'"V uri A I From TkurmUly Daily woronths Pintle. At the never;il hcIiooI dintrict nifi't infs in th' county a few cl;iyn a, tin ii.-4ti.il amount of wraiij; linr, anil tj;i I blood wan shown. Out in the Still! district, near thin city on the Platte bottom, the bad blood and bitter feeling between the two factions culminated jn a snniiinary eiif;aement. The school house is generally known an the Still! school. The" occasion was the adjourned meeting of the board of trustees, and th re-location of the school house was Hie casus belli. The battle was commenced whe.i Director McCros key, with his index finder upon an outspread map, declared tin- inten tion was to re-locate the school upon the s.ot indicated. At this juncture Charley Vande venter ins. mated that Mct'roskey was misleading" them in regard to tlu- exact spot of the new site. Mc lioskey indignantly denied Hie charge, whereupon Vandeventer by a well directed blow struck him down. McCroskey was up in a moment and sei.in the larjjrc oil lamp upon the deck raised it above his head with the intention ol luiriiii"- it at his assailant, but Finally replaced the lamp in its pr per place. Meanwhile tho friend ot tlie two principals Had taUen ii cudgels in behalf of their respective chiefs anil for a short space the theatre of learninir was turned into a pandemonium ot disputant and the airVas tilled w.tli llyuif mis Miles and re.it with the yells and nhrieks of the assaulting and as saulted. The result was a battered community and a summons sworn out ayaoist Vandeventer on thrt ililfcrciit counts by Director Mc Criiskey. An Evening Out. Mr, Will Coolidsfe tfave a party last evening iu honor of his friend, France Hallance, who will leave for i !.: ... i an :,.t, :.-n.m ": 1...1 ! vn iciiu tiiiii - j;m "iji "'"1 1 thirt evening: on the flyer. Those! present were Misses Kdith Patter-! bom, Lou Simpson, Tillie Vallery, ( Kose Ifyers, Mollie Hallance, Mattie j Smith, and Hal Jolmson, "-ranee Hallance, Wendell Foster, dust. Hyeis, IJert Jlolmei, and Will Coolide the host, making a pleas and party of youti people who contemplated j enjoyed thenselves at croc-net and hii;h live until a late hour. VISITED BY A TORNADO i Duluth Is The City So Unfor tunate as to Catch it. A Pleasant Evening. A very pleasant evening was fpent last niht at the residence f. PFcTKISENT ; of J. X. Summers. Yesterday beinyf THE LEADING I T V A 11 odd km: MlillT Violent Wind and Rain StO' Kills and Injures Many Persons and Does Much Dam age to Property. Comity Court The State of Nebraska vf. C'harK andc rventer.C oti"lamt forassaut and batterim-". Pi. a of i-uilty and lined $3 unci costs. 1 lie rtate 01 eirasKii vs. li. iv Frans. Complaint for assault and battery on the person of John McDonald. Trial to court and evi deuce held 111 .sufficient to warrant conviction. Discharge entered. 1 lie isaiiK ivayie vs. iv. i4. j. wis Suit on draft for $7(.'3. Default of defendant entered and judgement for plaintiff for $733.1.0. The Sandwich MT'jjf Co. vs T. IS Williams. Suit on note. On trial to court. In the matter of the guardianship of Ada P. Suan, minor heir of Mar garet A. Suan. deceased. Charles Suan appointed guardian, with bnd fixed at $ 1,00(). In the matter of the estate of George A. Creamer, deceased. Peti tion of Klizabeth J. Creamer filed for appointment of Charles I. Creamer administrator. Hearing, August 4, 10 a. m. Married Trueman-Snook. A t the office of the county iwilere, on July la, 10:30 a. m., Mr. Charles W Trueman and Mrs. Louise A. Snook were united in the holy bonds of wedlock, Judge Ramsey officiating. Judge Chapman has caused a neat verandah to be erected at the north front of his residence on the avenue. The failure of the Howell I, umber Co., at Omaha and Chicago, for nearly $2,000,000 is the largest of the year in the west, and can becharge able largely to bail management. The south front of thecourt house already presents a pleasing view. The massive stone entrance since the arc h has been completed bears a solid appearance that is quite imposing. Kd Yauatta, the new lessee of the motor line, is rn 11 11 i 11 -r t lie cars to day 011 time, to 'die great conve nience of many of our people. We irust the cili.ens will give the motor line a generous patronage that the enterprising- lessee may be able to get some remuneration for Iris work, which is certainly of vast benefit to the town. The Swedish congregation at Omaha that spent Sunday last, with their countrymen ;n this city ri port a delightful time. Thej- had free dinner at Garfield Park with lemonade and ice cream and were nicelv entertained. Rev. Falk and his congregation in this city spared no pains to make their stage among us pleasant and protitaoie. 