Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, October 15, 1891, Image 4
it; ,:i is i) I t 1 i ! !ii D rs. B ETTS & B ETTS PHYSICIANS. SURGEONS and SPECIALISTS, 1409 DOUGLAS ST., OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Office honra from 9 I. m. to 8 p. m. Hunday from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. HpeclalUU in Chronic, Nerrotu, Bkin tod Illood Di, t'T" Consultation at office or by mail free. Umlicinwi ent by mnil or exprnee, aorareljr parked, free (mm obwrTation. (laHranUioa to cure quickly, eafely aud permanently. The mont widely anil faroralily known aiiecial in the United rjtntee. Their long eiperitince, remarkalile ("kill ami nnlverenl aurreaa in tiie treatment nci cure of Norton, Chronic and Hur Kiral Dieeawiii, entitle tlieae eminent plirniciane to Hie fall eonfidonce of the alllivted erorj where. They guarantee: A CERTAIN AND POSITIVE COKE forth awful effect of early vice anil the nuimtroui evil, that follow in ita train. PRIVATE, BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES iwntlilr, ooiiiplvtolj and iiermaueiitlr cured. NERVOUS DEBILITY AND SEXUAL DIS ORDERS yield roadily to their akiilful treat ment. PILES, FISTULA AND RECTAL ULCERS guaranteed r-urotl without pain or detention from biuiuem. HYDROCELE AND VARICOCELE l-rma-nontly and auucoekfully cured in efery cam. HVPIUMB, (iOSORHHfKA, (U.EKT, Hrma Wrtiii'ii, Heminal Wouknoaw, Ixmt Mnnhood, Nilit KinieeiotiM. Decayed r limit ion, Female Weaknewt anil all delicate diaordeni periiliiirto either iiei inaitively cured, aa well aa all func tional dinonli'ra that remilt from youthful follief or the excoea of mature year. QfrirtltrA Onnrnnteed permanently cnred, OlllllUIO reiimval complete, without cut tinar. caiwtle or dilatation. Cnre effected at home by patient without a momenta pain o annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN AQlirft PlirA Th awful effect, of early OUIO UUIO Tica which brinm orirauic wenknma, dratroyinR both mind and body, with all ita dreadud ilia, permanently cured. lire Rnffc Addnma thoea who have impar. UIO. DC 119 ed themselvea by improper in dulgence and aolitary habile, which ruin both mind and body, nnfittiuK them for business, tndy or marriage. HARRIED HKN, or thoee entering on that happy life, awaro of phyeical debility, quickly aaeiated. l1Hnnd tennta poetAffe lor celebrated worki on Chronio, NerToua and Delicate Dhwaaea. Thoueaiuia cnreil. WA friendly letter or call may aava you futnre auffnriiig and ahame, and add (olden years to life. tTao litter answered anleea accompanied by 4 eenU iu aUunpa, Addreas, cr call on DRS. BETTS & BETTS, 1409 Douglas St., OMAHA, - - NEBRASKA. Slightly Hurt. A Utile mm of Kolicrt Sherwood fell upon a wheelbarrow yesterday and cut hit forehead quite neverely. Dr. Cummin wan tidied and dreaded the wound. Laid to Rest. The funeral of Mrs. Fannie Kt liar took place at the Kpiflcopal church at ;t o.clock yesterday, Rev. Hurt-rtH fliciatiii. U wan evident that the Hjjed father and mother of the de parted one had the KVinpathy of all present. A Sudden Death. Pearl, daughter of K. IVternon, died yesterday at M.'M a. in. Age, nevcu years, one month. Last Wednesday the departed was ap parently enjoying perfect health and little was it thought that rhe would he taken away so soon. The atllicted parents have the sympathy of all in this hour of sadness. The funeral will he held at the M. K. church, Tuesday, Oct. 13, at 2:30 p. in. A cordial invitation is ex tended the friends to be present. Came to Blow John Keed, a well to-do farmer living across the river, and J F. Fos ter, a switchman at the yards, after becoming well filled with liquor proceeded to engage in a general row. Keed abused Foster unmerci fully, continuing to kick and strike after having been placed under arrest, though he asserts that the provocation fully unwarranted it. It appears evident that each of the parties were under the influence