Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, December 10, 1891, Image 1
tlK!,..iS n i UlorLcal Socii1 in 1 1 NT 1 iff 111 ir-j n m a urn ih ,i -: 4 t VOL. XXVII. NO. 37. lIAlTSM()UTll.(SSa)UNTY,NMmASKA,TIIlIUSIAYl)K(,KMnKn 10,18i)l. S1.50 A V KAU. WHY, Royal Baking Powder is Best " The Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure, for I have so found it in many tests made both for that company and the United States Government. i ,tU go still further and state that because of the facilities that company have for obtaining perfectly pure cream of tartar, and for other reasons dependent upon the proper 'proportions of the same, and the method of its prcparaUon, "the Royal Baking Powder is undoubt edly the Purest and most reliable baking powder offered to the public. "HENRY A. MOTT, Ph. D." Late United States Government Chemist. Board of Trhe. At a nieciing of the lo;irI i,f truth last 0 veiling it was found impost ilh tt uct a quorum, The following were selected however to attend (lie Beet Sugar convention at Lincoln: uilas Pcpperberg, J. W. Johiifton, . M. Patterson. 1. E. White and L. 1). Hen net t. President Wintlliam will inter- lew tin Omaha company to nay relative to the proposition to locate si plow factory here. -FRED BEifflUt Off th T rack As an extra was entering th? north nil of the It. & M. yard at a o'clock this niorniPiJ'. the eneine No. -'II- ex erienccd a.mishap similar to that cronicled a few days since. As it struck (lie froir the front wheels started up the side track while the hind trucks adhered to the main track. The disturbance reunited in tearing up about seven roils of track uud Blinking the train men up considerably. It is fortunate that the speed was not irreat as the re sults might have been more disas trous. uUK FALL AND WINTEIt SHUk - - OF - - DRY - GOODS - AND laadics Furnishings Is !Tov7 Ccraploto in all Dopartmcnts, ii:i .oois We are showinga handsome line of CAMELS 1 1 A I K PLAIDS, BROAD CLOTH. FLANNELS, CLUCKS, HENRIETTAS. A full line of colorings and blacks. V TIME TABIy OF DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS V "G ERST WO. V. Pi '" MO 10 .5 a. Ill yo! 20 8:30.n ' GOING WEST Not m- I. o v No. , 9 .on,m to. T '-I- "' so. 6 :! P. m., ... -o t( 11 :5a. m. . I ! .. T. L. Mathews is in tlie nieiropoun to-dav. The county commissioners, Geo. ami On- court house clock. i ul3o i4. .v. ... i :issipirw iiy iikiiij iiivhw.-, ..... Miss Pettee is an Omaha visitor a brilliant reception in their beau IllsS lt.ut.i,i ..(., .,, t, ...., tiTlu. Simur Cave.' to-day. Thursday and Friday evenings. A i? riiritmas slippers go nnr,u..i invitation is extenned to nil rui t""11 v - . r - - lo panaite oi umi nimwj d..v..-. Pollc Court Ed Ross was arrained before Judge Archer this morning on a charge of drunkenness, to .i.:..i. i. i . . !i.-- if - . . . ? i Qrt 1 II II. II 111 I ill till u II 1 1 1 V. Ill; II Pi tin it nr :il)HiraCTS oi ime in m-upwu-i . - " - i ..... 1 i m i oviin fninn sessetl the usual ; nnd costs after auu- ruir?, $;i t j. ) " I block. 11 ine payuieni oi wnicn ne weni on wir uv,,uf ntwl liis Oneen. Forstv. his way reioicinir. Mr. Koss, it will assisted by many friends, will give lie remembered, some fiit.e oinct ni.ANKI.TS AM) (OMIOKIS Stock complete and prices lower than ever. r in: inv i:it A pood Ladies Jcrsy vest ut il.'ic. Lathes line Jersey vest find pants it white or natural grays at fKlc eack Ladies natural Gray Wool Veftsuni Pants a talk. Kegular 7.")C under wear, i Full lines of Lathes Fine wool ribbed under wear in white, cardi nal ami lilack. Complete lines of Child' under, wear in natural, scarlet and whit at prices as low as the lowest. UiSSOVRl PACIFIC UAILWAY TIME CAKD. Ho.SMAc.onio.lan..! Uiivt-.-KTrSns dally eict-pt i-unfay. .lo.-ftia m, . 4 ,00 p. in. TTORNEY A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorn TOW!1 'm"e ot losenh Fetzer. u Mrs. Geo. Dovey is an Omiiha Tie itor to-day rliristmas and v 1 c 1 1 1 V 1 1 Viif'i 1 Geo. V'ass. Hal Johnson came in last evening from Lincoln. Pure buckwheat flour for sale at lieisei p iiit'i Vnr lii rpinninder of 'fll "llie i'.;,." r ; 1 1 nffff mi the 5. 