Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, December 03, 1891, Image 1
Lincoln, Xcb 1 P.! i 4 VOL. XXVII. NO. 36. l'LATTSMOUTII, CASS COUNTY, NK MUSK A, T1IUUSDAY DKCKIUBKU 3, 1891. All Experts Use Roval Baking Powder. Perfect and uniform success in making finest food is more certain with Royal Baking Powder than with any other. Use it in every receipt calling for a baking powder, or cream of tartar and soda, and the best results in pure, wholesome, appetizing food arc assured. Experts use it because it add:-, to their success. Physi cians and Health Officers recommend it because it adds to the wholcsomencss of tho feed. A HJI LSLKDJ-.t-D CITIZEN. 'I regard ihe Roy;:! P.aking Towclcr as introduction into my kitchen lie Royal used it a of Marion Harlano: the best in the market I have used no other." Miss Maria Parloa: "It seems to me that I TtfiL-Jnnr lViuwW U as rood" as anv can be. I have great deal and always with satisfaction." Mrs TUktr Princina! of Washington. D. C, School Cookery: "I say to you, without hesitation, use the 'Royal.' I have tried all, but the Royal is the most satisfactory." M. GORJU, late Chef, Dclmonico's, New -York: "In my use of Royal Baking Powder, I have found it superior to all others." A. FORTIN, Chef, White House, for Presidents Arthur and Cleveland: "I have tested many baking powders, but for finest food can use none but 'Royal.'" Affidavit njnrdum the Ctiienhip oT L. C iC.fkhoff Iht Peinov nil Douiitx. The followihg affidavits cannot butsatisfy any fair minded man as to tlio citizenship of the county trea.-'urcr-clccl: SiATli K ll.UNOl.i I S.-i. COOlvClH NTY. ) I, Ilonry Itcst, clerk of circuit court, a court of record in which is kept t tie record of iiiiturali,.atitn ol C tizen.J, do hereby ecrti! y lliat the records of said county which were kept previous to the ye ir oil, and wilicli inciuUi'd tlie i-ail icconl ol uaturalialiou of citizens wlio took out their ualurali.aliou papers pre vious to October, A. D.. 171, were catirely destroyed by tit great lire of Chicago in" the jcar J-il, ami further, 'that no copy of Haul records are obtainable and tha. there is no record ol naiiiiali.atioii of any ci.ieu previous to t-aid date aforesaid. In test iniony whereof I have here uato set my hand and al.ixcd the seal of Haiti court, at Chicago, this '1 1 1 1 day ol .Nov. u.ber. .. IV 1 l. IlK.NUY MliST, seal.) Clerk of Circuit Court. herdealh the papers became miss laid or lost. In the year ISS'.I the mother died, but (hiring the same year or pre i ous year he saw the naturali.atinu paers of his tatheratid read them; also remember the Haul tact by reason that bis mother was hick and asked him to look over the pa pers tied while mi doing be read the said papers, he also has seen the papers a ureal many limes pie vious lo that time, and knew of Un tune his lather lookout his papers, as lie of:en told the children that they were citv.eiis by reason of Ins becoming a cii ucu. llefnrdier st lies that lie made an churl to get a copv ol records in said Cook couutv, Illinois, and in reply to a letter to the clerk ol t-oi l county, be received the inloi illation that tlie l ecords ot said county were lestroved bv the drcat rue of Cli i'oii ia tl.e vear 171, anil tin ier the al'lianl sailh not. L, C. I'M KnolT. Subscribed and swaira to before me this llt d iv of Nov., 1 s: I . liiunCklH ill ii.l.D, Cotinly Clerk. SI. SO A YKAli. -fbi HEBBinunr- SB. Geo. Vass and then Christmas. 4 For ladies' fine kid shoes and , ir ... T.wotiti vnrisTmas tippci.-!, fc" j"-'" FcUcr s. V You made can Ret the best of hand boots and shoes at Joseph Fetzer's. tf ' The Schildknecht shoe house lias the very finest line of men's shoes in tlie city. t Geo. clock. Vass and the court house tf There will be an oyster supper at Sthe M. K. clufrch, on Sixth street, il Ti..,,o,i...t ... .. n.