1 lie re ligious exercises were a part of tlu program in which the music was a leadiair feature. The minister from Omaha sang two or tnree solo's that were spoken of as beimr the be:t vocal efforts ever listened to in ctty. 1 he visitois were so pleased with their trip that promised to come again. this well they Base ball. The game yesterday after noon between the Pine Ridge Indian nine and the home club was not entirely devoid of inte rest, although somewhat onesided He-Dog, She-Hear and Red-man afraid-of-his-neck are good ball plaj-ers. Kagle Kye was an excellent pitcher and put several of our best men out who could not find the ball The attendance was very good The cash receipts reaching $')'. Aviiicn left vs. 111 the local treasury after the visitors were paid off. Onl3r 7 inning were played the score standing 2'2 to 0 in favor ot the U. fc M.club. The grand stand was well filled with ladies who seemed to enj'03- the sport. The Lincoln Giants a colored nine will play the home club next Sun day. Advertising Exposition. Mr. Knee, one of the managers of I the Nebraska City Kxposition, started out yesterda- morning with 1 m,. llliu l.UCIIJ 1111 IIUI1L H , (HlTTl kise the exposition. He had a three Heated rig two stylish horses wear tug p'l'Te- ;nd labeled fly'nets, and tourjoung men dressed in fancy fostunies to make a show. The Ittle party will go to Weeping 'ater. Plattsmouth. Hamburg Wd a number of other small towns pd .advertise iu a new and novel tanner. Nebraska City trees. A Los;ng Ticket. 'he democratic state convention Ohio yesterday after a redhot le re-nominated Campbell for .ernor and made upthe balance Hi.. ,!... .11 fnlltm.j. lieutenant governor, W. V. Mar- auditor of state, Hon. T. K. tinbaugh; attorney general, P. Haily; state treasurer, C. F. Irinaii; judge of supreme court, Vivus II. Walil commission inmon schools, Charles C. r; member of board of public John McN'amara; member of 11 nil dairy commission II. S. o. From Friiluu Daily. Draper it RutTner received last evening-a new springueid wiresn ing machine for one of Cass county's prosperous tanners. H. J. St "."eight, wife and daughter, Mrs. Jackson of McCook, together with lier husband made up a pleas ant party for the Council Hluffs Chautauqua this morning. Three of the Dominican Sisters started this morning for Sinsinawa Mound, Wisconsin. They were ac companied as far as far as Omaha by Master Thomas Carney. Kmil Shrider has sold his farm of 120 acres, three miles east, to a Mr. Shoemaker, for $3,503. We are informed that Mr. Shrider will move to Kansas. Weeping Water Re- publ ican. The iniplementdealers of this city have had all they could do the past week putting new binders together which they had sold to the farmers of the county, which indicates that this is a prosperous year for the famer. The old settli .-s of Cass county have decided to hold their annual picnic at Union again this year, on Saturday, August, 22. They extend the invitation to everybody to at tend and enjoy the day among the pioneers of old Cass. Little Genie Gates was quite se verely scalded Saturday. She was carrying- some hot water up-stairs and fell in some way, spMling the . ... water over lier. e are very orrv for the liitle lady; it was nothing very serious out quite painful. Weeping water Republican. The democratic state committee met last evening at the Paxton Hotel in Omaha and decided to call the state convention to meet at Grand Island at 8:00 o'clock on the evening of September 17. The ratio of apportionment will be one dele gate iromeach county and one for each 150 votes oa major fraction thereof cast for secretary of state in 13f ). This will make tl e conven tion 516 strong. In the Ball Field. The "Light Feet" of this city will tread the diamond at Weeping "Wa ter to-morrow with the Cresents of that city. Nebraska City and Heatrice played the last of their series of three ameii j-esterday in which Heatrice was victorious, lhe score stood 15 to .)