Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, September 10, 1891, Image 5

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    I wiwiaiiiii'tnw
Fiom Monday Dtiily
Vic Kvans. from
Salem, Iowa, is
Yyuting Dr. K. W. Cook of this city.
X". M..I...I -..1,,.-.,.,1 t:idt PIC.
. . r' I.. :.. 4lw
' 11. J. Streight returned from the
Grand Island reunion Saturday
Several trains well loaded with
stock went east on the H. & M. yesterday-Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Kikeubary
left last evening for Lincoln to at
tend the state fair.
Dick Oldham and family came in
H-rMprd;iv from Heaver I'd v to visit
Relatives here a few days.
Miss Francis Stiles, who has been
visum;; irieiius ai iv """ -
few clays, returned home Niliml.iy
A. H. Todd, who has been on an
extended trip to Jamestown, X. Y.
and points in Ohio, returned nome
tllis liioruing.
& Thos. Pollock and K. V. Ilyers
have formed a real estate, loan and
insurance company. This makes a
ftrong company and THE IlKKALD
wishes them success..
Kobt. J. Leveral and wife, of
Woodburn, Iowa, having been vis
iting in the east, came in this morn;
ing for a short visit with their
cousin, T. R Hrown of this city.
They will take in the state fair and
visit in Nebraska some time before
returning home,
Hok.v-To Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Sherwood. Friday, September 4th, a
1 liv. All narties are
,irin,r well, and we are informed
that Ilarve is contemplating en
1 'iffrifl II' iii house, not because of
the increase in his family, but
aimnlv to hold himself. Union
i j
Mr. Robert Flormann, one of the
Black Hills tin men, has offered the
owners of the Spokane mine f 1,000,
000 for their claim. Mr. John Shafer,
a son of W. II. Shafer, of this city, is
half owner of this mine. It is not
Tfcnown whether the oiler will be ac
cented or not as Mr. Hawk Wright,
1 who ownes one-fourth of the mine,
is away and they are waiting for
his return to see whether the offer
win ue accepu-u ui uui.
A stock extra passed through
yesterday, composed of twenty
three cars of very fine stock, en-
route for the state fair at Lincoln
If other roads do an amount of
transportation equal to the H. k M.
tone may well conclude that tlie
stock exhibit will be complete. It
is to be regretted, however, that in
one car a very line blooded horse
enroute for the fair, had died before
arriving here.
'Pi... ffiinilv III V. II. Malick rc
ccived i telegram conveying the
h:i1 inii-llitrence that K. O. Wait,
father of Mrs. Malick, died yester
clay at Colfax Springs, Iowa. De
ceased will lie buried at Lincoln to
morrow. Mr. Wait was not well
known to our citizens, but the fam
ily of Mr. Malick will have the sym
pathy of the community in
luiiir nf sorrow. Mr. Malick dc
parted this morning for Lincoln
This office has received a cotnmu
mention referring to the coming
Irrigation Congress which convenes
in Salt Lake City, September 15, 1
and 17, 1S'.)1. The object of calling
the convention isto bring before the
tv of better plans
for irriiration, and consequently
more effective agriculture. The
projectors of the scheme hope to en
iwi fli Hitnnort of the business
mens' associations throughout the
west and eventually bring the mat
ter before congress, with a view of
securing legislation pertaining to
the matter. Doubtless pamphlets
V have been received by our business
' ' moil setting forth the objects and
plans of the proposed meeting, and
we feel that the enterprise win
,., -if neli attention as they feel
able to bestow.
lolm Shafer came down from Spo
kanecamp Tuesday evening. II
reports everything moving along
in even tenor, and says that th
more the Spokane is developed the
better it shows up. Ore now being
taken out of the shaft at a depth of
8'2 feet essays 417 ounces of silver
to the ton. Heanticipatesthatthey
will soon be able to work the mine
upon a more extensive scale, in
which case he says Spokane will
make a busy camp, for they have
plenty of ore in sight to keep a
large number of men employed for
a long time. And there is every
reason to believe that even if work
ed upon a larger scale there is ore
enouirh in the Spokane, of a rich
paying quality, to lat for years
The Spokane is a rich mine and no
mistake. Hermosa 1'ilot
Yesterday's Game Result in Favor
of the Home Team.
