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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1891)
Ml 1 "fi; ft it if FOR A BIG FAIR j Colonel JaillCS G. South Jiend is in tin : UUSIIieSS. An Appeal to the People to Co-oper- ' . . i .1.. v.. i , Char en Haseuicier and will- r;iint' ate In Mak It the Bet the , , , ... . ,., - .i.,,,. . hotiic from Louisville n I hi rrlni - State Has tver Known r,.jTIIKY MADE IT TWO ', ler this nioriiinir. From Mmi'lou ImllU ! ... , . . just now everybody is wondering, ' - ! passenger J,.,,ot turns ami inquiring: "What of t lie coining ; ",t be a very tasty affair. I he , ... . f..;r if i .. I 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 u" consists of two waiting iindi-r the inlvcrm cvt'i' experienced, or alnio-l iiuagiu -t t J " I r. ...... .. . :..! cniiil i t i in s j ...,,1 I...',,-,,-.,,,-,. able, tin1 management thr exposition in ever before, wliat 1 1 i;iy sr worked u ill respect. In- reason ably expected this year'.'" This largely depends on the people, belli as exhibitors ami pat rtii. The hoard, look i ug 1 he g i i i in Is a ! 1 o ver. has made commensurate prt i.-:on and will continue every eiiort to have the coming lair eclipse all No one is as Adams da light t predecessors the kind ar proach i n g 1 1 Chicago, uh grandest ex knew. Thi' in l it. v here, le . i e.' t v. it'll p roi 1 1 i . in t !. UV a .-id -is to I 1 'III 1 t'lf V ! : foil lest I et wc lair at he the 1 1 ever a the n-iit producing ,-tate- In ti" union will he ea ri ie-1 and - h; . . p. ." o-bra - -ka ii one in the li.-t of .-m il states. She uiu-t In-awake and alive to the occasion. I-i our people compie Iicih! t lie r i I ll. i ! ion. I ' I e ta ra '. oi y lo tlwliiialcoiiiest let lis he getting" ''our ha ntls in t: Ike wo;!;. 'I o this end the exhibits at the .-tale fair at Lincoln in Si ptcinli' r n. xl should he v.hal we can and oiigiil to iicM':il. S-i' thai the co'.ti,-. col lect i e e x h i hi t s e pec ia I ! v. a re in all !-- pec Is 1 1 a at I er ' .-: : c o: the product.--, rt'M ! i ice-- ami po-sihili-ties of the s'al". Thi- dnn- and the wa v is opened ii a tiinuiihal presentation to the world at Chi cago. 1 1 is hoped the Icadhig". live worl;iii!;'ii!i'i: ia ea "h county, ii liny have not alre.nly dice so, '.v:ll at once t a e a : i.e a atl en i;a in good work. I o not wait a late day ami hour. Take time hv the lore- lock and push thin;;" f om now un til the state fair open.--, with a .-bowing thai will sutpiise ourselves even. A J -l 1 1 ! e 1 1 S t j v y . Ve are not re.- jioniihle le.r the following, which is clipped from the Kav.h t of Kale: Our friend. Will Stewart, has wart, inn a hen that is a freak, sine eunuyh. Will put her to sctline,' in an old tiiaueei" in the barn. The l.siuiiv cat likewise concluded thai was a i'ooI place for a nest and e.ave birth to four lively little kittens not far from the hen. hast week during one of the driving rain storms the feline mother happened to be out on a hunt. The rain .struck the little fellows so that they wantlereil toward the setting hen. eventually tiudiin;" her nest and creepiiic; beneath her wintrs out of the rain. After the shower, Stewart (coining" into the barn discovered the st ran ye family. Feariny that the kittens mieht disturb the cy lie thok them away from the li and placed them in a different por tit 'ii of the barn. I mayiuc his sur prise on coiny out the next morn iny to find that the lien had tit serteu tier nest of eu'li's ami was hovetinvf the four kittens as con tented anil happy asan- hen on the place. The kittens seemed to like the change as well as anyone. t airtl telegraph ofhee room. ipy as Mrs J. O. dnce the arrival of her two rs, 1-aiinia and Jvdna, who J came from I 'I a t ! s moil t h last week i for a prolonged isit with rehitiw-s. ! Kayhi. The lirst int imat ion we ter h.:d jlhaf tlieM. I', folks were in any l.iirrs about comph-lin;; their line ! was sho :i jesterday by liaviny a J iai'tre force id farpenters j-ut in all jiii u i it lay on tie- new depot which is neariiii:' ft i 1 1 p I el ii m. J ud-e A. W. ('rites am! wife, of I'liatlron, came in la.