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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1891)
r The futiersil ..' Mi'.-t. :-v? '.e!l or currcd at the Epi.eopal church t 'J p. in. today, attended by a large coticotirrv f -vmp.:thi;.iar friend.'. I'd i f (itiit.)i A1vi-nlur , had ii thrilling exper- week. Mr. Kuhnev has his l:u::y with water y feet from sitiface f the Vhout forty ci;:ht feet from We or about two feet fnmi "r, in, t he wall i.- a ledge nfiy large -r an animal to unf.irtahlv. las-OUH' mysteri- v - manner the dog niceeedcd in .11.... I ng its way to the ledge anu in , until rescued. Nrs. ivim.iey I a noise in the well of a whin n, Hint' lai-t Friday hut eaid liiag about it and not until v- , , , . VlAuK K1K,nichee! i .. ! , ' lay wan tin' ug re:-.. u u . perilous position. 11 i etm nl ihat he jumped i'Uo the well ;i en realizing hi: mi.-lAe he at 'tfiok refuge in the led,.-.- and 4iH'd there. DiMriet Court. j In tho case (d' Ho-kins vs. Wood ' ruf, m:it for recovery of rent, ti e ' jury relurned a verdict i:i favor of plaiutiiT for fill, j In the case of Jileaklengo vs. ! Met., in whieh plaintiff alleges that ! defendant sold her husband liquor 'causing his death, the jury is Mil! ', out. ':itiir;ii;,L.ilioii papers were taken OUH BA l.l.O rs. Mire's o' t"ii.r to ! Ufrt iniho 0l i.r Nov. mli.-r. 1 iil'obs to be used ia the ;ip- pi ii hi.ig Cass county edition havi jii' i K-ea printed at thi.-oilic?. le.uhr ti c provisions of the new l.iw the name of every candidate m.i-t be placed on each ticlet, whL-h nocessi ales the printing of ticket twenty eight inches in ' length. T the end that no inis I takes will be made by the voter i great care has been exercised to Co ', the work well, and prinh'd in- I'.vlioil.-i Slave lain is-Mi'-;; A UAEAT Afl KAC.TION. t;,; ART IN ACTING. . rtlMirj 1 nun ' Orv.t Crowds. i hist eveiimLT where li Unattending the encampment or 1 1. (). O. F. now bein- Held tneie. ' reports ."! members in attend i e and a general good time lu'" M 1 ' II I t ' I I . LI 1 I 1 1 led from this ' An iii'anii.ed eiiort is made by the farmers of New Yoik to secure free mail delivery in the country. They assert that the ex pense will not be great and that such a convenience will greatly en banco the value of their (arms and world. I i will b l acei 1 in the hands ol ew ry being voter mi i lection i:.iy. Me; lor u.. p iiih.U', to be 1 and riattsmoutti i LmeolM. t c i :.. Karnes retunuM no -. ,,.. them in touch with the "as . .. , .. . ..... v.,i,r-,i.iL, W wonuer uiai ine i"""""" fanners' alliance did not hit on this aehei'ip in preference to the sub treasury plan. S. 1,. 1'iu lon. of Kuck HlulT, is in tow n today. A. C Loder camp in from Green wood this morning. T. M. Warne, of Factory ville, was a pleasant caller at THIS llKKALU Hanctuni to-day. a re jGd bv all. I.. k...?fc, . .,1.,.. ,!.. .. ice. rhe Dan n-li tors of Rebecca ding Hossion in the city ai-o. tsd.'itiea Hoyd, Twiss, V. UiiaiiM '1 Miss Hattie Shipman are rep enting the lodge of this city. A Plenl SurpriHo. surprise party was pianneu d successfully carried out by the mediate friends and associates l he iaw pto i ia; nig ''.1 two n'is ol f. -nal. d "s.i.uplc" "" balii'ts. The former ;.:e printed on red paper, as re quired by law. i:.ieh voter is eit t.tled to three of these ballots to the end that be may become thorough lj itii'oi'iiicd as to voting. The c may be obtained ut the ottice of the county clerk after to day. The offi cial ballots are of white paper and are not to be distributed until the day of election. Til N trK.- Ad v liinu.- Ui li vv At every f-t ition at which a t top has been i.i.i.'e the advert i.