Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, November 26, 1891, Image 8

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rb Crasy Ball.
tt rUr have a new eaten-
fenny Smc on tlicir truilm tint u
4 uite an aiNinir thing fur ull as well
as young folIisSiii-y cull it tb "crazy
ball," nnd it is wt-Nriaineil. For tin
cents you can buy oueSti tins tbins
auJ see tku laws of TalJsH'101
looks like an ordinary wooden tliHvjtboiit
the size of a tennis ball, bat von cWt
roll it in a straight line to save you. 01
coin? the Mi-ret of the things nni-er
action lie in the fact thut it is loaded
on ou si'e. This wakes eve ry move
nit of the ball acentric. Jt will roll
hill of its own acconl, and it ivill re
fuse to mil down hill. If you try to roll
It from you it will erhnps start out all
riTht. nml linn turn nrotmd ami roll
bnvt, or timybe it will go off sMewiso
and ilesinlw n woliMy cirilo around
jron. A'.l it iiioveitu tils are jerky mid
spasmodic. (Jive tt to a kitten to play
Will) and the chances are that tlm kitten
will K' "wil. while a baby will cry with
Vexation over its eccentricities. A j;rowti
person who is not up in rpherical eoin
try will unsure you that it is wonderful.
It U not. It. is only come Miarp fellow's
way of Knt hi rinj; in Ihn iliiix s, Kever-thelet-s,
ere luiifr the city will he flooded
Willi Hums "cra.-.y balls." Kew York
An A Hint's Munition.
Blr rredeiick Lri.'htoii, Dart., P. R.
A., Is at juoent enjoying himself in tlm
bi'Mitiful town of IVrn.i.-i, tlio air of
whirli is most invigorating. Electric
lijjht is li ni; laid It) the president's
lioiw, in Holland I'ar't road. The qilt-n-(lid
eastern hail, paved with tiles from
Da:na-cus, wiili the fountains and
couches tif exipiiiti) workmanship, will
tiow bo lit by the electric liht. So will
the drawing room, with iu lino Kpeci
mens of Co rot's paintings representing
the season., and the handsomo flining
room. The lare studio, with its price
less trcuKuii's, will bo properly illuiui
nated. The fountain nt one tiir.o had no rail
ing. One evening after one of Sir Fred
erick Leiyhioii's epicurean feasts, tho
liall not iM-itijf sufliciently lit, several of
the academicians stcpix-d Into the foun
tain and Kt thoroughly wet; a popular
ruintcr had to borrow a pair of the
president's trousers, much to tho nintiso-im-ntofhis
brethren of tho brush, 111
the Karinents did not (it him; but the
tronx electric light will put an end to
any more of these unuouifurtaUo aJ ven
tures. London Star.
A Hunt Ktn mi In Simla.
A curious phenomenon occurred in
fiimla recently on two successive nights.
This was nothing less than a dust storm
lu tho midst of u downpour of rain, or
rather, to Hpcak morn correctly, n shower
f Intnl. A column of dust seems to
have been carried np into tho higher at
mosphere from the plains nnd to have
been caught nnd forced down by the
heavy rain. Iu the morning, as u result,
all the plants and flowers iu Simla were
found to have received a thick coating
of mud. There could be no doubt thut
the mud had lieen rained down, for it
wun freely sprinkled on plants away
from the hillside nnd nt a great height
from the ground. Moreover a deposit
of mnd was found In the rain gauges in
various parts of the station. It is a
common thing to see the atmosphere In
the hills din ing the hot season thick with
dust from the plains, carried aloft by a
strong wind. Uut the conjunction of
fain and dnst Is nn accident of which,
It is stated, there is no previous record.
Tlm Rmiillmt Knnho.
J. C. Couch, who lives a milo south of
Fox PostomVe, has brought us what is
probably tlm smallest 6:iako ever cap
tured in R.iy county. It was caught
about two weeks ago by his stepson,
Theodore Jackson, nnd Is of the black
anako species. It is only three inches in
length, and nt the thickest p.-irt of its
body is only three-sixteenths of an inoli
In cirenmferpuee. It i it perfectly form
ed reptile, but with an extr.i largo head.
Jlr. Jackson accidentally killod it by
rpilling ii few drops of petroleum on it.
This snakd could not teach school or
plow corn lilto aom of his kinsni'.-n
found in Colonel Jim Deuton's lu-.l.ghbi.-r-Lood,
but Jlr. Jackson is just as proud
of his lind us the colonel ever was over
any of his discoveries. Richmond (Io.)
