Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, September 04, 1891, Image 7

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' 11
New Swindle.
have discovered a new
VTWlllrtln that clmiri i n
uuv,..a fcicau lut-muiy
ng tne criminals practicing it. and
irely novel. It is another evidence
-lie deep cunning of thieves, which
'Vbeen rendered kemi
i' oeen
'IT f live
1 I1 new
X f-nbrol
use competition among the class
e on the confidence of others.
new swindle takes in the cunning
n s jvnorouers and the astute police detect
ij ivea and is a marvel of artistic crime.
M The scheme is Jin follows? A nvin n-lin
bears a good reputation, but whose mo
rality is below the average, buys a fine
gold watch, which is distinctly marked,
so that it can be easily identified. He is
in league with a swindler, who takes the
watch and pawns it, then skips out witli
He money, The owner of the watch
roes to the police, tells a plausible tale
k Vow lie was robbed and leaves a do
IS,...:. . i . .
'uuu 01 nis property, it is soou
ml in the nawnshon and recovered.
ot practiced too often it is a very
d swindle. Confidence tnen without
cal habitation travel around the conn-
ry practicing this swindle. It is per-
ctly safe.
One represents himself as a traveling
nan, a railroad man or some other bird
f passage, and the other is the unknown
rHif. It is believed that this swindle has
jiefen practiced successfully for some
time, but the police are now "watch
ing" f jr suspicious "cases." St. Louis
. - Lively Ituss in Greenwood Lake.
Joseph R. Buchanan, of the American
Fress Association, is spending the sum
mer at Greenwood lake, and he goes out
fishing almost every evening. Wednes
day night a boy was waitiug for him
with his tackle when the up traiu reached
the lake.
9 Mr. Buchanan began casting frogs on
J the way to his boarding house, nnd failed
J to get a single strike. As he was Hearing
i, his boarding house, in passing up West
y Milford creek, which empties into the
lake, a bass broke water near tho blade
of one of his oars, and at the same in
stant the .boy, who was sitting on the
stern seat, shouted, "A bassl a bass!"
Something was flapping in the boat,
and upon lighting a match for it was
dark Mr. Buchanan found that he had
secured a larcw month hasa WHiyhinor nun
I and a half nounds. The bov said that
jVhe fish struck him on the breast. Mr.
vhanau thinks tne ash jumped at least
1 feet out of the water, and would
'le crone comnletelv over the boat had
hit the boy. Cor. New York Sun.
liurclara lu iteclu' Home.
t'lcitizen Elisoe Reclus. the eminent
V ifographer and inveterate revolutionist,
1 . I i lt- ... ..1 .,.!..
wt in luck just now. Only recently
F ' A A nnilimln diini , 1 tut noiiitii- K vi i r
,varding its biennial prize of 200,000
francs, and now his habitation has been
ransacked entirely, durinir his absence.
hv bnrclam. What thn malefactors ex-
pected to find in the abode of the hard
; - o i -
l'tinguished labors, is known to have
(massed but few of this world's good3,it
i difficult to say.
They, however, broke into his little
ifo at Sevres, forced open all the locks
yIM MllUnilCU lllOSli Ul lilt) 1UIU1U1IB.
I fortunately for the ends of justice a
i .1 l. .. 1 l . r xi. f . : .
4-psV, tchma'n on duty near by who saw
iscoy its in tne House had his wits about
leJTiUi. Armed with a spade, he waited
i'or the burglars to come out, and felled
) one of them to the ground with his
il weapon. Tho others escaped, but will
1 1 doubtless be discovered through the in
) Btrumentality of the man in custody.
f ..Paris Cor. London Telegraph.
t h liniilanger'i Friend's Will.