of liquor, which, doubtless had a ten dency to assist in the trouble. Foster tiled a complaint in the po lice court to-day charging Keed with assault with intent to do great bodily injury. The trial has been set for next Saturday. Slightly Injured. Wes Crassmnu finds it necessary to walk wiili ihe aid of a cane, owing to a slight injury received as he was walking up Main street. It appears that it nail was protruding from the walk and as Mr. (irasstnatt stepped upon it the nail penetrated his foot causing a painful injury Too much care cannot well be ex ercised in keeping the walks iu re pair. ftuilroad Hsoket. W. J. Williams, after a week's rest has returned to his work as switch man. W. 1). Itovd of Lincoln has been transferred to the yards at this place. C. S. Johnson has temporarily been transferred to the night list. An unur'iial amount of freight is being handled for this season of the year. Prom TVwt tjn Dmly J. H. Tipton, of Cedar Creek, is in town to-d.iy. (). H. I'olk, of flret nwoo l, is in the city to-day. Fred ('.order, of Weeping Water, is in the city to-day. A. C. Loder came in from (Jrceu wood thi morning. lion. II. D. Travis is attending court in the city to-day. J. H. Hillings, of Denver, is visit ing relative in ihe city. J. II. Haldeinan of Weeping Water is in the city to day on business. J.W. Herge, editor of the New lira at South Head is in town today. A. H. Todd left this morning for May wood on a short pleasure trip. Laura Twiss left this morning for Maywood for a brief visit to friends. Henry SlinU and Jacob Tritsch of Cedar Creek came in on the Schuy ler this morning. Mrs. Meek Davis, of Murray, ac companied by her daughter, Cora, spent the day in the city. District court is in session to-day. The day has been consumed con sidering a case State vs. Parker, a case of rape. Adecision in the case will probably not be given to-day. The funeral, of Pearl Peterson, was held at the M. li. church at 2:A) this afternoon, Kev. Alexander, of University Place, officiating. A large concourse of friends gathered to participate in the sad rite and manifestations of sympathy for the bereaved parents were shown ou everv hand. Pail rtoad Racket. John Monroe begins work as switchman to-day. Owing to an increase in business on the H. Jt M. line it has been found necessary to add two extra engines. They arrived this morning from the Q. line and extra trains were made up. Carpenters are at work repairing the telegraph office and rendering it in better condition for the winter. Laid to Rett, The funeral of John Pflughaupt took place this afternoon, under the auspices of the A.O. U. V. lodge of which the departed was an honored member. A large delegation of the immediate friends of the deceased followed the remains to Oak Hill cemetery, where the interment took place. County Court. In the matter of the last will and testament of Sarah Maston deceased. Proof of execution of same taken and same admitted to probate. In the matter of the guardianship of Martin Mahoney and Ann Maho ney, feeble-minded. Hearing on petition for appointment of Aaron C. Loder guardian. Prayer of peti tion grunted and bond fixed atfclMO. In the matter of the estate of Simpson C. Hethel deceased. Peti tion of N. II. Meeker, executor for order to sell personal property. Prayer of petition gr.tnted and order accordingly issued. Paulina Luschinski vs. Carl An ton, defendant, and C. H. A (J. R. R., garnishee. Answer of garnishee taken showing no money due de fendant from said garnishee. . In the matter of the guardainship of Arnold S. Keller miner child of Fannie deceased. Frances M. McCrea appointed guardain over person and estate. In the matter of the estate of Simpssn C. Hethel, deceased. Hear ing on application for iinal settle ment continued generally. L.C. EICKHOFF. Louis C. KickhotT, u veritable far mer by vocation, and a success at financiering, has been nominated by the republicans for county treasurer, and