A Clill.l Killed by a N-. I
Whi!e "playing funeral" In Kiotn.
Kan., Johnny Denner. ngi-d six, met a
atrangi fate. Ho and his eight-year-old
ister had dug a hole and Johnny sat in
It. When shu had covered him with
arth tip to the neck, an old sow drove
ler off and then attacked tho little boy.
fieveral times the animal sunk her teeth
in the lad's head, and when friends cam
to his rescue they found him dead. Ex
change. HENNETT & TUTT
Have all kinds of
dried fruits, Apple butter, home
made Sorghum molasses, pearl and
Snow Hake hominy, Crystal rice,
canned fruita and vegetables.
- Canned meats nnd lish, everything
else kept by n first class grocery.
Seriously Hurt
The tad intelligence has been
-conveyed to this office that David
T i-unn tt f n vttn llvMii ti.iti l.'l .
nvii aa auatwa ii 111 uvm jku
wood, was ecrioii3ly injured yester
day, by the fall of n horse upon
him. We have been unable to
learn the exact extent of his it:
juries, but it is certain his lower
limbs have been crushed nnd he is
probably internally injured.
A telegram in the Ilee this morn
ing from Hasting, states that the
actor Mclwiery, u notice of whose
arrest was given in yesterday's
Herald, was lined $10, where-upou
Wesson, the innu whom McKncry
propoaed to kill, walked up squared
the occouut, kissed hia would be
antagonist uud the "Fireman's
Ward" theatre troupe went on its
way rejoicing.
Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Knotta depart
t'jla evenlig for Wepin Water
w.iere tlicy will spend Thanks
giving: with friends.
THE IItKALl will not be i-mird
to-morrow, art the entire force from
quill -pui-her down to the
devil, will take a holiday. We con
fess, we are presuming coniderably
non the vitality of our renders to
nseumMhat they can prot-pt-r one
day withihvlthe regular visit ofTlIti
llEKALP, htuHrnctinir to the pro
lectin enre ofprovidence and
invoking the aid of fhv fat turkey
we tdiall try the experiment
TitR iMHterit people will no lonjsr
claim that the weft m the home of
Cyclone and tornadocH, but will
admit that they have come to stay
with them.
WHILE Omaha was unsuccessful
In getting-the republican national
CO iveiition, net for Tuesday, June 7,
IS)!, at Minneapolis, Minn., flic is
wili ng to reeogni.e the fact that
th j choice was well made.
Mi ii re Meat.
Sweet Cider,
and innny other nice things for
voiir Thanksgiving dinner can be
had at 1SE.NNETT & TUTT'd.
Some of the most startling, in
tending discoveries of the 1 i ft? and
customs of Inn i-d Kgypt are now
being made through i-xli-nsivcexca-valiious.
These discoveries are
exciting n great interest. Many
discoveries are, however, being
made in our country that are re
markable, among which we may
mention that of Mailer's l'aiu l'ara
lyzcr which effects entire relief, and
in many cases a complete cure of
that terrible disease rheumatism,
and which also relieves pain of all
kinds, For sale by all druggists.
Over the ()rran f llelng.
Till the wind tails.
Flint nn their vrntiirtiiM voyage
hx-ol the while Huilsl
Cut from tlm Hliim that have foundered,
ljilxirlntf kIow,
Iliinlly Hhn-iiHt of the billon.
Tint ruiikih rufts tin.
Tln-renn tlie strauded from shipwreck
I'ulnftilly lie,
Lciul HMnm the water around them
llriuen the sky.
Cruel th- nhlps thnt ta snfety
bli-aiirustly flM'rd,
Cruili-st hou'.h thai aboard them
liei k not uur luc-d.
Kftj l for arrow the wan water
Nn iippcul fuilnt
Kayl fur the t in lost flRnala
Htay the white nallal
Borne from the ship v-V. come speeding
Kauer to save,
Delnt in nne glory of living,
Hi 1th luonc gravo.
But If tho bearers of succor
Kind not the truck?
If to the hull of the helpers
Nothing come back?
VTmt If the wash of the waters
Drown the heart throb?
If the wild ninth In thuir courses
fcitlile the sob?
Say. shntl the true hearts of comrades
Vainly liebtirred?
Thou who so sorrowpRt, answer?
bumo ouo has heard 1
L. M. Little In Academy.
The Sarreil Hook of Ceylon.
