Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, October 08, 1891, Image 1
Uneoli,, Kb U i fj a m ii is & It IWWJ 0 U l-V IH !fl PLATTSMOUTII, CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY. Of TOBHUb 1891 $1.50 AY HA R l" f" ! VOLXXVII. NO. 28 1 4 1 fivi "POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar bakiner powder, Highest of all in leavening strenth. Latent U. S. Government Food Re port. SALSBURY D-E-N-T-I-S-T :- GOLD AND PORCELAIN CROWNS. J)f. Steluwuys Hiia slht'tle for the pnlnleis ex' ir;icuor oi teem. Fine Gold Work a Specialty. Kuckwood Hloi'k I'liittsinoulli, Neb. IHOS POLLOCK R W HYERS otary Public It A list raoter Sol Icitor tal Estate, Loan and Insurance Agents If you have real estate to Hell or kjchange send us description, price i.iiiH terms. Abstracts of title furnished at reas onable rates. XK) to loan at 7 percent and o commissions, on pood farm security. POLLOCK & HYKRS Pf.ATTSMOUTH - N'F.U. Office iimlur Cam Comity Dunk. AWSON & PEA RCE HAVE RECEIVED I Their KhII strns. (miry rilIniiw, tips ami iul!l also a lot of new iiihImi'ii cone simp Mat" in straw and (el. They Imvea full linn of biihy hool unit in or der ta dote clii stock out have re. lUiced tlielr xirHw ;tiinr nt in wniw 10 "5 ch In irtimiieri, Alice tflll'VI I'O TUIMVL'U i'liriri .iv. fit i a . i i , i im u i . JJUCKER SISTERS. WAVE JTHT REC1VEH A VX LINE OF FALL AND WINTER HATS AND TRIMMINGS. We also have a ilrnss making 1epartnif lit. Sat isfaction Kiiarantwil. kherwoou Store. Plattkmou th s K :'V;. I : V-WfTj f '"ft W i iV v." - ' il(tl.l) AM I'OKtJRI.AIN ('! N - Bridge work anil line irolil work a SPECIALTY. IK. HTEINAUS LOCAL an well at other lati (wtheMnsK'Vfii lor i n pamiessexirariioii o' twin. MAR.SH ALL, Fitzgerald AT MARKET1 SIXTH STREET F. II KI.LKNHAl'M, Prop. he best of frenh meat always found this market. Also freuli Kgg and Butter. line of all kinds kept in their Heason. m Meat market! Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. A certain core for Chronic Sore Eyes, Tetter, Salt Bbeam, Scald Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fover Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cared by it after all other treatment had failed. L'put up in 25 and CO cent boxes. C'roui) freuuentlv funis a house i i t V hold unprepared for its visit, while Hie lepMtily win wnicnu uri-inps oills for instant treatment. ror thidangerous disease Ayer Clier- Vctoral is an admirable remedy. -taves ninny lives every p in the house, n NEAL MUST HANO. Governor Thuya r Finally Given Decision to that Effect. Hi Governor Thayer has finally dis posed of the Neal investigation matter and announced in the follow- ins letter that Neal must hang Friday as decreed by the court: State ok Nebraska. Executive Department, Lincoln, Neb., Oct. , 1HD1. J. F. Boyd, Esq., Sheriff Douglas county, Omaha, Neb.--Dear Sir: After the most thorough and pains taking investigation and considera tion of the case of Ed Neal, now un der sentence of death in the county jail of Douglas county, 1 have ar rived at the conclusion that it is not my duty to interfere with the execution of the sentence imposed by the court. It will, therefore, become your painful duty to carry that sentence into effect on the day heretofore named. Respectfully yours, John 1. Thayer, Governor. It had to come, of course. No sooner had Major McKinley finished the job of dipping a few - r - plates of American steel into a pot of California tin at Phpia, O., than a correspondent for a democratic paper set himself to discredit the work by the manufacture of a job lot of falsehoods. His story was that the tin was not tin at all but lead, and that there was no tin plate mill within M miles of the town of Piqna. That bold lying has been repeated with many ex pressions of approval by the demo cratic press in all parts of the county- What the democracy expects to gain by this babyish fighting it is hard to discover. It is so well known that tin plate is manufac tured in this country in commer cial quantities that the public is weary of the reiteration that the industry is a myth. In the case of the Piqua tin we have the state ments backed by affidavits of re putable citizens including wel known democrats, that the pig tin was brought from California, that the pig lead came from Missouri, that the iron ore came from the the northwest, that the steel billets were rolled in Ohio and that all proces.