Fuller details respecti ng the will of the
y late Mine, de Bonneinains, .Gen. Bou
; langer's friend, are now published. She
inherited from her aunt 30,000, of which
f Ashe only enjoyed the interest, the prin-
VK cipal being bound up strictly, home
' fyionths after the death of her relative
Alrne. de Bonneinains mortgaged for
0 flO.OOO francs half of the "nue propriete"
f or unufruct of her inheritance, thus
'A Ipavinff nnlv 18 000. This Bum kIib hus
iiowleft toMme. Dutens, her universal
l"gatee, who has to pay the charges on
fry comprising bequests amounting to
1 000 francs and dutiec The legatee is
also to pay the debts of the testatrix,
n hich are said to be considerable. Lon
din Telegraph.
Her Eye Fat Out by s Quail.
Passengers arriving from Jackson,
Utiss., report a strange accident occur
ring on a train of the Yazoo Valley rail
way, a branch of the Illinois Central,
i Monday. As the train was passing
. ''4;iOU8h a field a frightened quail flew
a 1 1 . .1 A ... 1 1
la mrouKU a wiuuuw uu su ut nu ageu
la-dy in the face with such force as to
destroy one of her eyes. The bird was
instantly killed. Vicksburg Cor. St.
Louis Republic
t 'Uneasy indeed must be the conscience
I of an inartistic tailor in Keyport, N. J.
A TTfi tnniU H ctiif fnr a Ttanpdipf mid nil
hi night of the wedding over 200 guests
' re assembled at tne Druie s nouse. i ne
ur for the ceremony was near, but the
xn did not come. Fancy the disnp
ntment of the assemblage when the
. TTi-i 1rt uffr fwni vinrr tills Arid;!
"- B -
f ' Ho us note, "I can't come, as my wed
( .'.i;. r oni ia n fit 1
' Ul&lg DUl ID im VTtUiVllUVA Jit.
A shoemaker at Manchester, N. H.,
has. an order for a pair of shors which
are to be twenty-one inches long and
eig',ht inches across the ball of the foot.
Tliuy are for a North Carolina clergy
main. T he house owned by Moliere's widow,
Arniande Bejart, the actress, is still
Stan ding in Mendon, near Paris, and has
just been classed among the historic
mon uments of France.
. Ai noug recent inventions is an auto-
:iti c electrical pump. It shuts off by a
closing switch when the tank is
and starts again just before the
becomes empty.
new American machine, recently
iatei ated, is designed for the rolling ol
front inuous steel sheets with an aim to
ftavetl by Hi ThlnneM.
Usually when a man has been rnnover
by an engine and a train of five cars the
coroner sits on what is left of him. With
the exception of the coroner's inquest,
that is what happened to Jacob Kahn.
Nevertheless he is nono the worse for
his remarkable experience. Nature made
Kahn a very thin man, and to this fact
he owes lis life. Kahn is about twenty
two years old, and m -journeyman
baker. Ho is nut very tall, but his thin-
i ness is a standing joke in the neighbor
Being good natnred, it never angered
him, and he was wont to laugh and re
ply that some day they would envy hiio
for being slender. About 7 o'clock he
was talking to some acquaintances at
Second street and Uemantown avenue,
when a shifting engiue, drawing five
heavy freight cars, came along. Just at
it was almost opposite to him Kahn step
ped right between tho tracks. A dozen
people shouted and screamed, and Kahn
saw his danger. Whether he suddenly
realized that bis remarkable thinness
might be the means of saving his life, oi
whether it was merely fright is not
known, but he fell fl:vt on his face as the
engine came up and passed over hiin.
The engineer could not stop and went
right on, while the people stood trans
fixed with horror. The five cars passed
over him. A policeman and a big crowd
ran into the street to gather up the
mangled corpse. Imagine their surprise
when Kahn jumped up, apparently un
hurt, brushing the dust from his new
trousers. Philadelphia Press.
Another War Dlble Story.
