Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 16, 1891, Image 7

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    F rank Thvrtddu Tiiv
An Important Suit,
All.iii A. KImmIimi, the victim of
the I)iir.-t itij;- of a circular Siiw la-t
winter at K'oi k Hind's which pro
duced wounds necertsitatii) tile
amputation of Ins rii;iit Je, has
ju-d filel ins petition in the distric t
court aaiu.-st h'ohert K'. Nichols,
rhtiiiini; damages in the full .sum
of M,ih The basis of the mit
hifiiis to have hern 1 1 1:1 1 Nichols
owned the saw, which is set out as
unsafe, and that k'hoden was in his
employ. A. X. Sullivan appears for
pl.iinlilf ami He -son & Root for de
fe nant.
RepuVilicNtn Stme Ceiitrnl Committee,
Tile republican state central com
mitter met last evening ;lt ?he
Hotel Lincoln, with Chairman John
C. Watson in the chair and the iol
lowin gentlemen in attend. nice:
John C. Watson, Walt M. Seety. J.
U. Wi liams, J.S. Diro, II. II. Hart
lintf, O. Trill, I. J. Hall, Frank K'an
hoim, proxy for Wm. II. IJcchel. Win.
Coburn, John 1 1. Hutler, W. II. Need
liani, Ross 1 laiiimond, proxy for C.
I). Muir, James Hritton, H. C. Rus
sell, I,. T. Shaner, T. . Smith. James
Whitehead, Creer, W. K. loi.-e, I'M
k Sixer, proxy lor J. II. A';vr, J. K. I
Haas, J. C. 1 lurch, T.C. Cu Italian, d
J. Carpenter, 10. A. (iillxrt, I). A
Scovillc. jeo. 1.. Day, W. L. Oil
worth, J. A. 1'iprr, proxy K. J. Ily
ner J. I,. Trobee, L. Ii. Carey.
Aher coiisKleraliU- 1 1 scussion as
to t he nroner t i me lorholdinsr the
state convention, the committee
went into executive session and on
motion of K'oss Hammond of Imt
inotit it was agreed the convention
should be held Thursday. Sept. 'Jl.
On the second ballot the conven
lion was located at Lincoln lY tlie
'. ol lo wi 11 g vole:
Lincoln l!
The hour atrreed tinoii was 10
o'clock a. m. The representation
was based upon the vote of (ieo. II.
Hastiiiirs for attorney-" etieral.
It was decided to allow one dele
gate to every 150 votes for Attorne'
iiener.-d Hastings, or major tract 1011
thereof, and one at lari;e for each
county. It was also decided to ad
mit no proxies, but that delegates
present be authorized to cast the
vote of absentees.
A motion prevailed to the effect
that the temporary organization' of
trie convention shall be officered by
the central committee.
Mies Hcrfn Jlyera has
Alliance; she will visit
Springs, S. 1)
fOne to The Ftet on Earth.
at Hot The recent statement of Capt. K.
before her return 1 D Hiynn, the builder of race-tracks
, that the new mile track of the Iowa
j Driving I'ark at Knoxville is tin
1 fastest in the world, has aroused
considerable discussion in the
j newspapers. The track will be put
to the test during the meeting of
August 11 -14, and it is probable
that some records will be broken.
In the U:'JO pace, nineteen horses
are paid up, and anionic them some
of the most famous pacers in Amer
ica. It will bra remarkable race,
and one that no admirer of the
horse should miss.
The sensational t h ree-yea r-oI Is,
Cleo. Kva ii LTel i ne, Sternberg" and
Faustino.will emleavor to lower the
world's three year-old record.
Four days of tine racing. All
stakes ami purses 1.00 iinii .f'.:;).
1-adies free tirst day. Ivxcursion
Why Not?
The telegraph of yesterday says:
Chicago, July 7. A circular of
advice issued through accredited
official channels of the farmers' al
liance to all members of farmers'
organizations in the L'nited States
urjres them to combine and with
hold this year's wheat crop from
market until the farmers can ;et
their own price, or at least a price
considerable aoove the average. J
1 he circular, which is presumed to
be a secret document, is now ready
for mailing and it will be sent to
the 2,(XX),(.:h) members ot the
farmers' alliance and industrial
union, the l.OOO.(HX') members of the
colored national farmers' alliance,
the l.OOO.txrJ members of the national
farmers' alliance of the north, the
800 members of the farmers' mutual
benefit association, the tK!:,0O mem
bers of the patrons of husbandry,
the patrons of industry and the
ltiO,0(X) members of the farmers'
league. The farmers' organizations
now apparently feel in a position to
make demands calculated to yield
pecuniary profits to the agricultural
classes, and they propose to bejrin
with a jrijrantic cbmbination
Joseph Chapman of We.-tnn ie
j turned home this morning after a
1 pleasant visit with his brother the
1 J udt;e.
Sile I'atte son of South Hend and
W. H. Shryock of Louisville were in
town last niirht and left for Omaha
011 the early train this morning.
