Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, October 15, 1891, Image 3

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    Finn ritirw'r'yi i'i(;
Silver Wildmo; A oi eioary.
wn las'! rrulay, net. vi, .r. mm a fIflj,i,lir ; hunting party.
1 r Win 1 1 1 1 mi r. 1 1 v i II " aUOllt -n T i....
- . . I -
of Flatlsinoiitn,
II. I. Sliviglit I, ft for Ashland this ,
morning for the purpose of joining i Ne Meet8 hj fae lortHy on the Clll.
i II.'
.ii...,...i !...;.. ..:i...... n'l.j ii 1 1 ii it mi.
itriM.lll.-l lovil - mil i-.i-t -
versary. Although the weather
rkH Mill 1 1 V 11:1 T ( 1 IS:i I I't'ill M( f.. I li ii
threuteueil with ram ami roads
!ieingVy muddy, the people be
gan to gather by eleven o'clock
:md en iwioii the house was over
flowing with friends, each laden
with tempting delicacies for the
inner man.
The day wa.- spent in interesting
conversation and talks of by gone
Mr.Gihnore came to Nebraska long
rvrVs ago and can therefore be
Bsed among the old settlers of
Caaa county. He was married to
I 'V, .... 1.1 ' 1 SI ill. A
iHBB -.111. ) luwilli, -i
great many present were old set
tlers of this county and perhaps
' could give surprising accounts of
' the early life in Nebraska, the
r....i r f lining
vatue oi lanu. ii iii i -
. iifr and travel ami most.of them
luld tell of events thirty and forty
' years ago in many of the most east-
em stales that made impressive
.....i , i.. r-, ,M . transformations in
nnu -i.'iiw.
social and civil life. Of course
there has been more sunshine than
shadow in all those yearsj.but most
of the company could tell of disap
pointments, liereavments. and all
kinds of heartaches that would
melt the stoutest heart to pity.
Some are getting old. even, some
gray headed, but their long lives
prove that they have lived with
much regard Mir the laws of their
well being, prudent and industri
oufl and are indeed loyal people.
, The ladies had before-hand pre-
pared a sumptuous dinner and in
order to understand just how the
table groaned, you would need to
have been there and enjoyed with
us the ch1 things to eat. The
? .ladies of this neighborhood can
carry off the prise, when it comes to
preparing for the inner man.
-Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore were pre
sented with some costly presents
ad after wishing that their days of
e and prosperity may be long
the land the guests bade host
hostess "good bye' each de-
arting to their respective home.
i The names of those present were
Messrs. and Mesdames. . J. Hes-
'ger and daughter. D. A. Young, V.
" M.Young. Sr a-id daughter, V. M.
! Youug, Jr., and son, Joseph Sands
H. Smith, Ivan White, Anderson
' Root, Hiram McDonald, V. Hutch
inson, J. V. Conn, Win. Taylor, I,evi
Churchill, Frank ?lonre, vim.
.oughridge, Lee Oldham, d. C.,.. l.iului:. Gaiieri. I. r.d-
JUfn'ui j .... . -
i XinundH, W. A. Brown, J.F.Marshall,
R. W.Livinirston, Wm. Murray, ii,
F, Dean, Wm. Morrow, Harry Todd,
' aiid Mesdames Armick and son,
Carens. Livingston, Miss Hlanche
Horning, Mr. Wm. Young and dan
i KMer-
A Narrow Escape '
S. k Whitticker, an employee sit
the H. A M. shops, met with quite a
painful accident this morning.
The workmen at the boiler shops
were iloing work that necessitated
hard striking with heavy hammers,
and owning to some irregularity
Mr. Whitticker was struck near the
temple and for a time rendered un
conscious. Dr. lavingsion was ,n
once summoned and at present the
patient is doing well and his re
covery assured.
Disolutioi. of Partnership.
The law partnership heretofore
existing between K. H. Windham
and John A. Da vies is disolved by
mutual consent. The business of
the office will be continued by K. H.
Oct, 7, IStU.
K. H. Wjvdham.
John A. Daviks.