- The Lincoln Giants will cast a '"dark shadow" at the ball park in this citj- on Sunday ,,fl Monday. Thej- meet the H. & M's in a two game contest, The Burlington's went to Glen .wood to-day to do up the team of that cit The Indians lst another game this time to Red OaK The score stood 22 to 1 in favor of Red Oak. Fremont beat the Lincoln Giants I yesterday 1)3" a r core 10 to 3. ' F'ftin Fell in Torrents Di'ti'TH Minn.. July 10. A violent t-torni of wind and rain burst over this city this afternoon about 2:30, doing considerable damage, such as flooding cellar.-;, blowing down outbuildings, tearing down wires of all kinds, besides tearing out several blocks of new pavement just being laid on Fourth street. The rain fell in torrents and the precipitation was three-fourths of an inch to the hour. At one time it rained 1.03 inches in five minutes, the water flowing like a stream over the streets. Til K INJCRKP. II. W. Scoi 1KLI, single, leg and inn broken; body crushed; will probabl3' die. MlKi-: KlilTll, ver3' bad 13- injured about the head and chest; some ribs broken ; may die. Four others were injured, but not ."eriou.-tly. There were twent3-six men at work on the building, and their es cape from death is a marvel. Five buildings were blown down at the steel plant in the south part of the cit3', and a section of one of the barge works building was carried away. Cliimne3's were blown clown and considerable minor damage was done. There is no means of ac curately giving the amount of dam age, except in the demolished building', which had had about rfii.OiiO worth of work put 011 it. At a late hour to-night the were reported as follows: JOHN T. LAUKR, married, fort3 -six. LUCIUS, single, J Miss Klsie Moore's birthd.13 Mrs. Summers gave a party in honor of the event, and carl- iu the eveiiin-r the company assembled and high j live was indulged in during the 1 evening, after which refreshments j were served, and at a late hour the compaii3' departed. Following are those whi) were present: Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Klson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Howland, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Griffith, Mr. Frank Dickson and Miss Fannie Riche', Miss Klsie Moore. Miss Minnie Heins and Mr. ' and Mrs. K. L. Siggins. Mr. Knee with four 3'oung men are in the city 1o-da3 billing the town and advertising the Nebraska City- Kxposition. which is the oniy exposition in Nebraska, so the bills say. Mr. Knee asks our citizens to send aii3' curiosities they may have and thi'3' will be returned in good care and all the expenses paid. All the other towns of the county have sent or will send articles for exhi bition, and our city should not In left behind. Frvm Saturday' I'nilu Mrs. Kd Sever came in from Ceda Creek this morning to spend tin day with friends. Dr. Shipmaii is confined to hi bed to-day, we trust he will be able to gvt out again soon. 1.,. line sent two cars 01 corn and one of wheat east last night from his elevator here. County Surveyor .Mayvs went to Leonard Horns this mor;: :: rr On IUon Ht- M "-inly irojosetl thnf 7"Kt)ii huit KNHJMTH OK rYTMI!'y "ol6" ml -47 M-'-t fviry "A cm; will al llirlr h ll In rarinrV Cni k Im-.i -v lnn knltr!iM arc coutl.-i ly luv'tMil l ., C. .'. Ma:liall. V. V. ; tl I'ov.-y, K. If. GROCERS YVv MKVS HKIII' N uiien fivm K a 111 to P I- I' t;os.H iiK-el'iiu -rry i.iuiy oVHl'k . i-l'ClAI IOX Mi ! f. Kooina fir nirti only iilti-rii. tin at 4 11 a nl-il -An i,!l-, ri'Ii'l'lc in to 4- iin-iil Ii 1 v. II li iiHTt-a"' HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY, EVE?.VTH;N3 - hm - AND - IN - EAiSUN A l I KNTION FA K'M KK'S n W'- own i-oc-niin House. lir-fcrini'f i. Box l'ir). New York. 11 - Mnlury 7 10 icii'i-m-nt H r Kinsii' i"W Tr MAM K e I I II KK, l.M-fc Time Table IIV1M1 Wr.MT I!' No 1 M 8 j, ' T " 9. .. " 11, .. " l-l ..3 :.m a. rn ..li :4" . II. .y ."i . hi. in a. in. 6 :'ir i, 111 . .5 :2f p, 111. 11 r . in. No v.. . " .. ' 8.... " 11.. 1:'... ' m.. IMI ' A T . .... 