Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 09, 1891, Image 6

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t : -3!
Cleaned mid Repaired at
I!. V M;llll"TS fill
S A T I S I "A C I Tl ) N ( ; I ' A K A N T K ED.
The Leading
, - ' . , .1. t 'i f.i. ii, ;J.
Constantly keeps on kn everything
you need to furnish your house.
Pittt&mout - Neb
Bridge work and fine gold work a
OR STKTN A.IJS LOCAL as well as other lap.
esthetiestriveu for the painless extraction of
C. A. MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald Bloc
A strictly first clas machine, fully warrant
ed Made from the very hest material t
skilled workmen, and with the best tools t Gat
have ever been devised for the purpose. W ar-rante-.l
to do all that fan be rens.mably ex
pected of the very best typewriter extant.
Cat. able of writhe-: 15 words ir mmiite-oi
more-according to the ability of the operator.
Ifth.-r. is no a.;;nt in your to vu uMre tiu
maijui'.totur: e.
Aeuts wanted Parish A, V.
Lincoln, Neb,
JTt-aa Vy i film JEji'j Jb : J
County SurTsyor
.li orders ic ft with County Clerk will
receive promut attention.
217, 219, 21 and 22-3 lain St.,
Mattsmouth, - Kebraslca.
E. M, SOUS. Proprietor.
lhe Perkins has been thoroughly
renovated from top to 'ottoii. niid -s
now one of th'J lcst liotels in th state
Boarders will bo taken by the week at
$4.50 and up.
B x a k o V C -a s s Co itaty
Cor Main auatinu suem
Paid up capital '.'.'.'.'.'.
erx1 000
25 000
S-S'rKre Vice msldlSt
Fred l.oraer Casheir
J. M. Patterson rhier
X. M. Patterson. Assl Ld ulcr
ci II Parmelf , .1. M. Patterson. Fred Cxorder
A Smith, K. B. Windham. B. S.liameey and
X.' M.Patterson
.,,., olicited. interest allowed op time
deport" , Lnd prompt attention8iven to all bus
iness entrusted to its care.
- . .
""' -' " . r-
All uuu taB pmmetoomni boM.
4. in imEl MO
ttold J mil lrafllfc
Shows sifcos of falling, begin sX own Ue us
of Hair Vigor. "iUUt i.reparUoi
fctrcnjiUionji Uuj ruxiip, proiuott Uic growth
of new iiair, rostorca Low iutaral color to
pray aiid fuded Uiiir, ud rciulof U soit,
'Wo have 110 hesitation in prorxnuifing
Aver's Hair Vicor unequalcd lor UrvHNisig
the lialr, and wc do thi aXLtr loiig e.j.j :iu !
ence in its use. This preparation pn s rvv 1
the Lair, cuies dandruff and all ui
the scap. m;ikes rough and brittle hair soft
and pliant, and prevent. baldness. Willie it
is not a dye, who have used tin Vi;ror
say it will .stimulale the roota and eolor
Klands of faded, gray, light, and red h.Uii
cliuiujiii tlie color b
A Slich Drovn
or even black, ft win nut the pille
rnxe no. a poclet-hanlKer. liii-f, and is al
ways agreeable. All the dirty, jrurnniy hair
preparatiims should be displaced at onee by
Ayer's Hair Vi;or, and thousands who iio
around with he.vU looking like 'the fretful
porcupine' should hurry to the nearest irun
store and tirc! a bottle of the Vi;;or."
The Sunny South, Atlanta, Ga.
"Ayer's Hair Vigor is execllent for tho
hair. It stimulates tho growth, cures bald
r.ea, restores the natural color, cleai-'.es tho
scalp, prevents dandruff, and is a good dress
inK. We know that Ayer's H;iir Vigor UliTerc
from most hair tonics and similar prepara
tions, it being perfectly harmless. " From
conomu-ut Hcuiekeeping, by Eliza It. Parker,
Ayer's Hairigor
DE. J. O. AYEE & CO., Lowell, ETufca
SoW by Druggists and Perfumers.
Shingles, Lath, Sash,
Doors, Blinds
Dan supply everw demand of the city.
