if : f 1 I JL 4 mTTTTS rTlP A rn A TTnnPTrl ft! SAT . Hi JL J 1.111 JiA.J LLJXi. i XiUwiiw wixjj-j 11 XI OP- EG-ISTBEID HEREFORD CATTLE Will take place at the rach of the Ah land Land and Live stuck t'o. lour mll;s north and mile east of . ASHLAND, NEH. . ... - i ii nrv 'xjl v r - vv f .i. .ia. . Th etock is the eel or me o-st lau I- vr WiTA tV 7 . X MK-' Jnrn llMlnf iforefnrd cuttle In Kind ml or t,Ki'K:'V VK i lVfc'SMVt America and is 8 red by the le'.iowued andjwhlouoble bulls, Kimuo, Vender, J id&A if ar - .... . .... I' Vwvwa ku- t' If .real, tan 01 uaut iuuu uu mirciu. u.jv j?'.-!;-ViiarSt't i dames lu the noted and carefully t " lected lit rd of Ihorou.hbied registered 1 llnreford cowe. formerly owned by the ' Harlem Cat le company ana wnicn com Zjif?f'e ivT' t 7 them the enormous sum of 1117,000 V7r x WWW- Wr..iV. Of Ft t , 30 -H j ad Young Bulls-30 All f tfor service antllie flaunt epecl meu lu Ametlc.tot thwlr axe, Head of Cows- 30 Alt of whl h a tireit t i mm' . n ot the famous itock, hulls na ned tieielu. Many ut tuem have calves tusUo. They are the ensWt kept quickest to ui. t ire and the t'ft b -rl breeder lu the world Free conveyance to and from DAM (tei.'t .nd ulaud to runcb. r'i.e luncb at noou. cpppTAT we have about 125 hrnd of crarte and ordinary cattle to sell at private Hale that cnu b )i SPECIAL- e nave auoui i . f. int..,,.! ra h hur nothing but nure bred Hereford If bouo-ht at half their value, we wum iu k" " o jrhCA "llland i on the B. St VI. railroad. 30 milea horn Omaha and 2.1 mild from Lincoln. Four train daily Vachway. . priWAnn t. v r.tT'NT T'rcMident. COL. F. M. WOODS, Auctioneer, 5 if Busineaa Education. j The business course recently en tablished in connection with our city schools has proved to be a decided success, and an accession that should have been made some time since. Thus far it has been attended, almost wholly, by resi dents of riattsmouth, but it is the desire of the management that students may be induced to attend from surrounding towns, and there is no valid reason why such might not be the case. This is an age in which it behooves every citizen to have a business education, and una training may be received here as well as any place in this or adjacent states. Prof. Ilalsey made a trip to Murray last Saturday and he in forms us that in the event arrange ments may be made by which stud ents can secure boarding and lodging at reasonable rates, quite a elegation from that section may -:e confidently expected. To the end that it may be as accurately ascer tained as possible what the expense will be, Prof. Ilalsey desires to see all persons that can accommodate a club of from one-half down to twenty nunils. THE HiiRALti feels like commending the enterprise ex hibited by Prof. Ilalsey in working up a greater degree of interest in this newly instituted department; and it appears to us that if the mat ter were to receive proper attention ut the hands of our business men, the facilities for enlarging the sphere and scope of the work might be provided. A great many towns with by far less population and more limited resources than we possess maintain business colleges and they prove to be a great benefit to the town and community. We suggest that some of our public spirited business men take the mat ter in charge and provide means for the establishment of a thorough commercial school. To Sue for Damage. Mrs. Geo. Smith, wife of the col ored man who was lynched in Omaha, has decided to bring suit arrainst the county for the recovery of $10,(XXJ damages. The ground upon which she brings suit ia that Smith was in the care of the county officials who, by neglect of duty, al lowed to be taken by the mob ToOrannizsa Post. Several prominent G. A. R. men of this place contemplate going to Louisville next Wednesday even- inv fur the imrnose of oriraniztnir a tiost at that place. The requisite number of names have been se cured, a hall provided and prelim inary arrangements all completed hence the organization is assured. It is hoped that a large delegation will go from Plattstnouth to as- u!ul1 iii tlie exercises and belt) enthuse the veterans. OFFICIAL