The Cranes of Omaha came down
method of keeping this record, there
s great liability of losing the
record, hence great uncertainty and
often annoyance is caused all con-
i cerneu. o tins matter was lanen
yesterday and received a serve . Turner and the result is,
drubbing at the hands of the home
team The visitors put a very good
game but in the face of the heavy
batting at the hands of the home
team, they stood a very poor show.
The cranes made three doubleplays
worthy of special mention. Score
by inning:
Cranes II tl () I) 0 I) t) - S
l,lattsinoutli....l S 0 0 0 3 1 1 -K
Krrors: Cranes, ti; riattsmouth.
('.. Hits: C ranes, '; riuMsmouui. v.
Halteries: Carrigau- and Swartu,
Miller and Maupiu. Struck out:
Jiy Carrigau X by Miller Id. Two
base hits: T. Patterson, SchulliotT,
C. Miller. Double plays: Ivtynre
to Xelson to Howman CD, Miller to
Gadke, Lincoln to Gadke to S. Pat
terson. Left on bases: Cranes, 4;
Plattsmouih, . Umpire: I bet
he has planned and constructed a
device that operates successfully.
If it be proven conclusively that it
can be used with advantage, the
sales will doubtless net Mr. Turner
a handsome fortune.
Almost a Blaze.
Sunday morning upon entering
the laundry Mr. Donnelly, the pro
prietor, discovered that his build
ing had narrowly escaped being
burned to the ground. In the up
per floor the lloor above the base
ment -a hole was found to have
been burned about six feet iu diam
eter and the stairway and railing
partly burned. The most unac
countable feature is that the fire
was extinguished, presumably,
without aid, as no one is known to
have been near the place at that
time. The origin of the fire is un
known, as the furnace was cool
Saturday evening; besides, the lire,
being about twenty feet from the
furnace, could not possibly have
had its origin there. The work is
supposed to have been that of an
City Schools.
The ntv schools opened this
morning, and we are informed, that
never, iu the history of the Platts-
inouth schools has the outlook for
l profitable year been so encourag
ing. llie attendance louay ueing
in the neighborhood of 1000 pupils
With the repairs and appliances
added to the buildinirs; with a
school board thoroughly identified
with our school interests; witn a
complete and efficient corps of
teachers oneratinir in accordance
with the direction of our able super
intendent, the patrons of the Platts-
tnouth schttols may feel assured
that their children are amply pro
vided forjbut while it is necessaryto
have a building will equiped, and a
school board and teachers working
harmoniously there is annpportuu
itv for the patron to add srrcatly to
the effectiveness of their lahors
The parent should visit the schools
frequently, keep informed as the
needs and progress of the pupil
ind co-operate with the teacher in
enrrvniir out every wen cieiiuen
For sometime there has hecn a
fewer number that have completed
the course of study, owing to tli
fact that the study of Lalm was
eoinpulsary. Stiperindcnt McClel
land informs us, that in order to
accomodate a great number, and
yet maintain as nearly as possible
the same desrre of stability ami
insure the irraduales of either
courses training equally as inoi
ough, he has arranged two courses
of study; viz, a Latin and Kuglish,
leaving the matter of selection
optional with the pupil. The tli vi-
sion. as we understood it is made
for the accomodation of those de
siring Iviglish and American, litera
lure, hence more Lnglish language,
in preference to Latin, In this all are
provided for and yet the same de
gree of thorough drill and pro
liciency is maintained.
World's Fair Notes.
Siani has decided to make an ex
hibit at Chicago, which shall eclipse
the one it made at the Paris exposi
tion, where it carried olf the honors
in the oriental section.
Michigan will construct its build
ing wholly of Michigan material,
and will send it to Chicago in sec
The suggestion made by promi
nent members of the Xationil
Society of the Sons of the American
Revolution, that October 11th
should be celebrated throughout
the world, as the Fourth of July is
celebrated in the United States, is
meeting with general approval.
