HOME FfiOM HAWAII A Donver Doctor Describe Hi3 Delightful Trip to the Sandwich Islands. Sailing Over the Placid Bosom of the Pacific In a 3.000-Ton Ocean Steamship. Sights ir l c-n in nt.itMtul Inland of H.iw n, Ih'j r'arwiln.M of ilio Pueif.e. Dr. V. II. Ilctis.of this city, who with his wile has ju-t returned from u pleasant live weeks' trip, the tiriuciiial objective points of which were San brancisco ami Honolulu, was seen liy a New reporter yester day at the ilnctor's oliiee, Seven teeilth street, ami ashed to give 'a brief outline of the more important features of his visit to the land of Kalakaua - the Hawaiian paradise. "Well, I've seen a good ileal lur inif the past five weeks, ami 1 have thoroughly enjoyed all I have Keen" replied the doctor, in answer to tin reporter's first inquiry, "lhit the most gratifying portion of the trip in the marked improvement in my wife's health, as it was mainly for her benefit that the journey whh undertaken, She comes back fully reeovereil from a long and severe illness, nnd though we visited many places of benuty and interest 'there ii no place like home,' and we are both decidedly glad to get back to dear old Denver once more. "What do you consider the most enjoyable portion of your trip, doc tor?" was asked. "That would indeed be difficult to y," replied the doctor. "San Fran Cisco is not new to me by any means, as I was in business there five years ago, since which time there have been comparatively few changes. Hut Han Francisco is a beautiful city, whether one visits it for the first or the hundredth time, and a stay of any length there is always pleasant, always interesting I was engaged in practice there nearly two years, and as I have de cided to establish branch offices in all the principal cities in the United States, I shall certainly find it to my interest, I think, to include San Francisco in my earliest selections for a new office, when I shall place in charge of one of my best trained ami most skillful assistant physi ciaus. HACK W AND 8A.N KKANCISCI . "And you say San Francisco has not imiirovivl iniieh of hit v.- .r'-" j "Comparatively little. Five large business blocks, now in course of erection, were about the only iui portant improvements I noticed though in the newer suburban districts a few private residences and other buildings are going up. I noticed hundreds of vacant houses, ornamented with 'for rent' cards, the rents for ordinary resi dences ranging from .f 10 to $l."0 per month. If Sail Francisco is grow ing it is growing stowly, but it is a pretty fair si.ed city now, having a population of about .'tot MUX). "Some extensions are being made in the cable lines and th first electric line in tlie citv is now heing built from Market street to Sunny side, a new addition to the city. Gambling at the stork exchange, however, is as lively as ever, with boarding house proprietresses, servant gi.'ls ami kindred classes of suckers flaying the role of vic tims mainly. All were looking for the coming of Mackay to bring them their long-looked-for fortunes from the Comstock mines." "Any real estate activity there':" "Mighty little. There is a mod erate movement visible in Alameda, Oakiaml ami Hcikeby properti,,. but nothing to speak of when com pared with the activity of real estate in Denver." "I!ut what of Honolulu:" "Well, now you've got inc. Hono lulu is nil right. I suppose, for those who like that sort of country, but it wouldn't suit me. It's pretty, of course, pretty as a picture, and the Hawaiian Islands arc very prettily spoken of in the guide books as the paradise of the Pacific. Hut they don't know anything about push and entei prise down there. For my part 1 prefer business to beauty of landscape, and the bustle and roar of tratlic to leafy bowers and shody glens, and all that sort of nonsense. Do you know I actually contemplated opening a branch office in Honolulu, provided the conditions were favorable, but I hadn't been at the wharf half ait hour until I saw that there was no show for a profitable business in that locality, and I accordingly drToted my entire time, heart, soul and pocketbook to the pursuit of pleasure. Any