Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, October 15, 1891, Image 2

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JJTlf IJbtttSninntlr 41 eclillj J.)trala
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KNOTTS BROS Publishers
Pu'iiHU"') ht 1 hiT'i ;y, dally nverj
vulnKicPf pt Sunday,
Kflllii'il nt in,' Pl.ltttllHiilHl, Sell. pcst-
artlcffur tntnun. f'nn tlir'iih tin- IVS. mull
t KfCOIIll cl lH" t It"".
Office conirr Vine nd Klttli t'rf H.
Trif phon ;.
One cniy, oiik yr ir, In w'.vum'w ....
n copy, one ycur, not In mlvnce ..
Oil Copy. H HlO'iP'f. I'l I'lVHMCrt
One i' ... lit.' iiiiiiiIIh, mi ;iIvhiiim.
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Tlll'KSDAY, OCTOUI-'K lM'.il
Koi AKHKi'iale.liiflli'f i.f the Siiprt'liie Court
A. M l' irs I of I'laite.
for lt( vfn of tln State I'tiivi'isily
II. I'. .Mil M ' AY of Klson.
C II, MAltl'I.Kof dun
Knr CliTK of tit" lilrii!t Court :
For T fiv-urrr :
(;i;o. i:i)So
Kor County t Ink :
For County JiiiIkh :
for Cimiiiy Siipi-rlnt'-iiili'iil :
Kor Crtroncr :
j. I. irxNur.
Kor Sin vi-yor :
K-Coiniiii-slont'r Klil iMstrlcl :
The republican party of the state
ol Nebraska gives renewed expres
sion of its devotion to the princi
ples of the republican party and de
clares that those principles, as ex
pressed by the national republican
convention, should be the strong
point of union between all repub
licans in the state of Nebraska.
We congratulate the people upon
tin marvelous prosperity attending
the development and growth of the
ttatcof Nebraska during its twenty
four yearH id statehood under re
publican administration, and which
lias brought us to the front rank
among the leading states of the
union; and we can fearlessly assert
that no state which has bren cou
trolled by democratic power.during
any considerable time of the same
period, can compare with us in the
economical management of public
alTairs, in the rapid ratio of increase
in population, wealth and general
prosperity, notwithstanding the
fact that there are within the
bonlers of the state a number of
dissatisfied persons who took ad
vantage of tlte general 1'maneial de
pression which swept over the en
tire country to pave their way into
temporary prominence by declaim
ing against the welfare of our peo
ple and slandering the fair name of
our state. The rains from heaven
and the rich soil, vigorously culti
vated by the energetic hands ot our
fanners, have produced such bount
iful crops ami such unrivaled pros
perity that shall silence all calam
ity talkers and add to the strength
ami enthusiasm of the republican
We congratulate President Harri
non upon his eminently wise, loyal
and courageous administration, and
declare our absolute confidence in
bis integrity, ability and patrio
tism, and pledge him our cordial
support in the discharge of the
, duties devolving upon him as the
chief magistrate of the nation.
We rejoice in the restoration of
dignity, vigor and statesmanship in
the conduct of our foreign affairs
tinder the guiding hand of Amer
ica's favorite son, James (1. Hlaine.
We approve ol the silver coinage
act of the present administration,
hy which the entire product of the
silver mines of the I'nited States is
added to the currency of the people,
hut we denounce the democratic
doctrine of free and unlimited coin
age of silver as a financial policy
liable to precipitate the people of
every city anil every state in the
1,'niou in a prolonged and disas
trous depression, and delay the re
vival of business enterprise and
prosperity so ardently desired and
now . so apparently near. The free
and unlimited coinage of silver
would tend to the hoarding of gold
and to force the use of cheap money
in the payment of wages in every
workshop, mill, factory, store and
farm, and lend to the scaling down
of the wtiges of the toilers and
weakening the purchasing powrrof
the dollar which would-Ce. used to
purchase the products of the farmer.
Ye. are hi favor of having every
dollar as good as any other dollar.
