Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, September 24, 1891, Image 8

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    "Si Flunkard."-- a Yankee comedy
- which appears in Waterman's
opera house Tuesday, Sept. IS, lias
tlie reputation of I oi 11 a very
muusinir us well as instructive play.
Tlie company is composed of twen
ty perforin, all of whom join in a
utreet pa ratio at noon. The com
pany also supports a fine hand.
"Si IMunkanl," which appears
here next Tuesday, Sept. ISI. is said
to he a very amusing performance,
heinir a ircnuine comedv. There
iH jurtt enough plot to lend interest
and tell a pretty story. I he comedy
iH of a rcl'mcd nature, and doc not
depend on the use of hrick hats
Muffed cIiiIih and stale minstrel
jokes to ainiiHe. Mr. J. Lewis,
who assumes the title role, has a
very peculiar droll dialect, and
should make a ",ood Si. Many
pleasing specialties are introduced.
Ifenlistn is men in the shape of a
real thrcshinir machine, in full
operation on the ntajje. The baud
and orchestra that is carried by Mr.
Lewis is considered the finest with
any traveling company. The band
parade at noon is original in uni
form, beinjf dressed up as farmers.
Don't fail to sec it; secure your
tickets for the pcrfofmaiice. Don't
forget the date: Sept.
Ao American Commercial Tratlr Telln
Straug vrn About tli l.ouly.
Loalck Mlnsr of th fivlklrki
Mountain Vu Named for Him.
List ot Letters,
KYinainin unclaimed in the 1'ost
Office at riattsinoiith, Sept. lit,
for the week ending Sept. 10, lT'.ll:
AdiiiNtrdim. Mis Katie M liter, .1 C
Ai'H(!al. Mrt M Monroe, Ftiiiik
Morie. J'o
Nell, 1 lii'iiilnr
I'aiker. Ccu
I'rlce. Hv.i
Hirer. N
spramie. Ada
Smith, Clint r (2i
Schneider, It tell
i liniiias, li It
Wuii'.. I)
idling for anv of tin
Alirciis, (iuMau
'nlT. nun,. lake
Hhv.j it
Krviny, .liihn
I'lictliPiidcr, .1
1 1 criiKin. Jan. i s
llura, W S
lleroM, Hilly
Hoffman, V. ;iiik
Midli'inler. Unite
above letters will please say "adver
tised." M. J. STh'KltillT, I'. M.
Some of the most startling, in-b-rstitijr
discoveries of the life and
customs of buried Knypt are now
being made through extensive exca
vattioiiH. These discoveries are
vxciting a great interest. Many
discoveries are, however, being
made in our country that are re
inarkahle, among which we may
mention that of Mailer's I'aiu Para
lyser which effects entire relief, and
in many cases a complete cure of
that terrible disease rheuniat ism,
and which also relieves pain of all
kinds. For sale by all druggists.
The Flight of Hie stork.
The stork is a remarkably picturesque
bird; it snowy body cotitriistitih' with
the Wight red beak and legs rind black
miill feathers of the wings, make it a
striking object. Tlie (liK,t iH magnifi
cent, Imliler ami more buoyant than that
of a lienm. Lilt? nioht largo birds. its
lwwerMiif flight show best when it is at
a great height. When we were on tin
Ristei rock, in &ut.n Switzerland, a pair
passed overhead, flyin- southward.
1 hough high above n. we could clearlv
ee the black pinion fmiliers; and as we
watched tlie powerful beat of the wide
threading wings Wu umht flf tue
angels in Zachariali's vision who had
"wings like the stork. "-CiiaiulH-M" Jinn-nal.
T Knowing Moron.
A horw, si nbled wnh his mute and n
third horse, stole hay from the stranger
to give to bin male, while he was con
tented with the ration that had been al
lotted him; and a horse in a team. nil
bling home ricn g. a,s on his side, gave at
Intervals if.ouil.fuls of it to his compan
ton, which could not reach it. popular
Science Monthly
In North (.Vcljna t'r; ratals are
sometimes come across, which, though
ot fine enough, foi gems, weigh as much
8 twenty pounds each and may be cut
into dishes or cutis measuring from three
to six inches across. Tons of them are
crushed to make "emery" and the sand
paper culled "garnet paper."
Coal equaling that of the finent belli -li
valley grade has been discovered In
Brazil, the veins being from four t()
twenty five feet in thickness. The mines
are situated ut and near Sonora.
in Bokhara and other parts of Tur
kestan where native usages still prevail,
the customary salutation is. "May yoii
live 1'.'0 years!"