The publishers of Puck, the well
known comic paper, have been
granted space, 50 by 100 feet, for a
building on the exposition grounds,
in which to show fully every detail
of the process of editing and pub
lishing a humorous paper.
Henry H. Worthington has offered
to furnish the exposition, Iree ol
charge, pumps with a capacity of
40,01 10,01X1 gallons of water a day.
The first cotton erin, made by hli
Whitney, will be exhibited at the
Kxposition by the Xew Orleans ma
chinery Conipay, which will also
make an extensive exhibition of
cotton gins, sugar imlls'uud others
Among the exhibits from South
em California will be a model con
specified in the notice.
A new petition being presented
for vacation of that part located on
south-west quarter of section
15-11-10, and to locate the same on
ast side of said south-west quarter
of section 15 1110. the same was
granted and damage allowed to
owner thereof to the amount of if'.DO,
tli the understanding that all of
aid road shall be located on west
side of quarter-section line rtittninir
north and south between the south
west quarter and the south-east
juarter of said section.
structed to illustrate irrigation.
committee has already been chosen
to prepare it.
from rucfdiiii Daily
Joe Dove, a genial IlEKALDfriend,
who has been confined to his room
for the past wee 'in is convalescent.
It will probably be a week before
Mr. 1). will be able to resume his
work at the R & M. shops.
Chas. Sprague, who about twelve
vears since was a resident oi mis
ritv. niul who is now contractor on
- - j i
the X. W. li. li. is in the city to-day
Mr. S, has about twenty teams under
his immediate supervision.
Superintendent McClelland has
made a special effort to accomodate
pupils liviutr in the country that
desire to prepare for teaching. An
elective course has been proyldei
including all the common school
branches, in which thorough work
will be done for those desiring it
Doubtless many will avail them
selvesofthis opportunity to make
the necessary preparation.
The H. iV M. had an engine on the
road this morning that attracted
the attention of spectators, l lie
object is to test an attachment, by
which it is claimed the work can be
lone by the use. of 50 per cent less
coal, without the usual sparks issu
ing from the smoke-stack, with but
vety little smoke. In the event it
proves i. ; ."cessim, ii uounuess win
be a great improvement, and come
into universal use.
Sept. I. S(i.
Hoard met. Present A.C. Loder
nul Jacob Tritscli, commissioners,
when the following1 was done -
Hills allowed:
li A K I'ott, lViUlsiiioutli. ret't nf ttult
for Jury ... son
A t'liiik, imli-t' to p.iiir 5 is
P i !!:iti'i,Miiit court Innise 7h (hi
lUiuii'tt & l ull, iiiitsc i mtr ii i v
Western rtlioul Sc'iaper On, smi'ils... m oil
Cohi lull -1(1111 lli'tntt'lson ti JCI
Henry Hnrli, miie to pour iiou-o 15 no
HeuiiHIi y. Clink ,t Co, lumber at :
C tst bill. Ioiuc-1 llastt'int'ltvV llannohu HKI KO
() II Suyil'T. Unix' to poor le.msc XI lit)
Doc Wlirelur, repair well at poor li.tun'. L'5 W
HtilteJiiu.niilCo, "tiitliiuery ,T.' 00
W; Iter Ail.iins, nails I 75
Mueller A .lac"tw, rep tr road ei iper . . 1) no
Thte M. P. Run a Train.
The M. P. runs a train frwn here
to Union to-day, and the arrange.
ment in all probability will remain
so until after the state fair. It is
hoped that a contract wilt be made
anon, so that the road can ruu
directly to Omaha.
A New Enterprise.
Mr. John Herge, the genial South
Ilend pedagogue, has earnestly em
barked in the newspaper business
Havino- bouaht an entirely new
outfit of printing material and sup
plies he will launch forth a bran new
weekly paper devoted to the inte
rests of South Hend and Cass
county. We are informed that the
paper will be independent in poli
THE HkkALD is pleased to note
th s additional factor in the news
paper arena, and trusts that Mr
Herge will hnd the newspaper
career Uotn a pieasaiu anu prom
able one.