the only objection offered by his adveraries is that he is a farmer, and we are pleased that this objection has been sprung for it (shows the people how ardent these brass collared city cusses labor to retain the government of all affairs within their grasp. The Plattsmouth Journal has accused Mr. Kichoff of this "awful crime of being a farmer," and thinks forthat reason he had no business aspiring for the office. We thank fortune that Mr. KickholT is a farmer, and a progressive One. The very fact that he will receive the al most unanimous support and vote of his home precinct which is de mocratic -if evidence alone of his good standing mid reposed ability. One needs hut look back oyer the records of the ex-treasurers of Cass county to see how import ant it is to choose an honest man and a good calculator. In Mr. KickhotT we find these qualities, Vote for him, friends, and rest as sured jour vote will be honorably and unregretfully cast, lilmwood Kcho. When the hair kIiows signs of fall ing begin at mice to use Ayers Hair Vigor. This preparation strength ens the scalp, promotes the growth of new hair, restores the natural color to gray and failed hair, anil renders it soft, pliant and glossy. AN ODD COIU'OUATION. WHAT MRS. MARY TYLER DID TO SAVE HER HEIRS TROUBLE. She Transferred Nearly All Her I'mprrti to ail Incorporated Organisation ChIIi iI "Tlia Tyler t.lite" Katate In Several Cltina. Among the property items which In- city ia tryinu to ueiiuiie tul to fur I; , i proposed Ninth niuient armory t i Fourteenth street is a lot belong uj t the Tylisr eHt.ile. The Tyler estate is t novelty auioni; the corporations of thr country It is nut the entute of a de ceased ersou. as one would naturally infer from the title, but la the estate u'l it wealthy wehieru widow, wtio has had her real estate holdings capitalized and a stoek company fonned to take and lioM the titles to it. Her object is said to he to so arrange the titles to her property that when she comes to dispose of it by her will there will lie the leabt possible opportunity loft to disappointed relative to coutest her will and drag her name and private history iuto the courts uuJ before the public. The certificate of incorporation of tlie estate recites that it was organized un der the laws of Missouri as a corporation for manufacturing and business pur poses, and is called "The Tyler Estatt?.' It was organized under the legal advice and direction of Ilonry Hitchcock, of the St. Louis bar, a lawyer of that western city, who is mid to have assured his cli ent that the laws of Missouri authorized the organization and formal incorpora tion of real estate corporations. The founder and principal proprietor of the Tyler estate is Mrs. Mary Law rence Tyler, widow of Robert Tyler, of Louisville. She is raid to be worth sev eral millions, principally in lands and property iu this city, Pniladelphia, Lou isville, St. Louis and other places, all of which, however, she has conveyed to th Tyler estate, taking the stock of the pe culiar corporation iu payment The es tate is capitalized at i00.000, hut that does not begin to represent the actual value of the projwrty it owus. TUB LAW IN KKVEItAL STATES. The real estate records of this connty show the transfer of two pieces of prop erty to the estate by Mrs. Tyler in Feb ruary, 1888, the time when the corpora tion was fonued. One of the items is the lot in Fourteenth street, which is wanted by the city for armory purposes, and the other is a business building and lot in Crosby street, between Broome and Spring Btreeta. The city authorities and the representatives of the estate could not agree upon the price to be paid by the city for the Fourteenth street lot and condemnation proceedings have there fore been begun, wherein the price will be fixed by a commission. But the principal interest in the affair attaches to the corporation itself. Many devices have been resorted to in times past