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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1891)
T&3 Flattsmoutli Herald. KNOTTS 13 HO 5, Publishers Puhlih1 f vrv IhUMilny. and dully wnlmtAxwpt 'MirnUj. K'.'l' ter- I it PlMtt'ii'iuili, Nb. i)"-)- Ui'iind c1:ih r iti. Olflf-cunirr Viimitntt Flf'h rrwt. T'Ii'IiIioiik :w. I KUMH KoH u KPKI.Y, u iiipv. ' ve if, In :t v:hji-i- Jl .Ml )tit riipy. yur. n! In wilw n-ft .... I'm 111 eiipy, 'Ik nimillif. HI ;i l ' Ul't ... 75 I! II V 'll HI lltll". 'II 1 HlitlC . n T " H M Kl'K DAl. JII Mill HUH t t III I'lV " f' 00 MllKP'M'V "'. ll.V eilll'T C' )iib (hnv. "'r in" itl V THURSDAY. NO VI NliKK (1 flinw lliiil tin- v.ilui' of l;irni-' l.iii.l , t ; i k i m thf whole country over, liii.-i ilfiifiisf 1 'M'- per ci-m fliirinjr tlit ;il Ifii yrure. Ami tliis in tin- net 11.-11H ol the policy which Ixiiist of litiihliiiu' (l ii ''li'HIU' llliil ki-l '' I'll"' "homo m:ir let" a pi'iii'rt to luivc fruclilit'il onl t t lit' lillililin' Up. ol Collo.-.'-iil fortiincH lor million, ore liiiinuhii't lii'crs. iiialiin t- 1 1 1 ;i I r nntl wictchcdiii'sH thi' r 1 1 1 iimnir (lie it'opli' who do I lie work ami pomp ami fli'iiiici' the lot of the p.niip crcil ciipitiiliwls, I ' ii i i ta I lawe proilucc ti 1 1 1 1 1 1 :i I condition.---l'laltMiiotitli Join Dill. The Ii rut part of the nhove pilot at random i,-t purely liatclii'd up in i t w author's tni id or liorrow't'd from some oilier Pouree ciii;illy unrcliafile. lint ffrantiutv it to lie the truth it does not ueccHr'arily follow that a pro tective hyptmi is the fault of it. The ollicial returns for tlie"cimi)try over" have not heen jjiven out yet b:it it m plaiit why there iniht In- ili'pii'ciiilion of the value of farm land on an average. I'rol a lily eastern farm are worth 1 kh per acre to day than (en yearn ayo from the fact that the risb'tf jcn erutions of the east lire leaving th'ir old homesteads and coming1 west to grow up wild the country nnd on lands that were government property ten years ago. liven old Had gray headed farmers in com fort a hie circumstances have hold their small fant.s and moved upon Taw lands in the west where Jiey Could get h farm for each member f the family with their former investment; mich n move naturally d 'predates eastern land. In the west the amount of land now con idcred as farm land ha increased o much more rapidly than ia Valuation that the average falls he low that of former years when fltlements were huddled together in email communities which kept the land under cultivation at a good price. The "millionaire manufacturers" have had their influence in depre ciating the value of farniB, nnd probably the greatest cause haw been their demand for labor giving employment to thousand of men who would otherwise be out on the farm and increased the products for exportation which are now con tinued by these nou producers. Let us tee how fir we can trace their effects, these factories require material which comes out of the arth, from government lands in the hape of hides, horns, tallow nud wool or from forests, as lumber, pitch, tar and iomu all of requires an immence amount of labor that does not have a direct and immediate tendency to increase form lands. Hut this is not all; men must be employed to peek markets either as agents or middle men, as Bometimes termed, nnd everybody known that it is not ti e millionaire manufacturers who populate the earth but farmer and laborers in general from which the manufacturers,' PiiccesHors nre drawn. Let tis take a liberal minded view of all such questions and not lay the blame at our neighbor's door simply say ing something. OUGHT the world's fair to be open , n Sunday? This question has been much discussed through the papers and is still receiving daily attention, but the contention seems to be entirely between the minis ters and Christian societies on the ne hand and the world in general n the other. We find that Rcr. J. L. Jones of Chicago ndvocates that the world's fair should be kept open that the poor laboring clasnes nnd Sunday school classes may attend, mid concludes by saying he would en joy the privilege of delivering a ermoa in some tent