Call and et terms. Fourth btreet
in rear of opera house.
fS BR w pi ri r- Pi
a ai u a & a i L1 J
:;TrtiIia..'f the Pilblo Solicited
-i ' j I -t- - - V . ..." J y H
:;-? Mind waudormc enrrd.
. Uoclcp !('.rtipd
"j---.- on, 5 ...,i,.c. t ,V
LiniA. Juk)bUc. 21 1'iiiU Avs, Xi jw York.
The Great! feiTH hhih ii.
Pnckne makes & firailontf. DeUciouH. pparl.lirttr. am
apptizmj?. Sold by all dealers. A b"iutif-.:l 1'ici :im
H.K,k And cards Ffrit I HE& to nny one Hndint;
kddxeBa to Uie U. K. illlvilo CO.. Piiiladulhia. Pa.
?C 1 Clpanwa and liea-itiiics tiu- hair.
fj;';Vj Pri, a luxuriant growth.
f -"j xtair to ita YoutWul color.
T .inKitr runs .j urny
Cures -5r-.ilp A taiji.
Hllli .l.u't Ini-.'.iits
CJvri2!!Ssi.. : wipr
( m Parker s Ums Toiuc-. It i-un-i tlie ..rt G..n.!i,
W.-aV I.hius, Ik-liilitv, I-iil-.B. Etinn, I'aiu, Take in tilno. 0-)its.
HSWBLrtCOSfiS. The orly hitp cure f. ,r Carns.
fcwpa uj.yixu. u. r'rui.'tjiiU, or xilSCO. J CO., Js. I.
Jrom pain. . r
tji .t,-m .nnlni nlnarift and lnmrMiot
Raredatonoe. Ornuinr foTMle by all DmggiHUi.
nM ftnrtt
Diamond Brand
M 1 1? 10"
V Zl. a V ..ji ..fl o r 1 u d ) -. " . Utltr, rrtur MalL
-. "IK "J" CHEUCL CO.. M..n-n (Viuare,
Tint I't'opln of the City and Suburb.
Have I'.een Troitbleil w ith I'rozeii uU-
I'ipes lor it'iiir.tlioiiK, but thu
Will N-tt liv l'la-d lt-T.
If it wen; not for the iriconveiih'iict
and discomfort of tlie thin tin; plight
in which London finds itnelf with il.
water su;-i'ly frozen would le comical
to a practical Yankee. The water pipe
are lro.-.t u simply because the Briton has
never profited by his experience of liis
tiativa winters. Year after year they
have freezing weather in London, and
year after year London's water pipe
freeze, burst, and there conieth a watei
The Londoners' water okh's freeze not
because; the weather is intensely cold, but
bvean.-e; tho pipes an; insufficiently pro
tec ted. Too often they are left exposed .
to all tho winds that blow.
Entire districts in London, square .
ntil. s, districts as large as many good
sized American cities, had their water j
supply entirely stopiied one winter. 1m- j
agine the inconvenience, even the dis-
tress and danger, attending such a con- j
dition of things! But the fault has bee
with the Londoner, and not with tho j
weather. I pa.ssed through a district j
thus afflicted one dismal day, and saw j
tho workmen digging up tho road to get j
at the pipes.
In the street where these operations j
were going on the supply pipes for all,
tho houses (the pipes running in from j
the water mains) were all laid within a I
foot of the surface of the ground. The j
water was frozen in all the pi lies. Eight- j
een inches' below the surface the frost ;
had not penetrated. But the English- j
man deliberately puts Ins supply pipes;
within reach of the frost.
a primitive system.
The pipes would never freeze if they
were put a few feet under ground, for
the frost in London rarely penetrates the
earth more than a foot or two. But the 1
Londoner does worse than this- he often ;
.1 . i. .2 1 . 11
runs the water pine up the outside wall
of his dwelling, without protection of
any sort, lie has another cheerful habit,
which, is fast becoming the fashion, and
which is now put in practice in all the
better class houses.