FOOD TESTS The United States and Cana dian Governments Ana lyze the Baking Powders. Comparative Strengin arid Purity o thn Different liranda Officially Determined. Kdjeary, banker and prominent attorney of him wood, is in the city today. J. A. Busom, of the Murray tier, is in the city to-day. Iian- tieo. Neb.. Cass County Court. License to wed issued to Mr. Weyhied of Pierce county, and Miss Lizzie Schaefer of county. ICmpire Hardware Co. vs. K. B. McXurlin, constable. On motion in ntiMiver defendant. Trial to court and submitted. State Bank of Kim wood vs. James Iniri-. Suit on note. Brief of plaintiff placed on file. Tims. Duerr vs f. C. Spam. Ac tion in forcible detention . Contin tied on application of plaintilf until November 7, at 10 a. m. State Bank of Klmwood vs. Henry Ifollenbeck. Suit on note. Brief of plaintilf placed on file. May Recover. S. A. Davis made a trip to Union yesterday to visit Sim Upton, who was seriously injured by a fero cious bull recently. He reports that although his condition is seri ous there is strong probability of his recovery. The attending phy sician appears fearful that blood poisoning may yet take place, iu the eyeut of which death will very likely ensue. Police Court. Information was filed to-day by I A. Hawks airainst J. A. Karns, ,.,,.,rri.,.r him with assault ami battery. It appears that Mr. .Karn has been keeping company witli .1.. .i.,.,i.tor af Mr. Hawks, to llic miun.v. - which the latter seriously objected. Hawks accosted Kama last evening -hiriMinon the latter struck htm. Judge Archer fixed the fine at $1 A Lively "lace. Last evening an Dr. Liviugston was at the residence of Jack Minor in South Park, his team win pre sumably untied, and started toward the business portion of the city. They galloped down high school hill through Main street at a verv raoid rate, and accordiug to th miri nf bvstaijders, after reachimr the B. & M. railroad they galloped up the track aa far as ths switch house where they turned around and retraced their stepn. They continued to run at a break neck speed up Main street until they came to Jones A Fitzgerald's livery table, where they were evi dently well satisfied to halt. Anide from the breaking of four spoke in the wheel little damage was done. That Nebraska is one of the greatest apple producing states In the Union is no longer questioned and that Cass produces more than any other county in Nebraska is equally evident. The finest of win- I..., ,av lie purchased at lei hjh'"-" " forty ceuta per bushel. District Court. A case from Nebraska City was up in district court last evening and also this morning on a writ of habeas corpus. It appears that Cyrus Kandall is being held in jail at Nebraska City r ii t j . . . r.j lie ntli'irfH. WTOtl TI ill I T. 11 1" claimed that he is held pending the issuinir of requisition papers that he may betried in Iowa for perjury The case was continued pending developments concerning the move :ient on the Iowa side. In case of Carpenter vs. McLaren, a decision was rendered in favor of of the defendant. In this case McLaren, of Louis villa was pasturing cattle for D. I) Ramsey. The latter purchased , i grain of Carpenter but, as Carpen- inr .iiifir,j rtiil not make satisfac tory settlement for the same, and J .. U.I ...... he accordingly sueu. nr. na.iru for the amount 01 uie grain. The public is always responsive to siiggeston about the food it eats. Great interest has been taken in the investigations made by the United Slates and Canadian invcrnments and by the dilierent boards of health to show the purity or im purity of milk, baking powders, pices, and oilier articles of daily use in the culinary department of our households. Just now the subject of baking powder is claiming public atten tion. We till desire pure and whole some bread and thisi cannot be had with the use of impure or poison ous baking pow'der. There can be no longer any question that all the cheaper lower grades of baking powders contain either alum, lime or phosphatic acid. The officials analyses by the United States and Canadain govern ments have therefore beenj,'studied with interest and have pretty clear