Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 16, 1891, Image 6

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Cleaned iin I Repaired ;it
n. v. vatiii-ws ' -'i find. i
S A T I S l ACT ION ( 1 1 ' A WA N T K K I .
The !
-j ling
A Great Event i1
In one's lifo u the discovery of a reuiody for
ome long-stantiiuj; malady. Tho pobon of
Scrofula is in your blood. Vou inherited it
from yoiir aiiec.itors. Will you transmit it
to your offspring? In Ui- great nnjoiity
of cases, both Consuuipti ju aud Cilari li orig
inate in Scrofula. It ls Mippo.-x.-d lo 1m tho
primary source of many oLiicr iei;tiii?ci:ieit.s
of the body. Ucirt at onco lo clt.-ai.u your
blood with tin- sluiJ.iiJ alliaalne,
A N li
Coi'is'niit 1 y keeps a hand everything
you in---. 1 to iuiuish your housj.
F "j ft
a rv T l"'l.
For MeVI.l month I VVM.I troi,!,.
il U
Saturday' L)aii
s Laura k'usscl returned to
her home at Weeping Water last
C. II. Jacquette went to Weeping
Water this morning- to a'.tend a
meeting of the all iancc central coin-
I lllittee.
j Speaker Khlcr lias been sued by
: the l.iiidell Hotel people at Lincoln
: lor (us lio.irtl lull wlneli He mai.'ei
last winter.
j 1 1 - -1 : r - ! laliii of S t;p county is
j in lov.i. io-day' on hi- '.fa)' lo spend
iSnn!a with Fred Siiroedcr and
Horoiuioiis ri;;.ui!is over the whole
My apju-ute was l.a.. ami my system so
Jn-.slr:iu-(l Hint 1 was nual-le to woik. Afn-r
"i":-' si. rnl ic-m.-ili. f j,, vain, I! ,.-u
I lain- iy,-r s m ;.;ir:!;:t, :m.
s.i-'h trooij elK-i t Uiat les than on.; U
so v.tli.
la i nil at Ct
!'.S Levi
c I , i cry 1 1 ee i
v. ! : u 1 1 a r of
III ! . i ; -; e Co!
d a r ( ' r t i a .
igs ha- the line.-t
a iiie i '1 v. Tin- cherries,
a large veiiety, row
i' ' : - i ' -' 1 : s i 1 1 1 1 i I i : . i 1 .
1 U -w 1..! j
CCKNiiii sIX I n Nl-
PJj in n ( ut
H i 0;.fii."1 up Tli;
'Tii't-si. 'i.-r.ii tt, Co-,
- IX tin-; C I T V --
iin.l Mrenp-tli. Th- ivfi'li'.V -f i'.e !,.-. :- -toiii-tiieil
iin-. ;i I exjn-iai-.l tii(; jiur( :.; !
!";: anl leiiioas." Freileri.-n .M ai. !;-liaii'li-s.
Villa Nova le (Inja, Joiti:ual.
'For many y'-;ir I v.ns a r. ijfei . i- froia
scrolul i, until alio,.t t:in c years w!n-n I
t'-iiii tlm ue .r Ayer's SarsMpana.i. si,,- ,
Whleii tin; dieasn Iia.s i ni uviy li..;i;pi-are:
A lillii; liiM of i. ill,.-, u.i.s iroiihl, :l witf'
the .san;.- -(;!i.;.lai:.t. ,!.:. been ei!,-.-d by
this in '-iln-ine." I. In.irail, Avova, N !.r.
VZ rr - d i T r 9
B ti 8
r )
i io
, : 1
. ' . I - : : :i ;
1 'la i i e i
et Io,i
on ! i ta 1
e damn;
Ouerr Way lli; IIayti.ii A n Hi uii I is lluve
of Taliiii; Cure ol T!i-ir Cunvirti ttrt.l
VHrrioTi Tliey Truvcl in I"nr noil
in tlij Street.H Iay ly Iay.
I'hilij) McDowell is an olu and will
L.iown New Vorker. IIu was a volun
teer hreiu.ui orice, and nil old New York
ers know what thai means. Of latv
year.-, Mr. McDowell has traveled exU.-n-yivciv
i.liroad. 11k; visiti-d Ilavii. -
v.'.iv or two a
what was tie?
in the o!
o a rejiMi.
u k rer ;ilI:c.
r hi
"t saw i:i ;iiy stran
hi. t t!f .str.l!