1 :0!i p. m. 10 :M) a. m 7 V. la. .... !. !. a. m. 10 : 1 1 H. m H :HCI M. HI. and locate a new out :::-g to county dead -red PALTSSKV, single MAX, about CIIAKLKS twent3'-four. II KR M AX tvent3'-six. AX UNKNOWN th irty-five. John Schofield died from injuries received in the back jmd broken limbs. Among the more serious are John Browne, broken legs; John Long, internally injured, will likely die: William Semnle, Dick Clark ind a number of others. The storm lasted about thirty minutes and distro3'ed property worth many thousands of dollars. SIMPLY FLATTENED OUT. When the s; 01111 came up Boss Carpenter Gross called to his men, who were workiuir 011 the three- stor3' building at Third street and Lamborn avenue, to get out of the building, and twelve jumped from windows. At the same moment a number of passersby ran into the structure to escape the storm. As they entered, the building, without an instant's tremor or warning, collapsed, burying seventeen men. The structure did not move a foot from its foundation. It simply flat tened out, as though struck a terri ble blow from above. Three tin ners on the roof renained where the3rwere and escaped serious in jur3", though the fall was thirty eight feet. Hl'XDKED SAW THE CATASTROPHE and the work of rescue began at once. Tile ruins stood not six feet above the ground and the roof seemed to cover the whole, greatly retarding the work of rescue. It was an hour before the first bod3 mat or Herman Kousst'3-, was re covered, lie was found in a sitting position, bent nearty double, with splinters driven into his hand and almost ever3 bone in his bod3' was broken. John Lauer was found on his back with four timbers l3ring across him, cutting his bod3 into as many pieces. v IT WAS A HOKRIBLK SIGHT. and the other workmen sickened in removing the bod3', Schofield was found in what evidently had been a room on the third floor and he was still alive, though he died as soon as the weight was removed from him, his back being broken. It was over an hour before another bod3' was found. The two injured men were then goiten out. Seniple was wedged between two upright timbers and that saved his life. survey road. The Catholic social at the church lawn last evening was ipiile'a liiian cial success. There was plenty to eat and a real pleasant social time was had. Va3 tie Golden, a young farmer residing near L'nion fell on a scythe a few days ago, cuttintr his right leg so that the phy sician thinks he will becrippled for life. K.x: A handsome train of 4 palace stock cars passed through last eve ning for the west where they will be loaded with cattle for the South Omaha and Chicago markets. .Mrs. Ol Butts, of Nebraska City, has been visiting relatives here. She left this morning with her un cle Chas Williams of Ashland to re main a few days in that village. George Standers of Louisville has bought the John Burns farm near Plattsmouth for ijvi.aOO and W. A. Cleghorn has purchased the Win. Sri3'der farm on Turkey Creek for $),U0u cash. Xew York is aghast with fright at the finding of a Chinese laundry man who has been plying his vo cation for eight months in that city afflicted with that incurable malady known as leprosy. Aettie J'eck entertained a com pany of her little friends 3'esterda3' afternoon. Among those present were Lisbet Gretel and Helen Waugh, Louise Drummond, Sadie Black, Maud Dorit3 and Jennie Gilfeather. ! nWe want your Poultry , Kggs. But- ter and your farm produc?of all j kinds, we will pay you the highest I cash price as we are buy jug f,,r lirn in Lincoln. R. PETERSEN, THK LKADIXG GKOCLk'S Plattsmouth - Nebraska EDMUNDS & ROOT Tiie pioneer tfieicliantu of ZUCKWEILER & LUTZ (."-ticeesMH-s tn) SOLXXICIISKX A SCH IRK. Hit- Wat-l.int ton Avtinn- GROCERS A N I) Provision Merchants. He;uliUiii tt'i s for FLOUR AiN'd FEW), Carrj h full utock of eneiHi inercliondiso v.liicli tlicystll very clone. Hiyhcht priii: puid for all kiuds of farm produce. (Jen erous treat men tand fair dealing is the secret of our success. CliAS L Murray Ncl. K00T, Notary Public He pay no rent and hi-11 for CASH. You clon't;puj' any hill for dead bents when you buy of tins firm. The btf-t SOFT COAL always Hind. DONT FORGET AT rilK on HIKE NILVKLLnACKEK. V;iKTi and lllacksiiiith hIiop V'aon, IJu'ey, Mnrliine and plow Kepairiai; dona ITOKSKSIIOEINO A SPECIALTY lie uses tile NEVERSLIP HORSESHOE Which is the hiht horHeHlioe for the fanner, or for bint driving, or for city purines ever invented. It is ho made that anyone cf.n put op sharp or flat corks, as needed for wet and nlipprry daya, or unooth, drv roads. Cull Ht liia shop and examine the nkvkiirmp ud you will uhc no other. J. M. SHNELLBACKEK. 