Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 30, 1891, Image 3

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i musk no. is r.i.ow.N 11 at the
koi no U(HM.
Charley Hascmoier and John
Hardruba Instantly Killed.
,ank Mail --.- fioriouslv Injured ut
Thought not Fatally Many
Others Have a Narrow
Escape With Thfcir
Lfv. s
.'(.-7 7 I.I :'
Last t-vriii n.n' a liltlf Info "c si-veil
o'clock icn'ilt I;iin Mr-c1 .Mid in
the south ji;irt of the i;v w r- s(:ir
llcd by wliat si-i-nn-l 1o lit- a lu iny
explosion in the direction of
the 1 S. A: M. Shops. The Shop
wlii.-tles Imiiii to hlo for help
winch i iimieili;i !!y -ave not i e to
tlie puhl ie t h;t l mii i le ! i.-:is i -r had
befallen the shops. Several shop
men who reside near by rrspond-'d
to the call for aid and it was .-eon
discovered that engine No. l'J, which
iloes dwt' on the Nebrasiia CUj
bridge run, and which had been
completly overhauh d recently, had
exploded with jreat force.
The engine was stand i . iii the
east round house near the niiodie.
The ex p! o i' i i niut have been one
of b:nu,ular force for beside level ' Mi
the walls of !; brick and stone
building it liiled the ,."e;'t 'ion
t roof hii;!i in t he a r fro:i i six of the
stali, numbered iioai f to 10 in
clusive, whi h fell back with a
C ash, destroy incj- even more ibaa
he fir: t elTi-ds of the explosion.
The in1 i orl ii i) a' e viciims of tlu
explosion were Charles UasemeM-r
lohu llardruia and Frank Mauer.
Cha' les Ilasemeier, the fireman, it
seems had been workiniv about tin
engine uettinj" it in readiness to
out at 7 o'clock, although he had
i vided wok for the niht wiih Sam
Ilinkle. Tilt lailer h;il not yet ar
rived to relieve lum and hiiirineer
i'lCLlcmiaii was tour minutes away
Jiurryiii o the round house when
he awail e.iplosion shook the earth
all about him. At the
i e o i
ei)losioii it seems tnat IIaseme:r
" liiVljust entered the cab of the fate
ful engine, and the engineer of 21
thinks he had turned he blower on
to raise to s.eam. He found
in the anjjway, pinioned a'.;-ist
the coal gale of his tender with a
board through his dies!. He pre
sented a sickening spectacle, his
entrails protruding and his left
hand being blown otf. His head
was cut and the left side of his face
was badly scalded.
John Hardruba was the wiper and
was in the act of blocking up the
21, which was being put in place by
Kiiglneer Ka.siiius.-i'ii. He was
found under the broken brick
y-td scrap iron with a hole in the
top of the head from which his
brains protruded. He must have
been killed instantly, while Ilase
meier lingered for a few seconds
after he was found.
Frank Mauer, the other victim of
the accident, it is thought may re
cover. He was engaged w p" ir Ihe
cylinder head of the 21 and was
found among the deb s jammed
against the cylinder, his headb.-rdl v
bruised and his left ear cut oiT. He
seriously hijr ed but the physi
cians think he v:'l recover.
of the accident will probably never
be known with any degree of cer
tainty. The engine had been used
all duy and Cc-ried 13a pounds of
steam, and it is sa;d Ihe si earn
guage but a inonie it before the ex
plosion showed but ninety pounds
with the boiler well li led with w.i
ter. The tteam guage might have
been defective, though it is saiil tlie
feafety-valve was set ;o blow off at
one-hundred and P iy pounds
which is not a dangerous head of
s Vain for a good boiler.
Kai-Oid men would not hazard
p. l (;)'i'on but ii seemed to the re
porter thai a defective boiler was
their idea of he c.ire, as the bo le
has bee'i in a' most coti-.aiit use for
about 18 years. And then the ap
pearance of the boiler, twisted and
cracked as it was, looked as though it
certaia'y was not of as good iiiute
ial as a new one would be bu''t o".
