Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 30, 1891, Image 4

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t 5
N'KXT Saturday tin new ware
house law goes into effect in thin
Mate. This will prove a good law
for the farmers, as they can store
their grain at a minimum cost, and
hy the use of warehouse receipts
they can get money for immediate
use and at the same time hold their
grain for satisfactory prices. A
.similar law in Minnesota has given
splendid results.
I. UK H Al.i-ohri has heen a good
private secretary, and he ma' have j
a chance to make some money lor
himself in ''..', hut he can hardly
expect to amass any such sum as i
Dan 1 Iamont has put into the
hank since V.). Courier-Journal.
The cases are different. In "I,ije's"
case there is a president, hut Dan
had the "julk of the load on his
shoulders for four years and the
puhlic deeply syinpatized with him.
- Inter Ocean.
MCXATOK tiOKMAX would be a very
good candidate for the democrat
if he could construct the platform.
JJtit he would have some difficulty
in standing-oil a free-tratle platform
Luilt by Henry Wattersoii. Gorman
tried to modify the St. Louis, plat- lhe World's Fair, lias secured a coi-
I'rof. Tomhins, Choral Director of
the Imposition, is in Knglaud and
will invite a number of the great
Knglish choral societies to partic
ipate in the dedication ceremonies
of the Kxbosition buildings in Octo
ber, IS'. . The auditorium for chor
al music, has been located in the
north court of the manufai lures
The London Times, in a long re
view of the Kxposition, .-ays there
can 'be no doubt now that the Im
position will surpass in many res
pects all expositions previously
held. Knglish manufacturers are
urged to make large displays.
The New Orleans Machinery Com
pany writes to chief Buchanan that
it willl make a complete exhibit of
cotton pun, sugar mill s and other
machinery at the Kxposition. An
other interesting invention that
this company will bring is the first
cotton gin made by Kli Whitney,
which was invented some time in
Commissioner Capt. G. I'. Cotton,
who is now ot San Pedro Sola,
Honduras, stirring up interest in
lection of over 400 varieties of birds,
some of which are quite unknown
to the outside world, which will be
exhibited with other products of
Honduras. The extraordinary col
lection of butterflies and insect
will not be far behind, and arrange
Tin; World-Herald prints a two-1 merits have heed made to forward a
column interview with Taylor, of tine selection of orchids to Chicago
Loup, the runaway legislator, I at an early date, so that they may
i n
form three years ago, but with
Cleveland backing Wattersoii he
failed, and so did the ticket. Gor
man is too shrewd a politician to
think that free-trade can win in
this country. Kx.
which makes very racy reading.
Ta) lor says he was worked for a
sucker and got taken in completely,
lie is now at Portland, Oregon, but
he promises to come back and
make a clean breast of the whole
affair, which he intimates may send
some people to the penitentiary
who are now flying very high. By
all means, Mr. Taylor, come back
and tell us what 3 011 know of the
onl- simon pure alliance legislature
we ever had in Nebraska. Your ex
perience might be of value to
future legislatures.
be growing and blooming there
Under the direction of Chief
liurnhani plans for two new build
ings for the Kxposition are bein
made. These buildings are for
shoe and leather exhibit, and for
musicial display. They will be
alxiut 325 by 423 feet each, and each
will cost 4tl00,XX). The location
selected for them is in the g'raud
court of the manufacturers and
liberal arts building. It was the
original intention to leave two
great open courts in the center of
the manufacture building, each
Cottonwood Alliance is a fair about 400 by 500 feet. After the
sample of the unanimous desire of shoe and leather industries of the
the political farmers to serve their I country made such a determined
beloved country on a salary. This I fight for the building and agreed
is the way they stand at Cotton-1 to raise all the money necessary to
wood: T. M. Kiser and Walter I out it tin. Chief Burnham decide
" l M. '
I'ropst are groomed for sheriff.