George Althisar, a veteran of the war
and now filling the place of letter car
rier at the postoffice in Port Jervis, at
tended the Grand Army reunion at De
troit, and took occasion while there to
restore to a comrade a long lost Bible with
an interesting history. The Bible was
originally a gift to David Webster, a
Michigan tolunteer, from his mother on
the eve of his departure for Virginia in
ItiGl. Webster lost the book at the sec
ond battle of Bull Run.
It fell into the hands of a Confederate
soldier of Stonewall Jackson's command
named Hayes.. Following the moth
er's inscription to her son on the fly
leaf the soldier wrote a brief statement
of the circumstances under which it
came into his possession. lie abandoned
his knapsack containing the book on the
battlefield at Bristows station.
Althisar picked the volume up and
had carefully preserved it for twenty
six years as an interesting relic of a des
perately fought battle. He was for
tunate in finding Comrade Webster at
the Detroit reunion and in restoring to
him a relio doubly precious because the
mother who gave it had died. Cor.
New York Sun.
Swarmed on the Farmer.
Peter Gross, who lives near York
Springs, Md., had been working hard
all the morning and about 10 o'clock
concluded to take a nap under a cherry
tree. He had jnst fallen into a doze
when he heard a buzzing sound. He
awoke to find a hive of his own bees
swarming on his head. Rushing into
the field he thonght that by covering his
head with earth ho could get rid of
them. But that did not have tho desired
Being on the crest of one of the high
hills which surround his house, he then
threw himself on the ground, gave his
body a shove and down he went, rolling
over stones, sticks and bushes, until at
last he reached the -kitchen door. By
that time the bees had left him, and, al
though he was very much cut and
bruised, none of the wounds were seri
ous. Baltimore American.
Remarkable Growth of Tobacco.
J. W. Cook came in Saturday and told
about some tobacco he is raising. Last
year he raised a crop of the weed, and
after lie cut it in the fall suckers grew
out from the stumps. These suckers re
tained their vitality all winter and in the
spring began growing with increased
vigor. Mr. Cook pruned them down to
one to the hill and cultivated the crop.
He says it is just as good as the crop he
planted last spring, the leaves being
broad and heavy, instead of narrow and
peaked as the leaves of suckers usually
are. Elsberry (Mo.) Advance.
A Mean Swindle.
Newark, N. J., has a man with a novel
idea of the installment plan. He sells a
clock for one dollar down and fifty cents
a week. In a couple of days he visits
the buyer, saying that his employer had
sent a clock which had not been tested,
and therefore might not keep good time.
Then he takes the timepiece away, prom
ising to bring another next day, but
never shows up. There are about a
dozen cases of this kind charged to his
account in Newark alone. Philadelphia
A Bra Sewing Machine.
A sewing machine that was exhibited
in Boston a few days ago stitched easily
and rapidly through layers of leather five
eighths of an inch in thickness. In a
second trial stitches were made evenly
and rapidly through a piece of birds
eye maple three-eighths of an inch thick,
and in a third test the machine sewed
through a layer of brass one-eighth of
an inch thick, placed between pieces of
leather. New York Journal.
A recent order from an Australian
firm for 20,000,000 feet of lumber will
require twenty-five large vessels to carry
it. Recent extensive developments in
mining interests in Central and South
America have led to large shipments ot
timber from this country.
Boys in Crawfordsviile, Ind., have a
balloon parachute craze, and cats are
daily sent up, the parachute being so ar
ranged that it will detach itself from the
balloon at a certain time. The cats are
not taking kindly to this aeronautic
The famous manufactory of porcelain
at Sevres is likely to be closed. Tiie
sale of this style of china is said to have
fallen off so greatly as to make the mau
nfacture of it unremunerative.
i rire.
In a recent western fire ltws again
dwaionstraU'd in the clearest manner
possible that California redwood as a
building material comes nearer being
fireproof than almost any other Material
of which building are constructed. In
this instance a firo broke out in the up
per part of a one story building while
th wind was blowing a gale that war
recorded at the United States signal sta
tion as moving at tlio average rate of
thirty miles an hour. But notwithstand
ing this, and the fact that it was several
minutes before water was' gut to the
building, the fir laths under the plaster
were burned dowuward nearly to the
floor, and whole squares of the side plas
tering were thus loosened and fell in be
fore the fire had burned through the
thin redwood shingle roof.