ly established the facts upon this subject. The United States govern ment report gives the names of eighteen well-known powders, some of them advertised as pure cream of tartar baking powders, that con tain alum. The report shows that the Royal baking powder was found the highest in leavening strength, evolving 1(30.0 cubic inches of gas per single ounce of powder. There were eight other brands of cream of tartar powders tested and their iveraae strength was 111.5 cubic inches of gas per ounce of powder The Canadian government wives ligations were of a still larger nuni ber of powders. I he Royal baking- powder was here also shown the purest and highest in strength, con taming I'jnJi cubic inches of leaven ing gas per ounce of powder. Nine other cream of tartar powder ounce ot powder were tested, their average strenuth beincr reported to be Ml ic inches of cas per ounce. These figures are very instructive to practical housekeeper. They indicate that the Royal baking pow der iroen more than .st per cent further in use than the others, or is one-third more eeonmical. Still more important than this, however of the chief baking powdci in the market, and have subject thrnt to careful chemical examination to determined their purity, whole- somcticts ni.d leavening power. As the results of my lest I find the Royal b iking powder "itperior to nil the otheis iu every respect. It is entirely free from all adultera tion and unwholesome impurity, ami in baking it gives oil n greater volume of leavening gas than any other powder. It is, tbeiefore, not only the purest, but also the strongest ponder with which 1 am acquainted. Wau i iCvllAlNrs, M. P., Consulting Chemist, Chicago Board of Health. The statistics fhow that there is used in the manufacture of the Roval bakinir powder more than half of all the cream of tarter con sumed in the United States for all purposes. r The wonderful sale thus indicated f r the Royal baking pow- der-greater than that of all other baking'powders combined is per haps even a higher evidence than that already quoted rI the superior ity of this article, and of its indis- pensnbleness to modern cookery. THE platform of a candidate for a judicial office should be the consti tution, the law and the solemn oath of office that he take". That oath of office implies the duty of admin istering the law truly and impar tially between the rich and the poor, between the high and the low, between the poorest and humblest citizens and the richest and wealthiest corporation. Judgt A. 31. Post in h'i ipiech of accqtance. IF we arc to cling to the old par ties we might as well tear down our school houses, burn outr churches and write on the vault of heaven 'Satan has triumphed over God" and turn all the imps of hell loose on our country. J IV. Ktlncrton in a sveech of Kmrnty. TRUTH WAIIS ITO MASK M'.FKs M'.nilPK l'LA( V NOIt AlTLAl K j UDUS AT M) HUMAN Nil KINK. II' OM.Y ASKS A lirtKlMI. When wo say that wo sell honest good at lowest prices and treating all alike honorably wc suy that which is true, o- LUJ f k-yt i When all is said and done. Tho fact re minds that wo havo the largest stock.tnoRt coinpleto assortment, most reliable goods, and lowest prices to be found in Cast Co. LefiT"! Notiee. m i (ieoiL-e O'Neill and I.lllie O'Neill, (Iff n- V.tii fire hrrehv untitled I tl it t nn SutiirdiV the 2n-.li day ot 'N"V niiior. A. 0. lte.il, ut 11 can be lie'aid, It will apply lu 'lie .llsliut c nrt i.f i-urisi'iiit ill v. .eii iskh. nr iu rmuni'-i M t I. .....,,-. hi.liru ,if Willi f'lllll'l Inl-tliH mi ll, , v m. in. j'i"f. , ixiliititu'iit of :i rt c.'ivrrto take iiihhIi-ii "I nrrliiHii tli-nit: I.oIk I 2 3 t-5nml Dill Mock 2 of 0,."dl'' :u!iliti"ii In I'latlf inoutti, I v... i..mitv .!liri.k:l. lill:i'l llil. lrollllii tllllt the lailitill.'llie I'mvuli'iit ShvIiij;-. Loan and HinldliiK Aoo :illon, of n i-lin. Iiuve oin in, iii-i'ii m-ii'ii In the dint I let enurt of count v. Nebraska, ta ;or-elme a d-ruln limit- KiiCfl upon i-aul r al estate because "f oe tuultli;' liin lit'i-n maile tn tiie payment of the note secured by said murK'Hiv, Unit It In provided ingalil innrtim.