Coon Vallery and Josh Murray each
have their advocates for county I
commissioner. Ross Morrow would
that the two buildings named could
be erected in the courts which he
had originally intended to decorate
with flowers and fountains. The
like a glimpse at the promised land, j buildings will be onestory high
while Samuel Kichardson is beino- and will be separated from the
industriously backed by his friends I walls of the main building by
for county treasurer. Kach one of I streets about fifty feet wide
the above candidates is a member
of Cottonwood Alliance, and each
candidate has a following, so that
the order is ail broken up into fac
tions. We are told that other alii
ances in the county are in the same
plight with Cottonwood. The les
son to be derived from this is, that
if republicans STAxn TOGiiTHEK and
nominate a ticket composed of
good men, the free and fair choice
of the party, the republican ticket
will be elected from top to bottom.
In a recent letter from Hermann
Raster, printed in the Staats
Zeitung, he has something to say
about the people in the vicinity
of the little bathing place in Ger-1 in its contents.
Whatever may have been the in
fluences of his mother on his child
hood, Byron was fortunate in the
servants that had charge of him.
Mrs. Ilyron could afford but one;
and two sister of the name of Gray
served her successively, to whom
her son was greately attached, es
peciaiiy to tlie one wnose name
was JMay. Between May Gra3' and
her charge there sprang up an af
fection which was honorable to
both. May Gray was to Lord
Byron what Maria Millis was, a few
years later, to Lord Shaftesbury
Both were pious women, intensely
fond of their Kible, and both took
great pains to instruct their charge
Byron gratefully
The people of Malvern, Iowa, cele
brated the Fourth of J11I3', and like
a great many other localities had a
trades display. Mr. A. J. Krons
bein, a dealer in hardware, had a
float in the procession, made
largely of tin-plate, and labeled
"American Tin I'late," being an
American product. But such a
siglit made tne democrats mad.
Had Mr. Kronsbeiu displayed
"Knglish Tin Plate" they would
have rejoiced, but when he showed
the people the genuine "American
1 111 Plate they got 011 their ear.
and said Mr. Kroii.-bcin .-lioiild not
have exhibited it on the Fourth of
July. A merican citizens, think of it!
Think of the terrible crime of ex
hibiting American products on the
nation's hirthda3'! Democrats are
the s;, me everywhere. If they can
not lit 1:3 the existence of an Amer
c.iii imiustr3' they will make an
attempt to belittle it. So they did
at Malvern. The3' offered to wager
that the St. Louis Stamping Com
pany from which Mr. Kronsbeiu
had made his purchase did not
employ a hundred men making tin
plate. Mr. Kronsbeiu didn't like
the idea of betthig but democracy
came at him so insolently that he
took up these loud mouthed tra
ducers of American products, and
the result was that Kronsbeiu made
a sweep and his democratic sports
are "down at the mouth'.' worse than
ever. The followingcorrespondence
on the subject is interesting:
Malvekx, Iowa, July 8. St
Louis Stamping Co., St. Louis, Mo
GENTLEMEN: Will you please let
me know if 3-011 enipluy 100 men in
manufacturing tin plater Our
Fourth of July was celebrated by a
trades display and my lloat was
made out of tin spouting and
guttering, drawn l3' six fiorses,
mounted b3' 3rouiig knights with
spears and shields, in good style.
In front ot the float 1 had a sign
saying "American I in I'late, with
one of your tin plates attached, and
underneath the name of the next
governor of Ohio, Hill McKinley.
some ot our democrats went for mt
and bet me that no lot) men were at
work making tin plate in St. Louis.
Contract was written up. Please
send ine an answer.
Yours Respectfully,
Al g.J. Kkonsbein
Sr. Louis, July 11. Mr. Aug. J
Kronsbeiu, Malvern, Iowa Dear
MR: Kepi) mg- to jour favor of the
stii 111st., would say mat we are
pleased to read of your enterprise
and patriotism. We regret that we
.. s.s-',,t, lit iiiv ii , i K 1
failures to read what the state audi-
TifE Lincoln Herald devotes over
1 column to a description of a
tor has to say about the home Fire 1 bogus tin plate mill at Anderson.
outside of the
very lew there ever
heard of. This desire of the domo-
jrus tin plati
Insurance .Company of Omaha, nf-j Ind., that no one
ler making a careiui examination, j town and but
extending over four weeks.
