Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, October 29, 1891, Image 1
it it I . M !E if w :3 ,a a im ifi rvin iu ill ft. , 1 1: I'LATTSMOUTH, C VSSC01!XTY, NBttKASKA. TllliSIAY.OCT()BEH291S9l $1.50 A YEAR YOLXXVII. ili m a a nil m 1 i . U1J 3. ft ! 3. XO. 31 ( ffjM POUDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking Pfwd" Highest ot all in itaveninK " Latest U. S. Government ruuu port. PERSONAL E. F. Eehcr is an Omaha visitor to-day. F. K. White is an Omaha viaitor to-day. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eikeubary were passengers on wo. a lor ine eat this morning. Mra. S. E. Phelps, who has been visitimr in the CitT a few days, returned to Omaha this morning. E.C.Mungrum, of Omaha local organizer of the order of K. K. telegraphers is in the city to-day. County Clerk Critchfield is travel incr over the county to-day deliver ing election tickets and poll books. Mrs. H. P. Coolidge accom nnnied bv her son. W. E. went to Malvern, la., this morning for visit to friends. R. A. SALSBURY . DENTIST : or n AND PORCELAIN CKOWWS. r. 8tflDwy aniMthetlc ferthe pilnlm x Pin. Gold Work a Specialty. BMkwood Block rurtumoatn. rb. ATTORNEY A. N. BTJLLIVAM. . , will Aiwa nrrimut mttPVtlOT; I .ii antrimlKiI ti htm. Utiles ID baton block. Kant Hide. Platti-mouth. Neb -ICvAWSON & PKAROK iu zzr II VK KhltH til "Iketr Fall strews, twiry ribbons, tips and quills ISO a mi i r iuiii"i """,;,v in strew w'H re t. mi y "" . " 4, .. .. i.i,u hrx.,1- unit in or' flfruriPRH inn p'; ...... - ' 4uced thi-lr nriw fatlur nt to 40 and W :r ' in trimmed. MISS SCHUYLER, TRIMMER. rnUCKER SISTERS. AVE JCST REC1VED A FULL LINE OF PALL AND WPOT HAT3 AND TBIMMIKG3. We alio have a dress milking dt-partinent. Sat lfuetlun uuunniteed. SHERWOOD STOKE. PLATTSMOUTH HOLD AND rOKCLAlN CKOWSH Bridge work and fine gold work SPECI ALTY. nR HTRINAlfs LO'WL ft woll as other 'au C. A. MAUSIIAIJi, Fitzgerald ,M' Do not fail to register to-morrrow, Each voter must register for him self. Fridav and Saturday of the pres ent week are the last days for regis tration It is the opinion that finer weather was never seen at this Season of the year. The attendance at the night school and the interest in the work is gradually increasing. Henry Tartach went to Omaha hi morninir. His sister will ac company him home this evening. The high school notes have been necessarily delayed until to-day We shall endeavor not to have it occur again r ontlinn- nltfliltiotl r tlie niiulic sale of Hereford cattle by the Ash land Land and Live Stock Co., at their ranch near Ashland, Neb., on Thursday, November is, we wikii uj iUtxi ihiu Rtur k in deacended from lii'Kt and hiL'heot priced llcretoraa uie coumry, mui most of them have been bred in this .,.,,1 nr.. dilltr iirrliinntcri. No- ri.i it i - i- - where can be found thirty head of as tine bull ot tins grana oei-i urceuor cniiin tmtnlipr of cows and liiforn as will era at this sale, Send J J 1 A I .Inla tnr r ninintriii anil uiin t iui and place. Thursday. Nov. 12, 1S!H, Ed Lakin, president, Ashland, Neb Any person having lost a pocket book in ladies' waiting room, con taining some money, will please ,vill nt It. & M. ticket ofheo. Jt rm-eiveil n I.iit line of piano. ,,-,....,,11 r,Hier inulrimioiltrt. nisi) a big stock of vocal and instrument- nl fo o'h at iiuir on aixin smi nnrtnuitl tinntofllfC. ot raivTmi A n-irl for funeral house work. Good wages and steady employment. Ill Vv . I . 1 I I'.rtM'. It . Pinic Gardens, Six Miles South-west of Plattsnioutli. " Miss Flora A. Jones, South Bend Inri. iiirrli:iKPcl a bottle of your hiiishnA" of A rend. Cor. of Fifth Am. tnifl Madison St. I find it de THENEBOASKV WONUEH. How the Artvorlmiini Trmn m being r-o"ivi?d in Olno, The advertising train is meeting with the deserved welcome where ever it stops. From the time it Btriu k the Illinois aide of the Mis sissippi river throngs of people have dithered to witness the di play; and as was apprehended, as the train progresses eastwardiy,tne crowds become larger ana a great er interest is manifested. Mr. fungi tiir Ijmeaster countv