HORRIBLE LYNCH LAW. puff, and out they go.
r'r. iii s'.i'' Kiwle "
l r. Salisbury of i'lattsmouth was
here again to-day. He and Dr.
Deering are good patrons of the
h',.e Herryuiaii arrived home yes
terday from a trip to Iowa.
. . . . t 1
brought back a bird, nanu oo. anu
a parasol.
Hon. Wm. McKeighaii will be at
I'lattsmouth Oct. loth, to discuss
the political situation from an inde
pendent standpoit.
George Yapp, the brag twirler for
the I'lattsmouth ball dun, win ue
married to-morrow at Schuyler to
Miss Threlkeld of that place.
I'atrick Hayes fell from a load of
lath one clay last week and broke
his chin. He will be crippled in
that department for some time on
account of it.
The Klmwood Leader, the new
paper of that city, arrived last week
with the name of K. D. Root at its
head. The Leader propose" to en
dorse the best of everything that is
to be had and starts out with a good
natronaue. Success to the leader
and a welcome to Cass. Next.
Frank Dickson of riattsniouth,
the republican candidate for county
clerk, was a social caller at these
headquarters last Saturday. He
has quite recently been called upon
to part with his only child six
mouths old. The many friends of
the family in this section sympa
thize with him in his loss.
OMAH A, N Kit.,' Oct, !, Spec
ial to TllK Shortly be
fore 11 o'clock to-day in the pres
ence of press representatives and a
few other invited guests Sherilf
Hovd, after a few necessary pre
liminaries, adjusted the noose and
Kd. Neal was swung into eternity.
At seven minutes past VI he was
proauneed dead, and the awful
punishment was completed.
kVsidiuir northwest from Main
Ktreet is a well known laiiuiy unu
counted among its proud possess
ions a richly plumaged parrot an
swering to the name of "Jim." 'jim'
was a very bright, talkative bird and
was a much loved member of the
f.unily. Last evening he was
thought to have been sleeping on
the favorite limb of a tree outside,
when the lady of the house came in
and hastily threw her w raps on the
bed; a lamp was lit, ami just then
something was noticed to move on
the bed. "A rat," exclaimed the
young hopeful of the family, and
away he went after a board, which
he soon procured and with one fell
swoop his ralship was thought to
have been demolished, but on in
vestigating it was soon learned that
poor ''Jim" had been murdered.
The younger members of the family
are plunged in grief iMid refuse to
be comforted.
n Uirthduy Piirty.
A pleasant social event occurred
at the residence of Nrs. Salforu on
North Third street last evening,
participated in by a number of
young people, in honor of the
seventeenth and eighteenth birth
days of Misses Maggie SafTord and
IChna Schinitmann, respectively.
The young people were accorded
every liberty necessary to assure
a social and enjoyable time and
they improved the opportunity
well. Several presents were olfered
as a token of esteem in which the
young ladies are held by their
associates. Refreshments ol a
high order were served. The fol
fowing were present:
Misses Kva Smith, Lettie Smith.
Kluia Schmituiann, iiinuie,
Ada Hibbie, Clara Heroin, tora
Schlegel, Alice Petersen, Maud
Stickel, Maggie Salford, and Mcasr .
Geo. and Will Smith, Morris Cris-
.iiti.i H:ir!hlomew Kirkhaui, Fred
Schlegel, Otto Ilerold.
An Indignant Crowd of Citi
Willing Hmi, is Sm.isli in Win lows
hik) Door -terrible V-ii.i-iin-o
lor eiTililo Ci im'.
Ill the streets of Omaha at 1
o'clock last night George Smith, a
negro who criminally assaulted
Lizzie Yeates, a live-ycar-old girl
of that city, Wednesday afternoon,
was hangi il by an infuriated mob
of citizens. Attempts were made to
pursuade the crowd to let the. law
deal with the culprit, but the mob
answered with jeers and hisses
The doors and windows gave way
under the uressure exerted by the
battering ranis and the terrified
and trembling negro was taken
from the jail, a rope tied about his
neck and a strap to his feet, and
dragged hastily to a telephone pole
in front of lloyd's new opera house.