reasonable man can have a whole lot of fun in Honolulu and not run any risk of over exertion either in his search for harmless amusement." "How much time is required to go from Sau Francisco?" "About six clays. We went on the Mariposa, one of Spreckels' famous ton steamers, a. id shortened the time by several hours; travel on the Pacific is a luxury compared with the stormy passage of the tempestuous Atlantic." "What is the population of Hono lulu?" "About -.", I, composed of Ameri cans, English, Germans, Italians, many Chinese, and natives. It is the capital of the Hawaiian Islands, and besides being of considerable importance as a seaport town has foundries, in ichiiie shops, planing mills , lumber yards and every re quisite for carrying on ai extensive mauiifact uring, building and ship ping trade. They have mimic good business li.msc.-t there and u i. um ber of very creditable p.iolic build ings, first rate hotels, g'."d restaur ants, line drives, e.xcelle. it climate, and the city is well supplied with good water, while the streets are well light"d. The palace is a hand some building, with delightful sur roundings, and well kept grounds." TIIK OUliKN WAS KICK. "Did you see the queen?" "No, the queen was sick very ill, indeed although the report of her illness was contradicted here. She was not only ill, but dangerously so." "Did you visit any other portions of the island except Honolulu?" "No. As I said before, Mrs. Hetts' health had improved so much that I was forced to yield to the pressing demands of my business here at home, as wi ll as in several other cities where I have branch offices, and 1 was forced to shorten my visit considerably less than I had originally intended. And besides, there was an uncomfortable amount of rather sanguinary revo lutionary talk there, and I wasn't at all anxious to see any red handed carnage just then. The English and American men-of-war were holding themselves in readiness to act promptly upon the firBt eymp touts of auy serious outbreak." "I suppose they have some fine resideuces there?" "Oh, not particularly fine. Sev eral of the English and American merchants have built rather pretty, large frame bouses, painted white mostly and surrounded with groves ol palm, tig and cocounut trees, giving them quite a striking nnd picturesque appearance." KXI'KNSES NOT HIGH. "How about living expenses?" "(Juite reasonable indeed. Dur ing our stay there my wife and I stopped at the Hawaiian hotel, a really superb three story building, which cost about $1,7)KX) and will accommodate 100 guests very com fortably. The bfst in the land graced the table of this hostelry, and, considering the rate, $3 a day each, very reasonable. ;Ve visited the K'oynl palace, which was built in 1S at a cost of $T)O0,0i K I, and were shown the state apartments with their treasures, works of art, etc, but the illness of the quern render ed an audience with her majesty simply out of the question." "And the inhabitants?'' "The natives are a brown skinned, intelligent, peaceable appearing people, with honest faces, good forms and graceful movement. The men usually adopt the English style of dress, while the women wear a loose-littiiiir irarmenl. some what like a 'Mother Hubbard.' They are a methodical people, whose good taste is shown in the arrangement and decoration of their homes. They are fond of music, love trees ami (lowers, and judging from the style of archi tecture in their public buildings, have what might be termed an irtistic and mathematical eye." "Then why don't you like it there?" I do; but it would be no plate for business conducted as I would insist upon having it conducted, on the principle that to the rustler belong the spoils of enterprise and pluck. No, I d stick to the United States, and far above all others in the pride I feel in this magnificent country is Denver- dear, delight ful, busy, bustling, bright and beautiful Denver -the queenliest of the queenly -the proud Cjueen City of the Plains."