12 North Fifth St. Plattsmouth SAT M A HI 3 SIXTH STK'KET F. II. F;LLKXtHAU3I, Prop. The firm of Flower & Antjiony has passea away. Last week lr. An- thoii3' retired from the business, his partner being the purchaser. Af fairs seemed to run along smoothly until Monday forenoon, when P. F. Flower closed the doors b3' virtue 01 a cnattei mortgage ne nem on the stock. The fact of the closing l lie nioter motes tiiese days 111 good shape, and we are glad to state is more than paying expenses. We trust our people will continue their liberal patronage, it helps the town and makes the the new M. I', depot accessible. Xext Thursda3' the Xebraska City Sabbath Schools will picnic at our park there will no doubt be a large number of people u'oin that place, and we presume our folks will take advantage of the occassion to re new old acquaintances. Wabash News. Old Cass stands fourth in the number of children of school age in the list of Nebraska comities with 7,937 charged to her account. Douglas count3r is first, Lancaster county second,and Gage third with onl3r two hundred more than Cass Capt Chas Rhode left last evening with nine other stalwarts to do tip the Weeping Water Cresents. The Captain is getting to be a good all around ball pla3'er and The Her ald predicts he will be playing with the H. &. M's before lony;' A little strip of territor3r in cfn tral Sarpy count3' was devastated b3r a hail storm 3'esterda3- morning at at early hour, which destro3'ed all small grain in its path and seri ously damaged the corn. The weather of toda3' is a veritable hail breeder and betokens danger ahead Rock Hluffs put on her Sunda3' clothe last evening and turned out enmasse to the ball given b3 Will Shera. Several Plattsmouth people were in attendance and report a waj up time. Rock Klutfs used to be famous for Halls and parties in the the best of fresh meat always found m tins market. Also lresh Fggs and Hutter. Wild game of all kinds kept in their season. urn jm SIXTH STREET K"! jijlius PEP?aaeaG. MANUFACTURER OF ANI WHOLESALE & RETAIL UEAI.EK IN THK T.ioicest Brawls of Oigars, FULL LINE ()f TOBACCO AND HMOKER8' AKTICLJ5 always in stock. Nov. 2. 1K8S. What is f&fi5sM ; up has been speculated on b3' many people, but the facts as near as we J good old da3's and it seems the peo can learn, are. that the boys were in pie down there have forgotten none bail shape and that P. F. had at different times pulled them out of the hole, the-protecting him finally with a hiortgage on the stock. Weeping Water Kagle. of their sociabilit-. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sale b3 F. G. Fricke & Co. and O. H. Snyder. 3 Castoria Li Ir. Smael Pitcher's prescription tor Infants and Children. It contains neither Opiam. Morphine nor othci-Xaxootic substance. It is a harmless snbtittito for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrup, and Castor OIL, It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use Xry Millions of Mothers. Cwstoria destroys Worms and allays fererishness. CastorL prevents vomiting Sow Curd c tires Iiarrh?a, and "Wind Colie. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency Castoria assimilates the food, regulate?, the stosoacii and bowels, giving- healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's .Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. M O&fltoria aa eaoelteat vnatOainm tor diai. Mtthw bve ropaatodty ttAA dm at it Dm a. a 0aooo, LoweU, Va. " CaMorte is the beat mmdr (or tflrro of which I mb Mqunbrtwd. I hey Uui dagr lvot far distant vHu uULnn will nww Tar tfae real intcrwt of taiv oWVtrea, aad ao Castoria in etad f taATariouacyiaekDoatxiHiMvhuihara defltreyiBK tbttir iovd ooaa, by Iim rmrm; opaiun. morphine, sooilna Byxup and other laortrnl ageoU dowB ttx-ir threats, thereby suodifig them to prematnre graves." Da. 3. T. Knunnra, Conway, Ark. Castoria. ' Caatarta ! ao wail ariayHl fcaehikWan that 1 S mm to m rairtullug H. A. Abosm, 5L 111 Eo. Oxtm Ot , BnukArn, K T. Or pfcyliiiH in It as tUMnraia drpart moa kava minimum hifrhlgr mt ttMrir erperi noa la thear mttuUm 11 iiiKii wtttc Cafltoria. ao4 althcwgfc va mr k mmi oar laSical mmikm 1 I al la kum aa rDlar proctoeto, ym wm are fma ta enrf aa ttiat ta vtrim of Cafia has won aa to look with faror tapnn it." Cimo Eowtml in DiiaaiiaaT. Boston, , 4u C. Emitb, 7V The Centaur Company, T7 Murray Street, New York CHy.