Lincoln, Nkii. July, 2." 10I: I,
Thomas H. Benton, auditor of pub
lic accounts, do hereby certify that
I have this day completed a careful
and thorough examination of the
Home Fire I nsurance Compa 1:3- of
Omaha, Neb., and that I find said
Company in a sound financial con
dition with a net surplus over the
liabilities, and its hooks and alfairs
ver3' satir-lactory. the Company be
ing conducted of sound bu.-incss
Witness 1113 hand and official seal
the da3' and year above written.
Thomas II. Ben ton.
Auditor Public Accounts.
Dont be discouraged about that
eczema until you have given Ayres
Sai saprrilla a persistent trial. Six
Bottles of the medicine cured the
complaint for George S. Thomas, of
Ada Ohio, when all other remedies
failed to affoid any relief.
cratie part 3- to cry down am) he
little the beginning of a great in
dustry is a true sample f the patri
otic instincts of that free-trade
organization, which has always
been ready to hcl p Kugla ml at the
expense of their home government.
Slier-ilf ."-.iil,..
l.V vli'iu- of hii enlri i't ' cl I .'
nisi 1 11 I
ilss' Nervuand Liver Pillo
Act on 11 m w jn incjii-- i.i : a. : 1 n
tLe iiver, .-"toiiiHth mxl bowel.- lino il
the nei vi;.i. A new discovery. Dr. Milt V
Villa i (lily cure hiheUMi. ss, ln. tu.-ti.,
torpid liver, j i ies, constipation. Une-
rpiiileif for men, Women,
lee Ci'Piim Do I i vnrerl
J. P. Antil has started an iei
cream delivery wi'goii. which de
livers ice cream to your Lomes in
any amount y ou wif.h, leave ordeis
at his piace.near corner of Sixth an
Pearl street. tl
mi union
1. 11 ti inn
. ii)' 11-1 A. I.
,0 III'' f"i"l
liiil'h 'At' 'l 11-111
l - I aiiiill y S-
M-c u here 1 1" ia,i
was lii'I'l 111 NiiKl
the li.Uowiini
.l.: I
.1.1 !.-
ii' I,"
X 1 1 1-: G-eeiiwood Ga.ette has died
again. As this is about the fifth
time it has died, We begin to think
an obitu iry notice is justl3 de.-crved
Sni'Mie.-t, mildest, surest! ,r)i' doses, 2")C.
S tmiM free at F. G. Frii ke & Go's
The Greatest Strike
Among the great strikes that
Dr. Miles in discovering his New
Heart Cure lias proven itself to he
me of the most important. The de
mand for it has become astonish
ing. Already the treatment of heart
disease is being revolutionized, and
maii3' unexpected e: u vs etiected. It
soon relieves .-horl breath, flutter
ing, pains in side, arm, shoulder,
weak and hungry spells, oppres
sion, swelling of ankles, smothering
and heart dropsy. Dr. Miles' book
on Heart and Nervine Diseases.
free. The uucoualed New Heart
Cure is sold and guaranteed 13' F.
G. Fricke V Co, also his Kestorat iv e
Nervine for headache, fits, sprees,
hot flashes, nervous chills, opium
hain't, etc. 4
It Should be in Every House
J. Ii. Wilson, 311 Clay St., Sharps
burg, Pa., say s he will not be with
out Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption. Coughs and Colds,
that it cured his wife who was
threatened with Pneumonia after
an attack of "La Grippe," when
various other remedies ;jtid several
PI13 sicians had done her no good.
Robert Barber, of Cocksport, Pa.,
claims Dr. King's New Discovery
has done him more good than an3r
fhing he ever used for Lung
Trouble. Nothing like it. Try it.
Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke &
Cos drugstore. Large bottle, oOc.
and .f 1.00.