-e t lint in the event of ...... A..1., nil i.i. 1).. tli.lt ill 111, llllll tl.lll.lif.4 til !.... i.l, . fnllv until III llT'im Mild ('(Mill H unit nf sal i not mill moatu,!-. t lie proper court er JUURe Nll&ll, uion apP'M-aii'Mi niiuiiii nim-iT-ei to tnk -,innesiuu. control hiiiI care of hhiiI t. .'milium, mill 'II F l 1 IP It'll 1 Bllt'itl 11 111 Illl- pIV 1 lit; llfl ilM-rrun ..1 hip ninii' on.., 1'ijiiiit ll ui imiuu, til III UUA llllint of tllfl dfl)L AH- rurt-ii ny r.i'.i in.'i ii;i.K' i "i-i ... iii ti Hpplii'KMoii. plain 111 w i Die and reutl tlie prtttlnti mid etlii It uttaclii d mid (lie aT ilavll 01 Jainen I eiirtt nun ..iiii- i , mi' ny. iitiiii iiif .i-.iiui.,!, tlm iiiiuia nf Tli a. l'filli,.k u r eelver with ('. II I'linm-I and Kumuel Whiikii i lilsmuetie-'. riaintlfT alionrtcr- aililisure- tioi J . U, raltn'xeil anu J m. nooerm I'HOVIUKK T BAVIW'.B I.IIAH AMI lleil.lHNO At IHM- tion. of Oinalia. Hliilnllff ;y K.S.Krv n it" Atty 14 Our stock of Mens, I'-oys and Children - OVERCO ATS U a si-'htto see and would do you good to examine them whether you defiire to buy or not, 1 "qui Notice. To Cf r!i O'Ni i ! ;.nil his wife, 1,11'ie U !tlll ft ai, n:iei'ilv' is v,... -.l a'lli nf rmi w-ill IuIim uiitlrM thut fin I IIU Hill HI' '" ..... - . ' I lie '.'tli day of Oc otnrA. 1. Ifvl, The Provi dent SaVingll. llOilll ttllMI IIIUIIlllIK A.BIH-I4 IVll, 01 (Mlianai piaiimu, iiimitiii inr-u in )rtiii,iH iii tlie distili t cnu t ot ( ivh county. NehraKa. anainM al aelena -nts : me onje anu prayer of wlilcli ate to fnrecloHe a certain mortKauH exeenwd liy thedefendant (leortre O'Neill anil lili wire i.lllie u -rn , w i nr pi. muni, i iuii ili'itt Savlnii l-ouii und Kulliliutc AsKorlallcn i oinulit. iiniiii lot oiih (1). two 1 2 1 . three d1, (i. in i ll. five ill, and sii (ii). lu Mock two 2) of O'Neill aildlllou t riallHintuin as purvi.)ed .. ... .....l - . .1 a mtiinla III sli.u uli IliaiOfU HUU IITVIUIiru, !'- li'imij vi.innnn, to secure the payment of a certain proml ory mite dated May SSirt, l!H for the mini of one tlmiisaud dnllaiiitll.oee uoidue anu pavanieon demand after date, peieand bavinK been made Ivi ' payment oy piamtin uifrem now oue .ui ...if m lil..r,B,I..M lllM Blim Af flllM llil 'D niiiu iii'.c nnu -.-w ... thousand (Jl.dooOO) didlars, with interent and preiiiluin at Hie raie oi uueen nnnun i-io.wii i rr month, payable inontlily from June ilrd ikii. aecordliiK 1 the tenor of naid note. I'lain tiff pray for a decree that the defendant'. (idorKeO'Nellt tm renulred to pay the -ame or that said preinifee may be fold I satisfy the amouni rouna oue wun an cimi-" m uuim irou You are rinra to answer nam pruuim uu or befoie Mondav. the 7tb day of December. A p.im. roviiiisTiiiu AN HPII.IIHU ASSOCIi- nn.N, of Omaha. I'lalntlfl. It H. Krvln, DaintifT'i Aliy 4t John Seibert came in from Pacific function this morning. Diphtheria is raging at Nebraska they prove this popular article has City. Six new cases were reported been brought to the highest degree yesterday. of purityfor to its superlative Dr.K. W. Cook reports a girl baby purity this superiority (in strength at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. i due-ami consequently that by Morgan this morning. The political pot is boiling now as it will not again before the pres idcutial election of 1SW. its use we may be insured the purest and most wholesome food The powder of lower strcnirth are found to leave large amounts uj laii-i iiiiivi'i.i s-j .., """Mi ito It appears to be an assured fact f t .piniKed by the report of the (Jhio State rood Commissioner, who, while finding the Royal prac tically pure, found no other powder that the O. A. R. post of this city will erect a creditable building ou their lot. llallow'een occurs next Saturday night. It might be well t increase the police force in consequence ot the occasion. Mr.and Mrs. T. J Rhoden returned from Greenwood thin morning, where they have been visiting Mrs. Khoden'a parents. Take Off the Horn. The undrrnigned is now ready with a good portable chute and tool to remove the useless weapons of horned cattle, at ten cents a head. A card or letter addressed to the undersigned