Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, August 06, 1891, Image 3
A BIO FAILURE Tlie ;NoM rJftwi" J Mnf-hin Com pany ri1 f'jr jTO.OOO. From 7 In. l.ntu Tin Nolili' Sfwinu M;u liiiK t'oni- pany located at Weeping Water was Closed yesterday sum taken pose.-t-Hion of hy the inoi taivcs, the Ki-y-Htone Hank of Kile, IVimsyl vania, and a Mr. Nohle of Ihi- same city. The Krie p;irtiH look po-ei.-ion under their chattel mortaes whih amount (-il to .f.i J,!). Manv people in Weepine; Water will he heavy j losers hy the failure which will he severely felt all over the county. It in tin larrst andonc of thenmst tin fort una te fa i I ures t !ia t e'er mi r i i in the county, Tl.'i: h some way ui;iy he loitin! to Snie over the difficulties so thai the hie tory may he operated as it -.eeiued to hehina s;'ood husiness. (,OOD N iiWS Horly Men A'I'lerl io Sieirnk'-n' D - The Hurlin'toii manam aient which has always hei-n ciicrciic and puhlic spirited he-iiii takini; hack tin men discharged several tuoiiths ao Ity iiddiu 1"I to their pay roll in the height car department to-day. It i. rumored that tlje puUiii-.' on of a niht force in the machine .-hop- is Hcrioush' considered. Hi-tnrc Ioml we are convinced there will he ntia . men t'liijilii) ! than ever hcioiv, ai:i the city will wear a Sundav smile for every day in the week. ' Husi ness will improve r.-ipully and I'lattsmouth accord i n s, to her )opttIation will he tlie hest town in the state. rvl m rri f 1 . HlIKKI.S-MlLI.KK. At the ol"l;c- (-1 the County Jude. on July li'.'.h. aL 7 o'clock p. in., Mr. ( i.- '. M. Hurris and Miss. Sarah J. Miller were united in wedlock. J iidv Kainsey of ticiat in 14-. The "-room is the son of our fellow tomnsma n. M r, I )an i '1 1 In iris and is one anionir our eiierii'et ic and indus trious youn men, and Til li II K K'A I.I licartily congratulates Mr. Hurris over his capture of so heautiiulaud charming a youiiy; lady as M iss. M i I ler. May their lives he Inn and pros pen us. Ttii Rock lsfnl Judge Hrewer rt-fused to grant a supersedeas homl to the Union Pacific, hence trains will he put 011 the Rock Island today, and the U. P. will run into Lincoln over the Rock Island short line through this county, thus giving our western neighbors the benefit of two roads. The Milwaukee now runs into the Union Depot at Omaha. County Alliance Meeting. The regular quarterly meeting of the Cass county farmers' alliance was held in (i. A. R. hall. Weeping Water, July 'Ja, 1891. The represen tation was fairly good. The re ports of condition of the various al liances cheering. The business was transacted with harmony and rapidity and throughout the session a good interest was shown. The following officers were elected for the ensuing term: C. LeMasters, president; J. W. Cox, vice-president ; H. R Allen, secretary; J. R. Mar shall, J. Rouse, George Steel, K Dorr, Samuel Richardson, executive committee; Fred Mulertx, lecturer; Joshua Murray, chaplain; J. M. Kiser, door-keeper; M. K. Harris, assistant door-keeper; P. Hayes, sergeant-at-arms. Next session to be held at Weeping Water. Weeping Water Kagle. Seared the Tenant. The noise of a terrific explosion startled the people in the vicinity of Sixteenth and Douglas streets yesterday afternoon at about 3:30 o'clock. A heavy brass vulcanizer in the ofiice of Dr. Withers, a dent ist, in room 4U2 Hrown block, ex ploded with great force, shaking the building to the foundations, shattering the windows and tearing the plastering from the walls. Dr. Withers had been seated directly in front of vulcanizer but a moment before the explosion occtired. The explosion was undoubtedly caused by some defect in the vulcan izer. The gunge registered less than three hundred pounds when the explosion occurred. The noise of the exploison was distinctly heard for several blocks. Omaha Hee. Extension of Time Has been given to the G. A. R. visitors at the national reunion at Detroit to August 18. and a further extension may be had to Sept. 30 if they will deposit their tickets