I am an old man and have been
constant sufferer with catarrh for
the last ten years. I am entirely
cured by the use of lily's Cream
Balm. It is strange that so simple
1 remedy will cure such a stubborn
disease. Henry Billings. V. S. Pen
sion Attorney, Washin
Wanted A dosirabh
the Dovey homestead,
Seventh ami Oak streets.
tf Ii. G. Dovey ,v Son.
tenant for
corner of
Philip Krause will sell his goods
cheap till the loth, of August, in
order to make room for his fall
goods. tf
Wood For Salt:.
Over a thousand cords of dry
wood for sale 113- Charh'3 llemple.
Leave orders at Henry Week back
V Cos. tj,f
Now Barn-New fator-k.
lilam Parmele has pushed his
way to the front as a livery man by
keeping nothing but the finest car
riages and buggies and lies' horses
to be found in the state. Those
want ing a sat isfactory livery can't
do belter than to call on Mr. Par
mele. ,iu
License Notice.
Notice is hereby given that I will
apply to the county commissioners
at their next regular meeting for a
license to sell malt, spirituous and
vinous liquors in the village of
Union, Cass county, Nebraska.
di&wtf. John Moiilek'
: S I ; , (I iKul II
'- i.hii fm (':i" ceiinlv. '
1 lllO-rleil. I Will nil I I' .'il I
: I Mil . a 1 'J '! i'-j, 111 . "I .
I el I lie fl " II tv;i i le., : II. Up I
1 1 III- ll! V I'l 'l 1 I -'. illl ll
! I'lit-Ka I '..;t I 111- I lie !.,
ii-iin el the i.l-l li'l 1
( '0.111! V, sell al e'llen: mm
r' ai i-M lie m- 1 1 :
'1 lie i ill lie.!-l iII.O ler ( - e . f seel i' II fCVfii
(7) I u 11 ten ( 10 i;i,i'Mi! :m in ( ;is i'Olilily
Vi-l.ialva lnellier t ' lie h i I ivm'iohI ;i
ii:l nail' e I lieieuntn l.eluh).'ii'K ul' III ai.yw in'
ilu- same I'Ci: I, 1 I i iMiianil taken -x
tin- ni.eiiN t 1 H. L. Lewis. Hist name en
know n ml I n:i. I. . Lew Is, lieii'iiilaiits : In at-l-!
a Ji'lliMllfli' ei Saul enlll'-' lei'i.V'' ' I ly
Vl.ii yl-.. iler :i 1 1 1 11 i 11 st 1 a;i , ol 1 lie estate of
1", ll. lialler. ileceaceiJ , l . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; n ;ii u.-vt Mild
(lef-'liilai H.
flnttMii-iiiili. ?-t-i., July :io. A. I I id
M Tllill K.
Slier. IT Ca-s 1111 ry, .Nell
In tlie l)l--lllet ( unit. Cuts ''ini-My, Nft.
In tin matter et li e a T'il ieat i"li )
el A ('. .v.I.miis ailmliiislratnr I
- Itnnia A Cri (if t lie e-late of .((
si 1I1 S. Keefer, drcea'i'd forii-
eeii-e In sell leal ei ate. J
I'KHKII K ( (ll'HI'.
it i faeioi ll.t :ti earliiK from tlie ix-li-li
nut r-aiil mi inin i- 1 at or liiat -lie iiersonal
ITOficilv i- iis'L I'ceiit to pny the (lelils out
"t:l:i!iet! il' all:sl Miiil es'ale uild tile C(lltS lf'on oel liatitisn ce-sry lo m !l
me 1 ! 1 1 ion of I lie r ;.l eft at fir I hat uu
It - ll rele. nleii il Ilia; all )( lons int'o-enteil
In saiil e-t rite a e ear Ii f re me at 1 he nllii'H of
tlieCleik i,f the is lie' 'oilit 'f 'h-s I'nunty
v ylo aska i-.t ialo-iu 11I11 on Ihe'.MIh Iay of
AliifH1! lsiil at t lie hour ol 10 a III o how cause
if any ih-v have why said ailininistiiitor
oiilil in t receive license in s-11 Hie real en
tail lielmi, to the saiil es ate r" so mncli
I h :'i ( of at- max he nece-sal v to pay lhe ilelits
ontHtaiKliiiij amonst said ( si te. It js further
ilili led 11, at '.I'l" 11 er lie (ill hi Is lied lour
silicesive wicks III 1 II K I. ATI .s.MOC I H
iVH-iii.v I J k if , 1,1 1 r i T t.i ant (la.e.