The IIekald office hns received a
circular descriptive of the "Turner
Storage and Receptacle" a device
invented by our former townsman,
G. W. Turner, as an attachment to
railroad cars,. for the purpose of
keeping a perfectly reliable record
of the car from the time it leaves the
shop until it returns for repairs,
Owinp- to the inconvenience that
would be caused all concerned, the
railroads can not always use their
own cars, and upon receiving a car
from another, each road must make
out n statement, detailing the con
dition of the car upon its arrival
This is necessary so that the ex
pense incurred for repairs may be
rhnro-ed to the road causing the
damage. According to the tuual
Commissioners' Proueedinns
PLATTSMMl'TH, Sept. 1, !!'.
Hoard met pursuant to adjourn
ment. Present A. C. Loder anil
Jacob Tritsch, commissioners, and
Hird Critchheld, county clerk, when
the following was done, to-wit:
Hills allowed:
Boot i Par rht, lumber $ 3 ill
8 H Shtinmker, pump to coin i house.. a f0
Wfsteru Wheel Kemper Co, wlieelnr to
llililct No:)
A 11 Knott, printing
.1 C'Ciiiumi'is ft Su. liauliiiR tiln
J C Cummins & Son. tilint,'
J A ll;HTineler, salary county pliyx'u
Smith I Intte. Lumber Co, lumber
J K Hieuilel, salary county physician
Mrs M 1) Black, rent of Jii(ln's elllcf... 3d 00
C S Twist-repair walk, Jail if
(! W Jioule, sal county sup't lul
Jacob Tritch, sal 4t exp's county coin. . . ;t7 00
A C Loder, 75 l)
Itlidt'i ltchlleld, salary and tax lift 3s
Hoard then took up the petition (if
J. F. Frendel, of Avoca, for the
granting of dispensation to Dr. '(J
G. Douglas, of Weeping Water.Xeb
to act as county physician of Third
district during said Hrendel's a
sence lrom tne state, ami the same
was granted.
Sept. 5, lSlfl.
Hoard met. Present -A. C. Loder
and Jacob Tritsch, commissioners,
when the following was done, to-wit:
Hill of C. I). Dundas & Son-
IKW.'-'O - building bridges, allowed.
The following list of names was
selected from which to draw the
petit jurors for the October term of
district court:
Tipton -Hans Wulf, Jacob Hursh
ind J.J. Hahr.
Greenwood -W. Hird and C. Houk.
Salt Creek -V. li. Haldwin, X. II
Meeker and li. C. Coleman.
Stove Creek Wm. Huster, W. S.
Wilcockson and L. I). Hells.
Klmwood- Phil Nickel, J. W. Con-
nally and C. F. Lau.
South Hend John Kleiser and J.
V. Herge.
W. W. Precinct-W. II. H. Cassell
and C. Russell.
Weeping Water First ward, S. M.
Holden. Second ward, Ii. K. Day
Third ward. C. C. Iladsell.
Center John lirhart and Win.
A. Houlon.
Louisville Frank Slander, li.Jen
kins and Theo Heim.
Avoea- John Corbet and i. (i
Mt. Pleasant Chits, lloedeker and
James Hall.
liight Mile (irove Jonathan
Adams, Phil Tritsch and S. L. Cecil
Liberty-Isaac Pollard, Geo. W.
Conrad, Ii. Murbhy and J. li. Mc
Rock HIulTs L. RusterholU, S. J.
Fleming, J. H. Holmes and J. G
Plattsinouth Precinct R. W
Long, L, C. W. Murray ami Jacob
Vallery, Jr.
I'lattsmoiith - First ward, A. Hach,
P. J. Hansen ami Steve Hu..ell
Second ward, George Trissler, 1'. Ii.
White and J. M. Patterson. Third
ward, R lilson, P. Miner, Chas.
Twiss and L. G. Larsen. Fourth
ward, Chas. Hansen, Joe KL'in ami
C. Petersen. Fifth ward, lid
( Miver and J. C. Williams.
Hoard then ndiotirned to meet
Friday, Sept. 11, 1S01.
Hlk'D Ckiu iifiixd,
County Clerk.
Ao Epistle from Jut iiII Written
Nnarty Forty Var Ago.