-r :- also other retreshments, and table of articles lot eale. Everybody invited. ' Gentlemen, if you want a fine HrpsH shoe, it can be had at Schild- knecht'e. A cn rf Mr. M. I). I'usser, a merchant of GihrnlMr, X. C. was so badly afflicted with rlienmatisin for j a year or more, as to be unable to work or fro to school. His holier concluded to try Chamberlain's l'ain Halm on the boy. It soon cured him and he has since walked one nnd a half miles to school and back every school day. all cent bot tle for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggist. The parishioners of the Christian church ha''e secured the services of KevI A. Galloway for the ensuing year. Rev. Galloway comes from Iilair, highly recommended, nnd doubtless his services will be a valuable addition to the minis terial force in this city. AFFIDAVIT. Statu of Nkkkaska casscol'.viv. J; 1'. A. lb over, being first duly sworn, detio-esaud savs that he is a resident elector of said county and state and has been since the vear lH; that he knev Frederick Kickholf. the father of L. C. Mick- holf, tlie trea.-urer-elrct of sail couniy, and lived in lite same pre- einet in which said rrederick r.ic holf lived to. over nine years pre vious to the death of said Frederick Fiekholf; was registrar of voters in an 1 lor said Louisville precinct in the vear lSt',7. and re;"isicred the name of said 1'rcdci ick lCieklioil about the lid day of September. A. !.. 1 Sii7. in a book furnislied foi that purpose and which is now on ile in i lie couuly clerk's ollice ol aid county; a ml, as was the custom and law ia reference to citizenship of persons olferia-; to be registered is voters, be ilcnunilcu tlie papers of sai l Frederick Kickholf showing his citizenship, mid they were pro duced by said Frederick Kickholf in person, anil tnat tlie snnl papers so . . . . , i : .1. irouuccu were sain ricuci iciv vicklioU's last or final papers, showing him to be admitted to full citizenship and that tie interlining on said register ot voters i;iviii the words "l'apers exhibited Sep tember 'X 1S07" was made by him' (!. a A. Hoover) and that the tf Authors Crnlvr) See the following descriptive booths at Rock wood hall, Thursday and Friday evenings Dec. 10 and 11 "The Snow Cave," "Lalah Rookh," The stock of procerics nt Peter old stand will be sold at re. I dUCed prices to sausiy inunn-inw Cl,n "rhriHtm:is .. f Viral National bank, and anyone1, ' Partv." Maud Nuller" and "llie HaiiRiiiff Garden." A Very enter nf Virt National bank, and anyone ' needing goods will save money by calling at the old Bland. Kemeni- 1 her the stock is fresh and complet". Come in for bargains in potatoes, Oour, glassware, chinaware and ' crockery. Opera Grocery. Santa Clause, Geo. Vass. Christinas and tf AGF.XTS WAXTKD. Free paid outfit to energetic men. Several of our salesmen have earned from $70 to $100 a week for years past. (it 1'. O. Box 1371, Xew York. taiuing program ol music, recita. tions and tableaux is also under nn-naration. Refreshment will be I I served in the old style and the new Admission, 23 cents. 2t The laws of health are taught in the schools; but not in a way to be of much practical benefit and are npver illustrated bv livintrexainples which in nianv cases might easily be done.. If some scholars, who had uist contracted n cold, was r . a rmmiiJ Ttlliult no noi e .i";. - ... brought qefore the school, so that of Roses will the ma. y y j orthlcw culdwar e dry, loud cough paints, powders, " n 1 nn(1 know it3 Kigaif.cance; see tlie ff bleaches wh.c are Hoodm ti . w))itc C()lli 0 (1)L ton . f, market. Get the f(V,Vr 73 Ce i ts r and latter, as the cold developed, lV druggist, O. II. Snjder, w cents ptr nrnfusi. wnterv exneetora- 4 ninvc vour pimples, freckles, black heads, moth, tan and sunburn, and give you a lovely complexion. 1 j Gentlemen, if you hanker after Flyn's Flexible Fine Fancy Fitting Footwear, Schildknecht has the truck. t The conuty commissioner, Geo. Vass and the court house clock. Why will you cough when Shi loh'acure will give immediate re lief. I'rice 10 eta., 50 cts. and SI. For sale byF. G. Fricke &Cc Pure buckwheat flour for tale at flcisel'a mill. tf Call on the Tucker Sisters in the Sherwood block for bargain, in Winter Hats. tf For fine boots and shoes go to Taeph Fetzer, Main street, between Fourth a uu fitm streets. u Christmas. Those wishing to purchase Chiet mas presents, either decorative or useful, will do well to see the baiar table at Rockwood hall. Thursday andF'riday evenings December 10 and 11. 