by wealthy people who had large estates to dispose of bv will to nrevfmt , - the quarreling of heirs over the manner id wnicn me property nas oeen distrib uted by the owner in his or her will, hut this is the first instance ever hoard of in which a private person, having no desire or Intention of coins into husimw) whom lome occasion for forming a limited lia- Dinty corporation mignt exist, has vol untarily had her uronertv canitalized and represented in stocks and bonds. in some ol the states contoniuons for the purpose of holding titles to real es tate are prohibited by law New York is said to be one of these states and Illi nois another But they are apparently auctioned by the laws of Missouri, and the laws of this state permit the holding of title to real estate by any corporation organized under the laws of any other state, the laws of which antuorize the existence of a corporation for the pur pose stated. HOW THB 8CHEMR MAY WORK. Who the present officers of the Trier estate are could not be ascertained, nor any statement regarding the dutails of tne organization whether the corpora tion has more than ono executive officer. how the property is managed by the omcers, or in what manuer transfers of real estate beloncrinir to tion could be made so as not to affect the value or its shares or to impair the secur ity or tne Donas, uow long a life such a corporation could hava is a question, lunnerniore, wnicn no lawyer could an swer offhand. But it is claimed for it thut th nrnn. . i'""F trty can in this manner be held together for loliz periods of years, whenum. mi. der ordinary conditions, no soouer is a weauuy persons will tiled for prjbate than a long coutest begins iu the courts between the various heirs over the man ner of its distribution among thorn. uy incorporating, as airs, Tyler hits done, it is declared that all trouble of this character is done away with. The testatrix wills not her property, hut a certain number of bhares of her estate to each heir, who is limited by hia op portunities to either accept or reject them This, however, still leaves the contesting heirs opportunities to fight over the distribution of the slutres. But Mrs. Tyler expects to get the bet ter of this class of heirs by giving away ths shares to the person she desires to have them before her demise. The cor poration, as said, is a novel one, but, like the trust, may prove to be only the forerunner of manv wuich will be nr. ganized as soon as the Jcgal status of the lyier estate snail have been passed upon tiy some competent lugal tribunal. New York Times. Mtinle From Inter In. The uotes of the katydid are perhaps as tamuiar as any aud have a certain fascination, the sounds taking ou various inflections and meanings. They are pro duced by rubbiug the inner surface of the hind legs against the outer surface of the front wings fiddling, iu fact Vi'h tine uji)e eni-ket in the hearth it raises its fere wltiga and scrapes them against its hind ones. Even the buttertty makes a sound audible ul ynua distance, certain species having been heard to utter a clicking sound. St Paul Dispatch. Fnn Sloiulav't Ikiily. Eagle Itema. Irnni the Kaclet. J. M. Kay took possession of the liaglet post office on the first of October. He appointed Joe Hoiser his deputy who will have main charge of the office. , Mr. anil Mrs. J. O.Adams left last Friday- morning for a pleasure tour which includes a visit with two or three da lighters, and the corn palace at Sioux City. Oncol our readers informs us that the soil in and around Kagle is well adapted for raising the beet sugar. He says he speaks from experience, as he "lives iu the sugar beet district in Germany, and that those raised hereareawav ahead of those pro duced in the old county. This being so there is a chance for a new diversity in crop raising in store tor this section. Lincoln is alter u sugar refinery and if she succeeds may not hagle become one of the main points