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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1891)
tlmt.o, Ktfc VOL. XXVII. NO. 3.' PLATTSMOUTII, CASS COUNTY, NT1UI VSKA.TIllJUSIUY NOVKMHKU 26.1891. SI.50 A YIIAK. rutlIUt3:icklEocitty jpktfeiiiiiwii wmim 1 . " t i T"i 1 T" 1 i f Has no The United States - Of the Government Baking Towdcr tests recently ma:'.c, wv.J.y. authority of Congress, by the Department of AruMilture, W Haslungton, D. L., lurnishcs mation as to whicu powder is shows the ROYAL superior to ail others in leavening power; a cream of tartar powder of highest quality. The Canadian Tests: "The strength of the Royal is shown to be 23 per cent, greater than any other. "As a result of my investigations I fiiui the Royal Baking Powder far superior to tiVj others. It is pure, contains none but whole some ingredients, and is of greatest strength. " F. X. Valade, " Public Analyst, Ontario, "Dominion of Canmla.'' t' R. A. SALSBURY D-E-N-T-I-S-T :- COLD AND I'GKCIXAIN CROWNS. Dr.SieluwaysHiia'ttlii'tii! for the pgiuleea ex- triicllnr tif tt'ttll. Fine Gold Work a Specialty, lock wood Muck Fliitls-nuuth, Neb. jAWSON & PEARCE L HAVE RECEIVED 'llfcelr FlOl utraws. liitnyiililn ii.tlHnd quill" ' ktitn a lot l nt iHolilim cone shape liaW lu straw himi le i. mey n veaiuii line nl liuliv ti"nl hiiiI In nr- rlpri.irlrse fl tnek out Imve fa diced thetr firxw r hat tuSOuud ts 75 ee Is irliiiineil, MISS SCHUYLER, TRIMMER. IDEIETTISTIRY" . GOLD AND TOnCRLAlN CKOWNS Bridge work and fine gold work a SPECIALTY. DR. BTEINAU8 LOrJAT. ns well a other mi esuietlettiuven lur tne painless exmieuuu 01 item, C. A. MARSHALL, Fitzgerald PW rroRNEv A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney nt-l.nw. Will (r1v prompt attention to nil huii-" enrrui-tf.i tu lilir. oiiiuh iu Unlou Mock, Last SUu, l'lattxmouth.M-tj. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING COLLEGE- Plattsmoufh, Nebraska. V Ther ar thnimmr'll of young hrle. ewnj flrt l)"ol teiHieM c'eiks. etc ho we a';lni? (ml en exl-'em-e on Hli v Finely aunUifnt to supply ib?ir every day nun's. U -nun. tint! U ClillrSH III fthnrt Fund and by finishing tli' y can earn frcin$40toi50ptr 01 "iii Situations irtmmdteed to rinmpetent students Inilinivuji iiimiucilo.i, new type. Item. DAY AND EVENIN3 SESSIONS. Rooms orer llayerifc'tore. W Anted An aetlve. reliable mna-ftlary 7T to (MO monthly, with inert me, to In kit own itction a rewonsiMe New Vi rk Hodha. Keferenetn. MAKUFACTCHRB, lock Box 15K5, New York. Nany old eoldicrs, who contracted chronic diarrhoea while in the ervice, have nince been permanent ly cured of it by Chaimbeiinin's Colic, Cholera nnd diarrhoea Rem dy. Tor Bale by F. G. Pricke & Co. For lame back there ia nothing better than to saturate a flannel cloth with Chamberlain's Pain Italtn nnd bind it on the affected parts. Try it and you will be pur prised at the prompt relief itnlTorda. The Fame treatment will cure rhan matiain. For sale by F. G. Fricke JcCo. L . Shiloh'e catarrh remedy a poni Itive cure Catarrh, Diphtheria nnd Canker mouth. For bale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Whywillyou cou-;h when Shi. loh's cure will pive immediate re lief. Price 10 eta., ff) cts. and It For eale by F. G. Fricke Co r 5 & Equal. Official R ' f "NT"' tnc Highest authontati'-:.- m.