The drain pipes, at any rate those from
the sinks and bathtubs, are carried down
the outside walls, with a break at every
story, where another inlet or outlet is !
made into a small open trough, from j
which another pipe leads down another,
story, and so on to the bottom, where
the water flows into a gutter and thence ,
iiito t.h sower. The svstem fullv ac- .
..-1-1. -..i.-.. - I
CompiiSlies IISOOJCCU rmn.uiuu,
but tins could be eunally well secured by ,
a less primitive arrangement, and with
one that would not freeze in the winter
and cover the side of your houses with '
dirty ice. j
When I said that the Londoner is not j
prepared for the annua
I fjvezing of his ;
water pipes I did not adh re strictly ;
the truth. For the good gentle man is t
prepared in a certain way, or perh;:ps I (
should s-:y 1h:t tho water companies are '
prepared. And the pieparation is pecti-
llaily LtritLh, as you will s,e. Wli-n :
your street freezes up that is to s:'y, 1
when it freez
low the suit...
pit eS, Jill C-lii
pa-.jy pni , i':
or two, ;.'ri L
a little l.yii i-
. OO
,vn a dozen mcnes i'
e and blocks
11 tiu; :
wil. 1
, ai'tel
"1 i-.
a 'lay
ji.d from tie.-
.. api e
:iu apparat
it cIo-tO by tho
l US O'll-hlS
i;-..:i pipe, a.-, !
oids upright
in flxc-d into
either of a
file Case may
be, V. i .
L'U.U'il.l ,
"joVo th3
w'ucii has an iuclt fat ice t
o l.ii.S 1' . -1 ti.e eijVil'e
m.iist come, wilh pi.ds avA
r, :i'.: jags imd i;ia-,s, and
ie precious fluid.
.Ii. i-.KITON cr.Ai: s IT.
1 i'i
an-'i c
aw;; y
: wat.;
1 e
cr cosnpanies ket-p t'le.-e pi im
. in st . k, Some thou.- a::. is or
i'c m-ver occurs to anybody to
sum ; y iiiies deeper in the
itive plu
them, ji
oh-ee ti:
groii!id and thus 1 n-vent freezing. 1 las,
then, is t;..;. a the Londoner, or his
water company, prepares for t he annual
visit of Jack i rod. Cut the preparation
is effective only when tho water mains
are lat I well bcl.v. the surface. When
they are not there is
t water famine ,
thromd'.out ext
Brixton, at Iho:
,5le oi-aict, .1 at
te.i, . :)'.. 1,1 Irf Ii ;iCl-S,
iu London tovi:.
Why not lay the water pipes deep
If von had ever lived among those
" r
e. v -e-M jj. ; ;- !: t iia t (jii'.-s-
tioiH The pipes have never been laid
deep enough, and therefore never will
be not this side of lhe miih i.iiimu.
The water supply of London is bad
enough at its best. At its worst, in the
Avinter, it is too bad for words. Nobody
but these ilroll people would submit,
year after year, to the ridiculous system
of supply aud the outrageous charges.
Lut the Briton is a patient soul. He be
lieves that whatever he has is the best of
its kind, and h-i resents any suggestion
to the contrary. A water supply that
was .good enough for his grandfather is
good enough for him; moreover, it is
good enough for you. There's the rub
of tiie argument, "It's good enough for
you." Why, in the name of justice,
should you, a foreigner, complain? Out
upon you for an ungrateful alien.
).M1 KJ1.L miie.LV -.v.. '
this drollery. When he does not suffer j
he can smile. But that is the utmost he
can do. You cannot change the habits j
.c a,i ,-rn pfmnnt inrlnr-p. i
Oi. iltlUWH. -'i'e.. j '
5,000.000 ieople to put their water pipes j
five feet under ground if they think five
inches sufficient, and if they have had
them five inches under ground for gen
erations. Boston Herald.
A Chivalrous Lad.
"Mamma," said Willie, 'that little
Susie Harkins alled me a donkey to
day." "Wliat did you do?"
"Well, of course I couldn't slap a lit
tle girl, 60 I told Sister Mary, and she
just scratched Susie out of eight."
Harper's Bazar.
IiiKtanct Which Show T!it Thrre
Art- Sum Who Aim Aery Cruel.