or on the open ground. This is all well, nnd for the min. "fster who loves to work in the niidet of excitement and a thousand detracting influences, but to the average minister it is plain, to rea ou with bis fellow men on those jail important questions involving our future welfare, he must get his besrers away from that winch Vhe farmers will do well toculti me civ plen-e-i the eye or a ids to vat his fields po as to avoid this worldly widom. We do in r drainage from his land.. No doubt most profound thinking when we the listing of corn has been an in ure away from the w ickilms jury to the country from the fact which uurrotttulti us in our d.:i!y th it deep ditches made by this w stk.i in life, method of cultivation have had It ia true that much useful infor- much to do in carrying away the mation can be gathered at that ex- substance of the soil, position that the average iran never would learn from books, but very little that would have a ten dency to improve the condition of hi mul. Ministers have too many of the world's attractions to con tend with now to be right success, ltd in pushing the caie of Chrit-t. Men are becoming more and more w.i. ldly w ise and receive less of divine i nspiral ion. Let them close the gates of the Columbian cxposiiion every !-'ntlir-da night ai d kerp il.ein to iniiil M inday inoiiiing, dismissing all hands not actually needed lo guard against li e i'i ti nciioii cf . ..... , . pioprrtv, that the people have an opooi t unit v lo visit the plate f worship, lor which C hicago I as already ample aiconnnixlatioi s, Men who w ill not go to church i.i . . . I : . I . . . OKI 1 III l I IS U II ill il M 1 1I1MII Mil Oil' I lir gi oi: iitL-i. I'I' is to be regretted sincerely ' the difliculily w hich occurred at the high school last Iwiday noon had to be dragged into the newi papers and it an thing made wort e than it w as and showed all pariitH concerned in a very unpleasant light. The chief objection to giv i ig publicity to little at school which aie often brought o i no one can tell how, is that the neoplewill not duly iicogni.e ti e teachers side of the quesin n and often censure him when really in the right. It is easy enough for the boys to claim that the teacher is too hast)- lor they have aggraui. lions which he must bear without a murmur and w hen his temper once fails to bear ihe strain they are quick lo shield themselves by blaming the teacher. Vow it is tl;e opinion of the ptoplc in gemrul that the I'lattsmonth school never had a Letter and inoie efficient corps of teachers than at the pres seiit.aud especially is this true of the city superinteu lent and the principal of the high school. Young people ought never go down town and on street corne8 anil in stores disscuss the merits of and demerits nf their teacher when something is goin wron The case in question occurred on account of the disobedience of a student w ho had been requested to do a certain thing and withoi t just provocati n dealt the principal a blow in the face of which ti e young fellow has a thousands rea sons to be ashamed. He probably at that instant wasn't aware that he turned upon the best friend a boy has next to his mother." lie may receieve praises from n few of his fellow students who are less courageous but he should re mem her that on close observation he will find they will always forsake him just at the time he needs their assistance, most. Hut the inattir has been nmicably ecttled, the boy made an apology to the superin tendent nnd principal and since has shown by his actions that he has been in the wrong, ami will spare no pains to compensate for the offence. It is easy to pay for a teachers grievance: A few deeds of kindness by the students will cover a niiilitude of evils. Wli learn from Judge Newell th.