-es in the manufacture of tin were honestly carried out. Finally the tin itself made by Major Kinlcy is on exhibition and its genuineness ami its high grade have been at tested to by a number of experts. The democracy sprung this lie altogether too early in the cam paign. They should have waited until a couple of days before elec tion. Stale Journal. THE withdrawal of Judge Hroady aud the declination of the state central committee to nominate another candidate practically as sures the election of Post. Besides the great number of democrats that will openly support Post, a greater number.rather than support lidger ton, will not vote for a supreme judge at all, thus leaving the out look bright for therepbulican candi date. To Coal Cohnumer. All those that do not settle their last seasoifs coal bills with me by the 10th of Oct. next will not expect to have any accomidations from me this season of course. Office and yards 404 South Third street. Telephone, 13. I always try to have a full line of all grades of coal on hand. tf Timothy Clark. Plattsmeuth. Sept. '1, ISM. Do not confuse the famous Blush of Roses with the many worthless paints, powders. creams and bleaches which are flooding the market. Get the genuine oi your druggist, O. H. Snyder, 73 cents per bottle, and I guarantee it will re move your pimples, freckles, black heads, moth, tan and sunburn, and give you a lovely complexion. 1 Has just opened up a full line of ladies, Gents and Childrens all wool underwear and be lore you buy your Fall or Winter goods. Don't fail to call and see our prices. We beat 'em all. Have you seen those nob by Misses Caps, all pretty shades, 55, (J5 and 75 cents each.' i 11 FHIEo Register! kec.istek! KKGISTKK! Get ready for that hunting expedition. Hot soda Barrett's. water at Brown A dwtf WANTED- - Some good cotton raffs at "'' tf District court convened at Ae- J" ruHV- Ladies are expected at the night school as well as gentlemen. The river is rising gradually, owing to the recent rains. Since the rain has been declared off, genuine fall weather has pre vailed. The county commissioners will remain in session the remainder of the week. The management of the night school is well pleased with the start made lust evening. The sharp frosts throughout this Bcction have laid the gardens low. The corn crop is not damaged. If you wish to vote, you must register. Tell every republican about it, but keep mum in the pres ence of democrats. Rev. Dr. Britt of Hastings was presented with a gold headed cane by the Improved Order of Red Men. Fremont Tribune. Those who wish to learn to read and write English will have splendid opportunities at the night school Come to-night at 7::). Agent Apgar, of the M. P. station at this place, informs us that the business outlook is very encour aging for the M. P. road. Harry Cole and family, living south of the city, are receiving a visit from their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Richardson of Illinois. Billy Weber and Byron Clark were passengers for Omaha this morning. They will join a hunting party there for a trip through the northwest. Dr. Brendle of Murray, candidate for county coroner on the demo cratic ticket, was a pleasant caller at The 1IERALI sanctum last eve ning. The doctor is a genial fellow, and doubtless if he were a repub lican he would make a very good officer. v A petition was presented to the board of county commissioners to day with the required number of signatures, praying for permission to vote upon a township organiza tion as provided for by a law passed bythe last legislature. The prayer of the petitioners will be granted. The Deaf wil! be Glad he is Cominy. It cannot fail to be of interest to many of our readers to know that Mr. II. A. Wales, of Bridgeport. Conn., has agreed to visit Omaha Oct. Mil, and will be at the Millard