One hundred men have been at
work for several days la iny the
M. I'. switches at the yards in this
city. They have about completed
their job.
M. T. drassnian. of Central City,
showed his -genial coimlenace 011
our streets to-day. Iike is pros
perous in his new home, a fact we
are ft'hid to chronicle.
The little nine months old child
of lr. and -Mrs. 1 ueh lstei 11 was
buried yesterday. Teething and its
attendant evils were the immediate
c iusr of the little ones demise.
Win. Ruschel bought the fine
pair of black horses of Jim Saie the
other day which he has been work
ing about the court house, paying
therefor the neat .-inn of -rO.
The carpenters are setting the
doors and viinlov frames in the
court house to-dar 111 the first storv
above the basement. The building
beyms to show up well from th
st reet.
Will Richardson of Kiirht -Milt
drove is in luck. A few days ;iyi
a fine swarm of bees settled down
011 the north side of his house, and
finding' a friendly knot hole in ont
of the boards thev all went in and
seem to have taken up their per
manent abode. Will can raise ;
line crop of honey without any in
vestment for bees or hive.
M. A. Upton ami Jonathan and
Charley Chase, late of Weeping
Water, have recently traded Lincoln
property in which thev had an
emtity of ifl.o ) to some sharks at
Red Cloud for bank stock, which
turns out to be of less value than
IMattsmouth Canning company
stock. 1 tins is the savings ot a lilt
time swept away, though Mr
Chase has begun suit in the Lan
caster county distric' court to set
aside the transfer and place him
back where he was in the start.
Considerable comment is heard
up around the state house over the
fact that not a single copy of the
senate journal is to be found in any
ot the state otlices, although from
the columns of sundry alliance
newspapers it nppea s that Secre
tary I'irtle has been send ing them
out to the organs of his party.
Hitherto it has been esteemed the
province of the secretary of state to
attend to the distribution of the
journals as he is by law the custo
dian of public documents. Stale
National Educational Association Con
vention Toronto, J uly 14Jto 17.
For the above occasion the B. fc I
will sell round trip tickets at the
lowest one way first class rate, plus
$2. Tickets to be sold July 8 to 13
inclusive, good for return, leaving
Toronto July 14 to September '2a.
The Ihirlington has been chosei
as the official route to Chicago, and
a special train will leave Omaha
about ".':20 p. 111., Sunday, Jul' 12,
which will run through to Toronto
without change.
Parties uesintiir 1 unman accom
modations should apply early; first
come first served.
Unusually low excursion rates
have been made from Toronto to
various points in Canada, the New
England states and New York.
Full particulars may be obtained
at I -$. A l. depot. r. Latham,
City Passenger Agent.
County Court
.Albert N. Sullivan vs. W. L.
Browne et al. On motion of plain
tiff dismissed without prejudice at
plaintiff's cost.
Wm. Deering & Co. vs. Ira Tink
ham. Suit on note. Default of de
fendant entered. Judgment for
In the matter of the estate of Wm
Matsou, deceased. Petition filed
for appointment of Aaron C. Loder
administrator. Hearing. July 27,
10 a. m.
In the matter of the last will and
testament of Sarah Iaston, de
ceased. Hearing on petition for
probate of will and letters testa
mentary to Aaron C. Loder, July 27,
10 a. m.
Hank of Kagle vs. K. L. Lewis.
Set for trial July 10. 10 a. m. A. N.
Sullivan for plaintiff. Mathew
Gering for defendant.
J. W. I lesser the pioneer florist of
Nebraska main' litis his position in
the front rank of western growers
of rare palms, plants and flowers.
On yesterday he sent a full
wagon load of rare palms to a lead
ing florist in St. Joe also an equal
number to parties in Cheyenne.
Showing clearly that the Kansas
City, and Denver markets could not
compete with Mr. Jlesser, whose
name is a synonyn for enterprise
among florists all the central west.
From Fridays Daily .
Jack Brittons gang of wire fence
builders 011 the M. P. struck yester-
day for 2.1 ) per day. They were
prompt ly fired as the manager said
he could iret all the men he wanted
for $1.75.
