n s I 1 i M I HI n ) i ?- ; v I i V r i n FROM A CONVICT'S VIEW. An Ontrant Tell to I. '! h of Uiiatircesnfiil KfTorts Honorable I.ifn. Among a number of depraved looking characters who were arraigned in the Tombs iKilico court for sentence on vari ous charges, from burglary to felonious assault, 1 noticed particularly one refined looking young fellow who, despite his ragged attire, appeared to bo out of place in the prisoners pen His features were delicate and clearly defined, with none of the sullen, servile appearance that is usually one of the chief characteristics of a criminal's coun tenance. His eyes were large and clear, his forehead high, while his chin and mouth denoted high fipirit and an ab normally Kenisitive disposition. lit) occupied a sent as far distant from his fellow unfortunates in crime as the burly court oflicera would permit His eyes were cast on the floor, and from his dejected appearance it was obvious that he felt keenly his position. 1 engaged him in conversation, and years will not remove from memory the tierce bitterness with which he reviewed his unsuccessful attempts to secure hon orable employment after tho first convic tion for some triHing crime. "My name," said he, in answer to my question, "what do you want with it? To publish it so that those who have eent me here this time will know how well their prejudice did its work? "Well, Thomas will do Charles Thomas. That is what I am called now. It is not my real name. 1 have a few relatives and 1 respect them. They have moved from where they lived when was nrst sent away gone to a new home to escape my shame that is why I'm Thomas.' There is no criminal so hardened but what ho will cherish somewhere behint his rough exterior a tender thought of past association a mend, perhaps, or probably a sister. For that reason when Thomas turned away his head 1 remain ed silent. 1 thought I distinguished a suspicious moisture in his eyes, but may have been mistaken. "It is very easy to start," he continued "but once 6tarted you cannot stop. Peo ple will not let you. "With a crowd of companions one day I drank more than 1 could stand. A quarrel followed and 1 stabbed one fel low with my penknife. I was arrested tried and convicted and sentenced to Sing Sing for three years. "That was enough for me, and when I came back I tried to start over again, I secured employment as a driver, I had been a clerk in a building material dealer's yard on West Thirtieth street caa no trouDie, worKea nara ana was complimented by my employer. Then noticed that my associates began to avoid me. Two or three would get to gether, point at me and talk about me in l.n undertone. "Finally, one day the proprietor came to me and said, 'Thomas, 1 have no fault to find with you; you have worked faithfully and hard, but the other men eay you have been a convict and that they will leave if you don't. I will have to discharge you, although I am sorry He gave me two weeks' wages and I had to leave. "I tried again with a like result. Then, in desperation, I robbed a store and was eent away again. "You wanted to know, mister, how 1 got here; well, that's how. Tm going to Sing Sing for burglary. and when I get out I'll probably go back for the same crime. Nobody cares, and I don't. "A man who has not been unfortunate won't work with me. I could not get married even if I tried to 6ettle down and be respectable. No self respecting woman would have me. "Go where I'm not known? Yes, I could do that, but a man can't succeed when he is acting a lie. It would be found out and I would have to go to an other place where I'm not known," "Thomas 1" shouted a court officer. "Here," replied the unfortunate. "You are charged with burglary," said the justice as he approached the bar. "Guilty or not guilty?" "Guilty." "Remanded for sentence." Thomas was led away to a cell in the prison beneath the floor of the court. New York Herald. Doctors IMffer About Gray Hair. Some authorities seem to regard the graying of the hair as a mechanical and incidental phenomena due to defective functions, and others regard it as an or ganic or chemical process. The location and character of the coloring substance in the hair is also a question about which authorities differ greatly. Watts' "Dic tionary of Chemistry," also Dr. Bichat and Dr. Draper, have advanced the view that the color is in the central portion of the hair, while no less an authority than Cuvier asserts quite the reverse, that the peripheral portion contains the cf.OT. Other authorities, as Drs. Car penter, Todd and Bowman, state that the pigmentary granules