"Mean!" exclaimed Hparkins, as he
jilted tho last cigarette in tho fourth
bunch since morning. "Why, the mean
ness of women toward each other is co
lossal." It was generally conceded at the club
that younjj Spaikius was an authority'
on the female pn-.-tion.
"You chaps may not know," said lie.
"that a woman is always worried that
bomethiii may bo wrun,;' with the bai k
of her dress. Well, that's feminine char
acteristic, just as the habit of sitting on
the floor when they put on their stock
ings is. A woman on the streets is never
perfectly at peace in regard to her ap
pearance from the rear. Sho can 1 -k
up and down the front all right, but un
less she has a girl friend to advise her
the is never sure about her back.
"Now, you can imagine how easy it
would bo to upset the peace of mind of a
nervously constructed woman by mak
ing her ;icy that some misplacement oi
..ttir1 ,,t her back is attracting the atten-
tioii of people to her. Well, now, what
jQ voU suppose I have found out? Why,
that there's an organized band of young
female fiends who devoto themselves at
ocl,i times to the business of breaking
Wonien Up on the street by conveying to
them the impression that their garments
are making guys of them. rf In; plan is
to look straight at a certain point of the
victim's skirt just as she is passing, and
then to turn and cast up tho eyes to tho
victim's face with a look in which pity
and ridicule are cq.ia'iy blended.
"What do t hese imp.; d. but go out on
to the avenue-of an afternoon, distributo
themselves at equal distances in pairs
allj procccd systematically to frighten
fcVery well dressed woman that comes
al0ijg by their staring. And they gloat
uver the discomfiture they produce, when
they get together afterward. They were
.flighted the other day when they drove
a ia,ly back to her lnjuse, about ten
blocks away, .after convincing her thai
her white underskirt was in full view,
Now, what are you going to do with a
ex that's so mean as all that?"
"Nothing," replied one of the listening
group. "What are you going to Uo.-'
. .-IT- IT T 4. i-.. 4...1.. X.. .T Y .1 . . SP '
"Well, I've got to take a couple of 'em
out to supper tonight," said young
"After the theater?" some one asked.
"Oh, of course," he replied. "These
are theater ladies." New York Letter.
Strong Writer.
ITncle Stenhen. an old negro, had come
to cut the grass in the front yard, au.l as
Jorcnei w inter sun ieu. o.n. ui,m.
he stopped to greet the old man. "Well,
Stephen," said the colonel, "I hear that
you intend to give your son an educa-
"Dat's what I does, salt. I knows what
'tis ter struggle erlong widout larnin',
air" I is 'teruiined dat my son sha'nt
trabble bar'foot ober do same hard road
dat I did."
1 1
"A noble resolution, Stephen. I wish
all fathers felt as you do. Is your boy
learning rapidly."
-V.7. f:xt ( v. er boss ken trot. sah.
Why, last week he wrote a letter to his
aunt dat libs mo' dan twenty mile from
yere, an' after a while ho gwine ter
write ter his udder aunt dat libs fifty
mile a way."
"Why doesn't he write to her now?"
"Oh, he kaint write so fur, yit. Ho
i,vn write twenty mile fustrate, but 1
toie him not ter try ter write fifty uiil-d
till h got wid his pen. But
lie's gwiue ter git dar, I tell you. V(,n't
be more'n er year fo' dat boy ken set
down at one oai.l ob le guinbronineiit
an' svrite er letter cl'a.r ter de udder
ceud." L.vjLi'nge.
Tho liuiylar Stole :i
The lu.u.-o of Thointts Owens, a well
do farmer at Valley station, was ente:
. r ri ;.i v 11 erii' oy a masiie.i uurgiai, v. uo
; bvcui'Jd about thirty dollars in money
' and several articles of clothing. Thu
' door of the family bedroom had not been
1 locked, and the burglar entered without
j dndeulty. lie carried a dark lantern.
! In leaving the room he looked at the
1 sleeping ones, and saw the innocent face
1 of 2dr. Owens' little daughter. He sud
I denly bent over and kissed her oa the
I cheek. She awoke and uttered a loud
! scream. This aroused her father, who,
( . i 1 .. 1... 1 .... TT..