with the joint agent at Detroit not later than August 17. Card of Thanks. Mrs. Chas Hassemier desires to publicly thank the A. O. I". W. lodges of tlu city, the officers of H. & M. railroad and the many thoughtful friends who have shown her so many courtesies and special acts of kindness during the funeral of her late husband. BAM Junior. Is the name of the latest base ball club which is made up as follows: Or. Cooper, c; F. Hons, "Jb; Frank f Pine, ss; Dem Hyatt, p; Roy Kafon, ' cf; F. Hopkins, lb; S. Ruff tier. W. Haird, 3b; J. Hercher, If. rf; One hundred car loads of com pany coal has been received here and await an opportunity to be un loaded at the coal sheds. The com pany always stocks up 011 fuel luring the summer for winter use-, a scheme that might be profitably followed by individuals. The Prohibtionlt NominH a Ticket. Tin prohibitionists of C;ih coun-uthiii-il in tin city park at Vo'p injr U'iitrr, July for comity convention and picnic, pursuant to r;)I T)) t j, rt.;l t( n i n weather, frt ipnnt showers and 1 he husy harvest season kept many away, and com- peled tho?e who gathered to seek .-In Iter for the convention, which was found in the A. R. Hall. County chairman, A. ( . Ashley called the convention to order, prayer hy I h'.-v. J.I). M. H.a kner, vj of I'latts- : i.oiith. r motion the chair appointed t '.in- following committee on organj- .ali.V: j. i. M. Hnckner, P. P. (lass. I'. W i i ! ia in:-, who reported as fol lows ch; i rmaii, II. M. (fault, secre tary, I-;. W. Murlless, treasurer, A. O. Ashley. These wrre duly elected and were In serve as county com mittee. In response to call by the chair, State Chairman Hently and Rev. Huckuer made informal but vigor ous and inspiring speeches. The convention placed in nomina tion candidates for county offices and elected delegates to state and judicial con vent ion as follows: County judge. P. P. Gas, Platts- moiilh. Treasurer, iiim.iii. CI'.TK. eS; T. H. Hrown, Platts- i'ss Rockwell, Manley. Philander Williams. Kim- i 1 e r i 1 1 Wl )0. I. Supt. f.'ihu'aiion, 011. Plait-mouth, f'ounty coiiimi Miss Alice Wil ssioner, If. M. (la'ilt, I'lattsmouth. Survey or to be selected by county central committee. Delegates to the state convention. II. M. (iault. A. O. Ashley, I.. T. Guild, Noah Clemens. Kdwin Davis, C. II. Gihnore, Mrs. Jesse Rockwel 1, M rs. I). C. Hardy. K. W. Murlless. who were made delegates to the judicial convention also ."Irs. James, of Weeping Water, is in the city the guest of her brother Roocri Carlyle. Ir. Woods ami wife of .Louisville, parent. -; of Mrs. Chas Hasemeir are in the city to-day. Mrs. John Ley da returned home this morning from a visit with her parents at Weeping Water. Frank Kllenbaum had a slight runaway yesterday with his frisky horse which resulted in nothing worse than a broken harness. Thirteen cars of sugar cured hams were shipped from Nebraska City yesterday to Chicago where they will he boxed and reshipped to Liverpool. The "Ilinglish" like a good "'am" as well as anybody. M. S. Cmay and W. II. Dudley have resigned their places on the national republican committee which were duly accepted by the executive committee in session at Washing ton D. C. yesterday. J. S. Clarkson of Iowa was elected chairman by the executive committee and will doubtless be elected chairman by the national committee when it meets. From Friilini Dnilu. Mrs. lodge Russell went to Vil- lisca. Iowa, today for a brief visit. W. L. Knotts of Murray, Iowa, came in last night and will be added to Tllli HliiiALl) force. Miss Susie Keefer came in from Wahoo this morningaiid is visiting her friend, Miss Herta Hennett. Judge Archer was called to Cul- lom last night owing to the severe illness of his son at that point. He returned home this morning and reports the young man much better. Four new moguls for the R. G. W. passed through here last night from the east. Dave Stutzman is laying off today on account of a bouncing boy baby at his home. We never smoke. The city schools will open up for a ten months