. :- i,i
:.- thin',:.
.-t of ail v.;.-. 11:
ii-,oiiLis are tr-i
i:i Iiayt':,
; way th i
.'i.-.i'i .r;-a -1
. Mr. Miller's Farm Strnngriy !!uperlna;.
i Tho farm (f John II. Miller, who livt
Hjhttf ii miles southeast of Sedalin, Mo.,
is hlowly beiug sw.dlowt-d irj in what
wi'iiis to 11 ;i )iun rivi. r flowing leiieutb
the STjrf.'U'e f the earth. The phenome
non was ohsrrved first Saturday, when
JMr. Miller's family heard a rutnhliii
noise in the oreharcl. I incsti 't ion rt1
vealed alio,- in the frroimil ahout Kix
feet in diameter and several feet deep,
with water at tiie bottom. Tim rum
Mines or. tinned, and the L? h is been
constant ly ei darciiivc since that time.
I'. 1. ('latin vi.-iiel t!ie s-pot and
load.- a t!inrou;,'h investigation tf what
he terms, the nit.-t wotnlerf'il tiling he
has ever seen. 1 h- i jh ,i t s t hat t In? cav
ity is nearly circular in form, siteeji
feet in diameter at the top and ta;t rin;j
to ten feet at tin. wat'-r line, which i-tweidy-si
x le.-t l'rom tiie surlaee. Tiie
water is t went v-live feet deep and seem ,
, hrnl.L,.
:nd lool
eerai '
i s
-: i s
-Vi ii 1 1
rr -i-i 'S- i i E 1
t?i i r 3 i i- ; -. i ; ir
l-nici'A r.mi i;y
DK. J. C. AY2K Ez CO., l.c-.t -,11, Mac
8wld by trugis.B. Jl.sis $.'. W'oiU 'ittt.ou
in. iv he found choice win
liiioi"s and
alway s on hand.
A strictly first ciase maeliine. fully warrant
ed. Made Jrom tiie very best in'aterial by
skilled workmen, and the best tools t-iat
nave ever been ilevised for t!i purjiose, War
ranted to do all that can be reasonably ex
pected of the very best typewriter extant.
Capable of writing 150 words ner minute or
more aceordinn to the ability of the operate"1.
S . l v yy
P '
1 l.-.-.-OMl
ma:i lor
i ; ' on h jloi .- i
ail cthel V is sure
fly d.
lo the ripei.
e ( ) I i ! . 1 1 !
the l.i.-l
'Vr of th
i a -
s e 1 .
recor I
I 1 I o-
II te
i la I i s -harm!;
aih t.) th.
so much
wheat in
, hulls ior
itiio !.. , ..i i and are f-.nced to live o i
!i...'j.. ; iieu a pri.soin.-r i.-i s n'o-jn . 1
l ! ti:.4o t!..i'o bo doesn't ha .-.; a iti:.
form, he learns no trade and he uoe.-n't
ret iinythiny to eat from the govern
ment, lie is allowe I to bei, tie,':!.,
for money and jjrub, and if u; won't b-j
Well, he can starve.
"This l'icin is a funny kind of hns;
!'. :.'.. Talc- - tin; prison at .lacine.. far n -:ia...
,. v' ell, every morina thev lire
pn.soJiers out to pi k uj wn.-.;e ci-
a so.i-
' lie ;v II' iwiicv; river, ;is sticks thrown
to it ,'iiv carried rapidly away by the
a rent.
am to il
if any team
vet there
the prisoners
they can f,rel,, and each feliav h
dier aloii' with him to see that
doesn't, run away. Tho two to.ifei
all lav and
Th...- oni'iiitv' is in prairie land.
;;ot ta-ar any sjirinic or body of water.
Several years a'j-i i a fanner in licit im
in hat.- neighborhood was driving a
wt-il, whi'fi the lo' ils beca.rue ditaehed
and lo-t. but it. was t!ioic;i,t to be mere
ly a pocket, and no atientioa w as paid
to if.