-Denver News. Young Pugilist. Frank O'Ncil and Harry Ouick engaged in an altercation to-day on nam street, that tuiarht have re- suited disastrously had not the ponce interlered. As it was. it only resulted in the former strik ing the latter a blow in the face tninging Mood and causinc ouite a severe bruise. Words were used that were decidedly more forcible than elegant and on the whole it was anything but a praiseworthy affair. Rnttnattna Curaj m a Day, Mystic Cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia- radically cured in 1 to a days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re moves at once the cause and the di sease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 7fe Sold by F, G. r-rickc, Druggist, wt IlAVK you beard from McKinley? It wji a enmpai g i of e Juration over in Ohio, and the thinking voters attend.'d to the little tin, plate racket. Wl).m-K'if Gov. Campbell of Ohio knows tin when he sees it? Al.so, tlie question of honest money, a dollir worth a dollar, w.n disposed of by the Huekeyc voters. 1 1 sj Col. Sheri.Tiii heard from Ohio? II. is oar Coij-leni.ed friend heard anything of the McKinley bill or of Mill McKinley:- Pl-KMAI'S 11-mt. Sherman and the independent edilor of the Kang-iroo Iler.dd of O.'.l ill, I have le a'. d from th" two "H.V' oi iowj, i!ii;es and Hud re. wuMnvMbinUAjnfN,. j U'ni:i::-; is Uncle Hen Stevcn.-on? I Probably changing the ind.peud j cut gho-tt shirt b.ic'i to the simple old republican garment belaid olT the day the alliance (-sharper took him in at Dunbar. TllK result in Ohio is a complete triumph for American institutions and honest money. The fight was made purely on these issues and there jsno question that an intelli gent expression was given. THE conscience of the penple has at last beeujreached and they want neither free whiskcyiii,owa nor free wool in Ohio. Where are the twin relics theJtwo;"HV who so recently electrified the Plattsmouth democracy we mean Bynuinjand Htyan? It will now be in order lor the Journal to revise the figures re cently published by lhat'"organ concerning the 'district jadgship Evidently there is something radic ally wrong in its method of cotnpu tation, unless it be that the result at the polls is misleading. WB do not know what The Journal will do now. The editoriof that sheet can t stand the enormous tax the McKinley bill imposes on democratic wind. The amount of wind employed during the late campaign by that sheet, with the duty added which is a tax! -has bankrupted the old concern. El). W. Sandys, in Mod and Gun department of Outing for November says: ' I would adt ise no man to use a gun larger than a ten gauge, and honestly believe that it would be belter were the 'shoulder cannons,' such as four gauges, not manufac tured, and the same also might be said of repeating magazine shot guns. The ordinary sixes, ten and twelves, are already too deadly in practiced hands for the welfare of ur diminishing supply of game. Neither is it good sport to take too great advantage of opportunities. Two barrels and a killing power, say as far as sixty yards, should be enough to utisfy an honest sports- man. HowloSnlfda Turliay. Ill this country only is the turkey tound in a wild state. It is very fit ting, therefore, that in the Thanks giving dinner it should be the prin cipal dish, writes Maria Parloa in her department in The l.adies'IIoine Journal. 1 he Iui key must be wisely chosen, well cooked and properly served. It should be short and plump, the meat white, with some fat, the legs black and smooth; and if there be spurs they should be short. The end of the breast-bone should be llexible. more like gristle than bone. A turkey that is long in proportion to its si.e. and lias dark or bluish flesh, may be tender, but certainly will not be finely flavored ami juicy. A dry-picked turkey will be found to have a much better fla vor than a scalded one. All poultry that is dry-picked costs a few cents a pound more than the scalded, hut is well worth the extra price. Wonderful Success. Two vit'ira ii fvt !.. Il-.ll r I o.' ordered their bottles by tlie box -niiw uii-j uuy iy uie carload. Anionir the nonu.rirjt.nl an.-,-,.,,! f I ' -MV (TV IUI remedies they prepare is Ha tier's .