Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, November 26, 1891, Image 5

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y!o Trr o urn? crnL'AT
a 1 a T al 4M a U
Fearful Suffering: from kin
seaso Covorios EniLe Qod
V Cured b Cuticura-
ijr baby wn taken nei wiienhewi.n three
tnnntli" nl ', and la h lew day uegaii oienkin;
l ut We emiiln)e(t b"th of t li tne t Horn.
Indtluyc i.liiln nn'l.inp fur Mm 'I Inn w
sent for I tif best (1 .rinr o Katun lupUU, Mi Ii
UU 110 uiHMoroit litm fur two weeks, a'lii hi
Ml XII till'
tunc; a'ul then 1
took nun hi ,i tcf it
tn h d 'ct'ir nlio at
Mlldl fMI'UlV in
I klu diseases, Hiicl
I tlien le KOt worse
r (Imii ever Turn 1
told inv hush mil w ft
had Letter t-v the
(Tticuka Kkmk
dih mi v w.iy : iiiil
nut have a' v Idea
1 they w..i. do any
irooil, hut In le-i
(from th time we bffn civniL' them ,i Mm lie
than two months
en irelr well, and a n t cu him. Hi
lir beem ernwiiri rlirlr nil. and we HimiKiit
Me would always b balil-he;t led 1lin wu
not a su it Mil h i whole li ii v. f ice and
tiead, .iily hit nose and eyes hut
lnt was as ruvT as beef steak. So poor
khere wa" n il anvtiiln h it bone, und go weak
lie e 'Uld r ase rn-ittifr hand nor head
WHS, KitANKllAKUiiir, Wlulield, Ml. 11.
Suticura Resolvent.
The new Mood and skin iiiill ;r. and erat-
t of humor reiiieiies, cleanses Hip hi. ml of
11 Impurities uml iot-iii'ius eleiii"iifs. and
Iiuh re imv 'S 'lie iMin. wIiIIh nuu'UA, the
tire t skin euro, ami i,'u ihtiia Soap, an ex
quisite ski i In-iiilill'T. cle-trlli" "k'n and alti
and restore the Ii lr. Thin the Cut'itha
K.MK')ii:s rife every snee'rs r.f rcli'ni: hum
II. sc i'v. nlinnlv. mid bloichv skin sc tin and
fc I iind liS 'as-, from iiinid to siriful.i, from
M. .......... I..... I...... ..I...- ...... I. II
luidutjr IV dn, niltril lliu uem nj a.uiuiin lull.
Sold evorvw'ioro. Price. Ct'TirunA WW. ;
fiOAP.SJn. ; Kkoi.vfn''. ?l 1'ivp Ted hv the
lr Send fur "How to Ctirfl r.Inoil DUpaien."
iP A PV'iJ Skln Sl''4'l' fnfled and
rU IXLM X. J U-i
autllloil by Citicuua Soai'.
Absolutely pure
Rheumatic Pains.
In ono nrnure tha Cuti
cura Anti-Pan Plaster re.
I'1'Vhs rliHiiin:ilic Mi'ialiui. Imi. Knl-
npy, elifst and muscular p.tins und weak-
utssej. ince,2jc.
Rond Notice.
10 all Whom It may t'oncan ;
e enmmlcslonpr orolntert to Incut" a ro"d
bHKtnuliiK at a t unit hi cenl-.-riif mud No
diieclly west, ol rrnool n use in (list net wo. w
Slid runiiii n t'leueo eiist rant al I Ki'houl
tioutito ea-t Hi e ( section i', town, 12 ranne
13. ifc-nee south mi urctiou line tietwi en xic
tiivfa 1 a id 2 to ilm norihwext corner of sw y.