It was a most wonderful illustration
of the fire resistiug qualities of redwood.
Had the whole building been as com
bustible as the laths nothing could have
saved the city. The roof was old and as
thoroughly ready for the flames as red
wood ever becomes, yet the fact remains
that it resisted the ignition, and bystand
ers could see a seething furnace of
flames through the apertures under the
eaves, while nothing but smoke issued
through the roof. The peculiar manner
in which redwood smothers flame and
prevents its flashing forth is an impor
tant fact in suppressing conflagrations,
as fires are conimunicatfd to neighbor
ing buildings by means of the external
flames and sparks which they seud up.
Chicago News.
IIow to lie Ilnppy in Summer.
Batho early and often.
Seek cool, shady nooks.
Wear lightest, lowest shoes.
Ride at morn and walk at eve.
Believe that waiters are human.
Let hats be light and bonnets airy.
Eschew kid gloves and linen collars.
DrebS in cambrics, lawns and ging
hams. Bo lavish with laundresses, fruit men
and faus.
Court the sea breezes, but avoid the
hot sands.
Stir up the sweet and give small place
to the bitter.
Let melons precede and berries follow
the breakfast.
Remember that seeming idleness is
sometimes gain.
Retire when in the mood and arise
when most inclined.
Order freshest fish and corn cake;
never mind the heavy fri; .ers.
Remember that nine-tenths of the peo
ple are at the seashore for rest.
If you feel like doing a good deed,
treat a dozen street children to ice cream.
That is mission work.
Look pleasantly at the tired stranger
who glances wistfully at the part of
your car seat not occupied. Ladies'
Home Journal.
Monument Opened at Fompell.
Two important monuments in Pompeii
have now been opened to the public, af t
er remaking closed for the .last thirty
years because they were used as deposits
of art. They are the temple dedicated
to Augustus and the Women's baths.
The latter is the only building in Pom
peii in which are preserved intact, with
out any restoration, the ceilings of the
rooms, the pavement of the tepidarinm
is also intact. In the temple only one
object but that of great value to art
is preserved, the altar on which sacri
fices were offered up. It is of marble,
perfect in all its parts, covered with rich
bas reliefs, representing the different
forms and incidents of sacrifice. On one
side is represented a virgin scattering
incewover the altar, while the sacri
cial Ufill is brought up in a procession of
priests and musicians. On the other
side are scirfpfured a wreath of oak
leaves and two branches of laurel. Lon
don News.
Collecting a Debt.
A Gardiner man collected a bill of
$2.10 the other day and feels well over
his success. He rode ten miles into the
country and found his debtor in the hay
field just about to pitch on a load of hay.
"The money is up to the house," ex
plained the farmer, "and I'll get it just
as soon as I get in this load of hay. Do
you mind getting on and building the
load?" The Gardiner man got on and
when he reached the barn he found the
lady of the house, who had charge of the
money, out blueberrying. So he stayed
and built another load and then got his
money. Some folks think he had earned
it. Kennebec (Me.) Reporter.
A Small Hoy Suffers Under the Law.
One of the cases where injustice may
be legally done was witnessed here re
cently. Ervin Hodgdon, a little boy
who knew nothing of the fish law, saw a
large trout in the Monsam and managed
to catch it with an unbaited hook. For
this he was arrested by Fish Warden
Lord, of Acton, carried to Biddeford,
and fined twenty-six dwllars and costs,
amounting to forty dollars. Springvale
(Me.) Advocate
Photographed by Lightning.
When Charles Tunnison and Ed Cald
well were killed by a stroke of lightning
at the ball game at Warren, O., they
were sitting beneath a tree. On the chest
of Tunnison, the white man, the under
taker found photographed, apparently by
the flash, upon the skin, the image of a
branch of a tree and its twigs. The
strange freak is the talk of the town.
