Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, October 22, 1891, Image 6

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    M'Keigiian. Hryan and VanWyck
ach would like to lie U. S. Houuor
-imm Nebraoka. DouMlf h the one
that inthemoHt expert pulling the
wool over the eye of tne farmers
will be the puccettul nnpirantv
KlHtEk'TO.N him practiced law
thirteen yearn and has been before
the nuprenie court but twice.
DoubtleHH he would feel "atnontf
atrantfers nnd alone" if elevated to
the position to which lie aspires.
The present has done more
toward rinding ooil markets for
our surplus products than any
other administration. It will do
utill more in that line after a few
more " reciprocity treaties are
Tllli free admission of beet sugar
from Germany is very likely to
have the tendency to still further
4-heapen that commodity and at the
same tilne furnish a better market
for American pork and othir
TllK democrats in Gage county
cannot agree upon a county ticket.
The August convention indorsed
the independent nominees. I .act
week the central committee called
another convention and a straight
ticket win placed in the field.
Mr, ItKYAN, wlioadvised thedem
oeratic party the other day to aban
don its entire state ticket, has ex
perienced another change ot heart
and is now advising democrats to
vote straight, lie is aggressively
partisan just now.
TliKKB is talk of Hritish capital
ists making investments in this
country for the purpose, of course,
of avoiding the duty imposed upun
their pauper made goods. If we
mistake not they will tind it import
nible to employ pauper labor in this
country, which may serve to dis
courage them in a measure.
Joseph V' Kdgcrton first became
known in Nebraska fouriecn years
ago as a patent well borer in Fiirn
as county. Ilecoming t'ued of
boring holes in the earth he spent
a brief time in an attorney's oflice
and blossomed out with a copy of
the statues, an abundance of as
surance anil a tin sign ns a lawyer.
A short time afterward' he was
discovered as u republican oflice
Meeker in Polk county with an of
lice in Stromsburg. Failing in his
ambition in the republican
ranks he became u rabid anti-mono
Six or seven years atro he drifted
to South Omaha and between real
estate speculations and a salary of
$50 a mouth as city attorney he
managed to eke out an existance.
The city council which elected him
was democratic and Kdgcrton had
by this time again changed his
politics. As city attorney and solic
itor for a city council which
plastered the young city with
mortgages, his record was din
creditable if not corrupt, lit
helped a disgracefully incompetent
city government to hide from
public view some of the ugliest
ions ever perpetrated ty a muni
cipal administration in this state.
After dropping out of his job in
South Omaha he became a union
labor candidate for something or
another and then went back to the
democracy to take a position as as
Histant to the democratic county
attorney in criminal cases arising
iu Sout Omaha.
In due time he joined the inde
pendents, and his vaulting ambition
was gratified by a nomination for
the oflice of attorney general. He
was no more fit to become attorney
general than he is to be a cardinal.
He ran behind his ticket every
where, and especially at home,
where he wa best known. He
could not carry South Omaha lor
justice of the peace. In face of
clean majority of over 3,000 for Geo.
W. Hastings he united with the de.
feated prohibitionists in a baseless
contest which cost the tax-payers of
Nebraska over $11,000, and plunged
the state into turmoil and conten
He signed and approved the con
test papers iu which the county in
, which he lives was maligned and
- slandered, lie knew he had no
right whatever to the oflice and no
show of claim to it but there was a
cliance to disiranciuse lu own
people to his pcrsonul advantage
and he sieved upon it with that
avidity for which he is noted when
an office and a salary are sighted
however dimly.
The next thing that comes to him
is a fat jobTiTtlic lobby at the legis
lature. He remained on deck at the
capital during the long session and
lie is credited with some very aly
manipulations of stockyard bills
and other measures. Paul Vander
yoort was there for the telegraph
and telephone monopolies. He
and Kdgcrton became bosom
friends and Paul is now stumping
: 4he state for him.
The next turn in the wheel of thiB
political weather cock pointed him
toward the mate capital a the inde
pendent candidate for justice of the
supreme court. He ban never had
practice enough to make either a
lepntalion an o lawyer or a living.
lie is not in bin oflice two hours a
week. He is scarcely known at the
district bar. He has never held a
judicial oflice. He does not posses.-
a single tjuulicution for a judi
cial position. His election would
debase our supreme court and dis.
grace the state.
This is the unvarnished truth.