-mnaji.ir ma re nurUOCK WUlCll is tke most wonderful t1n,H known. No druwririst hesitate tn recommend this remedy. ror sine oy arufjarist. STKATED Fratn IVia r,... ,.f i.. undersigned, n black pig. Any in formation KlttuTj received at post oftictby 6t II. J. Strright. Childrw Cry for Pitcher's Castorlu. WliiB IUhy irk, w (tt. har Corona. Wka th ni CliilJ, ) cried f,vr Cm .ri Wht th bui Jliu, a!-, chirp so Oi.ir g. Wtirnth Wn,;t n-. . ..-.-i-" ,-- I I. illy uf Gmiuc. '.'!.. ti-r.t t': l"w is off, orr v" i will fevi.rn with limit rs of ;:'.l 1 n ,jtii..ii f;-(,i,i the "cut kney" .jrt.s man uown (or i.;) to the iiruf."-M(ju;.l hunter. Tilers i:re fjeaenilly four hunt ers t one li.-.l, ur. 1 ve h vvu i-eown u.'ea tr..iimii;' all d::y and bii:iii: home two or tlir- e little i'!:i-y'n birds. It is this cla.-sof lnutu-rs wwxl.j tl:ei::ost damage, hs they are not c.'ip.iblo ,f shooting Rtime Linls, ami wr uv;;y lit uuy ami every little bird i.H-y m- , till there are hardly i:t:y li ft. Oi r J ic.-il hunters say that there will In; ;li'ii:yof k line this season. Gen erally s;i-:tli!i we have a fair, miM win f r. wry litilecruft ou thu buuw ami but few ice i.tnrins. Tin) H-viro ire Ftorms destroy mom qn::il than the hnn.ti'i'S kill, bec:iu.-;e quail !.;i y to;;.-i Mi-r oa the gri.ttn-l, a. el if p-ii'ny !;.l!s ilii:-i.i; the ns;;ut an 1 f.u-is i,ve:-, it siui;)ly s'moihi'fs thcai. IIn.it i rs have found whole llneks of tie-in ly luteins. t ' : !:"!, having b-'ea nr'.al.lj tn -i-ii(-ti-ate tlinni :li the filler. Tin-re were never niuny lloe'-.-sof ijau.l a rou ml a.i at present. Go win ro yo-t will you will ii;:d t.ie'in. A lare floek p.is-ed over the fair jtroun-l V'e.liie'd:iy ulternoim wliilu the trotting took jilaee, wliieh nniiiusoauj of our huuterd' months water. Part riilpes are al.so very plenty, anil, what is htiil better, they fire full gruwu iiml plump. Of woodcock we have seen but a few. Years no they were plenty every season in our Bwamps, but thu summer Htiuntimj has killed them off, and but very few breed in our swamps now. Tho full flight generally brings a few Hcatterimr ones, but as they lire a migratory bird ami fly principally dur in;,' the ni:,'hitimo, we get but now and then a chance to shoot ut them. Thera are also plenty of foxes, and our hunters dou't need to go very far to find them if they ouly know how, as Reynard is a cunntnj and bly chap. Watertown (N V.) Uor. W'aterbury American. New Lukri on Mar. There i.s one point of view from which the formation of a new lake in southern California by the overflowing of a sandy desert with water from the Colorado river possesses peculiar Interest. It may throw light inion some of the mysterious changes that have occurred upon the planet Mars. Near the equator of Mara there is a region which has been behoved to be part of the dry land of that planet, and which ha9 been named Lybia by the Italian astronomer Schiaparelli. Dut a few years ago a change occurred in the color of "Lybia," and some of the observers thought that it must have been suddenly overflowed with water, since it had assumed the color charac teristic of the other regions of Mars that are supposed to be water covered. Other similar changes have been seen by telescopists on Mars. Now that a no w lake has actually been formed on tho earth by the unexpected filling up with water of a depressed area of dry land, those who believe that a similar occurrence, on a larger scale, has taken place ou Mars will probably lie strengthened in that interesting opinion. Youth's Companion. Kiilbliling Dean. Suibbling bans Is nt this season of tho year an evening occupation for Ger man housewives. They are thecommon string beans, which can be bought by the bag, about two bushels. They are washed and strung, and then, with a very sharp knife or special implement, they are cut into very thin slices and packed in layers iu an earthen crock. On each l.tjer of boans is spread a layer of salt, ami when the crock is almost full a largo plate covers tlie whole, and is held down by a weight, generally a Iriek. If brino does not collect suf ficiently to cover the layers, a little water is added, and the beans are ready for use in tlie winter. The salt that is absorbed must bu removed