to supply the raw ma terial. The liaglet is in receipts of nine ears of corn raised by Uncle John Summer on sod on McChutic's farm. The corn was planted the 1st of J line and shows a remarkable growth. The nine ears weighed ten and half pounds, the longest measuring thirteen inches, the shortest ten inches. They will lie sent to Huston on the advertising tram. Uiron Items. From the ledger. The amount of passengers and baggage transferred at this place is increasing every day. The band received a tine new in struinent last Tuesday a tuba, which adds greatly to the force of the band. A. N. Sullivan, J. A. Davies, Frank Dickson and Jesse Knot were Union visitors Tudsday and Wednesday while going to and returning from the judicial convention at Nebraska City. Oeorge Ferguson has secured a position iu the packing house at Nebraska City and expected to re move his family and household goods down there yesterday. The Ledger wishes George success in his new business and will follow him to keep him posted on Union news. A. C. Loder came in from Green wood this morning. Tllli democratic papers, evidently, would be pleased to substitute the discussion of the Cleveland baby for that of the tariff aud silver quest ions. POVERTY vs PLENTY. This well-satisfied and thriving country the Corsicana Cobden and the Claimani have undertaken to persuade that it has been ruined and still is being ruined by thepro tective tariff. These two singular compounds of mountebank and crank want the democratic party to shut its eyes, stand on its head, and say to the farmers, whose barns are bulging with grain. "Your grana ries are empty on account of the tariff;" to the jobliers and the country storekeepers, whose stocks are being sold as fast as they are ordered, "You are prevented from doing business by the tariff;" to the laborers, whose services are iu greater demand than ever, "You can find no work, on account of the tariff;" to the well dressed, "You are naked on account of the tariff;" to the well-to-do, ' You are paupers on account of the tariff;" to a nation digesting its dinner with enjoyment and peace of mind, "You nre starving on account of the tariff." If the democratic party were suf ficiently far gone with paresis to be scared by the croaking of these ridiculous crows, it would be laughed out of sight in 1W2. Hired weepers are not in demand at a wedding feast, and crows are hunted with shotguns. -American Kconomist. IK we mistake not the independ ents will become disgusted with the calamity shrieking and dema goguery that is being indulged in by their candidate for supreme judge. The Kearney Hub, in com menting upon a harangme recently delivered iu that city by the dis tinguished jurist, has the following: The man Kilgerton who seeks to befoul the supreme bench makes up in vituperation what he lacks iu common sense. In his Kearney speech the other day he said: "It we are to cling to the old parties we might as well tear down our school houses, burn our churches and write on the vault of heaven: 'Satan has triumphed over God.' and turn all the imps of hell loose on our country." This sentiment is endorsed by the Fremont Herald and given prominence in the Omaha orld Herald, both of which ought to have better sense. 1 lie foul mouthed raviuir of such a demagogue can not certainly have weignt witit tne people ol the state, further than to cause them to spew him out. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Hal))- wan niik, we fra her Ceatoria. When he aa ft Child, he crie-l for (.'a .ioria Wlieuahe hecaine Xit; ". ,iiin p i .