The inquest in session to-day may
be able to M'-hw more light upon
the mat er.
A visit to tiie scene of the wreck
this morning, which has been made
by hundreds of people, shows but
little lei't standing above the
wheels of what was known a the
12. The boiler flues lay in a heap,
but there is no vestige of the
boiler near them. The two locomo
tives on either side were badly
wrecked 13' falling iron and beams
from the roof. One piece of the
boiler went up in the air and came
down install 4, only .harm;ng 1 he
roof in that stall.
Charle Ilasemeier, one ot the
victim of the catastrophe claimed
by death, was but twenl y-ei-lit
years of age and had resided with
i . . ... . lf I M I. .tin
pareius, .... ...... ...... j
i r a .... (,....,.
ilasemeier, io, ...... i ....... '
in i les
on their farm five
east of Louisville.
He was an industrious steadj', ex
emplary joung man, his number
of friends being limited only by the
number of his acquaintances. He
was niairied ,o a Miss Woods of
Iowa about three years ago, wno is
so sudden.iy bere.'t of a devoted
hu-baiid. 1 ne oulv child died a
f .v nin'itiiH a-o. Tile deceased
held a :-,('. po'icy of liie insurance
in the A. I). '. W. and one for bkt
amount in '.lie HiivlMigion We'it
and one lor .Tl.l.w'O in some
co-operative association making a
tola! of .-).( ).
The remains will be taken 1o I. on
isviile this evening and the funcra
w'll probably occur to-morrow.
John Hardruba, tile other victim
is said to have been '.11 years o
age and !eaes a wife and three chi
lli en. the elde.-t being about eight
vears f age. lie held no in.-ur
:;:."-e so far a.-t u c have been able t
'i I ie cm 1 1 i n n y !;as kindly temlereil
a fee l';o i km liie A. ( ). I'. W. and
i i: j uied k; i e irieiels of the late ("has
Ilasemeier in atiC'id the funeral at
l.o'.'isville lo-moi . ov. ine train
will b-a e the ilepot here .-roi.iptly
at 1:!") to-morrow afternoon.
I he damage iidliiied by the ex
plo.-iou w.'.l real h 3 !.'(,( io. ), beside;
t lie loss of i fe.
The boiler on engine 12 once had
a I wo ueeks' bath i'l the I'ial ti
ri ver.
No two men se'in to avree as to
liie cause o. iiie ex : I n; k i loe
nil" en.-iis of public opinio-i seei
to bei ve ti;e boiler va. de
Charles Hasemeie.'s wife wa;
sick ant
lie was u't'tiing Ins e.'giiH'
re. 'dy
ior Sam Ilinkle, who was a
itein geU'iig around. Sam
t. ongra!
himself that he v.;
Charley Miller got a few bricks in
the back but was not hurt to
amount to anything.
The coroner's inq nest begun last
n-'ght and after viewing the scene
of the explosion and examining- two
witnesses to-day adjourned 'til 10
o'clock to-morrow.
An attache of The II ERA LI) was
Standing- in 'iiedoor of stall a
at the roioid house when
the explos on occurred. He
says the report was not loud
enough for a heavy head of steam.
He was struck on the arm with a
brick and dodged a lubricater that
was coming down through the air.
judge Archer has a habit of go
ing home th ough .lie round house
but last evening hf went around
and was only a few steps away
when the engine was blown to
pieces. He thinks he had a close
Pieces of the bell on No. 12 were
picked up in the shop yard several
rods from Ihe scene of the accident.
A Ia"ge force of men undercharge
of F. II. Ste'mker were rapidly j
clearing away 1 he several carloads
of deb; is from the old round house
this m owning.
I.isbet Waugh eytertaiued a large
coKipauy of her liitle friends last
evening in honor of Miss Jub
Snively and Miss Kale Tidball, oT
Crete, and M iss Mve'"s, a n"ece o?