by soaking the beans overnight, when they are ready to be cooked. It is not unusual for housewives to have snilibling par ti', at which their friends and relatives assist in the slicing, refreshment being secondary features of the occasions. New York Sun. A Kpniilnli Horn MlMiturlitii. James Ryau, better known as Uncle Jimuiie, is now eighty-six years of age. He has never lived outside of what are now the confines of tho stateof Missouri. Yet he was born a subject of Spain. When this territory was ceded to France Uncle Jimuiie Ixrame a Frenchman. Afterward the territory was purchased by the United States, and so today Mr. Hyfin is rn Ami He:-n ritiziii. I!n hn.i been an evuitlul life, as he remarked ul the old settlers' mtetimr, but tho even ing of his days is peaceful and his lieart is as yonng now as when ho wh n Spaniard eighty-five years ago. Nevada (Mo.) Democrat. A llaiiHtm Tri n Thnt Uaur. Mr. L. Gilleu has a trenuine enrinairv in tho form of n banana tree, ten feet tail, rearing one bunch of bauanas. He has a number of other banana trees, but uoue bearitiir fruit r.ivh this mm Th leaves are long and slender, and the mo tion or tne wind causes the leaf to cut iu two like ribbons. Until tho cause the bud to open it much resembles a large red water lily bnd tightly closed. This covering drops off in time, leaviug the frnit lyimr closely side bv rijieii. Lexington (Mo.) News. PUy of Yonng Tlpitr. While Theodore Burns was cutting h v on a farm near Hnnter tha sickle rnk a spotted vijier Into four pieces. It was four feet long and within it were found eighty Are little vipers, four to six inches long, rhe snake literature of Missouri this wasen is ununnally nrolific and van- egatod. Fulton (Mo.)Snn. A Oh. . A dmneer.irnt rnmttu kil.i " .V WUHU HCVfll trills nt.l wlir. u.at.rVa lo. - ........ t. . . ii inw umil A pound. The iufaut eujoya good health And will nnitinlil liu I. I. 41... .- . r..r....v.s, 1L4 waiih u tuts sre of small child's wrist and its legs about as larS as a lwnl uenell .f.i.ii,,.r. ' - .- - -- - - - ...f fluid Iteuablfcau. No I'm fur It.it Mm. Tl; Mii'.ion:.! ,' i0'.ui Majhine cam I '"jy lias, ic is s-al.l.j..:.: i)i.aaA the right to u j a curiam Iock oa tiie money pon -hti of their uiaeiiini's, fr which t.iey will pay tho inventor the Bum of ?." 0. 'i his is a safety J.x:k. and in piu '-aij is to prevent rohbeiy cf the ma th!; by the employees who are en l' u,. -,1 v. iiii coileet,ii.i; the earnings of the .le::t in, u-y makii-s duily. There r 2 ),U"0 of thou machines now iu use in t - ) United h'ut.-s, and the company is K' li;'.0- leaily to ji,t 10,000 more on tha lnaiK 't. Wi n: a penny is dropped in tl.jflotU v. ill i,'A nam little iron bos aa 1 ;'i"H( reiaaiu until thu collector calls ! Curing the day. j 'il.u colii etor v. ill be fui lil.-heil with a ti.aiiilr.s batr, tho metal mouth of v. l.:e'.i he will i :r,.-rt i.,Lo an or. lire in tiie cash bos. 'i he:v is a registering h e',; in tn; mou:h of t.iis b;r,', the reg i. -t -1 nii.-.ilj..r of wiiieli is rr-corded in i the c; liiaiij 's ill;---' before the collector r.-eeivc. ii. I.i.n i ii!i- the bag properly, , he ttin.s tiie la y wi.ieli ho has just one , ijnarter tura. Tnis releases a concealed ' k- V ill lllil h:n Wilil'n i-n:d,.,l inln keyhole in tho ca.i box. A second quar ter turn unlocks tlie rash box, and the money rolls into the collector's pouch without his being able to touch it. A third nuarter turu wit:flraws the con cealed key, and the last turn releases the pouch, with the contents of the cash box intact. Lost on Transcript. Alnuiit Sltle by Side. Two sailing vessels recently lay in the Mersey that had left Liverpool on the same day last year, and after voyages of nearly 130,000 miles for each returned to port at Liverpool almost side by side. Tliey left Oct. 5 for Astoria, Ore., and arrived there March 1 or 2, having been in company with each other for a large portion of the voyage. They were in sigu ioi lui ly uays. Uoth captains had their wives on board, and during the forty days of proximity one of the cap tains and his wife enjoyed a Sunday dinner on the other vessel, the compli ment being