-or.r., Wlienahehntniil li-ii. .. av : . . k. ..i-V Mr. C. H. Jones, of Spring Hill Iowa, says: "I have used Chamber, Iain's Pain Halm for severe and painful burns with better effect than anything I have ever tried. It re lieves the pain instantly and cures without leaving a scar." Pain Halm is one of the most useful medicines that any families can be provided with, cspccialy for i hetimalism, lame back, sprains, bruises, tooth ache, ear ache and like ailmeuts. One application will relieve the pain and a fair trial insure a cure. 50 cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricka & Co. Druggists. GREENWOOD, NEB. Office iu the Hass Noel building Residence, the Ed Rich Property. ATING HIORSI IN iamket: Nearly every pattern of & Horse Blanket is imitated in color ant! style. In most cases the imitation looks just as good as the genuine, but it hasn't the warp threads, and so lacks strength, and while it sells for only a little less than the genu ine it isn't w orth one-half as much. The fact that A Horse Blankets are copied is strong evidence that they are THE STANDARD, and every buyer should see thai the & trade mark is sewed on the inside of the Blanket. Five Mils Boss m E,ectr!? . Lxtra Ten Baker korse ummt ARE THE STRONGEST. 100 5. A STYLES at prices to suit everybody. If you can't them from your dealer, write . Ask fV'.' the5s Hook. You can get it without chargr ' WM. AYRES & SONS. Philadelphia Cincinnati i making wonderful strides toward the republican con vention. IT ia n,.;i l that the adminis tration wui soon j'ive Home welcome information regarding a new reci procal treaty. After having seen the practical operation of the reciprocity feature of the McKinley law no honest per son will assert that the bill has not secured a market "for a single bar rel of pork or bushel of wheat." AkKANUEMENTS are being made by which Gen. Van Wyck and K. kosewater, of the Hee, may be per mitted to hold a joint discussion at Nebraska City iu the near-future. In the event that satisfactory ar rangements are made the editor of our metropolitan paper will make matters interesting for the wily general. How's This! We olfer One Htmilreil Dull: ward for anv nine of CoturrH tl,..i can not be cured by taking Hall's iiui i u . lire. V. J. CHKN KY & CO.Joledo, (). We, the undersigned, have known K. 1. Chenev for th luat IS i-uc-u J - - -" ' J . 1 c. , and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and fi nancially able to carry out any obli gations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, Ohio., Walding, Kin- 1 IV. ..... . . nan iinu Alarum wnoiesale Dniir- Hiaia, iuicuu, UlllO. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken inter nally, ucting directly upon the blood and mucous mirfo,-.. rf ! system. Price, 73c. per bottie. Sold by all Druggists. I't) tO HOW Wlinu. itntor.xl lull. fight with death, fought a losing fight-now science has discovered a way to circumvent even death llaller's Sarsaparilla Burdock grapples with !l llisnnleri'd and carefully builds and reorgan- i.ik. iiyu. ror sale iy all Druer gists. H rf OOK (Twirl Ei 1 will ollVr at rublic Sale at my Fred Yards on Wednesday, October 21st. Eighty Head of Cows, Heilers and Calves. Sale to at ten o'clock promptly. TEBMS On sum. of $10 r ovor. one y.-ar'H nppnvi-.J nrfurity, without interest lifiir ID per rent interest from l;ite. If you wish to secure a certain and speedy result, when using Aycr's Sarsaparrilla. be careful in observing the rules of health, or the benefit inav be retarded. A fair and persistent trial of thie. medicine never fails, when the directions arcl". followed. Notioo. Ti W lULitn .1. "O'-or " p"lhvit hMt'ii(la!it Vim me lv I". i,oi T,.il l!i;ii r t li - nth day 4riir-ler l sill il .iii'iiii t uiM-t It't-il a M'lillnu immi si vim I i:nct o.'iin ol t'.iss ciuiii ty, fl'i:H"k;t, tiie n'-J 't mt H;iy' of wlilch arc tuoliuiii iliv ire li nn )in mi tlie irruunil th:tt y-'ti Willi. IU I lir riuiM'iit iir eoliiiivaiH'e of lilalulitT. miii lued ailnliry wiili woman or wi'iui-ii unknown to nUliiiill.iii u nine or timet unlaiow' to p aiiitltT. You ie reuiiin il to m.vwt-r said Delttlon on or before Moodiiy Hie KH'd day of November 1 K II HANNAH I 01l.