. A VI I K I. M - ( ' II A lM A ,
XVindh mi ,v Davis. Attorneys.
W I. ., T a MAN in
ev i v lucality to net mi
H'riviift' 'festive ninleii'iir Mi -1 -:'t i !!
soul 'I nir tor ."ii-ula l,nl' lil'IN
Dili,' HVi: iLKM'Y, h. x 77, W ashinton .
low a.
Hair chains, rings, crosses ;
hair work of all kinds to order.
Mrs. A. Knee.
tf 17J(i Locust St.
ton. 1). C.
For eight years I have suffered
were out of the plates you request, from catarrh, which affected mv
or would have been pleased to send e3 es and hearing; I have employed
UJai'.vie, in Harper's Magazine for
manywliere he is staying. Ihe3 are ascribes his acquaintance with the
weavers by trade, and under aver-1 Bible, and especially with the
age circumstances each of them psalm, to May Gray. Doubtless
earns about 40 cents a dayon which she taught him 'The Lord's my Shep
to support himself, wife, and what herd and many other psalms in
cnnaren lie may nave. i ne uemo- the rugged Scotch version. It is
cratic free-trade orator will say at noteworthy that he liked the Old
once that everything is much Testament much better than the
cheaper abroad than here and that New. From "Lord Byron's Karly
the 40 cents are the equivalent of a School Days," by Professor V, G.
irreat many .more in American
This is Mr. Raster's statement of
what the weaver buys with his
wages daily for himself, wife and
four children: Kent of the single
room they occupy, which contains
the loom, cooking utensils'and L e J,
and is 12x15 feet, 2.4 cents per day;
a five-pound loaf of bread, made of
rye and barley, 13.2 cents; a quart
and a half of skimmed milk, 1.2
fpnts: half a neck of potatoes, M.
cents; a quarter of a peck of Hour,
4.2 cents; salt, .H cent; kerosene, 1
cent; butter, 1.2 cents; total, 27.0
cents. This does not leave much
leewaj' for meat and coal or clothes.
The weaver buys every two or
three weeks half a pound of meat
with bones, and pays about 7 cents
for it. In winter he buys a hund
red weight of coal, for which he
20 cents ami which lasts him
ten days.
The American workiiigman is in
the habit of living somewhat better
than this, and would not care to
drop down to this frugal fare. But
he will have to if his democratic
friends force him to enter into com
petition with men who live as these
German weavers do. Is he quite
ready to take all duties off competi
tive "oods, and to go into a maun-
facturing war, iu uc vix-. ...
THE famous Rocklsland-Unioti-Pacitie
lawsuit was decided yester
daj by Justice Brewerof the Federal
Court in a lengthy and logical
opinion. The J udge holds the con
tract good thus allowing the Kock
Island to run its trains over the IT.
P. bridge into Omaha, wherel3
the Kock Island will also he enabled
to operate its new line through this
count)' and connect with its main
line for Pueblo and Denver at Beat
rice. The decision will certaiiil)
give almost universal satisfaction
and emphasizes one fact verv
strougl' that Mr. Ja3- Gould does
not control the Kansas-Iowa-Nebraska
lT. S. Circuit Court. Judge
Brewer took occasion to S113' in his
opinion that corporations should
learn, that the sanctit)- of contracts
should be observed 1)3- them the
same as individuals ami that a
change of "circumstances was no
better ground for a corporation
ignoring a plain contract than it
would be for the humblest citizen.
them as requested. If you still
desire a few let us know and we
will send what we can spare when
we make more. We find them a
very effective argument.
u e send you bv this mad copies
of newspaper interview?, etc., which
we thinK will anord you all the in
formation necessar3 to confute the
statements of your benighted
friends. In addition will slate that
our present mills employ nearl3- 4tX)
hands, the maiorit3 of whom are
rolling sheet iron for tin plates.