Cincinnati Commercial-Gazette.
Four Little Girl Kill 37 Snake.
Four little girls went berrying on
WTard's hill, in Winsted, Tuesday, and
encountered a nest of thirty -eight snakes.
They succeeded in killing thirty-seven of
them, the largest one 3 feet and 9 inches
long. On Wednesday the girls went
over the same ground and killed three
more of the same kind of snakes. New
Haven Register.
L'aeful at Well a Ornamental.
The man who lost his false teeth at the
depot a few days ago can have his prop
erty by applying at the conductors'
room, where they are now doing duty as
paper weight. Springfield Republican.
Wood That RhIiU
And the FrlglitriK-.l Hoy Fairly Flew.
Adir'vfaiv l btiV bnv. ii. eased in a
single garment of shreds and patches,
was caught clinging to the rear end ol a
train th;.t tolled into the Orniid Central
station a few n:.,i:ts He was about
four years old and si" ,li for Ins age. In
the expressive l;:ng .iigeof a Westchester
farmer, "ho didn't look much l;i0',,vi'n a
jngo' cider." A zealous trainman espied
the tiny lad before ho could dismount
from bis dangerous perch on the car J
platform. A policeman was summoned ;
and lliu arrest of the marauder was do- i
manded. The boys who catch on trains 1
are a nuisance and should be punish, d
maintained tho trainman. A polite;
officer 0 feet 3 inches in height and
broad in proportion, took bold of one of
the child's arms with his thumb and .
forefinger and marched the little culpt it ,
almost the etitirj length of the long sta-
tion, a crowd of fifty or more people t.l
Some of the people uttered indignant i
and sarcastic remarks, such us "Do you !
want any help, officer?" "Look out, Mr.
Policeman; he'll trip you up." But the
oflker paid no attention to tho crowd.
He grimly marched his prisoner to the
Forty-second street exit of the station,
and with a twinkle in his eye ho lifted
the child in hi arms and addressed him
sternly thus: "Prisoner at the bur, ymi
nave been arrested. But this is yer first
oflinse. If yuse gits arrested agin you'll
be punished till the full extint of tho
law. Now git." The youngster got nit
of sight in t he throb of a second. New
York Times.
Guunlliin of the .lull In India.
The jail fixed establishment consisted
of a native jailer, with deputies and a i
few paid warders, with a semiinilitary
guard for sentry work, armed with
muskets and provided with ammunition,
most of which was so old and damp from
the climate that it had to bo destroyed
periodically. They were commanded
uud drilled by a handsome old pensioned
Bubahdar (native officer). This old gen
tleman wore u collar of gold beads round
his neck, and over his dress of spotless
white an embroidered sword belt sup
ported a native sword in .1 green and
gold scabbard, lie was a striking look
ing old man, with strict notions of dis
cipline aud duty. His father had been at
Plassy with Clivo.
It was part of this officer's duty to
make his morning report at tho magis
trate's house, if the magistrate had not
had time to go to tho jail on his morn
ing round. His usual report was brief
and emphatic. "My lord, the jail is all
well." One morning he continued it
thus: "Be it known to your lordship
that the jail cat has had five kittens.
Will your lordship order that the cat
have an extra ration of milk?" This ho
said in the gravest voice, with his hand
still at his forehead in military salute.
When the order was given for the cat's
extra ration he marched off without the
shadow of a smile on his face, while the
magistrate remained almost convulsed
with suppressed laughter. National Re
view. Taiianin Hat.
Panama hats are so named from the
circumstance of their being shipped
from the port of Panama. They are
manufactured in Ecuador and the neigh
boring states. The material used is tho
fiber of the l-3af of the screw pine, which
is related to the palms. It grows only
on the slopes of the Andes. The tree is
described as having no trunk. The
leaves are on slender steins that spring
from the ground. They are about two
feet long, fan shaped and four parted.