To-day, October 0, the tariff law
has been in force just one year.
What has been the result of that
years experuncer now nave tne
wild eyed predictions of high
priced for the necessaries of life, of
the ruiirof our foreign trade, and
of lower priceu for what the farmers
produced, so glibly made a year
ago by the democratic press, been
carried out?
The first of these free trade state
ment -that the new tariff law would
increase the prices of the neces
saries of life-hau been proved by
experience to be utterly false.
About 00 per cent of all the articles
which go to make up everyday
needs of the people of the United
States are to-day cheaper than they
were a year ago, and the price!1, of
the remainder are substantially un
changed, mere is not, so tar as
our observation extends, any in
crease of price in any article due to
the new tarilf law
The failure of the predictions of
the "calamity howlers" with regard
to our foreign commerce has been
equally marked. Our imports have
enormously incrcasec in the aggre
gate, because of the large additions
made by the new tarilT law to the
tree list. Articles not produced in
this country, which formerly paid
duty, come in free under the new
law, and are consequently cheaper
because wheriyu-re is no home
production the duty is always, paid
by the consumer. Where, however
we manufacture or produce the
article, the price here is. fixed by
the crtst of production, and the tar
ilf cuts no figure iu it.
Our exports to foreign countries
too, have enormously increased
The total ualve of our exports for
the last seven mouths shows an in
crease of $H(1,:)7,1S over the average
exports for the corresponding
months of the last live years. With
our imports increased and our
export trade increasing, the falsity
of the free trade, cry is fully ap
The third count, that the ruin of
our foreign trade would keep down
the prices of the products of
American farms, is likewise a false
hood. All the staple products of
American agriculture are selling
higher today than for a long time
in that past, with the single excep
lion of cotton, of which the cotton
planters themselves admit there
has been an enormous over-prod
net ion for the pant two years.
Hence the net result of one year
of the new tariff law is:
Cheaper prices for the necessaries
of life.
An increased import trade.
A much larger export trade.
And a greater degree of general
properity than the nation has ex
perienced since about 1S83.
The beauty of American' women
is proverbial, and the distinction is
well merited: it is doubtful whether
any country could show a more
notable bevy of perfectly lovely
women than those whose portraits
are given in the November number
of Oeniorest'a Family Magazine,
just received. Kxquisite pictures
of a score of "Famous lteauties of
the South" afford a feast of beauty
that everyone should enjoy, and
may, by simply procuring a copy
of this splendid number of thiB
always excellent Family Magazine.
And this is not its only great at
traction. A unique series of
articles is begun in this number,
"The Romances of Pre-Columbian
Discoveries," handsomely illus
trated, which are especially apropos
at this time; "Her Soul's Secret" is
an absorbing novelette; any woman
can learu to ride, and to ride grace
fully, if she will follow the rules
given in "Lessens in Killing"; those
who are preparing Christmas gifts
will find appropriate mottoes for
them and numerous pretty styles
of lettering in 'Home Art and Home
Comfort'; in "Sanitarian," Susanna
W. Dodds, M. I)., tells about t'The
Unequal Distribution of Clothing,"
in the first of her articles on
"Women's DresB Hygienically Con
sidered"; housekeepers will find
some appetizing "Thanksgiving
Menu"; in fact, something to inte
rest everybody will he found in this
comprehensive Magazine, which is
purblished for $2 a year by W.
Jennings Demorest, 15 Kiist 14th St.,
New York City.
I am a protectionist because I am
an American. The free admission
of foreign commodities, or Iheir ad
mission at rates of duty which are
levied for purely revenue purposes,
may suit the economic conditions
and meet the financial needs of
other countries, but history teaches
that the prosperity of our own
country is best promoted by a tariff
which is levied for protection as
well as for revenue. Many of our
great industries, including the silk
industry, the pottery industry, the
carpet industry and the steel rail
industry, had only a nominal exist
ence until adequately protective
duties were imposed on competing
foreign products. All other consid
erations aside, older manufacturing
countries could command lower
wages for labor than this country,
and protective duties were therefore
needed to equalize the labor cost of
production. Our tin plate industry
is to-day an infant industry because
we have not had a protective dnty
on foreign tin plates. We shall al
ways need protective duties as long
as our people insist upon a higher
standard of wages and scale of
living than prevail abroad. If they
were now willing to accept the same
wages and the same social condi
tions which the people of other
countries are compelled to accept,
our protective policy could be
greatly modified, if not wholly dis
pensed with. Whatever it may
have been iu the past, this policy is
therefore to-day chiefly a question
of wages. lames M. Swank, general
manager of the American Iron and
Steel association.