2t I have been a great sufferer from catarrh for over ten years; had it ery bad, could hardly breathe. Some nights I could not sleep and had to walk the floor. I purchased Ely' Cream Halm and am using it " freely, it is working a cure surely. I have advised several friends to use it, and with happy results in every case. It is the medicine above nil other for catarrh, nnd it is worth its weight iu gold. I thank God I have found a remedy I can use with safety nnd that does all that is claimed for it. It is curing my deafness.-li. W. iperry, Hart , ford.Coun. AITIPYIT. STATU Ol' i:ill ASKA, Cass v. Clans 1). Taper, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that be is an elector id Cass coin, v and has resided in said county since tin vear IS(;: that he was well and inti uiatelv acuuaiated with Frederick Ki kholf, father of L. C. Kickholl and lived 011 ihe same farm with Frederick Fickholl iu Cook county Illinois and about the vear ina'.i or 1st,.) fiiid Frederick KiekhofTin com pauy with 1'red Turner and Chri. I'urner went to Chicago, 111,, togt said Fred Kickl. oil's last of final cil ..ens papers. Said know the above fads by reason of bein 111 same at tlie tune sai I'n derick Kickholf returned from Chicago and knows that 1 1 sai lolerieiv ,lio'.. ha his last or i.nal papers iiiakinM him a eili.e of the Tailed Stan s. C. T.M'I'l-k'. Subscribed ami sworn to beioi me this 26 1 h day of November A. LSUI. V. A. Cl.i:iii!Ok'N, Notary l'ublic VAAi AM) VIME'.l Sit ck - OF - - DRY - GOODS - AND V adit C.k -.JL -.-v wlmM. lo JTow Oomploto in ell Dcpnrtmcnt3, MUSS WMltlS We are showitp.' a handsome line of AMKLS IIAIli PLAIDS, HUH) AD ( LOTH, FLAXXKI.S. SKU'C.KS, iii:nkmi;ttas. A full line of colorings and blacks. I'l.AXKl'.TS AM) (OMIOUIS Slock complete and prices lower than ever. imi;:i; i:!t A good Lad'es Jersy vc.'t a! '-'."c. Ladies line Jersey vest and pants ia white or natural grays at fine each I.adiei ratttral Gray Wool V' i ts atil Pants at 50c. Regular 75c tindea. wear. Full lines of Ladies Fine wool ribbed under wear iu white, cariU ual and black. Complete lines of Child's tinde. wear ia natural, scarlet and whit at prices as low as the lowest. eitOiUiS rAY) siiiivyi.cs. li.vVK never thown ho largo 11 lino in this ilepurthient. 0 c ill spocinl iittuntion to our l irg) tusorttnent of Hoofera Military nnd Hip Coat sIi ijkh triimnid with Mink, Sen', Asdniehaa.. Mullalooii nnd (!oiicv furs. Our lino of I'lu-li Pacijues aro clicnper tltrin ccr liclorc. FtiU lines of Cl.ililirns nnd Misses Cloaks and Jackets. lapers reterreu to were tne o.iai papers of said Frederick Kickholf. and that said Frederick F.ickholf was also sworn as to his quuhticu tions to vote and lo the correctness of his statement in reference to his age, place of birth, residence, etc., and further the affiant sailli not. J. T. A. llOOVKK. Subscribed and sworn to before ... ...... . 1 me tins is in oav 01 iovemuci. . D., isul. W. A. Cli:c;iiou., seul.) Notary Public. ' ss. tion and thin watery discharge fr m the nose, not one of them would ever forget what the first symptoms of a cold were. . The scholar should then be given Chamberlain s Cough Keniedy Ire iv. that all tnignt sec tnat even severe cold could be cured ;n one or two days, or at least greatly mitt gated, when properly treated as soon as the first symptoms appear. This remedy is famous lor it cures of cough, colds and croup. It is made esoecctally for these disease and is the most prompt and most reliable medicine known tor the purpose. 