Each of the segments is ten cleft, so that
when the leaf is folded, as in the bud.
there are eighty layers.
The fiber of these leaves is finely
plaited, and each hat consists of a single
piece of work. The plaiting of tho hats
in a slow and tiresome process. Coarse
hats may be finished in two or three
days, but the fine one takes as many
months. The work is begun at the
crown and finished at the brim. The
hat is made on a block, which is placed
on the knees, and hus to be constantly
pressed with the breast.
About 200,000 dozens of these hats are
made every year. The price varies ac
cording to the firmness of the material
and the quality of the work. They are
valued at from $5 to $100. Youth's Com
panion. How Old the Earth I.
Dr. Haughton, calculating from the
observed thickness of the rocks down to
the miocenn tertiary, and assuming a
period of 8,610 years for each foot de
posited on the ocean bed, finds, for the
age of the stratified rocks, a period of
1,526,750,000 years., Assuming the rate
of denudation, however, as ten times
greater in ancient times than at present,
and adding one-third for the period since
the miocene tertiary, he arrives at a fiual
result of 200,000.000 years. Dr. Croll
doubts the validity of Professor Haugh
ton's assumptions, especially the total
thickness he assumes, namely, 177,200
feet, or over thirty-three miles. Gentle
man's Magazina
Sugar Id Clover.
An enthusiast on the subject states
that each head of clover is composed of
about sixty distinct fLwer tubes, and
each of these contain sugar not to ex
ceed the five-hundredth part of a grain.
The proboscis of the honey bee must,
therefore, be inserted into 500 clover
tubes before one grain of sugar can be
obtained. There are 7,000 grains in a
pound, and as honey contains three
fourths of its weight of dry sugar each
pound of clover honey would represent
the insertion of its proboscis into 2,500,
000 clover heads. New York Telegram.
A Drntructlve Scarecrow.
Since the corn canning shops com
menced operations in Maine the fanners
have found a brand new defense against
crows. They corral whole baskelf uls of
the disdarded tin scraps and next day
hundreds of poles toss ami flaunt a daz
zling array of adornments in the eye of
the sun. This will scare crows, horses
and cows, and when travelers find them
selves in the gutter with the carriage on
top, they at once understand that a tin
field is in view. Lewieton Journal
An Army of Ant.
Silently, deadly and irresistibly mov
these battalions; out of the folVbt, down,
into, across and up the ditch, through
the boma (wood Ftockade), across the
square, and into every nook and cranny
conceivable they swarmed. The first j
notice (they generally came at night)
would be a loud yell from some of the
men, "LooJ' out! Slain!" There would
be no more ideep that night
After experience gained we found it
the best plan to clear out of our houses,
rush into the square and build rings of
tire around us. To put on oue's clothes
was to get bitten by dozens all over out's
body unless the garments had been first
thoroughly smoked over a fire. Every
uow and then yells aud curses told how a
lazy one had got caught in his buuk.
The walls of the huts, the roofs and floor
were simply cue seething mass of strug
gling ants.
They were after the cockroaches, mice
and insects that had taken up their abode
in tho roots. Now and then squeaks of
young mice told their story. As fast as
the nut found their load, generally a
cockroach, they would make off down
tho hill in long lines. Luckily they never
touched our granaries; they seemed to
prefer animal food. Toward morning
there would only be a few thousand lost
ones, aimlessly tearing about, apparently
looking for tho main body which had
just decamped.
Usually these raids onus were made
after a raiustorm; many of them came
into the fort already staggering under
loads; these appeared to wander about
till tlie others were ready. Next day
not a cockroach could be found in the
pjace, so that the ants did us a service
n ridding us of these pests. The rats
had decamped also, and did not return
for some days. Nineteenth Century.
The "Lightning Arrvnter."