-;- the Dcst. l lie uina.d kit port THE HOTEL RILEY THANKSGIVINGS DINNER, fiocp Oynters Blue 1'olnt Uhw. Cream of Oyster! Cotiifoinme Orleans Celery. Qut-eu Olivei. rtsH, Fillet of Trout mux Tonienes, Shoeftr dk I'otutoes. It'll 1 Kt. Itrlled Ham Chnmpagne Sruch. Lt'K of Sprint; I'Hiiili Creum of Turnip. Cold Tongue, Veal and Ham. Ill) AM. Trim I.oliuf Beef nu Jut Fib Eiitlt of liecf StMlcli I'li'lillng Tmkey Hlu ed. ( r nlerrv tSnuca ealiut of Duck, ''uirant Jelly, It" in an Punch. Quail on Tnait. W ater Crce. Badd e of Venlsun, (lame Hauce, kthki 8. Hmnll CM ken Pette n la R"lne. Trimbles of Swet-t lirad f. r sienne. Frog I-pp Fr-aded with French I'a, Juik linliliit Vusinonin Sjiuie, Uttton Cream I uffs, fALAUH. Fresh Lobster Sulad. Chicken Silad. lettuce with ll ird nl:cd Ei;gi, VKtlKTAIII.FS. Mafhc'l Pntatoes, SteaniCtl rtitttoe, Marrow Fat I'eas, Sweet Potatoes t rowued, linpurtcd vtrircles Ucai.a. pas'uv. fire"n Apt Ih T'o. Jlliicel'lo ' emon Ve Steam Fruit t lidding Hard uud Ilrandy auce IIR'NKKT, Nenpoliinn Ice Crenm, Tin ' Apple Jelly. A' tr-I I'ooU. Lady Finger Layer llaMni Nut Aiuted Camllt s J'nnauas L'atiiwtia (ir tpes, lVais. Edam Cream Ch eso. 1 cut Water Crackers. The EifTol Towir of ToiMt Article. 31(i,."i74 bottles blush of roses sold in 1500, You know I couhl not have Fold so much if blush of roses was not iih represented, a sure cure for pimples, freckles and blackheads, InlMia I predict it ill be sold bv every druist, and used by e very Indy and gentleman in the I'nited state. . II. syncler will supply you at 7o cents per bottle. Advertisement near the end of the details of the Ouinn case should read advisement ia yesterdays ia- BUC. IS OPIiNINO UP One of the neweat and brightest lines of Plusb'Goods, Tojg. Dolls. Nofcltice, Etc- Far the Holiday trade that has beea en to town (or years. NO OLD STOCK, ALL 1TEW Which was bought early in the eeason from some of the Larcest Importino Houses Which guarantees you the pick of the market and at prices for which we nre noted. :Tke Lcwcst in the Country:- The public Is cntflally Invited to Inspect aur goods a-U compaie pnc i -0O0- B.r,UCHCB,rroB. riatttBaitk Mrs. S. (. Minor went to Omaha t3 day, Information crowded out of yet. terdnys issue. G. Sevbert of Ctilloui w.ts in the! city yesterday. The weather for Thursday ia to be fair and wanner. Miss Mattie Newell went to i Nehawka this morning. Prank C-iiTuth mi 1 K. E. While went to Omaha this morning. Sleighin:; h is "been irno'l" for a week at l.onir Pine, Nebraska. Mrs. II. C McMaken returned hist evening from a two weeks' visit in Pie northwest. Miss Flora Donovan went to Wyniore this morning to rpcnd Thanksgiving with friends. 1'or.M) !-ilk lie, which the owner may have by calling nt tbis tn'Tee, proviut;- property and paying for this notice. Y. I,. Knotts deua'ts this evening fir Council 111 (i IT.- where he will spend Thanksgiving visiting f .iemls. Hill Jones bus gone hunting again this time to the far west in cvnpnny with Tom Patterson ami l)av' MclCnti e. S. C. Patterson went to Omaha this morning from this city and ex pected to return to hi-t home at South Uend this evening. J. A. Summers a-.d Wayne ICiip Kcll, of Vi eping Water, were in the city to-day on business. They re turned home over the M. P. II. Covert, having visited with Ihh farmer employer, It. Mclltigh, re t imed to his home at Glenwood l ist M(nt1ay evening, J.C.White, of llatslead, Kansas, came in on the flyer to visit his brother, John, who is in the employ of the li. & M. as engineer. Shorthand and typewritin col lege over Mayer's clothing store. Day and night sessions. Situations guaranteed to all competent ttid enls. t Nebraska ettgar is worth several cents more 311 the pound than other brands because it is a liner and better grade