-'i'g train has bcea -reeled widi ;,rat crowds ol p ople. It is estituai'd ; f .diy l i.' .o j top!r pa : e.l tl.rou.'.h the train at hi. Wayne, I nd. The train rem.iine 1 at to; t place all day Wed-iesday. lie next hliip was iiiade at Moreville and the curiotiv aio'.ired and the inleviV't displayed was verv eneoi;r- auii';'' to the del " .it 's. In Ohio the li:.-t .-top was madeat A'.lll lit. At t.m. place btiii.. . : houses were clo:-etl and the cutoe populaiiori M'eni1' 1 lo assemble to e.i.a' upon tli e p-o- lin'ts ol the far fiimeil a-1 icu! I ai 1 1 state. fhe next stop i'l Oil in was fina le at Lima, a great nianufaetuiuig cen ter. At thlrt place it is reported that greater interest, if possible, was manifested than previously, and llu- riMiresentatix es lost no lime in impressing upon th I ll!r I '. .'.M 0 Point l'i tthlfli ! Actor 1 r..M fr.nil (hp lrnuintll. I A ;:'' at I ii uel) erii'm faiil onre, in 1 .-o"e!.l.!i :v w'ly, that netilijr W;Wthe , 1 iwi" ! of the Hit.-. lh ii.lailtt.vl that it ; was nn urt. hut only by courtesy. I : , ... i i .i . i.;..i R'rei' Willi l.un, nun i u"i iiiiu ' le.iuues imic'.i reiioiiiiiK tonrriveat that eniiehision. The iiiinietie ait iiieunn , tiaiply t'ae interpretation of the creative j Hi t. Da you eateli the ilea? A pupil in ; tae hiuix urt may hketeli the Venus uV ( Milnon i:ipT with htieli vi.-or tl'.at liii fellow-i are woinlerstntck. Hut. the vi- rile i iro.hietiaii on i:qT f t In ' at ne h's it l pl.iC'" tm art 1st iiextUie h..itii"i H,:4!;,T, imr iK'H the re'l'i"eMl:itloli ef I'iit'.h'e put ilx uclor oil liie eilestld ni , 11 nine. ! Ta ceulnter, the painter, tin) clnutDi tisl I'm inii:,iei:ui thev create. A tllU- haiiil ilub'i'cllt persotis, .1 thoa-.ainl iliifer- i eat t'iui,;s i ii ili to he n-wiintlateil Py ttieir Keniin. Tim effect is mi nu'reuate of t,ein;;M t'ikeii from tiu whole of it na ture." Tne individuality of tlie orentivo (vnim i-t tV.'t'p'iied, but in net anniiii- l.ite 1. Mis art is of the ln'iiesi, imm'.-uiwh is the enilxi htneiit, the repre.ient.i ttvenf nut urn. Ilalzite wiiil that to Je- inindsof the evnhe lanJ.seape he turned himself for CHEATING HORSE Nearly every pattern of tyv Hor?r Blanket is imitated in color and "dy to. In most c.kcs the imitatiot: looks just as jood as the pcnuiti.e, 1-tit it hasn't the tin-dJs, an", io lacks strength, and while it sd!.. for only a little less than the penti i'.te it isn't worth one-half as nitich. The f.ict that 5A llorso Blanket .eve copied is strnncr evidence that t!uy are THE STANDARD, and every luiycr should see that the 'A trade nnrk is sewed on the inside of the Blanket. Five Milo A h.r 't .UxUa Test from f'riiliijK 1'inty. V.fiim Wtiir Item Kinin the He ublica". A number of the K. of T's. from here went over to l.ouisviue While two young men were hunt ing ducks near Dellevtie, Sunday, they discovered the body of a young man lying on a bar of the river, face downward and partly imbedded in the sand. It in not known whence lie came but from the ap pearance of the body the conclusion is drawn that he has been lying there for at least two mouths. capitalists that Nebraska olteied 1 in.ltieetiieiitM far the estab lishment of manufacturers to work up her raw material. At I'oicM, lhicvriis an I Manslield, Senator Shorman'H home, the interest seemed iiiny as ricai na ai .mj time. While this exhibition is being viewed with fiichja degree of interest and giving entire satisfaction to the people of the east, Cas county may well teel proun mat mi c- W. U. Shryock, of Louisville, is in I ;,.,..,, lowed has been -ranted He ny tu-uu,. . . . r I a . ilwiir wliv in m;uu fVr., u,1i1hi'i-1 in lonor oi imirsuay io nssisi m' r iHHniti birthdav. The eve- pome rank work . a. r Wtir liir.i.'