I am a protectionist because in
our history I trace all our prosper
ity as a nation to the protective sys
tem and all our periods of financial
and business, distress to the aband
onment or threatened abandonment
of that system
Hecause as I r-ad history, all ex
perience shows that a nation can
only be prosperous or become
wealth or long remain so under a
system which protects the labor o
its citizens, creates diversified in
dustries, and enables it to produce
at home largely the articles it con
sumes. Hecause I believe it to be the
duty of the government and wise
statestnaushib to provide, so far as
l'gislation will accomplish it, that
the people who labor with their
hands and who in this country are
iu a majority and are to control the
destiny of this government, and
upon whom the prosperity and
perpetuity of the nation depend
shall be permitted to do our k
instead of foreigers across the sea
audio receive for the same such
compensation as will enable them
to live comfortably, educate their
children, and prepare them to per
form the duties as American citi
zens intelligently and independently.-!.
N. Dolph, U. S. Senator
American Kconomist.
Tins will be a hard winter on
democrats. In this state they have
no available candidate lor supreme
judge and are compelled to fall
back upon a fourth class lawyer
who left the republican party be
cause there was no probability of
being elected to oflice; over in Iowa
they have been compelled to dodge
the discussion of national issues
and are attempting to save their
political heads by catering to.the
whiskey ring; in Ohio the McKinley
ley bill and free coinage proposi
tion are the issues, and the repub
licans under the leadership of Mc
Kinley and Sherman, the two
greatest disciples of these issues in
America, have already put the ene
my to flight; in New York the bet
ter element of the democracy has
openly declared in opposition to
the Taimi.any crowd and their in
fluence will be exerted in behalf of
the repuplican ticket. A hard win
ter for democracy, indeed.
Tub democratic sheet of thirt city
recognizing the ability of the re
publican candidate for clerk of the
district court and chagrined by his
popularity as a candidate, seeks to
give vent to its spleenetic envy and
jealousy by yielding to the last re
sort of the vanquished; viz., mud
slinging and unsubstantial vitupe
rations. Thk IlKKAM) believes that
this method of campaigning should
be relegated to the rear, and sup
planted by a clean, honest, manly
discussion of matters of public
concern. We believe that our best
people take this view of the matter
anil will become disgusted with the
method in which our neighbor
lakes special deliglit.
Mr. C. H. Jones, of .Spring Hill
Iowa, says: "1 have used Chamber,
Iain's Pain Halm for severe and
painful burns with better effect than
anything I have ever tried. It re
lieves the pain instantly and cures
without leaving a scar." Pain Halm
is one of the most useful medicines
that any families can be provided
with, especialy for rheumatism,
lame back, sprains, bruises, tooth
ache.ear ache and like ailments.
One application will relieve the pain
and n fair trial insure a cure. 50
cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricko
V Co. Druggists.
InlUn an Crewe.
Among the courageous small bird1 may
be counted the family of wallows. The '
writer Iihs often seen barn swallows fly
downward and peck at the cat and dog.
and more than once sharp twitter,
whir of v.ings and a peck on the hat has
reminded her, when standing in the bam
door, that she was lutrudinjr on swal
low n' precincts
About a half mile from the house ia a
high bank which is the home of a colony
of bank swallowa The earth for some
distance is thickly perforated with the
roundish holes leading into their nests.
Not far from this bank a quantity of
corn was one day scattered by accident
upon the ground. The crows were quick
to discover what had happened, and
swooped down and began to devonr the
Some of the swallows spied them at
once ami gave the alarm. 1 chanced to
be sitting beneath a tree in full view of
the scene, la less than a minute after
the crows had settled to feeding, more
than a hundred of the bank swallows
had darted from their holes, and with
angry twitters fell upon the intruders.
The attack was a complete surprise to
the big black fellows, and aa if realizing
the futility of trying to cope with their
small assailants, they rose from the
ground in a body and took flight
The swallows pursued them, darting,
diving, striking at them above, below and
from both sides. The crows were routed
completely, and took refuge in a dense
piece of woods a quarter of a mile away
Then the triumphant swallows turned
about and ' sailed homeward, uttering
many chirps and twitters of satisfaction
as they flew.