10 and Li cent counters, articles worth twice the amount af-ketl. Geo. Vass and the court house clock. " WViir vnn romrh when Sill' i. ..J ... j ri-- - . irtt.'a Kiim will invc iiiiiuecliate re- ef. Price 1U cts., no cis. auu R. A. SALSBURY . n.K-N-T-I-S-T : 60LD AND PGKCELAIN CKOWN9. .Brt--w';af,l!flSiita va,nl,,t'M' Fine Gold Work a Specialty, gckwood Block rit.8I.H,Ulh.Neb. tWSON & PEARCE xj have received lB C"o?lhy h-ort HU.Mu ..r- Uced lb 'l r rnw nukr tiHt. to 40 and to 7ft c Dtillinnic'l. MISS SCHUYLER, TKIMMKK. n r MeMaken is transacting For sale by h. O. fncKe business in Lincoln to-day. A young man holding a Tery For a nice served a term of three vears in tin penitentiary for having engage d in a drunken fiirht in which a knife figured prominently na a weapon. Mnce serving ms term lie has con ducted himself much better, and if it were not for an occasional over-intlulcence in drink. he would make useful citizen. The case of Philip Thierolf vs. Rodenbush, suit on attachment wan settled by agreement and dis missed. The case of Mathew Gering vs. J fl CIlll RplH'iil . I . .1 1 vcr t-hown tio large mine in huh ucjianuicuv. m;'vi iittontion to our I irn (Hflortinent of Heelers Military and Hip Cout hiipoa trimmed with Mink, fnal, Astraehai, iMllflilloOtl Hill (Jutiejf furs. Our lino of Plush Pan ties are cheaper thnn etr helorc. Full lines of Chiltlrena and Misses Clunks nnd Jackets. Lincoln to-day. A young man holding a w irawkB Bllit for the recovery of ellatorCapgotoJOL, trustworthy position in this city I likcwiHC BClllcd the One Price Clothier. tf r:, AMnruev Polk ia transacting leiral business at the metropolis to-day For fine boots and ehoes go to Joseph Fetzer, Main street, between Fourth and Fifth streets. " Mrs. A. N. Sullivan' has returned from York, where she has been vis itinir friend Vnn ran tret the best ot nanti- it niiorney uh'h was iikcwihc bciiicu 1 rllt.ilr ( MAAI1 ir 1:4V. I J . . . . ' " 7 "H nnd diHinisse.l. n-iii tiio nn trp rnnip in t:iiiiini:i i with him he would have been brought into the police court. We withhold the name tin time. FR BE imu i I Oil tn K- ' . i I l.. i,u.ij nml hIkics nt losepli center. HlilUl . 1 Fetzer 8. u n Windham, accompanied by Mrs. Windham, is transacting legal business in Omaha to-day. WANTED Ladies to travel Kalary S0 per month. i i i: Winter Hats. U Probably the larjreet hen egg we have seen this season was left up on our table to-day. It measured six inches iti cirfuinferance at the Wanted Ladies to canvas ill itll H i il ( day, Thursday and Friday between U, i aim i. a at u.t, iouriu sireev. Shorthand. AND TYPKWR tTING COLLLGh- Plattsmouth. Nebraska. There are tl.o.i.H.uU of v..nrg - ; to mipply tl'tl - vryly , 'sMln Min-t at.rt a;;i!:l:;ncar..nU,,,,.5oper "'.'.''..inn. l-ii rnilteed t ccmi-ctelit Mildelits InlnulaU.lM.:i.r,..n,tV,,-.a.e... DAY AM) KVKMN'3 SKSSIONS. ltoi.ins t.v. rMayei m.w. Call Wednesday. 'i i,,,r,i-x. niwl Fridav between 9, 12 and 2. 5 at 123 Fourth street. 2t Mrs. A. Swift, who has been Htoiminir at the home of her daunhter, Mrs. Frank Morgan, for some time, departed this morning if.... trmir-t where Bbe will visit relatives. tjf I 1 14 IlftV I lliirtv tlavs. U. A. Pler.LW Al.N, jeweiei, 41.) Mam street Mnst toe s ia it m The Dickons Party, Tlii fntlnwincr nnmntia rcnrejteilt I ............ , ---- Call on the Tucker Sjsters in the I characters in the Dickens party at Sherwood block for bargains the "Author's Carnival" Thursday and Friday evenings: Nr. MicawOer itr. lawyer. David Copperfield J.I Mathews. Mr. Murdstone Dr. Humphrey. Hani Peggotty Frank Dickson. Uriah Harp Mr. Ivigenbroadt. Mrs. Micawber Miss Clark. Dora Copperfield May Dutton. Miss Peggotty Miss Hyers. Betsy Trotwood-Deana Fisher. Mrs. Guniridge Mrs. Dickson. Dollie Varden Hattie Sullivan. Mr. Hufhn-Mr. Rawls. Mrs. Buflin Mamie Stiles. Mr. Siiueers Mr. Barrett. Mrs. Squeers Miss Halsey. Nicholas Nickleby-B. A. PlcJvl wait). Mr. Skunpole Henry Herold. Ned Cuttle-Prof. McClelland. Mrs. larley Dora Herold. Madame Defarire Miss Sherman. Miss Havishani Miss M.Wright. Pip (Philys Pcrseys)-Frank White. Mr. Pickwick W. L. Knotts. Mrs. Ilardell-May McClelland. ONE DOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL. County Court. lilzie L. Lewis vs. Win S. Ward. Suit in attachment. Hearing on motion to dissolve attachment con tinued until December 12 1S91. 