We demand the maintenance of
the American sstein of protection
to American industry and labor, the
policy that has been identified with
every period of our national pros
perity. We admire the genius of that
heroic statesman, William McKin-
ley, Jr., whom the people of Ohio
will make their next governor as a
recognition of his magnificent ser
vices to the country. We also com
mend and endorse that policy of re
ciprocity by which the Central and
South American nations and the
Spanish Indies are being opened up
to our trade upon favorable terms
and by which all the surplus)
products of our country may hud n ; mine whether the alliance is to con
market and by which all our people it has tlnm f,r
Ahull receive in exchange therefore ,,lr
a long line of products which do pursued ami thus depart wholly
. ...not produce ruinous competition from its original purpose. Thecon-
nmntijr our own people nor destroy
the ilcvt'lopin;; uilii-.trir8 of tur
We nre heartily in f;tvor of the
general provision of the interstate
coinnierie act, ami we deinatul the
regulation of all railway and trans
portation linen in mid; a manner an
to iiiMire fair and reanonahle rates
to the prodneeri and coiisunu i of
the country.
We favor Hitch legislation tin will
prevent all ilS.'gnl coinhinations
and unjust exactions hy ayfiiiejialed
capital and corporate powers. We
insist upon the suppression of all
trusls, comhinc and schemes, de
signed to artificially increase the
price of the necessaries ot life.
We regard the world's Columbian
exposition as an important event in
the world's history, and we are in
hearty sympathy with every etfoit
to make it a success. We should
make a cicditahle cxhihit of
Nebraska' ptoducts, and we favor
an additional appropriation hy the
i next legislature lor tins purpo
that our prosperity and greatness
' may oc full y exemplihed. We take
prule in this state We regom.e
that its growth and power, its pros
1 peritv and irnou name Have tieen
the fruits ol its industrial people
and we believe in such policies
state and national, as will promote
justice and widen the opportunities
anions these classes, lo their sup
port in the future, as in the past, vt
pledge our most intelligent jitdjf
ment and most sincere endeavor,
We denounce the (irand Island
platform of the democratic party as
framed with the deliberate purpose
to mis!: ad and deceive: wherein
sympathy is expressed where none
is f.-It; wherein help is proposed
where none is rendered; wherein
purposes ate avowed which are not
entertained. In support of this in
dictment we point to tin? pretended
friendship for the soldier, while at
the same time the democratic party
Mas always proclaimed against the
firantinii of liberal pensions-; to the
Ireccilvcr plank, intended to deceive
the supporters of free and unlim
ited coinaue ot silver, when it is
known that many of the leaders of
the party are opposed to the doe
trine; to the failure to eive the re
lief front exhorbitant freight rates
while it was afraid to either ap
prove or censure the action of its
acting alien governor for vetoing
the Newberry bill.
We denounce the democratic
party for its insinuations against
the integrity of the supreme court
of the state as an elfort to make the
judicial powerH subordinate to
political parties and as disgraceful
to a political organization.
We denounce the democratic
party for its double dealing with
the civil and political rights of the
people, wherein it apjlt-ars to favor
free and tintramineled elections in
the state of Nebraska, but never
raises its voice against the political
outrages practiced against the re
publican voters, white and black,
throughout the democratic states of
the south.
We arraiin the democratic party
as the enemy of labor, scheming to
break down the defense of protec
tive laws, to block thi' wheels of
home industry, and to degrade the
masses of the people a party con
trolled by aristocratic and sectional
tendencies, the legacy of slavery.
The republican part) of Nebraska
appeals to the intelligence and to
the integrity of the people of this
state and from all good citizens we
invite support.
Don't forget that Hlaine said the
McKinley bill would not make a
market (or a single bushel of wheat
or barrel of pork. It has not done
it yet. - Journal.
As to what the writer of the above
hopes to receive as a reward, The
IlKKAI.1) is at a loss to determine.