-t nijlit and are the yuests of Jlitl't- h'amsev and family. Mr. C'tites is the .Ne braska tleh-e'att to the iri'tirrnl urand chapter ol Masons wh'ch ineeli at M n nea ol is this weeK in- will leave lor that cilv to mor row. I I A . .Ne w c nii'T ca me hoi ne Sa t u r ! 1 1 iy I l oin a trip d : w n into t he t i m ; her i 'e:.; i o : i s of A 1 ' ; ' n .- is. He is i m ! pi -es .-'.-1 I Wltll V. Jill ll'' .-;a- ilOWII iiiiere and it i- a wonderful i fruit ctiiiitry. li" iaw one o't haitl lot 1 ,L' ) ;. i : , .- i e c i , i ! i ( ) in a c: ies , pluiiii, apples and apricots. .ie-'srs Hoyarl A: Knee are spri ad i nv;' t heinsfl t-.s on the Nebra.-ka t'i'iN Ivxposi t ion whit h they are y ei t i 1 1 y i ii . The Ivx po.- ;.i! it i will cover i; , 'l square tee( of erou ml ,h a I will be o u-i i August 'M to Sepieu.her li h, 1 j i i : I'lkWI.P acl; no w I e ! e cs reteipis ol compli-iiieutarie.i. M orlua ry , DlKP, Sunday at twenty minutes a ter 12 o'clock lerry Hutchison at thr-home of his jrrandsou west o Rock liluffs. The deceased had arrived at the aye of S3 years anil was well known by all the old settlers in the county lie was a mural careiui man in his business life and left tpiite ; competency behind him, his yrand ison Wyatt Hutchison where he had made his home tor years hemy out of his heirs. Mrs. (ieo. Shratler of of this county was theonly child of deceased. The funeral -will take place at o'clock to-day at the Youny ceme terv. The deceased was a member of the Christian church in yood standintr and died clear in the faith, refusitiy to take any medi cine as he felt that his time had come. A. Hia oiieal Penonage Gone. Jeny Hutchinson, the old yentle- man who dieil yesterilay at Kock IJluffs, was a member of the famous Kock Bluffs election board when Nebraska was admitted as a state. He thonyhtlessly took the ballot box home with him when lie went to dinner on election day which was the basis for a noted contest. As it was found if Kock Kluffs vote was counted, the new constitution would be defeated, and Nebraska would remain a territory, a fact very much desired by the democratic party. Willet Potien yer, one of the ablest lawyers in the territory at that time, hunted up the facts and succeded in haviny the Kock liluffs returns thrown out, thus adoptiny the constitution which resulted in the admission of the state. Mr. Hutchinson was a viyorous democrat, but it was for ii( foul purpose that he took the ballot box home with him; he thouyht he was the proper custo dian and little dreamed that the event was to defeat his party and cause the christening' of a new-state. Lost July IE. A black leather pocket book con taining $1S and some postage stamps and a note for $125. The tinder will be duly rewarded by leaving it at residence of Perry "Walker on Vine street. Myktle Hathaway. Market in Western Cass. Our markets have not changed much the past two weeks. Corn is i'.i cents, hosrs from $t to St.2.". ' butter 10 cents, eyys 12 cents, chic k J. ens from $2.2") to ?-2.7a per dozen.--, Kaglet. " Frank Dickson Sunday in Klm i wood with his wife. He came home 'this morning; Mrs Dickson will 'remain for a few days. County Court. Cleveland K'oliing" Mill Co. vs. the .Noble Sewiny Mat. hiuc Co. 1 ah Siiii on note for li ).'., '2. Answer, Aug. ii, i' 1. Richard f-:i!.