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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1891)
CONVENIENT TRIFLES. Their I'offeRion Will Render Traveling More Agreeable. All who have tri! wrapping various articles in paper arid putting them in a traveling-b.-ij, am suns to become firm' believers in tlus doctrine of the "total depravity" of objects. De spite all endeavors to the contrary, the BABY'S WARDROBE. a r r '- -gny l;' no. 1 WAP CASK. paper will come off or tear at the most critical time. On any journey which will extend through an entire day or night, certain articles are indispensable for comfort, and they should lm carried in a pood substantial traveling-bay, which can le purchased for a small sum and will last for years. In it should le placed tow els, Boap, tooth-brush, comb and brush, and a pair of slippers; if for a nig-ht journey, a loose wrapper or dressing Back in addition. The soap supplied nt hotels and in the toilet-rooms of sleeping1 cars ia often not such as a person would wish to use, and even if it were, the thought of all who have used it before is very unpleasant. A simple soap-case (Fig. 1) can be crocheted out of white knitting-cotton; No. 10 is a g'ood size. It is worked in single crochet stitch with a medium-sized steel crochet needle. It is made in two pieces ease and a cover to fit over it. They are joined with a cord made by twisting several strands of the cotton tightly together. A piece of narrow linen tape ten inchea long is fastened to the center of the cover to be wrapped around the case and tied. When it is to be placed in the bag a chain about an inch and a half long is first made; this is worked round and round, widening for several rows. The case is about three inches long, an inch deep and the same wide. The cover la made in exactly the same manner, only the sides are worked a little more loosely, to admit of its slipping over. A piece of soap is cut to fit and put in the case. The material used to make 'this little case allows of its being washed when soiled, and the stitch used makes it bo thick that there is no danger of the damp 6oap soiling any other of the contents of the bag. Figs. 2 and 3 illustrate simple but con venient pockets for slippers and for FW. 2. FIG. 3. ombs. The material is heavy un bleached linen twill. The shoe pocket is ten inches long and six wide. On the front a design of a pair of shoes is worked in outline with brown linen rope floss. The flap is worked round the edge in button-hole stitch with the same floss. A brown ivory button on the pocket and a small cord and tassel on the flap provide the fastening. The comb-case is made of the same material, and when desired can be made large enough for the brush also. In tii at case a width of three inches and a length of eight will be found a good size. A case six inches long and one wide will hold a tooth brush nicely. Margaret Rider, in Country Gentleman. POINTS TO REMEMBER. That buttermilk will take out mil dew stains. That bottles are easily cleaned with hot water and fine coals. That a pallet knife should be used to scrape pots and kettles. That old napkins and old tablecloths make the very best of glasscloths. That zinc is best cleaned with hot soapy water, then polished with kero- sene. That it is well to keep large pieces of charcoal in damp corners and in dark places. That oilcloth can be kept bright for years if properly varnished each season with any good siccative. That if the hands are rubbed on a stick of celery after peeling onions the smell will be entirely removed. That if soap Is purchased in large quantities, and kept in a warm dry place, half the usual amount will be re quired. That tubs will not warp or crack open, if the precaution is taken to put a pail of water into each, directly after nse. Good Housekeeping. How to Cook Vegetables. From a new cook book by Mrs. Rorer, we take some ideas on the subject. Few things show the difference between comfortable and slovenly housekeeping more quickly than the dressing of vege tables. Potatoes, one of the most im portant vegetables . (served ii nearly every household once, are rarely cooked in a wholesome or even palata ble manner; out of every ten plates that come to the table but one will be found perfect. All green vegetables should be freshly gathered, washed in cold water, and cooked in freshly boiled water until tender, not a moment longer. After water has boiled 'for a time it parte with its gases and be-; comes hard, and most vegetables' are