He surely knows that il cannot be
substantiated by facts and thus it
cannot serve to deceive voters as is
apparently intended. Mr. Hlaine
used the words attributed to him
by the Journal, in advocacy of the
reciprocity feature of the bill.
After the reciprocity clause became
attached, Mr. Maine's ideal plan for
extending " our markets and the
plan which called for the words as
quoted from liitn, was incorporated
in the bill. Hence he was perfectly
satisfied. Why einild not our
esteemed contemporary have stated
the fads as they really were?
Has this bill extended our markets?
We answer in the affirmative and
proof is very positive. Hy admit
ting (iermany's beet sugar without
duty, she accepts our pork. Simi
lar negotiations are pending with
France and Austria. 1'inler the
provision of the bill our wheat
pork and etc is received in South
American countries without duty
while from all other countries a
duty is exacted. I'nder the pro
vision of the bill tinplate indurties
have been established employing
hundreds of inen ami thereby con
suming large ipianiitics of the
commodoties in question.
Such unwarranted attacks as the
above were made by the democracy
prior to the practical application of
the bill, and last fall they had the
desired effect, but now, that the
fruits of the bill are plainly mani
fest there is no excuse for longer
continuing this tirade of abuse and
TitK annual convention of the
Iowa state farmers' alliance next
week promises to he of unusual
interest. The contest bet ween the
radical and conservative elements
in the organization is certain to be
renewed, and the result will deter-
scrvatives have hitherto been vic
torious, but tlicy have a harder fight
on hand now than ever before, and
the most sincere frieui of the alli
ance are apprehensive. It is to be
hoped their fears will prove to be
unfounded, for the alliance will
cease to be a power in the interest
of the farmers the moment it be
comes a political machine to be
operated by demagogues for their
personal advantage. Hee.
TlIK fact that I.. C. Kickholf. re
publican candidate for county
treasurer, will carry his own precinct
solid, is surely .minicieut evidence
that he is held in the hitrliefst eteem
by all who are acquainted with hin:.
This is, perhaps, more than can be
said of hisopponenls. No republi
can should neglect to vote for him.
- Louisville Courier-Journal.
F.VKN tin ware is cheaper now
than it was three months since, not
withstanding the duty that was
placed upon tin plate. This
This fall in price is accounted for
by the fact that nearly 10tk tinplate
manufacturers have began opera
ing in this country and the Wales
monopolist, upon whom we wen1
formerly forced to depend, has
been brought to time by spirited
competition. Let the good work
go on.
Till-: republican county conven
tion showed good judgment in re
nominating A. C. Mayes, of l'latts-
moulh for surveyor. Mr. Mayes
nas mane a goon surveyor, giving
universal satisfaction tothe people,
and why not re-elect him? We know
him to be qualified for the position
and because lc is a poor man is 'no
reason we should kick him out and
pul in another. 1 his paper is for
A. C. Mayes for surveyor, first last
ind at all the time.--Louisville
Satisfactory evidence is being
given in many instances that mem
bers of the republican party that
were enticed into the independent
camp last year, are becoming dis
gusted with the calamity organiza
tion and like the prodigal are re-
turiiingto the party of their choice.
On this point Itidire Reese is
pioted as follows:
Judge Reese, Hrnken How: In
every township and every neighbor-
ood in Custer county are men
who have left the independent
nirty and returned the to repuh
icans, while f do not know a single
instance in which a man will vote
the independent ticket this fall,
that did not do so last year. The
West Union alliance that contained
some eighty members last fall has
gone to pieces, am I am told others
in the county find it hard work to
get up any enthusiasm at their
meetings which an- being very
slimly attended.
Wiikn your democratic friend ac
costs you and eloquently urges that
;ou should "lay aside your party
prejudice" and vote for the candi
date for his party, "because it is
just a little county office" and "his
'lection would not signify anything
id a political nature." etc.. iust
j ... .
mlilely inform him that the wind
blows in the direction the straws
point. Yielding to just such argu
ment as this has given the deuu -cratic
party the ascendency in this
state and actuated the party to
make strides for even greater
supremacy. If every republican
had voted the straight ticket at the
last election there would not be a
democratic official in the county,
and if the republican party regains
what it has lost it will be necessary
for every member to remain loyal.