term on the seventh dayr of September. Don't forget the date. Two car loads of car wheels were brought in last night from Lincoln to be turned down and made over in the shops here. The Grand Army rate to Detroit and return is$18.o0 with choice of three routes beyond Chicago. We learn arrangements have been made for the official train over the Hurliiigton to pass through here Saturday night about ten o'clock. The HCimett camp meeting be gins Aug 13th, and continues to Aug 21st. The 13-cc M. has made a rate of a fare and a third for round trip. This is the greatest camp meeting in tiie west and always draws an immense crowd. Little Arthur Malick, aged six years, met with a most painful acci dent Wednesday evening, getting a fall that seems to have dislocated his knee-cap. The little fellow suf fers intense pain, having scarcely eaten a mouthful on that account since he was hurt. The prohibitionists are not all satisfied with their ticket named in convention here last Wednesday. and some say they will not vote the ticket nor have anything to do with 11. hhi many 1 lattsmoutli men hold down the heavy end of the tee ter. -W. W. Rep. A footing up by the county clerk shows that X has already been expended on the new court liui.-e. The bonds which were sold to the state treasurer at par will draw no interest until the money is actually drawn from the treasury. The first payment is likely to be made soon. Uncle Hen McNurlin is in town to-day from Joe Connor's big I'latte county ranch. Tidhall & Fuller, of Weeping' Water sued tin Nohle JVwing Machine company to-day in the district court for if 11.M Mm They also impleaded tlie stocKHoiders as defendants. The fair management has suc ceeded in raising the required amount, and in addition to other at tractions will ha c two balloon as censions hy the successful a ionaiit who was here a f.'w days ago. The county clerk was notified to day that the state levy in Cass conn ty for the enstiingy t ar wasti' 4 mills instead of ,") 1 -7 mills 011 last year. This will make the total levy for all purposes in this county lia 1-1 ti mills Mr. George Ho-ck shipped a car load of household goods to their new home at Iowa Park, Texas, last night. Mr. Ho-ck ami family will leave to-day for that point. Tilt-; llKK'ALK trusts they will find in their new home all that they ex pect, thouu'h we can t see how Fastern Nebraska can bt 1 m provci upon. draiiuma oik, Jolin Jienmngs Jr. and Marten Frederick and family leave on tin: flyer this afternoon for Pekin, Ills., where Mrs. Frederick who has been in verv poor health for the past vear, expects to take treatment. Till-; IlKK'ALI) hopes Mrs. Fredericks eilorts to regain her health may prwve entirely sue cessful. Henry McMaken is Grandpa again and he says the boy which was horn at his house yesterday is al ready named Benjamin Harrison Recce. As the father, Harry Recce, is a devout follower of Grover Cleveland we fear there will be a slight tumult in the family circle when Harry, who is now at North Platte, learn the name of his young hopeful. A. P. Horn, the old gentleman who dieel at the poorhott e the other day. had quite a history. He was a sailor during his younger davs and was employed on the Niagara, the boat that laid the first A t la nt ic cable. A fter the cable broke the (ireat Kastern completed the work and the Niagara was used as a coaling vessel. Mr. Horn was present with Cyrus Field wl en tlie first message was sent across water. After a long term of service on tlie water Mr. Horn drifted west and for several years made his home with Clarence May field. His eyesight finally failed entirely and he was taken care of by the county and died in the poorhouse, having no relatives that hi knew of. It was rather an unevedtful ending of an eventful life. Married . II E K KXDEEX-Coi'll K AX - At the of fice of the county judge, at I'latts mouth Nebraska, July 31st 1S31, at 11 o, clock a. m. Mr. Albert L.Heren deen and Miss Mary C. Cochran were united in the holy bonds of matrimony Judge Ramsey