Near 3- HS per cent of the making of
tin plates is in rolling the iron. If
the free traders onl3- knew a little
more about what the3-talkof tht'3
wouhl be wiser and sa3' less, for the
more tlu'3' sa3- now the more the3"
will have to eat crow as the time
goes on.
Our new tin plate mill, of 000
boxes daily capacity, is now com
pleted and will be in running order
within a few weeks. 1 his will 111
crease the lorce to over 0UU men.
All the tin plates we are now
making we are turning into the
manufacture of our regular lines of
tinware. When the mill is under
va3' we expect to have some plates
for the market. Later on it is our
intention to erect a mill of 2.000 to
2,o00 boxes dail3" capacity. We are
contending with, and expect to con
tinue to have to contend with, all
sorts of misrepresentations, mis
statements and downright lies, but
they will not prevent our mills from
running nor keep our tin plate off
the market. When we announce to
the trade that we are in position to
till orders for tin plates 111 any quan
tities, which we expect to do within
a month or two, this will be a suffi
cient, convincing and permanent
answer. Yours ver3- truB.
St. Loins Stamping Company.
man)- pliysicians without relief. I
am now on my second bottle of
Kly's Cream Balm, and feel confi
dent of a complete cure.---Mary C.
Thompson, Cerro Gordo, 111.
"Down the surplus," has of late
been a very popular democratic
war cry. And tne largest surplus
we have heard of to which it would
ipply. is the 40,000,0Oi gallons of
lie must imitate the style of living whiskey now stored in the single
of hia opponent? . state ot rvent ucny.
Kansas states these clear and forci
ble reasons for the faith that is in
I am a protectionist because I am
111 American, vv e snonici nave iree
trade among' ourselves because we
moor one nag ami are citizens of a
ommon country. But the man
who builds 110 houses here, who
pa3's no taxes here, who employs no
abor here, who does nothing to
contribute to our growth and to
our prosperit3", but who 1 i ves abroad
levoiiu the ocean, whence he de
sires to bring his products, eitheir
farm or manufactured into this
jreat American market in competi
tion witn ours, lie sliould pa)' lor
the privilege; and when he has
paid lor the privilege we will cover
the 11101103 into the treasur)- of the
I mted Jstates, and with it we will
cancel our obligations and rarry on
the concerns of government. And
I would do this in the name of pa
triotism and inv' country because I
believe it right-
A Fatal Mistake.
Physicians make no more fatal
mistake than when they inform pa
tients that nervous heart troubles
come from the stomach and are of
little consequence. Dr. Franklin
Miles, the noted Indiana specialist,
has proven the contrary in his new
book on "Heart Disease" which mav
be had free of F G. Fricke V Co"
who guarantee and recommend Dr.
Miles' unequalled new Heart Cure.
which has the largest sale of any
heart remedy in the world. It cures
nervous and organic heart disea.-e.
short breath, iluttering, pain or ten
derness in the side, arm or shoulder,
irregular pulse, fainting, smother
ing, dropsy, etc. H is iv'estorative
Nervine cures headache, tits. etc.
A desireable house, "with fruit"
for rent or sale inquire of W. A.
Boeek & Co. ;t
That HackingCough can soouick-
1 ,...,.,,! 1... CM.M..1.' . ii-
tunu 11 .111111111 cure. we
guarantee it, ltf
The largest line of patent med-i
cines will be found at Brown .V Bar
rett s tf
Mark Twain.