Alnmt forty years ngo tlm staid iuhab
ihttits of central New York took a ureut
liking to nn aetivo young surveyor who
lived in Rubury, n town in Dela
ware county. He arose early in tin'
11101 niiiif slid trumped over the hills nml
vake udj.icet t to where he lived. With
his surveying instruments lie took nu-as-ureiiic
nts, made iiuipn and found a ready
tale for the product of his activity and
Althoii!;h he w:w a piiirII youth he da !
a vigorous way aUmt him that pletiM-.l
the slow going fanners and deligiiie.l
even the loungers about the postollk'o
and grwery etuuliitied, to whom ho gave
"talks" on Saturday eveningH.
When he left the township and moved
away for good the local prophets saw
great things in store for him, and pre
dicted that some day ho might have
been a selectman of the village if he had
remained, hut they forgot him for years
and only recalled his presence when his
identity with Jay Gould, the famous
financier, was proved t j their astonish
ment. Uoln-rt Fullurton keeps an "old curi
osity shop" on Third avenue near Iiight-
eenth street, where almost any queer
odd sort of thing can bo discovered.
Among the treiimires shown a reporter
was a letter written in 1851 by this saino
young Btirveyor, who could now doubt-
less cash in his assets for a round f 100,-
0110,000, if ho felt so disposed. In tspito
of the fact that Mr. Gould spelled "tres
pass,' 'harutiuitrical" and "damage" iu
a unique way and scattered capital lot
ters to suit himself, the letter looksthor
oughly businesslike, and It may be pre
sumed that Judge Sherman loaned the
"level" he possessed, and that it was re
turned to him in proficr condition.
Tho fact that even as a young man lie
was "connected" with the Nowlmrg and
Syracuse railroad showed his early long
ing for the business in which lie has
made himself known all over tho world.
"It's curious," said Mr. Fullurton,
but you will notice that ho was nut
only connected with one road, but lie
could not rest until he had examined
another route through West Settlement
and Purcs lirook. That ho did things
thoroughly is evident. Tho handwriting
is none of your off hand affairs, but ono
can seo the exactness with winch every
"t" is crossed and tho care with which,
after tho letter is written, words were
inserted to allow of no mistake. The
politeness and auxiety in tho last para
graph of the letter proper are alsoappar
ent, such as an enthusiastic boy could
not fall to put in, knowing that a person
of Judge Sherman's position would be
accustomed to respect as a judge.
"He was also careful to add 'judge at
the beginning, so m to give the recipient
the thrill of pleasure popularly supposed
to mildly shock every tiersou with a
handle to his name. A postscript always
adds to the effect of a letter, for a man
who might thro v away a begging epistle
cannot resist glancing at a postscript,
and the offer of pay for the nso of tho in
strument finished the note.
"lie had evidently not intended to
offer any money nt first, but the thought
of a possible refusal and tho need of an
other anneal probably settled tho mat ter,
It could do no harm, anyway. her
York World.
When in Plattsinouth md you
need any books or stationery, Jdoti'l
fail to call on J. P. Y oung he will-
avc you money in all lines of goodn
Yon will find a large line of micella
:111011s, Gift, ami Juvenile books.
Musical goode, also ;KKH) pieces or
10c sheet niusice to select from, -give
Phil a call and save money.
To give 1 111 i r
mnl luxuriant
Iliiir Renewer.
a beautifi 1. gloe.- y
grtith' tr Heggs'
Sold by Hi n ti
What My Botau Savs. ,
"That be was first attracted to 1 1
because ' my cr.inpieNlion was s
clear and 111 v breath so sweet and
li' found out about inv wueti
when when be kissed me, und
now gil ls 1 11 tell you how l mrde
111 y complexion so dear: I took just
three bottle id llaller's Sarsaparilla
Hiirdock that's all. For sale by
all Druggists.
Itch oil human and horses and all
annuals cured in II, minutes by
Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This
never fails, Sold by F, G. Fricke A.
Co., druggist, Plattsinouth. wtf.