To tho uninitiated it is a great puzzle
how tho dangers of lightning are ar
rested where there are so many con
ductors of electricity as there are in a
telegraph office. More than 2,000 wires
enter the big Western Union building in
New York city, aud from one to a thou
sand in other offices of that company
throughout the United States. Each of
these wires run more or less directly to
the desks of the operators. This being
the case, how do they guard against dan
ger from lightning during times of great
electrical disturbances? Even when less
electric attractions are wanting most
people confess to a certain feeling of in
security when the elements rage and
wake np terrifying flashes of forked
fury. But science has provided an an
swer to the question asked above, as
well as to almost all other puzzles which
stand in the way of human progress.
Every wire as it enters a building
passes through the bottom of a long,
narrow board, and then again through
it at the top. This board is the "light
ning urrester.' If the current is heavy
tho first effect of the board is to deprive
it of much of its force. Should tin- first
contact with the "arrester" faU to (lim
inate tho lightning of ita fatal powers it
passes on to the top of the board and
touches a spring which communicates
with a "drop," instuntly shutting off all
connection with the operating room.
Tho spring is called the "pliv-h magnet,"
and beyond it no overcharge of light
ning, whether proceeding from a storin
or from contact with other wires, can
possibly go. St. Louis Republic.
Doge Help Each Other to Drink.
The fountain on the Clark street side
of the county building was the Ecene of
a very funny incident the other after
noon. Two dogs, water spaniels, were
trotting north when they came to this
place and stopped for a drink. They
were both thirsty, but neither was tall
enough to reach the trough, and they
talked the matter over as dogs will, and
wondered why they had not been treated
with as much consideration as had the
horses. Presently they solved tho prob
lem. One of them ranged himself under the
edge of the trough, and the other, rest
ing his fore feet upon his companion's
back, was able to roach into the pool and
slake his thirst. When he had finished
he hop)ed down, seemed to say the wa
ter was good, and then in turn ranged
himself under the edgoof the fountain
and the other reached np for the drink
he hnd earned. When he was satisfied
they trotted away together, as well con
tented as any man could be who had
met a problem and vanquished it. Chi
cago Herald.
Fan In Japan.
One of the necessities of life in Japan
consists of the fan, of which there are
two kinds the folding and the non
folding fan. Paper enters largely into
their composition. Bamboo forms a ma
terial very handy for the framework of
the cheaper kinds. The paper is either
decorated with paintings in all the dif
ferent styles of Japanese art, or else
brightly colored and sprinkled over with
silver and gold leaves. These fans are
manufactured of all possible qualities
and prices, the richest and largest being
used for ceremonial dances, where they
form accessories of great importance.
The place most noted for its produc
tion in fans Is Nagoya, and superior ones
are made at Kiyoto, while the inferior
descriptions come from Fushimi and
Tokio. Several millions of fans are ex
ported annually from Japan to America
and Europe. Paper MilL
When Silk Wa Costly.
When silk was first worn In England
two mantles on the shoulders of noble
ladies belonging to Elizabeth's court at
tracted more attention than even the
queen. The manufacture of goods from
raw silk began in England in 1G04, ant,
was brought to perfection by the Hugue
not refugees in 1088. Eveu at that time,
however, silk was very costly, a pair of
stockings costing in our money a little
over $100, a cloak a little less than f 1,000.
Among the 8,0."52 dresses left by Eliza
beth at her death only twelve were of
silk, uud Leicester, more than his knight
hood, prided himself on a pair of silk
breeches which he had imported from
Italy at an expense of over fo00. St
Louis Globe-Democrat.
A Convenient and ITetty A fMm tot ti
This Is a very com. ri-'n, pre: y and
useful article to hang i, a sitting -oom,
or on tho outside wall t.f a !iOiife un-lcr
the shade of a piazu- root, to ntUdi the
pupers, which, for want ui k entiveiilent
receptacle, aro apt to lie t 'u'.trred
the floor.