This noted humorist lives in Iler
ford Conn, and by his own writings
has made life more pleasant to
thousanns. By the use of Bailors
Sarsaparilla and Burdoch thousand
of lives have been lengthened and
life made pleasant. Both are bene
factors and both are entitled to the
thanks of mankind. For sale by all
Amient F"gypt.
'ir in me mosi startling, mt -r-
esting discovering of the liie and
customs of buried Egypt are now
oeingmade through extensive ex-
. . . . . . ' , -1 . .
(-rtauoni. inese discoveries sire
exciting a great interest. Many di
coveries are however being made
in our country that are not less
strange and remarkable, among
we ma)- mention that of Ilaller's
1 aralyzer whibh effects entire re
net, ;ul to many cases a coin oleic
cure or mat terrible disease rheu
matism and which also relieves
pain of all kinds.
Por J.1 years Joseph fShera. of
K'ock Bluffs has been engaged in
the business of selling general mer
chandise at that place, and to-day
he carries a large and complete
stock of groceries and general mer
chandise which he can sell cheaper
than any competetors for the fol
lowing good reasons. He pays
110 city taxes. He pavs no house
Office hours from 9 a. m.
from 10 a. to. to I p. m.
to 5 p. m. BancUyS ,
Srjecialists in Chronic. Nprvorm HVin ami Plrwi
C-? Conpnltation at offir nr hv mail ma
Medicines Bent by mail or einrHw. awnrols
packed, free from observation, (i
cure quickly, safely and permanently.
The mofit widolv Rnil favorahlv knnnm rln I
ieta in the United bt.ate. Their long ezperienoe,
remarkable skill and universal suees8 in the -treatment
and core of Nervons. Chronic nnH Hn,.
ffical I lisoaHfo, entitle these eminent physicians
to the full confidence of the arllicted everywhere.
They guarantee:
awful effects of early vice and the numerous evils
that follow in its train.
speedily, completely and permanently cured.
ORDERS yield readily to their skillful treatment.
puaranteed cured without pain or detention
from business.
nently and successfully cured in every case.
torrhoea, Seminal Weakness, Lost llarihood
." i r K t PiniaDinna 1 1,. n.. ..... i L? I . - .
; ' r auuiLieH, remaie
vyeaKness ami all delicate disorders peculiar to
- , . 1
Dox'T fail to read the article
tin on this page taken
Iowa paper. It is calculated
make democrats think a little whose
think tanks are not out of order.
Electric Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so well
and so popular as to need no special
mention. .All who have used Klecl
trie Bitters sinr the same sonir of
praise. A purer medicine does not
exist and it is guaranteed to do al-
that is claimed. Klectric Hitters
will cure all diseases of the liver
and kidneys, will remove- pimples.
Iioils, salt rheum and other allec-
tions caused by impure blood.
Will drive malaria from the system
and prevent as well as cure all ma
larial fevers. - For cure of headache.
constipation and indigestion tr)-
hlectric Bitters.-- - hut ire sat is fact ion
guaranteed, or monev refunded.
Price aoc and .fl per bottle at F. O.
Fricke iNc Co's drugstore. "
Brown S: Barrett dispense a
greater variety of Summer drinks
than any house in the city. tf
K. W. Sawyer of Rochester. Wis.,
i prominent dealer in general mer
chandise, and who runs a very suc
cessful peddling wagon ami had
one of his horses badiy and burned
and cut with a lariat. The wound
refused to heal. The horse became
lame and stiff notwithstanding care
ful attention and the application of
remedies. A friend handed Sawyer-
some of Hallers Bard Wire Bini
ment the most wonderful thing he
ever saw to heal such wounds. He
applied it onl)- three times an the
sore was complete- heale 1. Ivjual
!' good for all sores, cuts, bruises
and wounds. For sale L3' all drug-.
Needles, oils and parts for all
kinds of machines can be found at
the Singer office, corner of Main
and Sixth streets, with II. Bocck. tf
his business. His farm furnishes
all his needs and more too. Conse
quently it is hard to undersell him.
He keeps constantly on hand a
large supply of flour and meal. He
is alive, and a let live man.