10 a. m. Bank of Cass County vs. E. W. Carroll et al. Suit on note for $2u with interest. Default of defendant entered. ludirinent for plaintiff for I warrant every piece ot goons i ;na83. .. n ii ... l....l.-tr nrirfs sen ami win m ii en i.v i i ' ' -f ir t 1 'V gold and r'Wi.Ais n;o vMi -Uritlgo w.'rk nml liiK; w"rk " SPECIALTY. rH sriMNM'S l,(H'M hhi'II il;C DK. S l l l 'V ' ''. i,i,..tri.t it, in wtiiotioMUivci C. A. MAliSII.M.l.. K.'.' H.'.' lULlUS Pl.inMCKl'iHK Hie hibt wet out S'llf ut I liuiii and ol i tiwsire. yoll will save liii'liej ailvaiit. tfe '!' ctt'iig Wallt. ( Vnm: ill :.inl ffroerfU1 for tliis clofrh p .mi-, teed, loinctnlier by taking what vou Us. Oi'i i:A llufsn (1i;.:ki;y. M. E. Smith & Co. vs. Charles Clutter. Suit on account for merchandise. Default of defend ants entered. Judgment for plain till $20-1.22. A. T. Simpson vs. O. M. Streight Suit on note for $213 less indors-e- uieiils with ten per cent interest; default of defendant entered. J udg incut for plaiutill lor'A). L. G. LarM'ti vs. Rastntis Petersen Suit mi at'ctiuiit. S. P. Yanatti en teis a (jeneral appearance for tle fi'iulant; judgment for plaintiff on proof taken fur C!3,"S. Sloan, John-oil iV Co. vu. Charles Clutter. Suit on account. A number of practicing physi cians throughout the state are ex perietieing consiileralile difliculty complying the new law requir- Headquarter for ETcrything inthelinof WATCHES, DIAMONDS, FANCY AND DRONZfc CLOCKS, OPTICAL GOODS, OPEKA GLASSES FANCY SILVERWARE, SOLID GOLD JEWELR7 A BIG STOCK OF HOLIDAY GOODi AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Repairing of FINE WATCHES a Specialty and all Work warranieu. THE LEADING JEWF.LEH, 4 15 Main Street, Plattsmouth, Net One IS OI'I MM! II' nf the nev.est and brightest lines of ll MAMFAri'lltKt.KANl UHDLEEP.LE F.XD FI-'THIL DKAI.PR1STHR CHOICEST BRANDS OF CIGARS WVI L LINK TOBACCO AND SMOKERS . iilways in stock FlUfcil'loi;.' !., Lollsi iJovi hi 8. I-'i.r Hi'' 0 1 1 'af 'r:i-U' Mm lias li.'fit fi'i-it ia t"w I' f V a't 1T0 OLD r.v. LL ITiLW ARTICLES flattsmouth, Nebrassa lie sure to call and see the prices on Ladies and Gent's gold and OH J..iv."" - .1 ICIUil ..mtrnpH s n A. McElwain. Jeweler, Which was boiiu'lit early in the season from some of the I.Alv'tiKST I.MI'OKTI.Nd HOISKS Which guarantees you the pick of the market and at prices for which we are noted. -.-The Lowes f in the Country . Tho nubile Is cnrrtlnllv Invltcit Mlapert onr -oOo- FlfttUmoath Pre.-iden t ('roan, of the Western Normal College, recently destroyed by lire at Shenandoah, win in Omaha ye.--terd.iy to entertain a trit.sitiii from the hoard of trade of that city looking to th e.-tal.lishnictit of the school there. Mr. Croat! 'ays that he 'jt lives th work is hampered somewhat m a hiuall town and if sufficient induct itfiits are ottered it is very prol abb that Omaha will secure its location. One thing is certain, if Omaha decides that she wishes to make a hirht for it, she will win. Fremont is also making a struutr' fs it worth while for Plattsmouth to be "in it':" lVt t-iitl v:lflt tn tctinur wlint wniilil make your father, mother, brother, . . . .i i . a i i a ; . stsier nun sweetnearv nappy: ji is a nice p;iir ui nnoes ur supiieis iti ii f'tirint inns nresent. W. A. Hoerk & Co. have just received an elegant line that they otter at VEKY LOW prices for thirty days only. tf Auction at J. Finley Johnson's hardware store. U2t in inj them to present diplomas to the state board of health for exam ination. Thus far we believe but two physicians of C-iss county have been relegated to the rear, and