen lire men gathered to subdue the rav ages of the flames. The K. K. White hose cart was the first upon the scene, closely fol lowed by the 1 M. Kicln-y cart, and 5i a fiiv moment two streams of water were brought froin the hvdrnnt north of the avenue, which j had a telling effect upon the flames hut owimr to the delay, and tbgether with the fact that so few ' of the firemen responded to the call, it was found impossible to iave the building. v' The greater portion of the house hold goods, including a piano three bedsteads, chairs, center fable and cupboard, were removed frnm Hw huriiiinr building, but . - were damaged considerably. , The loss is estimated at ifOoO. The house was insured by the Living ston Loan association for $."(X). There is little doubt that the fire originated from a defective flue, as the fire had been burning DrisKiy in the parlor during the evening 'and the roof was first ignited near tbe flue. In connection with the above, we mention that John Waterman came ar meeting with a serious acci- nt. As he was hastily crossing e forty-foot bri ige that epans the eek between Vine street and tin venue, being blinded by the light, Ik. foil tlirmnvh a note in me iv s v .... --p,-- bridge, sustaining painful bruises He was assisted home, wtiere a Herald reporter found Him at 11 o'clock this morning, enjoying a nnipt Kleen. He deemed his iniu ries only slight and unworthy the services ot a physician. Wmiihf Report For the month of November, 1S91: Fourth-4S 7 a. m. ; 03 s, 2 p. ni. ; misty during forenoon. Sixth 7S-, 2 p. m.; 34 , V j. tn.; daily mean temperature, 57.1-. Thirteenth-14 -, 7 a. in. Fifteenth Misty during forenoon. Sixteenth 20s, 7 a. ni.; 12, 0 p. tn.; light snow dnring night and forenoon. Seventeenth 5", 7 a. in.; 5-, 0 p. tn.; daily mean temperature, 9.2 . Twenty-first light rain during night. Twentv-8econd-l.r). 7 a. in. light snow during night and light snow in the morning. Twenty-seventh-Li ht rain dur ing nignt. Twenty-eighth-4, 7 a. m. ; 17, 2 p.m.; 10, 9 p. ni. ; daily mean e mperature, 14.3 0, SUMMARY. Monthly mean temperature, .w.l c. Highest temperature, Olh; IK)-, fnh and 7th. Lowest temperature, 4 , 2Sth. Rainfall, H in. SnowfaU, '.I in. Number of dtys on which ram or snow fell, ". Clear days, 2. Fair days, (. Cloudy days, 8. Wind from northwest. November, Lowest temperature, 1SS7, 10 below. Snowfall, November, 1SS0, 7 in. Monthly mean temperature, November, 1SM,3S.H. Kainfall, same month, l?n n. . District Court.. The day has been consumeu near ing the testimony and argument in the case of Western Kngineering and Sprague Klectric Motor Co. vs, Plattsmouth Street Kailway Com pany. The plaintiffs are endeavoring to establish the claim of a lien upon the road, alleging that by virtue of their having constructed the road, they are entitled to the protection accorded any mechanic who con structs a property of any nature. The defendants in the case are Tom Murphy. Jas. Fitzgerald and Kichey Bros. 1-:. H. Wooley and J. K. Web ster of Lincoln appear as counsel for plaintiffs and Hyron Clark and A. N. Sullivan for defendants. 4 Two In One A rumor was afloat at a early ourthisiuorningthat Judge Arch- .. . ..; 1 ..... , n ruir. erwasuie principal imi i" formance by which two were united into one. A rumor to that effect would uaturally arouse suspicion onH tn the end that facts in the case lniiht be known and our po lice judge placed before the people in a fair light, The Herald man made inquiry and found that he had not taken unto himself a help mate as was at first surmised, but he had simply been admitted to the bar. The one man possessing the attributes of an attorney and judge at once set us straight; upon the recommendation of Judge Sullivan the oath was administered by Judge i O ... 4.