-1iue vs. J. M Craig. Swit on account lor ."ji 10.7.1. Hearing J ul v 27, h) a. in. J." W. MeCroskcy et al vs. Fred Stull ft Continued on applica tion of plninihf until Aug'. 10. a . in. License to wetl issued to Mr. I'M gar W. Wince and Miss Anna S. Whomble both of Nehawka. FheMTg Co. vs. T. Willims. Continued for furtner testimony ami argument until July 2.1, S. p. m. Ross 1,. Fitch vs. Lewis first name uukiiovvn. Suit in attachment for f?L. Hearing J uly 21. 10. a. in. Front Tin ftloti Dailu From the Oil Citj- Derrick, of Pennsylvania, we clip the fol lowing': Misses Mamie Waytnati, of New Albany. Pa., Hattie Latham, Platts niouth. Neb., Cora Wayinan, Ford Cit3', Pa., and Mr. John Wayman, of Ford City, came up the river yester day enroute to the lake, to rusticate for a few days. Miss Latham was having a grand time and expected to have started for New York City Monday, but a telegram from her mother yester day will call her home on account of her fa tiler's illness. An Elegant Structure. The Ledger sent a representative out to the farm of Mr. Charles Swan a few days ago to obtain a full description of the fine new barn which John Robbins Jc Son of Plattsmouth have just completed for Mr. Swan, and we pronounce it one ot the tinest ot tlie kind in tne county. It is 42x9Sh,; the part for cattle is 32x64, affording stable room for about v5 head of cattle and as many hogs; there is also a stable 4Slox32, making room for about 24 horses; a corn crib 10 feet wide runs along the north side, feet of wlvich is fitted up for small grain, making room for about 5,000 bushels of corn and 1,000 bushels of small grain. Haj is placed inside b means of a double harpoon ha3 hook which carries from 500 to 8X1 pounds of hay at a time by means of a track and carrier running the full length of the barn. The frame is f Southern hard pine and is sided with 5-inch H. P. drop siding, and the roof is shin gled with Southern Cj-press sli in gles. The entire bill of lumber was hipped direct from Texa and is universally pronounced the finest lot of 1 unifier ever used in this county m the construction ot a barn. -I'nion Ledger. The BurliriKtons Win Two Games Frotn the Giants. I ii terest 1 1 m Feature of th Ox me Fl2i n.,i t he Fine Hilohirij of Yupp.-Alto Tlitat of Ca'jlone. li. . M'e 7. Lin, oln flianli 8 When we want a pitcher here after we will go to tieorge Yapp. He pitched a game of ball yester day that posterity will talk about long after his angelic spirit shall have wafted to the reahn'of blisH. In the five innings that he pitched he struck out nine men a ml a I It i wet I t in- . isitors to get one hit off him. In the eight inning" he struck out the side and arou.-ed wiltl enthus iasm in the crowd. In the box he fielded his position well, going af ter ,-ome hits very few pitchers would have made a bluff at. He also hit the ball in an energetic l a s 1 1 1 o 1 1 . properl T; I ! : e II all a i ' 1 1 1 nt 1 he w as n it. Castone for the visitor- was also inline nettle. He held the locals down to three safe hits ami onlv gave two int u bases on balls. A-'id f -? : 1 1 Yapp's pitching tin ca tch i ug" of M an ph i u for the visit ors wasthe feature, lie gave about as gootl an cxiuoitiotl ol catclnng ami uirowtny lo oases a.-s lias Peeii seen here this season. reigii'ioti lor the home team caught a hue game ami ihstm- yuisiietl luinselt at the Pat, Pein; one of the few Plattsmouth boys to get a base hit off Castone. Mot, on lirst playctl a line game but made an unfortunate overthrow- to Third base cost a run. Ail mil- did good woi k at tin sect aid conn r. SCORE HV I.N.NI.M": Hurlinytons 0 3 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 -7 Gianjs 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 O- 3 st'M MAKV, Sacrifice hits S. Patterson, Adam Creighton, Creusel, Lincolon. Stol en bases S. Patterson' Oreusel, Dobhs. 