than the average gran ulated sugar. Uird Critchfield demanded a bonus of the contract ing parties in the furniture deal. It is that they will give the very best material that the contract will allow. Do not forget the Thanksgiving service at the First Ihiptist church to-morrow, at 11 a. m. Rev. L. F. Uritt will preach the sermon nnd a cordial invitation is extended to nil. The weather maintains its Alaskan frigidity, but it is fun to see the boys enjoy skating. A Thanksgiving without skating would be to tiic boys n Christmas without presents. Scott Hare and Henry Noscnble camedown from the llentl this morn ing and report, that the state fish commissioners car w-is taken out last evening to distribute ii.h in western Hireams. Mrs. John Tighe, in responce to a telephone communication re ceived by her husband yesterday afternoon, left on the evening Schuyler train to attend the bed side oil her sick sister, Mrs.Sheehaiy The count)- commissioners seri ously regretted to go home last .Monday evening on account of the extreme liberality of the, successful furniture agent, w ho has been eu t 'running them at the Hotel Riley free of charge. Lodge No. HO, I. O. O. F., held their election last evening, electing their oflicers for the ensuing year: C. II. Petersen, N.G.; J. V. IJridgc, V. G. ; S. F. Osborn, secretary; Uird Critchfield, permanent cecretary; P. C. Hansen, treasurer; Robert Walker, Frank Uoyd and L. G. Lnrecn, trustees. II. C. Hackney la make extensive arrangements to royally cntcrtuin the citizens of Plattsmouth at a Thanksgiving dinner. The bill of fare as published in this paper speaks for its self, and guests may feel assured that no pains will be spared to make the occasion patii factory in every particular. Take your wives and sweet hearts to dinner at the Hotel Rilej-. J. C. Patterson, J. A. Walker and Louie Eickhof! will etart next Satur day from South l?end on the Rock Island on a trip through the south, visiting points in Indian Territory and Texas and will probably return about, the middle, of December. This no doubt will be a lively trio bent on a pleasure trip during the early day of a prospective cold wia-tcr. 1 1 uilt uud Ko.iuty. ,,.,1 10 utiljitvll, and llu t:.,i,i, .,,, a kav . U but a. in i, i.ttVw' tu.tioJ ll M-I'nli, it- !. v. MO t.ctl Add ll ..S m. Lti.l, lo ilvO I. rtvbji w .s iii i.i.i one lul.iuio Aim li ..ii In. i, it yi., ii I o. i.s .t.iud li w lie m e Ui.,1 s. iiit'iiiitv i. uj iu u And Mirim.tii, t in . iiti h li i .,11,1,1. t) hi, n i ilia iii) ii.i.m III-tt a h.. . all .it l.iutlt'i, A nulli-l a c i .i.fiii, lied in. til. t-remom to th hioiU l'reiiioui held a rousing meeting the oilier evening lo co.isulei" htm a m. nun, iclliruig proposi tions ll. at were the tnt nuitsoi the trip ot the .Nebraska advertising ti.itii. - Kearney Hub. Ulii JlCKALii congratulates Fre mont upon lur good fortune, ami were our business men as public spirited and alive to their interest!! as those of I'iciiiout, Plaltsmoiith would be a lormidable competitor for these valtia'ile industrial enter prises. We are a linn believer in tl'.e old adage, "The Lord helps those that help themselves," ami if Fiemout makes the necessary exer tion to secure these industries, she should receive the benefits. I lime i Iii iliu Diblriot Court. Seth F. Winch vs. Sarah M. Winch. The plainiill is a wealthy and re tired speculator in Omaha who parted from his wife ii good many ear ago ami w ho lives iu Rhode Island, lie brought suit for divorce iu this county and got ser vice of summons by publication