For the hour or more that 1 remained
in the field not a crow was to be seen
near the corn. The swallows were mas
ters of the field. Cor. Youth's Compan
ion. We Are Not a Military People.
We Americans aro not a military peo
ple. In view of our having carved our
way into the wilderness with sword as
well as with ax, of our having won our
independence by arms, of our having
come with abundant credit out of all
our wars, of having carried through one
of the most gigantioslruggles of modern
days, in which were fought buttles nl
most uuequaled in tenacity, this may
appear to be aa unwarranted statement
But it is true It requires more than
courage, more than ability to raise, to
i equip, to ration, to move and to com
mand armies to make a military people.
The most splendid conduct in war for
an all absorbing cause does not suffice
Having many of the essential qualities.
we yet fall short of what the Krmians
were, the Germans are. Some sections
of the country approach nearer to the
military standard; but taken as a whole
our lack of interest in army ami navy,
our thoroughly unbusinesslike way of
handling oux national problems of attack
and defense, stamp uh us the least uiili
tary iu our instincts of all the great peo
ples of the earth. Colouel T. A. Dodge
in Forum.
filia Had Improved.
The Princess Charlotte, daughter of
George IV, was a young woiuun of groat
spirit and originality. One day one of
her teachers chanced to enter the room
when the princess was reviling one of
her attendant ladies, iu great wrath, and,
after giving her a lecture on hasty
speeeh, he presented her with a book on
the subject A few days later he found
her still more furious and using lan
guage even more violent "I am sorry
to find your royal highness in such a
passion," said he, "you royal bighneBS
has not read the book I gave you." "I
did. my lord!" cried she tempestuously.
"I both read it and profited by U. Oth
erwise I should have scratched her eyes
out!" San Francisco Argonaut
Sonie Notable Wager.
Of single bets made on American
horse races the following instances are
taken from the records: Haughton bet
Walton $14,000 to $1,1)00 against Oirofle.
Haughton bet Kelly $20,000 to $",000
against Ilenloiien. Appleby & John
son bet P. Lorillard $11,000 to $10,000
against Puarro, and $25,000 to $"),000
against Leo in the same race. In each
of these cases it is probable that the
owners risked ten times these amount
on each of the races, as the beta above
stated were only made with one book
maker. W. 13. Curtis in Forum.
How Parchment Came to He Cl.
When the literary jealousy of the
Egyptians caused them to stop the sup
ply of papyrus the king of Pergamos, a
city in Asia Minor, introduced the use
of sheepskin iu a form called from the
plnce of its inveution, pergamona,
whence our word "parchment" is be
lieved to be derived. Vellum, a finer
article made from calfskiu, was also
nsed Many of the books done on vel
lum in the Middle Ages were transcribed
by monks, and often it took years to
complete a single copy. C. A. Lynde in
St. Nicholas.
Like Shooting tthnau.
The impression when hunting paddy
melons is of shooting at ghosta, what
with the dim, mysterious light of the
"bush." and the strango appearance and
swift movement of the game. Paddy mel
ons, like all the kangaroo tribe, are use
less for food, except so far as their tails
are concerned, which, being largely of
glutinous texture, furnish material for
capital soup, very like oxtail, but with
a peculiar and agreeable "gamy" flavor.
Boston Journal.
NurprlHed HI Friend.
Chrdler (a returned traveler How
did young Wesley ever turn out? 1
Speakuian-Oht he haa made a splen
did name for himself. He was sent to
priMn and has surprised everybody by
the talent, he displays in peggiug shoes.
New York Epoch.
She Know Ue Will Come Beck.
An Atchison woman has dismissed her
cook and commenced to t:i!;e in sewing,
ller husband oined ti e boomeri who
rushed into the new (Jklahar&a country
the other day, and she is saving tip money
t3 pay his fare back. Atchison Globe.
Bt u a Bring Baee Track "Toot
and Ue Imagined He Bad Coupei
Lined Clnob" to Play na the Track
That Day and Na Time to Loe.
1 have hesitated about giving to print
the following true r ry of a deathbed
scene which occurred in this city. I had
the description directly from the doctor
in attendance. He haa lately left New
York to continue his profession else
where, and I am constrained to tell tile
story as be described it, suppressing all
The snow and sleet dashed through
the death chilling atmosphere in wild
waves. The wind moaned a dirge
among the telegraph wires. A solitary
hackin.m, driven from his seat by the
warring elements, had ensconced him
self inside his inonrnfnl looking vehicle
and tapped upon the frost covered glass
to attract the attention of belated night
owls. Winter in its cruelest phase was
upon us. In a dingy looking house on
Thirtieth street a yonng man weak and
emaciated tossed restlessly upon a bed.