. , 1 , 1 i i t : . ...
epnnging up. sptea i..e
,,1, t.owerftd biow on
the head with the lantern the b
carried. Louisville Commercial.
Kilkenny Cats.
During the rebellion which occurred
in Ireland in 17'jS, or it may be in l?u:J.
Kilkenny was garrisoned by a troop of
Hessian soldiers, who amused themselves
in barracks by tying two cats together
by their tails and throwing them across
a" clothes line to light. The fiieers,
hearing of this cruel practice, resolved
to stop it. As he entered tho room one
of the troopers, seizing a sword, eut the
tails in two as the animals hung across
the line. The two cats escaped, minus
their tails, through the open window,
and when the officer inquired the mean
ing of the two bleeding tails being left
in the room, he was coolly told that two
cats had been fighting, and had devoured
each other all but the tails. Notes and
Queries. '
She Had Iiead About It.
TV10 tromlione rlaver was fitting a
. " . "
to his instrument with a
good deal of care, and a young woman
was heard to ask, ''Mamma, what can
that man be doing?"
"T rV.n'r. know, mv dear." answered
' - '
the mother, as site leveled her glass
upon the musician in question, "unless
Via is windimr his horn. You often read
of players doing that, you know." Bos
ton Post.
A New Shoe Blacking.
A patented shoe blacking, which con
tains no acid, is made in Germany by
dissolving casein in a solution of borax
or soda and adding resinate of iron, be
eides the usual boneblack, grease and
sugar. A brilliant luster is imparted by
ca6ein, and the resinate of iron gives a
deep black color. New York Telegram.
H Could .Slue nml Tln-y Tiiulil 1
Many A I r IIju Ii Man 15--.iiih-tafhtMl
to th' Itird, and ln-n '1 In .
liMire-d Ono of Tli.-m Stoln Him.
In a gilded cage in the top Hat of a
big hou.-e in E.-t Sixteenth street is a
little ball of yellow feathers that is cared
for as tenderly as any baby iu the land.
It i-s only a very tiny canary bird, wilh
the unpretentious name of 1 )ick, but in
Fpite of its size and its name it is t he
master of a great wealth of music.
Dick never knew the pleasures of lib
erty, having been lK.rn of captive pa
rents in another gilded cage in another
big flat farther up town. Up to the
time when he was (i months old he
never did anything that wa-s worthy of
e.-'K-cial attention. Then he was re
moved from the parental cage and a pri
vate cage was bought for him, ami lie
was sent down town under t lie charge
of a harum scarum lxy as a present to
four young nnn who lived in a flat in
Ninth street.
He was accepted as a matter of cour
tesy, and the cage which imprisoned him
was hung on a siring in a rear window,
and the servant was instructed to feed
him whenever it l-camo necessary. The
young men were free and easy, and it
was their habit to lean out of this win
dow in their idle moments ami whist le
at Blind Tom, who ued to exercise on
the rear piazza of a house on Eighth
street, ami at other times to whistle at
the neighbors' daughters in the nearby
Blind Tom responded with a whirl
wind of music on the piano, and the
neighbors' d.gighters frequently showed
their apprec.i; ion of the attent ion be
stowed on them by the young men by
singing. Onv of the young lm-n occa
sienally jayfd on a tin flute, while an
other whistled an accompaniment.
du:k i;;:gins to simj.
Nobody paid any attention to Dick
until one morning when the sun shone
on him, making his yellow feathers glow
like a burnished lump of gold, lie trilled
a bar or two sweet enough to attract the
young men's attention. One of them
whistled, and ho instantly caught tho
refrain and turned it promptly. Noth
ing more was needed to make him a
great favorite, and one of the young men
poked a finger at him playfully. Dick
did not flutter away in fear, but hopped
toward the finger, and with outstretched
wings, picked at it fiercely, and at the
same time pecked his way into the hearts
of all the occupants of the flat.
After that incident it was a wonder
that Dick's health and morals were not
ruined, for the young men insisted
on feeding him all sorts of stuff and
whistled all the vulgar airs of the day.