A Cincinnati rat. desiring comfortable
quarters utterly regardless of eipeuse,
fashioned its nest out of fW5 worth of
greenbacks which u fouud in a drawer
The owner of the greenbacks has coufiv
cated the nest, and shows it to her vis
J tors.
v is a great deal easier to see allevta
iionw and to apply philosophical cousola
tionsin the case of a friend's trouble
than to onr own The one and only form
of comwlation which is nniversKlly true
And applicable is that "it might be
worse," There is no coneei vab! case ao
Jad that this may uot truly be said of it
Alnmiuinin li.ta Ihwi suggested as s
material for cuius, but there are objec
tions to it. Ir has always a greasy feel,
due to the presence of a slight bnt nn.
avoidable film of oxide of aluminium
ever its surface
The train had stopped near the heart
of the Sel kirks, under the shadow of a
great bare crag, which the guide book
said was the Hermit mountain. The
rock roso almost precipitously, culminat
ing in a crest extending for hundreds of
feet to the m.rth, and the top of the crest
seemed almost as sharp as a razor. With
arms akimbo on the rail of the observa
tion car was an English tourist, who
wore a monocle and a stare, and seemed
vrv Diti, .K I.. ....l i...
-j ...... ,c j, ule scenery. jear
mm Rttjod a commercial traveler of To
ronto, who was explaining how the
mountain got its name.
1 1.-V 1 1 .i
rouow me edge of the mountain
iroin its iront to the rear," he said
Ui'tit where the edge breaks off you
see a solitary pyramid. From here it
seems to be (flily alsiut six feet tall
though in reality it is about thirty feet
o.n.i. won i you see it bears gome re
semblance to a man? Tlmt ia tl, i,
mid it is thiH solitary pillar that gave
mime to me mountain.
The English tourist suddenly showed
indications of interest. Hn .l 1 u.u
-- - n - -
nean-r, ami remarkeil;
"lleg pardon, did I hear you s;iy some-
voiin, uouui a iieriiuif
The commercial traveler gave hiscom-
raiie a tug i Uie rins. "Why, yes," he
f.nd to the tonnst; "ditln't you ever hear
uin lemaraanie tacts about the hermit
"No," said the tourist.
A il.MKll'S KTOIiv
"Well. I'll 1,11 v .i...
. ' ..wr,,,,,,. HUH IIJH
tirummer. "Us a remarkable one, and
m j ,,uKui 10 Know it. Vou
fee. about the time of the gold excite-
uieiu in me rrazer river country 'way
back in .-,(( a man came hereto make
fortune. One of the miners had
brought into this wild region his little
family, and among them was his dau 'h
ter. a very pretty girl, with whom this
other fellow fell madly in love. He had
a hated rival, of course, and in a few
months this rival carried oil the prize,
and life became a hollow nejekery to the
disappointed lover. Ho became not only
a woman hater, hut a Imh.r nt i,iu i,i,..i
and ho made np his mind lie would spend
the rest of his life as a hermit
"So he came to this mountain, ami
he clambered up that brush that you see
alongside, and he built him a hut of
stones und branches, and there he begau
his new life. Jle had a gun and lived on
what he could shoot, a little flour he got
from the settlement and the berries und
roots he gathered. He lived that way a
good many years, bringing down from
tlie mountain an occasional fur or bear-
bhiu, which lie sold fur provisions. For
years now ho has been old and unable to
Hunt well, but nothing has ever induced
mm to give up his queer life "
l,- i i- ,f ,
uiii. nine iuo ftHgllsll tourist was
1,11 1 .. '
.... i m-s aim ears. ,,n ,((,, t , to
leu hie. lie ;..mi,1. H,.u. ,, i. i
, , . , i.ii.l utie-i
he live now.'
ell. once a week tlie people who
live in (his little hamlet you see here till
a hasiiet with provisionsand one of thclu
takes it, up to the top of the mountain.
When the hermit hears ati body coming
he leaves his hm and retreats into the
woods. The man with the supplies me nasKct at the door, and tlie
next teitow who comes up with provis
ions le.ivi.d uti..ti..H i l. i . . , . .
: " "..Mu. -i uiuiuft ami taxes
duck the empty one.
"The hermit never speaks to anybody
Early in the winter, lieforo there is daii
ger ot a In,; I .!! r u.ow, a lot of pio-
imoiib jS i,i kcu up to liiui. fur fear that
a heavy snowfall will prevent any one
from reaching tlie top."
"Why, doesn't he L'ct sick ami ..o,i
doctor sometimes?" asked the tourist.
Aouoily knows that he ever had a
sick day. He is old. but he's u-..ii v..
see the air up there is magnificent, and
nicies no reason ho should be sick.