-...1...' f diapillrtll ill 4 JJ. I". l uuj. Destructive Fife Bl Shenandoah, The Western Normal College at Shenandoah, Iowa, one of the . largest educational establishments t in the west, was totally destroyed ) by fire about midnight last eve ni'nir. Several other adjacent i.niiiliiiirrt were burned. The loss is estimated at $150,000. Cass county is well represented at this institution of learning and doubtless the students will return home. The h ire at Shenadoah. As a number of our readers have children in attendance at the West ern Normal College, in addition to the mention of yesterday, we clip the following Shenandoah telegram from to-day's State Journal: 'TheWestern normal college, the pride of our city and the state, is to-day in ashes. Last night about 11 o'clock the cry of fire was heard and soon the whole city was arous ed to witness the burning of the college building and were utterly powerless to stay the tllames. President Croan saw to it person ally that every student was re moved from the building in safety. The origin of the fire is unknown, tiie Frast Sttunlay't Pnf'y The Street Kailway Csa The hearing of the Street Rail way case occupied the district court yesterday an 1 attracted considera ble attention. It appears this is the third time the court has received evidence in this case. Very briefly stated, the case as we learn it, is this: In 1S00 The Sprague Klectric Mo tor Company commenced an action against the Street Car Company for a balance due on material and ma chinery furnished in the construc tion of the motor railroad. I poll the fust bearing Judge Chapman, as a matter of fact, found that the Motor Company had not complied with their part of the contract in furnishing material, dynamos and apparatus which they guaran teed sufficient to operate the road; and. as their action was in the na ture of a lien on the road itself, which The Sprague Klectric Motor Coinpnm asked to be foreclosed, the court entered a conditional decree requiring the Motor Com pany to first place the machinery, motors, dynamo, apparatus etc., in operating order so that the road could be operated in good order. This the Sprague people pn tend ed to do and afterwards, during the spring or summer of the present year, the Sprnguc's again came in to com t and asked for their fore cloMiic, which was again denied. The court finding they had not ful ly complied with its former order. Again the Sprague's overhauled the road and pronounced it in good working order, and in July last, turned it over as the evidence showed yesterday, to the street rail way company. lliCMrci;i iau.ij Company at the present term of court amended their answer and now claim large damage on account of the failure of the Sprague's to comply with their contract in the first place which tlie company al leges has caused it great damage. The present trial is the final one in the district court. The evidence seemed to show that in July of the present year when the road was turned over to Mr. llallou, its presi dent, that the Street Kailway Com pany not being able to operate it allowed K. G. Vanatta to take charge of it; that he operated it for a few days after a 1; - i having difficulty with parties furnishing power, to abandon it; when, laying idle for a time Hackney, the proprietor of Kiley" undertook to operate it and after doing (so for a few days abandoned it on account of the dynamos burning out during a thunder storm. Mesrs Vannatta and Hackney both testify that the road could not be operated in first class condition owing to defective motors heavy grades and a general "out of lix" condition; while, the motor people testified that they left it in good woiking condition in July when it was turned over to the Street Kailway Company; also, evidence showed that the The committee having in charge the "Authors Carnival" intert.tin inent request that all parties who have consented to participate meet at the home of Miss McClelland The republican are spoiling for a fight on the question of McKinley inn vs. Cobdenimn and we should as soon see it commence with the election of Mills to the spe.ilei ship arrange the pre-1 as at any other time. this evening to liminaries. Jessie Graham, 'a farmer living near Julian, Nemaha county, lost t vo stacks of w heat, containing over tiOO bushrlH, by fire Tliurs lay during the process of threshing The fire originated from the engine by which the power for running the threshing machine was gener ated. Judge H. S. K'amsey tild his bond to-day for his next