Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, August 06, 1891, Image 4
RECIPROCITY QUESTION IN ENGLAND. PispatcheH from Kiitfland indicate-that the iSrili.-h overiuncnt is somewhat disturbed, in regard to the reciprocity policy whieh the United States has inaugurated The fact that the commercial treaty between the United States and Bra zil will admit cotton manufactures from this country into Brazil, at rates of duty 25 per cent less than thoj?e imposed upon similar joods Merit from Great Britain, seems to .have Htirred Lancashire profoundly British dispatches state that Kntf land sends every ywir to Brazil about 31,2.7),(K) worth, and that more than $12,."(),XX) worth of this ajjfjreate represents the value of cotton tfoods alone. Urgent eltorts are beimr made, according to re cent dispatches, t induce the British Ministry to take some steps for the protection of the trade of that country with Brazil, particu larly in the" matter of cotton 4xis. The diftic.tiltv is to see what lie.s within the power of the British Government to do. Its policy al ready admits free of duty a lare Bilill C 1)1 Life t A JUI UlUlt ,ivjui.v-io Brazil, and the necessities of the f revenue affect in a peculiar decree the possibilities of modifi'm- the present system, even if it could be done with advantage as respects any important Brazilian product But Brazil has scarcely any impor tant product to sell upon which the British irovernmeiit now im poses any duty whatever. Coffee and cocoa are the only dutiable products imported from Brazil by Great Britain to any extent, and of these British supplies are mainly from other countries. Xor is it practicable for Great Britain, in harmony with its long established commercial policy, to threaten the imposition of any duties upon pro ducts from Brazil alone, while simi lar products from other countries are admitted free of duty. New York Daily Commercial Bulletin. UNDERGROUND TRAVEL BY THE GREA1HEAD SYSTEM. The cars are supplied with longi tudinal seats, lit by electricty, and luxuriously cushioned, the pas sengers facing each other. The lo comotive is an electric motor, pick ing up its electricity from a central rail through which the electric cur rent is conducted by a copper wire; and inasmuch as, for each track, there is a separate tunnel only a trifle larger than the train (which fills almost the whole of the annual space, only at stations) each train acts as a piston, driving out, from station to station, the air through which the preceding train passed. The stations are connected with the open air and are not more than three-quarters of a mile apart; any foul air which gathers in the tunnel is thus expelled by each passing train. Indeed, the air in the tunnel is of a more equable temperature, and is kept more constantly moved and freshened, than the air on the surface; and frequently on dark and murky days it has been noticed that air and atmosphere, strange as it ma3- appear, are far more pleasant in the tunnel than on the street surface. Simon Sterene in the August Forum. The July report of the statistician or U. S. department of agriculture, devoted to areas and conditions of growing crops, places the United States acreage of corn, compared with (100) last year, at 108.3, potatoes 102.3, tobacco 102.6, As to condition July 1, compwred with the average crop for ten years. past, corn is esti mated at 92.8 per cent; wheat 94.1 rye 93.9; oats 87.0; barley 90.9; potatoes- 95.3; tobacco 91.1; clover 89.3; timothy 87.4; and pasture 92.3. The average weight of fleece from this year's wool clip is 4.9 pounds. Gen eral improvement is reported in the crop conditions of all Europe coun tries except Russia. In India both the area and the yield are slightly less than was expected two months Senator Peffek should take a day off and correct the statistics that he uses in his calamity peeches. There are not .),000,(XX) mortgaged homes in the United State", as he asserts. The total number, according tothe census rc turns. is o.ily 2.2T)O.O00. or less than one-third of his estimate, and it is absurd for him to go on inaKing such a misrepresentation. The poor old Journal does not want its motives questioned in its attack on business of private citiz ens. It finds fault and trys to throw cold water on nearly every improve ment that is started in the city. Uro. Sherman, drop your old moss back principles ami your penuri ous motives will not In questioned. Miss Aimee Tougee, .laughter of the famous author of A Fool's Kr rand, has been awarded the prize ...r..-,i l.v Geo. W. Childs to the Phidelphia School of Design for Women, for excellence in illustration. THE MORE TIN AND TIN PLATE. On Friday the Temescal tin mines shipped to the American Tin Plate Company of St. Uoiiis .JS.OOO pounds of pig tin produced, smelted ami refined at Temescal. That company now has orders on hand from newly formed tin plate companies in the United States for over tfJOO.OOU worth of block tin, and is running d.iy and night with three shifts of men to meet the demand. What will our democratic a muirwumo friends say to th id Will they still insist that we cannot and will not make tin plate 1.1 U United States, and that we ought continue, as heretofore, tilling tl Welshmen's pockets at prices whit they name'r Will they claim now that the I-leKinley bill is a mei empty form of words, or that it wi not foster and encourag at leai one domestic industry? It must I borne in mind that nineteen tons ( block tin mean at least tons tin plate, the tin being only about per cent of the so called tin plat Six hundred tons of tiu plate is m t very much, but it will be enough to disprove the free trade assertion that tin plate in marketable quanti ties is not made in the United States. This shipment, too, is only a single one, and will be followed by others just as fast as the ore can be mined and milled. The Temes cal company expects within sixty davs to be smelting from four to six tons of block tin per day, and to increase the output far beyond tliat within a short time. We are going through just the same experience with tin as we had with steel rails, with wire nails, with cotton fabrics, and with every kind of manufacture that a protec tive tariff has encouraged. We were met with the same derision, the same slanders and falsehoods and the same predictions of failure, but all these industries have suc ceeded, and tin plate making will do the same. San Francisco Chronicle. IX "The Boston Transcript" some one tells what the present leading authors of the country were doing in lSoo. Mr. Howells was setting type in his father's printing office, and he has never been ashamed of it, either; it is twenty to one that he was an excellent compositor. Charles F:gbert Craddock roamed, a little child, upon the Tennessee mountains.. and Celia Thaxter gathered pimpernels upon the wind-swept Isles of Shoals. All these young people then and a little later, must have found very little inspiration for their baby geniuses in the current literature of that da', as this contributor gives an account of it; the idols of people were Fanny Fern and Fitz Greene Halleck and Timothy Tit- comb. Sentimental maidens pored over "Bittersweets" and "Godey's Lady's Book," and the general literary tone was decidedly weak. vast deal that was good had al ready appeared in I8.10, but the peo ple hardly knew it. As to the only great piece of fiction of the period, Uncle Tom's Cabin," people were divided between declaring that it was rubbish and asserting that it was the work of Henry Ward Beecher and not Mrs. St owe, because no woman could have had brains enough to write it! REFUTING A STANDARD DEMO CRATIC LIE. The Fifty-first Congress did not ppropriate "over a billion of dol lar." but iust exactly $988,410,129, or $170,446,209 more than the Fiftieth Congress. Of this excess $2.,321,- 907;was . for a pension dehciency which the Democrats of that lon trress dishonestly left unpaid; $23,- 007,343.58 was for postoftice bills, three-fourth of which will be re turned to the Treasury: $i,.J0i, 140 70;for the purhase of Indian lands that will sell for three times their cost; $14,042,344.00 was to meet con tracts for naval vessels heretofore authorized, and $72,088,330.99 to pay new pension under the new act authorized by the people in 1888. The balance went in census ex penses.harbor defenses and improve ments. and World's Fair appropri ations. As to tlie revenues. me were reduced, and unjust taxation was not continued. As we have al ready demonstrated in these columns, the people are enjoying under the McKinley bill a greater volume of trade than ever before, while they are paying less taxes. Inter Ocean. THE owners of Kentucky whisky owe Uncle Sam in round numbers $18,000,000 for taxes on whisky, which they will have to pay soon . . ., i r.: 1 1. ( ; in . if navment is i'X- i 1 1 i v ' - - . . . - . i tended. As Democrats have con tended that the Treasury was "hard up" they might be taken at their own word, and be asked to pay promptly. There is no reason why the payment of the tax should b Tncle Sam hsrve the benefit of the money and the Democratic party the benefit of the whisky. Inter Ocean. Sick or well, Bright' s discose or no disease, candidate or no candi date , Secretary or citizen, James G Blaine holds a bigger place in the popular heart of this country to day than any other living man. Globe Democrat. A K'EPI CTIOX of $1,500,000 in the public debt during July is all that can reasonably be asked, ami a great deal more than the democrats care to see. Ik Uncle Sam were to get into any trouble an army could be organized inj ten days from the ranks of the G. A. R. which, without a drill, could lick an- arni3' organ ized 011 this green earth. They art old and gra3'-headed, but they would be there all the same. Inter Ocean. KASTEWX democratic organs can continue to sneer about "the mort gaged west." "the corn burners." "grasshopper eaten," "cyclone swept," and all that, but don't for get to send along the thousand dollar bills to pay for the crops, and plenty of them. The grasshopper terms this year are C. O. D. F. O. B Til!-; appearance of Senator Boyn ter in Lincoln yesterday caused the World-Herald and a few others to thinks he was going to seize the governors chair and call a special session of the legislature, as Gov ernor Thayer was out of the state; but all of their scare and hurrah is blown to the wind as Lieutenant GovernorjTom Majors is at his home near Peru attending to his own business and as long as lie is in the state I'oynter or no one else can step over him ami call a special se. siou while the governor is Jaway from the state. Tom Majors is ex pected to be in Lincoln tomorrow to attend to some matters from the state and Senator Uoynter's guber national aspration will end. , WHV HE'S A PROTECTIONIST. Fix-Congress Perkins, of Kansas, states these clear and forcible rea sons for the faith that is in him: "I am a protectionist because I am an American. We should have free trade among ourselves because we honor one Hag and we are citi zens of a coinmon country. But the man who builds no houses here, who pavs no taxes here, who em ploys no laborers here, who does nothing to contribute' to our growth and to prosperity, who lives abroad bevond the the oceans, whence he desires to bring his products, either farm or manufactured, into this reat American market in competi tion with ours, he should pay for the privilege; and when he has paid for the privilege we will cover the money into the treasury of the United States, and with it we will cancel our obligations and carry on the concerns of government. And I would do this in