50 cent bottle for eale by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists. IB OPKNINO UP Oaa ( th newest an4 liaeaof brightest Plash'Goodi, Tji. Dolli. Koveltiea, 0 tt Ike Bnlldj trad that htn txta mo to ton fur yean. KO OLD STOCK, ALL NEW Which was bought early In tlie season from some of the Largest Importing Houses Which guarantees you the pick of the market and at price for which we are noted. '".The Lowest in ihe Country . 0O0 The public I1 enrdlally ItiTltnit tol'tpect ur good aud coaiptu prlc-a AFFIDAVIT. State of Xehkaska i Cass County. In relation to the matter of the citizenship ol Louis C. Kickholf, of Cass couutv. Nebraska. Madiew lnlieliler, ueingoi lawiui t a 1' . 1 a..!.. age ami uemg oy me nrsi uuiy sworn. savs. 1 lint "1 was well anil personally acquainted with Fred erick Kickholf, the father of Louis C. KickholT, during bis lifetime "I knew the old gentleman twentv-live years a go, and married his daughter, a sister of Louis C. Kickholf; I also know that the Frederick Kickholf was a citizen of the I'niied Stales of America; that he became such before the said Louis C. Kickholf became twenty one years of age. The last time I remember of seeing his certilicati of citizenship was in the year lSSU. "I remember the time from the fact that at that time Louis and I looked over the old papers of the 'old gentleman and divided them between us, he keeping part and I keeping part, my wife and Louis being the only heirs of the estate of the old man, KickhofT. that since that time I have no recollection of seeing the certificate and do not rrmeniber which of we two retained said certificate at the time of the aforesaid division, and further, that I remember that I told Louis at that time that the certificate ought to be well taken care of and it may be that it is with my papers in the bank at Fremont, Nebraska. And further the affiant naith not Mathias Inheldkk. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 30ih day 01 November, A. V., 18UI. (seal. Wm. L. WKUX. A Mammoth Stock. A IIek.w.d reporter leisurely dropped into the dry goods store of Fred Herrmann one evening last week, and after engaging in n brief conversation with his affable and efficient salesman, Kmil Wurl, at his suggestion we were shown through the establishment. Upon inquiry we were informed that the est iblishment makes a specialty of dry goods; the proprietor makes the wants of his customers n study and endeavors to keep us complete 1 stock as the average buyer may wish to select from. We were par ticularly impressed with his stock of dress goods, which is unques tionably the most complete stock ever brought to this city. Samples of carpets, from ingrain to the finest Hrussells, are always kept on hand and buyers are supplied 11 little delay directlv from the who'e sale house. We were impressed with the fact that his stock o ladies' cloaks would be in keeping with the demands of n city liki Omaha. His stock includes every grade and quality of goods for which there is a demand. His stock of furs, mulls, hoods and notions is complete and the selec tiou has been made with becoming taste. The stock, throughout, can not fail to please the most fastidi ous purchaser. (n the course of a conversation with Nr. Herrmann, we were 111 formed that, notwithstanding the open winter, his business was enjoying a period of prosperity and as farmers had begun to market their crops his sales were gradu ally becoming larger. We believe that it will pay our readers, from an economic stand point, to inspect this mammoth stock before going to other cities to do their trading. The assortment is complete, prices always reason able and under the efficient man agement of Miss Amelia Wurl customers are accorded curteous and fair treatment. ONE DOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL. J.m MoE XjW--inNTa JEWELER ' Headquarter for Every thing in the Una WATCHES, DIAMONDS, FANCY AND DRONZ1 CLOCKS, OPTICAL GOODS, OPERA GLASS2B FANCY SILVERWARE, SOLID GOLD JEWELR7 A BIG SIOCK OF HOLIDAY GGODi AT THE LOWEST PRICKS. Repairing of FINE WATCIH-.S a S-peciaiiy and all Work Warranted. 