6W f" 1-1?-13. thci ce eni"t on uurili line of
i 'J.'l . to Kit .1 I .... .t I .
fitili I'lattsiiiDiilh to Uieaiiiilia. aim also locale
74 si i , I li-10 in niiunu I iiiiu m-.m" ii'
ft KOid beeitiulni! at northw sr, or m n
8v' k mvvu fee. l.'land ruiiiiliiii smith to
ftont i) sine ot Fctioi'S l und ziuhi vneate in
road on awu sw;.; 1-l'.'-l3. lias report d in
faV' rof the lut-itloii lh"ieol, and all oli!"tlr.ii
thereto, or ('lalnm for (wniice. roust u tiled
In the eoii'ity clerk s ( Lice on or liefoie noon
OQiner.'tn oav oi .lanuarv a. i. lsj.or sucii
toad will be Incited without ri'ereuce tlierela,
i;n-.D nu;ciinni.D, o, Clerk.
Do "0!a Way" ItrllM da Cook
as well u 6e Steak.
, ideal cnoiuric.
' T9 troll perfectly, over flr. requlrss con
twit watclilnt; aal en exiierl"nct J cook,
With the (Joakteh Oak, cLUd teu ytutt
Place cm ordinary sbeot-iron ran,oneur
ter full of land or water clthor till answer,
1 aand Is pn.foTT.ble uon the bottom ovea
! platotocfttehthedrlpplnffs; ewcthe ovea
llilnnrlimlllntf rack: one crejuln It ell thai
ta required. I'iace th ttoakt upon the ovco
Mo;ribae the Tvtre, guuo own door foi
U pa to flva minutes lare Htenki r quire
ihorour:hi7 eootci ca top and twvtoui at
tua aaiua tUso.
There h no taint of coal-gas or emokn, and
tho raea'.i nra moie tender tmd better Id
flavor thaa those brollod over the coela. The
convenience ot broiling in tha oven will be
' apnivclMud by every housckocpor, and adds
ijjiolhertotlio nienv roasong why tfaeOhartet
' Oi itanga or fef ive with the Wiro (j iu
Cvmo Door ahou.'d be pjuiuu'od to ail oU-iij
"jfenry Stauder of Louinville is in
the city to-dajr.
Captain Johu C. Botirke, of the
Third cavalry, stationed at Ft. Rin
jfold, and who was recently nr.
e'.ed ut Guerroro, Mexico, lit'S
afiit in a report of the nfTuir to
General Stanley, commander of tl e
military department of Texa. The
VjKnort recitet in detail the indifjni
lJ4 to which lie wan exposed and
crtiHnres in the bitterest of lan
guage the Mexican omcer in ur
rontinjj hint, pronouncing the afTair
ai rnfrrt- und entirely
ahle. (Jeneral St-inley will refer
the report t the proper tint hori tier"
t Wahinfton.
SCHIFFM ANN'S Asthma Cure!
Km ftili to (in InsUat rfilief In tin wnnt B
U him, iad '(m.'U rare when Uifm rati. I
R Mil ruki rur.B ir anwi" r ik. I
RlUm DH. R. BOHTI-TMANM, t. Vul,
bJirf , I wa3 coafincd to bcu ; could not
frmi limn t'irtr P'fT'Te l K
bottiCS Of
3 J M.l,. :M ,
9 mmm MfJtflVl M
V 3 U "ALL tiltitill 0.
ut Nlrat.k
City last
Some time lust June a corpse was
found tloaiinq; in the Missouri
river ahout two inilea above Ne
braska Citv. The only thinsr upcii
the person that might lead to ita
identilieation at that time vas a
card u pou which waa ptinted the
name MI. Mc Mantis. 1 lie matter
was made known of once but as the
unfortunate man appeared to have
no friends the bodv was interred on
theriverbank.The circumstance had
been practically forgotten until
last Saturday, when the remains
were taken up by Hutt & Co. under
taker for interment in the cemetery.
In the meantime Oscar Wheelock
had mysteriously disappeared, and
when the body was exhumed it was
Identified by Wheelocks'a widows as
her husband:! wo sous ami a uaugm-
er also identified Ihe body as that of
their fattier. The further discovery
was made that just above the right
temple, was a bullet hole allowing
nlainlv the cause of his deatn.