Hotel. Mr. Wales is the inventor of the Sound Disc, which has at tracted such widespread attention throughout the civilized world, and to the use of which is largely cred ited the decrease in deafness shown in the late census. ir You wnt a cheap home, or a good invest ment, on good terms, attend the auction sale of all the real estate of the late J. V. Weckbach on Wednes day, Oct. 14, 1HMI, in front of the county judge's office. P. R. GUTHMAN, Adm'r. The Night School Open. The first session of the night school held at the high school building last evening furnished ample evidence that a good school will be main tained. There was mm enrollment of nearly thirty and there is little that the number will be in creased to fifty before the close of the week. Supt. McClelland remarked that this was strikingly unlike the majority of schools owing to the fact that the young ladies were not represented. An invitation is ex tended to them to attend the school. A splendid opportunity, is here otfered for taking a course in book-keeping for those who cannot do so during the day session. All who come will be accommodated, as other teachers will be added to the list as necessity requires. A Grand Ofi.n'ng. Mrs. J. N. Wise, of the firm of WiseiV Root has recently returned from the east where she purchased one of the most jc.ompU'te lines of millinery good ever brought to Plattsniouth. Yesterday their par lors were beautifully decorated aud the public given an opportimty to inspect the stock. A great many Msitors called during the day and continued to come and go until 0, p. in. Great care has been exer cerised in selecting the stock to meet the wants of all classes of customers. The stock includes nearly every grade from plain goods to fine novelties imported directly from Paris. CHAPMAN F1ENOMINATED. Tne Only Candulute Before the Con vention ami hia Election iaCertnm. The republican judicial conven tion was held at the parlors of the Watson Hotel at Nebraska City last evening. Orlando Tefft was chosen permanent chairman and William Pflaging secretary. The report of the committee on credentials demonstrated that full delegations were present from Cass and Otoe counties. Judge S. M. Chapman was dej clared the nominee of the conven tion by acclamation. The district central committee was appointed as follows: Cass county: A. N. Sullivan aud Dr. N. R. Hobba; Otoe county: C. W. Sey mour and Fred New. John C. Wat son was made chairman of the com mittee. Later in the evening n reception was given the nominee, duri.ig which speeches were delivered by prominent republicans. It was expected that Judge Chap man would succeed himself as there is practically no opposition to him in the republican party. PERSONAL W. D. Jones is in Omaha to-day. J. A. Basom of the Murray Banner was in the city last evening. Lew Moore is transacting busi ness at the metropolis to-day. Mrs. Geo. Dovey left for Omaha this morning for ajfew day's visit to friends. " Oh'lunry , DIED At his home, in Elmwood, Ne braska, on Sabbath, Oct. 4, 1H01 Dr. A. L. Root after a lingering illness of about three mouth. The funeral services took place at his home in Elmwood on Monday at 2 p. m. It is with sadness we chronicle this, but we know "He doeth all things well" I le was born in Ohio, moved from there to Michigan; thence to Cass county, of which place he has been a resident for aootii eighteen years, inns has another pioneer passed away to join the innumerable throng from which no traveler ever returns. "Uncle Doc" as he was familiarly called throughout the whole coun try, was one of the best pliysicaus this section of the country has ever known. It is with sorrow the many homes of Cass county receive the intelligence that he has pass away. We question why such lives must vanish and leave us only a memory. No answer springs to meet the un spoken thought, but this we surlt know, that all things are ordered, only for the best, and of every things, that forms the great design for good this seeming wrong will be no humble part. The closing of this life is but the opening of another door, we may prate as learnedly as we will in denial of the