are sometimes in one part and sometimes in another of the hair shaft, while "Kolliker "supposes that the dark pigment of the medulla are nothing more than the globules of. air in the air cells." Hyland C. Kirk in New York Times. A Girl Who Wouldn't Black Boots. I have known a wedding appointed, and the doors of the chapel open, and every one waiting, but no one arrive, and the parties remain unmarried. In one case a foolish dispute occurred as the young couple were walking across the fields to the place of worship about who ought to clean the husband's boots. At first It was only a joke, but it was taken in earnest, and the bride elect seated herself on a 6tile to argue the mat ter out. Neither would give in, the vil lage clock struck twelve and they re turned home unmarried. London Tit Bits. Self Regulating-. ( He After we are married, darling, 1 trust your wealth won't incessantly be thrown up to me. Sop No, I rely upon you to keep it down, deai. New York Epoch. t DIVING FOK LOST GOLD SEA DIVERS RECOVER NEARLY HALF A MILLION OF MONEY. flow the TtfHHure of the Alphonso XII, Slink OH tl t.'aiiary IhIuikJii. Wan Srcnrcd by Captain Ktrvunn' Clever Work Nina Months of Toll Itelow Water. .ine time ago we gave an interesting account of the diving exhibit at tho naval exhibition, and referred briefly to the recovery of a vast quantity of treas ure from the Alphonso XII. Mr. A. D Stevens, a sou of Captain Stevens, who had charge of the expedition, now writes as follows In February. 1SS4, the Spanish mail steamer Alphonso XII. belonging to the Lopez line, bound from Cadiz to Havana, sank off Point Gando. Grand Canary, in twenty-five and a half fathoms of water and about a mile from the shore. She had ou board 100.000 worth of Spanish dollars, these being the only five dollar pieces bearing the year 1841. which were specially coined for the trip The insurance was effected on the specie at Lloyds and was paid over to the in surers after the vessel foundered. More than a year had elapsed before the underwriters organized a salvage ex pedition, and in May. 1'5. Captain L T. Stevens, a Lloyds surveyor of great experience in salvage operations, was intrusted with the expedition, taking with him three well known diners namely, Messrs. Lambert. Tester and Davis. Special diving apparatus had to be constructed for the work by Messrs Siebe & Gorman, the submarine engi neers, and in the above month Captain Stevens and his men left Liverpool in the steamship Niger for Las Palmas, and arrived at their destination on the 23 th of May LOCATING THE WRECK. On the morning of the 20th Captiin Stevens proceded in the steam launch Alianza in search of the wreck, a strong trade wind from the northeast, with a choppy sea, blowing at the time. On arriving at her supposed position he steamed about, sounding at intervals, en deavoring to strike the wreck, but failed to do so. Captain Stevens then employed a boat's crew of fishermen to assist him in finding her, and after some little time the fishermen gave a signa 1 , and on steam ing up he found that they had swept the foretopgallantmast, and on looking down through the water he distinctly saw tho shadow of the mast and the foretopgal lantsail loose and flouting in the water at a depth of six fathoms. He then had the topgallantmast buoyed, and as soon as the weather moderated he intended laying down moorings, so as to place the vessel in such a position that the diving was to be done from directly over the wreck. The money was in the mail room, al most at the bottom of the vessel, and to obtain access to that part of the ship it was found necessary to blow up the decks. The dangers and difficulties whieh were experienced in these operations were of the most extraordinary nature. Not only bravery, but great patience and per severance, had to be exercised, as testi fied by the fact that Captam Stevens and his plucky divers were about nine months on the island before they had completed their task. The wreck lay on a ridge of rocks, and one of the fears entertained be fibre the ex plosion was effected was that the force might precipitate the vessel to almost fathomless depths. But fortunately. through Captain btevens great experi snce in the use of explosives, the fear was not realized. ALL BDT $50,000 RECOVERED When the explosion took place one of the masts shot right out of the watr and thousands of dead fish came to the surface. Another difficulty, and proba bly the greatest the divers had to en sounter, was the extreme pressure of the water at so great a depth, but the gal lant reiiows were most enthusiastic