Tliero are three books regarded ns sa
cred by Duddhista of Ceylon. The first,
called tho Malmvanso, is tho most highly
venerated. It has been very carefully
handed down from feneration to genera
tion, the most ancient copies not vary
ing in tho least from those of modern
date. The Jlahavanso contains "Tho
Doctrine, Race iindLinenpreof Buddha,'
besides tho authentic unnali of Ceylon
cso Cuddhif in.
Next to tho Mahavnnso. in point of
veneration is tho "Learned Friest'a" his
tory of Buddha, called tho llaiaratna-
cari. This book also contains extracM
from other antique works, besides ft
record of tho erection of the various
temples nnd shrines of tho Island and .1
history of the l;iii23 from tho year Gil)
B. C. The third of tho Ceyloncse sacred
books is called tho IlajavaU or "Light
Giver;" it is 6imply a modem supple
ment of tho other two nnd brings the
records down to date. Tho main por
tion is given up to recording events in
Ceyloneso history since the advent of tho
the Dutch, especiul attention being
given to that portion of the work which
tells of the expulsion of tho Portuguese.
SL Louis Republic.
Silk Weaving by El ctrlclty.
An interesting trial has beer made In
Germany with silk weavers' looms
worked by electricity. By a cable of
100 feet in length, a one ho;. power
electric ihnnt motor, with 10O' is and
four amperes, was put in mo ion, and
the transmission for the weave;' looms
was restricted by a communicator to
eventy-two revolutions. Two wearer
looms were put in motion, tho result be
ing that the working by electricity was
mora satisfactory than that by means of
caloric engines or gas motors, and the
swinging mas-we, otherwise necessary
for tho working on a small scale, can bo
dispensed with. The Oerman paper
thick the results named show that house
industry conld easily be made to flourish
oytho transmission of electrio power,
and this all the more as electricity can
be transmitted equally well under any
temperature. Now York Telegram.
The revival of the popularity of brass
work has created a new industry nutLset
thousands of men at work makinv bean-
; tiful brass gods for domestic ntensili,
j fancy good and ornamental work.
I "
Ami Tfcle la
It was antnmn. He waa a Boston
book aent The front door bell rang.
The kitchen girl answered the peal
"Good morning, ma'am."
"11 u:aph!"
"Is the lady of tho house iuT
"She is."
"Can 1 see herr
"Yon can."
Both stand In motionless ailenoa e
"You said I conld f tho lady of tho
"I di 1."
"Well, why don't I ace tho lady of tho
house then?"
"Yon see her."
Girl looks down frigidly.
A'ent looks up paralyzed.
"Then I would like to see tho person-
agiNho owns too property.
"Then Iwnt to see the man, woman
or child. ladyBiintleman, dowager, old
maid, bachelor or IiHjr at law who rents
this property from thelxtnos owner."
"Oh. yon want to see tneNoman that
assists me with the work! WTscdidn't
you nay no la the first place? This-vnJ-gar
carelessness of tho use of tho word
'lady' is very aggravating.
"Yes. I expect so is bho in?"
"When will sho bo in?"
"Won't bo in."
"Why not? Where is she?"
"1 gave her n week's vacation to spend
with her husband at Marblehead, so's
nlie conld rest up ready for the fall house
cleaning. You didn't think 1 was going
to do ic all myself, did you?" Boston
Ills One Foolish Art.
The young woman had secured per
mission to Kpeak to tho good looking
young c vict. It was just a feminine
fancy a desire to learn something of his
"Yon don't look ike a criminal," she
said abruptly.
Ho smiled at tho rather uncertain com
pliment. "I never did but ono crimiual thing in
my life," he said.
"Only one?" she said, in rather a dis
appointed t'jne. She had expected to Cud
a man steeped in crime. "Why, your
sentence is for ten years, isn't it?"
" Yes, miss. 1 got it for thut ouo crim
inal act."
"What was tho cause of that one?" she
Inquired curiously.
'Just a whim, miss n youthful whim,"
ho replied rather bitterly. "I thought it
manly to carry a revolver."
"And you were attacked some night?"
she asked quickly. "And you"
He shook his head.
"And you're hero just for that?" sho
"Like others, just for that," h? retnmed
quietly. "I quarreled with a friend, lost
my temper, and I'm here, miss. That's
He suddenly turned awny and went
back to his work. Cincinnati Commer
cial Gazette.
Dow Cocnanuts Are llarrested.