1 here he is now," continued the drum.
tuer, in a state of wild f
.... . . v.iiviuvilb,
'lucre he is: near th f !... .....i.
?5" v., luvn.
on t you see him?"
The Englishman looked but n.,i.t ......
nothing. He borrowed a field glass and
was adiustiiiL' th
"Hiere, he's gone. I just caught a
glimpse of him. He's up so high he
Uuln t look bigger'n a speck, anv way."
"Ueiiuirkable." said the Englishman
as he lapsed into a seat. He rolled it all
over in his mind for a couple of hours
.Meanwhile the story of the Englishman's
interest in the hermit had been told to a
tiumtierof choice spirits, and there had
1kii much hilarity. One of the meu
who shared the fun was standing near
the Toronto drummer, when the English
tourist si.ll.wl ,,,, t., I,, ..
- 'i naiu.
"Now. look a-here," he said, "honest, is
that really all true about the hermit?"
"Certainly, it's true." said the com
mercial traveler. "Most all tourists
know it, and uny one who lives in this
couutrycuu tell yon all about it Ask
this man here."
The Englishman turned to the other
man, who told the storv ..f t).
rr again, wun some graphic aud cir
cumstantial addir
will probably prepare an account of the
No. 2 6 : ir M.
Nil. 4 10 JO a. H .
No. 8 7; i p, m
N'O 1(1 : IR . jti
No, 12 10:14. it
No. 2ft 8 :30 . in
N" 1 3 ::) a. Qi
sO i 5 :'JS n. in
No. S, 9 M a. m.
v0. ' i -a. in.
No. ) :JSp,m.
No U S :(ir. D. m.
o, i! u :0ft a.m.
MlSStiCltt l'A irit: HAILWAY
N"i. ;ts4 Acauinodutlon l.euti'i"..
No..'f' iirrncs..
Trains dally except Sunday
in.Va. in,
. 4 ;iNi p. in.
No, 47 Mi'Hh every vxMlne-dsy eveiihiK
at their lull In I'artneie A ("rain lilnck, All vl
lllnv kiil(.'tits r etiKllallv ilivite.l to uttend
C. (J. Maisliall, C. C. ; tin' )nv.-v, K. K. 8.
Waterman Main Hlrect. lioons
open from s :i a in to s (l m For men only
(iospel meetliiK every Huniliiy alteninoii ut 4
A O. I . V,.s, Menis first anil tliiid Krlday
ix eve.ilnus of e:icl tiionth at (i. A. K. Hall
III Kuckwook Mock. Frank Veiinilyca, M, W.
It, II Kucrsole, Kecuriler
V W. No. K4-
Menls Hpceiitl and urih
K..I. Moiuati. M W.
1 Kmiay i veninos In the moiilli ai (i. A U
1, ', Itrown, Kcaonler,
1IOYAI. Al:CANAr-rni. Cornell No 1021,
14 Mutt at the K, of V hall In the I'ailiiele &
Crslg Itlock over iii-i.iifit & Tulin, vislrlni!
lirctliivii Invited. Henry llerold, KeKt'lit ;
llios wailliiK, .Secri'torv,
TYT7 IS waiting to show you his new goods
v-' -l-l and to let
can be bought.
you know how cheap they
CASK I.OIXiK, No. wti. I.O. O. K. meets ev
iry TueMlay tilL-lit at their hall in KitGerald
Work. All tlitd Fellows are cordially Invited
Utfulwt ULtlMn viyltim, li., I i
N. (i S. VV. Hrulire. Swrelary.
1 1
1" line it, CW County. You will t be nl.le to buy clieap.r Wos Chi
cagy wIhmi yon take quality and price in consideration.
C'A'i .-St. I'liul'l t'liiirch
S.'i vieen : V -inn at S Hi. I III :.'lo A
.School si 2 :.'I0, witli H. nedictioi,
ilk, tii'tweei.
i. Sunday
CniiisiiAN. Corner Locust and KIl'IiIIi Sis.
n. i vices inoriuni: am evenuiK. r.lder .1. h.
need, ia.sior. Siiiii Kclioul in a. m.
Kl'lNi'di-Ai..-St. Luke's Climcli. corner Third
and Vine. Kev. li II. Kuruep.-.. parlor. Ser
vices: 11 a. m a.d7:Joi ii Sunday School
nt ,iti i ,i .
t.K.HMAN MKTMOIINTe,'imer Sixth St and
i. ramie, nev. inn. ntMr. Services : II A. M.
anil i I'. M. Siuiujy School 10 :30 A.M.
