Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, October 01, 1891, Image 1

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    State Historical Society
NO. 27
OJeWfl ier till
r '
m v ii ,. , ? i. i .
Absolutely Pure. -
A cream of tartar bilking powder.
Highest of all in leavening strenth.
Latest lT. S. Government Food Re
port. R. A, SALSBURY
: D-K N T-I S T
(iOl.I) AM) I'liNlKLAlX l KOvVNS.
!r. Sleiuways Hiia'stlictic fertile anl(-H ix
trurtiun ol teelli.
Kim- Gold Work a Specially.
Kockwood Block i'lattxiimutli, Net).
otary Public & Abstracter Solicit I
eal Estate, Loan and Insurance Agents
If you have real estate to sell or
exchange send tie description, price
and terms.
istracts of title furnished at reas
onable rates.
JUR) to loan at V percent and
no commissions, on good
farm security.
OHlee iituler Can. County Bank,
heir Kail straws, fancy libliniiH, tips and iinllr.
biso A lot oi new la-lnon cone snap- naif
in straw and le t. 1 liey have a lull
line of liahy li"oi!-aml in or'
dert.i close old stock out have re
duocd tli"ir jraw oailor iihIh to In and to
75 eels liiiiuiied,
We kIho have a dress making depart inenf. SiU-
isfaction guaranteed.
Bridge work unrl tine gold work
UK. 8TKINAUH LOCAL as well as oilier !hn
esthetlcsjjlven for the iminlessexlraciion o'
teeth, ,
J. A. MARSHALL, Kit.geralil W-
F. II. ELLENBAl'M. Prop.
The best of fresh meat always found
in this market. Also fresh
Egn and Butter.
i,ild name ot all kinds kept in their
Chamberlain's Eye and Skin
A certain enre for Chronio Sore Eye?,
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Old
Chronic Sores, Ferer Seres, Eczema,
Itch, Prairio Scratches, Soro Nipples
and Files. It is cooling and soothing.
Hundreds of cases hare been cured by
it after all other treatment had failed,
It la put up ia 25 and 60 cent boxes. .
There will be a called meeting of
.r Y. W. C. T. C. Thursday at 4;;l
p. m. in the Y. M. C. A. rooms, l
which time a report will be madeof
the W. C. T. I', convention held in
Omaha last week. A special tnvita-
a. .1.1-
!icn is extended to young lames
,-ho are not connected with the
Sillion, to be present.
"Dkii'I Hoonf."
Messrs. I'eck A Fursinau, who
have had a long and very extensive
experience as theatrical managers,
and who pissess a liberal allow
ance of brains, energy and means
regard the American people as
possessed of a critical and discrim
inating judgment in the matter of
amusements. In this behet they
happily hit upon the idea of giving
the public a play that should be
thoroughly and distinctively
American. How well the idea was
received is told by the great sucess
of "Dau'l I too ue" the past tour sea
sons. Believing that the trails,
dangers and privations of the pio
neers of this country would furnish
good material for such a drama, the
life of Dau'l Hooiif was selected as
beingthe most prolific with inci
dents from which a good drama
could be written. The selection
was a wise one. His personality
stamped him as one of Nature's
noblemen. Incapable of fear, a
bold and ordinal limes
of danger cool anil daring, and in
times of peace gentle as a child;
his life teemed with dramatic inci
dents, wh icb have been introduced
in the now famous play vv hicb bears
his name. The play depicts faith
fully and in a fascinating manner
the life of Boone and his com
panions, from the time they first
settled in Kentucky. Showing
their happy home there; the up
rising of the Indians; the burning
of Boone's cabin and the capture of
his two daughter. Then follows
in dramatic succession the Indians
incampitient; the attempt of a res
cue and capture of Hoone; his fain
oils denunciation of Simon Girty;
the preparation ol the Indians for
his torture; his unexpected rescue
by his faithful horse, and his sub
sequent thrilling knife fight with
the Indian chief, for his child's life,
ending in his victory anil the exter
mination of the Indians by the
settlers. 1 )on't fail to see it at the
Waterman to-morrow night. Don't
miss the street parade.