2. Two base hits. Creigh ton, Mauphiii. Hase on balls ()f Castone, 4; of Pattorson, 3; of Yapp. I. Struck out by Castone. 1; by Patterson, 1 ; by Yapp, 0. I'uipire McCoy. vs. .ry County Court. Citizens Hank of Plattsmouth Peter Carlson. Suit on promis. note. Hearing" I ul v 2.1. ID. a. in. The State of Nebraska et al Lafe Howard vs. Win. Tighe. sheriil. Hearing on application for writ of habeas corpus. Trial to court and court finds that no crimes is charg ed i n com pin i nt or mithiums. De fendant tli-i hargetl. Henry Iirnkiuan vs. Llta S. (trii'the. On motion to se! aside judgement, ('out iuued. Henry lirtckuinu s. (h'u-tli motion to m t aside iudu Continued. Heiijnian J'd.-on s.. A- I'.. Week bach Co. ( tai ui.-ht e. Answer ol garmi-hee taken showing no in debteness to C'harle.- th'atwtll jlltlef'iient debtor. (iarnishee re lea ed. . On mi nt. JOSEPH SHERA. F,,r -7 years Jo-epli "shera. of Kock Hluffs has been engaged in the business of selling general mer chandise at that place, ami todav he carries a large ami complete stock of groceries ami general mer chandise which he can sell cheaper than any compete tors for the fol lowing good reasons. He pavs no city taxes. He pas no 'house relit. He, with hii f;i iti i ly attend p, his business. His farm furiii-hes all his needs ami more too. Come- piently it is ban! to umlt r.-M II him. He keeps constantly on hand a large supply of flour ami meal. 1 Ie i- alive, ami a let live man. M r. ti Mi their h o 1 1 1 e i ! l g. C. A. H in Alliane. thi left for - inorn- iln, y. 1 None. .N'i t ice is here! ,y gi i undersignetl ha- taken past lire we-t of Cu ! lo. n horse, bramle ! MM 1 . -f i -hou weighs al'out '.'.") poum I. wit h h ietloi-K n th up one t he his 1 1 i I e .!.; a in tn. threw ;:p his streali to first in ele .IllJer tl of j i ! 1 3 i n g" am g'ant shape. Tom Patterson at short made sonu g-reat stops and bids fair to develop I them to Knoxville intti a terrific hatter. He has taken I The miners ami th Iirecken felt 1 A: Weidman n-ceiveil tins morning from Vant'eigeu iV l ift. Ciniciiuati. a large bell for the South Park Tabernacle. The bell alone weighs T'H) pounds, am! with the clapper ami arm weighs 1 .D" x pounds. Following is the in.-crip-tion which is placed on the bell: k'KV. Ml.SKS Ml K'K'll.I.. lsu.-iu. ' Mitl.f tl .1 uyl Itl yni, I'litnH" f.nlil." 'iM t Him Ih-.t ll.ttn th Si;i t;,ii.." CITIZEN SOLDIERS CAPTURbD. Miners and Sympathizers at Brice villo, Turin , Overpower tf: : State Trooiis. Hk'ic t; ilij;, Ti:.x., July 2D. -The crisis can ie ntjHriceville today about II o'clock, when thi' miners, and a crowtl of syinjiathizers from the silt rounding" country gathered around the camp of the state m ii it ia. captureti tne troops ami convict marched them in to the depot ami put them on a train and shipped I I ie In i e i - in i- mil con ilitionand had a .-mall rope tied about its neck. The owner can ob tain the property, by ihow iug own-ei-hip and p.,ying charge at the resi Iem-e (, ,n (idnioie .'t mi! -, -oiith ol Plattsui n:h or of ('. .. Creamer otn- mile pom The ii . e i :."i i i l" Hi! lern ia n '- I , a e - ee i ; i . at the old lair" g lo ii i n 1 -on August hit!.. 1 he That II a c k i n g Co u g 1 1 l cured ,y llil.ill' g ua ra n t ee 1 1 , '111 S o p l i t k -cure. U e 1 tt Philip K ra use rec terday tPthe tleath hist Siirni;iy in New If i et I word e s -of his father York Cit . . J Al lent ion! i 1 1 a 1 1 of 1 1 a i r free Irom Kellewer is i!ie 1 're j .;ii .it ion to ace ol i f a I:: a n d ! 