Wheelock was at last seen alive in
Omaha in company with a well
known confidence man and a negro.
The confidence man is reported to
still be in Omaha, and no pains
will be spared to bring the guilty
party to justice.
DlKT)-Yeserday afternoon, Mrs.
Manna Holmoerg, ageu
ix years.
Mrs. llohnberg had been a suf
ferer for about two month from a
severe attack of pneumonia, which
finally resulted in her dealli. me
interment will take place from the
house, on South Ninth tstrcet, at 2
p. in. to-morrow.
Din-At8:30 a. m. to-day, John K.
Hedland, aged eighty years, nine
Mr. Hedland was born in Sweden
in 1S11 and came to this country
several years ago. The interment
will take place from the house, on
South Tenth ntreet, at 2 p. m.
Bearing Fruit.
The agitation of the beet migar
industry recently inaugurated and
kept to the front by THE HERALD
has attracted the attention of a
number of our prominent citizens
and the probability is that in the
near future the matter will be con
sidered seriously. At thia writing
Father Hayes appears to be the
most enthusiastic supporter of the
move we have met. He
offers to donate one-half or an en
tire block if necessary a9 a site for
the location of an industry, if its es
tablishment can be secured. There
are doubtless other real estate
owners of the city that would be as
equally willing to aid if some of
our public spirited business men
would press the matter.
There is no doubt that the soil of
the Missouri and Tlatte bottoms
cannot be excelled in the west for
the produc tion of sugar beets, arid
since there are millions of dollars of
capital seeking profitable invest
ment, there is no reason why it may
not be employed in this infant yet
growing western industry. Father
Hayes mentions the fact that a com
pany has recently been organized
in Uoston with a capital of $1.00!),000
for the express purpose of invest
ing in beet sugar industries in and
around Onydia.
Now that the attention of the
eastern capitalists has been at
tracted to the west, and since it is a
settled fact that these industries
can nourish here, there should be a
united move on the part of all our
citiieue to secure the location of
such an industry. We suggest
again lhat the board of trade con
sider the matter at the meeting
culled for to-morrow eTcning.
Geo. Dovey is able to attend to
business once more after an illness
of two weekly
L. G. Knotts, of Council Bluffs,
spent Sunday in this city, with his
brother, A. H. Kuoits.
ChHdrem Cry fsr Pitcbr's Cutar'a.
VClirn wui ;, we pvo her C.vitorU.
Toko was i CWM. V f ; V
Wjm 1 'ct, I'm :1'MT to Ca.iv"-,
When Vb.V
...w. T7T A VrT3 ITATIRFK '
Social Event.
A pleasant social party gathered
at the residence of Mr. and Mry.
I). It. Smith on Wititerstein hill
Saturday night, in honor of Miss
O'.ie Roberts, of l'rescot, Iowa
who is visiting in the city. The
company was composed of about
thirty of our prominent young peo
ple and from the reports it is evi
dent that u highly enjoyable and
profitable time was had by all
present. Games asd music were
p; r;icipated in until quite a la'e
hour when all departed for their
respective homes, each feeling it
was good to be there.
What ia Good BHking Powder?
It is a well known fact that car
bonate of ammonia is used by
bakers in the preparation of the
finest and most wholesome bread
au.l cake, and has been from time
immemorial. It is among the oldest
and the same time most healthful
cot s ituciits of baking powders. It is
all evolved in gas by the heat of the
oven, and leaves no track of itself
in the lood, and it is this that gives
it its great value as a leavening
agent iu the opinions oi the phy
sicians. New York Journal.
County Court.
Lars G. I.arsen vs. Rasmus Peter
sen. Suit on attachment for ?;);!0.1D.
Answer, Dec. 7, 1S'.)1.
l.ars G. I.nrscn vs. Rasmus Peter
sen, def' Jidatit, and First National
Hank of Platlsmoulli, garnishee.
Answer, Dec. 7, IS'.H.