Several (lock of wild j;ccso were
observed llyiny in a southernly
direction last evening.
Kverybody should contribute to
ward the expense incurred in equip
pint; the advertising train.
The law porhihitiu the shooting
of quails expires to-iuorroiv. Sports
are permitted to shoot these birds
from Oct. 1st to Jan. 1.
Work on the eouil house is
progressing nicely. It will be
finished in ample time for the in
coming republican county llicials.
The real estate men, particularly,
are interested in the advertising
train. They should avail them
selves of an opportunity to assist in
the enterprise bv contribiitinir
U'cnerouslv ol linance when llir
solicitors approach them.
Rojprs not flu illy
In'eas" of Xelf vs. Rogers a
decis.oii was rendered acquitting
defendant. The friends of Mr.
Rogers are doubtless n"lnd to learn
that be is iiiiioccnt ol the charye of
theft. 1 1 is hoped that Mr. h'oyers'
exposal of the condition of the city
jail will lead to iin investigation iiy
the authorities anil the place made
decent, at any rale.
To Coal ColiHumer.
All those that do not settle
their last season's coal bills with
me by the KM h of Oct. next will not
expect to have any accomidations
from me this season of course.
Office and yards 404 South Third
street. Telephone, l.'t.
I always try to have a full line of
all grades of coal on hand.
tf Timothy Ci.ahk.
I'lattsnniith, Sept. L'.'. ISdl.
Has just opened up a full line
of ladies, Gents and ChiMiens
all wool underwear and be
lore you buy vour Fall or
Winter goods. Don't fail to
call and see our prices. We
beat 'em all.
Have you seen those nob
by Misses Caps, all pretty
shades, 55, 05 and ;s cents
Im Fill
An Inlero-im. Letirr.
Kkitok IlKKAt.H: I promised ou
a letter describing the oil lieliLs and
other interesting sights to be seen
in the east, and shall endeavor to
j comply.
We left l-'alls Cieek, ciiroute for
Niagara Falls, via the Huffalo,
Rochester V I'ittsbur" R. R., which
crosscH the mouiilains via the
Hradford oil districts, reiicliin the
highest point of the Alleyhany
ranye at Mt. Jewett. The first stop
of any importance is Johnsonhurfr
Here the visitor finds natural as
wells by the score; also, one of the
largest paper mills in the world.
Johnsonbur;, on the whole, in one
of the best business points in Penn
sylvania. Our next stop is at Kin
yite bridge. This is the largest
trestle bridge in the world. The
length is almost 4.INKI feet and the
height is H0. feet. A look at this
bridge is well worth a week's travel
alone. The tops of the trees tower
1"8 feet above the barge, and to
stand on the bridge and look down.
ward to their tops, presents a sight
wonderful to behold. I he tram
made a stop on the center of the
bridge and the passengers were
permitted to take a view of the
iiridge, mountains ami valleys. e
then started on our journey again,
well pleased, bong before we
reached Hradford, oil wells became
numerous; the mountains wen
covered with them, even to the
highest peaks. There are now,
li.Ttfi wells in operation in this i
district. The majority of these
were once flowing wells, but
pumping is now necessary in most j
of them. Natural gas is abundant.
The yield of oil from each well is
from two to lifly barrels a day, and
is sold for about sixty cents a bar
rel. One of the most beautiful
sights we witnessed was a large oil
well tank pot on fire. We passed
through the state of New York, and
in)' first impressionsof that country
were certainly not very flattering.
It is without exception the poorest
country I ever saw no crops to
speak of, not much fruit, and (lie
cows are about as large as a
Nebraska goal. They have a few
fine horses. From Huffalo to
Niagara we pass through a very
beautiful country, but as to its
productiveness I cannot vouch
Hv the way, Kutf.ilo is a iiisliinti
cent city, located on the e;ist end of
l.ake ICrie; it is the heme of that
man of destiny, Grover Cleveland.