Mrs. Fred Herrmau, i'-oin Waie-
tow -.l.Wis. Su'iable games we: e in-
dulgi-d in and choice re. eshnie its
were served and thoougli'y en
joyed. Those presented beside
those named above were: Rose
Win'ersteen, I.u Smith, Clair Drum
iiioikI, Anna Po 'ork, Mav Haird,
Kd' h .Tii id of A.''-'.ih;. T'""ie
ami r lore ice i?rt rv e
Leonard, Lu and Hei!ha White,
Jennie McFilwain, Berta Eetine'tt.
Myrtle I.eviiigs and Anna Hass'e'
Henjamin Ilasemeier, brother of
the unfortunate fireman, together
with James liobertson, b-other-iu-law,
and Mr. and Mrs. Woods of
Louisville, father and mother of the
wife of the deceased, are in the city
Fuller Ac Wallinger threshed for
Marten Frederick this week, getting
7X0 bushe' of pluir wheat oil oT
twenty-seven acres, and 413 bushels
of barley off of twelve acres. Cer
tainly a Haltering turnout.
THE Hi IMLI) office kid Gust
Rhode, loci' v know i as '-Huong
Lee." caught bis third tinger on his
left hand in the press this afternoon
tearing out the nail by the root. It
must have been ve.-y painful, but
the kill had plenty of nerve. j
Tlie social given by the Christian
church last evening at the home of
IJird Critchfield was well attended
and a good time was had, iiotwith-'
standing the explosion of engine 12
at the ii. & M. shops, which kept
many aay that would otherwise
have been present.
Two more of the massive nafseI
gvr engines with three drive wheels
; t, a side came in last ni: lit from
. t.ast. They were numbered L'C.'J
. Jlll(i 270.
TIle ,):l-t. ,,.,! ,)OVS wt i 1 1 think
- !
; thev will et men as good as Motz
and Adams to fill their places.
Pert Dunn of Weepin may
yj.n be engaged.
linn I.each I isi'overeil a boy by
name ot ua.vvin .Alexander up in
tiie cm last evening in an uiicon-
S'-ious condit'ou. His foot ip
pe.ncd to have been crushed by the
train which had just passed. He
was brought in to the Collage
House and 'ie doctor dressed the
painful foot, finding it badly
crushed but no bones broken.
tat ....
; good lawyer was spoiled wik ii
!(. Untie commenced the practice
of medicine He was attorney in
j 1 i a- v
me ca.-e i.eiore Judge Uarr on
Mondav wherein H. I). K'.ed and
M. M. Putler were plaintiifs and
I i .....
i . r . i nist long- and mi.h wire
defendauis A. M. K'ussi 11 appealing
foi tin- latter. The Doctor iroed
inm.-teii to oe a corker lit lus new
role holding- down the witness to
base luts and luling out all foul
tips and high Hies, liagle.
' O.i Fii'Ui y Dniln
Tlie unral T rn i n
Superintendent Bigi:e!l of the
H. it M. very kindly tendered awpeci
al train f . ee, from this city to Louis
ville and return for the A. (). V. W.
and Ihe immediate friends of the
late Charles Ilasemeier to enable
liieni to attend the funeral of the
deceased. The train cousisiing of
lour coac hes and a caboose was in
i narge oi conductor Kanev.eii" i neer
McLennan (the man for whom the
deceased liad been i) i i n I a ml Ii re
man John Fair.
Che coaches were croweded wi 1 h
the ii i,- .- of the diceased and ICO
me r.'.'ers of A. (). V. W. who.
wt-a ring-era oe audZthe badg es of
the order. m::de an i in jressi ve and
touching appearance. ihe engine
.No.C.7 which is usually run by J. li.
Cira'nam was beautifully decorated
n o.ack ana white, while on the
boiler head over the oilot was
iced the shield and anchor of the
A. (). V. W. heavilv draped in
mourning-. SMiinerintendent IJignell.