fetter cooked in soft water. now to Trna the, little Total Comfortably i bcmI at Nnull'EipriiM. i Every mother tlouldv foci that mot' ' carn, is dim to her own physical healtil than to the preparation of babyrf ; wardrobe; so, while the litUo elo n bo dainty and beautiful, -it nMl not take all the mother's time to prepare it, either by hand or at the sewing ma-; chine. A great many are now favoring the use of knitted eotton bands, as very few skins can endure llannel next it. Tliee can I; knitted like a stocking, in ribs, ami should be a quarter of a yard deep. However, flannel over the bowels ia very necessary to a young child, so I I think they are quite as comfortable made of soft, Saxony wool and knit on coarse, steel needles. In the middle of 1 the front and back should be knit a ! firm, short strip to pin the diaper to. thus keeping loth in place. Some prefer to do without socks. If they are to Ik: left on after being wet I should say by all means have none; but with several pairs on hand there need be no neglect in this matter. These are best knit like a short stocking, and rRES8. they wear best of all. Some buy the short, cashmere hose; these are very nice and wear better than those that are crocheted. However, if you can do no better, crochet them or make a little bootee of chamois skin. Another very necessary article for a small baby is a pad made of two layers of cotton batting between some thin material old swiss or lawn, if you have it; cheese cloth if yon must buy new. This can be fastened to a band which is pinned around the waist. This serves to protect the flannels of the baby, and the dress of the person who is holding the baby. Of course this must be changed as frequently as the diaper. No careful mother will allow the mattress of her child's bed to ever get wet. lrotect it with a piece of rubber cloth; over this lay a blanket, then a sheet. To protect these, have several of these thin pads to lay under the child. These are more easily laundried' than all the beddm"- rf crib. "Never place, a heavy covering over a little baby. Everything for the bed should be light and warm. Soft blan kets, a soft comforter made of cheese cloth, never a heavy shawL Remem ber, ycu lay your child down with all its clothes on to sleep. If you cover it CLOJlK. heavily when you take it up it is in a profuse perspiration, as you yourself, would be under like circumstances. At such a time stop to think whether it is just the thing to carry the child to an open door or stand with it in a draft of air. Many ailmenta can be traced to just such carelessness. Dresses of soft wools, like the illus tration, can be used on cool or rainy; days, as upon rainy days the starch Is taken out of white goods and it loses' its freshness so soon. Long cloaks, If, of good material, can be utilized as a short cloak and dress when shorter clothes are needed. The best economy is to provide material that will work up' into other garments when the change is' necessary. Farm and Fireside. To Remove Stains from Linen. Salts of lemon and oxalic- acid are doubtless excellent for removing stains from linen, but they are such deadly poisons that one dislikes to think of their use even in the most careful of hands. , A little common salt sprinkled, on an ink spot, iron rust, or other stain! and then thoroughly wet with lemon j juice and exposed to the sun will do as, effective work as the poisons. Eenewl the application if required. j Ur. A. hliur7 has the esrlailT right t Stole m' Local Anrxthctle for tk I'alnleaa txtrmetita of Ttetk la tkla elty. OBe Boakwood BIKk. "Fronted Cream," th lstet and gretet ol ta ag, at Gcriag & Co.'. 101 A number of day boarder can be accommodated at Thompson's res taurant, opposite opera house, where the best of meals are Hair chains, ring's, crosses an hair work of all kinds to order. iMes. A. Knek. tf 1720 locust St. Notice. The business relations heretofore existing between P. S. Wickham and A. J. Graves are this day terminated by mutual agreement. I. S. Wickham, A.J. G waves. Dated: Plattsmouth, Neb., June 30, 1VJ1. "Frosted Cream," the latest and greatest drink of the age, at Gering & Go's. lOt Needles, oils and parts for all kinds of machines can be found at the Sinjrer ol'lice, corner of Main and Sixth streets, with II. Beck. tf "Frosted Cream," the latest and greatest drink of the age, at Gering Ac Co.'s. lOt Potted strawberrv plants of choice varieties will be on sale at Lew Moore's by July loth. Plants put out now will insure a big crop next year. dtVwtf Brown & Barrett successors to Wildman & liuller have the cheap est and best line of all paper in Plattsmouth. wtt. Attention Sportsmen. On Friday July 11th, there will be a grand shooting tournament at the old fair grounds. The prizes will be ten thoroughbred hunting dogs Chesapeake and Irish water spaniels there will be a chance for all as there will be three different classes to shoot in. 4t Holmes & Antill. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Thk Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 23 cents per box. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. I have been bothered with cat arrh for twenty years; I had lost sense of smell entieel3", and I had almost lost my hearing. My eyes wero getting so dim I nad to get some one to thread my needie. Now I have my hearing so well as I ever had, add 1 can see tn thread as line a needle as ever I did' my sense of smell is partl3r restored, and it seems to be improving all the time, I think there is nothing lik lily's C ream Balm for catarrh. Mrs. h.h. Grimes, Perry Co., (). Sudden Deaths. Heart disease is by far the most frequent cause of sudden death, which in three out of four cases is unsuspected. The sj'tnptoms are not generally understood. These are: a habit of lying on the right side, short breath, pain or ditressin the side, back or shoulder. irregular pulse, asthma, weak and hungry spells, wind in stomach, swelling of ankles or dropsy, oppression, dry cough and smothering. Dr. Miles' illustrated book on Ileart Disease, free at F. G. Frike & Co's, who sell and guarantee Dr. Miles' unequaled New Ileart Cure, and his restora tive Nervine, which cures nervous ness, headache, sleeplessness, drop s', etc. It contains no opiates. Henry Cooper was taken in by a birthday surprise last night when a large company of friends took possession of his home. Mrs. Cooper furnished a bounteous repast and a general good time was had. Henry got his wits together after the surprise and made a most ex cellent host. The Herald hopes he may see as many more anniversa ries as he has already enjoyed. TORTURING EXZE&1A, Editor Iowa I'lain Dealer Cured ef InsufTerble Itching and I'ain by tlie Cutleura Kemenies, o Than Five I'hynyrian Con suited. Their Cotnbiued Wisdom ollowed "Without Itenefit. I am slxtv vears old. In Auiruet 1889 was troubled with a pecular ekiu to which o.'ODle of mv ane are subject. Known among medicinal men as eczema. Its first appearance was imar the ankles. It rapidly extended over tue lower extremeties until may leps were nearly one raw pore : liom lestlie trouble ex tended acioss the hipe, shoulders' and the en tire IeiiKhth of my arm, th lets and arms bad ly fwolleu with an itching burning pain without cessation. Although the beet tnt-dical advice attainable was employed no les than five phv- sic:anf of the place belHK consulted and the presciptiens Teing the resuot of their combined wisdom, tne uiseasetnougn apparent y cnecKea would rvcur in a few days as bad a? ever ;dur. ing the progress my weight fell away about twehtv-cve pounds. As an experiment I be gan to the us of CcticubA followed the sim- pi ana pi;uu iumucuods givru wuu uie rem edies and in four Wc'eks found myself well. witli skin soft and natural in color the itching and pain eotirels gone W It MEAD Eiitor Iowa 1'lain Dealer,, Creseo, Iowa, CUT1CURA KEM)LVE.T The new Mood and skin purifier and greatest of Humor itemeaies, luternairy (to cleanse the blood of all impurities ana p-jisonous elements. :ina thus remove the cause), and Cutiiura. the great Skin Cure, aoil Citicuka Soat, an exquisite Skin Purifier and Beautifier, exter nally (to clear the skin and scalp and restore the nan), speeauy cure every humor and disease of the skin, scalp, and blood, with loss of hair, whether irching, burning, scaly, pimply, and blotchy, whetner simple, scrofu lous, hereditary, or con agious. when physi cians and all other remedies fail. y) p p (g p tLj S-J QJ) vjfc Oo To) 11 n or oi inn c inn n oi When you take Quality and Make in Consideration you Can not Buy Cheaper any Place in t lie World than ol' he Only One Price Gi oihienn Cess Go. TO APPRECIATE JOE'S LOW PRICES You mu-t call and Examine his Superior 3Iake and Quality of PIM So P. FLES, black-heads, chapped and oily skin cured by Cuticuka Medicated i Jrf- pain plater relist ""J JL sciatic, hip, ktdne 1 fz muscular pain an I The fir-t and orl plaster FREE FROM RHEUMATISM in one minute the ttutiuura anti- pain plater relieves rheumatic, ley, chest, and anc weaknesses. 