1 1 1 : I ! . -li e a s I I I I, lit I ' i a wondertul orace in his Patting the last few games and is crawling It) the top of the pile. Sam Patterson was suffering from l sore arm anil consequent! did not remain in the box any longer than necessary. At the bat he was "out of sight." There is no need to tell about Jack Schulotf's playing. Kvery- ir friends tt) the nuniPer ot twelve or lilteen thousand were divided into four etptal squads ami completely sur rounded the camp. The miners s.'iit up a tlag oljruce anil sent in a committee to the olhcer in com mand. The committee notified the officers that the" had come to take the convicts peacably if possible, by force if necessary. I he officers We often read that "' J ie wa a nvl benefactor to the human ra t ". With g'ood reason . ould thi.- !, applieed to an (n;r v h eon'ri .niles to the lest i-n i ng of the e i Is to wh ich liesh is heir to. K i :eu i ;ei t i - n i an'! chronic headaeh have been' classed as impossible of cur-, yet science h is fmaliy J lomons r ited that the CAN be cured. Halter's Pain Par alyser' taken in -tu j ' : net ion will: Hall -r's (Jermaii Pills' have effected most exti"aortiinar cures ami hai matle life a comfort lo man", who never hoped lor relief Fnr.-alehy all druggists. Treutinc-iit or (in (".ton II t. It hns been uf-riotisly iroMAseil thUV Auierican boys fcliall wtvir Kton huit mils make any huti-aii loy Inolt. liku nri oct rich. Th An-;liMiiiuiiiu-i will B'lopt theso ahsiir.l ctstniin;s fur their ehiklrn, if they Iwivo Mi'tiw.' enough, but tliere ar lotn of Aun-rir.arn wli. nr lint Angli 'Uiaiil.tes. I went f) seii.M.I with htiint One tlay u inl raintt to KeliiM.l with an Hum lint.. Muriiuip ami wlii.-jicr.i of Kiirpriso ul iliqiprnval were liearil wln n lie enter!. Mini lotlo full of itie.-iiilng jins.-ieil frtmi my tu hoy. At 11 o'clock eaiao reet ss, and prerini ly at tell rsel'iilnls p,-t II titer w:ih IV riot.. That was tlie iinmieiit when t!u li'l iqipeureil with hit little "jilug"' h it on. He wa-i a fjniet, hlirinliiii ly, aisl I pit it'll hilll flulll the hottolll nf IliV In-art, f i ir Kiss parents were to Maine t.f Cl.lllse. Direi'ilv t lie M-t fiM.t Uith y.'iiil he was M-i.:e.l, pulh il this way ;ni I that, tripjii-d upatnl t !-ipi .i h-ij .f 1 1 1 -t h it. That, art ielt went immediately into uwi .'is a font hall, ainl in le t h in a iniinitj had l.eei.nie a s 1 1 ii ! of I. Lie!; Invuvr and pa-ti hnard. At I.t-t it was piteln d over the fence with a yell nt triumph and tli l'V Went hi.iiii' harein ad-d and la tears. American hoii .r was iii iintained and the llljlll i'llll illi'.lielice of llnti'iil ' 1 1 -1 I ' I efh'i't lially lietied. Tint is what is;;i ing to happen here e i-l t iine ;i I my 1 lies to wear Laturi clothes. Spare him. v jiaveiits. ( 'on-id.-r hi, liuii,-,, if yon don't n spect ins lei 1 1 ngs. I !i i .1 ik ly n Lag!.'. Six- i.iil.ln'l Oi l, .in I ! iii. At a f.'iintu.' and charming r-. ik .ii a cer tain western woman, jui now malm..; it lit tie Mir in literary doiii, was tin- hon ored recipient of marked at hint-inn on the part tif tlie eiacioiis hostess, 'hatt fat. in tlie ev-ni'ig there was a tairill huhliuh at the door, and in strode one of New Yt irk':' most prominent jntirnah'-t an 1 diplomatists. Till, military, via'e haired, ruddy cheeked, dr-iinne, in fault less evening dress, hi- bent over tll'J histt-.s!j' hand, explaining that he has ju-t stolen away from an important en ga'jement a mo iieiit. to pay his devoirs. -, "in w that v i dlut," said Mrs. e.s of . D.Jones was out grading' the race track at the fair grounds yt now in good con- terday which I i t i o 1 1 . are here, "ou must; meet M whom 1 was telling you." Ih My thar .Mrs. , a thuiinmd thanks, hut Fome other time I nhall l delighted. I really have not a lnoiin nt to spare. I Shu (fairly dragging him across the room, if so rude a verb may express ro dainty an action) Colonel , this is Miss , of . tin- coming woman. Miis (whose kefii ears and ready wit had grasped the situati in, gracious ly hut deprecatively; Pray, do tint hi her detain tin.