In the matter of the adoption of
Minnie Carlson, an inmate of the
home for the friendless, by John
and Anne Geiser of Phittsmouth.
Decree of adoption with full rights
of inheritance.
Bates & Co. vs. Rasmus Petersen
ct nl. Suit on attachment in the
sum of $'j8.S7. Hearing, Nov. 27), 10
a. m.
Fred Shrader vs. Rasmus Peter
sen. Suit in attachment for $27.
Hearing, Nov. 28, 10 a. in.
The account in Saturday's Even
ing News of the sociable given at
the residence of R. W. Hyers last
Friday evening was the subject of
considerable speculation on the
part of many of ouryoung people.
The point in conjecture is ns to
how the reporter of that paper is
justified iu commenting very favor
ably upon "vocal efforts" of six
young ladies, which really were not
produced at all. The enthusiastic
reporter proceeds a little further as
follows: "Mr. Chas Kecfer's vocal
powers were decidedly good and
were thoroughly appreciated." The
fact is Mr. Keefer assisted Miss
Ilattie Sullivan in a piano duet, the
rendition of which, however, was
"decidedly good and thoroughly
appreciated." Evidently The News
man has either gone wrong or is
growing careless in his reports.
Attorney J. U. Haldeman of
Weeping Water came in to-day to
attend to legal matters at court.
Francis McCarty jumped from
the Brooklyn bridge yesterday and
was swallowed up by the waters.
He leaves a wife and three children.
From TWlivi Unity
Brid Critchfield went to Lincoln
this morning.
F. S. White went to Ashland on a
business trip this morning.
Dr. E. E. Reynolds, of Rock Bluffs,
was a pleasant caller at Tue IIlk
ALD office this morning.
Mrs, M. J. Lambson went to Mace
donia this morning to visit with
friends over thanksgiving.
Dr. Deering returned to his home
at Wabash last evening after a
snort visit to a sick sister at
Hastings, Iowa.
S. C. Patterson, of South Bend,
came in this morning intending to
look after the affairs of his farm
south of the city.
T. Clark and wife visited with
their daughter, Mrs. Woods, in
Weeping Water Sunday, returning
Monday evening.
w. J. Ilesser, florist, went to
Omaha last evening to be gone a
few days to attend to matters per
tabling to his trade.
Judge Chapman received a letter
from II. D. Travis, county attorney,
stating that he was confined to his
bed and would be unable to attend
court for thj pief.f nt.
John Steene, postoflicc inspector,
is on a tour of inspection through
the county and having thoroughly
examined the records and financed
of this postofltce, states that the
affairs of the office well among
the bent of the muLy lu has ex
amined through the state.
The county record;? disclose the
fact that the railroad company hna
made amicable adjustment with
Mrs. John Hai'druba for the Ins of
her husband, who was killed on
July 2nd by the explosion of engine
No. 12 in the rouudhouse. The
company has been prompt in
adjusting this affair to the entire
satisfaction of Mrs. Ilardruba and
her friends without, causing her
unnecessary expense.
C Before the Dittrirt Court.
Atnotiir the cases continued for
hearing in the district court are:
CP. Gilbert vs. Weeping Water
bank. It. A. Gibson, trustee vs. li.
L. Reed ct nl. These cases have
been consolidated and sent to
Frank Ireland at Nebraska Citv as
referee before whom they took testi- i
inony for tifty-citiht days. The
referee found Reed indebted to the
bank upward of $20,000 and Ihe ease
is now pending on motion to con
firm the report of referee mid conn s
ii I for hearing before Chapman to
Western Engineering Co. vs.