But no matter what kind of food was
offered to him, he ate it promptly and
seemed to thrive, and no matter how
vulgar the air that was whistled, he re
peated it with a sweetness ami clearness
that would have filled the author's soul
with delight.
One morning the door of Dick's eng.
wis opened, and became out and looked
about him with a great expression o!'
wonder in his little bead like ryes. Tr- n
lie piped forth a l;-v low strains, i;ew 1
the table, and began to peck a loaf of
'I wish lie was bigger, so I could pet
him." said one of the big men.
Every morning afterward Dick had
breaid'ast with tin; young n--n. He
would hop on the tab!.-, saioplii-g every
thing be came acr. -s. and ball. nig fre
iir.eutly in the gobi- ts of i. w;.l--r.
Breakfast over, Dick would 1'y b.-i'-k to
his cage, and ge tting into tie.-bub.-swing
at the top of it, would sway madly to
and fro, ami sing everything ho knew.
That was regarded as an oUVring of
praise, and quiet reigned during the per
formance. LICK'S THF-sENT HOMK.
The trial came, when the young men
failed to agree, and it was resolved to
sever tho family. Each of them was
willing that the other should take every
thing else in the flat if they would give
Dick to him. But that was not to be
thought of fer a moment, and the young
men kept together for a month longer
than they intended in order not to be
separated from their jc-t.
Finally onf: of the young men d'-Iih-prately
carried Dick away and kept him
in hidiug for several months, and guard
ed him as can-fully as a miser watches
over his money. Then he rented the flat
in Sixteenth street, and a few- nights ago
invited his former companions to See
Dick. As he ushered his guests into the
hall they were greeted with a burst of
music. They recognized the voice of
Dick. The moment they entered the
room wdiere the little songster was he
flew a.s near them as he could and cooed
softly and ruffled his feathers gently.
There may be persons iu the world
who would scout the suggestion of a
bird remembering faces lor so long a
time, but there is not the slightest doubt
that Dick remembered the young men
and that he was welcoming them with
all his heart. During all the time they
were in the flat Dick sang all the old
tunes. He stopped only when one of
them spoke to him, and then he would
be silent and cock his little head on one
side and peep intelligently.
The young men readily accepted an
invitation to remain all night, and the
aext morning before they were out of
bed they heard the magic music of the
little songster. At breakfast he hopped
on the table and flopped in all their
glasses of water in order to let them see
that.all were dear to him. Before the
three visitors left the man who had stolen
Dick from them made each one promise
that he would not attempt to steal the
bird. New York Sun.
"ot a Theory.
"Do you believe man sprang from the
"No; but I believe woman springs
from the niouse in fact, I've seen her
do it." Harper's Bazar.
I -ruiikfort'D Sywlrtii of l'"k-
Of all the schemes designed for Fin.iU
savings ami to encourage the poor to ; y
by small sums the penny Havings stamp
astern, established in iss-at Frankfoi t-on-th.i-Main.
is the most unique. Irara
fort is distinguished among Lnro'an
cities by the large average wealth of its
citizens, and bv its exceptional promi
uence, in all pertains to banking
and finance. Many great banking faini-1,,-s
had their origin iu Frankfort from
which branches have been established
at Paris, London, Vienna and New orK.
There are todav not 1-ss than L'oO bank
ing houses, public and private, m the
tit v. It might naturally bo expect. -a,
then, in view of these facts, that some
original features in the line of savings
banks should bo found there.
The Frankfort Savings bank is a pri
vate corporation established in l-l,
nearlv seventy years ago, when Frank
fort was a free city ami independent or.
all state allegiance and control. It be-.-an
with ".l depositors, with HG,i).t
marks to their credit. In lys'J there
were rjli.b'.lT depositors, with an aggro
gate capital of :M,-,ir,.f.U7 marks, tho re
ceipts and withdrawals that year being
G.yi'J.-'TO and 5,lol,002 marks
tively. There are three departments con necteU
with this institution. Tho Savings De
posit bank, which comprises a central
office and two branches in different parts
of the city: the Weekly Savings bank,
a separate bureau, under the same man
agement, but differing from it in that it
collects from each depositor a stated
weekly deposit, and the Penny Savings
institution, which is adapted to the
methods of the- humblest class of depos
itors, whose savings are limited to a few
pennies per day or week. New York
1 Tin Cdiisiii of .fiipan.
Mousmeos, rickshaws and tea houses
are the three institutions one associate
with Japan. Kipling has made the rick
shaws hardly more of a phantom than
the three-horse car, while Sir Edwin Ar
nold and Pierre Loti have pictured tho
gentle mousmee with such exquisite
finish that people ignorant of the mean
ing of t ho word a few mont hs back are
in love with her quaint beauty and rav
ishing snail's.