at Rock HlulTa, Neb., will be promptly answered. w4 S. I Furlong. to contain less than 10 per cent, of inert or foreign matter. The public : interest in this ques tion has likewise caused to be made investigation by our local authori ties. Prof W. S. Haines, of Rush Medical Colleae. consulting cheni ist of theJjChiciigo Board of Hraith, ha found resulting similar 1o those reported by the national and Cana- dian'authorities. Pr. Hamen says Rt fill Mkd. COI.I,E(iK, ClUC ACO 1 have recently obtained samples Will you suffer with Dyspepsia Mini Liter Complain tr Miuoft s Vil alizer is guaranteed to cure you. '. THE LEADING CLOTHIEB- KG. DOVEyTsON UPSTAIRS OABFETS, AND LIKOMUMS IN OUR CARPET ROOM WE WILL take pleasure in showing you a very CIIOICK LINK OF HODY HRUSSELIA TAI'KSTRIES, ALL WOOL AND COTTON TWO PLY CARPETS, THREE PLY ALL WOOLS, HEMPS, ETC. RUGS, CURTAIN POLES, CURTAINS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, LINOLEUMS, OIL-CLOTH MINDING, ETC. WHITE AND RED. We call particular attention to our full 10 4 all wool red $125. A nice quality full 10-4 r 12 ! A fine quality of all wool 1(M red ft $3.)0. These are special gooa vaiues anu un j"" Sheriff Sala. u i,,.t ... ...,l.r of alii Ismiail b W. C. iit...uiia ljirk Af lhn fllatrict rourt ikl hia and tor Ca'as coiiBtv. Nebraska, and tone dl- recten. I will en me fira nay oi -Tnniuer a, p. I siit at two o elock p. m or (aid any at the fot of tbe stairway leanniK up io nocuwoon Hall In the City ot PlalUiiioiilb. Cast ctisty ebraska that being the place where the latt term of the (tlstrp-l conn wat n-iti id nam cnuaty, ell at public auctioN the following rea ustat to- -wll : Lot two (2), in iiiocKoae in, ia wair.ut nni Addition to the city ot Weeplui saler, 'a County. Nebraska, together with the appur tenances thereunto u-lergiug or in any wise apprtalnlnt. . . .' ... 1 nH lame oeiua invira uiivu ami iiiru nniafj property af I'lara Hatubleton, William Raw- -..A lli. m f'urfar aurnitfintii tfk U1VIVII Ml I U imm; " i tmtisfya udKint of said eeurt reentered by Benjamin A. tilbsOB, iubstituled for Ida latter noil, plaintiff. HK'tlr.st (aid defendants. n 1 1 " n H , tahMrlff tiY Siims Cfinnt.v. Nh I'laltsiuouth.Heb. October, Knd, k. I). lll. Our Dress Goods and Trimmings Should command your attention. We are able to show you the most complete line of Hlack Dress Goods, Plain and Plaid Dress Flannels and fancy Dress goods ever brought in the city. Notice. To lUUni J. t'oraer. noii-rtwidest defendant You are beretiv aotlien tnai an rue kid nay n.,ii..f iui tluntiuli CaikHr Hld a iwliltan VI .niuuw , - axiluH yen In the district court of Cawt cun- ty, Nebraaka, tn J'iri ana prayer i wninu m.-M. tAAiituiii n fiiwuri' frnm vim on Ihe around that vn witnaut the eonseator coanivane or -i...'..f M..mmilta.l liilllllrv Vlfl, S mnllK flf llltuaniii wiiiiMi' . - - - -- - women unknawu to plaintii.at a timanr t iniM unknown to piatann You are required to amwer said pellttai on r aefere Moedajr the 23rd day af Nevember tm. ilA.vNAU CoasiTR, I'lalBtlff. By J . H, Matliews, her attorney . Ira Armstrong will take notice that on the K.u A-m At iininl... litll M Ari.lmr. A tllstir.j. af the peece, ill t'UttsinoutU City preclunt. In rasHeouaiy, rvenrH"Ka, iuiu n isn - . !..... -,p tliA aiim nf ITU IB. In fAfe ftfilinn peadlug befereblm. a herelu Otwald saier Ii iBint.il , lr Arm.trnnr Ii tlafeDdanL that oroiiertTconslstliigof moneys, aid credit haj bean attached under ta'd order, sat rauae acouiiBMtid until thejotk day ot Movembwr ll, at to o'clock a.m. Ohw.ld llaioUff. By rl- Brii, hi Atteraeyf. rjf DON'T FORGET OlJRjS Special price on boy and girlu heavy school shoes to clean them out It will pay you to look them over. We sell Henderson's Red School House Shoe. They fit, Wear and give good satisfaction. Our line of i men's shots was tever s complete as this Fall at prices that art? right for good goods. If you are a man and work out of doors buy our j Seal Calf Shoes-high top and well made for 12 .75, better than you usually pay 13.00 to 18.75 for. Im men's fine shoes we have tbein cheaper than ever. an m m, Nos. 814, B16, Plattsmouth, Neb