The pole was quickly climbed and
willing hands quickly threw the
other end of the rope over a trolly
wire and the victim, gaping for
breath, was pulled to the top, where
he suspended in the midnight air
until pronounced dead.
It appears that this was not the
fustolTenseof which the victim was
guilty, as he committed a similar
assault at lvast Omaha last year.
He was tried in a Council lilulfs
court, but released on the grounds
that theollense was committed on
the Nebraska side of the line.
Immediately after the terrible act
was completed a' prominent man
said: "Gentlemen, I am sorry such
a thing as this has happened in our
beautiful city, but we have children
of our own.".
T-iU Tobnson. of Weeping Water,
,. is in the city to-day.
r QC. IL Hackney is receiving a visit
; i loin his mother, of Ashland.
' , Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Davis returned
v:' from Crdar Creek this morning.
Mrs. Wm. Cole leaves for Vioux
, fCity to-day to 'attend the Com
ly) Palace.
t -.... i. 1-., ..1 ri-iiiililiciiii canidate
VIC17. iv"' ' 1'
for county sheriff, was a pleasant
caller at The Hekald sanctum yes
terday, Mr. lCdson expects to be
eh cted by a good majority.
dj n casting about for your winter's
Jidiiig, try The Hekalp.
It is a difficult matter to find a
'Vj, house in the city. This in-
;'- .cates prosperous times.
Bold Pilfering.
Two men were observed stealing
fish splices, bolts washers and etc
from the H. A M. freight house this
TlieDolice was at once
rt- -
notified and he succeeded in capt
uring one of the culprits just as he
was leaving with an arm load lf
r.iv.'h'il rail road iron. The other
one is still at large.
The tneu,hvho are strangers, came
no tin- river m a boat, and it is
thought they comteniplated secur-
itw a boat load of plunder and dit
posing of it at the most convenient
plug'. Such fakirs as these should
be punished to the full extent of
the law as doubtless they will be.
Their trial will probably bq held
to -morrow.
Several ladies were enrolled last
evening as members of the night
school. All who come will be ac
commodated, j
"d' Hollow'een occurs the last night
y of this month. It will doubtlsss be
generally observed with great
pomp and splendor.
We note from our daily
' exchange) that snow fell in small
quantities in the south-wettern
part of the state yesterday.
Mrs. Sarah K. Tucker, who is visit
ing jer sister in Oregon, Missouri,
fell down stairs one day last week
and broke her leg just below the
J. W. Herge, editor of The New
Kra, a local paper recently started
at South Hend was a pleasant caller
. t .1....
nt THE llEKAl.P sanctum lo-uaj.
Mr. Herge is entering upon the
work with a zest and enthusiasm
that indicates that he will be suc
cessful with his enterprise.
Last year John Goehl planted a
field of corn, on the 10th and 11th
days of June and it was overflowed
with water in the latter part of the
same month. In the fall be
gathered it and it brought him $:)
per acre. This was an off year and
if such an immense erop can be
, raised in an oil year what will be
the result in a good year. Mr.
Goehl says he has a few acres this
... . . . . I t 1. 1
I a year mm ! s j
I bushels, while the greater part of
Y his corn will go tiO bushels per acre.
f Avoea Enterprise.
A Sudden Death.
A vale of gloom was cast over the
city at 12 o'clock to-day by the an
notinceinent;that Mrs. Fannie Keller
had quietly and unexpectedly
breathed her last.
Mrs. Keller had been confined to
her rootnjfor about two weeks with
an attack of typhoid fever but her
condition was not considered crit
ical and the announcement of her
death is a surprise to all. She died
at the home of Dr. McCrea, at whose
ii.iiiuo she had been slopping for a
few weeks.
The interment will take place Sum
.1 iv :it :m hour vet to be decided
John Decker is an Omaha visitor
A. C. Lodger came in from Green
wood this morning.
Klias Sage was an Omaha pas
senger this morning.
Mrs. Wm. Tiffany left this morn
ing for York, where she will partici
pate in a family reunion to be held
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Campbell and
little daughter leave on No. A this
evening for a visit with relatives
Denver, Col.