they took their medicine with the com placency of a defeated candidate. It appears however that a physician in Beatrice was more desperate in his attempt to pass muster. His was a new dodge but it proved un able to pass the scrutiny of the skilful board. He secured a diploma from the I'niversity of New York under date of 111 and by the use of acids removed the nnmciof the partv to whom it had been lawfully granted, and inserted his own, Great must have been his mortification and chagrin upon having his little game detected. This law is a step in the right direction and should receive the support of all good people to the end that cranks and quacks, may be relegated to the rear, the rights anil safety of our people cared for and the profession protected. Ladies thinking of purchasing lewclryor Silverware should not iniss attending the alternot.ii sales ..I r .. i iitli .V Son's iewelry More. All'irootls guaranteed as represent- etl same as ai p n.iu- ..ooil.-i offered but lii st-cia.-s. " tf i'k'ANK C'AK'KU I II & Son. OUR CLUB1NO LIST, Hi. Iin t' R'l.l in ll.i 111 il- rtll'l tIKIl I l ''l'- Man '"' '"', " l:A1'" " II ru f.t it ' I ii il "K l'l Il.iii r' - H .ii.i fiMi.ii I !,.,! I. Ill- li'KHICI ' ft'l'l n HI A I.I). V.tHlTII Kin a a (I iik.mai.ii ...i m ... I .... I .... -I . , .... V M 19 The laws of health are taught fit the schools; but not in a way to be . i l.......(il 1 11 I nr Mho Pnvnto 5-c-retnry." oiniucii,i.t ... ihoirivn.o , n.-v.-r illustrated by livingexamplfB A large house reeled the '"w " , n lu i, in many cases might easily Tr ivers company last night I done. II some scholars, who u'', Oilletle's famous comedy, j had just contracted a col. I, was WHI. wini u i,t , .f,,, ,. the sci.ool. so that 1 1 le 1 1 is .in .'.iil""j. merely say that it was a success would certainly be drawing it mild ly. Although the play has been pre sented heie. before by some very Lin.n..- comtmnii s. it loses nothing ... . . ... , ... 1 .......... all c iiil.I lit'ar ine ii v, loini hiuku an. I know its sign ilicince; i;ee tlie thin while coaling on the tongue and latter, as the Cold developed, see the proluse watery expeetora- 1 1 i. ii ami thin watery tiiscnarge j from the nose, not one of theiii would ever torgci wuai tin; ins. siiii'toins of a cold were. The scholar should then be given Chamberlain's Cough Remedy free ly, that all might see that even a severe cold could be cured in one 01 two tlavs or at least greatly miti-,-.i..,l whi'ii iiroiierlv tieatetl as ;,. ita Hii eiiL-th as presented by the 1 company last night. Special men tion should be made of Mr. William i:...;rt.itiks in the title role, which I we think was better taken than by any one that has assumed the role heretofore. The tattennoie '1 ,iu. r,r8t HvmpioniH appear, Harry E tinge, the Douglass ol -,1(irt ri.mi.,iy i8'f,, mous for it's Edwin T ravers, the Gibson of E. J. cures of cough, colds and croup. M ick the Miss Ashford of Missilt is made especially for these ilacK, int ;ii. s Mi '.hsease and is the must prompt and rtertha Livinirston, antl the ?tiss 1:, l.w.-.i fur Stead of Miss Nelly Whiting were nil admirably taken. In fact a The Aid Society, of the M. E. church, will meet to-morrow after noon at 2 o'clock, with Mrs. Lela Pine, on Marble street between Fourth and Fifth streets. Sec. more evenly balanced compy ny has not gracetl the boards of our opera house this season. The :ostunies were elegant, the stage settings were elaborate and worthy of the cleanest, funniest and most charm ing comedy of the present day. -Oil City (Po.) Derrick. LOCAL ON LAST PAGE. 1 .....jt r,.li il,l,. irii'dii int known lor the purpose. 00 cent bottle for sale by l. G. Fricke Co., di uggists. Good Evening! Have you used Ah! there is no need of my saying any thing further, I am sure you will hereafter use nothing but the Famous Hlush of Roses for your complexion. Yours with best wishes, Flora A. Jonm, South Dend, Ind. lS. Call this eve please at O. II. Snyder and learn the particulars. 415 Main street tf ,r,U HKR.l'rop. vr