term in the sum of $50,1 XK), with J. M. Patterson, A. H. Taylor, C. II. Parmele and L. G. Todd as secureties. The bond is for as large sum as the governor gives and is half the amount of the country treasurer-elect" It strikes us that the sum of this bond is al together too large for the office. The judge's bond is the first ever filed by the county judge in so large a sum. Heretofore the coun ty lias come under the clause of the statute relating to counties having less than 2i,iKH inhabitants and the bond has been fixed at $10,1 M0. Indue Chanmau rendered a de cision in the noted Mitchell guardi anship case. Our renders will re member that this was the case wherein Mrs. Martha Mitchell, wife of Robert A. Mitchell, began pto icedi igs in county court before Judge Kanisey to have an allow mice set aside for her use out of the estate of her husband. Mitchell, it will be remembered, went insane, and David Miller, Ksq., was ap pointed his guardian. On the hearing before Judge Kanisey a state of lacts developed under which the court felt obliged to re fuse the application. The appli cant appealed, ami on" Thursday Judge Chapman rendered his tie cisiou. lie sustains Judge K'amsey in every particular, holding that an insane person's estate is chargeable with the expenses of Ins keeping unless specifically discharged by iliecoiiutv commissioners, and re fused the application. A Few Facta. Krad this and govern yourself accordingly: We have as pure a stock of drug as any in Cass county. Our wall paper and paint stock is the largest in the city. We bur wall paper from the eastern factories in car load lots and feel sate in saying we sell more than any other firm in the county. You wonder why? We can answer that by saying that we buy in large quantities' and sell for a very low price. Call and see oar line of drugs, paints, oils and wall paper. Yours Respectfully, 4t Hkown a Harriot. Fj U!a DC E! F f Eh5 BACH'S rr PMTAKU CAFSUIES, 1, T.T n,iilbraoraiatlMduv4iy V. cy V' iriii. Hal" . In onlorhm. .., TvPtl,-.' fniatmni FV'. V. " V'.VA' nniimil(lli hnmi,. I'mrlW. iVi 1 m-m .- nuoo An.-tttoua, wlUi-Unit- ir. I"r, .. orrtar tr.mi Tv'Er.iMJ.ttiraMlCfl. - . ...T . :i uiaj Jill :llj: ;made in Sizes and styles FTfl SUIT THE 33 Requirements of Everybody. THEY ARE THE VERY BEST. and, the hid after Mr. 'The Srunk !,i lio Llcuor Ha en ess mimt IN M j. - I . ul.:i Diailitinlu r,ipuf r in j uicuur riuuu, ununnj vu.v. nv Aa-wiiSfCRUn UK. HmtS' OOlDtM SMCIflt n -,n-,fi , iiinii In ncun of co'teo cr tvi, or In ar ii.i.,, .,1 .wm u liiuiiii ihn kniiivlritilK of lliii li'r ,m lakinn It; II In Hiiitnnueiy iibiiuii-mi m hi cll.'cl n iii'inmiu'iit lin.l HpfiMiy rurn, wnwn.-i tllCIIUtll'llllH IIHKII'l imi III llllll-n.l nil it i. i . . . u . . . n 11 1, rM I A AMT I l WliTh, it nIEVr K mil.. " """""" I "r nrntnpk'tootiie in i'V u y liiHlaiu u. 4gu buuk CDfp A'I'll I'- I'l l'lMill'IIMH,l'. VLliSfeciFiC to. iBitHam St.. Clflclnnatl.O TM0S POLLOCK R W aTERS v 1'nlillcA 4lii TMCti r HulKIM cal Titt'B, Loan i;d Inoniftni Agonto If you have real rMi.1 to sell or exchange send usdescriplioii, prion and terms. Abstract of title furnished atreat onable rates. From Friday Puilu- Police Court. In police court ,o day, John Con nor was arraigned on the charge of theft. The accused admitted hav ing stolen the overcoat of Dr. Deer ing, and offering the same for his breakfast at the Perkins House, but alleged that, owing to his intoxi cated condition, he did not fully realize what he was doing, ine court sentenced him to confinement in the county jail for a period of twclre days and decreed that he pay the costs. In default of the payment of costs he was given HPven davs additional in the county jail. although all who saw it first agree that it started in the cupola. The loss is about $00,(XK), insured for 8,000. Citizens are caring for the students and classes are reciting in the churches. A meeting of citizens is cow ueing nem in me opera house. Not a single one of the 1,000 student 8 have left, but all declare their intention of remain ing. Sixty student and President Croan and family roomed in the building. Prof. Ilalsey was