Mutter and eggs are scare upon
market. Poor roads may be
assigned as the reason.
Mrs. M. T. Grassmau of Schuy ler,
who has been visiting in the city
the past week, left for Hamburg
this morning where she will visit
II, J. Streight failed to make con
nections at Ashland as he had con
templated and was forced to return
last evening and content himself by
thinking what an rnjoyable time
the other fellows are having on
their hunting expedition.
Mrs. Ii. K. Pipps, of Keya Paha
. . . ... r
tv i- v iMitmir at l lie nonie 01
vvuiitji " - - - . n
J. M. Young.
Hon. II. D. Travis and Hon. T. H.
Stevenson, candidates upon the de
mocratic and independent tickets,
respectively, for district judge are
in the city to-day on legal business
W. H. Malick laid upon our table
this morning a bunch of peanuts
grown in his garden. They were
..ii-.i. licd to the stalk very inwch as
polatoesare attached to the vine
He planted about half pint and will
gather fully one bushel, nr.
Malick thinks that the peanut in-
iliwirv would he a prontaoie one
........ j
and doubtless it might be it tin
right man would Jgive attention to
Union Items,
Fleming, the barber, and Flem
ing, the harness maker, have leased
the building the post ollice has been
in, and have had it neatly refitted
Am Smith and Miss Josie Pitt
man have each sent petitions to
Uncle Sam, asking him to appoint
them postmaster here
The Ledger has moved into the
room formerly occupied by the bar
Kstt-lla Travers visited in
Plaltsinouth Saturday and Sunday
A. C. Mayes, present county sur
vevor and to ie ine hcm,
town Monday, enroute for Film-
wood. '
lohn Tighe and H. D. Travis were
: town Thursday looking over the
political fare.
S. C.Patterson of South Hend was
in our vicinity Thursday
W. S. Hare left Thursday fora few
days' visit in the western part of the
Weeping Water Item.
From tlif KiiiiI1ii'hii.
Dr. Pearing of Wabash was in
town Tuesday. Hoc is wonting
hard for the clerkship of the court.
Surveyor Mayes and Frank Dick
son were callers Saturday. They
came out to attend the meeting of
the central committee.
Frank M isse has been looking
fora team of horses that either
strayed from his farm north of
town or was stolen last Tuesday.
As yet he is unable to get a trace of
Vol. 1., No. L, of the
Leader, edited by li. H.
reached our table. The
briirht and newsy and
with a good patronage. 1 he Kemih
lican will gladly exchange.
Dr. A. L. Root of Iilmwood, an old
resident of Cass county, died and
was buried on Monday ol this week.
The doctor was a practitioner and
businessman of Weeping Water for
a number of years, and was a prom
inent Mason.
Root, has
Leader is
starts out
Chas. Decker and family
Omaha to-day.
A. Davis and two children left
to-day for a short visit abroad.
lid Parrott, who has been at
tending the Nemaha county fair
the past week, returned last eve
ning. He will probably remain in
the city until alter election, when
hecontemplates settling in Nemaha
I. li. l.yda, Republican candidate
f.,r i-iiiintv superintendent of
schools was in tow n Tuesday look-
in"- up his republican friends. Mr.
I.vda will make a good suprinleiid- if elected and should receive
the entire support of his party
Wabash News.
water nt
At resilience of the bride's father,
Joseph Stambaugh. on Wednesday,
October 7, 1801, by Rev. T. J. Penny,
Mr. Albert Waybright, to Miss M.
Josephine Stambaugh, both of
Saunders county. There were quite
a number of relatives and friends
sent. Mr. Waybright is the
miller for the Ashland iuiu nnu
Ki..iirie Liirht company, and is
highly esteemed by all who know
him. The bride has lived here all
her life, and is a most estimable
young lady. The many friends of
the happy couple join 1 he uaseue
in wishing them a long, happy and
posperous future. Mr. and Mrs.
Waybright started shortly alter the
ceremony on a visit to raoux v. uy.
Ashland Gazette.