the name of patriotism and my country because I believe it right." THERE is a parrot in St. Louis which exclaims, whenever a man enters the room: "You're drunk, sir, and had better go away. I don't want to see you till you're over it." People wonder how the bird catches on, but the explanation is simple: it doesn't know how to av anything else, and of course in making the remark to every man it frequently gets near home. One gentleman who. called thought it was the lady of the house speaking. uid rushed out of the parlor. She sat down to write a note of explana tion to him. when to her amazement servant brought her a note from the gentleman she was writing to, in which he stated that he acknowledged with humility that he had perhaps taken too much . . . . , 1 ... 1 1, ,1 wine witn ins uinner. om hoped on calling on her that she would not have detected it. As she had done so. however, he offered his most abject apologies and a prayer for forgiveness. THE sotck of grain in regular warehouses iu Chicago last Satur day evening were 3.058.341 bushels of wheat, 1,300.071 bushels of corn. 7H,79'.l bushels of oats, 257,815 bushels of rye, and 832 bushels of barley. In private store there were about 94,700 bushels of wheat, 49,000 miMUlMiUDi". .,iiKx of oats. Total of .),44.,0'-J buslnM.s of all kind of iraitis, aaint l-.KJ.i-Y2.2 bus-hols a year ajjfo. The Secre tary of the Chicago Hoard of Trade reports the visible supply of uraiu in the Tinted Stales and Canada for the same date as J(,7)7,!:j7 bushels of wheat. :J.K7"2,7t0 bushels of corn. '2,072,71 S bushels of oats, .14. 01. bushels of rye, and 71,l)'.:J bushel of barley, against lS.-kkJ.04S bushels wheat 11.01),O70 bushels of corn, 2,."v, 2S bushels of oats. 44.0i:t bushels of t--' 'Mi.-iiv - - -,,il MkS7 bushel of barley for r)f,.limo.-i,n i the tune last Tear. i !, .....l.- (i.i-i' Compared With a week a-JO tilt It were increase of 1..M17.60.-) bushels of wheat. S:J7.9S1 bushels of corn, 3fW.- 81S bushels of oats, and 302.77.'i bushel of rye, and a decrease of ;i,- 00Sbuhels of barley. RhiiiiTH twin Curil in Uy. "Mystic Cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia radically cured in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and my sterious. It re moves at once the cause and the di sease immediately dissappcars. The first dose greatly benelits. 7e Sold by F, G. Fricke. Drutrgist. wt Leial Notice, li-nry .li-sfjih Marcel, lffciil;int will t it I e not :ee i li ;: t oil tin Mil "lay it Aiij-uM rii.'!ii;i t'ant'k m l Lous .1. I'i;it !i. jil.iin I li.'ifin liiril tin i:- it iuii .mil ;il.iil:iv it for lit -f. -It.-iM'iit i i tin' hliii-i coiiit 'it ':,h e ; i ly, ska tiiift s;ti'! m-fciitiant 1li 1 J e -t uiiil tir.iyiT of wl ic . ;ui' I" I' C vcr thr -.ii.,. .I in Ihiiiii i cil l"llais;i' ! iiii'ivst f "in M;iy -J.'. or iicIvsi).i ;il m i vict r-!,M l e(l iii,f'" ft.M t Hi I i retit-s: l pi .1111 'its ;in-l I I ;i I- e by pr : :Ma-!ui: 111 tin f . 1 1 : v 1 1 1 ir iliscriln .1 i-s!n!i' ti'..i tr'ii t ii.ll- hi y .1 s till M:i eel si.u;il'' in lli i'imihc, of c.-ti-f ami m um f cl, ; to wit : i. -I . 0 . C (- : 1 ok N- 15 (tifdfiil in CMbiy I'liuf. ;e ii'.iii mi the '.tv'i I'L.tlsiiion ii as mm vryt-if, platt-d and rfii ic(l V- u are r iiiiioi1 to imishitsihI ':i ion on or l- fnre 'lie lit I 1 -y '-iileiiiln-r Ilatfil at riattsniDiith. Cass ciu Iv Ni-ln nskn Auu-'t Mh lsyl. Thomas Cai-a k. Lol ls .1.11 11!. aint l:e. Ca ek I'i ittl Attorney'' in person, 10 t'i'f iliton Block, Om tin. Nel. Lecjul Nolife. Notiee is herebv iven Unit. l;y viim- ef a lien toi t e -et nftli property tiereinalter ilr-(i-rib-il s;;;il lien iiein da-fd dm tli -''' lh day t .Ju!v is il siwl filed 111 the office of the clerk if Oiii-s founty, 'ebrsk:. on the lilst da o Jl.IvIKKI ni! evi-ciited ill lavor of .Joli ii-hh KniV'I't ami :in;iiii -T A. .1. Abbott to secure tin payment id i'0 CO