-.t while there is excellent sand in the river in the vicinity of Cedar Creek, it is absolutely useless for building purposes owing to the large amount of dirt mixed with it. Now since the land along the I'latte hot-' torn was at one time all included in ! ,iw, ii t .1,. , , the bed of the stream, some of it perhaps ages ago, the query uaturally arose in our mind, Why ! should the sand in the bottoms Le ! clean when several feet of rich : lack soil has been deposited over it? Mr. Newell ulso explained to us that his theory, founded upon :he testimony of tne earliest settlers of !.:.,.... I , . . . this country, who claim that where ! .uuwunuoKuuuf)moip,m1tit out chiefly with slaves hired from the early days much of it was a bar. their Zanzibar master. A few weeks reu waste of o.nid; lie claims this: ! the British Antlslavery society When the laud was first broken up ' ilM,,wl protest agaiilst this practice and ou the liillsiili. mill in it littl.i, f..t called attention to the fact that the cx- leys along the streams, the waters TlT U-JMtn il Jnrt lrn. . , .'. , led iuto the country waa made tip of rom rains or the first tune began j BUves. The snlUa of Zanzibar now to wash, and the richest element of; Issued a decree forbidding the enlisting the earth being easiest dissolved, ' of slaves on these expeditious. Thereia, waa carried by swift little streams accordingly, a jrreat scarcity of labor, to the river, where, the current be- fin'' "plorers and the Oennim East ing less swift, the dirt immediately ! Afrka conm!"y cnnot get ail the men began to deposit next to the bhore aec4L"uJou Letter' and thus little by little, new em-1 ,, TlBIM for , Am baukments were formed, the bounds Lnke lamonU is fwt drjinjf np. Thir of the stream were contracted und ty years ago the lake dried up and one the current gradually thrown could walk over any portion. Hundreds within a nnrrower limit. But now cani witu WM and hanled thousauds most of the land is under cultiva- ,,f IMnds of hsh awtiy. Alligators were lion and. ns can l,r - , i:i.. as plentiful as logs. No cause for tho after every heavy rain much of the .,,o. i , earth's richness ,s carried into our nvers aud deposited from time to time, iuto which is mixed sand that .,. Hwept from the sand beds. The rumor that there was danger of war with Chili at any :ime since the asMili upon the bailors of the United States cruiser Baltimore in the streets of Yalpfnit-o and all denied by J. I. Mclntjre who was chaplain of the Jialtimore at the time of the attack and he also exonerates Minister Kgan from all charges brought against him. An unusual activity in our navy made the public iini asy and likely the papers have been guctiMiig at C inclusion. i I.I.i:cTli)N matters in New York , ... , , ll:ll-t imt (iiiif.tfil imu'ti vtt : l till lilt' . . ' . . J ' Lincoln ouriial ol yesterday seori H I'lovver in the following words "The fact that I-lower, the 'llainboy ant milliouaiie' who ran on tin . . . s iieiiiui i ant: iititei no goiinwi, swore that his election expenses were only $.",( iU(, while (ien. Roger A. I'ryor, who was a candidate for a district judgsliip, confess :d that he been assessed $l",'"i;0, has ex cited great hilarity in New York. They do not disbelieve the confes sion of I'ryor and they wonder how Flower managed it. I'ryor is a lawyer not overstocked with this world's goods and he makes n per sonal explanation of his case, in which he says it is a shame for Tammany to charge a man $10,5110 for a judgsliip, but it being the. custom of the country, he was not able lo evade the payment of the assessment. Flower lias not added to his reputation by making this affidavit that no one believes to be true for a moment." Wli clip the following from the Inter Ocean of November '.'a for the benefit of those desiring to know the condition of trade with foreign countries: "Washington, Nov. LM.-Special Telegram. -Mr. Hrook, chief of the bureau of statistics, lias made his monthly report for October of the exports and imports, and it has been sent to the printer. "From this it appears that our ex ports for October exceed those of any previous month in the history of the government. Trior to this the mouth of largest exports was December, 1889, when the amount was .H,S!X),21(); but in the month of October, 18.11, the amount was valued ut$lPLra,2.!fl. The imports were of the value of $fi0.7iW,2W. "From this it will be seen that our exports exceed our imports by the very large amount of $U0,i;)8,157. "The imports of gold for the month of October were $10,807,947. The exports were $S09,"9.