Mr. Waybright, a brother of
Morgan Waybright of this city, and
is well known by many here. 1 lie
yoiingcouple came in last evening,
spent a social time with friends,
and departed for Omaha this morn
I rank Dickson, of Plattsinonth,
candidate on the republican ticket
for county clerk, was in town last
Saturday on his way home from
Weeping Water, where he had been
attending the couuty central
committee. Frank is a good, square
republican and will poll a good
vote. Louisville Courier-Journal.
A Cvirn In Colorailu Thai Krnt the
lut t il ul Similiter.
There i a cave near Hock wood, h t.v
lion en the Denver uml Kio Uruntle mil
rend, which luis Ikh-ii visited by nntiiy
ln'isun No particular mention of the
cave tins heeii iiiiele, its it Heemeil lo lie
little worthy of noties. On Sunday lust
h number of pleasure seekers left this
city to Jo:n a party ut lUiekwood who
lutd planned to visit the cava. About 4
o'clock ill the afternoon the member ol
the party, Iiuviiik di -posod of their din
ner, henna t" I'lunli the hill near the
top of which the tmmth of the. cave is
After much exertion the foremost ol
the party reached the mouth of the cave,
and being in advance, of his companions
they wero startled to hee liim fall back
ward into the low oak brush as. if lie had
been thrown from u catapult. His com
panions pushing forward moro vigorous
ly, soon came to his rescue, and found
liini recovering, not much hurt, lint
Hliuhtly scratuhed and somewhat tlued
He could give no explanation of his sud
den removal from the opeuing to the
CurioitH lo know what ths cause was
the entire company in ft body pushed up
the hill, which lias u particularly Moep
descent near the mouth of the cave. To
the astouibhment of the whole number
the instant after bteppin into the eav
thev found themselves all piled together
hi a sjiot near where the first had landed
It tixik but a little while to recover from
the entanglement, when they began to
inquire the cause of thin sudden excite
ment. They Hit aureed that they had
seen nothing to cause mcli a hiujj, uml
they were riuious to know the reason
for the phenomenon. Hut how to find
out what they wished was the thing to
At last it waa del ct ml tied Hint ine
utrongeHt gentleman of the party should
gain a rioHtion at the side of the en
trance, and, thus protected, get an op
iiortunitv to reeoiinoiler. So. taking a
circtiitouH route uml avoiding a position
directly in front of the opening, they
toon found themselves rlohe bcdide the
entrance. Cautiously putting his head
out beyond the protecting wall, the fore
most ieered it. His hat Immediately
took flight down the .declivity, but he
was thus umde aware of the exact state
of affairs.
The philosophy of the curreut of air
in caves suddenly dawned uioti him.
As is well kuowu the uir of a warm day
in summer is umch lighter on the out
side of a cave or cellar than it ia inside.
Consequently the cold, heavy air rushes
out wit h great violenceenough in this
ease to cause the trouble spoken of and
throw the tmrty down the hill.
Later, relating this tale, an old timer
told your correspondent of a former ad
venture of his at the same place. On a
cold day in the early winter he was
tracking a deer along this hillside, when
he waa astonished to see the cave open
up before him. and he noticed that the
suow seemed to have oeen (iisiunwo
very recently, as though a body had
been dragged into the entrance.
Without thinking, he stepped forward
to examine into the canse or the dis
turbed condition of the snow, when he
felt himself violently pulled Into the
cave, the force pulling him from his
feet fie felt a shock, and for awhile
was oblivious to all around him. When
his senses returned he found he was
lying by and partially upon the body of
a deer. Upon examination he found the
body of the deer yet warm. This led to
a Htill closer examination. He at last
determined that the force of the current
of air blowing into the cave had drawn
the deer in, killing it. bat that when hi
waa drawn in the idiock was somewhat
obviated by his striking the deer, thus
saving him from death. The explana
tion is just the reverse of the other, the
air being warmer inside the cave thnu
out. The curreut nows into ine cave
during the winter, thus accounting for
the strange affair. Denver Sun.
A fine collection of farm products
,..1 other slanles have been sent
from this place to be placed with
Cass county s exhibit in the adver
tising train that leaves here on the
lath. i
The high school notes will ap
pear in Monday's issue as our cor
respondent failed to get them on
file in proper time for to-day s issue,
Taming Zebra.