.iiiiii; .-j" i j jrfi. ,,.-v. w .. ----- ... . . , :., ,iiHir-L v u..,Lin n.wl AfvnrsM. S. M. McLaren, of Louiville, ib at cal and instrumental. Kefrosh- Kay. The ceremony will lake place tending court today . . .t.i u ... l I . . i x :,. t It i 1 1 ents were served at i-o cio. ...... tniIj tweuuesuayj ive.....n i Vrom slu,,,BU; i,UM U merry company broke up about Incidence of Thouias Miles. No a sd ournc, t. . .i... ....,.;..,.. n :i tnat ...... io w..v. 1 1 n.i lev oinciai inn. ti... f.- o.uiu it hull union. wn 11 Wilfl llll U.liui".J IVit.un. v i. i i,v,...v...... e geniality and hospitality of Mr. s. .,, Cooley, an academy lives four iniles northeastof Nehaw the itiiniieiit into tree and grim, nml foiintJiniH Hiid utars, and Htuiliuht, un.l thus iiiaclied the heart of that which lie voul.l reproduce. In other word.-i, lie created the landscape just an Uoiisseiui would cre.'tto the same landscape, tipnn ix inehen of canvas. But for thti net or let him utorni Par niWMUH us be will; there are few leaves in the laurel crown. It in hi function to represent the creatioim of geuiuH to in- torpret them to the pnhllo. lie has not the t lonsainl innirations oi iu iiuinur, he 1ms niilv the suv'uestions of the Row ing words. The actor is subservient to the author, notwithstanding lie may mr- v. . t.xi. j i U inciter ARC THE STRONGEST. 100 C A STYLES t prirpi to su.t evorylnit, n you ran i f. .i . .I..l..r uirif ,lw AIC 111 CI "ill Irani Jfinir ii""', - lil.-Ji l'.eoU. Vou CM Kit it witheut cluiri"-' WM. AYRHS & SONS, PhiladelpbiiT vrrrvzi K.7xm btith.Otto Ilerold. Hart, 4 Schlegel. Arthur Davis ami isses Kva Smith, Maud Stickel, ttie Smith, Cora Schlegel, Myrtle lilUyel, Marguerite Satford, Lulu firliti, Alice I'etersen, Kniily i:.. M...i utirtae, t'lara lierom, StXL . .........k l-"lm:l Va a 'anil, .'limn: - olntiidtiianii. Slignoy iiji"". Tommy Kepple was riding down ain street quite swiftly last even- i.,. . i ...Mtnrmil v lieeame hit. i eiiuircii ; mnianageable and after reaching he Hotel Riley the boy was tnrowu ra the horse, striking his heail on naveiuent. Me wai severely Wd and carried into the office l)r Livinirston where he was -,.,nv nttended to. It was ascor ie was I.., i uitstiitiieii a k.,..ia n.i the head. It is exceed ingly fortunate and almost nnrac- J . r .il .11.1 iii.t n.stlllT Wintemtieu, last evening, in honor of F. C. Gall. Games were partici pated in, music rendered and withal the evening spent very pleasantly. It It ii in. refreshments of a lliirll ",,,v " ' " ' . . .. .. i: ii ,i;..,i ,..1.1 iloit iinotber one, six Uv will cost mm ins mi- " "i" I nrAr wire served. At la the com hihit comnares favorably with, and . . ..... .!... 1 ,,..f i, ii ,1,., m f,,r n liH.'f five minutes in many points excels, me umpiajr Sr..,w,y - --- - - ,v other co.iutv in the Male. a ureaine mo rt " ' . ..... There was itn aire in r ranee, mev bj , when actors were provided niinply with A Plent Supriss I h frninnwnrk of 1 10 drilltia unit lelt U) Asocial iratherine was tdannod 1,n,1...v:a..fi1Brst In fact. Ooldont. tilt) and siiccessf till v carried out at the Italian dram itist,, stienks of supplying tr9ti by .vi.ri i.byi-tu without W I . ..... l. coinmodiourt dwelling of Mrs. plots to the French king u players irom i wf,.r in honor which theyiiniirovise the speeches, hut we have no evidence that the actors rose ,1 Mrs. Schloircl is rarely excelled. . , . . r..,.,.ived word Tuesday ka. will regret to learn that he eua- . .f..n.-:... ,..!-. i.f.Hiut: Mess. I , .... i .. v,.rria his ;, i.i injuries from a ferocious iriuiiuwiiii; i. I IIOIII ins ii'iuir ui v . - ill Smith, Morris Crisuiann. Geo. f ai?