Something About Renof'ctors
We (dteu read that .'He was a real
benefactor to the human race." With
good reason could this be applied
to tiny one who contributes to the
lessening of tlie evils to winch tlesli
is heir to. Rheumatism and choruic
lieadache have been classed as
impossible of cure, yet science has;
finally demonstrated that they CAN
lie cured. Ilaller s I'ain Paralyser,
taken iu conjunction with llaller's
German Pills, have cITected most
extraordinary cures and has made
life a comfort to many, who never
Imped for relief. For sale by all
Sleepness night made miserable
y that terrible caugh Shilolis rem
ily is the cure lor you, Py l ti
I rick. and O II Snyder. 2
Humane Sscloty's Work.
In all largecities are branches of
the Humane Society founded by
Hctg. A horse is discovered badly
oalled, or is cut or injured, at once
a society member coiiuuands its
rest and the immediate npplientien
of llaller's Harb Wire Liniment,
which rxperience has shown is the
best remedy made, ror sale py an
That lLickingCough can soquiek-
ly cured by Shilolfs cure. Yc
guarantee it, I'or Sale by h. t.
Fricke and O 11 Miyucr. 1
Heggs' Little Giant Pills are the
surest, best and salest. fokl Py
Hrown Ac Karrett.
Swallow and letideii-hued coni-
plextiun scon give places to the
loveliest luiiK-aiKi-wnun, wnen me
use of irycr's Sarsaparilla is per
sisted in, and cosinetice entirely
nbandoned. Nothing cm counter-
lit the rosy glow of perfect health
which blesses those who use thfrt
For hair that is falling out or
turning gray, try Heggs J lair Ke
newer, .sold py UrowiuVMarreti.
Will you suffer with Dyspepsia
und Liver Complaint? Shiloli s V it-
alizcr is guarantced-jo cure you. &
1 (HI
0 0(1
i: 00
IS eu
I'j no
Sept. 2, is.)l
Hoard met. Present A. C. Ioder
and Jacob Tritsch, commissioners,
when the following was done
Hills allowed:
E rainier, mdse tn poor it to
J C Eikrnlinry, keeping otr house l;w 2s
8 FOborn, votliiK booths (or county ... Ilt'J ol
II R Murpliy & Co, mdse to poor 43 65
(leo Splcer, r pairing bridge 17 25
l'teter Janjen, rent (or poor 15 so
Btoml'T Bro, mde topoor 1 0
Coxt blll-HUte vi Jacob Krumliortz.... IS 25
Ctst bill State Mastou M 40
WiuTliihe. b'dnnsudf'din! irti . .. .. 111 to
Hoard then took up petition for
road running on north side of the
C. R. I. & P. K. R., beginning at the
south-west corner of section 15-11-10,
running thence into Murdock. The
same was granted, without damage,
as there were uone filed i the time
Labor Day.
Labor day passed out with but
little notice; in this place, excepting
that business was suspended in a
measure. It was quite generally
observed, however, throughout this
ind adjacent states. Iu the larger
cities, bands of music, processions
and speaking helped to enliven and
appropriately observe the day.
This move is right, it should be
declared a national holiday, and
and observed by all classes as
fittingly and carefully as are any
of our great holidays.
Man I it Monument Itulliliiis Crcuturw
Mr. .Tatties Ricnlton, writing of tho
wonderful old ruins of monuments and
uliriiiea at Aimradltanura. tho City of
tint Sacred Uo-Tivo in Ceylon, says
"From Uui days of tho mound builders
down to tho KifTel tow r muii has shown
himself to ho a monument erecting 1m
tn''; llio UiriHiians navo inoir came-
drals, tho Mohammedans have their
mosoucs ami tho Duddhists have their
shrine tombs, dnsiinatud differently in
different countries as pagoda, tojio and
The paL'odxi of China aro entirely
dissimilar tothoaoof Hurmali, aud tli
duaohas of Ceylon are quito uiiliko thoso
in either country; yet all servo the ono
purpose of relio sepult ure, lhey are nc
altogether a thing of the past; they aro
still erected near the temples, but those
of modern construction are small and
unimportant when compared with those
that have withstood biennial monsoons
for 2.000 years; even their half buned
ruins are stupendous."