Th cavity is trradtially enlar'an;'. and
;us Mr. Miller's resilience is only sixty
f-.-et oi-faiit he is ..'reatlv alarmed lor th--;
fety of his homo and fannlv. Cor.
Chicago Uerald.
i.'K'iv e. p la tue eveninr
lor w;
let the
team o(. () pu'Ces
nt of local saippoit. Omaha
not i ;i hlai-ker I've than to
team di.-hand while it stands
at n
head of the
L A.
V, Q.
so i I O I 1 1 i 1 11 I 1
The o-rnss hopper is abroad in
the lain! and is reported in force in
Colorado. Wy oming- and Montana.
Mr. (I. Hopper is the re.-uii of the
past three or lour excvedinoly dry
seasons in the- northwestern reoion.
k hi.s prhor.c r
fort to show
.11 ii.-,hr and
x F'lnarn ia.;:.l
i li nei -ivince
tliint;le.3, Lath, Sash,
-iii immense (lownponr oi ram
for three hours at Sioux City yester
iay 11101111110- liooueu tiie city,
imusiuo- nil aerj-eo-ate loss uf 100,
(Mti. the mayor says theimury to
pavements alone will cost the city
fK'.fHlO. Seva-ral httihlinos were mi
derm i tied.
Then the soldier in
to jail and , , ; up
that he lie ; his i
has:i"t sold i i for d;
aurm, tne nay.
f?oi.nn-:!ts ciirr no pay.
"Dut dem't tlio llaytian toMiers - t
"Xo, they dun't. Any money there j:
in the army yoe-s to the generals, and cf
them there are enoa;rh to command the
combined armies, of luropeaud Atneric;..
Once in a long while the llaytian soldier
gets a dollar, v. Inch is worth abort
seventy cents in our money, but he and
the TirisoTiers livuhv lif'.nn" Tliev- . i : i
r . ..J j,. ... .
tworf from to houie and from store I ten miles a was
tie, too, snowed no symptoms or illness.
uoors, ssiiir
an supply everssr demand of the city.
Call and pet terms. Fourth 6trect
in rear of opera house.
fi IJ- l . J fti i
P1UCE $100.
If there is no ayent in your town address the
Agents wanted Parish X, Y.
Lincoln, Neb,
C. 2vl IT-S,
.County Surveyor
'Ail orders left with County Clerk will
receive prompt attention.
217, 210, 221 and 223 Main St.,
lattsmouth, - Nebraska.
.H. JJ. BONS. Proprietor.
"Ihe Perkin9 has been thoroughly
renovated from top tc ottoiii ad :e
now one of the best hotels in th state
Boarders will be tnken by the week at
$4.50 and up.
FIif anfl M a SpsciallF
tronarre i tke Puble Solicited.
irr. p-sn t n rr
i W 1
Li" i T 3
- Mind wandering enrpd. Bonk InbTrMvl
rstmoDiA4H f rom nil
Frospectas post
. in ine ruadinjr.
I I - nn;i vi ilo fnoue.
, f fttJl va.12. K'ut on unnticatiun to VrrJ.
W lUtJ LeieMie. SjJ Fuua . m f .
RSM. U u ri h. ft.
The GreatHealth liuliuM.
PfickAce makes a Knilons. IH-liuinus. epaxkliER. an.l
up"tiniuK. Sold hy all dealers. A lieiuitiful Picture'c nutl cards sent FHHK to any one snndine
KlJress ta tU O. t. 111EE3 VU.. Hiiladulphia, Pa.
lb (XXI
Vice I'rusidnt
Cor istain and Fifth street
Paid up capital
C. H. Pamela
F-i-ed (i'lp'fr
J. T'7. Pal tersoii
T. M. Patterson,
O il Parmel-. .f. M. PiiftT'on. Fred Gord'T.
A, i. Smith, 11. 15. YYiLdlumi. U. S. lUiriMey ar.d
X. M. PattTs.-m
Aeeounts soth-ite'l. iaireT allowed on fi'ue
deposits and prompt att-nt io:iiven to all tu--luess
entrusted to its car.
j Cloftiibi and twwmtV-s liie hair.
. w-illner Tails to Kfsloro Gray
tr'!-l Hair to its Youthful Color.