33. -A- M'ELWAIIsr, THE LEADING JEWELER, 415 IVfain Street, Plattsmouth, Nek Holiday Goods. Persons looking for cheap prices on holiday goods, such ns books, albums, plush goods.bibles, music al goods, tine booklets and go's books at pr ces io sou un oici.rv remember, J. IV Young at otw ?laui s. reel, who uooks anu nu tionery u special. y. Shorthand and typewriting col- le ce over Mayer a ciotnine store, Day ana niirnt sessions, situations guaranteed to all competent stud etits. tt ' ss. Oo- I.r,BCHIK.rr. PMtoautta AFFIDAVIT, Statu of Nf.ukaska ) Cass County. ) L. C Eickhoir being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that be, together with his father, Fredrick Eickholf, reached Cook county, Illinois, on Christinas in the year of 1851, and resided in said Cook county until March, I80O. Moved from said Cook county, 111., to Cass county, Nebraska, ami have resided in Cass county ever since. During the year IS.'jt), or first part of 1S00, hisfather, Fredrick KickholT, took out his last papers in said Cook county and had them in his possession until his death, Rt which time they became the property of hia mother, Mary Eickbofi, and at Important Steek Sal. We take pleasure in calling atten tion to a fine stock auction sale to be held in this city at the barn of W. D. Jones, on Main street, neit Saturday at 11 a. in. The stock consists of fine brood mares, lilleys and fine pedi greed horses. Terms: Six months, wltn ap proved security, at ten per cent; or, five per cent olT for cash. A full attendance is desired nt the regular meeting of the Daugh ters of Honor, A. O. U. W. Thursday evening December 4. Business of importance. liiiixi Vkmilyea, See. OUR CLUBINQ LIST. Home Vannliif anil Hmui.d, 10 xlo III il-mid IlKU'ia ll.iri'i-r'H Miik z iih mill IIi-iiai.d U.'rtM i's Huiriviil IIkm 'I.ii .., Il;iri r'. Wi-fklv hihI iiKHAi.ii low Mat I ;htt-rnnit IlKiiAi.n Western Klilil uuU HKHAI.D A petition was filed Tuesday looking to the incorporation of the town of Union. Unllcnd Doetom There are numerous persons in this city, as well as in the county' who are unlawfully engaged in practice. To all snch persona the state board of health gives notice thai they will be prosecuted before the courts unless they desist. C. A. Manker, of Louisville, is in the city to day. S. F. Rockwell, of LouisTille, is at tending court to-day. Fred Murphy, of Cedar Creek, came in on the Schuyler this morning. Iia . 'i m ,. 4 .. 4 at 4 ..ia George Matson, of South Dcnd came in ou the Schuyler this morning. Mrs. J. N. Mason, of Hurlington, Iowa, is visiting her dauglitar, Mrs G. F. Houseworth, For abstracts of title nt reason able rates, go to J. M. Leyda, Union block. tf It Should bo In Every House. I. H. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharp burg, Pa., says ha will not lie wit out Dr. King's New Discovery fow Consumption, Coughs and Colda, that it cured Ins wile who wa . threatened with Pneumonia aftaf an attack of "La Grippe," whe various other remedies and several physicians had done her no gooo. Robert Harber, of Cocksport, Pa, . claims Dr. King's New Discovery has done him more good than any thing he ever used for I.ung . Trouble. Nothing like it. Try it Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke . Co' drugstore, lirjfe bottle. 60 and 11.00. An hanest Swede tells hie starf in plain but unmistakable lan guage for the beuetit of the publix. One of my children took a scvef cold and got the croup. I gave hci a teasnoonful of Chaiaberlaio Cough Remedy, and in fiveminutea lales 1 gave her ane more. Hy thi time she had to cough up tin gathering in the throat. Then saw went to sleep and slept good tta fifteen minutes. Then she got up and vomited; then she went back to bed and e lept good tor the ra mainner of the night. She got tlx croup the second night and I gave her the same remedy with the same food results. I write this because thonght there might be some oa in the same need and not know the true merits of this wonderful medi cine. CHAKLES A. TlIOMPSBBia, Dea Moiues, Iowa. 50 cent battl" far rale by F. G. Fxicka Co.