From Thurndriyn Pnily Hal JoliiiHon leavcM this morning for Nflirsiska City. Geo. Dovey'.s littU' boy is very Hick with HiitmiKT complaint. County Attorney T ravin, of Wet-ping Water, h in the city to. day. Mihs Mary W. rtee left til i w morning for Kaunas City, to visit friendn a few days. Mi.MS Klla Kikenbary departed laft evening for Omaha where .she will vinit friendri for a week. Mrs. Lew Marker jjoch this morn ing to liulfalo, county to visit two weeks with her brother. Mr. CH. Parniele is causing the old building adjacent to Kuhney's barber Hhop to be torn down, pre paratory to erecting a business block. Judge C. Kussell and Mr. and Mra. Jas Clizby, of Weeping Water, drove over this morning returning lit l'hilip Krause will sell his goods ' the police court to-day Mr. t, till t ir.ih .,r A...,.,-! ;.. I Geo. Sjianglerof South I'ark filed j order to make room for his fall J complaint against Mrs. Henry goods. tf: j Schubert, charging her with swear- j A Husband's Wlstako. ' I ing, disturbing peace and conduct- Husbands too oflen i.ermit wiv. s ! Mr. CI. W, I'ell, of Liberty irecinct I jrilr herself in a vicious manner. ! and parents their children, to sufti-r From Fri'lny Pil!y. Kd Young hurried an infant to day. Frank Kauen's little child was buried to-day. business in the city to- is doing day. Miss ICdith White departs to-day for Ashland to visit friends over Sunday. Miss McCord was a passenger for City thitt morning. She will visit friends there a few days. Miss Wandine, who has been visiting friends in our city, re turned to her home in Orleans to day. Mr. S. H. I'helps, a contractor for the M. I. R. R., who has been re siding in our city the past year, is moving his family and household goods to Omaha to-day The annual meeting of the Sov eirn Grand Lodire I. O. O. K. will li !i nrioriiiiini Mra lnim-II who.. - , ... " ' ? be iieia in St. Louih, ept. i. It is has been visiting liere the jast two weeks returning with them Mrs. Terry Walker left on the flyer last evening for Norwood, N. Y. Before returning she will visit the principal place tof interest, in the east, she was accompanied as for as South Henri, Indiana, by a littl girl of Mr. Niles John Donlan looked about him as he saw the cars making for the station platform where he was sit ting last night and beat a hasty re treat for the river. John thought death by drowing was more pre ferable than beiuir irored by a lo comotive. As the freight train went crush ing into the plattrom last evening diet Smith says "judas priest" and he followed his none up the track to Pacific function anil came back this morning inquiring what the excitment about town was all bout. The prospects for a fairly large crop in Nebraska continues goori. The unduly wet weather during the earlier part of the season. doubtless rendered it difficult to properly cultivate the corp. but growing weather of late cannot fail to insure us a reasonably good yield throughout the state Thos. Holan, a farmer living near the city, indulged, to too great an extent last evening and grew hilar ous. Officer Fitzpatrick started him home but he returned tid drove clown Main street at a rapid rate. He started to drive across the track when Oflicer Fitz patrick stopped him. The police believe that if he had been allowed to go he would have driven into the river. Mr. Spangler owns land adjacent to Mrs. Schubert's and was in the act of trimming the herige fence sepa rating the farms when Mrs. Schubert armed with a scythe, ordered him to cease cutting his hedge from her side but to immediately get on his own side of the fence. City Solicitor folk prosecuted, Attorney Gering defended. The Judge fined defend ant !m, whereupon an appeal was taken to the district court. The latest plan for regulating the liquor traffic is one devised by Alderman Howes of Kansas City While proably not the most pratic aoie, it must oe conceueu to ie the most novel liquor ordinance j et I devised. He proposes to do away with the trouble caused by licens ing aaluotis by issuing licenses to probable that one tare tor the round the drinker instead. The drinker trip will be granted. f iH-er will be taxed $10 annually, The prohibitionists put up the and if he wishes to purchase wine followingstate ticketyesterday: R. in addition to beer the tax will be W. Richardson, of Omaha, for f 23; the privilege of buying beer, supreme judge, and Rev. Gorst, of wines and whisky will cost $30. Neligh, and Mrs. Woodward, of The ordinance has not yet received Seward, for regents. a majority of the votes of the coim- The Omaha Hee advises Council ci, but il is probable that it will. HlufTs not to advance the price of lots on the bottom as the smelting works will remain in Omaha, re ports to the contrary notwithstand ing. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Reed, of Pacific Junction, came down last evening to trade with our merchants, and returned this morning. They think that the inducements offered by our merchants amply pay them for the trip. who was injured while at work on the court house some time since, died last evening at fi o'clock. The interrment will take place from the Catholic church .tomorrow at 10 o'clock. It is reported that the Cranes, of Omaha, refuse to play the Uurling ton, of this city, inconsequence of which the game announced for Sun day will fail to materialize.Kvid ently the Burlington's made a "rep" while at Omaha last Sunday. It is argued that, in view of the present depressed condition of business in Kansas City, some plan must be devised that will create more revenue. This plan would surely enable the council to pay all municipal expenses, but we seri ously question the general benefits that would accrue therefrom. from headache, dizziness, neuralgia sleeplessness, fits, nervousuessness, when by the use of Dr. Miles' Re storative Nervine such serioii- re sults could easily be prevented. Druggists everywhere say it gives universal satisfaction and has an immense sale. Wood worth Ac Co., of Fort Wayne, I ml.; Snow A: Co., of Syracuse. N. Y.; J. C. Wolf, Hillsdale, Mich.; anri hundreds of others say: "It is the greates seller they ever knew." It contains no opiates. Trial bottles and fine book on Nervous diseases, free at F. G. Fricke iV Co's MerU Wins. He desire to say to the citizens, that tor years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Dr. King's New Life Pills Hucklen's Arnica Slave and Flectric Hitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfac tion. We do not hesitate to guar antel them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisafactory resultsdo not follow there there uae. These remdies have won there graat popularity purely on therr merits F. G. Fricke At Co Druggists. I am an old man and have been a constant sufferer with catarrh for the last ten years. I am entirely cureri by the use of Kly's Cream Halm. It is strange that so simple a remedy will cure such a stubborn disease. Henry Hillings, U. S. Pen sion Attorney, Washington, I). C. For eight jears I have suffered from catarrh, which affected my ejes ami hearing; I have employed many piyicians without relief, am now on my second bottle o hly s Cream Halm, and feel confi dent of a complete cure.- Mary C Thompson, Cerro Gordo, 111. WHIPPING WATKK KKO.M THE KEI'UBLICAN We have heard farmers say that the corn crop was about two weeks behind that of former vears, but that six weeks more of good corn weather would be sufficient to bring it out nice and sound. P. T. Barnes, armed with the pro per papers, entered tlie Sewing Machine factory and attached the machinery, etc., for taxes. Some thing over $70!) being delinquent. This, we understand comes ahead of mortgages. Miss Nellie Beardsley and her friend Miss Cassell had the mis- In subscribing for a home paper, fortune to get badly poiso ned, Sat- one should always note the paper urriay. Their faces are badly that gives the most news and show swollen at present, but we hope their aypreciation of the extra effort thry will be out in a day or two. on me part ot its euitor uy seconu- Between thirty-five and forty ing his eflorts in a substantial way. 3uits have b e liIed iU TlKstice GOV. Boies of Iowa does not talk Barr by different persons against much these days, unfortunately for the Noble Sewing Machine &; M'f'g, the republicans, but the boom that Co. All hare been transcribed to Fire. At 3 o'clock this morning our cit izens were arroused by the alarm of canvass fire and in a short time hundreds of willing workers were at the scene The fire started in the rear of the building occupied by the "Racket Store" but it was soon under con troll. The goods were but little damaged by fire but were a total loss bj' water. The origin of the fire is a mystery as no fire was kept in the room during the day The insurance on the goods was $1,500 which will probabl- cover the party received by his speeches during the year will insure them a good plurality, even tho' he remain silent during the remainder of the The will of Klisha Stradley of Greenwood was found yesterda' by Clerk Grimes. The contents or subject matter of the will was provetl by oral testimony, which, for all practical purposes, would answer. Parties interested, how ever, doubtless will be glad tne will lias been found. The committee appointed to in vestigate the Hastings asylum has loss. The front of the building was completed its work and yesterday considerably