-going man, Mrs. S , and presenting his much in demand highness tiie sidew ise curve of a whito Ftionlder, she continued the laborioiM sustainmeiit of an Ivi'-clishman in con versation. New York World. bod knows how Jack plays ball. I parleyed awhile and then agreed to (Ireusel played h is last game with the locals, leaving for Denver this morning. He batted in pretty fair form. For the visitors Taylor on First played the best ball out side of the battery. The remainder of the club climbed all over one another in their efforts to make errors. tins is tne way tne runs were rolled up by innings: In the first nobody saw the home the depot plate. I The city is now intensely excited In the second Plattsmouth piled I Leading men of all political partie? up three runs on a glorious string I say the law must be upheld. Sym of errors by the visitors, while they pathy, which hasbeen enlisted on blanked in their half. the side of the miners, is now igainst them. Governor Huehaii- ufs administration is that of the illiance, and some of the politi cians are uiscussingiwnat tne ain- .cr i. .... i i. . . .. liiai ue was nisi aitractet to me because ill' complexion was clear and my breath so s weet ami In lound out about my breath when i i i w iieu wiien ne Ki'sseti me, ami now girls I'll tell you how I made my complexion so clear; I took just tin e" bottles o Hallerr Sarsaparila V liurnoee t ha t all . i-or sale by -ill druggists. tl'Al.-.K ... J.I I .1 i vi n r i-iini s weie nieti m tlie district court for the two first week. m July. A busy time for such hot weat tu-r. The third was a cipher for both sides. In the fourth the locals drew a blank, while the Giants, aided by- two base hits and an error, got two mice will do. butthe great mass of were near to runs. They never victory after that. lhe locals added one more to their string in the sixth and another in the seventh. The Giants made their third run I who are few and poorly organized, surrender. The troops were al lowed to keep theirarms and am munition ana iney wiin tne con victs were marched to the train. There the- were loaded into box cars or whatever could be had and the entire lot sent to this cit". They arrived here about 4 o'clock. The miners made the troops promise iivi ,w i v.iiii ii ,v. v-ii, v . 1 v v iv. 4,iii I... , 111..-, ...... 141... . 1 i r i in o i i.iij;r i m-!s t 1 1 oi a ncii es OI immense crowd met tlie troops at the Human Societv font. .led to- Tt..-. i . . . j - j v norse is discovered Patlly gallet . or is cut or injured, at once a society membor commands its rest and tha immediate application of Hller' iaio a in- j.uiiiiit'iit, which experi ence has shown is tlie best remedy made, hor said by all druggist: The Turners of this city will give a uenent Pall Saturday evening at Fitzgerald's Hall in honor of Prof. Henry Kummerow, who tlejiarts from this city in a few day: Nil I'rlf" on iniii liN lleailcar. Two men tood in front of the show window tif a Wabash avinne millim jy coneern looking at the styles and guess ing at the prices. Of course neither had any sort of idea about the articles on ex hibition. Then they went in and asked the floorwalker how near they had cmin to guessing at tlie prices. After hlie had told them one of the men a.-kt.