Cut for tho foundation - a yuve ,
twenty-four inches long and fn-rti-on
wide of straw matting, coft'ee-siu Ui i,-,
very course foundation muslin, or any
thing of this sort that can be doublet
without breaking, aud is soft enough,
to allow a needlu to pass through.
Kouud the four corners. Then cut from
India silk, cretonne, Turkey red, or
any similar material, either figured or
plain, a strip one yurd long and four
inches aud a half wide. Gather this on
botlr edges, uud commencing in the
middle of the long side of tho founda
tion, sew It two inches from tho edge
up one side, across the top, uud down
tho other side. Then draw it over tho
edge and catch it down one inch below,
thus making a full puff.
Cut u piece of material twenty-three
and a half Inches long aud fourteen
inches wide, turn the edge In and baste
It on tho deepest side of tho puff, cover
ing Its raw edges. Run or hem it neat
ly down. At tho ends of tho puffs the
material must be slashed and turned in
to cover them, then the remainder ia
drawn smoothly over tho half of the
lining not finished by the puff, turned
down over the edge und basted inside.
Next cut a lining, either of tho suma
material us the outside or of a contrast-
MiWSI'Al'lilt 1101. UKU.
ing color, long and wldo enough to
cover the raw edges, baste it down
smoothly, turn the edge under and hciu
it. Then fold together bug fashion the
broadest side of the puff on tho outtidt,
catch tho four corners firmly together,
sew a loop of the material threo meters
long on tho outside of tho back at the
middle to Kang It by. If ribbon can bo
had, nu.ite u Vow with loops and short
ends and pluue it "on, tho right hand side
of the lio!di,-Siuit'aii 1'ch inside of
the puff 't iiree-quarter of a yurd of
rtbbou thiw? I.teheti w;d will uc reed
ed, and the eokii' may match or rtntrast
with tho material. A pretty effect can -be
obtained by having boih th Imw
and the puff tho sumo color, a'.d t no.
covering a pretty contrast. A gathered
rosette of the material can bo used In
stead of ribbon; for instance, light
blue crepe cloth for the puff and the
rosette, and Turkey red for the cover
ing. Harper's Young People.
It Make a Keautlful Appearance with
Very Little Work.
Oue ot tho most perfectly satisfac
tory scarfs, because making a beautiful
appearance with very little work, Is
made out of scrim and ribbon. The il
lustration indicates the manner in
which this scarf is made so plainly that
a description is almost unnecessary.
Tho materials used in the scarf
shown in the illustration are a yard of
scrim of an open pattern, and a yard
each of light blue and old roso satin
ribbon. Half a dozen skeins each of
rope silk, of the sums shade of light
blue and old rose as tho ribbon, and
a dozen tassels of each shade, complete
the list of materials. . '
The ribbon should be the width of
the plain part of the scrim, and should
be basted down bo that it comes just
to the edges of the open-work part.
The old rose ribbon is then brier
Btitehed down with the blue rope silk,
and the blue ribbon with the old rose
silk. Another row of brier-stitching is
worked down each of the narrow
strips of plain scrim, that intervene be
tween the narrow and the wide strips
of open work.
The clusters ox three threads that are
separated from each other in the nar
row row of open work are decorated
with over-and-over stitches of old roso
and palu blue silk alternately. Tho
ends of the scarf are turned up and
hemmed and tho tassels sewed on, with
tho colors alternating. The scarf was
then caught up in the middle with a
bow of ribbon made of tho two shades
of ribbon. The ribbon used In the bow
was not included in the two yards men
tioned in the list of materials. Tho
sides of the scarf are also hemmed and
tinishedfith a row of brier stitching.
Good Housekeeping.
If the eyes are tired and inflamed
from loss of sleep, by sitting up late or
long travel, apply in the morning s jft
white linen dripping with hot water
vm hot as you can bear it laying tho
cloth upon the lids. You will feel tho
eyes strong and free from pr.ln or ' -tress
in half an Ire. ;-
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