Deputy Sheriff John Tig-he de
parted this morning for Kearney
taking with him the two Sitzman
boys and young Brown, who will
become inmates of the state re
form school.
Lightning struck a couple of two
year-old steers, belonging to II. C.
Long, about five o'clock 4th of July
morning killing them tnstantl3r.
This is quite a loss for Mr. Long
but he congratulates himself that it
is no worse, as there were quite a
number ot others in the herd which
might have been killed. Murray
Step by step the new line of road
is approaching completion and
should no one interested in the
work suffer a relapse the probabil
ity is that by the time the heavy
storms of winter interfere with
travel, regular freight and possibly
passenger trains will be put on.
Men are now at work on the depot
building and the construction train
nif kes irregular trips, while once
in a while a freight i.-ain of a
dozen cars or so lumber past
There is one little gleam of satis
faction which breaks through the
dark clouds of uncertainty and that
is that when completed the road
will be solid and substantial,
Murray Banner.
Old man Brown called his boy
out to one side this morning, as the
sheriff was starting with him to the
reform school, and gave him quite a
lot of parental advise. Among
other things that he said, to the
amusement of the listeners, was the
following: "Now boy. don't steal
mifliii when you git out to the re
form school; keep away from
them Sitzman boys and study
your books. It's a reg'lar school
you're goin' to, an' if you're a good
boy, by the time you git back you
may be as good a lawyer as Mistah
Gering," and the old man looked
prudly on the youncr hopeful and
dropped a tear, whether of sorrow
at parting or joy at the thought of
his early elevation, we could not
tell. It might be fair to Mr. Gering
to say that he has always been the
old man's attorney and is reckoned
by him as a veritable second edition
of DanT Webster.
His Pension Cme too Lt-3.
Poor old Wm. Smith, colored, a
few days ago received word through
U. S. Commissioner Seymour lo
come to Platt.-miouth and be ex
amined fora pepsion. He had no
money to pay h is fnrc but a suffi
cient amount was donated by his
friends and Smith went to Platts
moiith. After beiiitr examined it
was recommended that he rnVive a
pension of $S a month. Theold fel
lows money was now all gone and
he started for his home in this city
on foot, reaching here Saturday.
The walk proved to much for the
crippled old soldier. He went to
his lel lroni which we was never
abb to rally and died.
The funeral took place Tuesday
liie pension win no (louiit ne
granted and turned over to hi
i a 1 1 1 1 y.
The good news of a pension camt
too iate tor tins old gentleman
who tought tor years lor the prin
ciples he believed to lie right. N
braska City Press.
Bud of Promise Lodge, Degree of
Rebecca, No. 40, installed its new offi
cers last night in good style, the ex
ercises of the evening winding up
at a late hour with a feast of good
things to eat. Mrs. Marv Boyd lent
dignity to the office Oi installing
ofticer and added much to the im
pressiveness of her station bv be
ing able to lay aside the ritual.
1 lie oiheers) installed are: xMiss
Hattie Shipman. N. G. ; Mrs. T. K.
Williams, V. G. ; Miss Laura Twiss
Sec'y. ; Miss Mary Kru-hler, Tr.-as.
Miss L:zzie Knehler, Warden; Mrs.
Alice Cory, Conductor; Mrs. Henr'
Cory, Chaplain; Mrs. J. Davis, In
side Guard: Miss K. Haygood. Out
side Guaru; L. Fv. Karnes and Mrs.
F. H. Steimker. rirht and left sui
jiort to Noble Grand; Mrs. L.G.Lar
son and Mrs. Fisher, right and left
support to Vice Grand.
Coal in Johnson County.
TECUMSEH, NEB.' July 0. Consider
able excitment was created here to
day over the discovery of a five and
one-half foot vein of coal on the
Russell fc Holmes place, one mile
south of town. The vein is down
400 feet and is a good quality of coal
c. j. iaiiagiier will secure the
bounty' from the state.
That IlackingCough can so quick
ly Jcred by Shiloh's cure. We
guarantee it, 1-tf
The third annual conference for
ble study of the Nebraska Ymitio
.'leu s C J'.ristian .lsdoctin'on w u le.
held at Crete, August 3 to 12, on the
Chautauqua grounds.
1 here are a number of cottages
and buildings on the grounds that
will be for use. Those desirinir to
enjoy more out-door !ue will be
provided with tents. Meals will be
furnished in the lartre din inr hall
011 the trrounas. it will only be
necessary to say that the dining
hall will be under the immediate
direction of the committee, and the
same high standard as last j-ear
will be maintained. Cots will be
furnished everyone. It will be
necessary for each one to bring
such bed clothing as they will
There will be a rate of one and
one-third fare for the round 1 ip on
the certificate plan on all railroads
in the state. Board and lodging
for the entire session of the confer
ence will be only five dollars. This
will make a very cheap vacation.