Mr. Hawkswor'h and Mr- (ireu-el
were all present and gave the..-
personal aitentiou ;o tlie start'ng
of the train. The city editor of The
Herald had known the deceased
for nearly twenty years and it is
wi'ihunfeigned pleasure t hat we noie
so many testimonials of kindness
uid esteem from his employers and
lends, many of whom cariied
elaborate floral decorations.
The Balloon Ascension,
The balloon ascension last
was wit
The ning f.-om the base ball park
tne uost we ever saw and was
nessed by fully 3,0! 3 j.eople.
great baboon was tilled
minutes and Prof. Kyle
in fifteen
went up
ilmost out of sight without a hitch
of any kind: swinging on a single
bar with the earth far below him
made quite a thrilling spectacle.
When the daring leronaitt had
reached a high altitude he pulled
loose the parachute, let go of the
balloon anil down became, like an
arrow at lirst but in a second the
parachute opened and he came
down as gracefully as could tlie
plumaged denizens of the ethereal
world. As soon as the balloon was
released of its load it did not shoot
up into the air but turned over,
emptying out the smoke, looking
like a veritable volcano in cloud
land. Prof. Kyle landed nicely,
without a scratch, in Sellout's yard,
southeast of Kd Oliver's couibiy
seat, less than two miles from town,
with timber a'l abound him but
which foi innately did not interfere.
The balloon d ifled further soi:th
and west, hmd'ng in a lot near the
fairground owned by Mr. Dove. A
German woman seeing the monster
air ship come down was at first
terribly ' gh ened but soon con
cluded 'hat it was abandoned pro
perty and took possession. She
was cutting the off and no
doubt would have completely
ruined it had not Proc. Kyle's part
ner, who was watching it, driven up
just when he did. The old lady
was even determined not to give it
up but was finally persuaded that
the claimants we e the rightful
owners of the property. The old
lady don't read the papers, hence
she had not beard of a balloon as
cension in Nebraska.
One thing should be said here
and now and 'hat is that the public
. -en ted the teronaut shamefully by
s'.c;,,:ng a view of the entire show
w" bout pnj'ng a cent for it. Only
$18 was raised in a crowd of three
thousand people, who were scat
tered about in the near neighbor
hood of the park. Such a niggardly
spirt was a tbsg.ace to the town.
The professor will make an ascen
sion i om Glenwood to-morrow.
' There has been but one new
'Summer drink brought out this
season- It is
aml dispens
Harretts foimtai
ed ii urn Hrowa &
un. tf
Mayor Kichcy and A. 15. Todd
went to Llmwood overland thi
morning, a distance of forty miles.
Mrs. J. CI. Roberts settled up all
her business, got her insurance
money and left last night for her
home with her parents at Parkers
burgh, West Virginia.
Koon, the
photographer, took a
picture ot engine 07 this abe. -
noon with its decorations. I
W. I. I lesser is laid un with a sore 1
leg, caused by striking his leg!
against the end of a gas pipe. J
The regular teachers institute 1
will begin at Weeping Water, All- j
gust lOih ami will continue to the j
The county fair inanagt nient is J
wideawake, and have secured Prof.
Kyle to make an ascension in his
airship one day during the fair.
Weeping Water began .-hipping
stone last week sending- one hun-
dcen cars to Omaha which the Re
publican says will be rapidly in
creased from now on.
Mrs. Kenard and .Mre. Shadrnch
Cole departed this i;oriiiug far an
extended visit with relatives and
friends in Ohio. They were accom
panied to this city by lriends.
A monster cat iish, weig h i ng si x ty-
tive pounds, was purchased byr
Jonathan Hatt to-day of a tisher-
mau. It is well worth seeing- and
must he over he teet in length.
Tlii' funeral of the late John Hard
rulia was very: largely attended at
ten o'clock this morning. TllK
IlKVALU learns that Mr. Hardruba
not onlv owned a neat
cottage anil two ini, inn lie also
had a l.(K);) policy of'.ir.mee on
his life which will go far low aid
malting- tne widow couiioi lainc.