-d: "Why don't you put tlie prices on your goods the sane a? clothiers do on what they exhibit in their windoyvs?" "Ynii betray an ignorance that is pa-- donable under tlie circumstances. If "re is a hat that we Hell for l.r'i. Do not faint there are hats for women that can he bought for that figure. Suppose we put that price on the hat ami displayed it. .No woman would evtr purchase it. because she would be afraid if f-he did that her neighbor might have seen it and would know what t-lie paid for it. One of tlie privileges of a woman is to de ceive her sex about tlie cost of her hats and bonnets." Chicago Tribune. citizens say the law must be ob served, and that Governor Buchan an must enforce the law regardless of cost. The sentiment here is that in the seventh and never scored after that. The home team clinched the victory in the eighth, when they added two more to their score. As their is no royal road to lean ing so there is no magical cure for desease. The effect, however, of taKlll"" A ver's SarsnorilPi for Plooil 1 . . . A . . 1 ..11 1 1. . 4 . . J . . I - - I " ne iniita scnu .iii.iiic Kiie n oops, disorders comes as near magic can oe expected of any mere human agency. 1 ins is due to its purity to the front at once and put ex perienced men ana othcers m charge. If he has not force enough he must call for volunteers. liie miners nave appointed a and strength. The umpiring of 3IcCoy was not I committee to say what dispatches Cheap Fares. The public is not to be conjratu ated usually on an era of cheap fares, or rate cutting by the rail roads. Yet it seems as Jthough the recent war inaugrated on rates to Detroit can not fail to help many an old veteran to go to the national reunion who otherwise would have een compelled by poverty to re main at nome. nie wnio ixratia rmy men have secured a round trip rate of one cent per mile, a rate so low that no one need remain iway on account of expense of travel. The lirst copy nf the Avoca Keter- prise we have seen reached this of fice today. It is vol. 1 No. 3, and presumably will "lill a long felt want. Avoca is a live village and don't propose to be considered as a tail to the Weeping Water kite. up to that gentleman's standing. A mob estimated at near to three thousand people sat on the hillsidi above the grounds and stole the game with great and exceeding shall be sent out and what not, and this committee, or some one of it is in the telegraph office all the time and reads all the stuff sent out by the newspaper men. The com- generosity. The general opinion I mittee told the operator that if he of the populace in the stand was I did not let them read the messages that these people would kick and J they would cut the wires. endeavor to jump somebody's claim if corner lots in tlie Celestial Paradise were selling at live cents a front foot. This is the score: Marrlnl the Family. A story of a Florida man who married three wives from one family is going the rounds as something remarkable, but there was a family in Maine consisting of six girls, and of the six three married men named Biekwell, three married to the name of Young, one married a Liver- more and one never was marri 1. An other paradoxical feature is that there were only five husbands in all. The explanation is that two of the U hile some boys were throwing Bickwells died, leaving widows, and rocks last evening on Main street. Mr. oung, who had two of the sisters one threw a rock and struck the bet ore, took one of the widows. Then I - . . . , . . . . ... lanrp nlatp trhiss in front of K S I -"i-r. iivermore look tne oilier. t that - I rs - - - -., . . ,,. Wbites store breM ki n ,r i t The.rP, -Ilere Were S-Ven We-tHlUgS in the tain- ....-11 r.l ..I t 1,. .. J " "J -' "'-liiiCt. .vo.o-.aoot.t.r... iu "-concerned in them. Mr. Ycn.n hd 11 place it. uoys snotuu not ue omj wify before he I egan on this family. allowed to throw rocks on the Manchester Union. streets or they should be made to pay for what damage they did. Mn Two Koiutation.. 