-. So that the imports of gold exceeded the exports of gold by about $10,0(X)10lX). "The reports for the twelve months ending Oct. 31, 1891, were of the value of $9;7,9tiG,rM, as against SfStiO,C77.iriTi for the twelve months of one year ago. "Ihe immigration returns for October show that immigration is still very large and constantly increasing-." Two lny flili for nit Tlortrlo Current. Wilder i'itze inn! Yetener Uailey. boys ot Houston, procured n piece of tine wire which they threw over the wire snp;iorting the trolley wire on Faming street for the purpose of getting n shock. The wire eiune in contact with the trolley wire, nnd no sootier had the tiovs each wtzi -d an end of their wire, when the deadly current began to burn them, chus- lll,'ln l" faU to the Br,'. V H"'"ke nm U,e,r t lll"n causing the victims to emit piteous ..,, for Mp. Xomx M W!l8 i,;i,i!y Imrned, und yountj Fitze had bio right hiuid eo Tearfully burned Unit he will probably lose all the fingers and P:ir 01 Ue l,aln the hand mentioned. iuu Autouio Express. fliplttrara1 Hdprn Scant. It is not generally known that most Afn,, I ....... ..... .1 41 t mm r,i.iiii-l cilldlUK 1110 l-ulllllll'Ut from Zanzibar hare been compelled to itruU!! lU'Iirance of the water can asKigued. l)ozn of alligators are crowud Kther. and parties are al- ready seining the holos for fish. Cor. Atlanta Constitution, Lifted 863 Pound unit Died. The remains of Adam Winter, of Bvi- j tress tuwn?hip, havo reached Williams , port. Winter was only eighteen years i old, but u younj giant. lie lifted ou a ; wap r a burrel aud its contents, weigh , lan pounds, recently in Detroit, from the effects of which ho died a few iluya ago in a hospital there. Cor. Philadel phis Telegraph. The great railroads running from the northwestern part of our country to the Gulf of Mexico have determined to es t.iblinh steamship hues to Central and South American ports from New Or leans. A project has been started in Pueblo. Colo., for the erection of hii electric smelting plant to cost $."jUO,0()0, for the reduction by electricity of dry aud re fractory ores. n Slmlti Room. Lady Mallard was rather fond of crowding h"r ilinucr table. Once when the coin puny wasal ready tightly packed, nil nuexpeeteil gneht arrived, nnd tfllvj itjsiini'lv ave htr imperativu orders: 'Liiiiii il, make room!" "It must certainly be made," he un Fwered, "'for it does not exist." All the Yenr Houpil. Tlie Duke of Portland has a necktie for every hour of the day, and he neve wears his glovea twice. His hosier's bill Is abniit .l.'Jl)()a year. The Duke of Fife spetids about the same amount. (Jem-rally speaking the Chinese will not eat mill ton, still less beef. The for mer is, however, largely consutiied by Moliainiiiedans and beef is by no means unknown. Wlios Narvo ani Liver fills. Act oiui new principle regulat i.ig the liver, stomrcli mid bowels through the nervs. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Fills speedily cure biliou sness bad taste, torpid liver, piles, rmstipation. Fucqualcd for men women, children, smallest, midest si. rest! 50 doses, U.V. Samples free at I. 'i. Fricke & 'Jo's. For many years .Mr. I!. F. Thomp son, of Des Moines, Iowa, was se verely nfllicted with chronic diarr hoea. lie says:, "At times it wac very severe; so much so, that I foaerd it would end my life. About seven years ago I chanced to pro cure a bottle of ChamberlainV Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It gave me prompt rebel and I believe cured me permanent ly. as I now eat or drink without harm anything I (dense. I have also used it in my family with the best results. For sale by F. G Frickic & Co. Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well and si, popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Ivlccl trie Hitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do al that is claimed. Klectric Hitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum mid other infec tions caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well n3 cure all ma larial fevers. For cure of headache, constipation nnd indigestion try Klectric Hitlers.