Tea houses are simply inns or restau
rants where the principal refreshment
(often the only one) is tea. In the cities
they are the favorite evening resorts, for
there you ran hire the gaudy Geisha
girls to dance and sing or play tho saino
mu and koto between the intervals of
love making. She is a mistress of this
art. Nara, one of the most lieantifnl
places in Japan, has no other accommoda
tion, and notice must be sent tins day be
fore to tell the owner how many guests
he is to accommodate.
Rickshaws laden with supplies start a
few hours ahead, t lie coolies who draw
them acting as cooks and house servants
dunng your stay- Stowed in these use
ful vehicles is all you require- food and
the utensils for cooking and eating it.
The teahouse supplies nothing but cKq
sticks, fresh eggs ami rice. The little
tealious:- at, Nara was like a white parch
ment box with wooden corners, and
stood in the shade of a crystomoria
grove. In in.- la-.-it of the day the parch
ment wails disappear mysteriously into
the v.-oodes, rorw-rs; then the entire
ho-:--: I.M.k-i i !. a platform, with high
vi desi coi-m-i- po--i.- raised a few feet
f'r- :n the g.o un d. eovi r-d with dazzling
wliite malting. -Once a Week.
C.Mr.l.irt tor Corpses.
Among tie- in v i.T.i r i s f hat command
th niselvs to public noiieo d uring the
last fifty years are those- rel.rting to cof
fins, graves and burials. One of these is
intended to f nriii-i- the tenant of a grave
who has been buried prematurely with a
means of r.-capo or arousing tho neigh
borhood. This invention is a simple af
fair, being merely an open tube provided
with a rope ladder and a bell and eord.
Should the occupant of the coffin awake
from the trance ho could climb the lad
der and make his way back to the world,
or pull the bell and alarm the township.
For those whose only fear is that they
may not be allowed to rest undisturbed
a considerate inventor has provided a
"torpedo grave," which, if disturbed, ex
plodes at, once and scatters the vandal
to the winds. Chicago Times.
.V Tot.Tii Solomon.
A famous Chicago lawyer once had a
singular case to settle. A physician came
to him in gn at distress. Two sisters,
living iu the same house, had babies of
equal age, w ho so resembled each other
that their own mothers were unable to
distinguish them when they were to
gether. Now it happened that by tho
carelessness of the iiur.-.e.s the children
had become mixed, and how were the
mothers to make sure that they received
b.ack their own infants? "But, perhaps."
said the lawyer, "the children weren't
changed at all." "Oh, but there's no
doubt they were changed," said the phy
sician. "Are you sure of it?" "Per
fectly." "Well, if that's the case why
don't you change them back again? I
don't see any difficulty in the case. -Boston
Saturday Gazette.
Why Women Shoul.l Help Govern.
The eternal and ineradicable distinc
tion of sex is one r-rinciial reason w-hy
women in a representative government
should be directly represented. If law
yers alone cannot safely be trusted to
make laws for mechanics, if merchants
alone cannot legislate for farmers, if
every well defined class in society is en
titled to its own authoritative expression
through the ballot, surely women, who
are the wives and sisters and mothers of
men, should give expression to the do
mestic interests from the feminine joint
of view. If a blacksmith cannot fairly
represent a physician, how much less can
a man represent a woman! Henry B.
Quite Fatal.
Mrs. Spiggit Do j-ou think that smok
ing shortens life?
Mrs. Gazlay I think it does. I'm
eure some of the cigars my husband
smokes would kill me if I staid iu the
room. New York EdocIi.
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