Our Kid toou ins tirst le.-.oi m
p; act ica 1 pr i n t ' u g lo-ilay by n ia k i :ig
the rounds of all the offices lookin
for some italic periods. It is not
necessary to staie that he found
everybodv short, but that he next
office was overstocks d. Since re
turii'iig to lilt; 1 i Ivk'A i.1 Oilice lie
threatens to g'o on a st-ike, but the
militia will not be called out.
The li. A: M. Hand has become
ustly popular through ther Thurs
day cvt'i. ing public concerts. They
were kindly remembered by Air.
Hackney, of the Hotel Riley, last
'veiling who invited the boys all in
fr.his dinitigroom and treateil them
io light retresnments ot tlie choic
est kind. Mr. Hackney's thought
fuluess was duly appreciated by
he baud.
K. G. Vanatta, the lessee of the
motor line, has petitioned the dis
trict court for a writ of mandamus
to compel the electric light com
pany to furnish power as per con
tract rlleged by plaintiff. Argu
ment on a demurrer was heard by
Judge Chapman this morning and
a decision wi 1 be given this after
noon. L.vrKP Judge Chapman de
cided against Vanatta.
High Five
A ilebghtful high five party was
given last evening" by Mrs. Julius
Pepperberg in honor of the "J oily
Six." A select crowd of the best
young people of the city were
present and enjoyed themselves in
an eminent degree. About 12
o'clock choice refreshments were
served, to which ample just'ce was
done. The king p- izes were
awarded to Will Keinhackle, an im
mense cigar, and Nellie Taylor, a
box of bon bons. The booby prizes,
a toyr rooster and a tiny cigar, wfe
won by Janet Livingston and
Charley- Murphy. The commodious
Pepperberg mansion was beauti
fully illuminated and everybody
present expressed themselves as
having spent an exceptionally
pleasant evening.
Charley Cummins does not walk
on stilts but if you wish to address
him you must raise your voice and
elevate your head, for Charley is
the mos important man in town
and only with difficulty can he con
descend to speak to common folks.
His sudden elevation was brought
about by the arrival of a fine boy
yesterday afternoon. We think he
will be all right when the novelty
of the situation has disappeared.
He Takes it Back..
George Grebe now admits that
he did screw down 'he safety valve
or pop valve as 'tis called although
he had no business to touch it. He
swore before the inquest that he
did not tone h it but but has s'nee
concluded to tell the trufh.ih's may
throw some light, on the explo
sion. I
The democratic party in Ohio re
commends a 7.Vcetit dollar and a
method of securing governmental
revenue which, as the democratic
New York Sun declares, is "a tariff
on integrity and a bounty on per
jury." Cleveland Leade .
C.A R.
McConnihle Foet, No. 45, meets every Satur- i
Jay evening at 7 :::ri, in tt'i-tr halt. Kookwood !
Block. All vi.-itiiiK comrades ate incited to 1
..eet with s. 1
tl. F. Nilee, Vost Adj. I
F. A. hates. Post Con, 1
i hi
- iiL-i
We want your Poultry, Kggs, Put
ter and your farm produce of all
kinds, we will pay you the highest
cash price as we are buying for a
lirn in Lincoln.
tin; i. hading gi,'oclks
1 'la I ii nout h - - Nebm
( ' IKji'essi ii s t)
'111!- U Inn .W'liiic
Provision Merchants.
I li-rnlijuiti ti l for
FLdlHi Al m.iK
pay no rent and h-II for ('ASH.
Vim don't jjiay any lilis for dead l-ei.t
wli'jn ytu buy of t' is firm.
bet.t SOFT COAL h1i-hjh
AT run
TVTE AT H h ?. I E
KLLKNHA I'M, 1'roj,.
F. II .
The best of fresh meat always found
in this market. Also fresh
KggH and Hutter.