detained at home all day Wednesday assisting in the construction of an addition to his residence to make room for the in creasing population, and owing to his absence his presence Thursday morning was thoroughly appreciat ed by all the students. It is report ed that after the Professor had called school as was his custom he obligingly asked some niemberof the school to propose a selection of music. One bright boy raised his hand and upon being granted per mission to speak announced the familiar song, "Kock-a-Hy Haby." The student's enjoyed a good laugh and the Professor appeared to en joy the joke hugely. Married. I.oxg-M'Coiu. At the residence of cars and machinery of the company ii:nl liiriii- the oast vear and a " i -- r " half or in Jie, been left standing in the open commons, unprotected and uncared for, when parties were not trying to operate them. There is a heavy indebtedness hanging over this company-for probably all it is worth; that is, judging from the evidence, and its creditors are clamoring for their money. It is to be hoped that the concern will be wound up in some way and fall into the hands of a management that will operate it. At the dance Thursday some of those in attendance had imbibed too freely in third ward distilled rye. A fight was commenced in the gallery and the crowd rushed up to see the fracas, when the gallery on one side of the room cave way and precipitated tne en tire crowd into a heap on the lower floor. Noone was seriously injured either by the fall or fist. The dam aire to the building amounts to about $"") -Weeping Water Kepub lican. T. R Wilson, a prominent attor ney of Cedar Creek, is attending court to-day. the county iudce at Plattsmouth, Neb., on December 8, 1801, Mr. Kowin W. Long and Miss Kmnia McComb, Judge 11. S. Kanisey officiating. ' The groom is one of Platts mouth precinct's most prominent and vigorous young farmers. He is a son of S. I. Long, Ksq., who is one of the oldest and most re Hpected citizens of Cass county. The bride is the beautiful and accomplished (laughter of Kichard couiuy H. McCoir.b, Ksq., and the groom is to be congratulated upon hiu fortunate choice of a bride. The Herald extends its best wishes to the newly married couple. A. H. KnottB departed for Weep ing Water this morning and will The Beet Sujnr Convention. W'e have received the following communication from the secretary of the Lincoln board of trade, which should receive the careful consideration of our local board of trade: Mk. KniTOK: Knclosed we hand you a copy of the call issued by our board of trade for a beet sugar convention to convene in this city, December 17 ami 18. It is desirable that all parts of the state be fully represented, and that a larce attendance be secured. We would also request of you to publish, in addition to the call, that it is desirable that the ap pointed of delegates would make the appointments as early as possi ble and forward a list of the names to C.A.Atkinson, secretary board of trade, Lincoln, in order that our arrangements here may conform to the number of delegates in at tendance. The indications point to a large and enthusiastic meeting, and we trmt it will prove a benefit to all parts of our state. Whatever you may choose to say editorially in this connection will be duly appre ciated by us and stimulate, we trust, the interest on this important subject among the people oi your Hopinc you or a representative of your paper will find it convenient to be present, we are very truly yours, C. A. Atkinson', Sec'y. Lincoln Hoard of Trade. It wdl be remembered we pub lished thecall referred to the fore part of the present week. accompany his family, who have been visiting relatives there the edy is the cure for you, j past week, home Monday. ' men. unu w u uc. Sleepness night made miserable by that terrible caugh Shilohs rem uy r. u 2 We have talked with a number of our citizens relative to the feasibili ty and propriety of building a wag on bridge in conduction with the pro f.iiHid railroad bridire across the I Platte river at Oreapolis, and with out a single exception they have ex pressed themselves as thoroughly in Kvninathv