J Litrai. ouip diwi d do ir tailing.
j at Irii.'r,9
- - Ta,.-KiT,lvi,r i on
,' ' i I) i.h,,v, J-:.iii-.
i! i;i,H t:.i- ui', l C
: -on. I'll in. 'J i.l.c in tape, .vti Lis.
T;ip f.'itv irr curf for C,,n 9,
i, or in .cox i cu., a. v.
GU, quirk T,UJ PLASTER, i
f rom fain. m t
Rham&tifm, npnrnrliHft. pVaTiy and lumlMV'.rj
tirwi m nic. rw iy nil j tukjc ip-k.
Cwc'iesters Ehguw. Pro Cross Diamond Brand
U tT t all i EA wA l U 1UU9.
THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE. Th onW rif--v Sr. unrt rriUie Pin rr
4 ljfi wftb I i; rithoti. J'mIt bo oi her LlnU. ."'tt trentur rm.s end mt'd.iofij.
All pwlft In ptrtofud UX4, wraprn-r. re flrurf rvwi ctirn l-rfi;I t. At lJrKCiits or n
4m. tn wra r r j-rtieaM.r, imaroonuiK, tua "'Kfitrr lor LmOIi'c," tn (.er, fiv Mum Mmi,
lO.O.IO TroiiiJ. w Pnvr.
Mold t Ui IocmI lr-CaTl-
Chichcstcr Chemical Co., v;,,.n-,n "q,iix.
A man -I'uterbau o p, of (hie-
county murdered his wife ami
four children yesterday and then
ended himself. The chastlv work
was all done with the revolver and
no reason tor it is known, lie was)
a man well thought of by his
In the Sheedy case the detective
seems to hav e been employed, and
now Pineo, a C. li. & O., elective,
sues Mrs. Sheedy for $0:C for ser
vices rendered clearino- her oi the
alleged murder of her husband.
The public will perhaps he interest
fit in Knowino-just where I'uieo got
in his effective work.
I he li. Sc ?. fast freight east will
pass through the city this evening
all fitted out with a full comple
ment ot Cicorgv 1 urner 3 new pat
ent billing device. An effort will
he made to see iust how much Ir.
turners patent is worth toward
convenience anu exue.l it-nc v in
handlino-cai s. It looks as thoutrh
Georoe uiioht become a millionaire
Our lieie-hbor. thr Journal, con-
tamed a very- illnatured llin-, the
other even in of, at Mr. Samuel
.Richardson of Kiht Mile Grove be.
cause Mr. K. is beinr .spoken of as
probable candidate for county-
treasurer. Mr. Richardson is a
;ood lirst class citizen, a man of
more than ordinary intellirence
;ind of unquestioned integrity and
great industry. He has a right to
be a candidate for county treasurer
and no man can truthfully fay
ought against him.
A "prominent farmer, speaking of
the crop outlook for Nebraska last
evening, said: J he wheat and oats
are all filled and out of the way of
everything except hail and wind.
The crop of small grain will he first
class; tue only troutile is, we
farmers plant too much corn.
Diversity of crop i? what we need.
One of these thundering big corn
crops makes hard times by its
over-production when corn is too
cheap to pay for marketing-. Kvery
farmer in Nebraska ought to raise
wheat, oats, barley, rye. llax and
millet. We plant without judgment
and then find fault when we overdo
the thing."
Tiie Indmns will be lie re.
The latest from the base ball field
i- to the eifect that a game with
nd untutored
ee at the ball patk next
afternoon. eryhody
will take pi
night to turn out and see
dian nine polish off th
mouth team.
the 1 1 1 -1'latts-
PliiLAma niiA. va.
I have been bothered with cat1
arrh for twenty years; I had lost
sense of smell entieely, and I had
almost lost my hearing. My eyes
wero getting so dim I nad to get
some one" to thread myneedie. Now
I have my hearing so well as I ever
had, add I can sec- tn thread as tine
a needle'as ever I did' my sense of
smell is partly restored, and it
seems to be improving all the time,
I think there is nothing lik Kly's
Cream Halm for catarrh. Mrs. K.K.
Grimes, Perry Co., O.
to store. Sometimes they have a good
day and make, a dollar and sometimes
they don't make fifty cents, but what
ever it is they mubt live on it.