Wild game of all kinds kept in their '
Catoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium. Morphine nor
other Nareotic substance. It is' a harmless substitato
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrup, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays
fererishness. Castoria prevents vomiting- Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulate the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's .Tanacea the Mother's Friend.
"Castoria is an exwUent mectieice for chil
dren. MatbMB hae repoaU-dly told we ot iw
good ell act upon their cbiMra."
Db. O. C. 00000,
CaatoriA ia the beat rmedy for cbiklpen ot
which I am acquainted. I bqp4 tm day iswiot
far distant when raoliirs will concrter the real
interest of their cbfldrea, and uo CasWiria in
stead of the various quack noetruma which are
destroying- their krd ones, by forcing-otiam,
morphine, Boothinc; eyrup and other hortful
agents down their throats, thereby seeding
them to premature graves."
Dr. J. T. KrscHEUii,
Conway, Ark.
The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City.
' ju ji 'mil
KM OUTS OK l-ViMUV O.n.htlrt I.m1ir
No. 47 Hi'f l f f ry imIdi'-.Ihv rvciifnc
at llielr h-ll In rann. lr A fru'K l.l.. k. All l
lllnu knllitt nr.- ronlla ly Iiiv1.m1i,, mtn.d
M'. Miirsli;il. '. ; tl I H'V V. K . It . H
Yofw; MEN'S i llltis I l'N -sociA lt
VVattrii.aii Mil, k H.,ln Sti. . t.
..pi'ii fr.'in H a in in h .'! nt, I or im-m itn'y
'iospcl iiii-otin -v.T Mnint.iv iillr-i n, on ut 4
'.VltM-k .
TT A lit i-il A .. iielin-, I 1 i . I 1 in i. H.ilai ) 7
to J."0 Un. nl lily. wi inei, n.r. to i.-in. "flit
In kii on -eti,ri h r.v,iiiMl.i- N.-w York
IIoun r-fiTf-ne.-s. MAMt.'.niiiMi, l.oik
Box l"Ar), New York.
Time Table
v 1 3 :M K. rn No 2 :i;1 p. m.
" 3 5 :4." l. in "4 n :;k, m
" 9 i!5 a. in. " K 7 -,u ,,, ,.
' 1 ' 0 "l. " 10 ! It. It. III.
" . :Vf5., in. " V U ;4 a. Ul
" ! :'-' "W :Xi a. m.
" l: It a. iu.
Tne pioneer lrn u hunts of
Carry a full Mock of ienTai
nicrclK.niliso wliidi tlicysi ll vr-ry
cl.K'!. Highest price piiid for
all kinds of farm produce. Cm
eroiis treatnientaiul fair ihi.lin"
is the secret of our mkccum.
oliir.V I'uMic
M in ray Ncl
Wann and Jilai'kMiniili slio)
Wagon, liujrgy , Machine and
plow Ui'p-iiniig done
-III- IIN till'
Which is the Ixst horn-shoe for the
runner, r tir fast driving, or for city
purpoHes ever invented. t n made
that anyone ci.n put on sharp or flat
Corks, as nei-de.l for wet and slippery
lays, or smooth, dry roadn. (.'all at
ted shop and examine the kkvkksLip
uid you will use no other.
12 North Fifth St. I'hittsmouth
PCM. I. IN li O"
H!ways in stork. Nt.v. 25. 1
"Castoria fa so well adapted to children thai
I reeccomend it asaaperior emy iacripticM
known to me,"
II. A. Abchik, JL
111 So. Oxfnrrl St., Brooklyn, N. T.
Our phyaieiana in ttie children's depart
merit have epol(a highly of their experl
enoe hi tlieir etiteide praCaae with Castoriav
and although we o.ty ivivo aiming onr
medicai awpplies what ia known aa regular
products, yet we are free to confeea that the
merits of Owtoria has won us to look witb
favor upon it."
Boston, Mass)
LLK! C. Smith, Pret.,
"g iij iii jif jm ii ii i i ii
- Y