Zebras can never be tamed, unless the
process is begun while they are still very
yonng. H. A. Bryden gives an instance
of a tragic, fute which befell one of tbein,
captured when he was 7 or 8 years old.
He had joined atroopof horses belong
ing to one of the author's friends, and
finally allowed himself to be driven with
them into a kraal or inclosnre. It was
theu determined to keep hiin, and if pos
sible to domesticate him.
For this purpose he was lassoed and
tied to a tree, but so ferocious was he in
the presence of man that the greatest
precautious had to be observed in ap
proaching him. All possible means were
takeu to induce htm to teeu. w nen or
tnred he was in spleudid condition, and
his coat shone iu the sun. Herbage was
brought from the mountain tops where
be had been used to graze, and every
conceivable fxd placed before him, but
iu vain; he steadily refused to eat. t
Water he drank greedily, ana woum
dispose of three bncketfnls at a time.
At length, after tnree weens oi vmn
endeavor to tame the noble creature,
during which time he subsisted entirely
on water, he died. Youth s companion.
The I' t Word Tclepatby.
The term telepathy must not be in
troduced without explanation. Some
term not yet in common use must be
employed when mental pheuomeua in
fluences of mind on mind noi geunanj
seen to be closely related have to be
classed together and, it po"101.
brought under one law. The laminar
term "though transfereuce" has much
too limited a meaning. And "telep
athy" is already in use. It nas oeen
adopted by the Society for Psychical
Research, and among other writers, es
pecially by Mr. Edmund Unmey.
Ulackwood's Magaziue.
Iletwt-on tbe roM.Unlr mi the wood,
Urtwi-i'ti the diuviani! and Iti dew.
A liny diiwor In-fnm tlio nun,
Ktiouit-riU In linn-, I it row.
Am) iIiitp upnn II"' iriiil nf niim.
Nut di'itlli ti'ir linn ii' ir nny name
kmiim aitmiitt nn-ii in nil iltt'ir lnndft
OhiIiI lil'ir tlm wild iloiro witli nlmmo.
Hill down tn v iliys,.oi of Hui yrar
Tin- fift of Hir ini; w imln i-.uih- hy
And Hit in) tit-uililniK wiiil n:utlirillid
'to (utlow out? lnt iiintiiitaiii i ry.
And I lieu my linirl Ix-iil mice Hint liroka
'I n In nr I he wee'ititf rain fniUnU
Siiuii' i it 1 1 1 in tlie April win Id,
Hi luii'U I tie wimhUiiIu uml tint rnitd.
T'lnmlit eiin ht'tou i" healing m.
Tin- i iiiunif yi Mirulifhl isKnnu:
Hum 1) I In- wind in but Urn w ind.
And I Ii hri.ken Willi thereon.
'- IUik t'Hriuiiii lu ITirUimn L'nliin.
Ill Aitdleiira.
A pretty story, which has, moreover,
the merit of being true, is told of a cer
tain professional singer. He had a beau
tiful tenor voice, of which he was apt to
take the liest of care, so that when he
was crossing the Atlantic one summer
with a party of friends, they were not
surprised to find that he disappeared
from view every evening at jiuit about
the same time. "f
"Afraid of the uiglit air." said ona.
with a slight smile.
"Afraid we'll ask him to sing, prole
ably," said another, but no one ques
tioned him, as he was known to be quit
immovable from his own way.
Hut when the last night on board
came, a delegation descended to l.ia
stiiteroom to beg for a song or two, and
discovered that he was not there. They
looked for him in vain, until at lust th
captain, who had evidently kept the
secret as long as he could, said, pointing
in the direction of the engine room:
"1 think you'll find him down there;
that's where bo's gone every evening."
Mnr enouL'h. when the delegation ar
rived at the engine room, they heard tha
sound of a guitar and a voice, and there,
lolling against the wall, was the recreant
tenor, singing his best for the delight of
the stokers, whom he had entertaiued
in this way for more than an hour every
evening during the voyage Youth's
A Telemlhlo Culm ii'enu.