in their work, and, although Captain Ste vens had been advised to abandon all hope of recovery of the treasure, be was sanguine of success directly fine weather would set in. And his hopes were soon realized, for on Nov. 17, after waiting anxiously and patiently, he had the pleasure of wiring to London as follows Lambert has got both scuttles open, and succeeded in sending np first box of old." This was glorious news to all concerned, and especially to Captain Stevens, who had charge of such a tedi ous undertaking. The saving of the remaining boxes of jold was now merely a question of op portunity Dip after dip was made by Messrs. Lambert and Tester with vari ous success, and by Dec. 12 they had re covered between them six boxes, the lion's share being obtained by Mr. Lam bert, thus leaving a balance of four boxes to be raised. In a very short time, con sidering the unfavorable weather, they succeeded in sending up three more boxes, making in all nine boxes, or 90. 300 out of 100,000. Unfortunately, the last box could not oe round, so Captain Stevens and his plucky divers had to come away without t. No praise is too great for the man ner in which Messrs. Lambert and Tester worked under such an able commander. have noted these few facts dovra from my dead father's log book. As the treas ure chest and the gold dollars at the nwal exhibition attract so much atten tion I send you these additional facts. all Mall Budget. Impatient, A doctor who was noted for his pre-- fences rather than for his cures was called in to prescribe one day for a man who was ill, and gave him some medi cine, ihe next day out one ne called to 6ee the patient. "How is he today? he asked a servant at the door. "He's dead, sir that's how he is,' said the servant. "He is, eh?' said the doctor indignant ly. "Well, that's always the way. Peo ple expect our medicine to work wonders, and then they get in a hurry and don't give it time to prove what it can da" Exchange Nat (4oIln'a Flrnt Stage Experience. Before I ever went on the stage I used to take part in amateur affairs in my mother's parlors in Boston, and I both ered Charlie Thorns to death to get me a ! place in some company My friends aUo said they were con I vinced I had talents. So finally Thome secured me a position in a company then ' playing a piece called "A Bottle." Provi j deuce was to be the place where I made my debut, and the part assigned me was the old time gentlemanly villain, who j comes to the village and captures the ' heart of the rustic beauty, i I hal rehearsed several times and was enre I knew it all The heroine was to rush on with a I scream and I was to run after her; but j she hadn't rehearsed the scream with ; me, so when she dashed on and gave an j unearthly yell it nearly frightened me I to death. I I stubbed my toe, feel sprawling and j lost one of my sidewhiskers. 1 could u't j utter a word, and didn't do so during the whole performance. They thought 1 would gain courage as the piece pro gpesse'd, but during the third act the or chestra came in with a few thrilling bars of music and 1 completely lost my head, and 1 dashed out of the theater to find the depot and take the next train for Boston. As 1 entered the cars with makeup on. a black streak on my cheek from a black ened eyebrow and my wig at one side, passengers thought I was staring mad. On reaching home I rushed in to my mother, who thought 1 was going to be a second Booth, begging her not to send me on the stage again, but to get me a position in some store. Nat C. Good win, Jr.. in New York World. .TEsoulaplus and His Profession. iEsculapius, whom Homer calls "the blameless physician," was the famous pupil of Chiron. The glory of iEscu lapius' name is not dimmed as it hits come down to U3 through the ages. While his treatment of the sick wa3 heroic, as was natural in an heroic age, he did not ignore the virtue of metaphys ical treatment. To those who suffered from violent passioils he recommended the perusal of works of poetry, the study of hymns and songs and an attendance on light comedy. It has often been said of physicians that they have two kinds of medicine one with which to cure the p.itient, the other to be used when it i3 desirable that the cure shall not be effected too quick ly Esculapius had two kinds, which he received from Pallas Athene, the goddts of wisdom. Both were taken from the veins of Medusa. That taken from her left 6ide operated to the de struction of men. That from the right 6ide brought them health and strength. Esculapius' medicine even had the power of bringing the dead to life a fact