Arriving at the falls we spent a
day visiting the cataract and other
places of interest. We v isited I. una
Island. Goat's Island, the Great
Whirlpool, Cave of the Winds, Rock
of Ages, and took a trip on the
"Maid of the Mist" to the foot of the
Great Horseshoe Falls. Here you
first re.di.e the majesty and power
ol nature's greatest wonder. We
next crossed the great suspension
midge 10 me queen s dominions
ami went up to the park on the
Canadian side. Here you get a
better view of the falls. The sus
pension bridge is a wonderful piece
of work. Its length is 1,'JUS feet;
length of cables, 1.M0 feet; height of
bridge from river to roadbed, I'.HI
feet; height of tower, PKI feet above
the bridge. In obedience to a
request Iroin i'rof. Halsey, we lind
that the falls have receded 1 .'1.7 feet
from 1M. to 1M! ), and that only one
seventeenth of the water passes
overthe American Falls, one-fiftieth
over the Centre Falls and the balance
over the Canadian side, or the
Horseshoe Falls. Only about one
fourth of the Horseshoe Falls
belong t the queen. I got a few
specimens of rock out of the Cave
of Winds, under the American
Falls, but my advice to travellers is
to stay out of this part of lite fails
unless they are very plucky; indeed,
it is euoiin to scare a Cass county
democrat out of politics. We next
visited Toronto, Staplehurst and
Rochester, but will give a descrip
tion of these points some time in
the near future. H.
Mr. Kd I' his own request,
has been relieved of his duties
car checker and mail man lor the
H. A M. al this place. It is w ith r,..
grel that we chronicle the above, as
it is highly probable that Mr. I'ar
rott will locate elsewhere. During
the lime lhat he has been located
here he has won the confidence and
esteem of the H. A M. officials
and made friends with those with
whom he came in contact, all of
whom will regret hisdepartiite. In
whatever place Mr. Tamm may
locate he heartily merits the good
will and esteem of the people.
Always lake your
to Drovv ii fii. Danett's..
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Fauvhfs little
daughter, Agnes, is very sick.
Miss Kdith Schrader is assisting
Mrs. Dr. Hremlle in household
A surprise party was given
Tuesday evening at Mr. Good Old
ham's, in honor of bin daughter,
Miss Jessie, who expects to return
this week to.Maryvill!' Commercial
We think, from appearances, that
u wedding is forthcoming in the
near future. We will give particu
lars later.
Mrs. C'has. Murray is very sick at
A great deal of nickuess is re
ported at present around Murray.
Klder Root and wife of Weeping
WaU r, parents of Mrs.T. W. Faught,
were called here Tuesday morning
by the serious illness of Mr.
Faught's child.
I lie friends ami neighbors of
Win. Gilmore, living three miles
south of I'lattsmotith, w ill celebrate
their silver wedding Friday, Oct. I!.
Full particulars next week.
I.. A. Mooi e is in t hnaba today
ld Dodd returned from Denver
Irst night.
Mrs. (. II. Hackney is an Omaha
v. isitor to day.
Mr. t.issidy, lather of our varcl
master, left last night lor Canada.
II. K rosier and wife returned
from Sail l.ake City last night
I he flyer.
( onnty Clerk Critchfield and
Commissioners Todd and Tritsch
depart today for Blair, on business
pertaining to the court house.
Union Corrr poiKleixje.
The town and vicinity are takiiu
on new coats as summer dies away
in the shape of buildings. Anion;
the new residences now under con
struction in town are those of M. I.,
Thomas, our druggist, a neat house
when completed; l'ele Griichcr, a
small collage; F. M. Amsbery, a
comfortable home. .Messrs Pitt
man and Davis and Mrs. Decker,
all near town, have each a house
under headway. Messrs. Midkitl
and Klarens each have a barn
under construction.
The supper given by the band"
Wednesday night was a success,
financially and socially.
Rev. J. A. Nichols, who departed
Tuesday lor Lincoln to attend tin
M. K. conference, arrived home
to-da v.
Allison liros. of Murray marketed
bogs here Friday.
The central branch of the Mi.--
' Mri j(i lUu
i nice thing
i tor our merchants. Kvery day
rings people to town to help bttv
our merchants' goods.
of our young people
the camp meeting
i Sunday.
a I
Al the Opera
e sea.