1 am always interested in what may Itch on human ans horses and all be called the two reputations which each animals cured in 39 minutes br man hua- otia is bia rml.lio r,;., BUKLIXUTOXS. AB K BH PO A E Miller, 3b a 0 0 1 2 1 Yapp. lfp 4 1 0 2 11 0 S Patterson, pilf a 0 0 2 2 0 Motz, lb a 0 0 7 0 1 T. Patterson, ss 3 11 12 2 Adams, 2b 4 1 1 5 0 0 Creightsn, c 3 1 1 9 2 0 Greusel. rf 4 2 0 0 0 0 Schulhoff, cf 3 1 0 0 0 0 Total 36 7 3 27 19 4 (HANTS. AB K KH PO A E Taylor, lb 3 0 0 11 0 1 Hroadus, If 4 0 0 0 0 0 Car.s 3b 4 1 1 2 a 3 Mauphiti, c 4 1 2 2 0 Castone, p 40 1 1 S Dobbn. cf. 3 1 1 1 0 0 Lincoln, ps 4 0 0 0 3 2 Hardiner. rf 1 0 0 0 0 0 Hiibanks, 2b 3 0 0 7 1 2 Totals 30 3 5 27 IS 10 McKay, of Kansas will be Arrested if the Militia is Sufficient. Topeka, Kas., July 20. A motion was filed in the supreme court this afternoon for an order for the at tachment and arrest of Judge W. McKay the alliance Judge in the Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by K. (1. Fricke & Co., druggist, Plattsmouth. wtf other his personal or private eminence; the one is the distinction which he has among people, the other the regard paid to him by his own immediate set or fol lowing. Archdeacon Farrar has a great reputation among the ordinary people of America and Great Britain, but scholars A Fatal Mistake. Physicians make no more fatal mistake than when they inform pa tients that nervous heart troubles come from the stomach anil are of I look noon him with much of sTisTiieion a x r ii. l : . l . i : , I ... . ... 1 1 iwcmy-iuiirmjuuiudi uiainci, who 'mie consequence. Ur. hranklin as an accurate and profound exegete. had disobeyed the orders of the sit- Miles, the noted Indiana specialist. Bishop We.stcott. however has a small nas proven me comrar in nis new reputation among the iteople. Probably k 1,0,1 of u fi Krw.urv. not one in twenty of those who read this preme court oy re-arresting an agent discharged by the supreme court on a habeas corpus writ, Chief justice Horton, who made the order which McKay disobeyed ar rived in the city from Colorado to night for the purpose of acting in the case. McKay, who is backed by the alliadce is rebellious, but the court will see that its orders are obeyed if it is necessary to call out the state militia. who guarantee and recommend Dr. Miles unequalled new Heart Caire. which has the largest sale of anv heart remedy in the world. It cures nervous and organic heart disease, short breath, fluttering, pain or ten derness in the side, arm or smoulder. irregular pulse, fainting, smother- paragraph ever heard his name, but the respect in which he is held by scholars is of the highest. Chicago Advance. Queen Victoria' Spider rre. In February, 1877, the queen received from the empress of Brazil a dress woven entirely of spiders' webs, which for fine- Rheumatism Cured in a D jy. "Mystic Cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia radically cured in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re moves at once the cause and the di sease immediately dissappeara. The first dose greatly benefits. 7oc ing. dropsy, etc. i l is Kestorative f ness and beauty is said to surpass the er in cures ueauacue, ins, etc. most SDlendid silk. r,t an, Onm - - -- Ice Cream Delivered. J. P. Antil has started an ice cream delivery wagon, which de It Can't He Helped. Twynn What makes the wealthy livers ice cream to your homes in people in the boxes chatter so noisily? any amount you wish, leave orders Tnplett Money talks, you know. at his place.near corner of Sixth and New lork Epoch. Pearl street. tf nrTrfTivr we want a man id ULI UliI I VL evfrv locality to art . rivat letetive nuder oar instrur tion. I fessional burglar! i ... s . r Til v-. A Desperate Order. Noodles Say, there, briif me a pro 1 want to see if he rnu nip ior iianiriniir". w :t , iu. i ;,. 4.1.- : , . , -icv-i-v . . - - - i- v. ; .. 1 -(ii uicaa tuiu iiiia MjriuL'LiiH'KPn. .i- DETECTIVE AGENCY, box 78T. WashintOD, York Truth.