--Knt ire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50c and $1 per bottle at 1". G. Fricke & Co's drugstore. 5 Are you made miserable by indi gestion, constipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, vellow skin? Shi- bill's Vitalizcr is n positive cure. For sale by F. G. Fricke A Co. Bucklen's Arn ca Salve. Tint Ukst Sai.vk in the world tor Cut limine. Sores. Ulcer. Suit Hln uni. Fevei Aires, Tetter. Clmipeil Ilmuls, Chilblains, Corno, mid all Skin Eruption?, nnd posi tively cures I'iIib, or no psy required. It in uutrHiiteed to yive sitisfsnion, or money refunded. Price 2." cents per box. For nle by F. 0. Frirke & Co. We have sold Fly's Cream Palm about three years, nnd have re commended its use in more than a hundred special cases of catarrh. The unanimous answer to our in quiries is, "It's Ihe best remedy that 1 have ever used." Our experience is, that where parties continued its never fails to cure. J. II. Montgomery, & Co., Druggists, De corah, Iowa. When I began using Kly's Cream rialm my catatih was so bail I hail headache the whole time ami dis charged a large amount of filthy matter. That has almost entirely disappeared and have not had head ache scicuce.-J. Soiniucrs.Stcphucy, Conn. Strtlln? Fucts. The American people are rapidly becoming a rase of nervous wrecks nnd the followtug suggests, the best remedy: alphouso Flumpfling, of Hutler, l'enn, swears that when his son wns spechless from st. Vitus Dance Dr Miles great Restorative Nerving cured him. Mrs. J. I Miller of V'alprai and. J.D. Taolnr, of Loganaport, Ind each gained iiO pounds if an taking it. Mrs. II. A. Gardner, of Vastulr Ind, was cured of 40 to 50 convulsions easy ami much aeadach, dizzness, bocVnch nnd nervous prostiation by one bottle. Trial bottle and fine bock of Nervous cures freent F. G. Fricke, & Co., who recomeuds this unequalled remedy. 4 IULIUS PKPPKKBKKG. If NirACTCnKOFAN VHCLESJ1LS AM RETAIL Vtklta N TSS CnOJCEST BRANDS OF CIGARS FULL LINK CP TOBACCO AND SMOKI.n's ARTICL1S always in stock -o flattsmouth, . . Nebrassa IWRUXQTijy ft HltSnLRl MVttt R. R. VTTUr npi y y OF DAILY i'ASSLNlifcK TKAI.N3 GOING EAST GOING WEST No. . .." : P M I" it .7;M v. . ;45 ,1.1, ..10 :I4 . r .. MA. n Not,. NO i, . No. No 19 No. 12 .... No. tt) ....3 :ii A. in ...a: p n ... ni ... !.. i. in. .. .,UI . . M l ...II :liiH. m ii . . s o. :. . sO. 1.. 0. M, . 19. . MISSOURI V All PIC RAILWAY TIME CARD. I N'. ,H Acrimnrta'i u l.eVH . ! N - uriv h . Tr;iint diiily f xoppt niMii . . . i IKl l. it.. A furiuit t-A MILT. Jmrtr.: " How it it, Knfp, thnt von lwsri M-iu to 'cureii mi 'tn tin: ln-i new ttiinir l)o wlmt I may, you ulaya beeiu to ut-l ulieud Of me." Katk: "Irtnn't know; I eortnlnlr do not Bi.ikPiiiiy exert i, in in iimt Onvrtiiui.'' .Ilnmk: " Well, iliit-iiitf t)io last lewmenths, for runiile, you lme taken up puiittinir. without nny te.'ielier ! ynu i-iwie totlio rrsciis Win-n Miss Li!a.-,.i.' i e-eill.l lier llelsirteelns n smi'le.ily, mill icr niiil.v ,e are nil iii..iov-ln-f in .ri'ai'f 1 1 ( t . : , -1- y ur iiu-triu tii.ii : I licarj yu.l telluu in -iiaiy li.mes la -t i'Miiiiik l.i.w his clii i in. ulit in )i!i)ii.f In ciMil: you see a 1 1 lie ii i n nil the li.u hi ' liuis.' nnd knmv jul lviinl t.i (!.. mi, ei ull L'.iviiiiiMaiu'ifi; yon I'ntiTt liu lieii t.lnlly ; ninl in tl.o last lilniit!! .vim iiave .nii'inveilso ill l.etiltli.owinir, J'i.i.' l.'ll itii", tn ymii .liysnul unit lire rAuivinn. Viiere ilo ymi uet mi nl ymir n fM.ii In r.,i-i I ttl.- i i:t-i,t tliuuuy iliace-tot Vim never i; lo l ie ( ,iy." K.vri:: "Way, Jennie, you will tnalep me 7n;n. I li ivennly i ne suitrce of inlni mt.linn, Imt it is s;ii'usin ; liutv il mi'i'lM tin w nut,!, very sel.l mi i I iniy.lni ei w lint vi hut tliu next lew li.iy s 1 rai'" lau lull inl on till! sulijeel. Ma;:,e? .i,l J'n;;a;anel Ami n irreat li-on-nn: it U in us ml, fi r it really fiirnislies tin. iin'lini? Iit t, ( lielc hims"hii l: lather laisimeii 11 his ir.apizii'o Unit ho Inn tiUeu I.T .Mais, ns l e m.s this one uiviM nn.ic mil leiiir ii.liininitii.ii on tin-snliji.'i'ts i.f tliu il iy; ninl uuiiiar snys it is fiat in. il, 1 er Kinli ii t ii in. .1.3 liniielii'e'r. In I'aet, no nil n.'iee tlait it is tliu only really famii v nuiuii.iiii iml lislii il, s we liuvn sent fur stninlesiil nil nl tlu ni, H tti 1 11 ml that is nil lor men. unntlirr ml tor wi.mi'ii, ii nl iiiintaer fur iliililtin only, waile tins ..nn suits every oeo of us; go we onli- iiei'il to tiiU kiio insteiiil .f Fevi nil, iiinj that is when tho ccnneiiiv enmes in, fi r it is only S'.MM ii yeir. I'erli;ii you think I tun to . I n i.