officiat ing. Acquitted of Murdr. Dr. Julius A. Schuelke, a promi nent citizen of Lander, Wyo., who shot and killed J. W. Sullivan, a druggist, April 17, 1SW, and has been on trial for murder, was ac quitted, the jury being out eleven hours. The defense set up the c aim of self-defense and temporary insanity, lhe men had a fight in a barber shop and Schuelke claimed that he was afraid Sullivan was romg to cut nun with a razor. Schuelke also claimed that he had been injured about the head some years ago in a railway accident, avid medical testimony was introduced to show that his injuries under ex citing circumstances would pro duce temporary insanity. A num ber of lawyers from Cheyenne and Laramie took part in the trial. Schuelke practiced medicine at Louisville, this county, for over a year, and those who knew him best never saw any indications of tem porary insanity. The jurors must have had a touch of the malady themselves. 1 he Journal Methods. The Journal has contracted a pernicious habit of libeling busi ness men by m isrepresenting them and their affairs in such a way as to hold them up to public criticism when a slight examination would show them the utter lack of truth fulness in their published reports. Their remarks about W. L. Hrowne and Mayor Richey in reference to the lumber contract were so far from the truth that two days after ward they were compelled to retract One of the latest abuses of their privilege as a newspaper, was the uncalled for attack upon the Klect ric Light company whom it seeks to injure by saying the candle arc power is less than 11?X; It being a fact, that while the contract calls for 120 candle power lamps, the company has always furnished without extra expense the much nu)re costly .-," candle power: lamp. Hut instead ot being com mended for liberality the company j is actully .abused and a suspicion ! .. ,1 ,1,.,. ,1, , 1, . . IHU rv 4 ,11.11 t,iy ill., jwt jiiiii to their contract with the city, and 1 a fel ling of resentment against the J company is thus unfairly generated. The story about a "rat" electrician i is also untrue, the fact being that i the chief electrician resigned, and : his assistant was promoied v.-p.o ' was equally as good a man, and gives his employers perfect satis- ! faction. We don't care to interfere' or criticise our neighbors business methods but when they become so notoriously had a.- to injure our best citizens it is t . - public opin- ! ion was aroused io . iH- enormity of j the offense. ' It Should be In Every House. J. H. Wilson. 371 Clay St.. Sharps, burg. Pa., says he will not be with out Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, that it cured his wife who was threatened with Pneumonia after an attack of "La Grippe." when various other remedies and several j phy sicians had done her 110 good. Robert Harber, of Cocksport', Pa., claims ir. lmgs .New JMscovcry has clone him more good than any thing he ever used for Lung Trouble. Nothing like it. Trv it. Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke V Co's drugstore. Large bottle, ade. and !f I am an old man ami have been a constant sufferer with catarrh for the last tin years. I am entirely cured by the use of Fly's Cream Halm. It is strange that's!) simple a remedy will cur!- such a stubborn disease. Henry Hillings, U. S. Pen sion Attorney, Washington, D. C. For eight years I have suffered from catarrh, which affected my ey es ami hearing-; I have employed many physicians w ithout relief. I am now on my second bottle of Fly's Cream Halm, ami feel confi dent of a complete cure. Mary C. Thompson. Cerro Gordo, 111. N-IIss' Nerveand Liver Pille- Act 011 tt new principle rt liintinjj the liver ,.-toiii!icli mul lnnveN tluouej the nerves.. A new diseevi iv. Dr. M il-s" Pills speedily cure liiioiMi s, m. lst . torpid liver, pili-a, cont-t pntion. Une quled for men, woiih n, children. SillHllept., inihlei-.t, .