ai-d 11 mi uliieli here i imW due lite sum of M). Pefanlt having been tva-'e in 'he payment of said mum and nu suit or ;t her dint's at 1 tw ha inj; ben in stiiuttd t-1 recove said debt or anv p u t tllete of. ! i will cell the pi''prty therein dt-serilied, v iz : One dark nearly black, horse Cult auollt t a. -e lii'-.'it ';s i.l 1. :it public auction at the house i f Si.iti t -i.m alt Creek pre cinct in Sane'lfi's e.unnv N 'i-iska on the JKth day 01 Aii'U-- 1-'.l at te i.'e;--ek a. 111. of said day. .1 111 nmin ! n ; fit I.ien Holder. Dated Annus: .ah lssl jit Sheriffs Sile. I;v virtue of an order of sale Issued by W. C. ShowaMei fl rkoi the district cciiit within and I'm Cass county. Nclirast-a, tnl 'o me directed. I will ell tin- ol t day of A u 11st -t 1. lyl. at 2 o' ; . 111.. ot said day at tin f'-ot of 1 1 e st ail wav ! a:! li's 11 1 to liockw.f ii Ha l ill -he citv of I l.t! 1-..outh Ca-s eaunty Ne-bra.-ka that beinjt I he place: where ti.- last lerni ol t l.e lisficl fie.ri was bed i: Si-ld ( :-.;nty, sell at iHl!:ic auction, toe foil iwiim ! ill est tte o- wit : '1 lie s .ihe-:s iniaitei-is (. of s,.- ti i cv 11 ("i t w n't en i 10 iaif,enii:e mi in I'as- couniy eiiiuska to'-'eiher t- 1 he pri i.-i; 1 1 1 i no j' e 'hi-reuMo b.-liiiieiiiK or in anywise iiiperiainii:c. ii- same beinn l-vit 0 upon ai d taken as the nroptrtv i t k I.. I t wis. first name un known nd In:, Lewis, defendants : to sat isfv a jmtfiniei.i i f sa.d courr recove. en by M-i;y K. Her. a 111 1': si . at rix t t he estate of 1". ! '. Mailer, deceived. 1 t -in. iff; aifaiu.-.t said 1I1 f ndaiiis. !'! ttt-111 11U1, Ne!. loly o. 1 IMf -M T I : I K . Sherill Cass ' on ;y eb Notice In the District Court. Cass 'oindy, Neb. I the matter ft the :i:.)d!eati-n 1 ft A. '. Adams adniin'strator : In- limiiit AnI of the e.-tate ot ,i J--i-h. Keet- !'. (!e.eaed f-r.i-i cense to seii real es aie. I ( ii l 1: r Of HT. " t sa isf;n-;oril ." :iti -eariinr fn:n 'be peti ii lift aid atimini "!i.iur lliat he personal !!! erty is insu - c-nt to p.ty the :ebis out--tai.-litii; a vaitl es-al" and the rusts of uinnmistr atioti aim haf it is 11 c s -try to a 11 s ine p... tion of the r - :l -i.-t i n- that i'urioie It .?. h- rebv ide1- d II'.-.' - I V r - " interested in said est at' appear b f re me at the office of lie Clerk i f the is rie. Court of Cass County 5-In as a at . iafsm utii on Ih-'-'-ltli day of Auirusf -'trite Kurof 10a m o-bow cause if am Mi i'i- h ;ve ivliy sai adniiiustrator shonii! n. t Veeeive li. et.-c to s 11 the ten- es tate b,-.iii;:i. t.) Hie said esrare or; m pmicIi tlU'Jtnt as ms l.e necessarv to payine nrini oiitstaitdiiiK aaamsl said 1 sr t. It is furiber old. red that ..''is r- - r be published four smcessie weeks in ' 11 K I'l.ATTSMOfi h Am KI.V Hk.kai I) pr or t said dale. fiAJUKI. M- C'H X y M A . .ludjje. '-V tii'ih 1111 & Davis. Attorneys. Drs.BETTS&BETTS PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS and SPECIALISTS, 1409 DOUGLAS ST., OMAHA, NEBRASKA. f - tfa. Fit, .-VA Officfl honra from 9 a. m. to S p. m. Sunday I from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. RrwiRlistB in Chronic. Nervous, 8km and Blood Diseases. tSf Consultation at office or by mail free. . . .J : - I. motl fit. nrnniH RArnrAlV jxifliciuti- oem. li - packed, free from observation. Guarantees to cure quickly, safely and permanently. The most -widely and favorably known special- - . - - 1 IT : . 1 L!