He was a race track tout, and the great
mental strain he had been subjected tc
for years in naming sure winners had
left him an absolute wreck. His sunken
cheeks, his eyes ablaze with fever and
his corpselike pallor all denoted that he
bad but a few short hours to live. A
professional nurse, with that cold, hos
pital stretcher expression they all pos
sess, sat in a corner of the darkened
room and wbiled away the time by
figuring how the undertaker would man
age to get the coflin around that narrow
turn in the stairs.
The doctor had been summoned, Ktid
when he rang the bell the tout waved
his bony arms aloft and shrieked
"They're off! Tenny in a walkl Tenny
gets all the money, and Salvator won't
be one, two, six!"
lie fell back on the bed exhausted as
the doctor entered the room. The phy
sician removed his greatcoat and the
nurse shook the rain and snow from it
"Doctor, this is a dreadful night 1
suppose you are wet through?"
The tout regained consciousness and
muttered: "The track will bo heavy to
morrow, and I've got a copper riveted,
load pipe, copyrighted, air tight cinch.
Firenze in the mud she swims in it
She can make the pace so hot that the
track will be dry before she does the
first quarter."
The doctor approached the bed, and
touching the patient's pulse said, "llow
do you feel?"
"Well, I'll tell you," he replied, "just
how I feel about this. The Dwyers sta
ble is next to ours, aud they tell me
everything. Phil told me this morning
that Blackjack would win in a horrible
canter. You see, the party that owns
him wants to make a hogkilling, aud
no one knows that he's out for the dust."
Turning to the nurse the doctor in
quired. "Have you notified his friends of
his condition?" The tout started up and
yelled: "Of course I have! 1 want to
let 'em all In on the ground floor. Why.
it's a little rare money. 1 saw him tried
at daylight this morning. He made the
first quarter in 0:214. the second in ( .07.
and tho third was so fast that it broke
my stop watch and loosened three of
my teeth, now can ho lose it? Why,
it's just like falling through the roof of
a mint."
The doctor looked very serions and
said, "He will bo dead in an hour."
"Oh, no, he won't," the tout sneered.
"There's uot a dead one iu the hunt. If
any of 'em were stiff Id know it I tell
yon, Blackjack is full of Tabasco sauce,
and he'll leave all them other pings at
the post. Why shouldn't he? Do yon
know bis pedigree? Blackjack is out of
Dark Lantern, by Blaekwell's Island,
and he's a born cracker."
The doctor felt his pulse again and
sighed, "1 can do uo more; I must be
going." The tout caught his arm and,
drawing bis head down close to the pil
low, whispered: "After the Blackjack
race meet me in the paddock. If you
win I've got to give fifty dollars to the
trainer, twenty-five to the jockey and
twenty to the stable boys. I'll pnt what's
left ou the next race, and if the horse
wins, you're in on it. o meet me in the
paddock and I'll cash your ticket."
The doctor took the dying man's hand
and said, "My poor boy, are you pre
pared to meet the Great Judge?' The
tout gasped. "I don't want to meet the
judge; the man I'm after is the starter."
The physician pressed his attenuated
band, aud, aa the moisture gathered in
his sympathetic eyes, said, "Now turn
your face to the wall, my boy, aud go to
sleep. " "1 will," the tout muttered.
"I'll get next to the rail, so that when 1
turn the corner they can't fonl me.
Here's a telegram 1 just received from
the owner. There's 50 to 1 on Blackjack:
get it quick before they cut it down.
I'll win"
But he didn't He quit In the stretch
and lost by a breath. Louis Harrison in
New York Advertiser.
Tbe Sparrow' Until.
Have yon ever noticed the pngnacious
little English sparrow perforin his morn
ing ablution? Ie hunU. up a street
sprinkling cart, Dikes his position in
front of it and stands there like a drnm
major close to the wheel as the cart goes
by. After receiving the full force of the
water, he agaiu takes his place in front
and again awaits the on coming of tho
cart This is repeated until tho little
fellow is satisfied with hi cloanliness.