Tho busy season on a cocoanut planta
tion is when the nuts ripen, winch they
R-em to do ull nt once, and every hand
is engaged iu gathering and conveying
them wit), carts to the drying ground,
which is always in close proximity to
the bungalow, bo as to be as much ai
passible under the eye of the manager.
Here they are split in half, longitudi
nally, with an as a feat which is dexter
ously performed with ore blow by tim
man appointed for this duty ond then
spread out to dry, The intense heat of
tho sun rapidly shrivels the kernel,
which curls up into a ball the size of
your fist and detaches itself from tho
This is now what is called "copra,"
and is shipped to the nearest point of
landing in sacks, where it is either trans
ported in bulk to Europe or more gen
erally made into oil, the refuse oil
cako or "poonak" being sold locally for
feed for cattle. Frank Leslie's Monthly.
II ow They Learned to Muke Tcrfumrs
What the French know about per
fuino malting is not all tho result of
their own experience. The traditionary
history of tho nrt is that tho Hebrews
imparted the little they know to their
captors, the Egyptians, who in turn
gavo their formulas to the Greeks and
Romans. The Moors then took n hand
nt improving these crude efforts, and
when they invaded Europe left their art
in Spain, whenco it soon reached Franco.
There it found its home and resting
place, nnd today no nation can compete
with Franco in tho science nnd art cf
perfumo making. New York Evening
The Swamp Angel.
The Swamp Angel was an 8 inch, COO
pounder Parrott rifled gun, mounted by
the Federal troops in a morass on Mor;js
island, Charleston hnrbor, in 1SC3. Oa
Aug. S3 and 23 the city of Charleston,
five and a half miles distant, was
shelled, tho gun bursting at tho thirty
sixth shot. After tho war the Swamp
Angel was sold for old metal and con
veyed to Trenton, but having been
identified, it was set np on a granite ped
estal at tho corner of Perry and Clin
ton street in that city. Detroit Free
For Ilonest Man's Rlgtata,
, That is a rather fine point of law which
holds that a man with burglar's tools on
Lis person, who goes np the steps of a
a dwelling houso where he has no law
ful business, has made an attempt to
commit burglary, but it is good law for
the protection of tho community. Tho
steps of a dwelling are private property,
and ono who trespasses upon them with
unlawful purpose has coinmitod an un
lawful deed. Philadelphia Ledger.
An Unusual Position.
Photographer If yon'll hold your chin
a little higher, air, I can tako a better
Mr. Hen peck Hold my chin hlghorf
Why, man alive, I've beeu marriad
twenty year! Texas 8if 4pga,
Furnishing Goodr, Hats, Caps, Trunks, etc.
"Who will show you licttcr makes, quality and for less
buy west ot ('hicuco.
TOE ZZac C 1137- Cno IPrlce,
CATHOLIC.-Pt. t'tuil's Climcli. flh. tx-twppi,
Kin It mid Mxtli. FHllirr aniy, I'usinr
H-TVirei : A-isHt ' "lid 10 :.K A. st. bun tiny
Hcliuol tx 2 ::tu. wl'li tH-ueiiii'tiui..
Ciihistian. ner L.iruHt and Flj-lilh 8K
KM vlces iimriiind nml mi-hIhr. hld. r J. K.
Heed, pastor, huiulay rit-limil 10 a. m.
ErisroPAi. St Luke's tliiirch, romrr Third
nnd Vliif. ltev II It. Huruvrs. imi-tur. ht-r-Tices
: II A. M. U7 ;30r. M. t-uiiUay McIuhiI
nt i:3ur. M.
0.FHMAN MfTiiowsT Drner Sixth ft snd
lirmiltf. Ilee. lllrt. t'ai-tor. hi ivrt-s : II A.M.
Slid 7 :30 1-. M. f iiiiohj- Kchuol 10 :30 A M.
Phkhhytfhiax. 'itvIi-ps In itw cln'ii-li. pur
ler Mxtli iiimI (iriniili- si. lli-v. J . T. I nir 1,
lxtur. himdiii -sc1 1 id at 9 ;S0 ; l'leai-hliiy
st II a. in.H-.iil S p 111,
1h. Ii. h. ('. K f rtiiirrh m-etsfveiy
Faliliatli I'Veuli'i' lit 7 :I5 In 1 lit- 1 1111 niei-i at
Hit- ciiiicili. All ale iiiVili-0 lu ait nil tlu-st-mrellniiM.
Fikht MtTltonisT. Sixth St.. tn-twcii Main
ami I 'rin I. Hcv I. K. ltillt. I. ll.naMDr.