with the move. It is conceded on all hands that if the farming community beyond the Platte were granted better access to our city they would avail themselves of our beneficent mark ets for their products and in re turn purchase large quantities of merchandise of our incrchaKs. At this particular period, owing to the scarcity in our markets of eggs, butler and other productions of the f.r.n it must be admitted that there is a demand for closer rela tions between our city and the farming community t'uin we have under existing circum dances. To iiw. ..id hat mi exnress'on of our representative business uen may be had relative to the initer, we suggest that the matter be lit -"tight l. fori-tlie meeting of the board "f trade next Tuesday evening or as soon as is considered practicable. CAN THEY AFFORD I T7 Tin- following appeared in the Atlanta (Oa.) Constitution of last Wednesday: Mr. Mills is a free trader. He made this announceinent while he v as speaking in the west last year, and he repeated it in a speech made in Cincinnati a few weeks ago in behalf of the democratic party. Mr. Mills' idea of tariff re form is free trade. This is the dif ference between him and other candidates and between him and other democrats. Is this the test mid measure of democracy? Is this the doctrine which, according to the humble Hynuin and the can did gold-bug organ, makes Mr Mills' democracy resplendent? Mr. Mills has the courage of his convictions; he is a freetrader and he makes no hones ol proclaiming the fact. This is the issue that has been forced to the front by his friends; this is the issue that will be made by his election to the speaker's place. Can the demo cratic party nlford to go oelore the country on the issue thus made? We have no argument to make on the issue. The only question is one of policy. Can the democratic party at this time a I ford to go before the country on the issue of free trade as Mr. Mills has made it? If it can, well and good. If it can not, it is the duty of democrats to place some other democrat in the Hpeaker's chair. Iv'cspleiKlent as is tne democracy of Mr. Mills, "it is better for Un democratic party to be safe than sorry." As to the very pertinent question propounded by this distinguished democratic journal, "Can the dem ocratic party at this time afford to go before the country on the issue of free trade as Mr. Mills has made it?" the republican party believes and hopes .that such will be the case. Whether the party can afford to make that the $K)0,ilO0 to Ion ii at 7'u percent nnd an commissions, on grood farm security. POLLOCK & IIYKk'S ri.Ansuonn - Neb. 0 uadtrPa ( iity . Neatly every pattern of Horss Blanket is imitated in color and style. In most cases the imitation looks just as pood as the genuine, but it hasn't the warp threads, and so lacks strength, and while it sell for only a little less than the genu ine it isn't worth one-half as much. The fact that A Horse Blanket are copied is strong evidence that they are THE STANDARD, and every buyer should see that the r trade mark is sewed on the inside of the Blanket. Five Mllo Boss Elcctrlo Extra Tett Daker HORSE BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. 100 6 STYLES Bt pricf to mit ever!o(ty. If you can! wt (hem from your diulcr, writ us. AV f the YmwV. You cn get it without ehirerj WM. AYRES & SONS, Philadelphia UIBEKWOW), RIM. Office In the Tiuut Noel building lrenideuce, the Ed HicJi Property. Drs.BETTS&BETTS PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS and SPECUUSTi, 1409 DOUGLAS ST., OMAHA, NEBRASKA. TO SHIPPERS. 9 i'.tr, ii n i, C il I Gme, Poultry, Met, Applet, Pofatoet Green and Dried Fruite, Vegetable ( ii fi. HrairMi, ool, liidm, Tallow Sheep Pelta, Fure, 8kin, Tobacco, Grain, Flour; Hay, Hevax, Paatb- r, Ginning-, Plroomcoru, and Hop. H. K. II ALL A Kl) a. ', Di. MrkNl a i baipaT, tlTMirkat IimI ft Ua, Mv M aNTfTD-tni, aaaaiUaM ahti tn nnd SblpMi-x. J,'t K. KKYNi LDS, Vr(iur l rbrtll ini Special -?ttantion iiiTaa k Oflioe fracfire. Iv'Ot'R ftLUFftt - NtB. WW A TECln.VT,'nl,SAtE?IEN I'o ir vnii cuir "il an aii cnt n film ill t wsnii"t t"' k lint--in umltrnnl.. nun,. WORK ALL THR YIA IU. I) -r niOiitll to f Kill aiati A.il ii.uS I I r. AY m. CO Nw' ry. i'"Ht mul e.