I'M Ksnvr Kit i an. -Vertices in new church, pur
ner nixin aim i. rani e s . ev. .1 T. (a i,t
pastor. Siinday-scl iiol at ;:'; rreachini;
al 11 a. in. :,iiil h n m.
'i lie V. U. m. C. K ot i hi" church nin-tn every
...ti'.i.t.i. r,(- rm , ; jr in uie ii;iseiiient ol
iiiecuiicrn. aii are invited tu attend ttieee
Kmsr MuTiioiitsT.-Sixtli St., Iietwcn Main
ami renri. Kev j. l ,M Hin kner pastor.
Servlcci. : 11 a. M., h iki p. ji Sunday School
! '.'Mi A St. rraycrmeelii k Wednesday even-int,'.
Okhman I'KfHHyTr.itiAN -Corner Main and
I'uiiii. uey i, u i e, pastor. Mervices usual
hours. Sunday ccli.iol ii ;ao A. m.
Swkkiiisii ( (iNdKKiiATKiNAl.-tiraiiite. he-
tweeu Hlfth and SUIti.
Cei.diiKii lHei -iMT.-Mt. Olive. Oak. lietw.en
lentli and Kleveiilh. Kev. A. Iioxnell, pas
tor. Scivices II a. li. and 7 ::i0 p. in. 1'raver
liieeliiiL' Wedtiesdat evenli k.
Vol'NU .Mkn's ClUlsTIAM Assni'i triiiv-
l.'oniUHiii v aleruiaiililock, Main street, tios
cl tiieeliiiK, for in.-1 only.cvcrv Sunday af
teriiooa at i o'clock Ki.hiiik open week .lavs
Iroiu :,io a. in., to !i ;to p. in.
SlU TII I'AltK Taiihisaclk - liev. .1. M.
Wood, I astor. Seiyicis: Sunday School
toa. in.: I reaehinj:, 1 1 a in. ami s p. in. ;
prayer ineetlnn Tueslav iiikIh ; choir prac
'ice t'nd..y ninht. a; arc welcome.
(Villas' Nerveand Liver Pllle-
Act on a new prjnniile reulatiiio
i ne liver, toiniicu mid ImweU tliiouyli
the nerves. A new liineuvcrv. Ilr M,1..D'
Tills Bpeedilj rure liilid'n-iiiHs, m, taste,
uirpid nver, piles, t(iiint'mtiun. Une
qualeil tin men, women. children
Smallest, inililest, surest ! TiO duties,
Shiiii1h. free at F. (i. Fricke & V
Only buys the bfct makes and latest novelties in
And if you are looking for a reliable place to trade give JOE a trial.
We have sold KIv'h fream lt ,i.,,
iiixnii uiree years, ntiil have it
Miiiiieiiiieii ii m use in more tliilil :i
lllllldred siieei:il i-:iu.w ,,r ,..,i.,rri.
1 He iiuatimioiiH imswer to our in
Hiiries is. "It's the best remedy tlmt
i mi veever used.' Our experience
is. that where jmrties continued its never finis to cure. J. II.
.'loiitodtnerv. A C o.. Dni.r.visis. I),
corah, Iowa.
When 1 I ('.; 1 1 1 iidln.r I." i - w (v. ......
Uilllll III V Ciltlll i ll vv:im ui I I...I
lie.'iilMche the whole tun.. :iml ,liu
churned :i lar,. amount of lilthv
i i. i ii.n i as a iiiosi i-iitir. t
lisMiineared and have tu.i 1 : , I I., ,,i
ache science.- J. Soininers, Stejihney,
V , Ml II.
Mrown A liarrett li:iv-. Iini r..
ceived a tine line of imported tooth
and nail brushes, cloth sunl hair
brushes. Prices aw a v down tf
Cure for Paralysis.
I'rank Cornelius !,,,-,. .11 I...I
Ter., savs: "limb .1 Me Pou
whose wife had paralys s in the face
! ouv a ootiie ot i l.aiiit)erlaiii,s
Pain Kiiltn. Totlieir ,r,.... a,
before the bottle loul :.ll K ,11 flu.,,1
mIic was a LTcat il,.:il l.,.e ifv
lace had been drawn tu nm. -tH...
but the Pain Hal III reli.vefl oil
imiti and soreness. ml n... ,.i,..,ii,
assumed its natural shape." It is
also a certain cure for rheumatism
lame back, sprains swellings and
lameness. 50 cent botttes for sale
by V. V,. Fricke A Co., Druo j. ists.
Hair chains, rimru .-..... .,
hair work'nf all kinds to order.
lk8. A. KXKK.
,f I7'.'l Locust St.
CrollO ttcoiieiitli- i;,,.e, .. I........