deleirate in writing; home sayB tbey knew we could raise corn but the fruit that is what catches them. The printed matter is eagerly sought. The Maustield Daily Herald says of the train: "The N-;brarfka state business men's association exhibi tion train arrived Friday evening about 0 o'clock, two hours late, ,.,l,,r t)i uimi'rvitiioil of the follow- UI1W. - . - .a I .1 Ing memters oi tne aivtsory uuuru of directors: R. F. Hodgin, Oma ha, ireneral secretary; O. J. King, Lincoln, vice president; A. Lee, Fremont, treasurer; II. N. Dovey, Plattsmouth, assistant secretary; HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. ItY PATK1C GIVE AWAY. The ncliools are flourishing like plant life in springtime. The elapses in the hiirh school are getting down to solid work and as n consequence the work is more interesting and enjoyable. Prof. Muscrave is arranging to have type-writers for use at school hereafter. Will probably have two in readiness this week. One of the societies in grammar m-linol also rendered a (rood pro p-ram. This feature of school work promises to be highly beneficial. The P. I S. literary society of MiHB Wilson's room gave a very interesting entertainment Friday afternoon. There were six visitors present Luella Mathews, one of the class of t)l,cutered the teachers' review and commercial course, swelling the number of post-graduates now in school to four. The larrre room occupied by the high Bchool has proved insufficient RMANN OUK FALL AND WINTER SUH'K OF DRY - GOODS - AND Ladies Furnishings Is How in all Dspartmsnta, PRESH VOODI We are showinga handsome line of CAMELS HAIR PLAIDS, BROADCLOTH, FLANNELS, SERGES, HENRIETTAS A full line of colorings and blacks F. II. Moore. Kearney, member of for the accommodation of tne trade committee, and delegates representatives of nineteen coun ties, students. It bus been necessary to crowd in seven additional Beats in the last two weeks. What arc we BLANKETS AND COMFOETS Stock complete and prices lower than ever. UNDERWEAR A good Ladies Jcrsy vest at 25c. Ladies fine Jersey vest and pants ia white or natural grays at 90c each Ladies natural Gray Wool Vevtsantf Pants at 90c Regular 73c undar wear. Full lines of Ladies Fine wool ribbed under wear in white, cardi nal and black. Complete lines of Child's under wear in natural, scarlet and white at prices lib low as the lowest. The exhibition is fathered by the 'going to do if the increase con Nebraska state business men's as-jtinues? sociation. The purpose of the trip, A number of the enthusiasts at are not speculative in any sense of j central building expected to be ex- the word, the object being to show CUMed Friday afternoon unusually Nebraska's capabilities as an agri- early for the purpose of playing culture and horticultural state and i,all, but it was ascertained that the . . . . . i i,i ..., i, her productiveness in raw maienaiB jjame contemplated i" " for manufactures, that immigra- arranged for, and of course the tion may be encouraged and nddi-' boya did not get off at 2 o'clock ns tional industries established. expected. A few of thu smaller On this train were agricultural i,0vs. therefore, became unruly and specimens that cannot be excelled. one (Bhall we say it?) young man Every variety of grain and vegct- ' look upon himself the privilege of ables was represented. Probably ' going nuyway, (privately, of course.) am ' fl 1 .-.... in flu that which attracted more mien- ( when it was mane mmjw.i iu tion than any other one specimen ! principal it became bis painful tu . i..M i.. :,,,.tri,uu imnil the was a puapKin weiguing kxijiwuihict. , may, in unu-i i ni.i"" -i The train consisted of two cars, j yOUtlfr man that 'authority was covered on the" outside with grain, i,;,," to go out after the wandering tastefully arranged, and filled with j youth. After returning him safely farm products of nil descriptions,' tl) the building work went on as BUU U PUTJUII Veil . vv... hllKHJIIMJ niodation of the thirty members of j vv-r scene."" the association attendance. ThoMe who arc interested in war Secretary Hod gut Kind: 'A great : ,u