-i- lul, Mtuu ( i tin liiiui n it ju.lliltl in The Kent Itemed r la thU world,, layl J. HofTberr, of Bvrnonta, N. T.. il Taktor Kounlg' Nerte Tonlo, Ixjcium toy ion, wbo win partially iarlyx' thiea yetim ago ai d attacked bv li'n hm not uad auy yuiptonm of tbnrn iIdm lie luo. on bottle ot tb reuMXly. 1 tuon ueartny loana ior u. Pcini.o, Col., May, lKl Onr danghtw oontraoUd Kptlortfa Fltt ttm fright three yoari affo; wo trll uiont everv thing we heard of, bui ot do avail. Am thank f ul to atate now that ilnoe ihe t"fk l'aitor Koa Dim Norve Tonlo aim uas uot uau tha iligUUift attack within four montha. 1311 Kvarti Avo. UUR. C. BCBULZ. Thoa. McCnrdy, o 85th Ave., Vmyet, Cilo.. aavi : I'aslor Koeuifl'i Nerve Tonlo 1 ot groat benefit to ma j it DM bad the dualled efleot by ttopplug the nia. f -A Valuable Uona an kottcw LIjLL 1Im)bim nt frea to n adlrM r nr r "i ir : ,itiul' n. If oh" I 1 1 1. La Uila uitMlifue li-oe of chama. Thm rrolThM ' wu niiiared br thai fjranj Unow Dreiud under lii Ulructlon or de KOENIC MFD. CO., Chicago, lf. SoiJi)rrru'i't' a' 5 ?- SotUe. GtbrtVJ tare8io. '1'itCur forSP. Offlrw honra from fl a. m. to 8 p. m. Bnndav from 1U a. ni. to 1 p. m. HieclalUt In Clironio, Nervoui, Skin and Blood Duennas. f WConnnltatlon at office or by mall free IMiriniM nent by mail or expreaa, aeearary nrkel, free from olmmaUon. (inaranloat to core quickly, aufely and permanoutly. Tl.e nioet wldnly and farorahly known arierJal latKlntlie UuitolrilalM. Their Uiiir eifwrienoa, remarkiilile ekill and nniverwil eucreea in lhi tnxitniiMit and cur of Nertoue, Chronio and Hur. (jirnl PiwaiwK, entitle theee eminent phyeieiaiis in the full e. nfiik-nce of the atlticted erorywhara. They Kuarantxo: A CERTAIN AND POBITIVE CIJUE for the awful ellacte of early vloe and the numerous avila Uiat follow in il tru a. PRIVATE, BLOOD AND 8KIS DI8EA8I8 jMwxIily, coinphitnly and permanently cured. KERV0U3 DEBILITY AMD SEXUAL DH 0RDER8 )iUi readily to tlieir ekuUul araat Dient. PILES, FISTULA A5D EECTAL TJLC5M irtiiinintsl cured wiUiout in or detnU from IjaeinnM. RYDROCELS AHD VAEICOCELI lv, nently and eucceeefully eored id enry eaiie. flVflUUH. (lONOItltHfEA, ObKCT, Bparaaa tirrlKra. Hemlnal Wenkneaa, Ut ataiihood. MkIiI Kmiiaiona, Decayed racnltiea, remaJa Wwiknew and all delicate diaorilers peeuliarta either ee poeitirely curecf, an well M all fiina tionul dinonlere tliat reenlt from youthful folia or ihe exceea of mature years. CtriMnna Ouaranteed permanently and. OinUlUro removal compleU, without eat tin, fwuHtJn or dilataUon. Curs elfecl at home ly patient wituoot momauu fiaia C annoyunoe. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGtD MEN ACiira Pillfl The awfnl eBecti of ear OUre VlUVO Tio which bnnxn ormaic wenkneee, rleetnyUin both mind and body, wiaa all ita dreaded i(K permunenlly curaiL flee Ruffe A-ldwa thoi who hare last Ul 9. DUllO ,h themeeWes by iinprnper ka dnlenoe and solitary linbita. wliich ruin buUi mind nnd lHly, ourltliiiK them for buelBees, study or marriage. MAHRIEI) MES, or those entering go thnt hiny I''", autre of pbymcal dohiiity, quiokly aaxinled. tScnd (rents poftaws kr oleliratsd works on I'linmic, IWvouk and Policaln llianiuiea, Thoi.vubi cunl. Iffk friendly letter or aall limy hs(h yon fntnm miffi-nnij and Iiuit.. aaJ III iroldi'ii vtrs to lile. lo letter aiiswsrra XAYE YOU AST itwie will not be known definitely until after the election of Nov. SCHlTFalAIII'8 Astttnaa url i Bmar hi km immi m m! Is lbs t MS. tmA .S.i1 aim, ,hrr. altars asU. sw aaa V U K K f ltossa ar a rtl a PK, l. SKlHieFHANW, as I WM mm i unl"- nt-ronipsniod by 4 eviits in nUui.p,. Aililnwi', cr call on DS. BETTS & BETT f400 Doug!a3 OMAHA, - s. KESCTASKA. CANCER pb)Une4 fear BO hsuter from tele ttng of flerMm, for by a nml wondarful diswTary In u,e1lPliie,encsron ny I'srt uf His body San be lrrmaaratljr eared wltasat tho as of Ui kalfe. MUM II. 1). Cot.bt, wniniilsns A'S.ailoano, ayn: " Was oared ot oanoer ol tbs brenat In an seeai oy your meinoa oi irKiisii. urn ir Ml r. U. v. vajat ma shu hk. vuwasu.