Just as certainly as the democrats
elect a portion of their ticket this
year, they will be referring to the
fact that Cass county is democratic,
and as proof of this assertion, point
to the offices that are filled by iiiein
b ts of that party. If you are a re
publican, now is the Mine to show
your colors. Remain loyal to the
old party and success will be as
sured. Pronouoeeil HopelOHM, Yet Saved.
From a letter written by Mrs. Ada
K. Ilurd of (Jroton, S. 1)., wequote:
"Was taken with a bad cold, which
settled on my lungs, cough set in
and finally terminated in consump
tion. Four doctors gave me up say
ing I could live but a short time. " I
gave myself up to my Saviour, de
termined if I could not slay with
my friends on earth, I would meet
my absent ones above. My hus
band was advised to get Dr. King's
New Discovery for consumption,
coughs and colds. I gave it a trial,
took in all eight bottles; it has cured
me and thank Jud I tint now a well
and hearty woman." Trial bottles
free at F. (i. Fricke iV Co.'s drug
store, regular .size, 50c. and $1.(10.
The M. 1'. R. K. will sell tickets to
St, Louis and return Oct. 3 to 0th,
good to return Oct. I'-'th. on ac
count St, Louis fair, at $11.50, plus
50 cents admission, Train leaves 10.
55 a. in. only one change and direct
connection! I 5t
UTAntJ'rt An HiMlve, relloMe nini- nlnry 7f
' to .no monthly, with nn,r'iip, to rt-prei-rnt
in hip ou rrrtlon h :hsioii.hiIi New York
House, tteforwe. MAM FAC1I HRK, UK'k
Box New York.
K. V. Sawyer, of Rochester, Wis.,
a prominent dealer in general
merchandise, and who runs several
peddling wagons, had one of his
horses badly cut and burned with a
lariat, The wound refused to heal.
The horse became lame and stiff
tiowwithstanding careful attention
anil the application of remedies. A
friend handed Sawyer some of
llaller's Harb Wire Linemeiit, the
most wonderful thing ever saw to
heal such wounds, lie applied it
only three times and the sore was
completed healed. Kqttally good
for all sors, cuts, bruses, and
wounds. For sale by all druggist
Cure for Paralvsls.
Frank Cornelius, of I'urcell, Ind.
Ter., says: "1 induced Mr. I'inson,
whose wife had paralysis in the face
to buy a bottle of Chamberlain's
Pain Halm. To their great suprise
before the bottle had all been used
she was a great deal better. Her
face had been drawn to oiie side
but the I'ain Malm relieved all
pain ami soreness, and the mouth
assumed its natural shape." It is
also a certain cure for rheumatism
lame back, sprains swellings and
lameness, at) cent bottles for salt'
by F. G. Fricke & Co., Druggists.
('apt. W. A. Abbett, who has long
oeen with ?Iessrs. t'reciv.d am
Hatton, Real Ivstate and Insurance
Brokers, Des Moines, Iowa and is
one of the best known and most re
upccted business men in that city
says: "lean testify to . the good
qualities ot Chamberlains Cough
I, , ....
ixemeuy. uaving useu it in my
lamuyior tne past eigtit years
can safely say it has no equal for
either colds or croup." 50 cent hot
ties for sale by F. (i. Fricke Co.
Some of the most startling, in
tersting discoveries of the life and
customs of buried Kirypt are now
being made through extensive exca-
vattions. lhese discoveries are
exciting, a great interest. Many
discoveries are, however, being
made in our country that are re
niarKaoie, among wnicn we may
mention that of llaller's I'ain Para
lyser which elfects entire relief, and
in many cases a complete cure of
that terrible disease rheumatism
and which also relieves tiain of all
kinds, hor sale by all druggists.