returned the following Sun day by the other captain. Doth vessels left Astoria April 8, but this time one vessel sailed for Dunkirk and the other for Havre. They left these ports at nearly the same time, and entered the Mersey withiu hailing dis tance after a voyage of 843 days. Lon don Letter. A 8iik Swallow ria Turbnti. The two Shafer brother, who live on tne east side or the Osage river and ome distance below Castla Rork lout an adventure with a blacksnake the ether day. A doa had ehiueil & rnhhit in a hollow log, and one of the brothers i . s i . t ... . reacueu in tp noie a mtle way, when tie was i u ..iy bitten on the hand Fearing tuJi a bnako had Inflicted the wound, tlie otntr brother hastened to house and returned with a fresh milk and an ax, tho former to be used to counteract the poison aud the latter as a meausof investigating tha in. terior of the log. After some work tho log was split open and a huge black snake measuring over nine feet emerged. The penwut was oou killed, and after warn cut open. His stomach contained five young turkeys and seven turkey eggs. The brother who was bitten ex perienced no serious resnlts from the wound. Jefferson City Tribune. Infringing on uu Anclsut Idm. "There is no new thin under thn sun." Messrs, Koberson, of Long Acre, iu the course of their business of supply ing artists with nignieuts. become tir.- sessed from time to time of remains of tue Treat hsrvntians. to be in due eon. ground up by them and sold in tubes us "mummy" paint. The linn recently letit a piece of the beautiful! v preserved linen bandages in which a uign priest and keeper of the baths had 1 jiii eii jieserveu 10 ne stiown at some con versaziune or lecture hi the Midland. The texture and quality excited great wuiiirauun among tne audience, which culminated in something like astonish ment upon the declaration nf faeturer that this fabric, woven jierhaps oy a contemporary or .Moses, contained the sumo disposition of threads which he had independently invented and patented ouly a year ago.-Pall Mall Oazette. Huron Von I'miUiir. M. Fastetir is now entitled to style himself Earon von Pasteur, the emperor of Austria having sent him the Order of the Iron Crown. There are some doctors and favants who have a right to wear it. The Paris Liberte is curious to see Nw.i ii.er .!. i"teur will c:iu.io himself to be announced as M. le Larou do Pas teur when he goes to dine at great houses. Tilers is practically no hindrance to Frenchmen in France going by foreign titles or wearing foriign orders. London Star. Shot Dch.I liy 111, MulB. C. N. Hammond, living two miles Botith of Jackson, heard a noise at his barn, and, thinking that a thief was about, took his pistol and went out. It is thought he went near a mule, which kicked him, cauMtig the pistol to go off The ball passed through his body. He lived but a few hours and died without ever speak icg. -Cor. Memphis Appeal Avalanche. A new Wod of a school in about to be started. The University of Pennsylva nia baj reeeivM 700,000 in gifts to be ruwd for fouudiug a school of American history and institutions. The new tunnel of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, under the city of Balti more, will cost upward of $3,000,000. It is being unshed uihtand day, fuUy 1,000 men being at work upon it. A rect lmportatl( of orange tree Jnti CVfru j,-m Tahiti itemed tbem to be infested by a new insect, and the authorities will nnt .1 4. , lauded. The bievrla him K, . . "'uiusi as pop ular in Germany ns it is In the United Otates. The (Jennir, !T; ... Wonderful. ' F. W.Sawyer, of Rochep?r, Wis., a prominent dealer in penerai , inercbaiidipe. and w bo rims several i ri.nl fl I i ,i l' :i -. , , , I.. ..I i. : . .. ..r,-.-.., will; 111 Ills, ; borsos badly cut and burned withf i lariat, The'wouiid n fuccd to heal 11' 1 . . - I i now-withstanding carelul nttention i and the application of remedies. A ; friend banded Sa'.vyer f-oine Of : llaller's I'arb Wire Lincinerit, the 1 most woiiuertul thnifr ever saw to lieal such wounds, lie afij.licd it i only three times and ilie sore was : completed healed. Kqualiy good I for all snrs, cuts, briiscs. and 'wounds. For sale by all druggist A Saf" Investment. Ic one whirh is guaranteed to bring you satifaotary results, or in case of failuree a return of purchase .... .. . i . . . f u imih-. wn mis sine piain you can i liny Irom our advisertise Oruggist ( a I ottleof Dr. King.s .New Di.