when his wile appeared to dcleud and asked for temporary alimony. The court granted $.XXJ. The plaintiif now seeks to dismiss his action but the coutt holds that having elected to make this county the forum for his suit he must stay and fight it out. The First National Hank of Weep ing Water made application for a receiver for the stock of goods ol keed Hros Co. at Weeping Water and was set for trial to Judge Hall, Lincoln, and wassubtnitted to him several weeks ago since which time he had it under advisement and has now denied the nj plication for a receiver. The suit was brought to recover $o,0X). Case of Todd vs. Omaha Southern Railway Co. for damages for right of way recently tried iu this county resulted iu a hung jury, has been sent on change of venue to Otoe county where it will be tried ut December term. Souih lend licma. The school ,vas to be divided but will no be now until after holidays. The fish car left last night to take a trip to the western part of the state. The printing office of South Dend is closed. It now belongs to Mr. Nosecable. Mr. Wacker has painted his meat m.ii l,i l and resumed business last Thuisday. It was so stormy last Sabbath that there was no Sabbath school, or services held here. All the farwters are praying for a week or ten da s of fair weather to to enable them to finish corn husk ing. Mr. Wacker and Mr. Well return ed home last Wednesday evening, ironi mair. .Mr. Wacker says it cost him over fiW.iK) to take the treat inent. They seem to have no desire to uriiiK. Doard of Trade Mastincl. Hoard of trade called to order by president, R. H. Windham. Members present: R. H. Wind, ham, M. H. Murphy, F. M. Richey A. N. Sullivan, Julius Pepperberr F. G. Fricke, J. D. Tutt, Henry Hoeck, lred Herrmann,!'. E. White A. H. Todd, Dr. Humphrey and l-rank Carruth. Reading of minutes of previous meeting dispensed with. Moved by Fred Herrmann, and seconded by F. Ii. White, that the chair appoint three members as delegates to the Missouri River Improvement convention to beheld ut Kansas City, December 15. Motion carried. Chair appointed M. P.. Murphy, C. W. Sherman und A. N. Sullivan; idternatcs, A. H. Todd. Henry Hoeck and F. G. Fricke. Motion to appoint G. F. S. Hurtonas secretary, carried. Initiation fee dispensed with and admitted as a member. On motion, meeting adjourned. A drunk who gave his name a Jackson Smith wa9 brought before Jude Aarcher this morning who Fined him five dollars and costs, in default of the payment of which he wai commuted to jaiL -FRED HERRMANN- OlIU VmAj AM) WINTUH SKIck - - OIF - - DRY - GOODS - AND laadics Furnishings lo ITow Complcts in all 23opartrQ.Dia.t3, Pities (.otitis We are showinga handsome line of CAMELS HAIR PLAIDS, HKOAD CLOTH, FLANNELS, SERCES, HENRIETTAS. A full line of colorings nnd blacks. III.AXKIMH A.NO COMFORTS Stock complete and prices lower than ever. . GLORIAS ANB SHftYVLtS. llAVK iiever howii so large, u lini' in litis depart incut, o cill spcciiil attention to our l irrrj assortment of Iloefori Military nnd J lip Coat sliajios trim nidi with Mink, Sen', Aetraeha, Miifl'aloon and (Jowy furs. Our line of Plush Saemies aro clienpnr than ercr before. Full linc3 of ChiMri'iis nnd Misses Cloaks and Jackets. ONE DOOR EAST A BIG STOCK OF HOLIDAY QOODi AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Repairing of FINK WATCHES a Specialty and all Work Warranted. 33. A.. 