Painful Accident.
Some children can- .it hold of
Richard Bilstein's go-cart last eve
ing which was loaded already with
little folks and in some way4'iec;o 1
was turned over, hurling none of
them seriously except Dottic, tht
little th'-ee year old daughter of Mrs
Harris, which received a most pain
ful cut on the head extending from
Ihe temple around toward the back
of the head full3- 4 inches. The
scalp was torn loose and thrown
back over, making a most ghastly
appearing wound. Dr. Schild
Kiiecm was caneu and stitched up
the scalp making the little sufferer
as comfortable as possible.
The Social at Ed Todd's.
Over 2.-0 people were out at Kd
Todd's last night at the social
wdiich they pronounce the event of
the season. The refreshments
were choice and bounteous. The
ladies cleared a neat sum for the
church and especially desire to
thank Messrs. C. W. Holmes, Klam
Parmele and Jones A: Fitzgerald
for their kindness in furnishing
A small flat boat, loaded with a
family and their household goods.
came down f latte river Irom Den
ver and arrived here Monday. As
they were passing under the wagon
bridge the boat struck an ice break
and capsized, throwing the entire
load into the water. The M. P.
bridge watchmen went to their as
sistance and by a hard and dange
rous effort managed to save the
lives of the party; but the goods
went on down the river. Louisville
For lame back, side or chest, use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25
cents. For sale by F. G. Fricke &
Co. and O. H. Snyder. 3
flow Tln-y Prove of Iin-ul-nl:ill Talus
to Woman lit Ht Work.
Too much cunnot be sai'l in favor of
training the hands to lo whatever work
they are calloil on to do with exact .!.. .-.-i.
A vast a mount of the force of the worhi
is merely wasted beeausr tho Worker Ii.-ij .
riot been properly trained to work in
the .iin plest and Iwst manner. Want of
method is at tins bottom of most of t ho
troubles of overworked nervous women. 1
They fritter away more than double thu
nmomit of enernv required to lo theii
work pn-perly, and yet often fail in ue- !
comi'ii.-uin it at the end. j
A systematic cook will 0 into lu-i i
kitchti, lay out tho materials for aa j
elaltorato dinner, and by steady, orderly ;
work will have everything ready at tlx; j
proper time. She will leave no debris ot
her work behind when the dinner is,
served, and except for tho few pots and
pans soaking there will lo no sia
about the kitchen of what she has ac- j
complishoiL The housekeeper who in
dulges in brilliant Hashes of industry
and lets her work hlido between times is
an abject failure, but not more of one
than tho over energetic housewife who
takes a dozen steps where three will suf
fice, and u-"S up her strength in petty
ways, so that she is unable to accomplish
necessary tasks or only does them tin idly
by an almost superhuman effort.
As a rule American housekeepers dis
like science) and method as applied to
their work, and with some show of rea
son. Grahamites and various other food
cranks have appropriated 'good terms,
full of meaning originally, and have ap
plied them to their own ideas. Scien
tific, cooking is associated almost irrev
ocably in tho mind of the average
housekeeper with bran bread and oat
meal mush a diet now warranted by
intelligent physicians to break down tl
strength of a Tartar savage. ThorougL
scientific knowledge of what is neces
sary to sustain life would lead any one
to avoid such a diet. The matters which
it is especially necessary to bring down
to a scientific basis in order to save time
are methods of work.
In the kneading of bread, for example,
if the work is done properly and the
dough turned and folded systematically
in kneading there is no waste, no stick
ing of bread to the bowl it is raised in,
and no dust left over the board. The
simple exercise of kneading steadily and
easily for half an hour is no hardship;
it is, on the contrary, an admirable and
delightful exercise, which may he recom
mended for broadening the chest. When
the proper method of handling the p;ste
in making puff paste is once acquired
you may discard marble tables and
chilled rolling pins, and success is as cer
tain as it can he from any merely human
If the skilled housekeeper is offered
any labor saving tool to assist her in this
work she can tell in a moment, if she
understand "io best method, whether
the new tool will he of assistance or
merely off ers a makeshift for the genuine
process. Good makers of cake formerly
used an old fashioned egg whip. By
taking long strokes in a moment or two
they beat the whites to a coarse, moder
ately stiE froth, such as makes a deli-
care, leiiuer cuke. Willi t- ;;K trie
new patent- beaters they eun p. oduce n.
fine froth, stiff and tough enough to bend
when cut. A good cake baker knows,
however, that such ii froth will produce
a fine grained, hut a tough cake.