Plattsmonth Street Railway Co. ct
al. Action was brought by the
plaintiff and the Spragtie Manufac-
turingCo to foreclose material lien,
amounting to about flO.(XX) and it is
now pending on motion by Street
Railway to lileim amended answer
asking for flT.OK) damages from
Spragtie for furnishing defective
machinery and motors. It will
probably be heard during the term.
l'red Bellows vs. Will. Tighc as
sheriff. This is an injunction re-
straining the sheriff from levying
in execution on a judgement in
one of the westi ru counties where
the plaintiff claimed that the t-cr-
vice of summons was defective and
judgement invalid. Judf;c Chap
man dismissed the injunction
hohliiig, that the service of
summons was good and lied the
supersedeas bond for the supreme
court at !r 1,1' 0. This case has been
of special interest to the bar on ac
count of the technical pointJ in
volved. Frank Deitrich ct nl vs. Ellen
Child ft nl. brought by plaintiff
against their mother claiming
eighty acres of land at Louisville
which their father entered as a
homestead and died before proving
up. Their mother made final proof
and got the patent issued in her
own name which patent they seek
to set a;d Je and have her declared
trustee in the hands of the court
on advisement.
Wm. J.Ouinn vs. Ellen Ouinn a
case brought by plaintiff lo com
pell his mother, the defendent to
deed him eighty acres of land near
Ehuwood claiming that he had re
mained nt home and donated his
service towards the payment of
said place on condition Hi it he
should have it. lie waited until his
mother moved to Iowa before com
mencing suit and then got service
of summons on her by publication
in a news paper and got a decree
for the land of which she was ignor
ant until a year after the decree
had been rendered nt which time
she got the docree set aside and n
new trial granted which vas had
at the last term of court and is now
under advisement before getting
the decree set aside, her 6on had
traded the land to a man by the
name of Forsythe for eighty acres
of land in Otoe county and Forsyth
now claims to be an innocent pur
chaser. The court has found that
the plaintiff was not entitled to the
land but has it under advertise
ment as to whether title giv en while
the decree was in force would be
Continued to-morrow.
Our Publie School.
Thinking it would interest a large
part of your readers to know what
is being done in the schools of the
city, I have been led to make this
An excellent faculty is employed,
and kept busy taking care of the
students in attendance. In the
high school a large range of sub
jects are taught by experienced and
thoroughly practical teachers. A
student may pumte the Latin
scientific course, preparing him for
the state university, or he may pur
sue the business course, preparing
him fur the actual Lu iness trans
actions to be found in real life. A
school of shorthand and type
writing is also maintained in con
nection with the business course.
The course in elocution and del
sarte includes physical training,
voice culture, reading and dramatic
The tuition for the Latin
Bcientif.c, English, business aid
elocutionary courses for non-resi
dent pupils is but Sl.Wper monm.
For shorthand, $3 per month.
Typewriting, fifty cents per month.
It is the aim of the faculty to make
the schools second lo none in the
Mn It F hoped that all those
directly interested will co-operate
with the faculty in their eilortfl lo
. U.e iulereat ur.:1a?ging end
the attendance regular. new pupils the past week
and still they come.
There are now enrolled in the
city schools J,0;!r pupils, with an
average attendance of about ninety
per cent. Many of our rooms have
more pupd3 than seats. 1 or ex
ample, room No. 20 has ser.ts for
about fifty-six pupils and an en
rollment of eighty and the attend
ance good. High school has en
rolled seventy pupils, wi;h lixty-
seven seats, and it rarely happens
that a seat is unoccupied. Room
No. 10 n large attendance and
the teacher has a hard task indeed
to take care of sixty-four pupils.
A visit to the rooms will convince
anyone that a new six tooin build
ing is needed badly and it is to tie
much regretted that the schools'
finances would not justify the
board in building during the past
The managers of our night school
have labored faithfully the past
two months to make it a success,
but for some reason our young
people have neglected to avail
themselves of the opportunity and
it is only a matter of a few days
when l'lattsmouth's night school
will be a thing of the past.
Thursday is Thanksgiving and
the schools are making great
preparations for a grand feast. It
is sun: to be a success as our
superintendent never heard of such
a word as fail. lie isn't built that
The proper ventilation of school
rooms is of no small importance to
our children. Many of our rooms
have but little means to properly
ventilate and a visit to them some
cold day al about ten o'clock would
astonish Ihe visitor. The superin
tendent does all in his power to at
tain good ventilation, but a teacher
who may feel a litllechilly perhaps
keeps the window closed und a
fastidious person would feel con
strained to make his or her visit
very short.