The largest audience of th
son greeted the "Si I'lunkard
Comedy Ci. last night, and indica
tions are that every one was
well pleased with the rendition of
the play through-out.
Manager oung informs us that
..i. i I. ... . .
-wan i noone, which is to lie pre
sented to -morrow night, promises
to be, if possible, even more
amusing as well as instructive.
Drown & Barrett have just re
ceived a tine line of imported tooth
and nail brushes, cloth and hair
brushes, prices away dow n. if
The Aid Society of the M. F,.
church will meet to-morrow after
noon at '.' 'clock with Mrs. Muckner,
on North F.leventh street. A full
attendance is desired. Election of
officers. SWKKTAKV.
I wo harvest excursions passed
through this niorning. thus coin-
pleting the excursions for thisyear.
Doubtless the west has been
materially benefitted, in that home
seekers have had an opportunity of
becoming informed as the adv an
tages ottered by the west.
R. I.. Howe, the efficient and H.
A M. stenographer, who has been
recreating in Pennsylvania, Ken
tucky and Virginia principally, for
the past month, returned on No. a
this morning, prepared to enter up
on the discharge of his duties with
hisaccHstoiiied.eal. He. reports a
marked contrast bet ween the dense
ly populated, ami busy manufac
turing states of the east ami the
more spar-ely settled and agricul
tural west.
In onlcr to mince stock to
we iiiusL e : ose our tim i. r.. i
., , ""i.iiiee 01
sime. i.oinmeticin to day we will otler
goods, embroideries lloiiiu-ins and all ove.
At : lVr tVnt DiMoinit From Kesular Trice,
Jjidies summer vrsts at
jadies summer vests at 10c regular. 15 quality.
Jadies black and fancy ribbed vests 25c worth 35c.
T a(ls black lisle and aney
35 worth 45c
T adies silk mixed vests at 6oc was a bar
a ',75c. '
T adias silk vests at
20 per cent.
on all
per cent dicsount on all oursilk umbrellas
i'liallit'H reduced In rcntM iwr i i wi
.'iMiiwcilitio -...I
make tlii.Holfor in order to
I r ' '-u'l n nun i! llir HUH PI
purchase i 111 1 want of any ol the above g,,ods. Iv'KM KM Hhh' all of our
goods marked in plain ligiires and we do as we advertise. Don't miss
as they are the lowest prices rented this season,
Than ever Move offered to
Constantly arriving and will soon be complete. It will comprise a full
range o all the newest as well a, the mon-staple Hvles. ami will ,
posed of the newest and choicest product ions o' domestic and for e g,
manufaclure 1-or a h. and excellenc of workmanship i.urga , ,, e . s ct
not be excelled. Ami the prices that we offer th at are unprec id ,,te
in the amounlsof the cloak trade. 1
tl Milk Mi'iil itdtuli M-...i.. 'iw : i ....
".tin b gaud seal or, icids
lllt'll IU ;l tii.f(,.j4 i .1. i
tn,,.V.: "l """-IHUSH sacque
o"" n silk seal plnsk jacket JS inches lonir that we c in
sell at s ..n tha, would be cheap at ..-.dalthough some ,er ' , k
U for the same garment. the liner grades we have something very
elegant ami stylish ... the trimmed jeket ami reefer in both cloth and
l"1!1 P?OPER xWt" f,,r Misses this fall and winter will be
jackets and reefers, the nevvmarkets bei ng almost entirely discarded.
We have both the Jackets and Reefers lor Misses wear in endless varity
Ve bought our cloaks early of
to otter them at very low figures.
We Solicit your favors and an early inspec
tion of our stock.
507 Jliiiii Fried
make room lor our fal'J purchases
our Oil III HIT
o : .
stock as ijiiickly in pus
er our entire line ol w hite
8c regular. 10c quality.
Egyptian cotton vests at
$1, reduced from $1.28,
ladies shirt waists and
I . .11
in ! I
i ;ird.
rciliici. u t ,L v..... : .....
the people of Plattsmouth and
Vh" we" cm, Z v
Unit is uiiiversallv
first bands and are thereby enabled
ri.ittsiitoutli. Xoh