. . . I ' "...l l II, HI!".
..j r ii ,r- v.uuiu ui iuo noiu unprepared lor its v sit w ol
wonderful hermit for tu tiihu-j, ti. V'
-New York Snn " I.' .-:" ,Mr,m " " '"'VCl'M.s
e.l v iM .Hr ' folly warrao
cd Made trom the ery liest material h
'killed workmen, and with the hest tools t,
nave ever l-een devi-ed for the Va
ranted to do a that can tie reasoa!!y ex
liecteit of the yery l.e-t typewriter extant
( apalile of writini; .M words inlinite -oi
niore-aecordiii). to the ahillty of the operatm
lMtfl'E $100.
iftliere Is mi m'eiil in i-iinr tout. It-en lh
Aiients wanted Parish A, Y.
F. H. SEEI.KMIKK. Auenl.
I.inrolu, Nob,
A remedy fi.r creaking hinges U mut
ton tallow rutiU-d on the joint A great
many locks that refuse to do their work
are simply rustJ ami wiH be all right If
carefully oiled
Large Englinli walnut nht' re fr
qnently mounted with hingen and wed
m ornameutal ca.seh for rings, jwt and
roinittire artiolen fer jiresenM
furl Sum' Curprt..
Stramrera whn nna t.-, ...
- - ,v MnuillKlOU
discover things of the existence of which
nuicuia miow notuing. How many
reople know there is a lare room in the
treasury building in which every yard
of carpet lined in government buildings
all over the United States is cut and
sewedT The work is done by contract
and carpets are fitted from the architect s
plana Washington Tost.
Stwillm March.
"I want to give you a niece of ad-
"All right, let me give you eve first
follow it New York Epoch.
cans lor instant treatment. Fur
tins aanperous disease Ayc-r'e Cher
ry Pectoral is an admirable remedy.
It saves many lives ccry v,.ar
Keep in the house,
World's FairTJocA"Njj
mcreditable short ti,T,?E with a
Capital of S20O and upward
Success certain if insructions faith
tullv followed. Civon ; ..i
postal note or postage stamps for
J-ock Hox 1, Chicago. 111.
To cive hair a beautiful, jrloesy
H IKI llixuriiaiit .,r,,l,' ii -
J lair Kenev r r. SoM ,v )trown a
Mart ett
SIci'lllMH nicllt 1 1 1 il 1i llliir:il.U
i)v it'rnnii' iiiirii .Miirriu nun
-wY ip 1 1 1 1 uie iui vuu, i)v r.
i i un, hum ii j-iijiici,
CiiDt. V. A. Abbett. who has lotnr
1 . , s, , ;
"ecu wun i-iessrs. rrecivai and
I l.-ltt.ll) K..:il I' -It :lt,iini1
- - - - ' - .....a ,t,..,M nil,,
Ilrokers. l)es Moines. Iowa :m.l is
oneol the best ktuiwn und most re
spected business men iti that city
says: "I can testify to the jjood
I u ol it it-H f t'hiiniberlaiu's C'ouj;h
IVl'llleOv- lliiviit.r use.l if in
family for the past ciht years, I
can safely say it lias no equal for
either colds or croup." fin cent bob
lies lor s, no oy r. ,. fruKe iV In.
K. W. Sawyer, of Rochester, Wis.,
a prominent dealer in general
merclitindise, and who runs several
peddling wagons, had tint of his badly cut and burned with a
lariat, The wound refused to heal.
The horse became lame and stilf
iiowwithstandiiijL: careful attention
and the application of remedies. A
friend banded Sawyer some of
Hallcr's Harb Wire l.inemeiit, the
most wonderful thinji ever saw to
heal such wounds, lie applied it
only three times an.! lh sore was
completed ln-.iled. li.pially yood
for all sors. cuts, briises, und
wounds, For sale by all drujrist
For First Class and Finely FinisS
$5 U f) T rt f ) A-h II A
(oon, the Photographer
ONLY 2.50 per doz
Cor Fifth and Main
- AT -
T!,olj,m-nt,lli.rl,l,i,s ,,!, ,finC, tWy
rpHK hest .f harness, both tlouble and illRll. tllay lu foluu, at
L storeand evervthinir
" --..-. iiso i).iK!rR.a tm,l carriages
which are first-class in every respect, beino; ,lu. M(rnnirf.B, .
easiest riding vehicles on earth.
ALSO have larUe lot of S, h.itler, Moline. Hain and Sterling wagons
Spring waKoi.H, road carts, and plows of all diMcriftion.
Fl'iFtf) qOiifJKl1!
Plattsmouth - - . . MaK ,..