((n. Tli.IT. InnDATmniiiirji 1BLS in III UU1L1 ti ' -- -''ri - - remarkable skill and universal success in the treatment and cure of Mervous, t.nronic ana our, ideal Diseases, entitle these eminent physicians to the full confidence of the arfiicted everywhere. They guarantee: A CERTAIN AND POSITIVE CURE for the awful effects of early vice and the numerous evils that follow in its train. PRIVATE, BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES speedily, completely and permanently cured. NERVOUS DEBILITY AND SEXUAL DIS ORDERS yield readily to their skillful treat ment. PILES, FISTULA AND RECTAL ULCERS puaranteed cured without pain or detention from business. HYDROCELE AND VARICOCELE perma nonfit. in.1 sn rr-oKof n 1 1 v cnred in every case. SYPHILIS, GONORRHOEA, GLEET, Sperma- I torrhoea. Seminal weakness, j-k-si maiii-w--", Nijrht Emissions, Decayed Faculties, temale Weakness and all aencaie aieorucre p:un j either sex positively cured, as well as all fane , tional disorders that result from youthful folliea or the excess 01 mature yearn. 0i-;r.iif o Guaranteed permanently cured. I OiriCIUrB removal complete, withont cut- i a: n .lil.i.itiiTT Cnra fTert4rd at L 1 II K , rnuniii; ' ' uiaiu'i "- - . home by patient without a moments pain or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN AC,... Pt--rt The awfnl effects of early OUT U UUI C vice which brings organic weakness, destroying hoth mind and body, with all its dreaded ills, permanently cured. II to4-fo Address those who have impar- a.I tlmmcalvan VlV 1 TT1 TirrtT OT in. dultrence and solitery habits, which ruin both mind and rxidy, unhtting mem ror ousinebe, study or marriage. MARRIED MEN, or those entering on that happy life, aware of physical debility, quickly assisted. C3?Seiul 8 cents postage for celebrated works t nronic, nervous nun ii-ntmo tran. Thousands cured. SA friendly letter or call mHy pave you future suffering and shame, an.J Boldi u years to life. fTNo letter answered on1""1 acciimpanieil by cuntii in Btamps. Address, cr call on torTTO S DCTTC i DRS. BtTTb & bLI lb, - niia!ac fit.. OW1AHA, - - NEBRASKA. THEEE IS SOMETHING- 117 m S3 O r o O 'mk MimM to our store: for t lie bargains we ar oflerin. iSiac-e vil not admit of a comptcte list, lmt we ar-sure you that - A G-RSAT FIKD Is in store for you if you will eall and examine the oo(Ih and prices ottered at our Summer Clearance JSale and the shoes ottered at our Sample Sale. AVe have just received ni a big discount from the wholesale price the entire line of shoe samples from two wholesale shoe houses, c onsist, ing of twenty-three of their traveling salesman's samples 1.728 pairs in all. pairs ladies shoes and slippers 1 347 pairs Misses and Chil drens shoes. 12S pairs of Infants shoes 08 pairs You ths and Boys Shoes. Go0 pairs Mens boots and shoes. Come in and count tkiem if you dont believe tin bUteineiit, We will have tliem all displayed on counter through the center of our storeroom. 1 he nrm tliat we bought this stock of hare a reputa tion for selling solid goods Remember that in buying samples you r:t shoes without flaws or imperfections, in fact the verv best nairs made of the styles made. In displaying a, sample, whether it be of wi me cijico niuc. 1 1 1 u 1 Bpiil V 1 11 il MHIlplU, WIJCLIier 11 I)U Ol wheat, oats, potatoes or shoes, it is human nature to show the beet 1 l. . . .-v I A 1 I. . 1 1 .11 ,1 hiiu fcnoc men a,ze ouinuman. uurngtnis sale we will sell oui reg ular line of shoes at cost so as to make ail things even. If there is a "Doubting Thoas', we will let him look at the bills, which we dis play in our show window. The two kills are twenty-four feet long, look at them. With our liberal discount we are glad to get whole prices for shoes. WM. HEROLD & SON. 507 Main St- - - PLATTSMOTH, NEB. w Carries the largest stock of Summer goods in tne City, He has a Fine line of DOUBLE iLJSTD SIJVCxIxK IdCT liLlTliSS -o SADDLES A X D WHIPS -o- These goods muit e fcoid inbide ol 30 days SEGATOtESS OF POST W. G. KEEFER HAVELOCK ARE . YOU - GOING - -IF Remember that R. O. Castle & Co have an immense stock of LUMBER AND ALL BUILDIDG MATERIAL .A.T HAVELOCK . And Guarantee Satisfaction in all Things R. O. CASTLE & CO HAVELOCK, NEBRASKA. EUSHES m IT," . I- tj" Am -o- FLY NETS A X D DUSTERS -o- Plattsmouth. Keb TO - BUILD - THERE? SO- THE