"The soIJier himself is a scarecrow.
He has never been drilled, has no uni
form to 6pea,k of, and if he h:wln't a
musket to carry around with him you
couldn't tell him from the prisoner he is
taking care of. You recollect the old
Lonij Toms we had in our army before
the war? Well, that's the kind the Hay
tian soldiers carry. They are all old
cap and ball cerncenis, as liko as not to
go oil at the wrong end.
"Take a soldier, a sailor or a fireman
with us, and they all have a pride in
keeping all their tools neat and clean;
but lmhtary pride lsu t in the game that
the Haytian soldier plays. When he
gets home after a day's begging he
pitches his old musket into a corner just
as a laborer in the street cleaning depart
ment gets rid of his shovel. It may be
rusty and honeycombed, but as Icig an
he can show np with, it at the fort and
satisfies the government that it hasn't
one to the junk shop he's happy."
"The soklier3 and the prisoners must
be pretty good chumsF'
Well, that's very much as you take
it. It's a common sierht to see the c-uard
md the prisoner reeling home together
if they've made out well.
T suppose you'd imagine that prison
ers would often get away with these
kind of guardians, but they don't. When
ever the soldier takes it into his head
that the prisoner is going to escape he
just shoots Mm dead, aud that's all there
is to it. No coroner comes around and
post morteias are unknown. Why, I
was walking one day with a friend on
one of the chief streets of Jaeniel.
"Right in front of us was a drunken
soldier and a droiiken prisoner. 'Now,'
said my friend, 'you watch that fellow
and see if he doesn't take it into his
head that his prisoner is going to escape,
and if he does ho will shoot him.' Sure
enough, a minute or two after the
drunken prisoner staggered into the mid
dle of the street, and the equally drunken
soldier ujs with his Long Tom and
shoots hira dead.
Things are not quite as bad at Port-
au-Prince as they are at Jacmel and the
smaller towns on the island, but the dif
ference is not worth talking of. Hayti
collects plenty of money in duties, but it
is all grabbed by a few men, while the
mass of the people are left to get on as
best they can, and are forced to support
out of their pockets as objects of charity
soldiers and convicts." New York Recorder.' i. nlli s I lively Cofrsci
One of the most remaikable
detn.'es that it has ever been 1 he nr.
of a newsi,-i;ier io record comes from the
lower end of the county. Henry Trum
I auer of Ross township, a few mile;,
ve.-n of Shieks:iimyf h farmer, forty-live
ye-;!--! old, retired at an early hour on
Sunday night in his usual good health,
and to all outward appearances never
leit nciier in nis lite, j he next mrn-
liig nis win; was iiorrmeii ny ti:e u:s
covei y of Ins dead body in bed. He had
passed quietly away in the night with
out a strn,L;;;ie.
On the same night his brother Wil
liam, living in Hunlock township, about
and hearty.
Custom Tlint llfl-r Ironi Thou Any
Oilier 'liri-! Inn or Moliaiiiiin-ili I '
j I II., 1 ilV l l he Property Holder,
j Slic Never l.rufx Her Home.
J A country where the women own the
! houses and lands, win-re gold and silver
! are common n (lowers in the i-pring,
! where eerybodyis h ippy and nobody
does wrong, is the burden of the f-tory
that V. J. Shaw brings from far of! Su
mat r.a.
V. .1. Sh-iw is one of the men who
in. .deled tin!: ', in this country when it
wnsvoung arid pliable. 1 1" came from
New York in P-'.".i, and was about the
br-t i:. nn to hang tint a lawyer's i-igti in
San l-'i.i'ici:;.-.). Ho won the cases that
settled the v.-.hui', v of s.-ttlers' titles and
r.-siilted i:i the V an N'-ss ordinance., and
he served as a stale senator in 1KY1, when
it was in. To of ;m honor to be a legislator
than it is now.
"In all my years of travel," he naid,
'I never io'in l a happier j ,coplo 1 ban
those who live in Sumatra, in the mid
dle part of the island. The p-ople a l
over Sumatra arc believers in the Mo
hammedan iili'.non, but the jwculiar
cu.-toms which m-i!e this pari ten lar j-o-p!e
uniijiie and dilTerent from all others
arc- coitiiied to one community.