llt..t r,.:;..s would find a sea- many wares manufactured in Mans- of cnjoyuiem in reviewing the field nre used in Nebraska, I nin n . i : Kit in tii fiMit ti(ar 11 ic court native of Ohio and always notice j jlollsCi Knmi representation of .. . .1 ... ll,,t I . . : anyining mat cumi n imm , .ustcr s last Ugnt is given in nu- -r of the linn tionilll;c form; charts representing Kokjer Sc Bros., Clarks Merrick .. . atllt.8 0f Spotsylvania, Vicks- county, dealers in hardware and Vr,r .,.! iiioh are given; nnmer- di n . . -:..,.. ous slerreoscopicai views aiv CLOai'iS ilDSliaWLS. "T HAVE never shown so largo a line in this department. Wo call special attention to our hrg) assortment of Rtwfor Military ami Hip Coat sliapoi trimmed with Mink, Seal, Atitmcka. Muffaloon and Coney furs. Our lino of llulKH-iinPHHiv chesp'r than efr belore. FU lines of Chiklroris and Misses ("loaka and Jacket. BUI ONE DOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL. CLOSE FIGURES nt-. naid that be ....... had sold a number of Aultman j Taylor machines and Olive chilled olows. and also goods manufac tured by the lluinphryes Ma.utfac- turing company. In certain portions of Nebraska a great quantity of hemp is itiised, and since the Mchinley bill went of battle fields, war scenes, etc. A large representation of the famous l.ilibv inison is to be ecu ns it now j ; f'liienfo. and other rimidvi . - r- ' interesting eight., too numerous to mention. The manager, J. W. Sperry, ii- a resident oi weeping WJMk BAA 1 II o i rw'-' F. II- ELLEN BAUM. Prop. and since the McMnley mil went . - anJ mll nu u. """M m ,i : St. f fi ul I de- i.ito effect numerous lactones r w .,. ligh'tful. Will gladly recommed it the manufacture of hemp twine and iiattBn,outli. Mr.Sperrj to others ropes have been estahlished. j .....rnlmr. but tin Yours Kespectluiiy, Hinder twine, which used to sell at i r(ii ii . iv 1 1 lit-1 in. i . . a it u-. , Yrn rhi..,;o. H centa now sens at u cents. 1U1 i'lill "nan a iv ii vv v ..- ir ' Jlla GHPJ5S The best of fresh meat always found in this maiKct. vvifj Eggs and l.iutler. it" h'Aimriu id liiii ii r iiiiiv ifiiv. c..wia"H1iiBli of RoseH"deliirht- I . . ' ... .1 .... tul. as many laaies nnu geiiui-uu-u i-nn tnaiifv. who have nurchascd it trom l. u. snyuer. Wild game of nit kinds kept in their eeasuii. SIXTH STREET Pfl Meat market Slcepness night made miserable by that terrible caugh Shilohs rem edy is the cure for you, by K O Frick. and O II Snyder. 2 Men's heavy boots large sizes, 10, 11, and 12, going lit less than they cost at Schildkncchts. tf Lit of Letters Kemninini? unclaimed in the postoflicc at Plattsmouth, Oct. 28, for the week ending Oct. 1, n'"'- Bennett. Mis C Miller. I.oo Bowler. Li im Mllei Jolm Bothwcll, OllTnr Orton, 8 V Pnikc.JN Parker. JW Ensllnh. s 8 l'.epn. TpMo C Glbion. Mary M i:antl:11. Vellx nintmi Wm ltobcrtin .1 Hlrt.Ji'lin Kilns KJ Hunil.ton. A He xlon Mm K Moliili, W P SeirliiK. lnfT , MnthfWwn.G I TtioniH, lleniy r W iinrt fold, I N Persons callimr for the will please say "advertised," 11. J. S rh'iiiuiiT, P. M above Co to Brown A. Barrett's and get a window glass and stop up that hole in your nouse. " Window Barrett's glass at Brown & tf ... ... iv' mi n Si nrvfT' V.. nI'"""-. I'.;'". . ,.,.r.., in ii..i.a: House. I'iloirmvu. w :r v - " Bc 1-C. NfW Ymk. Read! lnrtie nwinc me for meIical iri:itinin( will nlease call at inv of tire, corner of Main and Seventh atrxiia :il llieir eiirliest convenience and settle accounts, as I am in need of money. Imperially long stanu- inir accounts must ue ne.ueu uj i!ivli or note at once. 1 nave iriveu much time in uianv ca.jes and now the favor niut-t come the otner way tf Respectfully, W. H. SCHILDKNKCHT.'M. D. Hi PHI County Court. In the matter of the estate of Christiana Horning, deceased. Hearing on claims. Decree for payment. Miss Olive Horning administratrix. In the matter of the estate of Minnie In i;' I: Hear- ing on petition of Mathew Inlieldcr for his appointment adminibtrator of the estate of said (teceaseu. Prayer of petition granted and let ters accordingly issued. E. G. Dovey & Son vs. John is. Forbes. Suit on account for SlS'.U.i. Default of defendant entered atiJ judgment for plaintiff for Sfl8'.).13. In the matter of the last will and testament of James Hclmun, de ceased. Same tiled tor prouate anu hearing. Wm. McNamara vs. City of Platts mouth, garnishee. On trial to court. Has just opened up a full line of lad;es, Qents and Childrens all wool under wear anJ be fore you buy your Fall or Winter eoods. Don't fail to call ar:d see our piicas. We beat 'em all. Have you seen thece nob by Misses . Caps, all preity shades, 55, 65 and 75 cents each? District Court The day has been consumed con sidering the case McCoy vs Peter sen, In this case Jos. S. McCoy was in debt to Petersen &. Co, for meat purchased. The latter sold the ac count to an Iowa man, who by a process of garnishment collected the amount in full, about V''. Mc Coy now alleges that it was an iin- junt bill and su- Petersen iV Co tor the recovery f the amount. roi.M Near the ohice of county judge, a piece of mom y, which '1. owner may have hy proving property and paying for this notice. Each votershould study carefully tlu method of voting under the Australian ballot law as per in structions in this ignite. Lrry leaves to-morrow morning, but the .1 ...ill t.o Min n until 10 t), m.1 KUVJi a , i - - - - - tothiy. Heai-tfr. An opportunity .will ,be given to register at the following places and Saturday, Oct. 30 nnd 31: 1-irst ward. M. O'Wourke's tailor lum: Second ward, Turners' hall, Wa-hington avenue; Third ward, John Simpson' feed slore.corner of Pearl nnd Sixth sticts; Fourth, ward, county clerks oliice; iinu ward, residence of J. L. Minor. W. K. I'ox, City Clerk. Rnilrond Hnuk-it. W. J. Williams, switcliman, i on the tick list. V. Lewis, who has been con fined to his room for several days on account of sickness, has returned to work. Business has not been ns brisk at the yards as at presrnt.'.for several mouths. There ure 120 cars to be sent west this morning. The B.AM, station house is un dergoing repairy.tobein comfort able condition for the winter. FOR FALL AND WINDER WEAR WS 1W0SE TO SEU TPT.EI CHEAPER Than ever "betore offered to the people of Plattsmouth and i vicinity. otjk stock: xs Constantly arriving and will snon be complete. It will comprise a full rane of iill the newest ns well as Ihe morestaple styles, and will be com Doed of the newest and choicest productions o' domestic and foreign manufacture . For a lit and excellent: of workmanship ourgarmenta can not be excelled. And the prices that we offer them at are unprecidetited in the amountsof the cloak trade. WE HAVE u silk seal plnsh acti,3S inches long with quilt ed satin lining and seal ornaments that we can sell for $12. 5t). This gar tuent is a perfect reflection of th pluu incquc tkat is universally uo0 ..a J- ? I Ml nil' eeal plupk jacket 28 inches long tbat we car , wrll at J0..T0 thu t would he chewp at f 12.30, although ome merchsints tV I cirT t,xt iiiu uoitiii irn r rti r n t . In th fitur LTiirfcfl wo hare hoiiic th in rr ven; clecant and stylish in the trimaied jacket and reefer in botk clth au. plush. Tfm Inrt'lnt rni lo Hnlly. Hon. Jesse Harper of Danville, 111., m billed to Fiie.'ik in the opera h i:i tliis city Friday evening, Oct. 30. ?Jr. Harper an active part in tin; political attain of the c .untry for the past quarter of a c-ntury. lie was f .anerly an a: 1 'tit supporter of the republican p rly and made the t-peeeh jiresent- im - Abe Lincoln's, name for nomi nation to the presidency. lie after ,ard becamt; mi earnest supporter of the greenback and ,fiat money doctrine. The distinguished Illi noisatt stiould be greeted with a full lloU"'. XHE PROPBB IliiniT for Misses this fall and winter will le jackets and reefers, the newmatkets being almost entirely disenrded. Ve have both the Jackets and Reefers for Misse's wear in endleas varity, We bought our cloaks curly of Qrst hiiuds aud ate thereby enabled to offer tlinu at very low figures. We Scl cit your favors and an early ins ec tion of our slock- WM. HEROLD & SON 507 Httiirftr.vt Plattsnioutli, M).