The Leading
OonsUntly keeps on tnrna evirjtliin
yoi: nivrl o furnish jour Innis".
Wnul: Hint KluvKxIlllHl - tl,l
Wnifon. Bui!j, Machine unr!
plow Kepii'i'v.' toni!
He use the
Which i the best liDrauKhne for the
tanner, or for fust driving, or for citj
purposes ever invented. It is so made
that Hnyom; ct.n put on sharp or flat
corks, as needed for wet and slippery
days, or smooth, dry roads. Cull at
hia shop nd examine the nevkiislip
nd you will use no other.
12 Vortli Fifth St. PUtfcraoutta
ill. 21!t, 221 and 223 Main ft.,
Plattsmouth ' Nebraska
a. M BONS. ProprietP',
lii Perkinn has
vDovai'Hi irom top tc .,-.triU iii
tow onti of the best hotels in tin; xtnte
rtonrders will lie taken hy the wt-ek st
It. 50 and up.
be a mm
Bluunl im ibt tMitQUfor uinnia tbi4
pub? M?i" oirlt wtrmt4fiiti.
Inry MAR hi k ITRONfl
ltd VIO0E00I la t mpMtl.
tifftrlnf from KEH700S Dl.
BIMTT. Lait r Pilllu Mia-
hoi. rbTltctI Iihmh, HtlUI
Wrrr. atnitfl DlpBl, or
rtltsr.4 to fERFEHT BEAITR ttii
MEM. tht Prl4t aa tomntt Natloai.
claim by yim of prartlre hf
it fxcIiiit nipthmt a uiiifiirm
'MOMOrOLT 0rUCCE8"llllriHl-
H'RHII VliniVI, W ClIHfllfl aiij
AflletlMiol Ma. Ti'tlinnnlal
from M Htatw and 1rrltnrloc
our new B00K;:ai:t:,;':rv;:;,r,,l,;;!'.po
Itwhlltroaeaa. fall Elplmnt...,,, f, HOME 1HEAT
MENT. Taaeaeba F0LLT RkHTOKED n Thou4aiU tni Rkdoart.itlnnaUli. Addrti.atoaca
. ' V . . . I "- . I.I I'll
W oWi
wzh tff&yk
vi w il ran iin .1 i i cs n
A voman may seand
nnq a woman may wor ail day,
DutLufbl STAup comes Mo ter ioise
Then vanish all troubles aWay.
0f if ittilMJI!
: A UK THH A". sDKiJS :
In all that goes r,. make up H liivt el;i- line ot liar.lwniv. They buy
tiie; r Move.- i
and thus are enabled to uadersell all competitors.
TTifiy-Oiie Sq:i' Stoves,
The Uwlinnt Hot md ee!..!,,v,H U,,.m, Oal are their Specialty.
This firm has the
elusive agency of the
celebrated anti-rust in"-
tinwari guaranteed for
one year. "
A large line of
perware, tinware.
The Place for bargains in every department of our mammoth stock of
J. I). a -i .A
SHINtiLEs. LA "IT. S-iiL
L)JU...S, 'lU-INIf-vinrl ill timlitiiig nup'rml
Caill ami sec us
lltlrniul Elm street,
north of Heiscl's
Evorythiua: to aruih four House.
Having Muri'luie(l the V. Wookbauh tstorc room on nouth
Main street where I am now located I can ell goods cheap
or than the cheapest .having jnt put in the largest stock
of new gooils ever bro-ight to the city. (Jasoline stove
antirtiiniture of all kinds sold on the installment plan,
A Hull and Complete liiu ol
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hours
W, haii I - iT r "-fc T Til 111 fm i f JiV i'i -T1 I Tff I 1 f IPT JtC
.eTK. .
a Woman may -spin,
They also carry a
line assortment of car
penter tools, Cutlery
and shelf hardware,
Prices have been cut
right down to suit the
VM i A' C'J.
at the
corner of
ojbc blo'ck