Again, in mixing in the flour with the
other ingredients, the trained worker
knows that if she folds the flour in care
fully, instead of taking circular stirring
strokes, her cake will be feathery light,
but that with the circular stirring she
will break down the whites and render
the cake liable to be tough. Her success
depends upon scientific knowledge of the
proper way to do her work in every case.
In cleaning there is a right and a wrong
way. If the worker scrubs a floor in
the go lucky ''hit or miss" style of some
charwomen she can devote a great deal
of strength to her work and yet leave a
larger part of the dirt on the floor when
siio is tione. ii, on me contrary, ti-
worker keexs two pails of water at hand,
one to scrub with and one for rinsing the
floor v. it h. abundance of clean cloths and
a firm brush, and the floor is scrabled
with tlie grain of the wood, it may be
cleaned with very little outlay of muscle.
New York Tribune.
4:s:-L'- r- ; T:''- r.,.,:: ,-A- cA
::::::: 1
I am. Udcn "WILI7 frclofcl
rroiTt rqegoiaericratG.
10 &aas across injs
I caJTY sweet fcooe
As & cargo
dear as canbs.
MKFmmmtk Go. Chicago.
I. f. till A YES & m.
DOOUS. I5LINDS,nnd rtll buildiner mnteriil
Call and see us at the corner of
lltli and ISIm street, one hloek
north of HeiseFs mill.
lattsmouth., Nebraska
Every thing to Furnish Your House.
Halving- uurchiiKed the J. V. Wccklmch store room on fcouth
IViaiii street where I am now located I can sell oods cheap
cr than the cheapest having just put in thri largest stock
of new -oods ever brought to the city, (iasoline stoves
tlie installment plan.
iutnituiv. ol all kinds sold on
The Best is the Cheapest
Th it is Why Fred (Jorder utter 15 years of experience as the most successful
Aricultuial implement denier in the county has selected the following imple
ments which he carries and heartily recommouds to his friends and patrons.
I&3tch.i22i. olii2.3 and Sclrutlor
Bradley, Poru, and Doora
tivators and Badger Cultivator.
worth Checkrowers and Planters.
Tlie Stowaway.
A very mnTl hy st. -ir- a ride on a train
rmiT.-irg ont of Jerf.t-y City the other
day. When two men took their seats
they heard a .slight sniffle beneath them,
and one of them, looking around, found
a boy hardly bigger than a pound of tea
lying on the floor, shielded from sight by
the reversed backs of two seats, which
formed a tent over him. Of course, the
men did not inform the trainmen that
they were carrying a stowaway.
Indeed, one man was inclined to slip
twenty-five cents down to the little
rogue. Men always seem to like young
scamps. The child was still beneath
the seats when the two men got oil
the train. lie was still sniffling, too;
perhaps from a prickling conscience;
perhaps from fear of the vigorous shak
ing which he knew would be forthcom
ing when he was discovered. New
York Tribune.
Handle tlie finestof Jinnies, Pha'tons, Cart?
Ua mages ana other vehicle? that are inanul
, Spring
Tlig Cables on the Brooklyn Bridge.
The four cables of the Brooklyn bridge
are sixteen inches in diameter each and
consist of about 20.000 single wires. One
difficulty with which the engineers of
the Brooklyn bridge had to contend was
the fact that the outside or exposed wires
were expanded by the heat of the pun,
while the inner and protected ones were
not so affected. The pressure of the
wind, too, being of varying velocity, rs
quired such adjustment of the wires aa
to prevent displacement, even in a hurri
cane, it took fifteen montns continual
work to string the wires of the bridge.
New York Sun.
A Modern Reason.
Teacher Why did Alexander weep?
Class TCos he couldn't find any more
worlds to conquer.
leacher V hy could he find no more?
Class 'Cos he didn't advertise. New
York Truth.
Tlie largest line in Cass County, of double and single harness at
prices so low that it will pay you to come 20 miles and inspect stock
before purchasing elsewhere. DAVID MILL Eli an experienced
workman kas charge ot our harness shop.
Fr edGorder,
Plattsmouth. and Weeping Water
A Full and Complete line af
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils.
Prescriptions Carefully Coin pounded at all Hours.
ELY EITOTHERS. M Wrrcn Bt- New York. Price 60 ete.!
7i r-