-cr very . for coiisuiiipiioii. ' II is guaranteed i to bring rel icf in every case, when j used for any anectaui of Throat, I Lungs, or chest, such as Consum ption, liillauiiiintion of Lungs Uron chitis' Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croiips.ets., etc. It is pleasant and gareeable to taste, perfectly safe and Trial bottles free at F. O.'Fricke & Co' s Drugstori. a Cure for Paralysis. Frank Cornelius, of Purcell, Ind. Ter., says: "1 induced Mr. I'inson, whose wife had paralysis in the face to buy a bottle of Chamberlaiu'i Pain Halm. To their great suprise before the bottle had all been used she was a great deal better. Her face had been drawn to one side but the Pain Halm relieved all pain and soreness, nnd the mouth assumed its natural nhape." It in also a certain cure for rheumatism lame back, sprains swellings and lameness. 50 cent Lotties for pale by F. G. FrickeACo., Druggist. Strength ma Health. It your are not feeling strong and henlthy.try Electric Hitters. If "La Grippe" has left you weuk and weary, use Electric Hitters. Thi remedy acta directly on Liver, Stomach and Kindys' gently aidinr those organs to preform their func- imuf. ii you are attlicted with Jiek Headache, you will find epeedy ond permanent relief Ly takinr Klectric Hetter. One trial will con vince you that this is the remedy von neei! T 'it-iv-A . i k har mil Kv I tM:..un a- - - -- "j . vj. i i imcoc v.o. Merit Winn. We desire to sav to th fit i7na - that for years we have been selling Ur. King's New Discovery for Cot kll 111 nf i.in Tlf K' 1 r, .i-'.. V. T !l. n-n Hucklen's Arnica Slave and Electric Hitters, nnd have never handled remedies that nell as well, or that have given tuich universal satisfac tion. We do not hesitate to guar antel them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisafactory results do not follow there there uae. These remdiem have won there grant popularity purely on thcrr merits F. G. Fricke A Co Druggists. Some of the most startling, in trrsting discoveries of the life aud customs of buried Egypt are now being made through extensiveexca vattions. These discoveries are exciting n great interest. Many discoveries are. however, bein made in our country that are re markable, among which we may mention that of llaller's Fain Para lyzer which effects entire relief, and in many cases a complete cure of that terrible disease rheumatism, and which also relieves pain of all kinds. Fur sale by all druggists. For many years Mr. M. F. Thouip son, of I).(i MoinoM. i .I.., ut-ij verely nilliclcd with chronic diarr ie says: -.vt times it was very severe; so much so, that I feaerd it would end my life. About seven years ngo I chanced to nrn. cure a bottle of ('li:inii,,.rhii'u Colic Chol.ra and Diarrhoea hemcdy. It gave me prompt relief audi believe cured mt tiern,.,,....! Iy. as I now eat or drink without harm anvthimr I i,i,.-,u,. r i, ...... also used it in my family with the ..r.i i, -miiis. ror sale liy J G. i-1 KMC tV t. ft. TH0S POLLOCK R v HYf .eiary 1'litUic A ANtrAder Suliellor al Estate, Loan aiid Instttance Agents If yotihave real estate to sell or exchange send us description, price and terms. Abstracts of title furnished at reas onable rates. $IC0,ii(K) to loan ut 7'. percent and no commissions, on good farm security. POLLOCK Si IIVKKS PLATTSMOI'TII . N E H. Office under Ca County Bunk. TO SHIPPERS. Hilttcr, Eirirs. Cheese iil r.iim. Poultry. Meat. Annt nioiA.. r 'lvt1i iiiwvw Green nnd Dried Fruite, Vegetables v iuer. JH Pi s.ool, HidcB, Tallow Sheep Pelt. Grain, Flour; Hay, Beeswax, Feath ers, Ginning, Rroomcoru, and Hops. ci. u. IA1,I,AK D tieti. Com. Mi.i-phi lit rt Khititvor awMarkst Htrett - Bt. Uu'u. M. WlNTKlY. 1 . . . . ... em and ntjlppm. GUKBNWUtl), NKB. Onice in the Bass Noel building I --- "i"uu ui uicy- cksU now ha. uver 1,400 members. Kesideuce, the Ed Kich Property.