There is one fact so plain that no
one need be mistaken, mid that is
no person can have goon hcalih
where tne blood, the very life iiself,
is in an unhealthy ami impure coti
dilion, We guarantee Mailer's Sar
saparilla and Burdock Compound
to remove all humors and im
purities from ihe blood ami eradi
cate every particle of disease from
the system.
A. C. Mayes, county surveyor,
commenced this morningto survey
the public road granted last Friday
by the county commissioners, from
Plattsmonth extending north
through sections six and seven,
town twelve, range fourteen and
section one, intersecting the tele
graph road near Lawrence Stull's
There are tunny liniments on the
market that are good for liome pur
poses but Jonly one that will heal
Barb Wire cuts ef fectivt I v. and that
is Mailer's Barb Wire Liniment. If
your horse or stock is cut buy a hot
tie and wiinesa the wonderful re-
While out quail hunting yester
day Frank Morgan accidentally
shot Jim Johns' bird dog, so that
it had to be killed. It seems
another dog had located u quail
and when it Hew up Johns' dog
jumped up from behind a bush,
thus bringing him in direct line
with Frank's gun, who was in the
act ot snooting tue quau.
Baby had n cold; Mrs. McGinnis
said hot whiskey. Aunt Kate said
catnip tea, Cousin Fin. said rhu
barb was thing, but Grandpao
(heavn bless him) said Bailor's Sure
Cure Cough Syrup and would take
the cake, und it did.
The east end of school district
No. 20 just north of town has peti
tioned Superintendent Noble to be
set aside us a n-parate district and
make the novel proposition that
they will wave all right to their
apportionment of state und county
school funds and the west end
object because it will leave their
district on the east line with only
one child of school age belonging
lo a permanent resident and about
four children belonging to sojourn
ers and tenants. The truth of this
apparent independence on the part
of petitioners is that they are living
in n district where the land is ap
praised very low but have about
eight miles of railroad which would
have to pay the bulk of the tax.
DIED Last evening of typhoid
d vsr I'l im f. inmost, nt the resi
dence of the late Mrs. Holmberg.
It will be remembered that THE
IIi.kai.d chronicled the death of
Mrs. Holmberg, and to-day we aie
called upon to note the death of
Miss Linqtiist, who had been earing
for Mrs. Ilulmberg.
K Few Faeta.
Ktwd this and govern yourself
We have as pure a stock of drugs
p.s any in Cass county, uur wju
int-i.r iinl t.iiiu! "lock i.l the laiei-Sl
in the city. We buy wall puper
from the eastern factories iu car
load lots and foil safe in sayiiiR we
t ell more than imyothi r firm in the
county. You wonder why? We
ctu in twt r that by trying that we
buy in large quantities and sell for
a very low price.
Call and nee our line of drugs,
paints, oils and wall paper.
Yours ReipectJ'i'lv,
4t HkwWN ft. BAKHETT.
Stanley as an explorer, Edison as
an inventor Miss Flora A. Jones as
the discoverer of the Famous Blush
of Rones for the complexion; are
names that will be handed down as
benefactor of tiie race, to all re
corded time O. II. Sj ml r comes in
for his share (of the profits) as he
always Vecpsi a big supply on hand,
aud sells it lor 73 tts. per bottle.
TliB attitude which Sherman ha
been uotiiiug in the matter of
FickhoJ's citizenship i.-i ;it once
laughable and disgusting. It re
minds one of the few vagabond
who on a memorable occasion ia
time of war tried lo cut down the"
enemy on a bridge spanning a
narrow but very deep pn-s nt the
bottom of which there was a rest-
lt'ss and turblenf steam wliuh
swept everylhing into oblivion thnt
fell into its way. These foolish
men stood there and brandished
their weapons defying the enemy
that was calmly looking on. oc
casionally the van guards won't!
tire into their ranks at first dis
abling Ihe weakest, but they still
kept up the attack until Tonly one
big burly fellow remained in the
centre of the bridge feebly push
ing ahead, his few friends now un
able to give assistance begged him
to come back but all he would do
was lo shake his stubborn head.