"It would not In' f-orrift to term this
brunch of 1 he Su natra people a tribe,
for they do not live in tribal relations at
all, although there is a chief and under
chieftain--. Th'-so rulers, however, are
not de-pots, and if I he proplo do not liko
the way in which they manage things
lliey dispose of them very shortly arid
put other ir -n in t h.-jr places
re-tired hale
Nothing in liis demeanor gave the slight
est warning of impending dissolution.
His daughter, not seeing her father come
down as usual, called, but received no
answer. She went up stairs, when t-he
was horror stricken to find him dead on
the bed,
The occurrence has created not a lit
tle excitement in the neighborhood, as
the men were well known in the com
munity. No marks of violence could bo
found on their bodies, and the general
belief is that death was due to natural
causes, liotn men were married and
each leaves a wife and family. Wilkes-
barre Record.
Vii-iiriouH Martyrdom.
The grip is depopulating the Indian
wigwams of Alaska and Vancouver's
Island. The malignity of the disease
seems, indeed, proportioned to the inno
cence of its victims a phenomenon
which might be explained on the theory
that epidemics prove specially fatal to
individuals cf an unprepared race. A
native of the Allegheny highlands may
be almost killed by a catarrh contracted
by a night's lodging in a bedroom filled
with an atmosphere which the habitues
of the city slums could breathe with
comparative impunity, and the chron
icler of Captain Cook's voyages relates
that a community of South Sea Islanders
was affected with an alarming influenza,
in consequence of a few minutes' con
versation with sailors who had passwd
the nights of a long voyage in a stuffy
cockpit. Felix L. Oswald in Philadel
phia Times.
Whistling in Germany.
One has to be careful how and what
he whistles in Germany. The other day
a jieasant at Diedenhofen, Lorraine, was
arrested aud brought before the magis
trate on the charge of showing disresinsct
to the German authorities by whistling
the "Marseillaise." The man contended
that the march he had whistled was one
he had learned when he was serving in
the Brunswick Hussars. The court inade
the policeman who had arrested the
prisoner whistle the "Marseillaise"' to see
if he knew the famous hymn. Then the
prisoner was ordered to whistle the
march he claimed to have heard in the
Hussars. It proved to be suspiciously
similar to the "Marseillaise," and the
unlucky whistler was fined fifteen marks
for his indiscretion. The policeman was
not fined for whistling the air. St. Louis
S:Tliig a Spur row.
An authentic incident in the career of
General Robert E. Lee is told as an evi
dence of his sweetness of disposition and
natural ldndliness. One day he was in
specting the batteries over the hues be
low the city of Richmond, and the sol
diers had gathered in a group to wel
come him. This action drew upon them
the fire of the Union guns.
The general faced about and advised
the men to go under shelter. But he
did not do this himself. Walking on,
although in apparent danger, .he picked
up and replaced an unfledged sparrow
which liad fallen from its nest near bv.
A Well Full of Snake.
Connecticut evidently is bent on giv
ing Georgia a tussle for the position of
chief center for the distribution of snake
stories. This one comes from Norwich:
A man here the other day took the
stone cover off an old dry well in his
pasture and saw at the bottom of it a
ball of braided black snakes bigger than
a lager beer keg. He ran to the house
and got his revolver and a box of cart
ridges. He blew in all hi.s cartridges,
and the well was boiling over with es
caping .snakes when he got through with
them. He got eighteen dead snakes in
the well, an.l more than three times
that number got away. The biggc-jt
snake bagged was over seven feet long
and the smallest one more than four
The act was instinctive, but perhaps feet,
indicates a really hiirlier endowment J : "
than ability to conduct notable cam- I Orange culture in southern California
paigns Youth's Companion. . j 3 making wonderful progress. Fifteen
years ago the first shipment of oranges
t.r.t waiL.-V I was made from Riverside, San Bernar-
Henrick Ibsen is a methodical walker.