-urest! .rii do- s, 'J"c Sumplii free h' F. G. Fricke i (W The Createst Strike Among the great strikes that of Dr. Mill's in discovering- his New Heart Cure has proven itself to be one of the most important. The ile maud for it has become astonish ing. Already the treatment of heart disease is being revolutionized, an many unexpected cures effected. It soon relieves short breath, flutter ing, pains 111 side, arm, shoulder weak and hungry spells, oppres sion, swelling of ankles, smothering and heart dropsy. Dr. Miles' boo 011 Heart and Nervine Disease: free. lhe tmequaled New lb-art Cure is sold and guaranteed by F G. Fricke A Co, also his Restorati v Nervine for headache, fits, spree 1101 uasues, nervous emus, opium Jiatnt, etc. 4 Sudden Deaths. Heart disease is by fa- the most frequent cause of sudden death, which in three out of four cases is unsuspected. The symptoms are not generally understood. 1 liese are: a habit of lying-on the right side, short breath, pain or duress in the side, back or shoulder, irregular pulse, asthma, weak and hungry spells, wind in stomach, swelling of ankles or dropsy, oppression, dry cough and smothering. Dr. Miles illustrated book 011 Heart Disease, free at F. G. Frike & Co's, who sell and guarantee Dr. Miles' unequaled New Heart Cure, and his restora tive Nervine, which cures nervous ness, headache, sleeplessness, drop sy, etc. it contains no opiates. Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well and so popular as to need 110 special mention. All who have used Klecl trie Hitters sing the same song- of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do al that is claimed. F)lectric Hitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affec tions caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all ma larial fevers. For cure of headache, constipation and indigestion try Fllectric Hitters. Fntire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50c and $1 per bottle at F. G. Fricke .: Co's drugstore. 5 Hrown & Harrett dispense a greater variety of Summer drinks than any house in the city. tf A Fatal Mistake. Physicians make no more fatal mistake than when theyr inform pa tients that nervous heart troubles come from the stomach and are of little consequence. Dr. Franklin Miles, the noted Indiana specialist, has proven the contrary in his new book on "Heart Disease" which may be had free of F. G. Fricke & Co., who guarantee and recommend Dr. Miles' unequalled new Heart Cure, which has the largest sale of any heart remedy in the world. It cures nervous and organic heart disease, short breath, fluttering, pain or ten derness in tlie side, arm or shoulder, irregular pulse, fainting, smother ing, dropsy, etc. His Restorative Nervine cures headache, fits, etc. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Bust Salvk in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions-, and posi tively cures Piics, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to ttive satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Philip Krause will sell his goods cheap till the lath, of August, in order to make room for his fall goods. tf Wood For Sale. Over a thousand cords of dry wood for sale by Charley HempJe. Leave orders at Henry- Weckback J iV to S. UtI New Barn. ... T , Llam Parmele New btoek. has pushed his is a livery man by .f.r keeping nothing but the finest car riagvs and buggies and best horses to be found in the state. Those wanting a satisfactory livery can't do better than to call on Mr. Par mele. dtf Licence Notice. Notice is hereby given that I will apply to the county commissioners at their next regular meet i ng for a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors in the village of Union. Cass count)". Nebraska. dcVwtf. John Mohlek. f. PK.TKJSKJ GROCERS HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY, L"''L ,,TLM,i r nr- im C .Lul Ih.iuj - hL!l V IN - SEASON A I T i: . T ION KA K" M K K"S We want your Poultry, Fggs, Hut ler ami your farm produce of all kinds, we will pay you the highest cash price as we are buy ing for a firn in Lincoln. R PETERSEN, T II I-; L i; A D I N ( ; G R( c k rs I'lattsmouth - - Nebraska ZUCRWEILER & LUTZ- (siieet-SMirs to) SOL N N I C H S K N & SCHIRK. 