-h in 1 1 1 .nii-ij Imt i w ill lei you n o ooi, or. ui'iiei- hi ill, villi III tents to tie l O lislier, W. Jeimiiiifs lleinorest, la 1-jis.t llih Street. Now Vin k, for ii miiiiio ro mill I Shall always uolisiiler thnt i have ilnne you K irreat favor; ninl inn v lie you will iKMaittaur us out. hs you Siiy we have thn iv.utatioii of lieinir the best infonneil fnuiilv in town. If that lie so. it is Dcuioicat' i'uuiiiy UukuxIm tluit Uuw 1U" A fiheral ofler only $:?.(K) for TIIIC WliKTLY IIKKALD nnd D.'tnorest Family Magazine. tifSeiid your subscription to this office. Everything to Furnish Four House, I. PEARLMAN'S -RRBAT HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. Hfivino nnrphfttfil th .1. V. Main Ptreet wlicrc Tam now located I can pell goods cheap t than the cheapest having jut put in the largest &tock of new goods ever brought to the citj. Gasoline stovei and furniture of all kinds sold on the installment plan. I. I'EARLIIAN. , F Q FH $ m WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON II AND A Full nnd Complete line of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils) DRUCGISTSSUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded t all Hour?. Mexican M Liniment A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A long-tested pain reliever. It3 use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, th Stock Raiser, and bjr every one requiring aa effective liniment No other application compare! with it ia efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of yean, almost generations. Mo medicine chest is complete without a bottle of ilusTava Liniment. , Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers have it. IS THE POSITIVE CURE. SECRET SOCIETIES f rr.Minis o- rvu.i.'Torj.V" i i i K,"y weini"Uiiir vciij. time Mucins sre onli , ly n v i a.t j C.r. xlmll. V. . ; n. Mi.T. y, K. It S. n tT , Mef firt mihI lUiid iL evt.iiii(!iurrt. n ni.iii'h l C. . R, l in kin-kw'hK iik. ithiiK Veniiliyeii. M. 1 II I klirttilp l!Mfnpilur ' -1 A V. W No 81 Mi-flu -ppiiiiiI mil i.,l Klllt.tV V.' I. -UM ill til lllllllll, H II A u na'i it no ni, .ok. K J Muinan, MW i- i-r ... it,.. ,.r,irr, l" i M ' ft i'ii. lull No Jrri ., -Me: ai I lie K. .. luil in til I-hhiiH- & r ! I.I, irk nvcr !h. lin t & l iti, velrlnr I-ihII,,,.,, vlei ,.iry j, r).t lleneut : llios alt.ii.S.reioi T, O I.UIII.K. n... i I o.o. K. me. ti ' rii,tay ,u H, ,lHr ,M, , Ki,zt,Hral(, lin-K. .n ii,i, ,.n,,w, Hle oriliHl')' invlj m u ... 7 .""' " i-cily. J tor .-. , iimiil'i. M't n'ia y. iiiK i: sni i i it w i; 1 1 ...... iniun ill.ll. Whk.iii mill lllm-ksiiiitli sln.i V Vhuvii. Itui!y, Macliine sntl ilnw IJi-Mlllii 'loos v i-irr.Lirtij l I J -He tisc tin- NEVtRSUP HORSESHOE Miit h is th dent tmrsi-shoe for the r tor fast ilnvinu, ur for ritj .lir.leHeVir itivelltlll. It 1 HO niHfU iimt hiiiiiic ei.n put oi Khnrp or fUt ei.rkn. as neeili il fur wet Mild sli..rry lay-, or mi Hi, dry itmils. f'sll at hi;s kIioi . nil i xmiline tlie NKVEKSLIP lid ynu "ill U.-e no otlii't. J. M. SHNEI.LHACKER, 8 Vnrth HMth Sr.. PI tttim 111th III 111411 ll IL-l Vl 1 I .Jli.'.,f . t & Scientific American 71 nucuuy ivi a, i i -i i.i;, . t I , - ift cn.r r '. . kit n X Wfi COPYRICHTS, to. For Information nnd f r Hnndtiooti write to ML NN ft CO.. Wl hiio.MiWAV, iV:w Vo.tK. Olrlost l.iupau frir iiei'Mritiii hntciits in Amerlriv i I viiry pau'iit takon out hv us U tu-eavht hetnio lln- public LJ nntiee toon fieeol cliuue lu lli Scientific JUinm- T.antpst f Ircnlntlon of any Mlontlfli" piuxr In tt world. Spleniiiillr II lust rated. No liitello.' limn fhnulit lie without It. Wccklr, ,'. M Ji-ari S1.00 six month. Ailrtress MUNN & CO I'UULlauKHS.Utn brundwoj, Haw Vort. AT- UODEHM - Vifkiinrh stnr rnnm am contk J i mam ustang AT jUtUTBftatMWnaUNTfc. VtimWth 1