Be wise in time.- You have too
many gray hairs in your head for
one so yound looking. I'se Hall's
Hair Renewer the best prescription
out to cure them. Try them.
relit If,- wi'tli li"n r-,..,:i.. .,n..,i 4 I either sex positively enred. ns well nu nil fr,
, - . ' V.. '"""- '-I'triiw n, ti0nal disorders tht roan If f,m r,.kfi t'u;ZZ
" iwiXJOV
or the excess or mature years.
SfrirtlirP fjiaranteed permanently enrsd.
JU llylUl C removal comDlete. withonf nt
tinjf, caustic or dilatation. Cure effected at
home by patient without a moments pain or
Slire ClirP The BT?nl effects of early
n OUI C UUI C vice whii-h hrinn-. .1
weakness, destroying both mind and body with
all its dreaded ills, permanently cured.
UTS Rptt Address those who have impar-
Ul O. UCUO e,l thms v h i..,
dulrence and solitary habits, which ruin both
mind and body, unfitting them for business
study or marriage.
MARRIED MEN, or those entering on that
happy life, aware of physical debility, quickly
S38en? 6 c?,nt8 Postage for celebrated works
on Chronic, Nervons and Delicate Diseases
Ihousands cured. tSTA friendly letter or call
may save yon future suffering and shame, and
add golden years to life. WNo letter answered
unless accompanied by 4 cents in stamps
Address, cr call on '
1409 Douglas St.,
Estrayed Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has taken up at his
pasture west of Cullom one white
horse, branded on left shoulder;
weighs about o0 pound, with lieavy
fet locks. The horse is in good con
dition and had a small rope tied
about its neck. The owner can ob
tain the property, by showing own
ership and paying charge at tin
residence of Wm Gilmore 3 miles
south of Blattsmouth or of C. B.
Creamer one mile from Cullom. wot.
Rheumatism Cur1 i 1 Diy.
"Mystic Cure" for rheumatism and
neuralgia radically cured in l to 3
days. Its action upon the system is
remarkable and mysterious. It re
moves at once the cause and the di
sease immediately dissappears.
The first dose greatly benefits. 7fc
Sold by K, G. Fricke, Druggist, wt
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world tor Cuts
Bruises-, Seres, Ulcers, Salt liheuni. Fever
Sores, Tetter. Chapped llauds. Ciiilhlains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or bo pny required.
It is guaranteed to ;ive satisfaction, or
money refunded. Price 2." ccntK per hex.
For sale hv F. G. Fricke & Co.
; v,.r.- r . -j
' f . . Lav
''"TCu LA- w
!" i 'ration, with-
er the ft.t- r- , nl fkin RofL
voia Cream ia
'-ovor defects.
,11 : "nor VI
V" li-i;)r!..iOi:.s. ji', ifi jr
- ki ve BauK4ct
ed for GO ctiV..
Mi'X'th ri. l
not a psint cr -.
1)111 a rernei: r U
ToleJo. Oiilo.
.--";: i"j:i.-tb or inaii-hy
ANTED ssir-sman.
Loeal Anil Travclln'?
A trooti cliaiice ! l).nt. im ii i
You n. i-d in, -.i hi i ai to rt-pn-ciit a n-liali!
tiii'i Hint warritiit- nui'-erv tork first cl;e-j atnl
true to name. Work ll the Year ami
,'nod pay Weeklv to enei ic men ppiv
ljiick. HtafhiL' ai-H. L U MAY & CO.
urseryini-n l-'lurift and Seeumeii. mi l'aul Min
Tlii1 house is responsible.
t'ANS l.OllCt:, No. 145. 1. O.O. F. meets ev--ry
Tueniay niKlit at their ball in Fitzgerald
lock. AW Odil KcllowH are cordially invited
w alteuii win Ij visiting in the city.
T. K. Williams. X. g
!J. W, Bridge, S-c.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castcria.
'.., .-. s' f -. ) ' ' '
;ivf hT Ci
: i i-i. ? r .- -
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5 1
1 1