which so incensed the gods that yEsculapius was immediately put to death by a thunderbolt. The sceptic Montaigne, referring to this injustice, sarcastically expresses his surprise that the patron of the doctors should be sent to Tartary for restoring men to life, when so many of his disciples are pardoned for performing the opposite feat. Chicago Herald. A '"Queer" Preacher. Rev. Mr. Hagamore, to whose memory a slab has been placed in the church at Catshoge, Leicestershire, England, was "a little queer. " It seems that the rev erend gentleman died in January, 18S6, leaving all of his property, valued at 3,500, to a railroad porter. This queer old preacher kept one serv ant of each 6ex, whom he locked up every night. His last employment of an evening was to go the rounds of his premises, let loose the dogs and fire off his gun. He lost his life in a curious manner. Starting out to let out his servants the dogs fawned upon him and threw him into a pond of water. The servants heard his cries, but,, being locked up could not render assistance, so the old man was drowned. When the inventory of his property was taken he was found to be the owner of 80 gowns, 100 pairs of trousers, 100 pairs of boots, 400 pairs of shoes, 80 wigs (although he had plenty of natu ral hair), 50 dogs, 96 wagons and carts, 30 wheelbarrows, 249 razors, 80 plows, 50 saddles and 222 pickaxes and shovels. He surely was "a little queer." St. Louis Republic Treatment of Face Moles. A hairy mole which is still growing should be removed at once, even at the risk of some injury to the skin. It is now probably no more than a plexus of capillary vessels, with only a small sup ply of connftive tissue. There is also a likelihood that it has not yet involved the skin. If this be its condition, the skin over the tumor may be reflected in flaps, and the tumor itself strangulated with ligature in one of the usual ways, The flaps should then be replaced, and the result will be a minimum of cicatrix and deformity. But if the nfflvus be allowed to grow, it will become a large, highly vascular, erectile tumor, probably invading and involving the skin, liable to profuse hemorrhage if injured; yet still quite amenable to treatment, though of a less simple kind. The modes of treating naevi are numerous, and are continually increasing. Herald of Health. The Romans In-vented Horsepower. The Romans, among whom agriculture was a highly favored occupation, were an inventive race, especially in the mat ter of labor saving machines. Recog nizing the drudgery of handmills, they invented those whose motive power was imparted by asses, mules and oxen, and introduced them into all the countries conquered by their victorious armies. There is no positive record of the name of the originator of this improvement in muling. Detroit Free Press. Both Out. Depositor (breathlessly) Ls the cashier in? Bank Examiner No, he's out. Are you a depositor? "Yes." "WelL you're out. too." New York Weeklv. Strange Spirit aianlfeittatlons. ' One of the best authenticat d in f tances of ghostly viMtation is connected with Dr. Kemer'ssocalled Seerssof I'r vost. Dr Kerner for many years con ducted an asylum for the ir ne at Weinsliurg. in Southern Gemfiry There came to him r'or treatment a .Mrs. Ilauffe, a lady in delicate health, of great nervous irritability, and with a mind which was, to say the least, not too well balanced. W.ierever this alllicted woman went, and Dr Justinns Kerner is authority, the was pursued by a variety of strange noises. Chinaware and glasswure. tables and chairs were mysteriously moved in the presence of witnesses. A medicine vial rose slowly into the air and had to be brought back by one of the bystanders. On several occasions an easy chair w;s lifted up to the ceihng by unseen power and then returned slowly to the ll'.r On one occasion tlu great akeptic. Dr Strausz, was one cf her visitors, and during his stay Mrs. ilauffe fell asleep on her sofa when there immediately arose long, fearful groanings close l,y the doctor's side and in the vicinity of his amiable but remarkable hostes? The strange suffering woman was the only one who knew the cause of these phenomena. She ascribed th'-m all to a dark spirit who appeared to i.. r as a black column of smoke with a hide ous head, whose unseen approach op pressed even the bystanders. Dr. Kerner relates countless mj-sten-ous phenomena which occurred in this patient's bedroom. He beheld Mr Hanffe's shoes pulled off by invisible hands while she was lying almost inaui mate in a trance on her bed. She re vealecl secrets which, upon writing to