( a , two,i had bull ye8terday that iu all probalnl alwve the levul of the Chinene Btage of today, where a similar practice prevails. Mind vou. this ODtntotl Is not accepta ble to the public. I know it must bo unpopular of necessity. The public I ..... mm la Ito Worat Frm. HiivrON, Lf. Co., Wis., Dm, wm j r n..rsim oiuihM for th followtatft nint Kioinjr. who w luffnrlng Irom Vitm Inoc In II worm irui ror wou. i- ....,.1 l invar! Uhru4l'lll without Two bntUM o( l'wlor XcwulJ't w Toaia ourod bita. A Kevftreutl lteommalR It. Pn Crrt, WUh, Juia, It. I bad hnon ill lor Jthtin aiontln with waa DM umd terrltilo nrvouii"S when I Mat roenel UkluK your medicine, PMtor EoanUT NerT Tonlo; and I onu pray for riiu noa DlK, M 1 thluk I ooalil ant hara llrwl wlttanaa thli medlolno. Th i)pl hr haw aeiia taa ua sallin": his cattle, where upon the j animals, which had always been considered perfectly safe, ap proached him as if it desired to In view of which lie caugni trss could be rarely excelled. .1 .. . . i.v f mwui 1 i lav. d ZJZXrX ll iiimby Uiehornswliich seemed to tlxed for November 111, 14 and 15 and enrage the animal and he tossid wUl bdng together at least seventy- his victim about and gored turn r,v voiiiiLr i.conle from (litlereni parts of the distr;. lus and reirards th" M tlie em" bodiment of Sliakesimure or Uaclno or t Ml . fpi.. ..iKIi.t nli.mta witK ATV Byron Clark is attending court ... cor u.. - - - Glenwood to-day. tcA nnssion. but this siune public Th.. .iH.Mi.hwiee at thecitv schools I .,,ra i,.t th words, the action, the JULIA AQNE3 BYRNE. vears old. was not expected to live, pears that Mr. Upton went lino disbanded, each member feel- (K)ks npon Siddons. Mars or Huchel in- gnd which J je.trsoio. i j f I 1 ' . .... Ix A .i... r.oi,ina .f ffun. Hkmi moommimdi It to bi(hly that It M Dinhtheria is the trouble, ttie came yarn iur l.c i'"M inr tlat the cordiality oi uie nos- iorpreun mo K I gut U mi vary populsr. Weeping Water is to receive the benefit of the fenii-annual conven tion of the district Kpworth League. It is looked forward to by the Meth- FREE is constantly increasing. Finer than the pres ent wan never enjoyed. Mrs. Slater, of Louisville, is visit- World'a Fair Notes. I'enusylvania's exposition build ing will cost $7a.0(K). Indiana will have a ?1KI,(X)0 build u i..,.. ....ii it wus found that n,,P bom had passed through each ing at the home of F.d FiUger-ld. leg, andthatonearni was practically The city is thronged with people torn from the body, aside from to-day and the merchants are all other bruises and probable internal happy .Unl lil r .t I iniurie". rnysicians nay m... . . ii,e n.xt meeting oi uir uhnu TnrMssion are all simply echoes of an other genius. In the clamor of approval the creative art is forgotten, although that is the base of the entire structure. No actor brings this getiius nearer to the heart of the public, to be sure, but at ihn same time let him remember that he is onlv the interpreter, after all, and the shouts are really for ShaUspeare and Racine. And, to end with a Bnggf'stioii, it not W.l,il,1. ftnnfe an Nfl IMMmacm win irrm m mm nil MMr imtlmit cn lo oliUU n.i. n.oll'liia free of clianr. Tina B-mwIy bu Jmnn prammd by eBjvwwj riior Kiwnis. l rori w.ivne, mo inn. Uaow ptoplred undur bU dlreotton by Um KOENIC MED. )0.. Chicago, . Bni.ii.nniKirli-" I'-.inrlJotUO. urorspa tun;e '.ilto. '..1. , for 3. ineu uiai ..... .f'i cv,-,-,. fib., material jius that the feriously. fall did not inir at the Fair. It will that much, however, as a large ill of which will come from that state, donated. The general passenger agents of not cost nnot possibly recover. X that is, in the relation of the latter to Elmwood Item . I UterfttnreT it seems io m m .... The ladies ot tne rrrsoyieii-.i .v,,,,lllu,I.n(i tho nowpap'r go nana " " . .... I . ........... 