damaged. DIED This morning at 9:45 the infant daughter, of Frank and Mary Rauen'a. This is the second bereve ment that has fallen to their lot in the last few days, as the twin of as he should have done in the start this one died just a short time ago. as the committee requested submitted its report to the gov ernor, the report is a very damag ing one to all who are connected with the asylum. The governor should proceed at once to oust the whole lot without a moment's delay The funeral will occur at 2 o'clock, to-morrow afternoon from the-resid-ence 1109 Pearl street. Almost a Wreck. Last evening about 7:45 as the fast stock train No. 64 was passing the depot it narrowly escaped a disas trous wreck caused by the derailing of three cars. The train was com posed of eighteen palace stock car loaded with cattle and hogs for the eastern market. As the train pass ed through just ahead of passenger No. 8 the plattform was full of peo. pie, who barely escapedj being hurt as the train was running at the tinue regularly hereafter. The rate of about fifteen miles an hour needed supplies have arrived iVom Rev. J. D. M. Buckner and family leave this evening for University Place to attend a golden wedding in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary ot tne married lite ot Mr. Buckner's parents. Thence they will depart for Bennett to at tend the camp meeting to be held there, returning home Aug. 22. Kev. Fifer of Lincoln will occupy the M. K. pulpit next Sabbath morning and evening. Mr. Ilacktiej-, of the Riley, in forms us that the moter line will be in operation to-morrow and con- the district court. These are by employes for back pay and by parties in Iowa who hold the Noble Heights notes. The smallest of these claims is $5.62 and the largest $106.50 and the total is $1,695.57. S. F. Jameson, brother of Tom and Will, was very badlj- bruised last Friday. A neighbor's team at his place attached to a wagon, con taining two children, ran away, and Mr. Jameson in attempt to stop them caught the halters instead of the bridal and was then thrown under the horses and the wagon ran over him brusing him and in juring his back and his hips badly It was a brave act. as he took his life in his own hands to save the children. Dr, Thomas was called to attend Mr. Jameson. A Safe Investment. Ic one which is guaranteed to bring you satifaotary results, or in r r t r v case oi ianuree a return ot purciiasc price, un tins sate plain 3 011 can buy from our arivisertise Druggist a bottleot Dr. King.s New Discrvery for consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for any affection of Throat Lungs, or chest, such as Consum ption, Inllammation of Lungs Bron ch itis' Asthma, Whooping Cough Croups.ets., etc. It is pleasant and gareeable to taste, perfectly safe and Trial bottles free at F. G. Fricke Nc Co' s Drugstori. JOSEPH SHERA. For 27 years Joseph IShera. of Rock Bluffs has been engaged in the business of selling general nicr chandise at that place, and to-day lie carries a large and complete stock or groceries and general mer chandise which he can sell cheaper than any competetors for trie fol lowing good reasons. He pay-s no city taxes, lie pays no house reht. He, with his family attend to his business. His farm furnishes all his needs and more too. Conse quently it is hard to undersell him. He keeps constantly on hand a large supply of flour and meal. He is alive, and a let live man. Rheumatism Cured in a Day. 'Mystic Cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia radical!- cured in 1 to 3 day s. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re moves at once the cause and the di sease immediately dissappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75c Sold by F, G. Fricke, Druggist, wt ONLY ONE. There has been but one new Summer drink brought out this season- It is Cherry Phosphate and is dispensed from Brown & Barretts fountailK tf Old SoTdiers (Attention! A grand district re-union of all old soldiers and sailors for eastern Nebraska will be held at Nebraska City. Neb, from Sept. 8 to 11, in clusive. Tents, fuel and bedding will be furnished free. Come, boys. and have a grand old time, as Com rade Lozier will be here. At the same time and place the Nebraska City Imposition will be held. h. very- day there will be races, base ball and all kinds of amusement, and theatres and camp fires everv even ing. Come right along, boys, as all railroads made reduced rates. Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vit alizer is guaranteed to cure you. 2 ilss' Nerveand Liver PMIe- Act on a new principle regulating the liver, stomach and bowel? through the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles Pills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipation. Une qualed for mea, women. children. Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 doses, 25c Sampla free at F. G. Fricke & Co's The largest line of patent med-i cities will be found at Brown & liar rett's tf Scotch Zepher Gingham reduced from 17c and 15c to 10c at Win. Her- old & Son's. tf w when it struck the switch at the north end of the depot where three cars in the middle of the train de railed and tried to go down the track east of the depot while the rest of the train passed on the west side, but a rail breaking on the east track'allowed the cars to be pulled "back along the side of the main track tearing up the plattform for a distance of nearly one hundred feet No further damage was done more than delaying traffic for about two hours while the cars were being put back on the track. The cause of the accident is sup- A Dove t a Grave The following telegram is from the World-Herald- "The funeral of W.Berdine who was killed by the cars at Denton, was largely attended. The order of Red Men took charge of the funeral. There was a singular circumstance at the grave. One part of the fune ral service of the Red Men consists j I in turning loose a white dove, em blematic of the flight of the soul. part of the company, of consolida ting the Omaha works with those at Denver, Col. In view of this Omaha is threatened with the loss of one of her important business posed to be a defective wheel under enterprises; and in the event she Chicago, the track is in good shape and every thing is in readinass. Mr. Hackney has invested consider- i able money in the enterpriss and U V, kT1 V V. O I -S . 1 il 1 UC11I VIIUO v i-ust our en -i-ens win appreciate 1 As Kev. IJritt loosened the dove it the business enterprise exhibited 1 hovered for a moment over the by Mr. Hacknev and make it a re- grave and then lighted upon the numeration investment. head of the aged mo: her of Burdine. j This peculiar act of the bird fur- i Since the announcement that the ' iiished food for the superstitious." j r 11 iv. 1 1 1 u tvwaxvo 11 1 t -f o v 1 ii i. ii f nitely, there is strong talk on the A NT S,sm "Local And Travel In jr. A iiood eliance ! Dont mis u ! You need no eanital to reDrffent a reliable linn that warrants nursery t-took first class and rniPto name. Work rll the Year and jrood pay weekly to enenretic men. pply IICK, Fianiifr ape. L L MAT & CO. iirserymeu Florist and Seeoinen, .t Paul Min Inis1 house is responsible. HENRY BOECK Ther Leading FURNITURE LEALER AND McCourt the farmers friend sells Ko;k Salt for stock raising at 1 cent per pound. w2t. the first car rieraileri anri that the switch was not quite closed. No blame is laid to anyone for the ac cident. It is the prevailing opinion that had the train been making the speed it generally makes the results would have been attended with great disastrous results. does we predict that hurling words of disapproval at the "inquitous" eight hour law will be indulged in by Omaha. In the mean time Denver is offeringinriueements that are very tempting to the company, and to be sure she will loose no opportunity to secure the prize. What Betsw Ann Has t Sav. Say she; "That air gal of Dekin t Pogram, she don't know why she jest don't kown putty' so she don't. There's that air gal, ?he burned her hand awful, so she did. and instead of a puttin' on Haller's Australian. Salve which uri tuck all the fire rite out and jist made it git well rite off, so it would, whv, she jest put 011 a whole lot of stuff riiid and you j jes' bet she'll know better next ' time. For sale by all druggist. SillBllS UNDERTAKR. Constantly keeps on hand everything you need to furnish your house. CllKSEK SIXTH AND MAIN STREET Piatts mout - Neb FOR DYSPEPSIA. j Ayer'sSarsaparilfa Is an eflectiTe remedy, as numerous tMimo lilals coiiclii.iiv?ly prove. "For two jVhm I was a constant sufferer from dyspep.-Ou ana liver complaint. 1 dorlored a Ioiik time and the umdicun-s prescribed, in nearly every case, only aggravated the disease. An apothexary advised ine to use Oyer's anaparilla. I did so, and was cured at a coot of $5. fcinea that time it has teen my family medicine, and idekness tiaa become a stranger to our household. I believe It to he the test medicine on earth." I. F. McNulty, Hiickuiau, i hummer bL, Lowell, Mass. FOR DEBILITY, Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is a certain cun, when the complaint origi nates iu Impoverished blood. " I was a preat sufferer from a low condition of tho blood and Keueral debility, becoming finally, so reduced that I was unfit for work. Noth ing that I did for the complaint helped mo so much as Ayer's Sarsaparilla, a few bottles of which