The mildest, pleasantest, safes
and surest laxative in the world in
Heggs' Little Giants. We guaran
tee every bottle. Sold by Hrown St
Sehool Books Supplies
Remember J. P. Young is prepared
to supply you will! sctiooi hooks
for county districts ami win sen
vim from ID to 25 percent on new
Looks, on supplies I can also save
you good money. Dont fad to call
at J. P. Young's before purchasing
elsewhere as it will be to your inte
rest, w-lt
o l-iA
TheG. A. R at Nebraska City.
The Grand Army of the Republic
encampment opened in Nebraska
Citv this morning. The members
of the post in our neighboring
town have completed all arrange
meats and indications point to a
successful reunion and a profitable
time. Tents have been placed 011
the grounds by the hundreds and
ample accommodations prepared
for all. The W. R. C. has a larg
tent, to be used as a dining hall and
hendmuirters tent. Doubtless
many old soldiers from this city
will attend the encampment.
Tlity Wo rati I p the Drum.
Among the Samoiedes and tho tribes
of northern Asiatic liussia the drum
passes almost to an idol. They address
it, erect it in their hut, and the priests
of tho superstition by tho aid or tuo ui-
viuo instrument ellect that magical
"disappearance" which has puzzled all
travelers from Sir Hugh Willoughby
downward to account for, and has given
rise to as much guesswork at its eluci
dation as the feats of the Indian jug
glers. Tlie Samoiedo, after heating his
drum and working up the senses or ins
spectators to a pitch of great excite
ment, mysteriously vanishes into tmn
air before the eyes of all. Civilized
travelers naturally hold that it is a
trick. The Samoiedes themselves de
clare that the power resides in the drum
idol. The peculiar thing is that neither
one party nor the other has been able to
explain how the vanishing t occur.
Chambers' Jourind.
f tt'-Jii I Hnenc
S&Ak THIS preparation, wifh-
i ' out injury, removes
rimplt-fl, ldaeU-IIerds, Hunburu
and Tun. A few applications will ren
der the moft stubbornly red ekia soft,
smooth and white. lola Cream i
not a paint or p'wdr to cover defcctH,
but a remedy tocttr t. It is etiperior ti
till other prepprnfuiiw, and is piaranteed
to g vo sat ;sftu;t:ou. A t druggists or mull
ed for CO cents. Prepared by . .
ToM. Ohio. ii. V. lilTTXIB :
Mrs. L. K. Skinner age 7o year
died at 10 o'clock a. 111. to-day. The
funeral will be held at the residence
of C. M. Hutler Thursday at 2, p. m.
A cordial invitation is extended to
Mr. Skinner is a mother of
Mesdames Wash Smith and C. M.
Hutler, and quite well known in the
city. She was recently brought to
this city from Har Harbor Michi
gan with a hope of recuperating her
health, but owing to her advanced
age and feeble condition, the change
availed but little.
Wheo W001I Decay.
Testa have been made to determine the
variations in the length of time that is
required to produce decay in different
kinds of woods when buned uuaer tne
surface of the ground. The fcirch and
aspen were both found to decay in three
years, the willow ana the buckeye in
four years, the maple aud the red beech
in five years, elm and ash in seven, while
tbo larch, juniper and arbor vit were
uninjured at the expiration ol elgnt
yean. St. Louis Republic
Ad Accommodating Employer.
Charlie Youagnoodl (stock clerk)
Mr. Dusto, can I go on the road?
Employer I have no particular objec
tion, Charlie, if you prefer it to the aide
walk. Jewelers' Circular.
XT 1.. nnM.. .f 4i Umrf
Blanket is imitated in color and
style. In most cases the imitation
looks just as good as the genuine,
but it hasn't the warp threads, and
so lacks strength, and while it sells
for only a little less than the genu
ine it isn't worth one-half as much.
The fact that sk Horse Blankets
are copied is strong evidence
that they are THE STANDARD,
and every buyer should see that
the & trade mark is sewed on
the inside of the Blanket.
IrZ3 f Flva Mile
price to suit evoryUdy. If you r-"'
'.Is.T.i from your dealor, write us. '
tlie 5a Honk. You .an get it witli.-u..-