St-rvlrei" : 1 1 a.m. S :Wi I. l Mimlu- ,-clnnil
::ia.m. I ra) 1 r im ill. u Wtftliitsiiay i-viu-
HriiMAV rifsnvTKniAy. rnrnor Main and
Ninth. v W ills. I'as'i-r. heivici-s usual
liiiliis. Sunil;iy ri'lioiil !) :3D A. M.
SwrKii" 1 o-iiKniATiosAi. !ranhe, l)p-Inri-ii
1 Iflh mill sixth.
Ot.miKO Uai-tist. Mt. Olive, I'lik. 1n-t wt-on
'li-ntli anil fin It JIi-v. A. ttuhwi-M, 1111H
.t. Si-ivl i-h 11 11. in. unit 7 ::U . 111. J rayi-r
tiii'ctlinr Wi'ilm sday pvi nil a.
Yot'NO Mkn's Ciiih-tiav A'SOrlATION
lliinlns In V ati rnian Idnrk. Main stiri-l. (Ins.
c! iiu piliii:. fur nii-ii only. cvi rv Sunil.iy
tfrniHiti til 4 uVli-i-k. hMiiiii- (iit-n wi-tk days
t.-nin Ui'M . 111.
Hoi-Til l'AliK TaI'.khnaci.k. IN-v. .T. V.
W ind, I as'ur. m-ivIi-: Munliiy t-chnnl.
'.'. in.: I n-iicMi i', II a 111. iimI's i. 111.;
iravcr nn-piitu: liifsdi.y iiIkIii ; clioir iiai--tlo
t-rul.iy niklit, Allan- wilcmm.
When you po to a nhoe ftore your
object ipnot only to buy slioen but
to procure for what you ppend the
best that your money will buy.
1bb than this will not content you;
more than this you cannot, in rea
son, apk. Our method are as
simple as j our deircH. We do not
lift your expectations to the clouds,
but we reali.e them whatever they
are. We will never sacrifice your
interests to ours ond now here else
can you firt a fuller and fairer
equivalent for your mom-. An
especially profitable purchase for
you iu our etc.
501 Main Street
will pay you to come fifty miles to trade with
v rnv-f
Need a cloak this winter? If she does you will make a prreat mistake U
you do not call and examine the childrena cloaks that
we are offering before buying.
We havojust recoived from
his run iinoor
Childrens Sample Cloaks.
For children G, 8, 10 and 12 years old, consisting of 118
garments in all. TWO ALIKK, on which w
were given a discount from regular wholesale prict
Kothat"jc arc able to sell them at actually
Manufacturer's Prices.
CALL IX nnd let us prove tho truth of the above pfatenient, nnu
show you nt the name time ourl-lNE
Sacqiii-a and Jackets.
Another opportunity to buy ehocs at
We take pleasure in nnnoucingto the people of riattpmouth nni
ptirrouiu'iiip: townw that we have succeeded in getting another line o'
sample fhoi-8. Our oticcesB with the hint line wan pheiiominal and hurt
dreds were ilienpiiointed because they came too late to secure oomeof th
bargains that we offered. This line is better if anything than the last, b
ing Walter 11. Teininy & Co.,ot lioston, Mass., full line consisting of Lv
dies, MisseH, Childrenp, Mens and Doys nhoea of all kinds and of all d
pcriptiona. Among them is 3(10 pair of boys and Mens boots, in whick
we can give the bent value for your money that you ever "laid eyes on,"
Don't think that because we don't ask high prices for shoe that the
ihoes are not of any high quality. We have among theee ehoes that art
as fine as any shown in the city, everything extrinsic ia stripped away,
and the shoes that you buy of us stands on their intrinsic worth. We dig
a the roet of values and give you the worth of your money.
M 816 SI Giii Great
Childrens Nat
Ural Wool Col
or Miirta ami
Durwera All
Childrens all
Wool Shirts &
Drawers All
. vv xv x X XXL
507 Main Ftrcct
I Wn
n a i ii
' 1
at Jobbers Prices
money than you can
1 -1 1 i 1 ty 1 l 1 11 1
a largo Cloak Manufacture!
LINE of Ladiea andMitssea Reeleii
Barsains ii
Lad i e s Fine
Mcrin o S i 1 k
Trimmed shirt
and Drawers.
Mens Extra
Heavy Kibbed
t.VijJJ QL OVlN ,
Plattsmonth, Neb
V. i
T r m