restored me to health and strength. I take every opportunity to recommend this medicine In similar cases." C. Kviuk, 14 E. Main st, ChillicoUie, Ohio. FOR ERUPTIONS And all disorders originating In impurity of the blood, such as boils, carbuncles, pimples, blotches, salt-rheum, scald-head, scrofuloua sores, and the like, take only Ayer's Sarsaparilla PKBPA BED BY DR. J. O. AYEE & CO., Lowell, Mass. Price f 1 ; six bottle, 5. Worth $& bottle. tiii: I N T K K X AT I O X A L TYPEWRITER A -drietly firt cla-c machine, fully w ;rr t ,i r . ed. Made 'mm Uih very best lu.nen U t. -killed Vkorkmeii, and with the Let tuol.n I'ihI have ever been devised fur I li V. Hr ranted to do all that can be reaoibly ex lireted of the Very best typewriter extant, ('unable of urHlng M wi.r.N ( r niliiiite of ni.,re HPcordliiK t" ih ablln il I lie .,,rri r rincE $100. J I there is no agent 111 your town addreiti tli m ui ul, ict uit B. T1IK l'AKIHi M K'ti Co. Agents wanted Parish N, Y. F. li. 8EELKMIKK, Agent. l.incolu. Neb, PKKK f Ss - nuns 2-:. 217, -ill', 221 nv 22.". M-iin S. 'lattsmouth, H. M. BONS. the Perkins hn enovaled Ir.iri: n-. inw cn- .'f the best 3iar it rs will ' l'. 4.50 ind U. ?braska, r'roiri"''f' 1 il tfnn-utrll t 'l 1.- :n tli. I. Mi. i -njt, iikk siim:llhacki:u. Wagon and lilacksmitli shop Wacon, Buffgy, Machine and plow RejiainuLr done HOHSESHOEINO A SPECIALTY He uses the NEVERSLIP HORSESHOE Which is the beat horseshoe for th tanner, or for fat-t driving, or for citj 0nn T3 "D rn?nTT?PTf7n Hu'Pevcr .jnycnicu. uia so made UV 'wJiNiM iiJJ I that anyone cr.n nut on aliari, or fU corks, as needed for wet and slippery days, or smooth, dry roads. Call at hia shop and examine the nkvekslip and you will use no other. J. M. SUNEJ.LftACKEIL 12 North Fifth Ht. I'lattsraouth f :' limo muk IOO f ' K.T. net on jJU''!' I p my ''(nxitR. I."lt- HruHhe-. furl is & medicines, "-aniplef In e. V l ite now. Dr Hridirr'an. 371 t'wy n Y. The GreatHeaith DRINK. 1 ackae makes b iUUmi. lfefloioufl. prkhDw, and yipetizimf. Sold bf all dealoTB. A beautiful Picture H' and earda Bent tKh.E to any one snndins address to Ibe O. . HIKES CO.. Philadulpuia, Pa, lueii) fi'i r- PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ifcfj " 10ftn' and bvautifis the hair, c. jt tfrtmiutoa a klxuruint cmwth. W Tvd Hur to its Youthful Color. i',....rj '.Tincer Toi'io. pi:rth the wursi Courh, 1 J ' .(!). 1 I-n? ij. t'stion, Pr.ii:, Take in ;ime. iocts. - 'X 4 I :' Vi CO T? H . T'..- ;..irp cure for Cornt. Dr. Grosvenor's Bell-cap-sic PLASTER. RbeamAtiBm. netirji.lrift TInrinr1 InmhAx on red at onoe. Gtmwinm for raIp by all Drn(rgnHtr'r, Giwrt quirk relief er ?ara THE OLD Rfeil-JADLE. 111. A. KMAMSON PlfJF LUMBER ! i j rthinyles, Lath, Santi. Doors, Blinds Can supply everw deniand of the city. Call and get terms. Fourth street in rear of opera houne. K . ' - w.vw V . -iiZ7 THE rhiuuou riiis r,.. . . ,.77,7 , vi . .. : i-s miK.uimnUiPiii fnmi: What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opinm, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless eubtitiite for Paregoric, lrop, Soothing Syrup, and Castor Oil. it is Pleisant. Its gTiaranteo is thirty years' use toy Blillions of Mothers. Catrtoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting- Sour Curd, cures Iiarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething trouble, cures constipation and flatulency Castoria assimilates the food, regulate;- the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tHe Children's .Vanacea the Mother's Friend Castcria. "Castoria is an ezcclluat medicice for tofl drcn. Ilotbors repeatedly totd mt of iw good eflect poo their children." Da. G. C. Ooooo, Lo-weil, liats. Cafltoria is the baz reroedy for children of which I am acqunirktad. I hrce the day i&nat far distant -hea iitjtbirs ullcoDikLur the real interest of their children, and M5 Castoria In stead of tae varioua qnack nostrums which are destroying thir kvd ones, by foreiatr cvirm, morphfne, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents dovnj tbur throaca, thereby sending them to preraatare graves." Da. J. V. KimrLo, Conway, Art. Castoria. Castoria is so iwell adapswl to chiZdnn thai I reowuneod rt asaperior krxwiy preacriptior known to me." , n. A. Aacmn, 3L 111 Bo. Oxford S., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spobna highly ot thr experi ence in fiieir tutsirie praestse with Castoria. aad al&aough w osiy jive amrjng our medical sapplfat what Ss kaowxv as regniar produca, yv we ore froe to confess that tha merits ot Oastcria has won us to look witib favor upon it." UxtTKO IIOSPTTAi, AXD DlSPISBART, Boston, ilasa Allen C Sictth, Pre The Centaur Company, T7 Murray Street, New fork City,