1 r .; . ... ...... ... v-. ul...ll. . lacomillir inio I rlmreH will CIVC lltl autnors htm . Thev are DOlHlliir vtiiiiiari, ... .,1 T. ..V ..V - . - C , - " ' . . .. . nival at Rockwood Hall Dec. 10. thought, and are witlnn tne scoj m thnrMKiii e. Perhaps turn is nansr- I : i .....i...... u .a .i.i-iiiut-liiit. then. 40 lllg HUH TI u.. .--"J.".- W wn.l Ihn mrMnu Frnirhl lli-mwly CAUTHOS rrsii'l IkkmI mnirniitiHi thiil Ci rum will STOP UI.hrT X tailwlana, il'KK. Mprmlrho, Varleuadr mm UK.H'I'OHK LmI Vl(an 1 I'ttUand pay if lalisfird. idJttM.VON MOHL CO.. S.I. IMrtto AfmiK, OmUuU. Okb. Murphy, of in this morning Many Injure.!. The report of the wreck nt Mon- mouth, Illinois, given yrsKm-j was tmbeUintially correct, it nas been authoritatively ascertainedthat four persons were killed outright 1 .:.vl,trn tuitllv iniureu. II is , greatly eurprising that the number injured is not greater. The train was making a speed oi ioi i ... hour ami the cars wore all over inir vAied except the sleeper. There were over one humtrea passmei on the traiii Weeping Water Items ffritn tll KjUriA. Rev. T. A.Hull has sued A. Col nijjii for $10,15J for criminal libel. returned from I Kldora, Iowa, last Wednesday. He reports crop in tentral Iowa first ' rate. VA.R. Smith has been appointed ......ainr at I'nion. It could not il-"-"""'"" fall into safer and nanus. market. A. C. Mut made a nice delivery! Mr. Fred ......,., nf ih milroadH entei itiir I .,f fruit treea here Saturday. Creek, came Chicago have organized a Bpecial Mili. Sadie i,iri waH compelled to visit with her mother, Mrs. A. Pat association for the determination . . hl.r school weHt of here, on teraoti. of excursion rates to the exposition I account of diphtheria. Antoi-.e J'eterson, who has been and for arranging facilities lor car- come that two of confined to Ins room lor several i. ... .a l r .i:..!.!!..: wr'....w..-h;i,lre,. died the fore- days witn an aiiacn oi uipnu.c.. All V ' . " . J " " I nart of this week with diphtheria i KiekhofT. ttr. Salisbury and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Drougy re- .... ...1. i !..,. frf.m'llipir Irin G. C. Kd,on. all candidate- on u.e - h .fm twm. ABcleut naturalista tirhet.were ca lers m our to oermany. "ia"s i . ..... .... town Tuesday. there -ince last spring, but Mr. I) a..a. f..v Klmwiuwl't) auimi ni l iir iiiuniirvto " of I more reliable i .tlBs year and cheap. ing for the enormous crowds visitors to the world a fair. There will not he les than twenty-five restaurants, an well as numerous CHfes, in the exposition buildings. It is the intention of the exposition authorities to pro tect visitors from exhorbitant charge. It is not thought probable, now, that there will be any tower at the world's fair. The projectors ol the moft promising tower scheme abandoned it wheu they found that they would have to take down their tower when Ihe exposition cloned, because the park commissioners refused to grant any nbsetient use of a site. Dintriot Court. In the case Kleakleage Vft. Melz the jury letiirnod a verdict in favor it innnlr asuirL'estiotl. Harah lieriinauu iu San Francisco ExaininHr. How th HtarlUh KiiU tbeOyalar. The starfish is ft curious animal. Its mouth is directly in t he center, and al- nwuit immediately nnder it is the stom ach, while the digestive organs are in its mm Starfish wit ovsters, hut natural ists differ as to the precise way in which tSSfi DJEFFENBACH'8 PRGTAGOH CAPSULES, dnre Cure Inr lak Ma. iiriiTBrt by rcporonii wwiiim i"i nlnliiui. Slam age In iiritertn. I'rir.i l. 4'atulocna rrc. A Ml lid "l.' J euro lor !. Hlrlfiturr nd ll onnturKII"'hirS. I'! 