So fond is he of his daily walk that he
takes it rain or shine, and the cotton
umbrella which he always carries has
become a nart of his individualitv. Fii
favorite time for walking is an hour be- j or 3- 0O carloads.
fore twilight. He writes incessantly all '
day and adopts this method of renting :
his tired brain and body. His well knit,
muscular frame attests his good health,
and he can stand any amount of literary
work, It is said of Ibsen that he writes I
one year and walk3 the next. Washing
ton Star.
j lilUV V O U U I. J f 11 U11V LiAA.l .-11 ;VJ1 lll'j CIO '
nients from the district will
amount to l,3i0 carloads, or 4(X),0X)
boxes. Tiie total shipments from south
ern California will probably reach 0,400
Both Mr. Irving's sons will become
actors. The elder, Harry, who is very
much like his father, will leave Oxford
very soon, and Lawrence, who has been
, studying diplomacy in St. Petersburg,
j will give that up for the stage: Both
have shown talent in private theatrical.
"Although men are the ostensible
chieftains, the Woim n are the real rulers.
Tiie customs of the count ry forbid the
eivingof a man's property to hi.s chil
dren niter his death If a man dies the
property he owns is given to his father
tiiid mother. The woman's property, on
the contrary, is given to the children.
Probably that is the custom that is re
sponsible for the turning over of all tho
ve;dth of the country to the women.
"It is the constant aim of tho men to
enrich their wives. Each man has but
one wife, and each wife one husband,
and they live a perfectly moral life. Tho
teachings of Mohammedanism are fol
lowed upon the question of divorce.
Tho husband has the right to divorce his
wife whenever he chooses, but must al
low her to retain the property in her pos
session. Divorces are not freouent.
though, and I believe that, in proportion
to the population, divorces in this part
of Sumatra are not one in sixteen coin-
pared to the number in California.
The people are happy there happy
as they can be. lho children Jive at
home with their mother tho boys until
they are thirteen or fourteen, and the
girls until they marry.
"When the daughter gets married she
does not leave her mother's house. An
addition is built on a new roof, as they
call it and the newly married girl
makes her home there, and brings up
tier children. I ins custom, of course,
results in forming qui to large communi
ties where there are many children.
I knew one of these communities
where there were a mother aud several
daughters living with their children.
The original house had grown with each
marriage until it spread over a large
piece of ground.
"When the boys get old enough to
leave home they are taken to a compart
ment house which is set aside as a home
for them until they wish to marry. The
girl has the right to choose whom she
will wed, a privilege delegated to her in
few Mohammedan countries.
"Once married, the husband for the
rest of his life is his wife's lover. He
lives apart from her and visits his home
only in the evening to chat with her and
the children. All the money he gets
and there is plenty of money of Dutch
coinage there he turns over to his sweet
heart. She dresses herself and the chil
dren and shoulders all the petty family
"He is bothered only to earn the
money to pay for the things they eat
and wear.
"To get things for them to eat need j
not worry him much. The portion of
Sumatra m which these strange people
live is very tertne ana productive. It is
a fine country, with beautiful mountains
and streams and magnificent scenery. -All
sorts of fruits are grown, and in tho '
higher altitudes many of tho grains. t
"To find dresses for the family must
be a different matter, for I never saw
such elegantly attired women as in these
communities. They are very beautiful,
boasting the fairest and finest complex
ions and the brightest eyes.
"Never in Christian countries do wo
men dress as extravagantly.
"I remember that once the chief told
me he would have two pretty maidens
dress as they would on their "rnarriae
The two bright eyed girls wero prTnA
some time, and came back wearing, one
a dress of gold and the other one of sil
ver. They had bracelets one above an
other from the hands and above tlir
elbows. At the eltxw3 thev
liar bracelets, jointed to fjermit easily
moving the joint. In brief, their arm
were armored with precious metal. They
had necklaces of gems and other mciUr
ornaments, and the cloth-r.f-nv.M ,,i
cloth-of-silver dresses were made loosely
fitting above the waist, and the skirts in
"They are not an ignorant people, for
the children are taught in their homes
and many learn to read the Koran. They
observe the proprieties too, as is appar
ent from trie rule as to widows.
"When a woman's husband dies she
plants a post in front of her particular
door m the family house and harca a
flag upon it. While the flag waveshe
may not marry again. But when the
winds, blowing eoitly off the sr-a, have
torn it into shreds and scattered the bits
on the ground her term of mournin? ia
S 6 mt?y ac Srt a second lover'o
proffer." San Francinco Examiner.