grand old dream of immortality yet from his life we may learn a lesson. The deceased leaves a wife and several children to mourn his loss. To the grief stricken family we ex tend our sympathy in their hour of trial. List of Letters Remaining unclaimed in the postoffiee at Plattsniouth, Oct. fori he week ending Sept. Iff), MM. 7 Mm 0 Bennett, Win ,1 Carey. Min C Jones. Mr Keniiley, Jeanere. Neeps, Rltta Pi lee. Era Stephens, Jainen W Sweeney, MBfcomery Writs Mr Wm Duliliois, Mrs M K.Toit. Mrs KO Mull i. Mick I'lillliy, K It Patrick. Mm H K Stewart. Clara C Wheeler. Persons calling for the will please say "advertised," H. J. STREKiHT above P. M. County Court. In the matter of the guardianship of Florence Anna Philbert and Agnes iiertruoe I'hiiiiert, minor heirs of Dorothy Philbert, deceased. Emilia ('. Shrocder appointed guardian, with bond fixed at $.1,1100. Calvin II. Parinele vs. Thomas W. Crabtree. Suit on note for $)0 and interest. Leave given plaintilf to file petition instauter. Jacob Vallery, Jr., vs.Jesse Living ston. Judgment of reviver in the stun of fl(i(..i0 and interest thereon from July 0. 1S7S, at the rate of 10 per cent per annum. Chicago Nickel Works vs. The Noble Sewing Machine Co. Suit on note. Default defendant entered. Judgment for plaintiff for SfH8.5L Chicago Nickel Works vs. The Noble Sewing Machine Co. Suit on promissory nole. Default of defendant entered. Judgment for plaintiff for JTKI.iW. M IIKSinniKIt CLKAKANCE SALE AT 15: 1010 In order to reduce stock to WO must close out the buliinee of I . i , - sible. Ummcncuir to day we will goods, embroideries ilouncings and Ai su rcr tvnt lMx'onnt Jadies summer vests at Jjidies summer vests at 10c Jjidies black and fancy ribbed vests 25o worth 35c. awes DiacK usie ana ancy ji i 60 wonnflso II r . .1 M m Ladies silk mixed a '.75c, Jadias silk vests at 20 per cent. Jerseys. on all per cent dicsount Challies reduced to 5 cents per yard, regulars 8t',c quallity Mousseline de India reduced tnOc per yard. We make this offer in order to reduce stock Now is theMime to purchase if in want of any of the above goods. REMEMBER all of our goods marked in plain figures and we do as we advertise. Don't -miss, this sa.e as they are the lowest prices quoted this season, F. -HERRMANN ONE DOOR EAST FRST NATIONAL CLOSE It At) IKS AND GlIhDlHjV FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR WE PBOPOSE TO BUI Than ever Mors offered to the people of Piatt smouth and vicinity. TJJRj STOCK! S Constantly arriving and will soon be complete. It will comprise a full range of ull the newest as well as Hie more staple styles, and will be com posed of Hie newest and choicest productions o domestic and foreign manufacture . For a fit and excellent: of workmanship our garments can not be excelled. Ami the prices that we offer them at are unprecedented in the amountsof the cloak trade. WE HAVE a silk seal ed satin linin ling and seal ornaments that we can sell for $12.50. This gar erfect reflection of the plush sacque that is universally sold inent is a tier at $15 and $20. WE HAVE a silk seal plunk jacket inches long that we can sell at $0.50 that would be cheap at $12.50. although some merchants ask $15 for the same garment. In the finer grades we have something very elegant and stylish in the trimmed jacket and reefer in both cloth and plush. THE PROPER tiling for Misses this fall and winter will be jackets and reefers, the newiuarkets being almost entirely discarded. We have both the Jackets and Reefers for Misse's wear in endless varity, We bought our cloaks early of to offer them at very low figures. We Solicit your favors and an early inspec tion of our stock. WM. HEBOLD & SON, 507 JInlifFtrwr riattsmoutlu Nol E B xT'S make room for our MM n.,r,.l.aaf.a Nimmmr , ..U.. L - -- - 'i -a i y o into oir.-r our eririro lin - ot white li oven i1 YW Trice, So result. 10c quality. regular. 15 quality. Egyptian cotton vests at vests at 6oc. was a bar $1, reduced from $1.2B. ladies shirt waists and on all our silk umbrellas FIGURES GJiOJll'iS, GAl'KS 1KFcFK1S uliish acaue.3H inches lomr with oniit. first hands and are thereby enabled