'ELWAIISr, TFIE LEADING JEWELER, 41 5 Main Street, The stock of groceries at Peter pen's old stand will be sold at re duced prices to satisfy mortgage of F irst National bank, and anyone needing goods will save money by calling at the old stand. Remem ber the stock is Iresh and complete. Come in for bargains in potatoes, Hour, glassware, chinaware and crockery. Opera Grocery. Notice K.of F'a. The yearly election of oflicers of Uauntlet lodge io. 47, Iv. ot I'., Wednesday p. m. Nov. 2a. A full attendance is desired. C. A. MAHSHALL, C. C. OTE3 DOVEV, K. of R. S. 2t Mrs. Tom Patterson accompanied her husband to Omaha where she will visit with friends while her husband goes on hit) bunting trip. In placing their stock of Holiday Goods before the public this year, Lchnhoff Hros. give us the assur ance that it is bigger, better and liner than ever. Their assortment this season covers everything in Hooks, Hooklels, Cards, Satin, Plush und Leather novelties, Toys, Wagons, Velocipedes; nnd Dolls. Ivach succeeding fear linds them carrying a larger line, and from now on their entire store will be devoted to Holiday Goods exclus ively. To get the hem-lit of f.rst choice they advise their patrons to make early selections as a great many goods cannot be duplicated later iu the season. They cordially invite an inspection of their line, whether with the intention of buy i.ig, or not, as the opportunity of seeing such nn elegant assort meut comes very rarely in Platts mouth. d3&w2 LOCAL ON LAST FAGS. I'MM'KWIAU A good Ladies Jersy vest at 2."c. Ladies line Jersey vest and pants ia white or natural grays at ."Dc eacfc Ladies natural Gray Wool Yet-Is and Pants at ."Oc. Regular 7.1c uudc. wear. Full lines of Ladies I'ine wool ribbed under weur in white, cards mi! and black. Complete lines of Child's under, wear in natural, scarlet and whit ut prices as low as the lowest. FIRST NATIONAL. JEWELER Headquarter for Everything iu the line at WATCHES, DIAMONDS, FANCY AND BR0NZ1 CLOCKS, OPTICAL GOODS, OPERA GLASSES, FANCY SILVERWARE, SOLID GOLD JEWELR7 .! nj' - " Plattsmouth, Neb OUH CLUE3INO LIST, Home, VftU'ilneniiil llt-ti'. i,n i tin I.I a. .ii, it in Harm-is M'l.r mm mii 11 . iiai.ii II r i - i's It.i.-r.t nl IIk t.i 1 1. up, r w i-f klv mid e kiiai.ii low flutu la-isltT it'l l linn i.D .?t W . I it . 4 iM . 4 m 4 ,. It Cood Look', Good looks are more than skin deep, deuending upon a healthy condition of all the vital organs. If the Liver be inactive' you havs a Hilious Ixiok, if your stomach be atfeeted you have u Dyspeptic Look and if hour Kidm s be effected -yov will have a Pinched liok. S curs good health und you will have good looks, Electric Hitters is the great alterctive and Tonic act directly on those vital organs. Cures Pimples, Hlotches, Uoilsan4 gives a good complexion. Sold at . F. G. Fricke & Co s Drugstore, 50 per bottle: An honest Swede tells his story -in plain but unmistakable lan guage for the benefit of the public-' One of my children took a severe cold ami got the croup. I gave her a teaspoonful of Chnmberlaia Cough Remedy, nnd in live minutes lates I gave, her one more. Hy this time she had to cough up the gathering in the throat. Then she went to sleep and slept good for iuieeti minutes, men she got up and vomited; then f he went back to bed and slept good lor the re tnainncr of the night. She got ths croup the second night and I guvs her the same remedy with the sums good results. I write this becauea I thought there might be some one iu the sum,' need and not luioiT tin true merits of this wonderful modi cine. Chakles A. Thompseen, Des Moines, Iowa, fit) cent bottlt for enle by F. G. Fricke V Co. Pure bucUwueut Hour for sale as Ileiscl'c tuilL U V