The army from which he had es
caped came up and scutineld were
sent out to reclaim him. They
raised th Hag of truce and even
before his very feet lore up the
plank that hemight not fall into the
hands of the enemy which know
ing the circumstances refused to
sacrifice him until he had found
his own doom. Now it remains to be
seem when the legal progress is
followed out iu instating Mr. Kick
hoff iu the office of county treas
ure whether or not Sherman will
fall through the plank which his
own party drew from under him
that he might not go any further.
OMAHA isn't in it at all, Minneap
olis takes the Republican National
convention in spite of Cincinnati a
close second. Beer no doubt will
be a matterof minor discussion, but
delegates can fill up on the subject
Dictatok FoxiKCA has given up
to the inevitable. The popular up
rising was so great that he was
compelled to resign from the presi
dency. Window glass at Brown A
Barrett's tf
iNotary 1'iihlle & Abstracter Solicitor
cal Eetate, Loau and Insurance Agent
If you have real estate to sell or
exchange send usdescription, pries
aud terms.
Abstracts of title furnished at reas
onable rates.
$100,000 to loati at 73 per cent stui
no commissions, on good
farm security.
Office under Cat County Dark.
Ft. TJUYilGi;
Office in the Bass Noel building
Residence, the Ed.Rich Property.
B iMt. lir;. c:i ill Glut,
Poultry, Meat, Apples, Potatoes
Green and Dried Fruile, Vegetables'
Cider, Beans, ool, Hides, Tallow
Sheep Pelts, Furs, Skins, Tobcc,
Grain, Flour; Hay, Beeswax, Feath
ers, Ginsing, Uroonicorn, and Hops.
(ten. Com, Merchant aud Shipper,
31T Market Btreet St. Loult, M.
WANTFD A(rent, ysa aeiuainled with raaj.
en andHtipptr.
Itegistered l'byiirian and riikuuarlM
Special attention given to Office
Pracl ice.
Rock Blvfes
fnrefnrofor Weak Mra.a
pitted by rrrtnt leading tf
'.ll'lMH. (..allium In mCi'iina.
t"2io,5t. sfelJiloirue l'ran.
f'.ft ft An.o ar.d i-JOl
I in v.irw jur iit-a.
i hu fit
KM"Ji"vkW n'limunuc'iK'j uryej. I'HoaV..
Sf.WVilhT ftwi'i !! riie.irjil
. IW.ll. wl'l.fjirioi-.i.ios'
ol'-ttn Ufef T0ihiiUI Ar Vrlluu. wu
oninii'rciirf. ITira. . OrHir (mm
n rcnivnent our '.! ko(,wa
home. Vpu need m e.n lul to rair.
ent a nm that warnmt.i stock fliv-'i'a
aurttrueti ninie, W0KK Ul TUB YERi.
I'.iu u-T iiwnt'1 to rul.t man. Apely iuiei,
Met.uitae . L L MAY A C;"
Nurs.ery, florlil and Vei jiih n 1. 1 ;.m, j.lnn.
( Una house I rrto-.litle.)
Pobjeel need foarie Inne-er fmm lhl Klm ot
'Arrow, lor a mom wfit-irrful itl'"rf In
Ui.'rt.oin. i fiserc.n any imrlo.' 'io tm .n be
Verantiirutly cured vtlMuul tao C
the knife. ,
MBS It. li.COMiT.rx? Indium ATn..Cher.
iTKt "VMCircrtofcuncerof the I rel ia n.i
H.i.-iHt.f J.'un . tV.J rr t.-. :." S '-ilf ir
lroUt. l)r, tl. C. liula, uwuiUit U, Clucaa..
Uh, ':