1 urvBK.i rroi- r f?9 GfiG HREEK SPECIFIC Vn THE PERU DRUG iCHTOLtu. 18 WlMoi Btrt.t, miwAumi, Wia, . Mh tm alnn Norn nrtMi.hlllil """ lU l'rl(.e. v. i"i ii' (.iiiirnrr irrowiniT every day. New i.niMinrra are troinir up anil our ' " - - r " ' population in increaiiig. n..rl,i,i itroH. raised the ixty-rive foot tower of the new German Lntherian church Tuesday. It j in a finely nhuped steeple and a de cided ornament. believed that the rturnsh waited for a moment when the oyster opened its ..Ith to iiitrodnce one of its rays into Patrick II. Hutler. ot omana, tbe opening, and having pm one ioov whose son was drowned in the M i- luto the domicilu it soon put tua oilier nour r ver Home tune Biuce, nan iiw m -r - . - and bar at bellevue, a notice of F-a th ob. which appeared in yesterday'K uining poMion of the oyster, the star- IIBKALD. fih bnngs his mouth to tue eageoi mo ... . i iMii &n(i inco who mo w00'"''"- " The coroners ury. "" rflajd wUich its m0uth secret it forces gating the lynching affair which th8 .-TeB Bnd the entrance is ob- took place in Umatia recently, re- . Another nataraliBt gives a dif Divtrict Court. .. ..,ia Vullprv th. Davis the verdict was rendered in favor of the turned a verdict to the effect that ferent pitl,mtion of the traimction. i.r !.... II nri.ra 1hnt N I'k tW. snmii niri uuu.. j ...f,. Figlitt Fiyht' Where! What! When! Why right here, right now and all the time, is going on struggle with disease for health and Mailer's Sar- saparrilla and HurUock is tne mosi successful; opponent that science has thus far discovered. . Holmes placed a cow under the caused by the mob taking the vie- otaioes air t.. v ' ' ( ,.i r,(m. The amount TI.. . Mir I" """' ' ini .,. Ti... .. i... sueil lor wa i,""i'. . . ......... 4., I... rioitM pnee ai prest-m -i - - - per bushel. The farmers are all busy harvest- hig apples and potatoes. The crop of both Is immense. fi alleged that the liiptor sold her husWand by the defendant was the direct cause of his death and the testimony intro duced seemed to substantiate It may have been a The boys are again warned, not to ,n t iUm. commit any depredations on "Hob qluation in the minds of the jury 4oween night " Tlie city .ollicials 4 tn lhe v.,iue nf a man's lile, that decision . . i... .... i-ii.i i . .. .. .:,. are uetermiiirii n " led to tne reinio u. engage in the wanton disti nction ,a mated. $1, properity care of Mr. Vallery, and after a few weeks the cow disappeared. Val lery alleged that Anderson Davis sold the cow to Maker A Monroe and iccordingly sued for damages. In the case R. T. Davis it Co. vs. Reed llros. & Co. a verdict was ren- ered in favor of plaintiff for fl'M. The parlies that iiroiigut suit are extensive flour millers of Omaha, the defendants prominent merch- uits of Weeping Water. Some time . i i , since weeu nro. v.. pun iimbcu tim into custody for the purpose of hanging him. ni, that the ovster is seizeil by the starfish and held tight by its month; the starfish then everts its stomach and envelops the oyster, which forces it to open its shell. However this may be, it is clear that the tarfinh swallows oys ters in the same manner as human be- ".. rt.4 .