'ly pain killing Clothing. Furnishing Goods, Hats, Etc THAN THOSE KEPT BY HIS COMPETITORS, ii Joe buys Only Rom the Best Houses in America. JOE 7- Quotes no Prices But he Will Sell You The Best Goods FOE THE LEAST 2OXTEZ Mefimded if Goads Found not Satis fa ctory or a$ Represented, 3T Opera House Corner Plattsmouth, Neb. First National BANK OF PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA Paid up capital $50,00.00 Surplus 10,000.09 oners the very bed facilities for the promp transaction of ligitimate Banking Business Stocks, bonds, gold, government and local se surities bought and sold. Deposits receivec and interest allowed on the certificateK Drafts drawn, available in any part of the Unite States aDd all the principal tewns o1 Europe. COLLECTIONS MADE AND PROMPTLY REMIT TED. Highest market price paid for County War rants, State an County bonds. DIRECTORS John Fitzg:rald D. Hawkswortb Sam Waugh, F. E. White George E. Dovey Xohn Fitzgerald, 8. Waugb. President Caf Remarkable Rescue. Mr?. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, 111., makes the statement that she caught cold, which set tied on her lungs ; she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He old her one was a hopeless victim of consump tion and that no medicine could cure her Her Druggist suggested Dr. King's new discov ery for consumption ; she bouuht a bottle and to her delight found herself benefited from the dose. - She continued its u u and after tak ing ten bottles, found herself sound and well now does her own housework and is as well a she ever was. Free trial bottles of Tthis great ducovery at F. G. Fricka & Co" ' Drug Store rgebottleso Oc, and$l. Remarkable Facts. Ileart disease is usually supposed to be incurable, but when properly- treated a larcfe portion of cases can be cured. Thus Mrs. Klniira Hatch, of Klkhart, Ind., and .Mrs. ?Iary I,. Baker, of Ovid, .Mich., were cured after suffering 20 years. S. C. Lin burger, druggist at San Jose, 111., says that Ur. Allies Aew ileart cure which cured the former, "worked wonders for his wife. Levi Log-an of Buchanan, Mich., who had heart disease for 30 years, says two bottles made him "feel like a new man. Dr. Miles' New Ileart Cure is sold and guaranteed by F. G. Fricke &J t;o. iiooK ol wonaenui testimonials free. 1 HARDWARE CHEAP AT X ITIXTJLElr JO SITS O ITS. NOTE SOME OF MY CASH PRICES NEVER BEFORE EQUALED IN THIS CITY. .f'2.o0clothes wringer now $2.(1 .7o grass scythe now .TO 1.00 grain scoop now io 1.15 grain scoop now SO l.'Jo grain scoop now H7 1.15 spade now .i 1.00 spade now (5 .7.1 shovels now i;,") .75 manure fork 50 .50 hay fork 40 .45 hny fork 1 .CO hand saw 50 1.85 butcher saw now 1.40 1.75 butcher saw now .?,7 1.05 carpenter saw now 1.25 -5 egg beaters now 20 .;-5 wash board now . S) lard can now fj5 1.50 wash boiler now .'kj .20 stove pipe now 12V, gun powder by keg, 25 lbs 5.25 stove boards at cost 1.25 screen doors now .5 window screens out of sight, Household sewing machine. . . .20.00 tinware at bottom prices. Table cutlery less than cost. Shears A: razors never so low as now 20d cut spikes $2.50 per keg, 3d fine cut nails $3.00 per keg. Happy Hoosiers. Wk. THHmons. Postmaster of Idaville, md.. writer : "Electric Bitters has done more for me than all other medicines combined, for that fcad feeling arising from Kidney and Liver trouble." John Letlie, farmer and stockman, f tame place, says : "Find Electric Blttere to fce the best Kidney and LlTer1nedicine, made me feel like a new man." J. W. Gardner hardware merchant, same town, ears : "Elec tric Bitters is just tn thing for a man who fs all run down and don't care whether he lives or dies: he found new ttrength, good appetite and felt just like he had a new lease on life Omly 50c, a bottle at F. G. Fricke & Co's Drug Store, 2 AND THOUSANDS OF OTHEU ARTICLES TO NUMEROUS TO MENTION AT I'HICES NEVER J5EFORE HEARD OF For Cash Only At The Above Prices XOW IS TIIK TIMK TO GET HAKGAIXS. HAVELOCK ARE . YOU - GOING - TO - BUILD - THERS? IF SO- Milss' Nerveand Liver Pille. Act on a new principle regulating the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, coiot pntion. Une qualed for niea, women, children. Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 doses, 25c. Sampla free at F. G. Fricke & C o'e Remember that R. O. Castle & Co hare an immense stock of LUMBER AND ALL EUILDIDG MATERIAL HAVELOCK And Guarantee Satisfaction in all Things R. O. CASTLE & CO HAVELOCK, NEBRASKA-