-fclt, 1 l.llUllll. Itv J. S. M:.tlirws, lier utloii.ey. Sheriff's Sale. J'v viiMieNif mi order of sal Iwsie d ly W. ('. Slinwiiliei i t ik ol tin- ilLitrlrt c tirt within and foi (' county .' it Mid lo me directed. 1 w ill on the tilth day of October A l. mill, at 2 o'clock p. in., ol said day nt tlm foot of the Htairway leailing up to Hock wood Hall In the ciiy of I IntlBnmulh Cao county Ne braska that bi'tni; the plaro where tlm laet term of the tlt.sMct court was hold In said (Jooiily.sell at i.iiblic auction. ti,e following ruil est ule 'o-wit : Lot tw.(2), hi bliK'k one (1). hi " Hlimt Hill adiiilinii to the city of Weepluir vter. Cw, Ceiinly. Nebraska, tiicctlier wl'li tbn prlve-J legeKiti.ri ttppiu ti'imnc-es tlieieurilu belonKlnK or In any wiwe. appertaining. The name beini; levied upon and taken as the property ol Clara Hambleton. William Hamli eton and Henry H Carter, defendants ; to satUfv a J l'iiiiiienl of naiil court recovered by li iijaiiiin A.'llib-on auhnimteri for Ida IimeiNoll. plaiutilT. ai;aint,t eaid defendants riaUH.uoutu. Neb , Sept. 17. A, I). IMUl. Wm. TiuiiK. . sheriff Cass County, Neb. ti TFD- IrfifRl SALESMEN and I rav-lnn: W w lo repii lent our well known house. You need no capital lo repre sent a firm th:t wan-arts tik first -chips and Hue t ' name WORK BLL THE YEAR SUM per month to tiht man. Apply tjinck, statini: nir . LL rY AY & CO Nursery, riniit and Keviieineii.M. l'aiil, Minn. (This bouse in icsjilble ) That IlackingCouKli can Hoquick ly cured by Sliiloh's cure. We truaniiitee it, For Sale by K. G. Fricke and t) II Snyder 1 TO SHIPPERS. Butter, Kggs, Cheese, Wild Game, Poultry, Meat, Apples, Potatoes Green and Dried Fruite, Vegetables Cider, Beans, Wool, Hides, Tallow Sheep Pelts, Furs, Skins, Tobacco, Grain, Flour; Hay, Beeswax, Feath ers, Ginsing, Broomcoru, and Hops. M. E. BALLARD (ien. Com, Merchant ai d Shipper, 217 Market Street - 8t. Louis, Mo. W NTFO iifent trim ui.n ilnlu.l mttli In n aud Shippers. 0 In IU Wwst Frnu Button, Li. Co., Wit., Dm,, "ft B. J. C. Bergen voochei for tb fooowii;: Jamea Kooney, who was tufferliig rtrom Vkoa lae In ita worst form for ibout 1 yeari. waa teeatad by aereral phraletaua wllhoot effect. Two botttoa ol l'aator &ueni'a Merv Tvaio ored fan. A Reverend Hero in mends It. P(c Cm, Utah, Jaa. IBS). 1 bad been HI for eighteen montha with weak neat and terrible Dsrvonaneai when I eom meneed taking yonr medicine, Pagtor KoeniK'i Nerve Tonic ; and I cttm pray for I'aator Koe nlg, aa 1 think I eoald not hava lived without thia medicine. The people here have aeen the good which 1 derived from it, and Rev. Gal Ugan reoommenda it to highly that it li now getting very pop alar. JULIA AQNES BYENK. FREE -A Tatnable Book en Nerroot i'iwiwi eent iree to any auureea and poor pttlenta can aleo obtain This rnmedy has been prepared bi the Remmnd Pantor Koenm. of Fort Vnvne, Ind, sine Wit. and Uoow prepared undor his direction or tba KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, Hf. gold by DrniorlKts at 1 per Bottle. 60x93 targe Size, Sl.75. Otkiaiojfor 9. QB&L DIEFFENBACH'S ltttK KulAuuN CAPSULES, rureiinreinr weak proved bjr reportaol leading phr- Price. VI. G&G Price, CI. t'ataloctae Free. m uue ano ipeeay cure (or tileet, fillMtnM. mnA all nnnatiiraldluheivne. PrleeBS. QREEK SPECIFIC hi"!! Dion Norva anrlHvnhllltle A fli.tlniit. with. outuiereury. Price, Order (rum THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. . 18iiootia Street, lllLWADtEZ, WIS, We srnd the marrelnna French KemeJy CALTH08 fisps and leKl (iiarantee that Caltuos will STOP Ill.l... x vui ClUE Hpfrmalerrhra, Vartooeclr aad KKSTOKC Lotl Vicar. Vie Hand pav if talis fifi. Addrm,V0N MOHL CO.. Bote lawta kftUA, CUduMI, Oklo. SALE, OIF1 SALE will . Kiven nil ,mU. wj1h if pnid wlu-n .!tu--if m,t . paid to Jattit Batkct nieal 1 Notice i ' Yr county rnesday, bi in require' ounty tre: titiMic aut li'tvTft i nti-ce 1 au , I cing the .V tax lis Enira of 9 1 intie fron property M ) f t a ' w I' ! lot: Intel lotB lot 3 lot 111 If lot lot tot: lit lo IOI lo