-4 rhomas Goodier has sold Ins nice The (;,. ji,, little frin of SO acres, to Chan. Kn- .ned at Lincc jelkeimer Fellows, of the I. O. ). F. ..... , i convened ai uni-iuu, kskih.j. acre. , rr,,ort of committee indicated Mr. Goodier will move to Custer . , , iiA pronpering county net spring where lie '" aml in a cod condition. The par 1 . , l.:.l. ...ruun.l Vt..n.1ril 1 1 M i . aae in wmui i . . ... .......... ..... for per purchased a o-uatcr section of land near Calloway. A Disturbance. ' Dan Coffey and Fred Kroehler c gaged iw a street fight last evening that was disgraceful in the ex treme. Language was used that was more forcible than elegant and blows were exchanged. Coffey u' brought before Police Judge llA....r this morning aim lineup and corns upon the payment of which he was discharged, infoi ina tion has been tiled against Kroehler and papers will probably be served very imposing. The following of tic er were chosen for the ensuing vear: grand master, Geo. L. Loomis demitv utand master, a. ii. v irr .mi wunten. K. 1. O'Neil: grand Z ca I'll " - - secretary, I. W. Gage Judge Chapniunjie disposing of !. .li.iriet court buaincBH art auceddy as possible. In a few in tances the attorneys have found it impossible to get their evidence ready at first call but the judge is pushing mutters. How'i Thm1 . .f.., !.... 1 1 ii,wl, ) 1 t.illiirv KV- ward for any case of Catarrh that iiiB-hondon Tit Bits. can not be cured by taking Halls Catarrh Cure. I 1. C1IKN ICY A CO..Toledo, (). We, the undersigned, have known V. J. Cheney for the last li years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and fi nancially able to carry out any obli gations ttiaue uy meir nr. West &. Truax. Wholesale Drug- two cur loads of flour of the plain- gists, Toledo, Ohio., Walding, Kin tiff, but only a v erbul contract was nan and MarubV Wholesale Drug- . e a l U1MIK. l uu "w. iMiio. made. The ueienuumn "' fe Catarrh Cure in taken inter legeii that it wa agreed aUy. acting directly upon the .i... ii it.uir Hut uroveil nn-1 i.Uuid and mucous aurfare of the ... t. .Mtem. Price. 73c. ner bottle. Sold aauaiaciurj - y-.M.w. lw but tianuld be Hold and proceeds be J placed in thoir treasury, ine 1 ...... .1 rAtii.i r!A..vt fiTrfiiri'iit our writ kui.wu hnu. You inwl i capital to reiire- sent a linn ilmt nlTTt unit true t TiHine. WORK JUL THfc iKRrt. ;.,',,.r ni0,ttl. t. r-tsril iaaa. Aiwly .glek. sutlim art... L.k..!A3 &..Fmi.. Nui.vry, eiiin-i nun n.-.-...,,, ... -.. . ( Ilnslioiiwli. rr-tpoj'ililt'.) Mules Cry 'or it Now this may seem strange but if thev don't cry for it thev would do so if they only could. We are talk ing now about Ilaller's Darb Wire Liniment which never fails to cure I the worst cut or sore, for sale iy all Druggists. Mexican plaintiff affirm that Keed Uros Co. were authorised to return at the expense of plaintiff, all Hour that wurt unaatinfaetory and it should be replaced with a good article. The jury considered the latter view the more jimt mid rendered the verdict accordingly. In the case Leech va.' Wright, a auit for the recovery of alleged livery bills due, a verdict of $.1 wna rendered in favor of plaintiff. A. C. Ma ye is nt Weeping Water to-day. " Hirat National Bank ot Klmwood Henry Hollenbeck. On aplica lion of i"r'e" thin extended in which to file briefs until Oct. 'Id. In the matter of the estate of Sara K. Smith, deceased. Hearing, tuial nettleinent e.t for Oct 10 a. m. In the matter of the last will and teritanientof SimpHon C. Hethel, de ceased. Hearing, final settlement continued generally. in. C. McNaniarn vs. City of r'latteniouth, garnishee. Hearing Oct. -. 10 h. Mustang Liniment. A Cure for the Ailments of Man and IteastJ . r- t A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Stock llaiscr. and by every one requiring an effective liniment. No other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang LlNlMKNT. ": ' Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers have it. lf).t O I I ' .'", ? .-..ui? (IliC1) -Ult V!u ft 1 f I rV 0