'Hi!- Wai-lniiKttiMi Avenue GROCERS -A.N li Provision Merchants. 1 1 i-ai i !j 11 ai tti- for FLOUR A N 1 r'Elil), We pay no rent and 811 for CASH. You don'tfpay any billn for dead beau when you buy of this firm. The beet SOFT COAL always Hand. DONT FORGET AT run 5 COEITEBS On ?TE A T MAH S ' SIXTH STKEKT F. H. FLLKNHAUM, Prop. The best of fresh meat always found in this market. Also fresh Kggsand Hutter. Wild game of all kinds kept in their season. Meat SIXTH STKEKT MARKET1 What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pither's prescription for Infiutts and Children. It contains neither Opinm, Morphine nor other Karootie 8ubtance. It is a harmless irabfltitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrup, and Castor Oil, It La Pleasant. Its guarantee Lb thirty yenru use ly Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Wonns and allays fererishneas. Casteria prevents -romitingr Sour CrdL, cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colie. Castoria relieves teething1 troubles, eures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulate tlie stouiach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cos toria is the Children's .Panacea the Mother's Friend, Castoria. "Castoria Ss an excellent mlicn for chil dren. Mnf'few have repeatedly told me Off its good effect tcpoa their children." Ihc Q. C Oeaooa, LowaU, fttans. CaKtoria i the tnat remedy Tor e)riJirfi at wLich I am aorjunintwd. I ba tv day lmjt far dUuurt K-tien wAheTt wtll conrklr the real interest of t)Wr vfaliarea, and uso Catoria tn Etead of toe various qfiack DOfrurua which ara destroying ir loved oos, by f ororut? ofpiiun, morphine, sootfain syrup and oher burtfui amenta down thfir tbrotua, thereby sending them to premature graves." Da. J. P. KivcHELroa, Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company, T7 Murray Street, New York City. EDMUNDS & ROOT Tin- pioni ! r liit-K-liHtitf of ('firry n full Mock of .'em-mi lin n IioikIihij vhi , tinym II v, ry clone. IIijliiht price puid fur all kinds of furin produce. (Jen croun tri-iitui.-iiUnd fair ileal my in the wrerct of our stucci n.i. GIIA.S li tMT, Aol.iry Public Murray Neb. JUKE SUN 11 L L I A (' K KH. Ukkoh ami MaekMiiith Hhop Wagon, Buggy, Machine and plow lit jiiriim done HOKSKSIIOKINO A SPECIALTY lit' IISOS tllH NEVERSLIP HORSESHOE Which is the bent hornchhoe for th tanner, or for fut driving, or for citj purpoHc.8 ever invented. It 18 bo made that anyone es.n put on shurp or fUt corks, hs needed for wet and slippery iays, or Kiuooth, dry roiidn. ('all at hi a shop and examine the nkvkhbi.ip md you will use no other. J. M. SIINELLBACKKH. 12 North Fifth St. PlattHinouth JULIUS PEPPcR8RG. MANUFACT17KKK OF ANU WHOLESALE & RETAIL DKAI.RK IN THK I'hoiresf Brands f Oigars, FULL LINK Of TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLE fiiwavR in stock. Nov. 2't. lHWi. WATNyEtJ shi. .. A irocxl (-lianw ! Ij,,i,t 1111 hm 11 t you iifi-d in, c:tpu;t to ivpieMt-nt a reliable linn that warrant h nursery i-toek first class am! tniHto name. Work rll the Year an.l Kooil pay weekly to .u-u'eii- men. Apply im.-k, Htatiiiff aK,.. U L MAY & CO iserynieii Mount and .Seenim-n, m 1'aul Min Him house is responsible. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Whm Baby -w as lick, we pave h.-r tusloria. Wb?n sh wag & Chi)-i, slie cried for r.vroria wnen sne rx?carno Miss, ytm '.m r t , W7ie.nsh? ha-I Oil .r-y. :-ori. Castoria. - Caari li no ffll dail to clildrfn th I rBoouTBtaul it nyierijr mmv priaatpiiaB kuows to Hie. H. X. AfffHTCR, M. HI So. Oxford Ht, BrijwfUyn, K. T. " Oar phyaioiiwa hi tin ehikTrcn'a dprt HMot have npok(4 highly Uiuir expri eao in tknr titaxV) praeffae with Canturiav and aititwtcrli ire oaly uam aiooag ur medical wiplue what is kmwo a regular prudneta, yt we are frae to confess that tb trkwrifB of Gaotoria has won v& to look witto favor irta it." Ukitbo IIoMtTTAi. imp txpesaacT, Boston, UaML IXftN C. SJOTH, IV.,