The English sparrow in tiothiag if tot
metropolitan. Detroit Free Press.
she Vii Kead.
Tater (emphatically) Come nowl Na
prevarication. That young noodle has
pronged to you. You may as well ac
knowledge the corn.
Danghter (bravely) 1 da It Is true.
I acknowledge the popcorn. Phtabuxr;
The finbrelU Takn aa the Pattern tor
the New Garment.
A new skirt which promises to rf"j
rah to rl- -
the "bell" skirt in popularit
ty this faT
is known as the "umbrella" or "exttf 1
iruibher," on account of its shape. It &
. lt&J
. i . 1. 1 m 1 1 ' t
itimftft. mold intr exactlv the flirure
low the waist and around the hips bj
of n few darts. The whole o!
the fullness is thrown at the back,
where it is arranged into a quadruple
box plait
Its cut Is simple, as shown by the dia
gram, which displays half the skirt It
is raalo of a single piece, with one seam
only, the widest materials alone being
used. The selected material Is folded in two
in such a way as to have the two sel
vedges meet horizontally, one at the
waist and ono at tho foot. The length
of the pattern skirt is forty-five inches
In front, and its circumference around
tne nein nve ynrcissix inenes. ine ma
terial should bo nt least forty-six inches
wide and five yards eight inehes long.
How George Wn l'nrsunilcd to Swallow
Some Medicine.
George lives with his grandpa and
trrandma. and he 6leeps in the room'
with them. Ono night ho was very:
restless, tossing about and kicking any-
thing that came within reach of his
small feet. This disturbed Erandpa;
and grandma very munh, and finally
grandma arose and prepared some,
medicine for the little boy, while grand-'
pa awakened him.
"Hero is somo nice medicine," said
prandm.a, "to make you sleep better.!
Open your mouth, Georgie, and taks
"What Is It?" queried Georgie.
"It m molasses," answered grandpa.
"And what you like so well in the
turkey stuffing," added grandma.
"But what Is it?" aked Georgie,
"It's molasses," said grandpa.
"Molasses," added grandma, "and "
"I know it's molasses," broke In
Georgie, half-asleep by this time, "but
what's inside the molasses?"
"Sago, my boy, sige!" cried grandpa.
And Georgio took the medicine with
out another word. Youth's Companion.
Women In India.
The British acquisition of the Punjab
is said to have raised the price of wives
to the average Brahmin and Rajpoot
farmer. At the time of the ancexation
a wife could bo purchased for from
twenty to forty rupees; tho quotations
vary at present from sixty to three
hundred rupees. The decrease of in
fanticide in the Punjub is said, indeed,
to be largely duo to this enhancement
in tho prospective value of female in
fants. The custom of selling girls is
meanwhilo becoming increasingly com
mon, and instances are reported in,
which the very highest class of Raj
poots have purchased their wives in this
rhenocoll Hydrochtorate.
Phenocoll hydroehlorate, the new
antipyretic which is distinguished be
cause of its ready solubility in water, is
now at last commercially obtainable,
and is receiving the attention which,
from Its expected therapeutical superi
ority, it merits. It claims for itself an
antipyretic, anti-rheumatic and anti
nervine action. From the evident in
terest of qualified observers aud lead
ing therapeutists in Germany, France,
England and America, it is reasonable
to deduct that the new remedy has
extraordinary merit, and that it will
assume prominent rank in a very little
while. Scientific American.
Quite a Vracllcal Hint.
A kindly correspondent scuds to the
Ladies' Home Journal the following
hint, whieh was given some time ago,
and has probably escaped the attention
of some of our readers: "You can make
a practical use of a wooden pie-crust
roller, tho model being twelve inches
long and seven wide. Cover with two
layers of Cuutou flannel, and you will
have a line pressing board for the
seams of basques and sleeves. It can
be held in the lap while pressing the
seams, and the effect seems better than
if a flat board had been used"
Denlcnated Potato.
A new industry is being developed in
some portions of Australia, and perhaps
elsewhere, in the desiccation or drying
of potatoes. It is really not a very new
thing iu principle, as the practice of
drying opples, pumpkins and somo oth
er fruits, haa been known longer than
the records of man reveal; but tho dry
ing of potatoes seems to bo a new de
parture. All of the moisture is extract
ed by a process which is not made pub
lic, and five pounds of the raw fruit
will yield ono pound of the sliced and
finished product Good Housekeeping.