I had as a guest in my residence In
Jamaica a lady of unusual intelligence;
who was very intimate with and much
attached to Mrs. Ueecher Btowe, They
frequently corresponded. She had a
dream iu which Mrs. Btowe seemed to
lie occupied, singularly euough, in dig
ging the ground, and she inquired if
there was any foundation for this. Fronr
the reply she learned that Mrs. Stowa
had been shortly before in Scotland oo
a visit to the Duke of Argyle, and had
btm asked to plant a tree as a memorial
of her visit on leaving. Here it ia proba
ble that, besides the general sympathy
between the parties concerned, there
was some sixscial thought, on Mrs.
Stowe's part, of the friend who dreamed
of her act, connected in time either with
the actual handling of the spade or with
the remembrance of her strain." occupa
tion. Few people would suppose such a
coincidence to lie purely accideulal.imle-
from the apparent impossibility for a -counting
for it otherwise. Blackwoisl .
The Mnufotur of C.
In that oddest, nestlike part of New''
York, the French quarter, 2.000 or 8,000
men and girls make annually $5,000,0UO
worth of caiia, exclusive of the $1,000,0(10
worth made by the furriers of that re
gion. At least 1,000,000 dozen caps are
turned out in this quarter every year
As to styles, there are nearly 600 varie
ties. Of yachting caps alone there are
something like two dozen kinds, if. in
deed, twoscore is not nearer the correct
A few leading styles, however, jiersist
with little or no change from year to
year. The west constantly demands a
cheap cap with ear coverings. Every
year sees some cap for girls the rage.
Such caps sell by the hundred thousand
dozen. A liint comes from Paris, and
iu a few weeks the new caiia swarm ia
every street. New York World.
Mot soda
Jtrown it
Wllsa' Nerveand Liver Pllle-
Act on a now principle regulating
the liver, stomach and bowels through
the nerves. A new discovery, nr. .uues
l'ills speedily cure biliousness, lmi Usto,
torpid liver, piles, constipation. Unc
ipialed for men, women, children.
Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 doses, Sac.
Sunpla free at F. i- Fricke & C'o's.
Uriggs I saw ypur wife iu a lry goods
store yesterday morning.
Uriggs You did, eh? S!io must have
been pricing something.
Uriggs Why so?
Griggs Site wits late to dinner las.
night Cloak Review.
What H ard.
"While 1 was in England," says on .
woman, "1 was told of an American who
on his first trip on an English railway
quite held his breath at the rapid run
ning. When his nervousness rather .
overcame him he approached the guard,
" '1 say, guard,' ho ventured, 'this ia
pretty fast traveling for safety, isn't it?
" 'Oh, no, sir.' replied the guard; 'w
never run off the line here, sir.'
" 'But,' said the Yankee quickly, re
aeuting the patronage, 'it is not the linew
I'm afraid of running off your confound
ed little island.' "-New York Times.
A mining Superstition.
If you count warts you will increaa
their number, or to handle a toad will
cause warts. If two persons wash in
the same water or dry their hands on
the same towel they will shortly quar
rel. To bore a hole in the door frain
and put in it the hair of a colored per
son is supposed to cure whooping cough.
The rattle of a rattlesnake if carried ia
the pocket will prevent rheumatism, or
if placed iu the bureau drawer will keep
away moths, Philadelphia Ledger.
A new aluminium alloy, with titauium,
lu l..,im' inumi factured iu I'ittsburg. It
sells at from twenty-five cents to ono
dollar per pound more than pure alumin
ium. It is very hard and elastic and is
an excellent material for makiug tools.
About 10 per cent, of titanium is used.
Some peoples rest the neck instead of
the head on hard pillows. In Africa ex
traordinary headgears make this practice
necessary, and many a civilized woniaa
has been compelled by a somewhat sim
ilar coiffure to forego both the pillow
and the recumbent iosture.
A wonderful well is en uio prop 1.7
of Colonel W. R Warsham of Henri
etta. Tex. Its depth of water is nsaally
eight r-vt; but when the wind is frmn
Mi" M. i til the well Ir onies dry. -
co:;t:nues until the wn;d change