utterl3' unknown iersous at a great dis tance, Dr. Kerner proved to be correctly stated. Philadelphia Press. Helping the Maids. During the War of the Revolution wmie tne vmerican ana uritisu armies were contending in Pennsylvania, Gen eral Washington was in the neighbor hood of Marietta, Lancaster county General Lee, with two or three aides- de-camp, rode in advance, and stopping at a wayside inn, informed the landlord that General Washington and his .staff officers would quarter at liis house f r the night. This news, of course, caused great con fusion among the inmates of the estab lishment. They wanted to do honor to the beloved commander, and bustled about to have all things in readiness upon his arrival. "Here, you," said the genius who presided in the kitchen to General Lee, ignorant of his rank in the army, "just go out to that woodpile and split h;i armful for me. I must hurry up tins fire, or I cannot get a good supper for General Washington." The officer, enjoying the joke, obedi ently took up the ax, and soon the chips were flying in all directions. He was busily working away when Washington and his staff rode up to the tavern. "Why, General Lee," said the commander-in-chief, "what in the world are you doing?" "Oh," replied Lee, lifting his head, "1 am helping the maids in the kitchen. General Washington and his officers are coming here for supper to-night." Both generals burst into a hearty laugh, in which their companions joined; and even the landlady, who had set the general at work, enjoyed the joke after 6he had recovered somewhat from her morti fica tion. You t h's Com panion. The Bridegroom Had a IJoj; LIccdm. People who have lived in cities where marriage licenses are required often have great difficulty in understanding the system in vogue here. They cannot realize that the services of a minister or alderman are all that is necessary when the parties have reached the proper age A German whose knowledge of the Eng lish language is limited wished to get married not long ago, and being under the impression that a license was neces sary he started out to secure one. He wandered around the postoffice and th various municipal and county buildings for an hour or two, unable to find the place where licenses were to be had. finally ne managed to explain to a policeman that he wanted a license, al though he was unable to make it clear what kind of a one he was after. . Th officer directed him to the place where dog licenses are issued, and the happy suitor paid his fee and received the precious paper That evening the German and his blushing affianced went to the house ot a minister to have the Gordian knot tied When the bridegroom proudly handed over his dog license the worthy pastoi could hardly perform the ceremony foi suppressed laughter. The couple, how ever, were none the less firmly inarm.": because the paper allowed the husband to keep a dog instead of to wed a wife. New York Tribune. London as It Was. Haydn's "Dictionary of Dates' makes the statement that the old name of the city of London was written Lynden oi Llyndin, meaning "the city on the lake." An old tradition gives us to understand that London was founded by Brute, a descendant of Eneas, and called New Troy, or Troynovant, until the time o; Lud, who surrounded the town with walls and named it Caer-Lud, or Lud"s town. This latter is probably the cor rect version of the story, if for m other reason because it is an easy mat ter to detect a similarity between the ex pression Lud's town and London. It ir claimed by some writers that there wa. a city on the same spot 1,107 years B. C and it is known that the Romans found ed a city there called Londinium A. D 61. St. Louis Republic. A Comparison. Jack 1 have come to believe that there's a good deal of similarity between a car porter and Cupid's arrows. Nellie Graciousl How do you make that out? Jack Well, neither i3 effective unless tipped with gold or silver. Pittsburg Bulletin. -v...J LKi'IKK IIKAIIS Hll.l. IIKAI..S El ENVELOPE CAT a !.; IKS Tlie Toast !2e;pinTolica,:jnL ZEPsarper in Cacs 0010.237-- THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM It's facilities for doing work are complete Having added considerable new type office is a guaradtee for good clean job work It prints all the county newsand is the paper to subscribe for. Send us your name and let us "place you on our already large list of subscribers. Prompt attention given to all orders address;alljordkrs to Cor Fifth and Vine Sts II' it l'OSTK!:s-N'I . l.'IKCl I.AKS I) good and satisfactory in all departments the PLATTSHOUTH, NEBRASKA